HomeMy WebLinkAboutBC_16-03_StrobelBrunswick County BC16.03 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT i � PERMIT as authorized by the state of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management` Issued to John J. Strobel authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) at 3552 Van Buren Street SW, in Supply NC 28462, as requested in the permittee's application package, dated 04-Jan-16. This permit, issued on 05•Feb-16, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing dated received on 25-Jan-16, (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Single Family Residence/Decks. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 25-Jan-16. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910) 253-2034 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Paget) DECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 0 7 2016 This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2019 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Connie Marlowe CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL PO Box 249 Bolivia, NC 28422 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: John J. Strobel Minor Permit # BC16-03 Date: 05-Feb-16 Page 2 (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 30% of the lot area within 75 feet of Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern), in this case 1,918 square feet is authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H-0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 ft. buffer. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activiti4es, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the Normal High Water level must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (9) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. SIGNATURE: DATE: PERMITTEE RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 0 7 2016 Locality "B1 tL (6 k; i C k Permit Numberl!" C '-o 3 Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline Other _ (Far official use only) t � v kv ccl 2 3 U (i tll ' 3 GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER �( J ! Name �Jv n �J • 5 T'i U L�G I Addresses 3(U3 i'oIn4e- City I �1 e is State _ Zip 661-1 b Phone Jq d %d " 5Q05 Email M- S fY AUTHORIZED AGENT Name :L_�Q ', �✓15} Address �93C t6we") L": Gtn /Z , City Su State R%C Zip-Y'S`i&2 Phone Email nblanbrt=5 ,06)a+mG I ne_ LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not gceanfront, what is the name of the adjacentwaterbody.) 75VXIIODfA1 .�-k4ef ! VQA{?jt (eyl 5t" i �l DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) P7��be SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: Q t 1a square feet ./� acres PROPOSED USE: Residential R (Single-family ® Multi -family ❑) Commercial/Industrial ❑ Other ❑ COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit O, juicer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: -"� square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES square feet (includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry.loios etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER'MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES_ NO_,fL' If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: square feet. RECEIVED RECEWED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 0 7 2016 .IAN 2 5 2016 OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit, including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and others. Check with your Local Permit Officer for more information. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) Y-\ A --an owner or record title, Title is vested in—?`S] Wer' nlc6/ a � f"" see Deed Book page 0001 inthe A1�Q5W;LL County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. _if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet & attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property,and to apply for a CAMA permit. (Name) (Address) (1) (2) (3) (4) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I, the undersigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the Local Permit Officer has explained to me the particu- lar hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabiliza- tion and floodproofing techniques. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant, permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This the ij day ofJMi..4f , 20 or person autho4*d to act as his/her agent for purpose of filing a CAMA permit application Thu application includes: general information, (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the Ocean Hazard AEC Notice where necessary, a check for $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and -administrative action. RECEIVED MAR 0 7 2016 JAN 2 5 7016 xpmX UAauU$g�'yL�-�LL3 ffii[[�� I. GNM EN+^TATC•'SI°" WT 11R %AT XIS W" WTiJI MT YIWIFR 61/ IO tta• Slnxll w5 9gNp u'IfS. MnT R6 vUi WAS 0 M 1Yp[fq M1iMf55 / BER /AV / NORMK HH'dl WATER AND LoOkm a 08/III SHALLOTTE RIVER s Jy, E J ZONE AE 6]T4 LOT 18` \ YACWT . 19,990 50 BUFFER ZONE AE (EL 14) ZONE SHADED ')P -AREA OF LOT IN 75' AEC: •PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS IN AEC: •30S OF LOT IN AEC: NNE BF7ANL � pSTANCE LI N MN'01" W 26J] CURL£ PMIUS -A 1Ei61N CHORD lFNC1H C 13 BEARING TA NICIE CI 58188 7512 )SA7' S ST02'SV• W T7216" 2518'42 W T 22" �T 5416e Jf aD' )f JS N 4fY0 W E T20 MTV \ H \\ \ vWg \ wriip 6425 SO. R, \ 9zLL 1918 SO. Fr. \ o W 1927 SO. FT. \ F \ \ \ IZ ,.8 LOT 4 REVISED \ RIVER BLUFF ESTATES \\ SUBDIVISION ` MAP CABINET 24. PAGE 504 \ \ L \ LOT 3 REVISED \ \ RIVER BLUFF ESTATES \\\ // BOC Q'A�w� � \ SUBDIVISION \ \ MAP CABINET 24. PAGE 504 \\\\ ZONE 'I(' \ 1 \\ PROPOSCO IMPERVIOUS COVEIIACE: \ •HOUSE A DECKS (INCLUDING EAVE). 2610 SO. FT. \ \ CONCRETE DIWE AND WICK: 17W SO. R. \ \ 4OTAL 4396 SO. R.. ® 1 \ FIRS S,A-SSER LANE NOTES: •LOT 18 S N ROOD ZONE 'X' AND FLOOD HAZARD ZONE "AE�\ 'L BASE ELEVATIONS 13 4 14 FEET BASED ON FIRM 3720109600 1 \ • _ _ _ _ PANEL DATE 10-16-08. \ HiORIZONTAL LOCAOONS ARE REFERENCED TO NAO 1983 (NSRS MI) USING NCGS WS WIIH A TOPCON HIPER \\/�� F—^� ` •Ill S �IURSVEY�IS 5 BMECT TO ANY NFDR DON FOUND R E ll 1 V E D 'L.' 1 WITH THE BENEFIT OF A iTilE SEARCH. I ...... .w �@Rl.r.-.n I 1Ir A t GARY GURGANUS n 9 MAR O i 2016 LAND SURVEYING >... I. �. GARY L. GURGANUS, P.LS 3105 HOLDEN BEACH M.. SW SuPPIY. North Cardin° 28462 (910) 233-7605 XNR M'G94X Y.uE 0r ° miima Ma rcEO No) SURIEY FOR wa. o rrx Aa-au (scO FAe o omnNa-aIB crGm9) RtC£iVeO pI NNMIE MOIiN2Ni JOHN STROBEL ® ° B�Eo6iwa a01i JAN t 5 2016 MNDE FlIOM LOT 16, (Ss52 v W14EN STREET), YJBpNAON. i M ° wr.J[N YlIFR IUVER BLUFT FSTAM NAP CNNaT 24, PALE W. fiRIR6T'AC1( COUNTY. una C/B.E NEMSM BOC MIX tr GAB NOR1H OWgLNA AID E2GIRIC P11Y9MN. EMDDICE LOGtYCm itLLT IaMISMP bNR51Of fPMIY. IS 12M 3BL iAMlc 41BNGt tXg IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIty, NIIII-ui.tII Bps P0610.� BrtnsuleX Canty, NC R.gtalar oI Oeeds Pager 2 of 2 tO HAVE AND TO HOLD the afineaaidlot orpercel of eed ende8privilegs ad appmtermices thaelobelon®rig to theCnaniee is fee aimpk. Ad the Gramar covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is s6wd ofde pm®ses in for simple, has the right to convey the eeno(nfa simple, that Me is muktubic and hm and clear, of all encumbrances, end that Grantor, will warrant and defend the tide agent the lawful claim of a8 persons whomsavu, other than dse following excepfi m: AB easements, rights of way, mstrictioos, end reservations of record. 'This insi cot prepared by: Richard F. Green, a Licensed North Carolina attamey. Delinquent toes, if any, (o be paid by the closing attomey w the minty, tax collector upon disbosement of closing procada.' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Gmtor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and your Best above wriacn. 9- - (Entity Nun) PrinVfype Nato k ITS r "aM I BY, (SEAL) pomyrype Name a TW= pnwfype N®c By- fSEAL) Pruwlype Name.O Title: P"v ype Name C the undersigned Notary public of the soul Noary Public - Nmdh Nntew my head and Notarial== or My Conmdseion Fsp'vs: YrfW,5) Forgylh County ty �ea.t:-s (Affix Seal) 7 MY CwmYmtE9+tm ,2e.loii aPrirt4dor7yRd Norte Soak of -County a City of L the undcsigoed Notary Public of the Cotmtyor City of and State aforesaid, certify that personally came before one this day and acknowledged that he tithe of .