HomeMy WebLinkAboutAvon BA-July2021 — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK — AVON VILLAGE BEACH NOURISHMENT DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT CAPE HATTERAS NATIONAL SEASHORE JULY 2021 Prepared for: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS-WILMINGTON DISTRICT Washington NC Field Office 2407 West 5th Street Washington, NC 27889 910.251.4615 and NATIONAL PARK SERVICE – US DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR Cape Hatteras National Seashore 1401 National Park Drive Manteo, NC 27954 252.472.2111 Prepared by: CZR Incorporated 4709 College Acres Drive, Suite 2 Wilmington, NC 28412 910.392.9253 and Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc. 160 Gills Creek Parkway Columbia, SC 29209 803.799.8949 — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK — CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] i Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of this Biological Assessment (BA) ............................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Current NPS Management Direction ........................................................................................................................ 11 2.0 CONSULTATION HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................... 12 3.0 PROPOSED MANAGEMENT ACTIONS AND ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED .............................................................. 13 3.1 Plan Formulation ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Historical and Recent Erosion Rates ........................................................................................................................ 15 3.3 Beach Condition Survey in July 2020, Volumetric Analysis, and Project Formulation .................................................. 15 3.4 Alternatives ............................................................................................................................................................... 16 3.4.1 Project Description ........................................................................................................................................ 19 3.4.2 Sediment Quality and Compatibility .............................................................................................................. 21 3.4.3 Cultural Resources Study in the Borrow Area ............................................................................................... 26 3.4.4 Dune Management Plan ............................................................................................................................... 26 3.4.5 Methods of Construction ............................................................................................................................... 27 3.4.6 Alternative 3-Summer Construction (Applicant’s Proposed Action) .............................................................. 28 3.5 Additional Details of Applicant-Proposed Action (Alternative 3-Summer Construction) ........................................... 30 4.0 PROPOSED PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................. 39 5.0 PRE-FIELD REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 45 6.0 PROTECTED SPECIES CONSIDERED AND EVALUATED ............................................................................................. 45 7.0 EVALUATED PROTECTED SPECIES INFORMATION FROM SEASHORE SURVEYS .................................................. 51 7.1 Field Reconnaissance .............................................................................................................................................. 51 7.2 Status and Biology of Species with Federal ESA Protection .................................................................................... 53 7.2.1 Birds .............................................................................................................................................................. 53 7.2.2 Reptiles ......................................................................................................................................................... 63 7.2.3 Mammals ....................................................................................................................................................... 76 7.2.4 Fish ............................................................................................................................................................... 87 7.2.5 Plants ............................................................................................................................................................ 95 8.0 STATUS AND BIOLOGY OF SPECIES WITH OTHER FEDERAL AND STATE PROTECTION .................................... 101 8.1 Marine Mammals .................................................................................................................................................... 101 8.1.1 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis) ................................................................................................ 104 8.1.2 Short-beaked Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) .................................................................................. 105 8.1.3 Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus truncatus) ...................................................................... 107 8.1.4 Short-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala macrorhnchus) ............................................................................. 109 8.2 Colonial Waterbirds, Other Shorebirds, and Birds of Prey ..................................................................................... 111 8.2.1 Wilson’s Plover (Charadrius wilsonia wilsonia) ........................................................................................... 111 8.2.2 Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) ........................................................................................................... 112 8.2.3 Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoephalus) ........................................................................................................ 114 8.2.4 Caspian Tern (Hydroprogrogne caspia) ...................................................................................................... 115 8.2.5 Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon niloctia) ....................................................................................................... 115 8.2.6 Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) .................................................................................................................. 117 8.2.7 Common Tern (Sternula hirundo) ............................................................................................................... 118 8.2.8 Black Skimmer (Ryhnchops niger) .............................................................................................................. 120 8.2.9 American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliates) ........................................................................................ 121 8.3 Reptiles ................................................................................................................................................................... 123 8.3.1 Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) ............................................................................................ 123 8.4 Plants ...................................................................................................................................................................... 124 8.4.1 Seabeach Knotweed (Polygonum glaucum) ............................................................................................... 124 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] ii Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 8.5 State Natural Areas ................................................................................................................................................ 125 9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE ........................................................................................................................................ 127 9.1 Previous Consultation with USFWS within the Analysis Area ................................................................................ 127 9.2 Past and Current Activities within the Analysis Area .............................................................................................. 127 9.2.1 Dune Reconstruction and Management ...................................................................................................... 128 9.2.2 Beach Nourishment ..................................................................................................................................... 129 9.2.3 Highway NC 12 ........................................................................................................................................... 131 9.2.4 Oregon Inlet Dredging ................................................................................................................................. 132 10.0 EFFECTS TO EVALUATED FEDERAL ESA SPECIES, CRITICAL HABITAT, AND DETERMINATIONS .................... 