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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_16-14_HamiltonBen Andrea Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor May 2, 2016 Terry Hamilton 6454 Shinnwood Rd. Wilmington, INC 28403 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTION SERVICES 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7118 FAX: (910) 798-7053 Exemption Number —E16.14 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT - ACCESSORY USES — [15A NCAC 7K .0209(b)] PROJECT ADDRESS — 6454 Shinnwood Rd. AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN - ICWW Dear Mr. Hamilton: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on May 2, 2016. 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated April 22, 2016, and meet the conditions specified below. Your project consists of 60' decking addition and reconfiguration of stairs, and window renovation. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. Accessory Uses that are directly related to the existing dominant use and require no plumbing, electrical or other service connections are exempt from the CAMA minor development permit requirement if they meet the criteria set out below. 1. The development must not disturb a land area greater than 200 square feet. 2. The development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. 3. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 4. The development must not alter the landform or vegetation of a frontal dune. 5. The development must not be within 30 feet of normal high water level. 6. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. , ; `- L I V E D DCM \A111.10INGTON, NC MAY 2 0 2016 Sincerely, Christine R. Bouffard, LPO New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 29403 Cc: NC Division of Coastal Management RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 2 0 2016 BoLiffard, Christine From: MARIA STONE <> Sent Monday, May 02, 2016 4:53 PM To: Bouffard, Christine Subject HAMILTON Good afternoon, I would like to request a Accessory Uses Exemption for the Hamilton Residence at 6454 Shinnwoord Dr. Scope of work includes reconfiguring rear deck stairs and adding 6o' of new deck to line up with existing deck below. In addition, we are doing a window renovation all under the existing roof. Thanks!!!! Maria ,C, Virus -free. "Total Control Panel To: cbouffard'&nhceov com Remove this sender from my allow list Fmm: You received this message because the sender a on your allow list. Loam RECF!`✓ED DCM Wu_' IINGTON, NC MAY 2 0 2016 NHC Zoning Map May 2, 2016 1:500 0 0.004 C.008 0.016 mm; ® Local Addresses Parcel Boundaries RECEIVED 0 0.00e 0.01 0.02 km DCM WILMINGTON, N" MAY 2 0 2016 lbw VbnowrCmrty,NC The Nbfmdloe made ry ftme by Ih6 w0co orWiroraa from the mrdl/e bulMng pee Mg end Ir d mm evade. Tire W fenda4g h rdm,W r aRWlthl beWa. Not !{pgulder brMo(�5 arM NC I flour Mmowr CovrN NC I Tlc INortrefbn rrode M{HW tw n+a >o Mca nlgneMs imm to w�tM bWldlnp ger,riCnq au ircp L'Mlp roordc. Ibis GI9 raM arinp is nfieched m e imdhN Bach. I 1 i i I 1 I I i N.aP+cAo_w Nv Nwmvl coal. I •. car. P•aaw.ceam aawL AbxM!• Al w-e .vy LKm yYY[. PLA �1Y11YTNN W W W� L�YM JAMAS E. EVANS DIVISION OF GM1 NOTE: IL AREA SUBJECT PRLPERTY REFS M= AT GEED 101' 2 BOOK 23M PAGE 818 AND MAP BOOK 31 PACE 3a 18078 N• JL D8$ PROPERTY 15 LOCATED MTPIN A SURVEY FOR O.AN aoem M1000 HAEMD AREA ZONE K. BASE FLOOO E4 IS'. TERRY & JEAN HAMILTON ISUN[mW LYA WINOPANT m IM HIL TNIS SURVEY Is OF NI EMSTING PARE OF 8I8/ BNINNWOOD RBAD �D FaNaQ NRS PROPERTY AND DOES NOT MEATE A SIRDIMSON. cAaw W'•PI. 'N0 Ma LOT 2 - WW M E. BYANS UNT7ON OF E C M„fyy,�_D�yR AREA L5 GOIAPUIEtl BY tOgmwnrEs NARNBTI 1'IIP. - N6R AINOVKB COUNTY - NORTR GROIJNA AUCUMr J. 2016 v ab 041D/8 JOB No.00D0 - 2018 �i14M8LTW 8T1! H.AN _. Puw uara m •Mwiail uY w. Wnew S9MON ONE -,S�ZNN PORIT MAP BOOK 18 JACE 11 FA M6 SITE ° John SUnmh VICINITY HAP Amhlted. PC N/W - MGHI DF WAY Ml WNl�ier N/S' -NOW PIPE FORNFRLY OlMe•� IN"PPE PWMD • O' COMPUTED POINT u LTON ffsIDENCE QPR.W2W I!/la (EMT) lLaVATIp! zm gommo .... 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