&North Cuoliue or mpomtiorJlbtdted Ii bility companyfga exd PartoarshTntanted partnership (strike through the inapplicable), ead dwt by authority day giveows the actofeach entity._be signed the foegaing imtraxorR leits.co its behalfas to acted dad. Witness my hand sad Notarial strap orsed, MisdaY of 20_ My Caermhaiw Expim' Notary Public (A8h[$ed) NOlsty*s Printed orTyped Herne Stated-Comtyar6tyof L'theraloeipedNduypow. ffle,cou ty.Qtyof mdStteafaeeaid,mtifjrW witness ddy how and Notuief amp or.4 Seat) mE�phs: (AffisSed) Notary's Printed or Typed Name NC B. Awwbam Pan No. 30 isle, ttorid 0111=10 A I,YA&vao-aawAan NCBw NtmMdm RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 0 7 2016 B"ne"' R. Clarnaro flaplatar of Daada NC REVU" STAW: iBrurxu im.sle (a727921)y Benue Tex: 8 376.00 kl��r om P0009.: btin z'� Ri:nmefg;ck-C' l B d"Liluam_ lacNAOalCi1W:FNN c. udNra[(�, '1 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Petrol Identifier No. 230W%223 Verified by County on the _ day of , 20 By. Morino. to: Richard F. Gem, AUcxney at Law, 2998 Holdm Beach Rand, SW. Holden Beach, NC 28462 TNa irutrnmcut was prepared by. Richard F. Grua. Attorney at Lw. FILE NO. 12-18985 Briefdesaiption forth Index: LOT IS, RIVER BLUFF SUBDIVISION THIS DEED made this 14th day of December , 20 12 by and between THOMAS H. BROCK III end wifq I JOHN J. STRDBE! anm LINDA M. BROCK 1406 E VANDALE ROAD 4571 CHINABERRY LANE PITTSBURO, PA 15212 WINSTON SALEM, NC 27106 Enter in appropriam block for each Grantor and Gimlet: name, of amity, e.g. The dimpatiun Creator and Gramce m used hares, shall include said parties, their baits, eaaceaeors, and assigns. and shall in4udc singular, per• mescaline, fena.ice or center m required by content WIfNPSSE IL that the Genitor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is le rebyacknowkdged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto theGnntee in fee simple, all that cpmin la or parcel of Ind situated in the Cnyof Lockwood Folly Tow.IaP, Brun9wick Canty, North Cuvlm and owe, particularly diner -bed as follows: BEING all of Let 18 as sat out on a plat entitled River BluffSubdivision revision I rttorded in Map Book 74 at Page 504 of The Bnmswick Canty Registry. THERE is further conveyed herewith a nan-eaclsive Right of Wry of Easmtent as set ma in dad Book 937 az Page 4 and Deed Book 936 et Page 374 of the Brunswick County Registry. The ptaprsty baeinabove des mbed was acqueed by Gnamr by iunVument recorded m Book 1914 page 1064 All or a portion of the property herein conveyed _ includes or _ don net include the privury residence of a Contact, A map showing the above described property is xcem%ld in Plat Book 24 page 504 NC U. MwiakV faun No, 3 C IM Rnid O InM10 ln.ue M np:amr.nm mF NCR..�r®um RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTCN, NC MAR 072016 12/30/2015 W 47 FAX $102532437 0 006/010 N.C. DMSION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date 1-I Il 2D1(0 Name of Property Owner Applyiag for Permit: 16wl J: 5S i Obel Marling Address: 3103 �o�n�e View 1Qf5 , A 1 &041, I certify that I have aatborised (agent) Ir ' I A6 " �} to act on my behalf; for tht purpose of appb'mg for mad obtaining all CAMA Pus mtb neaesaryto install or construct (me") YY1Q I eG F 5 at (my property located at) 3 ZS Ste Van A u (e n s4. This cerdflntion to va8d thra (date) 'I Lg 017 Signature Dab RECEIVED D'P""nil MINGTON, NC MAR 0 7 2D16 DATE REC: 01106/2016 BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES FILE NO.: 2003060933A STROBEL JOHN -HAY LORI REC. FROM 3103 POINTE VIEW DRIVE MARS ADDRESS STROBELJOHNJ CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER ZONING: $0.00 2300006223 AMT. PAID TAX PARCEL PA 16046 9105404424 CRY STATE 21P CODE PHONE 18 LOT BLOCK SECTION PROPERTY LOCATED TOWN/CITY/AREA: CO SUBDIVISION: RIVER BLUFF ESTATES DIRECTIONS: 3552 VAN BUREN ST SW 28462 -MT. PISGAH TO BOONESNECTO TO OYSTER HAROBOR TURN R TO EAGLE CREST TURN