133 10.1 Piping Plover ........................................................................................................................................................... 135 10.2 Roseate Tern .......................................................................................................................................................... 137 10.3 Red Knot ................................................................................................................................................................. 138 10.4 Sea Turtles ............................................................................................................................................................. 140 10.4.1 Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle ............................................................................................................................ 144 10.4.2 Leatherback Sea Turtle ............................................................................................................................... 144 10.4.3 Green Sea Turtle ......................................................................................................................................... 145 10.4.4 Loggerhead Sea Turtle ............................................................................................................................... 145 10.4.5 Hawksbill Sea Turtle ................................................................................................................................... 145 10.5 Marine Mammals .................................................................................................................................................... 146 10.5.1 Whales ........................................................................................................................................................ 146 10.5.2 West Indian Manatee .................................................................................................................................. 149 10.6 Fishes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 150 10.6.1 Atlantic Sturgeon ......................................................................................................................................... 150 10.6.2 Shortnose Sturgeon .................................................................................................................................... 151 10.6.3 Giant Manta Ray ......................................................................................................................................... 152 10.7 Plants ...................................................................................................................................................................... 152 10.7.1 Seabeach Amaranth ................................................................................................................................... 152 10.8 Critical Habitat ........................................................................................................................................................ 153 11.0 EFFECTS TO EVALUATED SPECIES WITH OTHER FEDERAL AND/OR STATE PROTECTIONS AND DETERMINATIONS .. 155 11.1 Marine Mammals .................................................................................................................................................... 155 11.2 Colonial Waterbirds, Other Shorebirds, and Birds of Prey ..................................................................................... 158 11.2.1 Colonial Waterbirds ..................................................................................................................................... 158 11.2.2 Other Shorebirds and Birds of Prey ............................................................................................................ 159 12.0 EFFECTS TO SPECIES WITH ONLY STATE PROTECTION AND DETERMINATIONS ............................................... 163 12.1 Reptiles ................................................................................................................................................................... 163 12.1.1 Diamondback Terrapin ................................................................................................................................ 163 12.2 Plants ...................................................................................................................................................................... 164 12.2.1 Seabeach Knotweed ................................................................................................................................... 164 13.0 EFFECTS TO STATE-DESIGNATED NATURAL AREAS ............................................................................................... 165 14.0 EFFECTS DETERMINATION SUMMARY FOR EVALUATED PROTECTED SPECIES ................................................. 165 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................................. 173 Cape Hatteras National Seashore photos on cover courtesy of National Park Service Photo Gallery (clockwise from upper left): loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings head to sea; harbor seal resting on beach, sea shell assortment, piping plover, and sea oats on dune. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] iii Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Proposed Action Area for the nourishment project at Avon Village showing maximum limit of beach nourishment and proposed offshore borrow area within state waters near Avon Figure 3.1 Representative profile of the littoral zone illustrating the principal features between the dune and offshore Figure 3.2 The concept of unit-width profile volumes for a series of beach profiles showing an eroded beach with a deficit, a normal beach, and a beach with a volume surplus Figure 3.3 Color-coded topography and bathymetry Digital Terrain Models (DTM) from the July 2020 beach condition survey for the Avon study area Figure 3.4 Unit volumes by station from the foredune to the approximate depth of closure at –24 ft NAVD along the Avon study area using the July 2020 survey Figure 3.5 Aerial photo taken on 15 July 2020 showing the proposed project area, particularly Reach 3 – north of the Avon Pier Figure 3.6 Aerial photo taken on 15 July 2020 showing the proposed project area, particularly Reach 4 – south of the Avon Pier. Figure 3.7 Representative fill templates at station 1560+00 for Reach 3 and 1610+00 for Reach 4. Beach profiles represent the beach condition in July 2020 Figure 3.8 Location of the five sediment sample transects (14 samples per transect) along the Avon project area Figure 3.9 Sample positions for “beach” grab samples along the Avon project area following North Carolina sediment sampling criteria rules Figure 3.10 Mean grain size, percent shell, and percent gravel for core composite samples to 10 ft in the proposed offshore Borrow Area 1 and 6 ft in the proposed Borrow Area 2 based on borings obtained in April 2021 Figure 3.11 GSDs for Avon native beach samples (n=70) compared with offshore samples in the proposed borrow area (composite). [UPPER] Borrow Area 1 where 10 ft excavation depth is proposed. [LOWER] Borrow Area 2 where 6 ft excavation depth is proposed. Figure 3.12 Example core photo log for one of the 10-ft borings (AV-27) obtained by AVS in April 2021 Figure 3.13 Core log for AV-27 showing the lithology, sample intervals, and mean grain sizes Figure 3.14 Three hopper dredges and one suction cutterhead dredge (inset photos) were used to construct the Nags Head (NC) beach nourishment project (24 May to 27 October 2011). Figure 3.15 Graph showing the monthly average wave climate from 2003–2020 at NDBC Wave Buoy Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC) near Buxton compared with the wave climate at the USACE Field Research Facility at Duck (NC). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] iv Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Figure 3.16 Types of land-based support equipment generally required for construction of beach nourishment Figure 3.17 Pre- and post-nourishment profiles from a station in south Nags Head ~900 ft south of Jennette’s Pier (Whalebone Junction) showing fill adjustment after three years Figure 3.18 Natural dune growth along south Nags Head (NH Station 855+00) after the 2011 nourishment project. [UPPER] 11 June 2012 locality in Nags Head (NC) seven months after nourishment. [LOWER] 5 June 2014 same locality two years and seven months after nourishment Figure 4.1 Digital terrain model (DTM) showing topography and bathymetry in the project area in July 2020 Figure 4.2 Aerial photo of the project area (15 July 2020) Figure 4.3 Habitat area map of the project area showing acreage of various dune, beach, and inshore habitats out to the −24 ft NAVD depth contour Figure 4.4 Representative habitat profile in the Avon project area showing elevation limits for various habitat types and corresponding areas along ~13,200 linear feet based on conditions in July 2020 Figure 4.5 Detailed borrow area bathymetry and representative sections based on condition surveys in July 2020 Figure 7.1 Variation in annual reproductive activity of piping plover in North Carolina Figure 7.2 Piping plover breeding pair summary