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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWB_16-01_Prevost, TOWN OF WMGHTSVILLE BEACH s = PLANNING AND PARKS • 321 CAUSEWAY DRIVE • P.O. BOX 626 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. 28480.910-256-7937 M. 6 January 11, 2016 Exemption Number— W816-OIEX Lee and Scharme Prevost 4 Island Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT•15A NCAC 07K .0209 EXEMPTION I ACCESSORY USES/ MAINTENANCE REPAIR/REPLACEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN- Estuarine Shoreline PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS — 4 Island Drive, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Dear Lee and Scharme Prevost: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on Janus 8, 2016,1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as the project remains in accordance with your project scope submittal, which was received by this office on January 7.2016 and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. 15A NCAC 07K .0209 EXEMPTION 1 ACCESSORY USES / MAINTENANCE REPAIR 1 REPLACEMENT (a) Accessory buildings customarily incident to an existing structure are specifically excluded from the definition of development if the work does not involve filling, excavation, or the alteration of any sand dune or beach as set out in G.S. 11 3A-103(5)b.6. Accessory buildings are subordinate in area and purpose to the principal structure and do not require, or consist of the expansion of the existing structure as defined by an increase in footprint or total floor area of the existing structure. A building with a footprint of 100 square feet or less is considered an accessory building as long as it is customarily incident to and subordinate in area and purpose to the principal structure. Buildings of a larger size may be considered accessory buildings if necessary for customary use. (b) Accessory uses as defined in Paragraph (a) of this Rule and that are directly related to the existing dominant use, but not within the exclusion set out in G.S.113A-103(5)b.6., and that require no plumbing, electrical or other service connections and do not exceed 200 square feet are exempt from the CAMA minor development permit requirement if they meet the criteria set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule.(c) Any structure, or part thereof, consistent with current CRC rules may be maintained, repaired or replaced in a similar manner, size and location as the existing structure without requiring a permit, unless the repair or replacement would be in violation of the criteria set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. This exemption applies to those projects that are not within the RF-CEiV ED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 1 1 2016 exclusion for maintenance and repairs asset out in G.S.113A-103(5)b.5., Rule .0103 of this Subchapter and Rule 07J .0210. (d) In order to be eligible for the exemptions described in Paragraphs (b) and (c), of this Rule, the proposed development activity must meet the following criteria: (1) the development must not disturb a land area of greater than 200 square feet on a slope of greater than 10 percent; (2) the development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species; (3) the development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels; (4) the development must not alter the land form or vegetation of a frontal dune; (5) the development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level or normal high water level; and (6) the development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted This exemption issued to 4 Island Drive authorizes the following: 1. The project consists of the replacement and expansion of the existing decking (less than 200 sq ft total) and the installation of a new spiral stair case following the completion of the work associated with CAMA Minor Permit WB15-31. 