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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_16-17_CarlisleNEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & MSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 230 GovERNmEYr CENTER DRrvE, SUITE 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 29403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7116 FAX (910) 798-7053 Chris O'Keefe, AICP Planning 8r Inspections Director May 19, 2016 Mr. Jack Carlisle 8640 River Road Wilmington, NC 28412 Dennis Bordeaux Inspections Manager Ken Vafier, AICP Planning Manager Exemption Number — El6-17 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (15A NCAC 07K .0208) PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS — 8630 River Road, Wilmington, NC Dear Mr. Carlisle: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on April 12, 2016, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing submitted on May 12, 2016 and it also meets the conditions specified below. Plans submitted for construction of new residence, gravel driveway and pool, if you plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN EXEMPTED 1. All development shall be located at least 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level. 2. No ground disturbance or land disturbing activity shall occur within 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level. 3. The development shall not exceed a 30% impervious coverage within 75 feet of the normal high water level In this case 800 sq. ft. is authorized. 4. The development shall be consistent with all other applicable CAMA permit standards, North Carolina Building Code standards, local ordinances and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption Is granted. 5. No new fill dirt shall be placed on the lot. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires one (1) year from Cte date of the letter. Since r ly, Linda E. Painter, LPO Cc: NC Division of Coastal Management F_C,C.iVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUN 2 8 2016 04/28/2016 120. 474 oj. 1,,001/001 APR.28.2016 12:20PM MID EAST SERVICES AND"r, Clio —19(R-7053 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby t•nIry thn I own property •dlroent ro -� otc k - Co, r �, s 1 e , • IN" of �Ry owner) propertybtnedet ,ti�CP Addrea, Lot, Neeh, Read, •m,l on IWneAodylItiewn dlq Cownyl N.C. He has dnodbed to nk as shown hi the attached application end prolett dr•whw(e), the dnnlopmont he it proppsinp at thin Imil n, end, I have no o*c4lons to his prepoto. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTATTAHEp) RECEIVED MAY 1 2 2016� NEW HANOVER CORTY PLANNING & ZONING ()CM WILD NG JUN 2 8 cuio Ra.�� �6 � [ I ►`� .r, W RECEIVED MAY 12 2016 NEW P1ANIVIHNANNINCG B R COUNTY ZONING DesrAdjacerd PmpW. This letter is to Inform you that 1, Zl� �� u hwr Pro"Owner Permit on my Property at Property Address In Pender County. As requited by LAMA reguUlions, I have eadosed a copy of my permit eppdalton and MjW drawing(s) as witSwt(on of my proposed project No action Is required from you or ym may dgn and retum the endosed no objection tom. Kyou hoe any questions or eommen19 about my proposed project pleats contact me at /679"d/� % 13 9' ,or by mad at the address Ii;W bebw. H you wish b Apptkanik Telephone file wrdlen comments or objections MHh the New Hanomr County CAMI M4raPermlt Program, you may submit OW to: Local Permit Officer for NEW HANOVER COUNTY 230 MARKETPLACE DRIVE, SUITE 110 WILMIWTON, NC 29403 Sincerely, Popery owner (113 7171,P77 f;e. Maaing Address iy'a�lU� _ o� CRY, State, lip Code RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON. NC JUN 2 ; 2016 a,y+ cYf {K x`Nk k t z >i Ads-i t Sep f �,r<e>r. r b r r zSi> �..,. [�}F h l�,'lhl .d.MY,'�"�'t,�s.xr ������7��m9R. P'r��r&'i�'nh+.a� w•,1. �,�� },[a' �f�'a(yyvh"r lt�a' u'�F�'�x W ute sk,� ,'x r��'pa 9arl't . �"' ae * a o S1AtE of cc Noft1H cnNgLWp [4 LYQ.YS 3,CWN v n Y( ';rk qqj r srA*E. of Noam cARouNA _ _ pnuMr y,.>d ,1 i ♦)(y �h lihl 0�. eA I }7 JIStEYti}1\ '4n�1L Y <IR' y.m nde Y u r 1 ^ I—` J{ Sfl Flied-lo Rcql9notlol of ]e dembfka re fir Oa r� to -•' - °t,,, 7•. fhena trBuik nat su[r�Ye�F ��' fl}` �d t 'I rhkr W of, mi. 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