over the past 22 years Figure 7.3 Summary of red knot observations in Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2008–2019. Figure 7.4 Green sea turtle nests and trend at Cape Hatteras National Seashore from 2000 to 2020 Figure 7.5 Green sea turtle nest numbers and locations recorded in the proposed Avon nourishment area between 2010 and 2020 Figure 7.6 Green sea turtle nest numbers at Cape Hatteras National Seashore from 2010 to 2020 within the Avon sand placement footprint Figure 7.7 Number and trend of Kemp's ridley nests document in North Carolina Figure 7.8 Number and trend of loggerhead nests by year at the Seashore Figure 7.9 Loggerhead sea turtle nests and locations along the proposed Avon nourishment area from 2010-2020 Figure 7.10 Loggerhead sea turtle nesting history for 2010 to 2020 in the Avon sand placement footprint Figure 7.11 Predicted mean density of baleen whales in July and January with inset table of mean monthly abundance and coefficient of variation Figure 7.12 Unusual Mortality Event for North Atlantic right whale from 2017- 2020 Figure 7.13 Winter 2016 telemetry paths of two tagged female blue whales in Mid-Atlantic Bight CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] v Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Figure 7.14 Catch per unit effort for NCDMF Atlantic sturgeon gill net surveys in Albemarle Sound 1991-2018 Figure 7.15 Seabeach amaranth census for Bogue Banks following nourishment between 2002-2004 Figure 8.1 Marine mammal strandings and trend in Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2001-2019 Figure 8.2 Predicted mean density of small delphinoids with inset table of mean monthly abundance and predicted mean density of baleen whales with inset table of mean monthly abundance Figure 8.3 NOAA fisheries stocks of bottlenose dolphins in North Carolina Figure 8.4 Map of the Avon area and the approximate boundaries of the Hatteras Island Middle Section RHA Figure 9.1 Effect of borrow material grain size (nourishment scale parameter, AF) on the width of the dry beach for a fixed volume of nourishment sand added per unit beach length (from Dean 1991, Fig 25) Figure 10.1 Hearing frequency ranges of selected fish and mammal species and main energy frequencies reported for anthropogenic and ambient sources Figure 10.2 [UPPER] Critical migratory habitat for the loggerhead sea turtle. [LOWER] Critical migratory habitat designated units for loggerhead sea turtle CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] vi Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Anticipated species protection recommendations for dredge operations in addition to regular NPS monitoring surveys (after USACE 2013) Table 3.1 Beach nourishment projects using offshore borrow areas completed or planned in Dare County (MCY – Million Cubic Yards Table 6.1 Threatened, endangered, and candidate/proposed species with the potential to occur within the action/analysis area as determined by state or federal agencies with jurisdictional authority Table 7.1 Number of piping plover breeding pairs by site at Cape Hatteras National Seashore Table 7.2 Historical red knot observations in Cape Hatteras National Seashore survey segments from 2008-2019 Table 7.3 Sea turtle stranding annual total by species at Cape Hatteras National Seashore and Hatteras Island Table 7.4 Temporal and spatial distribution of various Atlantic sturgeon life stages in the Carolinas and northern portions of the South Atlantic distinct population segment Table 7.5 Temporal and spatial distribution of various shortnose sturgeon life stages in the Carolinas and northern portions of the South Atlantic distinct population segment Table 7.6 Population estimates of seabeach amaranth in Cape Hatteras National Seashore Table 8.1 Marine mammals which may occur in North Carolina waters Table 10.1 Sea turtle nest relocation compared to in-situ success in the Seashore 2011-2019 Table 11.1 Reported biological responses of mammals to dredge-induced underwater sounds Table 14.1 Effects matrix summary for the three evaluated alternatives for state and federally protected species with the potential to occur and proposed mitigation to offset potential adverse effects Table 14.2 Summary effects determination of proposed action for protected species with potential to occur in project area or vicinity CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] vii Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ATV – all terrain vehicle AOS – American Ornithological Society ASMFC – Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council ASSRT – Atlantic Sturgeon Status Review Team BA – biological assessment BEGEPA – Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act BO – biological opinion BOEM – Bureau of Ocean Energy Management CAHA – Cape Hatteras National Seashore CAMA – Coastal Area Management Act CITES – Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CSE – Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc. CWA – Clean Water Act ca – circa cal yr BP – calibrated years before present cy – cubic yard DPS – distinct population segment DTMA – diamondback turtle management area EA – environmental assessment ECOS – environmental conservation online system (USFWS) EEZ – exclusive economic zone EFHA – essential fish habitat assessment EIS – environmental impact statement ESA – Endangered Species Act FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Administration FONSI – finding of no significant impact ITP – incidental take permit lf – linear foot/feet MBTA – Migratory Bird Treaty Act MMPA – Marine Mammal Protection Act NABCI – North American Bird Conservation Initiative CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] viii Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina NAVD – North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NCDCM – North Carolina Division of Coastal Management NCDENR – North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NCDEQ – North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (formerly NCDENR) NCDMF – North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries NCDOT–North Carolina Department of Transportation NCDWR – North Carolina Division of Water Resources NCNHP – North Carolina Natural Heritage Program NCWRC – North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission NDBC – National Data Wave Buoy NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NMFS – National Marine Fisheries Service NMNH – National Museum of Natural History NPS – National Park Service OPR – Office of Protected Resources (NOAA) ORV – off-road recreational vehicle OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration PDC – project design criteria PSO – protected species observer pers comm. – personal communication SARBO –South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion SEPA – State Environmental Policy Act SERO – Southeast Regional Office (NMFS) SPBO – State Programmatic Biological Opinion (USFWS-Raleigh NC office) STIP – State Transportation Improvement Program (NCDOT) TED – turtle excluder device UME – unusual mortality event USACE – United States Army Corps of Engineers USFWS – United States Fish and Wildlife Service CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 1 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina AVON VILLAGE BEACH NOURISHMENT DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C 153 et seq.), as amended (ESA or Act) requires lands under federal jurisdiction to conserve and recover listed species and use their authorities in furtherance of the purposes of the Act by carrying out programs for the conservation of endangered and threatened species (50 CFR § 402). The Act directs all federal agencies to consult (referred to as section 7 consultation) with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) when their activities “may affect” a listed species or designated critical habitat. The Act also mandates that federal agencies contribute to the conservation of federally listed species by using their authorities to conserve (recover) federally listed species so that listing is no longer mandatory. Additionally, National Park Service (NPS) Management Policy (2006) states parks must also “inventory, monitor, and manage state and locally listed species in a manner similar to its treatment of federally listed species to the greatest extent possible”. In North Carolina, animal species designated by the Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and the Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP–under the NCDEQ) as threatened, endangered, or species of concern are afforded legal protection by the ESA (Article 25 of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes 1987). Plant species in North Carolina determined by the Plant Conservation Program (NC Department of Agriculture) and the NCNHP as threatened, endangered, or special concern are protected by the Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1979. Via federal (SAW-2015-01612 and state permits (CAMA 136-15) and NPS Special Use Permit (GOV-16-5700-014) issued to Dare County in 2015 and 2016, a beach restoration project to protect NC Highway 12 (NC 12) at Buxton, North Carolina was completed between June 2017 and February 2018. As part of the consultation and permit process for the restoration project, in 2015 a biological assessment (BA) and Environmental Assessment (EA) were prepared in coordination with local personnel from Cape Hatteras National Seashore (National Seashore) as well as personnel from the NPS Denver office for the BA and other federal and state agencies for the EA. Based on those previous documents, a new BA for a proposed beach renourishment project at Buxton (very similar project footprint on the beach to the 2015/2016 permitted Buxton restoration) was prepared concurrently with this document. This document is the BA for a proposed beach nourishment project for the Village of Avon, just a few miles to the north of Buxton projects. The 2021 Buxton renourishment BA was updated from the 2015 Buxton BA to reflect changes in specific project elements, in protected resources or information about those resources, in efforts or requirements to minimize, mitigate, or monitor potential impacts to protected resources, and to update the effects determinations. This Avon BA used the Buxton renourishment project BA as a template and modified text, figures, and tables as necessary to differentiate the two proposed projects. Dare County intends for all documents and permit applications for the two proposed projects (Buxton beach renourishment and Avon beach nourishment) to be submitted to regulatory agencies at the same time. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 2 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Over the course of interagency consultations begun in May of 2013 and completed in May of 2017, a State Programmatic Biological Opinion (SPBO) to address the impacts of sand placement activities on the 163 miles of managed coastal beach in North Carolina was issued by the Raleigh Field Office of the USFWS in August 2017 (USFWS 2017) and addressed eight species and covered activities which occur between 16 November and 30 April. Since the 2015 Buxton restoration permit process and completion of the Buxton project itself in 2018, a new South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion for Dredging and Material Placement Activities in the Southeast United States (2020 SARBO) was issued by NMFS in March 2020 and revised in July 2020 (NMFS 2020a) in response to USACE and BOEM requests for Section 7 consultation. The 2020 SARBO differs from the 1997 SARBO it four key ways below: • expanded the project area from that covered by the 1997 SARBO, • expanded the seasonal window for hopper dredge activities, • allowed for more flexibility through its process of risk based assessment of effects, and • was no longer sea turtle centric. While it balanced the risks to 25 species and five critical habitat units and allowed for the USACE to uphold its mandate to maintain navigational waterways and beaches, the 1997 SARBO’s Terms and Conditions and Conservation Recommendations have also been updated in the 2020 SARBO as Project Design Criteria (PDC) to which all projects must comply either by design and/or during the permitted activity itself. Also since the Buxton restoration project permit process, Regional NOAA Administrators were directed by the Director of the Office of Protected Resources (OPR) and the NMFS Leadership Council in 2016 to implement revised guidance about how to consider climate change information and uncertainty in their decision process relative to the ESA (NMFS 2016). The revised NMFS guidance included seven policy considerations about use of scientific and technical information where scientific uncertainty exists. For low-lying areas of passive continental margins like the US east coast, the sea level rise component of climate change has greater impact in the short term. Despite the increase in sea level rise which tends to drive net shoreline retreat, a study of USGS shoreline records of the US Atlantic coast from 1830-2007 showed a recent counter-intuitive trend of accretion since 1960 (Armstrong and Lazarus 2019). This study concluded that beach nourishment, proliferated since 1960, masked the erosion hazard and led to a systematic underestimation of "true" long- term shoreline erosion rates (Armstrong and Lazarus 2019). In September of 2020, the Seashore published a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to evaluate a programmatic framework for sediment management in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore to help streamline the process of Special Use Permits expected for projects which may impact the Seashore over the next 20 years (NPS 2020). The final EIS was published March 2021 and Record of Decision issued on 30 April 2021 (NPS 2021). Similar to the two Buxton projects in many aspects, the Avon Village nourishment project place up to 1 million cubic yards (cy) of beach-quality sand along a 13,200-foot (2.5-mile) length of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore in front of the developed shoreline at Village of Avon (Figure 1.1). The average fill density is ~75 cubic yards per foot (cy/ft). Nourishment sand will be excavated from a ~250 acre offshore borrow area located ~2–3 miles offshore of Avon within state waters. Confirmed by reconnaissance vibracores and the final twelve 10-ft long vibracores in the proposed borrow area, the Applicant proposes an excavation depth of 10 feet in Borrow Area 1 (~150 acres) and 6 feet in Borrow Area 2 (~100 acres). The proposed borrow area contains approximately CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 3 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 3.4 million cubic yards of beach-quality sand if the proposed excavation depths are permitted. Therefore, it will provide sufficient volume to achieve the proposed Avon beach nourishment project. The purposes of the proposed Avon Village nourishment project are to protect infrastructure and development in the village of Avon and widen a portion of the National Seashore shoreline and dunes along much of the Avon beachfront. While overwash through the village of Avon is not as frequent as that of Buxton, Avon beach and dune erosion have accelerated in recent years and such overwash events have forced temporary closures NC Highway 12 more than in the past due to continued erosion. As the only north-south highway along Hatteras Island, NC Highway 12 serves Avon, Buxton, and Hatteras villages and the community of Frisco, as well as NPS facilities at the National Seashore. The historic Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, situated just south of Buxton, draws thousands of visitors each year. Dare County is the project applicant with US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as lead federal agency. Through the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) process which includes preparation of an Essential Fish Habitat Assessment (EFHA) and this BA, the NPS will determine whether, where, and under what conditions it may issue a Special Use Permit (SUP) to Dare County for the Proposed Action, and in consultation with other federal agencies, the USACE will determine whether or not to issue required federal permits under their authority (e.g., Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). Parallel state environmental review of permit application documents/materials will determine whether or not the NC Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) issues a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Permit and the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) issues a Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed nourishment project. In proactive anticipation of the likelihood for more requests for Special Use Permits related to beach management activities from NC Department of Transportation, various towns of the Outer Banks, or Dare County, the NPS 2021 FEIS and ROD will serve as a guides for issuance of these NPS permits. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 4 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 1.1. The proposed action area for the nourishment project at Avon Village, Dare County (NC), showing maximum limit of beach nourishment and proposed offshore borrow area 2–3 miles offshore within state waters near Avon. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 5 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina The Avon Village nourishment project is located north of one of the narrower portions of Hatteras Island north of Buxton Village which has a history of dune breaches, washovers onto NC 12, and formation of breach inlets (Everts et al 1983). Each of these types of erosion events have occurred at various frequencies both historically and over the past 60 years along this vulnerable portion of the Seashore since NC 12 was completed (NPS 1980, Birkemeier et al. 1984). The most impactful events occurred under storms like Hurricane Irene (27 August 2011), Hurricane Sandy (28 October 2012), Hurricane Florence (September 2018), and Hurricane Dorian (September 2019) which caused emergency closure of NC 12 at those breaches. Unnamed storms in conjunction with lunar tides have also caused closure due to overwash near Avon Village and other NC 12 hotspots (e.g., March 2018). After each event, NCDOT typically scrapes sand off the road and pushes up a protective dune in the project area. Thus, the foredune along the project area was manipulated frequently before the proposed nourishment project. Dune construction and other coastal stabilization activities have been implemented in the National Seashore, including the Avon area, with increased frequency in recent years. The NC Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) reports official erosion rates (“setback factors”) for Avon in 2020 ranging from 2.0 feet per year (ft/yr) north of Avon Pier to 6.0 ft/yr along a ~4,000 ft section of beach south of the pier. Erosion reduces to 3.0 ft/yr at the south limit of the Village. In a feasibility report for the proposed project, CSE analyzed historical shorelines for fourteen different dates (1852 to 2020) and determined that the critically eroded section south of Avon Pier has experienced erosion as high as 16–20 ft/yr over the past 20 years (CSE 2020). Because state erosion rates average over 60+ years, the official rate is lower but has been increasing with each update along south Avon. The cause of accelerated erosion is unclear, but one factor is rhythmic alongshore sand waves spaced ~3000 ft apart that slowly migrate downcoast, producing systematic variations in beach width. The trough (narrow dry beach area) of one such rhythmic sand wave has persisted south of Avon Pier in recent years. The offshore bar is also deeper off the critically eroded section, possibly contributing to the locally high erosion rate over the past decade. These erosion features are likely linked to inshore bars and shoals, and this theory is expected to be tested and confirmed in the future when more comparative surveys are available. Dare County proposes to add sand to the existing beach system and portions of the dune system which will replace what was removed by recent storms and provide additional defense in this vulnerable portion of the island. With a major infusion of sand, after equilibration the beach would be wider and together with restored dunes better able to attenuate storm tides and waves before they can damage the dunes, private properties, NC 12, or the power and communication infrastructure. Highway NC 12 and power/communication infrastructure are the lifeline to the historic communities on Hatteras Island south of Avon. Prior to the previous Buxton restoration project, Dare County determined that beach nourishment, using an offshore borrow source, was the most viable and environmentally compatible alternative to address erosion over a time scale of 5–10 years county wide (USACE/NPS 2015). Other alternatives considered for the proposed Avon beach nourishment project include: Alternative 1-No- Action, likely to force frequent, costly repairs and abandonment of property, and potential increased repairs to NC 12 when overwash occurs, Alternative 2-Offshore Borrow Area and Winter Construction, hazardous wave climate and increased cost, and Alternative 3-Offshore Borrow Area and Summer Construction (applicant preferred alternative). Other borrow sources as an alternative (use of Pamlico Sound, onshore borrow areas, and Oregon Inlet or Pamlico Sound deposits) as well as hard stabilization alternatives were considered but rejected in the previous Buxton permit process; see Environmental Assessment (EA), for the proposed Avon project CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 6 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina (USACE/NPS 2015). The rationale behind rejection of those alternatives for Buxton are applicable for the Avon project: use of sediments from Avon Harbor and/or an inland borrow area were also considered and eliminated. The 2017 SPBO (USFWS) addresses sand placement projects constructed only in the winter/spring window of 16 November through 30 April; however, a critical requirement for sand placement for the proposed Avon beach nourishment project is the summer dredge schedule which renders the 2017 SPBO inapplicable. A summer construction window is necessary for work offshore in this case because of safety and operations concerns. Prior to a 2011 beach nourishment project at Nags Head, dredge industry officials indicated it was not possible to safely or efficiently dredge offshore in winter along the northern Outer Banks of North Carolina (Dredging Contractors of America, B Holliday, Executive Director, pers. comm., 2009). Average waves in the project vicinity are higher than any site along the US East Coast (Leffler et al. 1996). The nearest safe harbor for oceangoing dredges is Little Creek, Virginia, at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay ~100 miles north of the project site. It is also likely the preferred equipment for dredge operations would be a self-propelled, trailing arm, hopper dredge. Such dredges can motor to a safe harbor on the approach of a storm, whereas a traditional cutterhead pipeline dredge is a barge that must be towed by tug at slow speeds to a safe harbor. Because the Proposed Action may be conducted during summer months, additional measures are anticipated to safeguard threatened and endangered species, such as sea turtles, the piping plover, red knots, or Atlantic sturgeon, which may be present at the time of construction. Regular NPS management activities and species monitoring surveys will occur on their scheduled basis which helps to minimize effects of the project on protected species within the National Seashore (summarized pgs 11, 28). While the NEPA process and permit conditions may identify specific monitoring, the applicant has anticipated the necessity to follow species protection measures during dredge operations as were followed for the Buxton restoration project. These protection measures are also based on those followed in the project to protect NC 12 at Rodanthe (USACE 2013), and as required by the PDCs in the 2020 SARBO. These dredge measures are shown in Table 1.1 and have been updated with comments pertinent to Avon where possible and include information from the 2020 SARBO. Additional measures to minimize impacts during sand placement activities on the beach are discussed in more detail in the section on summer construction (pages 28-37). Monitoring anticipated in addition to NPS policies and procedures would be typical of other North Carolina beach nourishment projects (e.g., marine mammal, sturgeon, and turtle spotters on the dredges at all times, trawling for sea turtles ahead of hopper dredges during operations, nightly sea turtle patrols on the beach, and maintenance of sand ramps and pipeline along the beach). 1.1 Purpose of this Biological Assessment (BA) This BA analyzes the potential effects of the applicant-proposed action, Beach Nourishment at Village of Avon, Dare County, North Carolina, on federally listed threatened, endangered, candidate animal (wildlife, invertebrates, and fish) or plant species, and designated or proposed critical habitats, pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C 1531-1544), as amended. Other federal laws which protect species considered in this document include the US Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 as amended, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (MBTA) as amended, and the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 (BEGEPA) as amended. Potential effects of the proposed action on protected North Carolina species (species of concern, threatened, and endangered) or habitats protected by Article 25 of Chapter 113 of the CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 7 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina North Carolina General Statutes 1987 and/or the Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1979 are also considered. Three alternatives (mentioned above) to the Proposed Action are also evaluated. Federally-listed threatened or endangered animal or plant species and designated or proposed critical habitat or state-listed species/habitats meeting the following criteria are addressed in this assessment: 1) known to occur in the Seashore based on confirmed sightings; 2) may occur in the Seashore based on unconfirmed sightings; 3) potential habitat exists for the species in the Seashore; or 4) potential effects may occur to these species. As part of the federal ESA Section 7 Consultation process, an effects determination would be made only for the species protected pursuant to the ESA. The document may also serve to outline the steps taken to reduce and minimize potential effects to those species which may be affected by the Proposed Action. On the federal level, the species, or their designated critical habitat, (wildlife, fish, reptiles, and plants) listed as threatened, endangered, or candidate by the USFWS and/or the NOAA Fisheries Service—NMFS benefit from legal protection. This BA is prepared in accordance with legal requirements set forth under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (16 USC. 1535 (c)) and policy requirements of the Biological Assessment Guidebook (NPS 2014). On the state level, threatened, endangered, as well as species of concern have legal protection and as part of the permit application process the BA will be distributed to the State Environmental Clearing House for review by agencies or commissions charged with protection of those species under the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 8 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 1.1. Anticipated species protection recommendations for dredge operations (after USACE 2013 and the 2020 SARBO PDCs) in addition to regular NPS monitoring surveys. Other additional monitoring may be required