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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_16-44_Darr4/18/2016 Exemption Number = M&R 44--16 - Larry Darr 618 Trindale.Rd Trinity, NC 27370 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT - MAINTENANCE. AND REPAIR,of STRUCTURES CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT RULESj15A NCAC 07K .0209(c)] PROJECT ADDRESS -1305 W. Beach Dr. AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN - OE,HH Dear (_arty; 1'h4ve reviewed the information submitted tothis office in your inquiry concenimg the necessary;fi8ng application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on 4/18/2016,1 have determined that the. activity you,propose is exempt from needing a minor development. permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on 4/12/2016, and meets the conditions specified below. if your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding: WIAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - [15A NCAC 7K.:0209(c)]'-Any structure, or;part thereof, consistent; with current CRC rules may be maintained, repaired or, a similar manner, size and'location as the existing structure without requiring a permit,, unless. the repair or replacement Would be in violation ofthe.criteria set out below. This, exemption applies to those projects that'are not within the exclusion for maintenance.and repairs as set out in G.S. 113A-103(5)b.5. Rule .0103`of this Subchapter and Rule 67J .0210. 1. the development must not disturb a land area of greater than Ido square feet on a slope of greater than 10 percent; 2. - the development must not•involve removal, damage, or..destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species; 3. .the development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage ;,.channels; . 4. the development must not alter the land form or vegetation of a frontal dune; 1-R FCi=iVt0 DCM WILM.INGTON, NC JUL 2 0 2016 4601 E. Oak Island Drive - Oak Island, North Carolina 28465 Phone: (910) 278-5024 - Fax: (910) 278-1811 - Website: 5. the development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level or normal high water level; and; 6. _development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 4601 E. Oak Island Drive Oak Island, NC 28465 Phone (910) 278-5024 Fax (910) 278-1811 a Issue Date 04/27, 1 -1 Ct nod..... Parcel Number Applicant 1305 W. BEACH DR 234NFoo3 Larry Darr Oak Island, NC 28465 Owner Information _ _ Address Pnone - Larry Darr 618 Trindale Rd Trinity, NC 27370 Contractor(s) Phone Email • :Contractor Type , - License # .Phillip Richardson 9305121793' tJnllcensed Contractor" : ` Under 30K . . Fees Due` - 'Amount Trade: Building $100.00 TOTAL , . - .$100.00 r Conditions: .. .. 1: The Owner/Contractor/Developer. is advised that it Is their responsibility to assure compliance with,all.lacal, state; and federal coJes.and: regulations That 4rors or deficiencies not dlsicovered during plan reviedi does not relieve the ` Owner/Contractor/Developer frbrii corrections. , 2. P.ermitbox must be.on'site 3. Sub contractor cards'tnust be submitted prior to trade contractor . 4. Approved trash container must be on site. S. Must. provide sanitary fan sties. 6. M construction must meet 130: MPH wind zone requirements 7. All zoning codes and setbacks mustbe met. Call Development Services for inspection request by 4.30pm day poor of request at 910.278-5024 or. fax. (910)278-1811 Any damage to public properties within a 100' of your construction site must Lie Written statements and photo . documentation prior to commencing of the;projed, failute to submitany notice will be presumed.that there is noedamage to:pubik properties and the contractor assumes all responsibilities if damage is reported . Authorized Signature Date Wednesday, April 27, 2016 CAMA IV'IN (R PERMI'X' PRO.�RAM