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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBendield, MarkMay 2, 2016 Mr. Mark Benfield 109 River Hills Way Morganton, NC 28655 oceanisle B E A C H Exemption Number — Qtr. 4-9 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR of STRUCTURES CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT RULES [15A NCAC 07K .0209(c)) PROJECT ADDRESS — 442 E. Second St. AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — Ocean Hazard Dear Property Owner: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection May 2, 2016 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on May 2, 2016, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR — [15A NCAC 7K .0209(c)] - Any structure, or part thereof, consistent with current CRC rules may be maintained, repaired or replaced in a similar manner, size and location as the existing structure without requiring a permit. unless the repair or replacement would be in violation of the criteria set out below. This exemption applies to those projects that are not within the exclusion for maintenance and repairs as set out in G.S. 113A-103(5)b.5., Rule .0103 of this Subchapter and Rule 07J .0210. 1. the development must not disturb a land area of greater than 200 square feet on a slope of greater than 10 percent, 2. the development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species, 3. the development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels; 4, the development must not alter the land form or vegetation of a frontal dune; 5, the development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level or normal high water level, and; 6. development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC 0 7 2016 TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH / 3 W. THIRD STREET / OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 28469 (910) 579-2166 / FAX (910) 579-8804 / WWW.OIBGOV.COM Structures may be repaired in a similar manner, size and:location as the original structure. No expansions or additions: are permissible:and the following specific conditions apply: 1.. The project consists of replacing decking boards, handrals, and:joists,on existing decking, as shown on the attacheddrawing and materials list dated May 2, 2016. 2.. The proposed repairs shall be consistent with all other applicable local ordinances and North Carolina Building Code standards: This. exemption; to CAMA ,permit requirements: does. not alleviate the .necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization and N.C. Building Permits, This exemption expires 90.days from the date of the letter. Sincerely, Keith. Dycus, LPO Town: of Ocean Isle Beach 3' West-Third'Street Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469. Cc: -Sean Ferrell, DCM Field Rep. TYPE: SF . 