as a result of NEPA process and/or specific conditions attached to permits as a result of USACE risk assessments or consultations. The comment column has been modified to reflect the Avon Village Beach nourishment project. Sea turtles and Atlantic sturgeon are primary species of concern. Source Recommendation Considered in Borrow Area Design and Dredging Comments Updated for Avon Where Possible/Applicable (in bold) Yes Partial No Dibajnia and Nairn (2011) Avoid shoals in waters deeper than 30 meter (m) which show a decrease in height with increasing depth representing a possible Shoal Height Decrease Zone beyond 30 m depth X The shallowest portion of the proposed borrow area proposed to be dredged (i.e., top of ridge) ranges between 35–40 ft deep and the deepest areas along the gently sloping sides of the ridge ranges between 45–50 ft deep. Consider ridge and shoal dredging scenarios which minimize impacts to overall shoal integrity and protect habitat for benthos and fish X The proposed borrow area use plans would be developed in accordance with dredge guidelines to the maximum extent practicable to minimize morphologic shoal response provided by Dibajnia and Nairn (2011). Cuts would be targeted such that portions of the habitat structure unique to the feature and important to resource use would be maintained; thus, no adverse effects to overall shoal integrity are expected. Geotechnical data (CSE 2021a) confirm there is uniformity of sediment size and type within the full section of the proposed dredge cut, with similar quality surficial sediments expected to be left in place after excavations of overlying material. CSA International Inc et al. (2009) Priority locations for shoal dredging to minimize physical impacts is the leading edge due to net long-term deposition and faster infilling rates, followed by the crest and the trailing edge X Use of the topographic high within the proposed borrow area, overall shallow excavation depth of the cutterhead or hopper dredge, and the borrow site’s location in an area of high sand movement are important factors that would maximize biological recovery rates. However, once the proposed borrow area surveys have been completed, coordination with appropriate State and Federal Agencies would occur to avoid impacts to existing high valued biological resources associated with specific shoal features. Innovative dredging methodologies utilizing “striped” dredging pattern appear to support a more timely and uniform recovery X Hopper dredges are the proposed primary dredge method. Hopper dredge operations typically dredge in a "striped" pattern to maximize production over long expansive portions of the borrow area leaving portions of the borrow area unimpacted. Shallow dredging over large areas rather than excavating small but deep pits may be preferred X The current borrow area design and borrow area use plan supports this recommendation. Hopper dredges operate most efficiently dredging shallow cuts over a large surface area rather than excavation of small deep pits. The usable dredge depths would be determined once the surveys have been completed. Dredging in a striped pattern to leave sediment sources adjacent to and interspersed throughout target areas, leading to a more uniformly distributed infilling process X Hopper dredge operations typically dredge in a "striped" pattern to maximize production over long expansive portions of the borrow area leaving portions of the borrow area unimpacted to support infill processes. Discussions with NMFS and NCDMF Borrow area design should consider a wider and shallower cuts rather than deep dredge holes X Geotechnical data (CSE 2021a) within the proposed borrow area confirm the sediments are beach compatible and exceed North Carolina state standards for similarity with the native beach. A high density of 12 borings (~1 per 20 acres) demonstrates general uniformity of sediments in the upper 6–10 ft of substrate. The potential beach quality sand reserves total >3.4 million cubic yards within an ~250-acre area if dredged to 6 ft and 10 ft within the designated boundaries. Shallower cuts over a smaller area are therefore feasible. The final borrow area layout and dredge plan would be prepared in consultation with resource agencies pending results of cultural resource studies. If a suction cutterhead dredge is used, the minimum and maximum excavation depth would be in the range 8–10 ft due to operational considerations for large ocean-certified dredges. If a hopper dredge is used, the cut depths would vary between ~2 ft and 10 ft according to the number of passes over a given area. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 9 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 1.1. (continued) Source Recommendation Considered in Borrow Area Design and Dredging Comments Yes Partial No Discussions with NMFS and NCDMF (cont’d) Review published literature and integrate significant information or lessons learned from dredging of other shoal features throughout the region into borrow area use planning for this project X Relevant literature as it pertains to the physical and biological activities associated with sand ridge features as well as potential dredge-related impacts have been integrated into this impact evaluation. Consider leaving a segment of un-dredged sediment to allow for recovery and recolonization into impacted areas. X Hopper dredges would likely be the primary dredge methodology for this project. As a result of the operation characteristics of the hopper dredge, it is likely that un-dredged ridges would be left behind for recolonization from un-impacted areas. Additionally, it is anticipated that the dynamic nature of the borrow area would result in infill of the impacted areas with adjacent sediments. Diaz et al. (2004) and Slacum et al. (2010) Shoals should be only partially dredged to facilitate post dredging re-colonization from un-impacted refuge areas X The proposed borrow areas and associated quantity of sediment to be dredged is small relative to the areas of shoals off Hatteras Island, including Platt, Wimble, Kinnakeet, and Diamond Shoals. Limiting the distance between the remaining patches of shoal habitat would reduce the distance and time a shoal-associating species would have to travel between patches X The proposed borrow area is located at an un-named sand ridge and is approximately 1.5 miles southeast of Kinnakeet Shoal. It is a rather small component within the overall complex of available habitat. Considering the nearness of similar adjacent habitat types no adverse impacts to shoal associated species are anticipated. Shoals with less relief should be targeted for mining instead of steeper shoals when the option is available X The borrow area use plan would be developed that maximizes opportunity to dredge along the relatively flat and gradual sloped transition towards the shoal crest in order to minimize shoal impacts to higher relief shoal features. Dredging should be avoided when demersal finfish are using the inner continental shelf as a nursery ground X Dredging for the proposed Avon Village beach nourishment is proposed to occur in summer 2022 and is anticipated to be completed in two to three months (anticipated to begin between May and July). Sand could be mined at night, when some species migrate vertically into the water column to reduce the direct injury to fish that can result from mining activities X Dredge activities would not be confined to nighttime activities due to efficiency constraints. Shoals should be mined in rotation to allow shoal-associated assemblages to recover between mining events; this should be done in consideration of the rate at which sand accumulates at the particular shoal where sand is being harvested X The proposed Avon Village nourishment project is expected to provide erosion relief for up to five years. Dare County (applicant) anticipates future projects may be needed along erosion hot spots and is generally budgeting for ~5 years between nourishment events, subject to funding availability and the performance of each project. Benthic communities of the borrow area are expected to recover fully between nourishment events based on monitoring results at other projects. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 10 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 1.1. (concluded) Source Recommendation Considered in Borrow Area Design/Dredging and Sand Placement Yes Partial No 2020 SARBO Project Design Criteria (PDC) General PDCs of Appendix B as applicable. Dredge depth and configuration DREDGE 2. - (pg 522) X Depth limit such that no hypoxic or anoxic conditions result. No-step banked deep holes. PLACE 1. – 3. (pg 523 -524) IN WATER 1. Species movement, IN WATER 2. Equipment Placement, IN WATER 4. Turbidity beach nourishment, IN WATER 5. Entanglement and IN WATER 8 Lighting (pgs 526-528). X No mounds or berms during sand placement that would prevent sea turtle access or egress. Stiff non-looping in-water buoy lines or cables; flexible lines must be encased in sleeves- all lines monitored while in use and removed at completion. USCG safety and sea turtle-friendly lighting specifications/practices on dredge vessels and all equipment on nesting beaches (https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/wildlife/sea-turtle/lighting/) 2020 SARBO (concluded) EDUCATE 1. - 4. Education and observation requirements (pg 525) X All on-site personnel must be made aware of and adhere to all requirements to avoid and minimize effects to ESA-listed species. HOPPER 1. – 5. Equipment specific & personnel requirements (pg 529-531) X Approved PSOs on board, draghead inflow and overflow screening observation requirements, pump disengagement requirements, and state of the art solid faced deflector required. CUTTER 1. (pg 532) Cutterhead will be off when not engaged in the sediment to the maximum extent possible. RELOCATE 1. – 3. (pgs 532-533) X Non-capture trawling or relocation trawling requirements (tow time speed, duration) to avoid and minimize lethal take would be followed. APPENDIX H OBSERVE 1.