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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCB_16-12_AdersonDan Wilcox Mayor Steve Shuttleworth Council Member Gary Doetsch Council Member Town of Carolina Beach 1121 N. Lake Park Boulevard Carolina Beach, North Carolina 28428 TEL: (910) 458-2999 FAX: (910) 458-2997 6/30/2016 Dave & Denise Anderson 1007 Waterview PI Carolina Beach, NC 28428 LeAnn Pierce Mayor Pro Tem Tom Bridges Council Member Michael Cramer Town Manager Exemption Number — CBE 16-12 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR (15A NCAC 07K .0103) PROJECT ADDRESS —1007 Waterview PI AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — Estuarine Shoreline To Whom It May Concern: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on 6/22/2016, I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on 6/22/2016, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - (G.S. 113-103(5)(B)(5) and 7K 0109) - Structures may be repaired in a similar manner, size and location as the original structure No expansions or additions are permissible. The repairs are limited to 50% of the physical value of the existing structure and the following specific conditions. 1. Replacing pitched roof with dormered roof. 2. The proposed repairs shall be consistent with all other applicable local ordinances and North Carolina Building Code standards. 3. No changes shall be made to the building footprint. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization and N.C. Building Permits. This exemption expires 90 days fiom the date of the letter. Sincerely, Abby Lorenzo, LPO t—i- E c c i V E D Town of Carolina Beach 1121 North Lake Park Blvd. uCM WILMINGTON, N Carolina Beach, NC 28428 JUL 0 7 2016 Cousbuctlm oa Bre kdown �ww Dave and Denise Anderson 1007 WalervIs, Ct Carolina Beach, N.C. 28428 By Tom Sayre Const Inc 1330 St Joseph St Carollna Beach N.C. 28428 Contract Price: 49.50.00 ITEMS TD BE fAMPLETED Bud at Cort era $ 2 Pennm Impact Fee Insumnce $1.050.00 3 Sae Work I ClearIng I Omdlrii $0.00 { F Mlrp I Found.0.1 Slab $D.00 5 Fmmin : FI. I WeM I Roof nswlShe.tll' $• 300.DO 6 Roof: ShIng1w I Metal I Tile $0.00 T fl,epfucr. IMp 3 $0.W 8 Rre : Rack Vaneer I Manteh $0.00 9 Inrulation: Wall and Attic $360.00 10 Sheatrocc H.g a Mbb SZ SW.00 11 PlunN :Rau In Indude. WWloiwr Inlwb 12 El"Iod: Rough -in Includes law "I 1300.00 135e Ic Tank Sewer (to Include all Fees $0A0 14 Water Meter I Well coIete $0.00 15 HVAC: Rough -In does not Mclude unR4 $400.00 15 Exterlor SIdInt. Vin I or Hardl boats SO= 17 Exw siai : Stwaverkkvxvarara. OOD00 18 Etterlor Tnm: Samt I Facia $4400.00 19 Ntedor Palntl : Pdme a Paint M.00 20 Ealwb Dwk. #W InF $1000.00 21 Exterior W adowa & Wars $2 070.00 22 Garet. Daor • $0.W 23 Drlvewe a $0.00 24 $0.00 25 ImMarTnm & Doors $850.00 26 Shaw Treads, Rh,m. BakeMe a Failings $0.00 27 ldedor Palnl dm, end Fl l h $0.00 28 Cabnat, & Vnitl„ $0.00 29 Counters $O.OD 30 Wail TIIe: Widen BadMIMIN andkr Btlhn om W9Ih - $0.00 31 Floom Ce $0.00 32 Floonng Tile 33 Floonn laminnq .00 34Mmang FLaure, Includes TOM, A Hot VMhr'Ib4s $1075.00 35 pecidcal: Fll rea m Include,Alcta, a oal" .00 36 HVAC Cam sor $0.00 37 Heel P..p I F.. onk, rabic .00 38 Showw Won I Mlrmn I Both Aoosonh, $0.00 39 Hardware: Shelving Door if A .1111 40 Apal.. Installed $0.00 11 Paul I Se -a I Spa $0.00 12 Elevator Shaft a Mt .00 13 Outten I D $600.00 44 Fnhhod OmdlrV $0.00 .5 Dablh & SIN Glyn up I Pads Tdbh $3,200.00 46 Landscap, I W4t. I OMwfw st asm. $0.00 17 Fences & Oat., $0.00 48 Conanle pip.In Gam ditch -28 kneel had 1 $0.00 49 ftpaneUmr sal "lims M FP am mage I $0.00 50 Other. Total $49.60.00 Speciality Items with separate contracts : (Ilst below) 0M -. otra- oma- riECr=i fED DCM WILMINGTON. NG JUL 0 7 2016