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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_16-28_ClarkJ[fLW OR-1 Bryson Clark 220 W. Beach Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 Exemption Number —EX 28-16 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT - ACCESSORY USES — [15A NCAC 7K .0209(b)] PROJECT ADDRESS - 220 W. Beach Dr. AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — OE,HH Dear Mr. Clark: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on 3/4/2016, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated 2/16/2016, and meet the conditions specked below. Your project consists of the addition of a set or rear stairs. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. Accessory Uses that are directly related to the existing dominant use and require no plumbing, electrical or other service connections are exempt from the CAMA minor development permit requirement if they meet the criteria set out below. 1. The development must not disturb a land area greater than 200 square feet. 2. The development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. 3. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 4. The development must not after the landform or vegetation of a frontal dune. 5. The development must not be within 30 feet of normal high water level. 6. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 4601 E. Oak Island Drive • Oak Island, North Carolina 28465 Phone: (910) 278-5024 • Fax: (910) 278-1811 • Website: wwwoakislandnc�5n WILMINGTON, NC JUN 0 8 2016 1. ,..tip CAMA. MINOR PERMIT PROGRAM ❑ MODIFICATION [3'EXEMPTION ❑ MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Town -ofOak :Island Permit# CAMA Minor Permit Office Date previous As authorized. by the State of North Carolina permit issued _ per the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 _ Applicant Namem , n Address City. L- tacs'y , tJC 2S[962 Phone# Project Location Information Street Address Adj Water Body f4(o1fi C_ AEC: ❑ CS „ 13-*bE . HH ❑ Iii ysols Clam X�)Mr ��_c�_ Owner's Name (Print) ignature 3�4�ic� fo�5�l� Signature (owner or agent) Issuance Date Exp. Date OAK ISLAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - 4601 E. OAK ISLAND DR. — 910-278-5024 m ally;. - Town of QA'Island Permit Application Project Description 1WW4� #r.K Ti'e SepticPerinit#P Sewer INater Tap Size Bedrooms = • Bath Valne,of con'sttfuCtion _i. Useofstruc-ture(commercial,residential;government )., - 2�10 i�1Tri9L \ Lr Is structumused as rental.Drooerty � f Phone Number (H) (B) (C)� Contractor %Sete--67L2f4 �_t? Approval: Date