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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_16-10_DavisBen Andrea Planning & Zoning Supervisor April 08, 2016 Martin & Katie Davis 1322 Tidal walk Drive Wilmington, INC 28409 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTION SERVICES 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7118 FAX: (910) 798-7060 Exemption Number — E16-10 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT- SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE (ORW) OUTSATNDING RESOURCE WATERS, AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (15A NCAC 07K .0208) PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS — 1322 Tidalwalk, Wilmington, NC 28409 Dear Sir or Madam: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on March 31,2016 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing submitted on March 24, 2016,March 28, and April 7,2016 and it also meets the conditions specified below. If you plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN EXEMPTED, (this will include any non-structural fill dirt that is shown on drawing and is under 1 ft.), (This CAMA E16-10 does not include the in ground pool and the contactor will need to apply for a CAMA permit) 1. All development shall be located at least 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level from waters classified as ORW. 2. No ground disturbance or land disturbing activity shall occur within 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level. 3. The development may not exceed a 25% built upon area within 575 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level of waters., and shall not include any stormwater collection system. 4. The development shall be consistent with all other applicable CAMA permit standards, North Carolina Building Code standards, local ordinances and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is ci VED granted. JINGTON, APR 0 8 2016 5. This SFR Exemption does not allow for the placement of any structural fill dirt in the VE Flood Zone. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires one (1) year from the date of the letter. Sincerely, Pafricia AC Etdb , CAMA Local Permit Officer New Hanover County 230 Government Center, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 0 8 2016 9i v pJ4 rt��i 341' '10I �► „WIICKC afts W.�FWF$IA�m•wtiaNRDrror►RaRsuma9fRN'JC.. mrana b x.s a me na a'*e nN:wo#'Rmaewou�n a I:iOA'gr. RL6Pt tL1lfJlm YW RtOtt@1NR RIaR�'g01RIJBMRRRIFlCV rt0aW1U 11✓Sd6aSi. RiN M1"tIF`o wa) K1041Gr1M5 9411atC✓S MiGx(2 Krc Ilr6 SLRV[Y. R ILICkGIWYaeQ1 c6L 7LIt6lLW.1$5 rKOP6ati 31aw+ia. VraBffi Np SLLK twD.'ip_. irrf# Y'11 rD X�: `. Jitvewar flLc AREA cEfnn HITS fF,.XA�l. w ..mac '.n63114� CL rL rtSa�. :.r.,gyrasrR� C \, 16 15' AL atcdnrMlro+6f�RAIfRV � i AL AL �, , revuar Lt�e . AL v . � a � e ,..< wr ursr� SUNCr r!4 w# :t we*+e fYCuilne lee armL� 1 k)Sr-. l3,D so r 1 t1 StO 3A. 3 50 \ 1T1 TaMR 7fFID: 936" .,.\ TOTFL: 3.3989Q. rT- 75i c.Lan. — 1 �c1oRw ` wr MWfCTLWZ WELOAtK Lc AL a. I evruRt °eve'°°rufrr I-Aw4wi9w I.— . 1 4 � t i i r j , LCi 'noN MAP amwey RuLvfxx w+aooR 9T nce acs uv eoal� v rvu s]5 iro iur a uXram m mle .e m.:c: /a exe wr r sarm�sraa � «.r.wmv r sfo�cs MI,1,♦ltrr. ,w . x m �., mr5fWATION Lot r ��ITroa A 1----4- -zQ so--------� t ALi4 ltf. &---�-_ -4 1 4 PUi711Y pevElnArtat4 (tOL 1 1 ff ...- 2r7.4 1 1t ► 611 _ i Aak m Pw i rN LRPFC TWIRIYIIAiK. LJL j t?r'r� 1L a w 43.7o aID`I✓:p L5 63.55 a23.31'a I-' 10T4" i ram' a �`" V. 1 � M 29.70 N324 _ t W 5537 Ma 577 Y 1 fs�y j r } ist:UOiD i r +f WtlL wJWM7AWA 1. . tlQ+L r i '4W*tnAlMutTA&Z i 69 ! Q. IT, 0+00; r IC.) -� 25' 58_ .,_ _ il4 - '�� 'vl -.._ f . L7 77L3 ai9.5712Y unulyS JJ.9 (TO MSiUf�51 cAst -+i i 96 i � ID a09.4703t ,ew Lf.: t9 15 D7 � S.SF a6Lr2643w uo 7.w t Is55'LbOaw .... — NAVD 1Lft nDALW"VNYL `�...�` \ >a MKIR PLOT PLAN FOR .rove nvrrorl rm. coo snow nna4 MARTIN DAMS * KATIE DAV15 Met/31q Tryyrr4[• PaR4.CHEfeat YI, ]fiQ♦ JLS r4Nl® N' SKf.IY ♦ CRftP LOT 428 PHA5E IV-5 TiDALWALK 5U80nfi5U)N LOr RRSA TAOLE FEDERAL POW TOWNSHIP NCW fUsbVM CCVWTY, N.C. LPLAMM 1 +.86450. rT. •'Rt 5MATIDa 7X73 50. Pt. '4D4' NMUNQ5 1. 1" 50. ►r. ,1S� R . . _ - D MARCH 3, 2016 O} 476 AC. f 3'eun�c aH n c g. PiAM UR W%.. PW N, NC 3C/ D 1 5 3D 6D �. acs`rG r5a1, _ _, �,. • 201 1 nrp5+50r¢T 8-•rr. 5{X2 nw,+narraLn .- rtrvr � sauo. s.w`.......L�.� O Ham c.+esro.uorl+n+w.Ie letirn M:< a. Ws+rMr F9tlt L.R1BYIA6 rR f.RA '.. PAtRfS L Brb'•Cw. CER?W Rpt ittti PRR[illY w:itAcvnrv.ew..,. w-.. �.�..-. __.... Ipu A°. yYTYp ON'tE flKS CF itt6 PL4': Wdq OP A3C:`.AOUA;'.�S'°!LN'm fRU7 5 �:a0:JOJP: Rpfi?t# Wr SUCKIID lRf SeKNM BYBFD[/Y w�;p .1,ATtt rtu W6 rwAm A ucoWAm7'*NTfsrAYVR'S�` � .k cl-OK:NW 5AWr?G N mxm Comm, 71"%. 16o#, W'se5 w CJ FE{fiMTm- it�':ri`iFt `LN$tY Ntl1 °dM iFaS F9 9001`_, UASTt AD. 20t6 DRIVEWAY Pill AREA DETNL NT5 �arW[zC �fiiLW aW "u do ta:W �n Sy, Cr�xRO i s ;� �EL �A �9� l ,� _ ry�rygprc 1t it P �A a?vMbt01 C4 :uP.2CT?Oat. � rt`uirvcASevrx'�. �seralc+s el6 75' C.U.D. / 1 5EBACK Ak i 14 � { r"� WETLAND ENE AL A, y„ S s � / rws,wr aa; etLo s:rM+"*�tt woc Fpr np P` Mi V R ^ F.RXJ4. racaa �.aa:r. rtr,ArtowaR rsear,c.r aa.mrcnn zrwrEsIM 5+.o- na�, uarrpt*o cx xx TO A Far w,t Rft{f%MC'.55[Ec 4-QRtcPM� ., PoW P'cYr�. � nmrr FINI5MED GRADE EP I G OF 15' "WE IMPERVIOU5 VALUES HOUSE: 3,068 50. FT. fi?O'i 5URROUW: 330 50. FT TOTAL: 3.398 50. FT. A:. NIF MREC nDALWALK. UC Ag� FUTt1RP DEVELOPMENT ( 556'45v 9'W t 25,73' 1 WETLAND WMAND PRi5CRVATION PRE5ERVATION -INE AREA AL j �i L( .r 4t / t � s AL ''YF MREC nUALWAtA, t.xCgo �-/ i LOT 427 / j G. DB 5537 PG 577 z 1,�' f Y4. a'+E7iANU :MPA%' c., :.. � AL AREA j 6950:.M(0,GQ t6 A,:. > ;1--25S8_ A, dr 5. ff0 OVIVE°•IWAY) _ I ' &67 "34O5V K _A_EVEN- _ 4 a Ql7 -53 r AL AL cswnn � !� LOCATION MAP NDT 1D SURVEY REFERENCE 1Ip tCCK i7 PAa 262 V/P A3 i P375 TLB 9ocx 0R 553? Afif 577 + . nay m 0 tOC/. :Nm7 vfRLr6) AsP_R my i 372Q9 a 3aCR' i Q?MkUNfRY tC i 37Qa to CA�[4 NXJt 3, ZSAA E3 Ak Uf VRE : TIDALWALK, LtC 1TURP UEvftopmEW AL i 2` MAGNOLIA (TO RfhWk) ALAL A AL 7404' WiTIAVDS t;'NE ?A.A a L-1 7.70 TNI9'ST11'„ i LL329'5 r I NIDr+ U3'F _ _. _ _. ^_ _ c -• --'.o. 06 � '.9 {5.57 N60'2C43"w t a,3g5,Z)6 110. 7,38 555K18'OY.3"�V� 5S ( 3 RCP f rTF flc NCFlMARK 74i f' N34°5t 5)*W N6C'3455." �`` "�_... . SIRVEY NAI. 7== _..1. 25 00 - } tNAUD Imo, i .. TIDALWALK DPJVE 50 PAS ATE Rrx PLOT PLAN FOP, u2 ANa_ A1ao AeEAaco 5+Cm%x=Rf VARTIN DAMS * KATIE DAV15 A5 MVINKfC, BCPPRRVA,,CA ARF(' TrgAWA ,DATED,.O Wwk 2a, ayw LOT 426 "AM IV-B ?IC)ALWA.K. 3UDDIVISION un.wo_s ' AREA TA9iE \\ FEDFV FEDERAL F01W TOWN5F :utW HANOVtP C!?vNiY, N.G. t I.86450, PT. A PRP�RVATK)N 7,673 30. IT REV AF#:.I14. 2OIG (ADD FENCE. QRAiNAG♦:. t1VAC'. 1[2Fct "��•�'�"'�"-� t.tgg;,;OfT MARCH 3, ZC716 0,4?6 AC.+. O ecq ;Mu-axi--ax ti _ atr �t cci u,mz R(C K C. Sf2SS'TOW S .ur to 31 tx r"�-exvw aye ARrYD SURVEYtN(,y PC '.ut, 3C Y[F? A wuxx s9e,un ee11mMylluL XH t_ �4!-e 2 me �F130a.p ./p ce t sfon U.S. PARTMENF HDMELANDaECURfrY ELEVATION CERTIFICATE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY National Flood Insurance Program Important: Read the Instructions on pages 1-9. Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit. A - PROPERTY INFORMATION or P.O. Route and Sox No. I OMB No 1660-0008 /fA Expiration Date: July 31, 2015 FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Policy Number _ -..._ .. dow 1322 Tidatwak Or. I I City Wilmington State INC ZIP Code A3. Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) Lot 428 Map Book 57 pg 261 tax ORDE200-005.225-M At Building Use (e.g., Residential, Non-Residentiat. Addition. Accessory, etc.):} AS. Lattude/Longtude: Let. 34.08787 Long. -77 $6542 Horizontal Datum. ❑ NAD 1927 ® NAD 1983 AS Attach at least 2 photographs of the building 6 the Certificate is being used to obtain flood insurance. A7. Building Diagram Number ¢ A8. For a building with a aawlspace or enclosurels) A9. Fora building oath an attached garage. a) Square footage of crawlspace or enclosure(s) M SO It a) Square footage of attached garage Q so R b) Number or permanent flood openings m the crawispace b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage or enclosure(s) within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade Q within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade Q c) Total net area of flood openings in AB.b Q sq in c) Total net area of flood openings in Ag.b Q so in (1) Engineered flood openings? ® Yes ❑ No d) Engineered flood openings'1 ❑ Yes ® No SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION Ell NFIP Commundy Name 8 Commurity Number EIZ County Name B3. State NEW HANOVER COUNTY / 370186 NEW HANOVER NC 64 Map/Pam] Number 85. Suffer 86, FIRM Index Data B7 FIRM Panty I B8 Flood B9 Boo Flood Elevaeon(s) (Zone 3720313200J/313 J 4-3-2006 Effective/R� Date Z m(s) I AO, use base Hood depth) 81 C. Indicate the source of the Base I" Elevation (SFE) data er base flood depth entered in Item B9. ® FIS Profile ❑ FIRM ❑ Community Deternin ed ® Other/Source FR S 811. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Rem 89: ❑ NGVD 1929 ® NAVE) 19W ❑ Other/Source: B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Ana (OPA)? ❑ Yes ® No Desgnatton Date: __ ❑ CBRS ❑ OPA SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) Cl Building elevations are based on ® Construction Drawings- ❑ Building Under Construction* ❑ Finished Construction 'A new Elevation Certificate volt be required when construction of the building Is complete. C2 Elevations -Zones Al-A30, AE, AH. A (with BFE), VE, VI-V30. V (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/AI-A30, ARIAH, ARAAO. Complete Items C2 •-h below according to the building diagram specified in Item A7. In Puerto Rioo only, enter meters. Benchmark Uttized: M Vertical Datum. NAVD 88 indicate elevation datum used tot the elevations in tents a) through h) below. ❑ NGVD 1929 @ NAVD 1988 ❑ Other/Source. _ Datum used for building elevations must be the same as that used for the BFE. Check the measurement Usad- a) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure floor) ¢ ¢ ® feet ❑.mosillE I V I- b) Top of the next higher floor 1 F ® teat ❑ r s"P-MINGTON, NC c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (V Zones only) i-Q.2 ® feet ❑ meters d) Attached garage (tog) of slab) NA _ ❑feet ❑ 1 e) Lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the building NA 2 _ ❑feet ❑ meters O �01 (Describe type of equipment and location in Comments) f) Lowest adjacent {finished) grade next to building (LAG) 3.¢ ® feet ❑ meters gr Highest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (HAG) 44 ® feet ❑ meters h) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs. irrludmg structural support 41 ® feet ❑ meters SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certificaticn is to be signed and "tied by a land surveyor. enginew. or archilect authorized by law to certify elevation slfornatron. I certify that the imbrmatior on this Certificate represents my best elicits to interpret the data available. ���\�N C ARp /// I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or Impnsanment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001 .�\\Q� •EEC $ �0`' ® Check hen ifcomments an provided on bade of form. Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided by a Z . .j,'• ❑ Check hen if attaWnents licensed land surveyor? M Yea ❑ No Ce~9 Name MILES MCCALL License Number L-3516 • a' L-3516 ac• O' Title OWNER Company Nam ATLANTIC COAST Sl1RVEY �i� 9�� Address P.O. BOX 1258IS.I UI�R LalNXSDMSgnaturee�Teleprwne 910434O0 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces as previous- editions. ELEVATION CERTIFICATE, page 2 IONIC, ` IC, j15/6 0's-V o IMPORTANT: In these spaces, Copy the corresponding Information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) o P.O. Route and Box No.. Policy Nurtleer 1322 TIDALWALK DR _ City WILMINGTON Stare NC ZIP Code I Company NAIL Number. SECTION D- SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certihate for (t) community official. (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. Comments LOT IS VACANT. NO STRUCTURES ON SITE. NO "SERVICING EQUIPMENT' SHOWN ON PLANS SO NO ELEVATIONS FOR SUCH PROVIDED. THE LOWER LEVEL ENCLOSURE SHOWS NO FLOOD VENTS BUT THE PLANS DO STATE THAT "BREAK AWAY WALLS"ARE TO BE USED. Be ELEVATIONS DERIVED BY STARTING WITH We AND WORKING DOWN FROM THERE.Ths is a preliminary elevation certificate based on construction plans. let is vacant - no photographs provided. F-z:w,s D fFf Signature 2�`.r'�Z,.�.., 1(._.�s.•.� Date 3.28-18 SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION )SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A (without BFE), complete Items Ei-E5. if the Certificate is intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F request, complete Sections A, e. and C. For Items Et-E4, use natural grade, if available. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Et. Provide elevation information for tte following and Checc the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowest adjacent grade (LAG). a) Top of bottom floor (including basementcrawispace, or enclosure) is ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor (including basement crawspace, or enclosure) is ` _ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the LAG. E2, For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8 ardr'or 9 (see pages 11-9 of instructions), the next higher floor (elevation C2.1p in it* diagrams) of the building is _ _ ❑ feel ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the HAG. E3. Attached garage (top of slab) is _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery arnoor equipment servicing the building is _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the HAG. E5. Zone AO only: if no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with Me community's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ unknown. The local official must certify this si ormation in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property canter or owners authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or oommunay-issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign Mrs. The statements in Sections A. B, and E are coned to the best of my knowledge. Property Owners or Owners Authorized Representative's Name Address City State ZIP Code Signature Dab Telephone Cortvrnens ❑ Check here if attachnments. TM local ormdea wno is suU w-,j by law or ordinance to sent rhWf tre cormumaj, a root pleura management ordnance can complete Jecuons A, b, u (or t: i ann U of this Elevation Certificate. Compete the applicable terats) and sign below. Check the measummera used in hems G8-GI0. In Puerto Rico onty, enter meters. GI, ❑ The information in Section C was taken horn other documan atwn that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor. engineer. or architect who s authorized by law to certify elevation information. (indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) GZ ❑ A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BR) or Zone AO. G3. ❑ The following information (toms G4-G 10) is provided for community floodplem management purposes. G4. Permit Nnxnber G5. Date Permit Issued G6. Date Certificate Of Complumos/Oocupency issued G7. This pennrt has been issued for ❑ New Cansiructdn ❑ Substantial hishpi amMit E I V E [j G8. Elevation of as-ouih lowest floor (including basement) of the building: _ _ ❑ lest ❑meters Dom:---,AINGTON, NC G9. BFE of (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building sib: ❑ bet ❑ meters Da9rm _ GIO. Community's design flood elevation: .,__ ❑ feet ❑ meters Da Ay. `, 5 2016 Lops Official's Name Tale Community Harms