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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_16-48_Bedingfield4/27/16 Brian Bedingfield 500 Marsh Rd Charlotte NC 28209 ��R>E9EO IUIY Y,� Exemption Number —48-16 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (15A NCAC 07K .0208) PROJECT LOCATIONIADDRESS — 1008 E. Yacht Dr Dear Brian Bedingfield: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a CAMA Minor Development Permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on 4/27/16, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a CAMA Minor Development Permit, as long as it remains consistent with your project drawing, submitted on 3/3/16, and it also meets the conditions specified below. If you plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN EXEMPTED 1. All development shall be located at least 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level, and shall not exceed a 30% impervious coverage, within 75 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level. 2. No ground disturbance or land disturbing activity shall occur within 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level. 3. The development shall be consistent with all other applicable CAMA permit standards, North Carolina Building Code standards, local ordinances and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 4601 E. Oak Island Drive • Oak Island, North Carolina 28465 r V EC) Phone: (910) 278-5024 • Fax: (910) 278-181.1 • Website: www.oakislandnc:" WLMINGTON, NC JUL 2 0 2016 4. Must maintain 30' separation from Normal High Water This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization.. This exemption expires one (1) year from the date of the letter. Sincerely, 4601 E. Oak Island Drive Oak Island, NC 28465 Phone (910) 279-5024 Fax (910) 278-1811 Project Address 1008 E. YACHT DR Oak Island, NC 28465 Parcel Number 235HAO27 nhnno Jwner lntormanon - - 3ryant Bedingfield 500 Marsh Rd Charlotte, NC 28207 Permit NO.: PLUIVIZU1u-UUVbs Permit Type: Plumbing Work classification: Well Permitstatus: Approved Issue Date: Expiration: Bryant Bedingfield Cell Contractors Phone Email Contractor Type License l; Aqua Well Drilling 9103052987 Plumbing Contractor 2199 Well drilling Buff Builders Inc. 9102941463 General Contractor 62002 U-Building Description: Residential well Comments: =$0.00 Fees Due Amount Well Permit $75.00 TOTAL $75.00 Total Amt Paid Amt Due $ 75.00 $75.00 Payment Type: Check N 5175 Conditions: All zoning codes and setbacks mu3tbe met. Call Development Services for inspection request by 4:30pm day prior of request at (910)278-5024 or fax (930)278-1811. Any damage to public properties within a 1W of your construction site must be reported by written statements and photo documentation prior to commencing of the project; failure to submit any notice will be presumed that there is no damage to public properties, and the contractor assumes all responsibilities if damage is reported. April 27, 2016 Date Authorized Signature Wednesday, April 27, 2016