-11., 14. – 15., 16. Protected Species Observer (pgs 600-613), Handling Sea Turtles, Sturgeon, and Giant Manta Ray (pg 614-625) X All credentials, responsibilities, and guidance in the PDCs will be followed for all observations, interactions, and handling of any protected species in the water. APPENDIX I USACE Risk Assessment X Project will be in compliance with modifications to PDCs or additional prudent measures to minimize take of any protected species which are deemed necessary as a result of the risk assessment of the proposed nourishment project. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 11 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 1.2 Current NPS Management Direction Current management direction for federally listed and proposed threatened and endangered species can be found in the following documents, filed at the National Seashore office: • Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA or Act) • 1916 NPS Organic Act • NPS General Authorities Act of 1978 • NPS Management Policies 2006 • Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) • Species-specific recovery plans which establish population goals for recovery • Species management plans, guides, or conservation strategies • Cape Hatteras National Seashore Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Management Plan (2010) • EA-Review and Adjustment of Wildlife Buffers, Cape Hatteras National Seashore (2015) • Coastal Species of Concern Predation Management Plan (2018) • Sediment Management Framework Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision (2021) As stated in the NPS Management Policies 2006 (NPS 2006), natural resources of each park will be managed to preserve fundamental biological and physical processes as well as individual species, features, and plant and animal communities. These 2006 policies also recognize that natural change is an integral part of the evolution and function of all natural systems and that each park must be managed within the context of its larger ecosystems. However, the park is not to intervene in natural biological or physical processes except in four situations, one of which is “when a park plan has identified the intervention as necessary to protect park resources, human health and safety or facilities.” The enabling 1937 legislation by Congress established Cape Hatteras National Seashore for the enjoyment and benefit of the people and to permanently reserve the area and its resources as primitive wilderness for future generations. Management decisions are made in response to increased understanding of the significance of the National Seashore, whenever new species are provided federal or state protection (or become delisted), or when other unique circumstances require new management directive(s). The 2020-2021 NPS draft and final environmental impact statement for sand management was the most recent protection of the National Seashore assets through intervention into natural processes. The 2021 NPS sediment framework FEIS reflects the Seashore's efforts to document the benefits of human infrastructure protection via future beach nourishment activities and the potential impacts (i.e., costs) to the natural resources of the Seashore from those activities for the next 20 years. One unique circumstance reflected the slow cultural shift in the amount of, the frequency of, and the purpose of vehicle use of the beaches since establishment of the Seashore and the subsequent necessity to manage continued beach access for these vehicles (as well as pedestrians) and to protect natural resources of the National Seashore. The 2010 final Cape Hatteras National Seashore Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement (plan/EIS), the December 2010 Record of Decision (ROD) on that plan/EIS, and the 2015 EA-Review and Adjustment of Wildlife Protection Buffers (NPS 2015a), resulted in very specific regulations. Those regulations covered permits, time of, and kind of vehicle use, vehicle and pedestrian routes, closures, and resource protection measures, including resource monitoring. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 12 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Of pertinence to this BA, the various species management strategies identified in the ORV plan/EIS/ROD afford “protection for threatened, endangered, and other protected species (e.g. state listed species) and their habitats, and minimize impacts related to ORV and other uses as required by laws and policies, such as the ESA, the MBTA, and NPS laws and management policies.” Management actions and directives currently in place that affect this Proposed Action include: • daily beach patrols by NPS staff biologists; • establishment of pre-nest closures for shorebirds and colonial waterbirds in March; • frequent surveys March to July/August and establishment of 248–660-ft (75–200-meter) buffers dependent on certain behaviors observed during surveys (e.g. courtship, breeding, nesting, hatching); • daily patrols to identify sea turtle crawls and nests from May 1 to September 15 (or later depending on last nest or crawl) and periodic patrols until 15 November; erection of 33 by 33-ft (10 by 10-meter) symbolic fencing and signage around each turtle nest which expand to the surf line after 50–55-day incubation and which include silt fencing to protect hatchlings from artificial lighting as shown in the photographs below; and • selective predation management tools/methods (e.g., relocations, fencing, and toxicants under certain conditions among others) as specified in the Coastal Species of Concern Predation Management Plan and Programmatic Environmental Assessment (NPS 2018) and Finding of No Significant Impact (NPS 2019). 2.0 CONSULTATION HISTORY On behalf of Dare County and the National Park Service, CZR Incorporated (CZR) contacted the USFWS via their ECOS IPaC website on 2 March 2021 and requested an official species list and final or proposed designated critical habitat that may occur within the analysis area/project boundary and/or may be affected by the Proposed Action (Consultation Code 04EN2000-2021-E-01680). Additionally, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration—National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Region (NMFS/SERO) website provided a list of those species under their purview when in the water and various personnel were also contacted via email for site-specific information. Formal consultation with USFWS and NMFS will be initiated by the USACE upon receipt of the permit application from Dare County. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 13 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 3.0 PROPOSED MANAGEMENT ACTIONS AND ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED As previously described, the foredunes along the narrowest portions of the National Seashore in the vicinity of southern Avon have eroded more over the past few years under various storms and high lunar tides in conjunction with unnamed storms or nor'easters. Rainfall associated with such storms also often floods the highway through the village and overcomes the surface water drainage capacity of the village. The National Park Service and Dare County worked together to maintain federal and state infrastructure in the Avon vicinity, and allow continued public access to the natural and cultural resources managed by the National Park Service within the Seashore. Representatives of NCDOT attended several meetings to discuss the previous Buxton restoration project purpose as the action area was within a 4.7-mile zone identified in their long range study of NC 12 as the aforementioned Buxton-Canadian Hole “hotspot” (NCDOT TIP No. R 4070 B—one of the three transportation improvement projects south of Rodanthe discussed in their study). To assist in the appropriation of funds and future project schedule and plans, a feasibility study for NC 12 from Avon to Buxton (included the Canadian hole) presented an analysis of potential short-term and long-term options, examined the potential environmental impacts of the project, as well as preliminary project costs (NCDOT 2015). Dare County and National Park Service proceeded forward with the previous Buxton restoration project, the proposed Buxton renourishment action, and the proposed Avon Village nourishment project out of a pragmatic, proactive concern that NCDOT may not be able to act on the Buxton-Canadian hole hotspot except in an emergency mode. Rollout of future State Transportation Improvement Plans [STIP], project design/schedule constraints, and/or lack of funds, could interfere with a timely response) except in an emergency mode, a situation which Dare County and National Park Service would prefer to avoid if possible. 