Telephone Signahmt Date Comments Check here a attachments FEMA Form 088.0-33 (7/12) Replaces all previous editions. Date: T --" 2016 Name: Patricia Roberts NEW HANOVER COUNTY Planning and Inspections 230 Government Center Dr. Suite 170 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7308 Fax # (910) 798-7060 CONDITIONS DOCUMENT t e (P 0 8' 'tar y l 13 Department: Zoning review was for a SFR only and does not include the proposed inground pool. CAMA E16-10 is for the SFR only and does NOT INCLUDE THE INGROUND POOL Condition(s) IN A VE FLOOD ZONE AND A ZONING FLOOD FINAL IS REQUIRED "A (Elevation Certificate Building Under Construction ) is required and a Elevation certificate finish construction is required at the flood final and a copy of the ELEVATION CERTIFICATES NEED TO BE KEPT IN PERMIT BOX AS DO A SET OF STAMPED PLANS APPROVED BY NHC BUILDING Electrical outlet's cannot be placed in BREAKAWAY WALLS THEY NEED TO BE At (BFE +2 ft) BASE FLOOD ELEVATION IS 16 ft + 2 Ft = 18 ft ,so these outlets need to be AT 18 FT or above in the Pilings, FLOOD RESISTANT MATERIAL REQUIRED BELOW BFE 16 ft. +2 ft = 18 ft BOTTOM OF THE LOWEST HORIZONTIAL STRUCTURAL MEMBER (BFE 16 ft + 2 ft = 18ft) The corrected (elevation certificate building under construction date of March 28, 2016 has the corrected elevations the first E.C. that was turned had the wrong elevation on it TO THE LOWEST HORIZONTAL STRUCTURAL MEMBER, ALL DUCTWORK, HVAC, ELECTRICAL, Plumbing needs to meet the BFE *2- 11€18 V E D DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 2 5 2016 1. Setbacks at Back of lot has a 75 ft COD line and setback and wetland preservation line as is shown on the surveyor sealed plot plan 2. The Setback front area of lot has a 404 wetland line & WETLAND PRESERVATION AREA that cannot be built in or encroached into without the proper approval and permits from the US ARMY CORPS of ENGINEERS. Any questions about this contact John Policarpo Wilmington, NC office 910-251-4487 and question on any CAMA Major Permits call Robb Mairs at 910-796-7423 3. CAMA Minor application was completed and a CAMA E letter was issued for a SFR/nonstructural fill dirt that was placed on lot under I tl 4. Setback right side of lot has a 404 wetland line and wetland preservation area that cannot be encroached into as shown on the surveyor scaled plot plan 5. Setback left side See surveyor scaled plot plan that shows the 75 ft COD and Wetland Preservation line that impacts the (left side are at back left side area)and the 404 line & Wetland Preservation Line that impacts a (small area on left front side) House can not be built in these area nor does it show on the Survey that any part of house is in these areas 6. Drew with building has sent Jason A an email weeks ago stating that plans need to be Engineer sealed and at this time that has not happened plans are not engineered sealed. 7. 1 called Jason and asked that he call Drew at 910-798-7354 to go over any questions about the email Drew sent him 8. 1 also F,mailed .lason and cc Drc%s RECEWED DCM WILMiNGTON, NC MAY 2 D- 2016 -E/&-/o NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTION SERVICES 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7118 FAX: (910) 798-7060 Chris O'Kssh Planning & Inspections Director Apra 6, 2016 Copy for Landowner Copy for Authorized Agent Martin & Katie Davis 16 Pointe Properties LLC (Attn: Jason Atkins) 1322 Tidalwalk Drive 4318 Lauralis Bluff Ct Wilmington, NC 2W9 Wilmington, NC 28409 Email: lason P 1600i nteo rooerties. com RE: Incomplete Application Additional Information Required For Application El6-; , U PROJECT ADORESSILOCATION-1322 Tidawalk Drive (Lot428), Wilmington, NC Dear Martin & Katie Davis, We originally accepted your application under the impression that it was complete. On subsequent review, I have discovered that additional information is needed to complete the review process. Accordingly, I am requesting that you should submit the following additional to this office. You will need to submit the following: 1) V-zone Certification 2) Engineer letter for dirt placed on lot that states this is not structural fill dirt per NHC Flood Ordinance Page 24 that was also emailed to you. 3) Submit a site plan showing the location of the fill dirt, and amount and depth. 4) Once the engineer letters are received that state this is not structural fill you will need to have letters of no objection signed by the riparian property owners and provide them a copy of a site plan that shows the proposed location of the dirt on a plot plan, providing the Engineer letter states that this is not structural fill dirt 5) As it states in the NHC Flood Ordinance Structural fill dirt is not allowed in the VE Flood Zone... Upon resubmission of a complete application a local decision will be made in (11 days) provided this period is not extended as provided by law. If you have any questions conceming this action, please contact me at 798-7348. Acia �%berts, A L PO New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 Cc: NC Division of Environmental Quality r-±&C.;tIvED 0CM WILMINGTON, NC APR 0 6 2016 LuCality Perini( Number Ocean Hazard _ Estuarine Shoreline ORW S19101ine tusr shmoliae-,.__.._ OdWA- (Por officiat use only) AUTHORIZED AGENT .• t �p ?, Address 4-t's `ls- 1'_ aM %sc �\,Jq i�- L 1-_ City Olt State 1UCi Zi tio`C Phone ' o'r S CA 1 Emailc q-r�_� rid Q e4 . + ''n7' (0 Jr ` ' a 7 O LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody.) %'I 11Z ' % V.), \,\,r- ;, K 0$ , J (js ( { d DESCRIPTION OF PROTECT: (List all proposed construction apd land disturbance.) n C E' _ t45j ¢ SIZE OF LOTIPARCEL: square feet acres PROPOSED USE: Residential (Single-family Multi-fanuly 0 CommerciaVIndustrial ❑ Other COMPEETE E117HER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit Officer ifyou are not sure which AEC applies to your property): s (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: 'TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space eleva above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2 CDS fAL SHORELINE AEC SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINTAND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUII T " JPON SURFACES: square feet (includes the area of the roofldrip line of all buildings driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit ued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES " NO - If yes, list the total built upon area/tmpervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: square feet.• . . C F OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may requmre permits other than the CAMA . minor development permit, including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Hearing and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision rover Mobile Home Park Al App 1 Approval, Highway Connection, and - others. Check with your Local. Permit Officer for more information. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: , I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landownbt on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. 11us interest can be described as: (check one) an owner or record title, Title is vested in see Deed Book ' Paged)*Qthe County Registry of Deeds. _an owner by virtue of mherita=. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet & attach to this appltcation. NOTMCATIION OFADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore oeitify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA Permit.