2. The proposed repairs shall be consistent with all other applicable local ordinances and North Carolina Building Code standards. 3. The project shall adhere to the scope of work that was submitted to this office. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal, or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. Please contact this office upon the completion of work for an inspection. Sincerely, Zachary Steffey, LPO Town of Wrightsville Beach Cc: Robb Mairs, Field Representative DCM RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JANI!2016 Room Built Better! January 7, 2016 Requesting a CAMA Minor Permit Exemption RE: Lee and Scharme Prevost 4 Island Dr. Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Dear Zach Steffey We are requesting an exemption for the requirements to applying for CAMA permit. The proposed wood deck and spiral staircase will be constructed after the completion of the work on WB15-31. I have provided a site plan highlighting these two items. The proposed wood deck is 16'5"x 8'4" and will be built using Pressure Treated material. The Spiral staircase will be aluminum approx. 4-5 feet diameter. These two items will be installed at a later date. The in ground pool, Drip-Thru pool decking, and walkways will be constructed as shown on the site plan. Drip-thru decking and walkways will be pressure treated framing with Ipe decking. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I can be reached at 910-367- 8239. Fax 910.679.4018 Mobile 910.367.8239 License # 66709 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 1 1 2016 8122 Porters Crossing Way Wilmington, NC 28411 Phone: 910-367-8239 Fax: 910-679-4018 GEAERAL NOTES ALL DISTANCES ARE HOMMAL GRAD DISTANCES LWI ESS ODERWSE NOTED. LAM ARE U.S SRVEY FEET MESS DIN RMSf NOTED. ry AREA BY OGCNOMA7E GEQffTRY. NEW HAMVER COUNTY PARCEL J R05719-0Q1-036-000 / TOTAL 97E ARE. 0.121 ACRES MAP d DEED REFERENCES (PER NEW HANOVER WAITY RE(7S7Rj AND OTHERS NAT MAY BE SOW LW INNS MAP) 75' CANA OFFSET 4Y �" � FLOOD ZONE NOTE AS DETERMINED BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING 7HIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE -If- (BFE = 15), PER FEANA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) / 37201 EFFEC7IVE DATE 04/03/O6• VICINITY MAP N. T. S. I 5 BA W Ts24' i I EXISTING OU DECK BAND DRIP-THRU STAIRCASE ¢ 1315 30' CANA BUFFER I DRItBYHRU POOL SEPARATE PERMIT)RANG it PALM BULK HEAD / MHW I y I 6' PEDESTRIAN o 12' I ACCESS EASEMENT II I' I 15.0' u ; I PROPOSED IN GROUND POOL " t I I � L-- DRIP-THRU WALKWAY 3 II � �4 14 I I 16- PALM 7117 .. ...... 0 82J5'sr W 135.08' =O.13((Ess,01'•. 14- PALM a SEAL 7 AREA DATA, 4937 LERNM.AIE OF ACYMIRACY k MAPPWG •''lp IIff• �� ROOF DRIP LINE = 1,985 SF W1, JWW A ROMEO FNS CERWY THAT SURVEY WAS DRNNN UNDER MY 9A'ERHSQV (DM) ! O RVE 1(aq.sSU• • C) �� �cp' .. , - • \� DRIP-IHRV (UNCOVERED)= 140 SF RECQIDFD N B(Ka'C 5868 PAGE 816 k THAT TIE MMDARES NOT 2IRWYED ARE CLfARLY'�/, H A. LOT AREA = 81537 SF LNDICAIED AS DRAIN FROM INFORMATION AS LABELED; THAT THE RAW OF PRECISION; AS CkCULATED, IS FFN 111 \\\ 1.10,W- AM 7HAT INS SWVfY HAS BEEN PREPARED W ACCORDANCE NTH DE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAM 9WVEYID N NORTH CARONA (RILE 21, CLO 5Q SEC II WIESS MY UMAL SWIM SE MMSER AND SEAL 