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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBald Head Island Limited (3)�. OF •
The Village of Bald Head Island
Development Services
June 3, 2016
Bald Head Island Limited
C/O Bruce Marek
PO Box 3069
Bald Head Island NC 28461
Exemption Number — 2016-F
PROJECT ADDRESS — Harbor Tent Site Dock
Dear Mr. Marek:
I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the
necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area
Management Act. After making a site inspection on June 2, 2016, 1 have determined
that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as
long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on June
2, 2016, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and
your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding.
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR — [15A NCAC 7K .0209(c)] -Any structure, or part
thereof, consistent with current CRC rules may be maintained, repaired or replaced in a
similar manner, size and location as the existing structure without requiring a permit,
unless the repair or replacement would be in violation of the criteria set out below. This
exemption applies to those projects that are not within the exclusion for maintenance
and repairs as set out in G.S. 113A-103(5)b.5., Rule .0103 of this Subchapter and Rule
07J .0210.
1. the development must not disturb a land area of greater than 200 square feet
on a slope of greater than 10 percent;
2. the development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of
threatened or endangered animal or plant species;
3. the development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface
drainage channels;
4. the development must not alter the land form or vegetation of a frontal dune.
P.O. Bar 3009 BALD HEAD ISLAND, NC 28461 (910) 457-6255 FAX (910) 457 6106
E-MAIL: sboyett@villagebhi.orgWEBSITE ht1p.11www.villagehhi.wg,CiVEE)
JUN 0 3 2016
5. the development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level or normal
high water level; and;
6. development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local
land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted.
Structures may be repaired in a similar manner, size and location as the original
structure. No expansions or additions are permissible and the following specific
conditions apply:
1. The project consists of the repair of of 5 sets of piles to existing dock, as shown
on the attached drawing and materials list.
2. The proposed repairs shall be consistent with all other applicable local
ordinances and North Carolina Building Code standards.
This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your
obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization and N.C. Building Permits.
This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter.
Stephen Boyett, LPO
Bald Head Island
PO Box 3009
Bald Head Island NC 23461
Cc: Holley Snider
!UN 0 3 20%
P.O. Box 3009 BALD HEAD ISLAND, NC 28461 (910) 457-6255 FAX (910) 457-6206
E-MAIL: ►VEBSITE http://)ov)
Stephen Bovett
From: Bruce Marek
Sent: Thursday, June 02. 2016 12:43 PM
To: 'Stephen Boyett'
Cc:; 'Jim Henry'; 'Snider, Holley'; 'Ben Traynham'; Bill Mack
Subject: BHI Tent Site Creek Dock Repair Exemption Drawing 6-2-16
Attachments: CAMA 191-86 BHI Harbour Village Repair Exemption Request Drawing 6-2-16 BMPE for
Tent Site Creek Dock 10 Piles plus Bracing,PDF; BHI Tent Site Dock Came Repair
Exemption 7-10-12-CAMA Repair Exemption Square Piles.pdf; CAMA 191.86 BHI Tent Site
Creek Dock for Repair Exemption June 2 2016 BMPE w seal note.pdf
Hi Stephen,
Here is the drawing, which includes a description of the repair exemption request. I am giving you the same 11"x17"
color photo drawing twice, one with a seal date note jfor today) and one that is sealed. The drawing loses resolution
when I scan it after I seal it. I have also included the 2012 Repair Exemption drawing which shows the escarpment
between pile sets 7 & 8 from the tent site bulkhead, and a 2007 aerial photo showing it at the 9th set. Pile sets are appx
8' o.c.
Charlie Perry should be receiving the 10 piles tonite. We talked about Saturday installation, weather permitting, but I
would not be surprised if materials in hand he shows up possibly as soon as tomorrow. Ben Traynham and Bill Mack are
in the loop on this also. Note that I have specified 30' length piles, but I am happy with a minimum of 8' embedment =
23-24' of pile length at locations #10, #11, #12 & # 13. With his pile driver there shouldn't be a problem getting full
embedment, but just in case he doesn't I am good with some cut-off.
Probably best if the repair exemption gets to Ben to have on hand in the marina office over the weekend. If you can
scan/pdf me a copy, I will make sure that Charlie has it also.
Thanks, and have a great day
Bruce Marek, P.E.
5489 Eastwind Rd.
Wilmington, NC 28403
JUN o 3 2016
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JUN 0 3 2016
JUN 0 3 2016
Bad Head Island Tent See
Creek Dock God& Earth
Escam"m a a15M sat or
Striders Pees horn alblead -
sppa w (SApes in yellow).
01 711WO12 the escarprnnq
was helween QM 7th 6 aM eat
of agoam piles. In 2007 It area
at the Mh •e10l square Paris
than, the bulkhead.
- 1...........I —
Bab Head lush Limled, LLC BaUHesdbWdTem SaeCaekD Rapo]r Esempaon RegI A
to lU P T Timm Manna Piles (CCA 2.'i a Delte+), Alp. 30' Length by 6'-10- diameter
Said Head Island Trod Said Creek Dock tltmlh akg Initial 102't Lerg11 pier gain lon had IF g 6.6
InvaIt" as 5 nos of . ppde, al E Ihag Srloaa Pita Lowlron9 (epps 6' u c Longihuknasy) m nnsde of Siw . umod par duck. Carnun0
past, 2.5 CCA square Peas, k1• ~ wer 6' In depth add Me mudane. Ereabn Nat has been
lrnm the pelknead on lend, oI,, sna b ad at Poe set bcadons 9. 10.11 12, A 13.
Pilo Sete s 1 e 13 are haserng. so the laqueslal puss at Idealbn I 6 13 to W aut oud at the immewoek, War p.1s y P. cross has to be
occufkg area, has depM M mudM M spits 16 ban top of darkhq to mudNe at pass sea 10 6 12
InsWled as a now" girder spanning In the Transverse (6') direauch Coanung 'do diarnelers In. ghdar path In he app. 6Iro," ban 2'.E'
ham the larldwad lubhead. Pee sea k11 6 NO are MSYg. Pae SW Ieenal are alay. 9' on
T.a dal Lauber.
venter. Note Mal there Is aelna balsa se dive trail we aril W to straighten our.
At Plla Sea 0. 10 6 12 Na au Wtle cater pile mkkMn cuss Thruauli Io eabdrg b'r6'squae PW min al lop nea deCF, erg one near
,fdeline r0 of t U H430 (Hal lkp Gelesnded)601'3 G all thmad Ind (pW and" Nats, Flat and 09" washers io nc r sed as ppprplNyta.
ne 20ti 0usse18rarnp Iran F'ae set 10 m IW F'ler one from 12 to lhe Ider lobe ekrrvnaled ul randeahn of tba 10 rapa r piles. Tranrmrse
4Osi taavng la lass on each pl'u see eireibl It, IM roalq pae seGbn all Irye {06
Round Sister r"..bbe.1land el pit. set beetle.. u 10aa12. PYvs nI MlaWrp plln sea a13Ae11, nrM sismr pik set of sg wnbe
Installed al a $e time 11 turn or material prplarramenl preclude. led being wmple:ed nn in onca
.. 15TS,ye
Pon wan •lsstpad lkih Tans Site Creek Dock 61.10 sh awing
as per 4-111,2010 Repak bradrg put In par 2014 Repair EAanO
Repair is *raw satehg at Wb Seta 910 and ai2ea a roprtb
tt vr-D
JUN 0 3 2016
Ofild Hired• la Ilo ..0 A191-.
Repair reenptlon Bfael ng
Tent Site Creek ppCy P e RPpp IrS
June 2.
P. E.
al nl on, NC 910-2
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