- ; (Name) (Address) (2) -tYY\ Tag a lf�o)6— ... (3) (y) _ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I, the undersigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the Local Permit Officer has explained to me the parttcu- hat hazard problems associated with this lot: This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabihza- lion and floodproofing techniques. `r I,fiu#hermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant, permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application This the day of ihn,..k , 20 Landowner or pets QN authorized to act as his/her agent for purpose of filing a CAMA permit application A,r, This ypplimdon inch des., general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the Ocean Razard AEC Notice where necessary, a check for $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AECwith0utpermit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. 1, PARK C. fR%i CPRi1P'iMT NOfPOR[IYWLS'A1RR1ID AID WIP OYAW UIXLYYSIPpIM.�IDU: DSCRPfOf1 A59h.OXM CA NL FACt Cf N6 rW; 9ATI00PP4101 AS OLCUATm T' DUTA'N'S 5110=r:i TWWIM.W6 W07 S.MVCYCD ARE%%" Or M0AENW5HDtItUfr4DN MORNAMW KRUMM M1T NK5 MAT WM P APFD R ACCORDYIT WI 5fAKXRD5 OP Fwa MR U1 MAKM N ADND CNDUN' R I f sc. I;m PADIM5 NVCN6Wl 9DWWR, UCBEMMME ANDSM915316 WOP MARDI A.D. 2016. MiP10 L. NUSTOR KC.""I L4"o M1� I g4 5 E A L `\ IS \\ "XIIIMIXI�� suAVLrm lar Ls SueaaroAu AIL uT1LTY fwsric>In. RoiRK'flOtl aA mvNUNnaacaw. � \ 15' C.O.D. 5ETEA:QC T113 MN MCt (+[� 9 Ry[f A♦}( AMLC wR *nC fxcLu�PD USC Q m 1pp0)I. PERSONS. OR �IIY A W.CD M m aPrDauno� rcaal. SAo cdmnrwPpn axs srn e+Pfex ce *X+rarr5: ro fAx INWNL7 fCP-^OI. I"R'AfO.ORCADIY WTW TFN !Mffiv'm RLL[RXf1CAT4 e. rR 5ucveaA wuwNr., r+o'vaon. PCFSdLS. OR D1fD1Y, WP MREC TIDALWAI7., LLC 'XWj LOT 427 P DO 5537 PG 577 M m m WETLAND IMPACT AREA 1 69 50. Pr. ro.0016 AC.) a, U I TI UTY 1 5.0 ( O DRIVEWAY) CASEWNT 10.6' ITO WETUNDSj� N5 DRIV[WAY PILL AREA DETAIL NT5 FINISHED GRADE NATURAL � I GROUND -,�.._�__1_�__ I OP 15' LOCATION MAP SURVEY Rfr RMN E AIM DOOR 57 PAGE= INIFTWOU5 VAWE5 AAM fnpA 55 PAye 5T3� HOLSEt 3 ,.f7Q IT' P!P/ L, XO0A 553]PI657] POOL SU D: 33050. mvld. �OqtN TOTAL: 3,39850. FT. Jal-W1e-uMWTBL m wIDx[v 320319 E1=IQ3:1 l (NMP WF MREC TIDALWAK, LLC iH4 NWL3, 2O06 PUIURE DEVELOPMENT '� /y� �fAl�'euwXAATAw-ve ¢LIAI ?LSD I. __ JAI. \ ]al MBENCHMARK _. 1�no+�Inl-Xr Qt- SURVEY NAIL 25.00 AL If WF MR5C TIDALWAK• LLC A► FLITURC DCVEELOPMENT t. E rYr COASTAL WETLANDS PRESERVATION LINE TABLE LINE A.fUP26 Lf '14.24W L2 '14101%V L3 '401 SW VNIO'1&54V L4 '18'54W L5 '31'21 TL6 .49'26W f aET M uNC raotE L7 7.70 N199T12T I5 29.51 NOW47103'C L9 15.57 NLO'26'43W LIO 7.38 55505179'W 4_ ,5T �., it t-I E 1 Q 59' r.� '�CI� w !� R1ANDf9E61 TIDALWALK DRIVE '�-; �P 50 FMATE FM' �. PLOT PLAN FOR *rflA D FRM " 04 ARPA 4 OX 5HOMN WEER! PLOTM PER~ MIT= TUT OP FReS MATION MARTIN DAVIS * KATIE DAVIS '°°° 42 HA5EIV-B TIDALWALK5UBDIV1510N LOT �AT'� UPLANDS 11,66450.7 tR TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N,C PRE5 MATION 7,673 SO- Pr. '404' WETLAND5 1. 19950. FT, N MARCH 3, 2016 0.476 AC.± O-°"P PATRICKC. SRISTOW ¢' TaTDane LAND SURVEYING. PC 30 O 15 30 60 N-MTNDIAp,POO g NUAOLP.WORRO111VE 0-D[11r+RAMA TNA@10 .N.c n e-W STW (91u)ml, (Pm IVWj lFAN1 I INCH - 30 FEET 1L.- Wefu D L; wjlb h.m.y�® Q fX1XILRC aC1OA1NIDMAWFNAPC IW W., m - M IAMM PpINDQ8 WNO.CODPI ;clvED MINGTON, I 0 6 2016 1(,Vs,.A `r 0�,e�7:. A `\AI yu't ristk (AR+.S: BR5ipt M rW. V 'r?'X -Atrj ; MLY.Al, V4'GRNM .4-+It.2P9NV' .: rX'»'1RtIO•C:nJG Oc-'L:C^'..4°.l'nlfti G't4LYtl�k'fhf.11f!^. E/runAS 3• n,�+.. M1i R,T.w 4L"`VT 5�i LYSNR:}i tAr ApN:lAJ, W-w AALY; [.R FL:: aRf6, lr; •%i 1-T`J !4r4L`,!A k:'SVK[Mfr-IRK :AYW$ If VI"W T_M-Ji4YN., lum u'IIE.'76 Y�L9 AnJYi "r5�, [Y J WA:_ AE. 33'G o---- TA'll-: r N :roR R.C. TS'w.l+.• ry k(m ), 40voom,wL fSEA .L ` ¢ \ 9JKM'RC:._r Y.'v^11lS TL Ni Ak ,'Y,' u9GC9r ¢5,qt igrt': I AL / �CJAS.t1L WEf.N:J i� AL AL j AL s 1 / r.C. V •.r:PM lit Gr TT! ^<490Y. �::+e xrnm wrsr A � s PILL AREA DETAA FINW.CD GRADE 47. er \ I. \\ i 16'Cf IS'RLP \ POOL.SURROIMO, 33050. R. TOTA_: 3,395 50. R. 75 C.O a. WbACIC 1 1AIL OYF AREC TDMWA'X J.0 g AL 1 /;;T',IRE DEVE+fR11Mi 135843; SW r ec Ai A4 ii 1 M LINE _ ARLA Lea 1 I 28 A' 1 11 I It PROPOSED V 1 RE-AXNC'E j 1� t 1322 i r+ rt AL LOCATION MAP 5UP.M REFERENCE :R wrere.cs._ .As = •_ 2 � A(rx czar rnt2 u sort. n-.slrns:r-,am +wAR,R I:. rC: A qt wl.Y?r09,i6W � wNMJM`FDISTr6f WlL. rvf� s TCCG WF VRt- T{DAIWAIK :C A& Pr.TJR: DEVV-'Y [NT i� W AA AIL ► Ak �Li SC 4545•IApIt/r r 4eg2xR x AAwC sr.;. n*aoN. ► , i4 1.2 4$3G 5J ar.+W U 4:Y?: NiriEs:l'w t MT faREC TIOAL*AI!', I,: / !!rv.�-y / lS 63.Sc 4ea•�: 2iZ 1 LOT 4^7 /� / �'.% S'/� /rJ/ �'s �J LG 25 71) R*.2•: LIS 5537 re57 : r ! /!F+ / Y F'UNL n / tk r,n A14 Pm5mATION *EiilAF•.VfACT AREA, 1r lY� AR=A t A4 69J0. rT(DOOIGAC.! j._ I-25, 9C..--- `Jt lY. '0 Ufti 7TY II 5GE(!OW[TUVG 6 -'I S .31�� 5Gt`3+_, eRSEirQ7f GGp-p -- - - - - - - - - -U L' I • @R $' '404' VJ `LA4D5 I9F TAM f �L7 770 N195T12`E lG •29.5 18''i 5i 16Y•26A3W .10 7 35 @55'(b'05W i '—' N55CCg9'p I I,• RCP ���` A< 0 N34'5.i lY/ N6C1 5W 25.00 U7.RG3.59' AV "� nD&WALK W4 i I 4- NAVE. I9N5J 37 mvAr RW �- PLOT PLAN FOR wer.AAu rrSTRVAir>w Agra • m�!.AN•. v49L ham +�\ IiAP MTUi• 7;AT OF NIr9RR/A7" MARTIN DAVI5 * KATIE DAV15 :'ar4 ."' �°'°° LOT 428 PHA5e IV-0 nDALWALR. 5UBDIVNON LOT ARIA TABLE UPLANDS I146.4-n.rr FEDERAL PONT TONTL5t11P NEW HANOVER. COUNTY, N,C. PRLT.^RVATIO: 7.GT3 AD. Y. •40r W!'W8}3 r .199 50. FT MARCH 3, 2016 0.476 AG.s c-°0JNGFDtl"" N PAIICK B1LISTOW sc n ¢ . uNua/xvevwc,rc RVEYI 15 so so • 0P A-wonvaJ,M[ waRNatvrtnc aw (A>•1.41.1pi1(Plti INAI'>oilfmlTN[J:. i 1 �/ ED I INCH _ 3D FEET rn a•w 9+A +Aw wW mr A0,-'Ac..Nms N bAYV, 1.rAo.: ,.�rd..-...., _ l9A.YGTS3 AE T C MI i M NGTON, NC APR 0 62016 1 r } x ; +• R 1 x Y w Rx µ x + r x x R µx * x ty f n + • r Y 11 } *x y x+ y+ µ♦ T+ Y r A�� � t ;+ x r" f ; s • ,` �� 1;� x xi+* yr+* xx *rfx+xx*+*•'Y *xf x;r+R•+xM \\ SAb,``\\ • x r R x ♦" r+ • x x x x* t Y + x s x + x x r* t s R y+ x f y+ + vra y� A+x Y+wT • M • ,t\ 1 x" +x""tn r nnr •+4 w x xxx •-` I Y: + r µ * • \-Y �•YIIJ IXI Y * *x * ++ + * * x' *x x *+ * w T ��\V iS� j! / * • x + ! •";�+';*";"`1 86`` `tea x * I CRT _ GG N 3 ! 1/lMA 9�6UI - PIIAg IWB {IIID ItaLtTINC ff1A PIXI011 ff 7 t 9lBUA9ff1 ff AAFAS ITHN W N6 M"M %9➢ U QIB (A PEWORGIANCE OE%ELOPNENT) W d N V ttttt tittt: ttEittttttttE tti(■EE III gI j$EEEE! IIEtttttttttl Q`. r� • x * y T + I * x ; S x M + µ r y Y '• S * fr r r w + * -�� C!V •" 1 Y ■ S * x 1 // ++ y r y • f + x w y+ �.x t s f • y } s x ; \ ^ + + x f y x * • 1 ea n ATLANTIC CI3A/T SURV6T, ILLY Um a PC R Im, wb A rm, NC IIMCR (CIC) Y)C� " Hu thieeMvvq . March 9, 2016 1:500 r 0 0004 0006 0016 m: i Addresses L _I City Limits ¢--: -, j � r 4 0 40001 ' OO2 km y Schools Parcels F Landmarks Parks-- �:�-{e=l�t_i Vc�i _r cemeteries DCJI WILMINGTON, NC APR 0 6 20ifi,,....`- K: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS inetabycanrr Io•anptofna•tyad)a b liai,e /I%f.., r,t • JHN" of Prop••ty o.n.•) . n p`op"ie�daa sa��' �nn.T,,Ja�� J r rv„rls�ll� r�Jot y�7��3a� Addt•ae, taC Block Road, ec.) q r fnlr/Isan�kA; on _r�trf . in .1i . ���� /i.»a r. L w«..4.. N.C. ( ody)(Towxf andicir Comb) _�— He has described to me as shown to the attached application and project drawing(•), the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. ' CE QLESte6�1 y412Et '(ioa�•Wy�K, uL ScoTT ��� Print or Type Name _7_04.1 So--)5r0 Telephone Number &• (p Date tiC. E iV'C DCM WILMINGTON, NO APR 0 6 2016 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS t hereby oartiiy dratl own property a4ww t to _ jjQ/ a 91 t 'lus.J1dR IC __.a )Name of Properly ovem A oropedy mad a113 Address. Let. Owk, Road. el¢.) an .Zl'Li/ . in fi/..i�,uo�, /A,6_, �n..xvr_ �er,af�. N.c l_ ddwbocV)—.�--... ow ndlor county) / He has dewbed to me m shmm in the adectred appleakwi mW project drasirVa), !m development he is proposing at &IN Isom" . NW. I have no agedions to his proposal. —/jj,iEC- 71D,)L �t/i)LX. LrrL cure S Print m Type Name �oH.93o- 95to _ Telephone Number 3-to, 16 Date R-4ECEWEG DCIA WII_MINGTON, NC APR 062016 �r NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R. Van der Vaart Govemor Secretary AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date: Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Name of Authorized Agent for this project: n'�y �\ � �, .e f1 �o� Av Owner's Mailing Address. Email. Phone Agent's Mailing Address: tll v�l`.n V Email.