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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPoppy LLCo_cea n-i-s re=
=B 'LLEl Al 't�' H
Apgll1 2617' Exemption No;. Qtr 4-41
Ii622.Wood Brook Road
Glen,Allen;;VA 23059
I tiaVe reviewed then formaponsubmitted to this office in yourInqulry concerning thenecessary filing of an
application for a minor development permit under the Coasfal:Area ManagementAcl? After malung:a ssite msptx Got: on
April 11; 2017, I have delarm eH:thaf the ac6vityyoup'ropose is exempt from-needing.a mmol development psntiidas
tong as It is installed -in acc-rdan`cerwith•the attached specifications'; a`nd'meels the centlitionespeafied below, If.your.
plariss6euld'change your
projectiVlll no.longer=meet these conditions,.please, contact me before proceeding:
(1) Sand fencing.may only:be installed Wthe purpose.of: building sand; trapping wind blown sandthe
protection of the dune(s) and'Vegetation (planted or existing).
(2) Sand fencing shall not impede existing public:access to the'tieach; recreational use of the beach or emetgeticy
vehicle access. Sand fencing shall not be installed in.a manner, that -impedes or restricts establishedCOf nmoo
law and statutory -rights df.'public access.and use of public trust and waters:
(3) Sand fencing shall not be installed in a manner that impedes; Gaps or otherwise:endangers-sea tui0_es; sea
turtle nests or. -sea turtle hatchlings.
(4) Non-functioning, damaged, or unsecured sand fence shall be immediately removed by the property.owntf
(51 Sand fencing stfaltbe constructed Bom.evenly spaced'thin wooden vertical slats,connected'with:[wtstedwire,
no:rriore than5 feet inheight. Wooden posts-. or stakes no largerthan 2"-X 4' or 3' diameter shall supp"sand'
(6) Location. Sand fencing, placed as,possible to avoid interference with sea4urtleAB0119,
existing public access, recreafionatuse of thebeach, and emergencyvehide access,
(a) Sand fencing shall not be:placed:on:the:wet sand.beadt area.
(b) Sand'fendng installed "parallel :to the -,shoreline shall be,located;no fartherwaterwardianthe,
crest of the:Bontafor-pdmary'dune;,or
(c) Sand -fencing installed,waterward,of the crestof,the;frontal or primary dune shall be Inat3ltad at
an+angle: no less' -than 45:degree to the -shoreline, Individual,seclions; of sand fenceshsll:nct
exceed more.than 10 feet in length, -and -shall be,:spaced no,less than seven:feet•apait and
shall;not extend:more than! 10 feet waterward of, the;following locations, whichever -As' most
waterward:I the first line of stable natural vegetation; the toe otthe frontaCor-primary,dtkd,"or
eiosion escarpment of f Wal or primary dune!
(910) 579 21'�66 /FAX (910) 579 -:3804 / NtWW OIBGOV COMI
Apiil'Al; 2017'
This,exemption to_GAMA'permt'requirements does not allRA.the necessity of your dktaioing-,any other:Stafe,
F,ederaliortocsl authoftstiodaThis exemption ezpiies g0aays from the dke.ofthe letter.
TownnofCoeaq Isle Beach
3,-WQ Third Street
Oceanlsle Beach; NG_26489,
cc: Sean Farrell
Fast;Facts, .. Sand-Fenci igi Veimit and7Exemption Gui'd'elihes s
Permit guidelines and -,exemption criteria for the- instalfati
of sand fences along the ocearikonYCook effect Aug.
When properly Installed; sand fences
trapping -wind-blown Sandi But if.
can imp�ede:publi&aaccess to the:beat
in dan'gersea.turtles„their nests or-h
Coastal'Area Management
property owners want.ta pu
from the criterja;_fhey will h
developmenCpermit. Then
Installed -prior to Aug.1'.
What the: guicfelinessay.
The guidelines create wCAMA minor -permit and an exemption'for-sand;fencing. To.quarify for -the, n,.,
installation of new sand fencing has_ to in the following criteria:
• The fencing must be no taller than,5 feet'and builtfromaeWhly spaced.thjn.wooden verfcal slats c itjected,
with twisted wire.
• The fencing must be placed•as far landward as possible to avoid interference with sea turtle:_nes¢� ;public
access anduseof,the beach. It must not be placed on,the wet -sand beach:
If fencing.ts,to be placed paralfel to the shoreline,:it must not be locatedValerward of the crest oftlie'frontal or
'primary dune.
If be placed wateiward ofthe:crest of the dune I must be: installed at a:OAegree.orgreeter<
angle to the shoreline. Fachsectioaof fence must not be longer than 10 feet,, and=sections must
least 7 feet apart.
Fencing must not extend -more than, l0 feetbeyond either the first line of stablematural vegetation "tlie_toe of
the frontal or primary dune, or the erosion.escarpment:of the dune; whtcheveris closest to the::wr#1ff.,
Sand -fencing to be placed along; public accesses may be as,long; as the access, and may include_a!#'rdegme
funnel on the watenn aal end. The tunnekmay extendEup to-40 feet beyond=lhe end of the, access.
Why the guidelines are -needed
fn:reaent years,, the amount ofsand fencing along;the coasf has &Wn stgnticantly as property owners s, xuht to
protect their. homes.from storms and long terfn b'each erosion: AsLsuch,„miles of.sand fencing — some ofTxjtidr is
improperly installed.cC. eglected:— oowaine tPie, state's,beach`es.
Because improper sand;fencing can:pose a threatao seeturtles, the state Wildlife Resources CommissiolibiL4
developed voluntary sand fencing guidelines.,
Several beach communitimhad attempted to address the issue through sand fencing ordinances, but the_ccnp0: of
the problem required'state attention. The CRCs' new regulatory guidelines -were developed in cooperation iRA
WRC''and:the: U.S. Figh and Wildlife Service.