L TO HEALING WATER TURN L TO CRYSTAL WATER TURN R TO SASSER LN TURN L TO LOT ON AUTH701TION FOR WASTEWATER CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NEW: REVISION: RELOCATION: REPAIR: Design Flow: [�6 gpd Septic Tank Size: { 066 gal Type: No. Bedrooms: / No. occupants/employees g Max TnanchlBed Bottom Depth: Z T" Inches: ••Nd.IW+�-TSaN No. Lines: _1_ Length Each: �(-O Bed Dlmensfons: FRI Check: Approved: NOTES t. Septic Tank shall have an approved effluent filter and access devices as Maintain all setbacks distances for optic tank systems and wells. All Components of the septic systems all be located 100 feet from well. An "Accepted' system may be used in a place of a "conventionar system. Dab Authorized Agent PERMIT ISSUE DATE: —,Z2. - L,� Permit Expiration Date: /" Z Z' 2 O Z' Authorized Agent Registration: NOTE: PER UBJECT T OC I N IF SITE PLANS OR THENDED USE CHANGES.'�/6 S u> ar ;0 7Cn t Waste Water System Installer: Comments: (tank info/ barrier approved) Polystyrene Aggregate OPERATION PERMIT: Chamber Other. Date: Authorized Agent Signature Actions of local health department represen6tives or the Stale engaged in the evaluation and determination of measures required to effect compliance sith the applicable laws and rules shall in no way be taken as a warranty that sewage treatment and disposal systems approved and permitted will funaon in a sabsfactory manner for any given period of time. This issurance of fis permit does not preclude the Permidee from comploying with any and all statues, rules and regulations or ordinances which may be Imposed by other government agencies ( local slate, and federal) which have jurisdiction. `D G� WILMINGTON, NC MAR 072016 Er rq 1WRTMOMM Er t w ; - c«ena nee Pee UA-i � $ 19 BIVICBS& e6a(Mck6nS Mtl/ev an pwwm awatPsd s 0462 01 Postmark � pPsunn(ebcuo.kl s Here i LJ�tV7 O o pcauesa u+wmwa.eaa..n s p Date 8 n die' i Del Res 0.4Sde--� 5Gy1t+-s� o pnanagw..e xzssiaa o.own s Paaraea $0.49 01/0412016 Adjacent Property Owner -0 P e^"FB08 $6.74 IIII Sc31 .I,Uvve Rd u7 $ serer L�I14`( C.HC:/I! - ei ------------� ---.. h/-.t ------- Mailing Address ra p r -"��� rest end MC.. tirP6So>'Ffo. i i-.-�bl�?µ^.j n - - -- ---- Lhy Stata7jP+4 /Jcylo� City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: This letter is to Inform you that I, J okhave applied for a CAMA Property Owner Minor Permit on my property at 35'a ti,, �ta/z� 4T in Brunswick County. Property Address As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form, if you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at (7A - ` 2-05 or by mail at the address Applicants Telephone listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Connie Marlowe Brunswick County Planning PO Box 249 Bolivia, NC 28422 Sincerely, >i,n J Strobe Property Owner Mailing Address Ati. PA City, State, Zip Code RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON. NC MAR 072016 p . 0 L S 9HALLQ F F4 C I A L U S .E ''a cw�mmm.Y ' f3.45 � a N rvlcaa pMJ`bmuWMasaypepMW a462 L pwanP.uM Pa�aDY) ito— j pAanaa PsMq WvbviN $ 01 Postrimrl� Mpc.new wnn..m.aeo.e..r Hare O p�,e.nsq.e.a neiaa.a t Date OSUg- �/.li��iQm A iY4[_h P°"a°a $0.49 01/04/2616 AdjacentProperty fOwner' C3 oblPaabpauMFssa 16.74 3— L -S��� Y 7 �a SeNro .-a (�.1 � -�r----------------- Mailing Address �`�1. el__ X_oipi---Rci-_------------•----_ City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: This letter is to inform you that I, 4)k ✓1-j wo)O e Ii have applied for a CAMA Property Owner Minor Permit on my property at 3 �so� UQ 11 �i u/Pn S I - in Brunswick County. Property Address As required by LAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. if you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at � %c? N) a -),R - 52y5 or by mail at the address Applicants Telephone listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Connie Marlowe Brunswick County Planning PO Box 249 Bolivia, NC 28422 Sincerely, 3 5-1 () Property Owner 3163 b16in� U i•�w i�i`• Mailing Address mars. PA J�oyla City, State, Zip Code RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 0 7 2016