�dSovO�i> :(� Yoj;Nr Phone (rU4) Sp(a--IJL 0L+ I certify that I have authorized the agent listed above to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for, and obtaini g all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct the following (activity): For my property located at E 3 ZZ This certification is valid 1 year from (date) 3- 1L-\ (s Property r Signature �Date iL G IIVE1) DCM WILMINGTON, NC N.C. avision of Coastal Management APR 0 6 2016 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., WImington, NO 28405 Phone: 910-798-7215WAX: 910-395J984 !nternet: An Equal OppuWraly 1 Afirtvlrve Action Empl W a�- 20130OM7 FOR IZEGISTRFITIONMWEQI6Tp OF DEEDS 29i3 FN 84:12:23�1I BK:57 PGIM-33 f�E:i42.6B x) al IMM Name of Map Owner's Name Type of Map: ✓ Subdivision Condo Highway Book Irp7 Page(s) Q (o l - oZ UA Number of Pages: Recorded By: Deputy I 21 RECEIVED nrnn WLMINGTON, NC ,PR 0 6 2016" ... I corrcc#fA Ce C I sToAt s ac n+-nto7 W4S U.& OEPARTMENT OF HOMELMD aECURIrY ELEVATION CERTIFICATE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGENCY OMB No. 1860-0006 National Floafhuurmrce Program Important: Read the instructions on pages 1-0. Expiration Date: duty 31, 2D15 SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Al. Building Owner's Name MREC T'dalwask, LLC Policy Number. A2. Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. Company NAIC Nunbec r 1322 Tidalwalk Dr. City Wilmington State NC ZIP Code G A3. Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) T La 428 Map Book 57 pg 261 tax #RW200-005-225-WO P A4. Building Use (e.g., Residential, Non•Residential, Addition, Accessory, etc.) rl ' A5. tatitudakmgRude: Let. 34,06787 Long.-77.6as42 Horizontal Datum: ❑ NAD 1927 ® NAD 1983 A6. Attach at Is" 2 photographs of the busdhlg If the Certificate is being used to obtain flood Insurance. A7. Building Diagram Number' ¢ Ali. For a building with a Crowsspace or arcosuro(s): Ag. For a building with an attached garage: a) Square footage of crawispece or enclosure(s) 2jF2 sq R a) Square footage of attached garage 0 sq It b) Number of penneneot flood openings In the crowlepace b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage or anclosure(s) within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade Q within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade Q c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.b 0 sq In c) Total net area of flood openings in A9.b Q aq In d) Engineered flood openings? ® Yes ❑ No d) Engineered flood openings? ❑ Yes ® No SECTION 8 - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B7. NFIPHA Community Name / Community Number I NEW County Name NC State NEW HANGVER COUNTY t 370168 NEW HANOVER NC 84. Map/Panel Number B5. SufFrk 136. FIRM Index Date B7. FIRM Panel B8. Flood B9. Base Flood Elevation(s) (Zoe 3720313200d/313 d 4a•2006 Effective/Revised Date Zoo/eE(s) I is AO, use base ood depth) 810. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFW data or base flood depth entered in Item B9. N FIS Profile ❑ FIRM ❑ Community Determined 0 Otter/Source: FFUS B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item B9: ❑ NGVD 1929 ® NAVD 19m ❑ Other/Source: _ B12. is the building located Ina Coastal Baffler Resources System CBRS) area Or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? ❑ Yes IN No Designation Date: ❑ CBRS ❑ OPA SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) Cl. Building elevations are based on: ® Construction Drawings• ❑ Building Under Construction' ❑ Finished Construction •A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of tiro building Is complete. C2. Elevations -Zones A7-A30, AE, AH, A (with SFE), VE, Vt-V30, V (with SFE), AR, ARIA, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, ARIAH, ARIAO. Complete items C2.a- i below according to the building diagram specify in Rem A7. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Benchmark Utilized: VRS Vertical Datum: NAVD 88 Indicate elevation datum used for the elevations in sera a) through h) below. O NGVD 1929 R NAVO 1988 O Other/Source: _ Datum used for building elevations must be the same as that used for the BFE. Check the measurement used. a) Top Of boson floor (Including basement, crawlapeoe, or enclosure floor) 91 0 feet ❑ meters b) Tap of the next higher floor i2-2 0 feet ❑ meters c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (V Zones only) 18..2 0 feet ❑ meters d) Attached garage (top of slab) )�._ ❑feet ❑ meters e) Lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the bustling �._ ❑ feet ❑ meters (Describe type of equipment and location in Comments) 0 Lowest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (LAG) 3.11 8 feet ❑ meters g) Highest adjxeM (flnLahed) grade next to building (HAG) 4.4 ® feet ❑ meters h) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of dock or stabs, Inewding structural support 4,.1 ® feet ❑ meters SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sesied by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. / Certify that the Wormeaon on this CedtBcate represents my best e8'ots to interpret the data evadable. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or 7mpdsonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section f001. ® Check here R comments are provided on back of form. Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided by a ❑ Check here R attachments. licensed land surveyors ® Yes ❑ No r Certifier'e Name MILES MCCALL License Number L-351 B ' Title OWNER Company Name ATLANTIC COAST SURVEY Address P.O. BOX 1258E City WILMINGTON State NC ZIP Code 28405 Signature �� ,�l(s 3.28-16 Telephone 910443.0080 N !,,? L-3516 0: y � ,\ U R�� /t��Fs7pr l IMi (7112) See reverse side for continuation. Replaces MR previous editions. ELEVATION CERTIFICATE, page 2 IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding Information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number. 1322 TIDALWALK DR City WILMINGTON State NC ZIP Code Company NAIC Number: SECTION D- SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy loth sides of this Mevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) Insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. Comments LOT 15 VACANT. NO STRUCTURES ON SITE. NO "SERVICING EQUIPMENT SHOWN ON PLANS SO NO ELEVATIONS FOR SUCH PROVIDED. THE LOWER LEVEL ENCLOSURE SHOWS NO FLOOD VENTS BUT THE PLANS DO STATE THAT "BREAK AWAY WALLS" ARE TO BE USED. ffe ELEVATIONS DERIVED BY STARTING WITH bfe AND WORKING DOWN FROM THERE.This is a preliminary elevation certificate based on construction plans. lot is vacant- no photographs provided. Signature �� y �/ Date 3.28.16 SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A (without BFE), complete Roma El-E5. If the Certificate is Intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F request, Complete Sections A, B, and C. For Items El-E4, use natural grade, if available. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter metsre. Et. Provide elevation Information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above of below the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowest adjacent grade (LAG). a) Top of bottom floor Including basement, crawlepace, or enclosure) Is _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the NAG. b) Top of bottorn floor (including basement, crawispace, or enclosure) is _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams " with permanent food openings provided in Section A Items 6 and/or 9 (seepages 6-9 of Instructions), the next higher floor (elevation C2.b in the diagrams) of the building le _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or [bel w the HAG. E3. Atlachad garage (top of slab) Is ❑ feet ❑ matters ❑ above or ❑ below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is _ _ ❑ feet ❑ matters ❑ above or ❑ below the HAG. E5. Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown. The local official must certify this 'adormation in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A. 8, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA issued or cwnmunay-issued SFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, end E are correct to the beet of my knowledge. Property Owner's or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Address City State ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments ❑ Check here if attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is suthortrad by law or ordinance to administer the eommuratys floodplein management ordinance can complete Sections A. 8, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable Items) and sign below. Check the measurement used in hems GS-G10. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. G1. ❑ The Information In Section C weii taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who Is authorized by law to certify elevation Informatlon. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. ❑ A community official completed Section E for a buidirg located In Zone A (without a FEMAmissued or commonly-keuad BFE) or7Ana AO. G3. ❑ The fotowlng Information (Items G4-010) is provided for community floodplaln maneasmant purposes. GC Permit Number G5. Date Permit Issues I G6, Date Certificate Off CompliancelOccupancy Issued G7. This permit has been Issued for: ❑ New Construction ❑ Substantial Improvement G6. Elevation of as -built lowest flow including basemerntt of the Wilding: ❑ lest ❑ meters Datum G9. BFE or (in Zane AO) depth of fling at the building site: _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters Datum. — G1O. Communky's design flood elevation: _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters Daher _ Local Offidel's Name Tale Community Name Telephone Signature Data Comments Check here h attachments. FEMA Form 086-0-33 (7112) Replaces all previous editions. Roberts, Patricia From: Jason Akins <> Serra Wednesday, April 06, 2016 12:48 PM To: Roberts, Patricia Subject: Re: FW: Lot 4281322 Tidalwalk Thanks. I've talked to a few people already who have all said that what was added is all fine and within guidelines. The piling installer also said he did the same thing on the houses already built there and is does not affect his structural pilings. The two houses closer to the water. Art Davis and tongue and groove added similar dirt On Wednesday, April 6, 2016, Roberts, Patricia <> wrote: See attached NHC Flood Ordinance see page 24. (5) A registered professional engineer architect shall certify that the design specifications and plans for construction are in compliance with the provisions contained in Article 4, section B. Article 5 Section G(3) (a) & (b). Article 5.Section g(4) and Article 5.Section G(6) of this ordinance on the current version of the North Carolina "National Flood Insurance Program V-Zone Certificate Form. (6) Fill shall not be used for structural support. Limited non -compacted and non- stabilized fill shall be used around the perimeter of a building for landscaping, aesthetic purposes provided it is demonstrated through coastal engineering analysis that the proposed fill would not result in any increase in the Base Flood Elevation and not cause any adverse impacts by Wave ramping and deflection to the subject structure or adjacent properties_ Please provide this letter stating that this fill is Fill that is not to be used for structural support and follow all items in the NHC Flood Ordinance on page 24. Also please provide a V — zone Certificate. The CAMA permit will be placed on hold on this 14 day so that all the required items can be submitted: 1) V- Zone Certificate 2) Engineer letter as page 24 states for the fill dirt and that this is fill is not being used for structural support. 3) Provide a site plan showing the location of the fill dirt 4) As mentioned in past weeks the building permit needs a V zone certificate so that zoning can complete the review. 5) The CAMA will be placed on hold as of today until all items listed are submitted. ;��vCiVED D M WILMINGTON, NC t APR 062016 Will email a CAMA on hold letter today to you. Respectfully, Patricia Roberts 798-7348 From: Jason Akins [mailto:Oda kinsllOyahoo.coml Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:19 AM To: Roberts, Patricia Subject: Lot 428 The sand brought in to raise the slab to the proper elevation to match the elevation certificate is shown in the highlighted area Thanks Jason Total Control Panel To: wohelu@nhe Remove this sender from my allow list From: jason@ 16pointeproper You received this message because the sender it on yarrr allow list. -31HCEi EID DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 0 6 2016 Login Roberts, Patricia From: Jason Akins <> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 3:54 PM To: Roberts, Patricia Subject: Fw: revised elevation cert - lot 428 Tidalwalk Attachments: revised ticialwalk lot 428 elev cert based on plans 03282016.pdf, Davis survery with pool marked off.pdf Patricia, Thank you for your help. here is Miles revised Elevation certificate and the survey with the pool marked off. 16 Pointe Properties will not be building the pool or have anything to do with it. A separate contract with Able pools and the homeowner has been procured for the pool. I am working on Jim to get me the VE zone certification. I believe that was all you needed. If I need to come in to fill out anything I else I can be there first thing tomorrow On Monday, March 28, 2016 2:35 PM, Miles McCall<> wrote: Well I did the best I could considering no one gave me any direction as to what they wanted the FIFE to be - plus considering I'm doing this for free. I was originally hired to do an elev cart for a vacant lot - before anyone had even looked at it - no plans no nothing. There is a revised elev cart attached raising the lowest structural member to 18.2. This one should do the trick. Miles McCall, PLS Owner/Mgr. Atlantic Coast Survey 910 443-0080 This email and all attachments are confidential. If this email has reached you and you are not the intended receiver please disregard this email and delete it and all attachments. From: Jason Akins <> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 2:13 PM To: Miles McCall Subject: Re: revised elevation cert - lot 428 Tidalwalk Miles, Can you please give me a call. The building dept is saying the elev cert is incorrect and they need it redone to show 18 feet instead of 17.2. 