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FAX (9101 154-5883 -Page: I Quote: 00036294 spmlal t Tm: 13:27:30 InstrucgoRs stfiOnak D4127/16 1m -mqate; 04/21/16 Sale mp,4z 45 ED FARGO Amim.pwdm 416 Dusoatc, 6511bfit soid To-, EF/CASH shiplin BOBBY-MARK-BENFIELD 000 CCEAKAIRE RO SW 442 EAST 2ND ST OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 28469 OCEAN ISLE BEACH ctistdmer4h,'200100 25Q Oustamer Fo: BOBBY OrdsrBk: pwiam mm T, 59 ORDER I SHIP Ll U/M ITE144 bEscRiptibim 1RETAILPRICEI PRICE I EXTENSION 90.00 90.00 L EA MSl2DSG MOISTURESHIELD IT DESERT SAND GRV 46.9580m 40.0000fj 4140.00 5/4X6X19**GROOVED** 2,00, 2.00 L EA MS16DSS MOISTURE SHIEID WZESERT SAND SQUARE 61.6773EA 6f.0000v 122-00 1 5/4 X 6 X 16 "SQUARE"' 1.00 1.00 L EA FH179QO FIBaRbN HIDDEN DECKFASTENERS 900- 370.5862e 370.58826. 370.59 9,00P&DRIVEBIT, INCLUDED sco-saFroisloo vio 2.00 Ll EA FHF90 RBERON HIDDEN DECK( _FASTENERS ,60Pc 45.0462" 46.0462v 90.69 90-PC DR[VE'B[T INCLUDED, SOSWTQWOC- 1.00 'LOO L PC 8616TR80 TREATED 6X6XI6 #2.80 3 - 0-674]7m 45;7830k Sub, 47)12.158 2.00l 2.00 L EA 21220TR TREATED 2Xl2X90'#2 GROUND CONTACT 58.9330e 66.4737w 132195 5.60 ::0000 P1212TR TREATED 2Xl2Xi24f2G OU D GROUND CONTACT 22.3514n 25.7899K, 12&95 .0 5 61 LL PPG C 21216TR TREATEDl2X12X16#2 GROUND CONTACT 35.8680?0 37.4893k 187.45 14.00, 14.00 L PC 21312TR TREATED WX1242 GROUND CONTACT 12,3464m 14.2456pi 199.44 7. 60 7.00 L PC 241 I 6TA TREATED 2X4XI 6 #1 PRIME 10.6311 Pc 12.6128K 88.29 GROUND.CONTACT 240 2.00 IL EA PS21 9 PILING STRAP 0 X 180 7 GA 5.3500e 6.1606v f0.76 8.00 8.OD 1. EA 568i,- QALV CARRIAGE BOLT 5/8 X S' 1.9Ma 1l.9702.vI 15.0 8.00 8.00 L $$ BNS SM NUT 0.5000$s 0.5000rs 4= 8.00 8.00 L $$ BNS 6187WASHER 0,500ow 0.5000n 4.00 2.00 2.00 L EA HE27ASBk�*",`�-'t!' SIENCO �8,2500CT - 67.21WEA 134.42 _4 5.00 5- ;L EA 0 COLOR GUARD! S! LEVEL VIN. Y.L RAIL 59*3 -"w�173:7818v 868.91 CLAS816'360 NVSf&8CRK-2H)-_L,,��_,, 7.001 7 L." 1,EA, COLO V14WIkAIL �A�_� 122_.7833 133.9454& 9370 ,R,GUARD6'%lEVEL ASSIC 36' IU86--_Ip 8' j6om-NE�yl PAGE, GUY C LEE BUILDING MATERIALS PO BOX 1277 SHALL017E, NC 28459 0000 QUOTj '{910}754M00 FAX 1910)764-6883 Page: i Cluo e- 000-36294 special rmv. 13:27.30- swppatq; 04/27/16 saia mpff-, 46 ED FARGO Acetrepwdw 45 wdmoatv, 0027/t6, Due Date; 05/10116 Solo To:, EF/CASH shipTo. BOBBY-mARKBENFIELD 6076 OCEAN AIREAD pV.V 442 EAST2ND ST OCEAN]SLE,BEAc", NC 284139 OCEANIISLE13EACH cusomer4-,20000 250 custompifFo. BOBBY Ordersy. 5 POOD02 mmlm ORDER SHIP Ll U/M -1 ITEIVI# DESCRIPTION R&AILPRI08 PRICE, T EXTENSION 4.00 4.0-0 L EA 020 COLOR GUARD WLEVEL VINM RAIL 104.2333VA 113.7= 464.84 CLASSIG36'fW86ZCRK-" 20r00 20.00 L EA C04436S OOLORdUARD STRUCTUALPOST SPB 44BPL 54,7692s; 54.7691 1095.00 SP844BPL ,2000. 20.00 L EA 031 COLOR GUARD 4X4X (3W) SLEEVE 17.6667m 19-2727 085AS j WHITE BLANK POST SLEEVEMiO.W130' 20.00 20.00 L EA a43 COLOR GUARD 4X4. NEW ENGLAND CAP 7.2500v 79090 168.18 WHrrE4x4 w44-NEC 20.00 90.00 L EA, 044 COLOR GUARD 4).(4DECOMIVE PbtT COLLAR 6.7500o 01270 i25.45 WHITE 04 W44-PG-2 zu� KY, 4—, V! rf QUoto EXpfr4S 05/27116, f6alestatal $9700.32 QUOTE ONLY Taxable 9700,32 Non-taxable 0.00 Tax 654.'" sedbwdee MR TEFMANDCONINNONS Tax* TBF* 707 Weight: 31TOTAL 110355.691 I - VuuLw