7NS 24th DAY OF --Mg- 20-IL SYMBOL LEGEND, - BUILDING SETBACKS SHOWN• • DWW0 OM (AS NOTED) 0 REAAR 9-7 FRONT = 15' ■ EM IM MOMNFNT (AS NDITn) SIDES = 15' �03 SIMTV£1ED LINES (9 M.MIDAR11 REAR = 15' LINES PER RECORD DATA - -- LM@S NOT S **-,ED (A&VINERS) (PER MB 371158) PROPOSED MECHANICAL W g5•� EQUIPMENT PLATFORMS S �As 20 B= N 07241 W CH D= 132.05' ROOF DRIP LINE R= 152.60' L= 136.56' 313 r. N � r I �� I 15.7' W v B.D' J ilk ;0 I li M I EXISTING HOUSE I It ' I i► ,I ROOF OVERHANG BUILDING LINE I �t DRIP-THRU WALKWAY it JI 756' 16• PALM EXISTING ARBOR (4 POSTS) GARDEN WALL 12' PALM I BASE LINE SURVEY, PLIC 4 ISLAND DRIVE umx P-IOBI LOT 2 / MB 37/158 PO Box 15966, W1lmhgton, NC 28408 A LL✓/ SA_' 1 I .� 2U (910) 338-1880 www.Doeelineft,, a ram. 6. B.aa N. H.— mot. NI cwdna 10 0 10 20 SCALE 1' = 10' (U.S. SURVTY EEET) PROPOSED SITE PLAN PW IAA FOR: sawwe a LEE PaEwsr RAISED DECK ADDITION SAWCUT END I I] JN, NC 91316 y6 ,5 BLS 15-1053 (t7DERA1 HOTS 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL CR0ON0 DISTANCES W9ESS OTHERWSE NOTED. SYMBOL LEGEND: BUILDING SETBACKS- SHOWN 2 MIS ARE US SURVEY FEET MESS OTHERWISE NDTO 0 EXISTING IRON (AS NOTED) J. AREA BY COORDINATE GFOM 1RY. O REBAR SET FRONT = 15' EIR tt / * 4. NEW NANOkER COUNTYPARCEL f R05719-00.3-036-000 —. EkiSRNG NLNNINENT (AS NOTED) SIDES 15' / 5 TOTAL ST AREA: 0.12E ACRES SURVEYED LINES (BOUNDARY) REAR = 15' & MAP &DEED REFERENCES (PER NEW HANOVFR Q7UNTY RE(YSIRY} LINES PER RECORD DATA uNES NOT SURVEYED (AD,XXNFRS) OM 5888/816 NB 37//58 (AND OTHERS THAT MAY BE SHOWN ON TIES MAP) 75' CAMA OFFSET I (PER MB 37/158) e I � BSod & 5 45'S20 B= N 07'2S56' W CH D= 132.09' �r FLOOD ZONE No AS DETERMINED BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING THIS PROPERTY IS R= 152.60' LOCATED IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE "VE" (8FE = 15), PER FEMA FLOOD I L= 136.61' INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) j' 37203T6M , EFFECTIVE DATE 041DJ106. EIR ROOF DRIP LINE : = VICINITY MAP _ N.T.S. I S81'5V38 W 76.24' EXISTING CUTER DECK BAND i IO V) ly^ I DRIP-THRU RADIAL STAIRCASE r�^ EIR 30' C.AMA BUFFER I DRIP-THRU POOL DECKING t2" PALM 1 — ` "— ---- .11.i C Z (BY SEPARATE PERMIT) ( 03 BULK HEAD % MHW I 6' PEDESTRIAN 12" I ACCESS EASEMENT I l ii < _ _ ! LOT 2 I �� ta.D' g'4 (MB 37/158) II —IJ _ EXISTING HOUSE 8,537t I+ SF I V I I PROPOSED IN GROUND POOL I ti ROOF OVERHANG BUILDING LINE N I I( DRIP -MU WALKWAY II I ` DRIP-THRU WALKWAY 18• PALM 9 ! I EXISTING ARBOR (4 POSTS) a SEAL _ 6" PALM ( GARDEN WALL 937 = I N 823552' W 135.06' 14' PALM /1/%EpH A R(j AREA DATA• 2" PALM T CiRIECAOr ACCURACY & NAPcfNC• 7/// 1111 \\\\ ROOF DRIP LINE = 1,985 SF 1, JOSOW A ROIQ PLS CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DE'S(RI IM GRIP-THRU (UNCOVERED)= 140 SF EIR RECORDED IN BOOM _M, PAGE 816 T; THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURWU ARE CLEARLY LOT AREA = 8,557 SF I ) J E p oWICATD AS DRAWN FROM UFFCWMA70 AS LABU M, THAT THE RATIO 'OF PREOXV,, AS CN.ORATED, IS SAWCUT END 1:10,000f; AND THAT THIS SIRWY HAS BEEN PREPARED ID ACCORDANCE WIN Off STANDARDS CF PRACDCE I 10 D to 20 1 JON, NC FOR LAND SFRWWG IN NORM CAROLINA (DTI£ 11, CET. A SEC 1600). WNW MY ORCIM t SIGNATURE, mn1 )ntr E NWBD7 AND ZAL INS [ DAY Or NOOB R . 20_ j- I SCALE 1• = 10' (U.S. SURVEY FEET) ( ll 11 U BASE LINE SURVEY, PLLC 4 ISLAND DRIVE PROPOSED SITE PLAN P�"6 f0R' Dot ° air la.n A -RAGED--PRlJ - SdINeIE #LEE PREVDST F r oou 1 U� m P-1m1 LOT 2 / MB 37/158 PO Sow 15966. VMmIngton, NC 28408 RAISED DECK ADDITION (910) 338-1880 www.bassilnssery ync,com W ht.wle 8. N. N . cmm. Nunn 81s is-mez