1 also had another question or 2 about it. Thanks, DCivl WILM�INGTON, NC 1 APR 0 6 2016 Jason Akins 7045062404 On Thursday, March 3, 2016 10:10 AM, Miles McCall <> wrote: Jason revised elev cart attached. Pat, you are copied so you will have it for your records FYI - we ran an elevation down from centerline monument at Dunewalk and Tidatwaik - I have an 88 elevation there. Most of the as bulks and such were originally done on NGVD 29 datum as that is what the subdivision was originally designed on. Miles McCall, PLS Owner/Mgr. Atlantic Coast Survey 910 443-0080 This email and all attachments are confidential. If this email has reached you and you are not the intended receiver please disregard this email and delete it and all attachments. From: Jason Akins <> Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 3:30 PM To: Miles McCall Subject: Re: Davis Finals with Wall Section Miles, I was just double checking on this elevation certificate. When do you think It will be completed? Thank You, Jason Akins On Monday, February 29, 2016 11:40 AM, Miles Mccall<> wrote: I didn't know thought maybe Pat had done it. Miles McCall Atlantic Coast Survey RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 0 6 2016 Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID Jason Akins <jdakinsl 1> wrote: Mlles, I just realized I don't think you ever got the house plans for the Davis's (lot 428) 1 believe you have the site plan. Can you send me back the elevation certificate please. Jason Akins 7045062404 On Saturday, February 13, 2016 12:41 PM, Craig Newkirk <> wrote: Here you go... Total Control Panel To: Mbets(d,nhceov com Remove this sender from my allow list From: jdakins l l You received this message because the sender is on)vur allow list. Login a"i- ECE NED DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 062016 Roberts, Patricia From: Jason Akins <> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 20164:12 PM To: Roberts, Patricia Subject: Re: please confirm by email what the description of work is for the CAMA permit PleaseRE: revised elevation cert - lot 428 Tidalwalk 16 Pointe Properties LLC is building a single family home on pilings in a VE16 zone with the bottom of the lowest horizontal member being at 18 ft, the top of the slab at 6.5 feet and the highest adjacent grade at 4.4 ft. We will be bringing in approximate 1.5 feet of fill dirt to raise the garage slab on the house above the adjacent grade for proper water flow away from the home. We will be installing a wooden drip through driveway made of treated 2x6x12's for the driveway so as not to exceed any impervious areas allowed on the property. The property will have an elevated decktplatform for the mechanical and electrical items with the bottom member also being at 18 ft. We will be installing a drain pipe at the road as shown on the survey. A pool has been proposed on the property but 16 Pointe Properties will not have anything to do with pool regarding construction or liability. The homeowner has a separate contract with Able Pools who may wish to modify this exemption at a later date or file for a new Cama exemption or permit for the pool. Thanks again and I hope this is what you were looking for. let me know if you need anything else Jason On Thursday, March 31, 2016 4:01 PM, "Roberts, Patricia" <> wrote: Please confirm the description of work for you CAMA permit is for the residential house only and not the pool. Thanks Patricia Roberts From: Jason Akins [mailto:jdakinsl I] Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 3:54 PM To: Roberts, Patricia Subject: Fw: revised elevation cert - lot 428 Tidalwalk Patricia, Thank you for your help. here is Miles revised Elevation certificate and the survey with the pool marked off. 16 Pointe Properties will not be building the pool or have anything to do with it. A separate contract with Able pools and the homeowner has been procured for the pool. I am working on Jim to get me the VE zone certification. I believe that was all you needed. If I need to come in to fill out anything I else I can be there first thing tomorrow On Monday, March 28, 2016 2:35 PM, Miles McCall <mmccall(cDatlantiocoastsurvev com> wrote: Well I dial the best I could considering no one gave me any direction as to what they wanted the FFE to be - plus considering I'm doing this for free. L k- e✓ V E D DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 0 6 2016 Roberts, Patricia From: Roberts, Patricia Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 8:12 AM To: 'Pat Bristow'; 'Jason Akins' Subject Thank you for that Information RE: Tidalwalk Good Morning, Thank you for that information. From Patricia Roberts 798-7348 From: Pat Bristow [] Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2016 4:17 PM To: 'Jason Akins'; Roberts, Patricia Subject: RE: Tidalwalk Jason, I show the COD that way because if you draw it the way the original surveyor did, it captures land that is more than 75 feet from the resource. When the line angles like that and you extend the offset lines until they meet, it takes in land that should not be subject to the COD. By drawing the circle with a radius of 75 feet, you only encumber the land that is truly within 75 feet of the resource. The more severe the angle, the more land gets captured that does not belong to be. Sketch this scenario on a piece of paper and you will see what I mean. Pat Patricia Roberts I Zoning Compliance Official Planning & Inspections - Planning & Zoning New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7348 p 1 (910) 798-7053 f From: Jason Akins[mailto•jasonCcdl6pointeorooerties com] Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 4:06 PM To: Pat Bristow; Roberts, Patrida Subject: Re: Tidalwalk Pat, Patricia is trying to reference the map book and deed books that show on the top right comer. She is having trouble pulling up the fast deed book 5537 page 577. The big question is the 75 COD line shown that is rounded does not match the book 57 page 262 which shows a triangle. I know the new maps Tidal Walk has show the rounded but she is just trying to match it up to make sure the pool is not affected. Thanks, ED Jason I ,CM Ni{LMINGTON, NG APR 0 ' 2016 On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 9:53 AM, Pat Bristow <patAbristowsurveving com> wrote: Jason, Here is the site plan with the house moved back and over 2 feet and the driveway moved to the 5 foot limit. Let me know if all looks ok. Pat Patrick C. Bristow Land Surveying, PC Patrick C. Bristow, PLS 4113-A Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC, 28403 Office: 910-791-1500 Cell: 91OA71-9998 Fax: 910-791-1504 Email: oat rni.bristowsurvevimaxom RECEIVED DCM WILMiNGTON, NC APR 0 6 2016 2 No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2016.0.7442 / Virus Database: 4545/11950 - Release Date: 04/03/16 Total Control Panel To: iZrQ s(a) Remove this sender from my allow list From: patAbrisLQwsurvcYing,com You received this message because the sender is on your allow list. riE Cat--iVED UCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 0 6 2016 I.oein 3 Roberts, Patricia From: Roberts, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:03 AM To: 'Jason Akins' Cc: 'Mains, Robb U Subject: Need to show location of dirt on site plan FW: Pool cannot be modified in a LAMA exemption lot 428 Tidalwalk 1) You need to list the amount of fill dirt you are bringing in and show the location on the site plan you submitted for a Single Family House 2) Your engineer needs to verify that this is NOT Structural Fill Dirt 3) The V-zone Certificate has not been received 4) Since out office has not received the V Zone Certificate we cannot issue the building permit. 5) Your engineer needs to certify that this fill dirt is not structural fill dirt. Respectfully, Patricia Roberts From: Jason Akins [] Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 10:13 AM To: Roberts, Patricia Subject: Re: Pool can not be modified in a CAMA exemption lot 428 Tidalwalk Ok. I wasn't sure on the pool that's why I put they can modify or apply for a new one. I will forward the v zone cert as soon as it's in my hand Thanks Sent from my iPhone On Apr 1, 2016, at 8:34 AM, Roberts, Patricia <PRobertsCnhc og> wrote: The pool cannot be modified in a CAMA Exemption that I will be issuing for a Single Family house. The pool person will need to make Application under CAMA Minor Application. I will be reviewing all the information you sent in for your CAMA Exemption and will be waiting for the V-zone certification. Respectfully, Patricia Roberts From: Jason Akins [mailto:idakinsll@vahoo.coml Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 4:12 PM To: Roberts, Patricia RECt=WED DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 0 b 2016 Subject: Re: please confirm by email what the description of work is for the CAMA permit PleaseRE: revised elevation cert - lot 428 Tidalwalk 16 Pointe Properties LLC is building a single family home on pilings in a VE16 zone with the bottom of the lowest horizontal member being at 18 ft, the top of the slab at 6.5 feet and the highest adjacent grade at 4.4 ft. We will be bringing in approximate 1.5 feet of fill dirt to raise the garage slab on the house above the adjacent grade for proper water flow away from the home. We will be installing a wooden drip through driveway made of treated 2x6x12's for the driveway so as not to exceed any impervious areas allowed on the property. The property will have an elevated deck/platform for the mechanical and electrical items with the bottom member also being at 18 ft. We will be installing a drain pipe at the road as shown on the survey. A pool has been proposed on the property but 16 Pointe Properties will not have anything to do with pool regarding construction or liability. The homeowner has a separate contract with Able Pools who may wish to modify this exemption at a later date or file for a new Cama exemption or permit for the pool. Thanks again and I hope this is what you were looking for. let me know if you need anything else Jason On Thursday, March 31, 2016 4:01 PM, "Roberts, Patricia" <PRoberts(> wrote: Please confirm the description of work for you CAMA permit is for the residential house only and not the pool. Thanks Patricia Roberts From: Jason Akins fmailto:idakinsl10yahoo.coml Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 3:54 PM To: Roberts, Patricia Subject: Fw: revised elevation cart - lot 428 Tidalwalk Patricia, Thank you for your help. here is Miles revised Elevation certificate and the survey with the pool marked off. 16 Pointe Properties will not be building the pool or have anything to do with it. A separate contract with Able pools and the homeowner has been procured for the pool. I am working on Jim to get me the VE zone certification. I believe that was all you needed. If I need to come in to fill out anything I else I can be there first thing tomorrow On Monday, March 28, 2016 2:35 PM, Miles McCall <mmccall(a)-atlanticcoastsurvev com> wrote: Well I did the best I could considering no one gave me any direction as to what they wanted the FFE to be - plus considering Pm doing this for free. I was originally hired to do an elev cert for a vacant lot - before anyone had even looked at it - no plans no nothing. There is a revised elev cert attached raising the lowest structural member to 18.2. This one should do the trick. • =C t )V t-D DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 0 6 2016 Miles McCall, PLS Owner/Mgr. Atlantic Coast Survey 910 443-0080 This email and all attachments are confidential. If this email has reached you and you are not the intended receiver please disregard this email and delete it and all attachments. From: Jason Akins <idakmsl> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 2:13 PM To: Miles McCall Subject: Re: revised elevation cert - lot 428 Tidalwalk Miles, Can you please give me a call. The building dept is saying the elev cert is incorrect and they need it re -done to show 18 feet instead of 17.2. I also had another question or 2 about it. Thanks, Jason Akins 7045062404 On Thursday, March 3, 2016 10:10 AM, Miles McCall <mmccall(a�> wrote: Jason revised elev cert attached. Pat, you are copied so you will have it for your records FYI - we ran an elevation down from centerline monument at Dunewalk and Tidalwalk - I have an 88 elevation there. Most of the as builts and such were originally done on NGVD 29 datum as that is what the subdivision was originally designed on. Miles McCall, PLS zi t=l f=! V E L) Owner/Mgr. CA WILMINGTON, NC Atlantic Coast Survey APR LQj6 910 443-0080 This email and all attachments are confidential. If this email has reached you and you are not the intended receiver please disregard this email and delete it and all attachments. From: Jason Akins <> Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 3:30 PM To: Miles McCall Subject: Re: Davis Finals with Wall Section Miles, I was just double checking on this elevation certificate. When do you think It will be completed? Thank You, Jason Akins On Monday, February 29, 2016 11:40 AM, Miles Mccall <mmccall(a1atlanticcoastsurvev com> wrote: I didn't know thought maybe Pat had done it. Miles McCall Atlantic Coast Survey Seni rom my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID Jason Akins <jdakinsl 1(a> wrote: MDes, I just realized I don't think you ever got the house plans for the Davis's (lot 428) I believe you have the site plan. Can you send me back the elevation certificate please. Jason Akins 7045062404 On Saturday, February 13, 2016 12:41 PM, Craig Newkirk <crai¢newkirk69talsmai! com> wrote: Here you go... Total Control Panel )Atjn To: mnbertsQnhcgov com Remove this sender from my allow list From: idakins l l ta]vahoocom DCM WILMINGTON, NC You received this message because the sender a on your allow list. APR 0 U '2016 PAT MCCRORY Gommor 7;a DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BRAXTON DAVIS Director MEMORANDUM TO: Heather Coats, DCM Major Permit Assistant Coordinator, Wilmington FROM: Sean Farrell, DCM Field Representative, Wilmington THRU: Debra D. Wilson, DCM District Manager, Wilmington DATE: May 12, 2016 SUBJECT: Permit Modification Request CAMA Major Permit #56-07 MREC-Tidal Walk, LLC, New Hanover County Ms. Dana Lutheran with Southern Environmental Group, LLC acting on behalf of MREC-Tidal Walk, LLC is requesting to modify State Permit #56-07, which was originally issued to Myrtle Grove Investments, LLC c/o Tim Wilson on May 30, 2007 for upland development for the Tidal Walk Subdivision off Myrtle Grove Road, New Hanover County. State Permit #56-07 was modified on May 4, 2009 for the construction of a ten slip community docking facility for the Tidal Walk Subdivision within Myrtle Grove Sound/AIWW. State Permit #56-07 was then transferred to MREC-Tidal Walk, LLC on March 18, 2011 and was modified on August 14, 2013 for the construction of an elevated boardwalk. State Permit # 56-07 was last modified on March 19, 2015 for the demolition of an existing building and for the construction of an asphalt drive and parking area and three (3) vinyl retaining walls. State Permit #56-07 is due to expire on December 31, 2016. The MREC-Tidal Walk, LLC maintains State Stormwater Permit No. SW8060223. Ms. Lutheran is requesting the fill of approximately 69 sq. ft. of "Section 404" wetlands within Lot 428 of the Tidal Walk Subdivision for the construction of a concrete driveway entrance and slab with a 15" in diameter by 15' in length RCP. Lot 428 is located entirely within the 575' ORW AEC. The upland development of the single family residence, associated pool, and wooden drip thru drive were recently authorized by New Hanover County under CAMA Exemption #16-10 on April 8, 2016. Ms. Lutheran is also proposing changes to Lots 501-526 to allow for development of duplex townhomes as opposed to the originally proposed development of Single Family Residences, stating that the proposed townhomes would not exceed the allotted impervious surface area that was originally designated to each lot. Ms. Lutheran has included a check (ck. No. 2307) in the amount of $100 for the modification request. This office has no objections to the modification of State Permit #56-07. By copy of this memo, DCM is requesting that the USACE, DEMLR, DWR and New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Dept. provide any comment that your agency may have on the proposed project to Heather Coats of DCM's Wilmington office within 14 days of receipt of this memo. Enclosures cc: Tyler Crumbley, USACE Chad Coburn, DWR Linda Lewis, DEMLR Patricia Roberts and Sam Burgess, NH Co. Planning and Inspections Dept. Nothing Compares�- State ofNorth Carolina I Eoviimmnental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215