3.1 Plan Formulation Dare County commissioned a feasibility study of the Rodanthe and Buxton beaches to quantify differences in beach condition relative to healthy beaches along the National Seashore and to outline alternative strategies for beach restoration in hotspot areas (CSE 2013) and followed with a similar feasibility study of the Avon area (CSE 2020). The County studies used detailed surveys of the littoral profile to compute unit volumes in the active beach zone. It is well established that beaches develop a profile which adjusts to changes in wave energy (Fig 3.1) (Komar 1998). The condition of the profile can be measured as a function of sediment grain size, average wave heights and periods, tidal range, and foreshore slope (Dean 1991). It can also be measured in terms of the unit volume of sand contained between reference contours (Verhagen 1992). Figure 3.2 illustrates the concept of unit-width profile volumes for a normal healthy beach (one with sufficient volume to withstand normal seasonal adjustments of the profile without damage to the foredune) or beaches with more or less volume than normal. In response to the emergent need for beach restoration in Avon Village, Dare County completed a feasibility study to assess erosion and formulate solutions along the Village of Avon in November 2020 (CSE 2020). This feasibility report evaluates the beach in detail upcoast and downcoast of the critically eroded area to place the area in context and establish linkages with the sand sharing system alongshore. It also provides several levels of beach restoration plans for different project longevities. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 14 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.2 The concept of unit-width profile volumes for a series of beach profiles showing an eroded beach with a deficit, a normal beach, and a beach with a volume surplus. Profile volumes integrate small-scale perturbations in profile shape and provide a simple objective measure of beach condition based on three conditions (eroded, normal, and sand surplus). Indicated quantities are realistic for many east coast beaches within the elevation limits shown. [After Kana 1990] FIGURE 3.1. Representative profile of the littoral zone illustrating the principal features between the dune and offshore. Areas identified include the foredune, dry beach, wet beach, low tide terrace, trough, and longshore bar. The profile varies with changes in wave energy, the passage of storms, and differences in sediment quality. [Based on Komar 1998] CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 15 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 3.2 Historical and Recent Erosion Rates The NC Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) reports official erosion rates (“setback factors”) for Avon in 2020 ranging from 2.0 feet per year (ft/yr) north of Avon Pier to 6.0 ft/yr along a ~4,000 ft section of beach south of the pier. Erosion reduces to 3.0 ft/yr at the south limit of the Village. In the feasibility report, CSE analyzed historical shorelines for fourteen different dates (1852 to 2020) and determined that the critically eroded section south of Avon Pier has experienced erosion as high as 16–20 ft/yr over the past 20 years (CSE 2020). Because state erosion rates average over 60+ years, the official rate is lower but has been increasing with each update along south Avon. The cause of accelerated erosion is unclear, but one factor is rhythmic alongshore sand waves spaced ~3000 ft apart that slowly migrate downcoast, producing systematic variations in beach width. The trough (narrow dry beach area) of one such rhythmic sand wave has persisted south of Avon Pier in recent years. The outer bar at this locality is lower than upcoast sections and produces less wave impedance. These erosion features are likely linked to inshore bars and shoals, and this theory is expected to be tested and confirmed in the future when more comparative surveys are available. 3.3 Beach Condition Survey in July 2020, Volumetric Analysis, and Project Formulation CSE established a baseline and measured profiles every 500 ft along the shoreline from the dune line to deep water (>30 ft below sea level) along the entire 18,000-ft (~3.4-mile) Avon Village in July 2020. An additional 5,000 ft of upcoast and downcoast shoreline into the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, managed by the National Park Service (NPS), was also surveyed. It is believed that the July 2020 data set is the first comprehensive data set for the beach condition of this area, and it provided the basis for the proposed nourishment formulation along with the historical erosion analysis. The calculation limits extend from the dune crest to the offshore depth of closure* at –24 ft NAVD,** representing the “littoral sand box” for Avon, where nearly all sand exchange across the beach occurs. Volume analyses were used to determine the sand deficit south of the Avon Pier relative to healthy sections of beach north of the Pier that contains a high protective dune and wide dry-sand beach. [*Depth of Closure is the approximate limit of measurable bottom change over particular time scales, and it is where waves and currents have no measurable impact on bottom elevations. The calculation limits from the dune to the depth of closure will be used by FEMA to determine sand volume losses after a declared disaster under Category G – Public Assistance (FEMA 2020). Based upon historical profiles analysis in the adjacent Buxton project area (NPS/USACE 2015), the closure depth for the Avon project area should be around −24 ft NAVD.] [ **NAVD’88 — North American Vertical Datum of 1988 which is roughly 0.5 ft above present mean sea level along the North Carolina coast.] Figure 3.3 illustrates the Digital Terrain Models (DTM) of the study area by color-coded, smooth-contour maps using the indicated elevation/depth intervals for each color. Light colors indicate the dune-beach zone and longshore bar; deep blue represents water depths >30 ft. The bathymetry DTMs show relatively smooth, continuous morphology of a longshore bar (yellow-green color band) (inside the 20-ft depth contour) along the northern half of Avon. The longshore bar diminishes to the south, and an inshore bar develops in shallower water. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 16 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Figure 3.4 shows unit volumes station by station using the July 2020 survey. The five reaches delineated for the study area are marked in the figure, and the horizontal lines (in red) show the average unit volume of each reach. Reaches 3, 4, and a small portion of Reach 5 are the proposed project area. The present results indicate that Reach 4 has the lowest unit volume of 748 cy/ft, which is 128 cy/ft less than Reach 3, 133 cy/ft less than Reach 5, 440 cy/ft less than Reach 1, and 471 cy/ft less than Reach 2. These profile volume differences along Avon provide a basis for CSE’s proposed nourishment volume determinations. We used the results to determine the profile deficit with respect to an ideal or target beach condition (CSE 2020). It would take approximately 1 million cubic yards of sand to restore Reaches 3 and 4 and maintain the project area for five years under normal weather conditions. This is the total nourishment volume proposed herein. 3.4 Alternatives Three alternatives have been evaluated for the proposed beach nourishment: • Alternative 1 – No-Action • Alternative 2 – Nourishment with Offshore Sand Source and Winter Construction • Alternative 3 – Nourishment with Offshore Sand Source and Summer Construction Additional alternatives and other sand sources (material dredged from Avon Harbor and inland deposits from nearby sand stockpiles) were considered during the feasibility study but were dismissed from further analysis for environmental, geological, technical, or economic reasons (CSE 2020). Construction during the summer months is necessary in this setting because of high wave conditions for the remainder of the year, as was proved by other nourishment projects completed (or being planned) in Dare County as listed in Table 3.1. The full scope of work proposed under Alternative 3 would best protect NC 12 and National Park Service (NPS) facilities at Cape Hatteras. It would increase the area of sea turtle and shorebird nesting habitat, and it would also reduce the frequency of future remedial or emergency measures. The short-term biological impacts to benthic organisms under Alternative 3 may be greater than Alternative 2. However, Alternative 2 would require work in the winter months, placing Contractor personnel at much greater risk due to unsafe conditions offshore. Therefore, Alternative 3 is the Applicant’s preferred alternative. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 17 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.3. Color-coded topography and bathymetry Digital Terrain Models (DTM) from the July 2020 beach condition survey for the Avon study area. Note: the proposed nourishment project area is from stations 1550+00 to 1682+00, mainly along Reaches 3 and 4. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 18 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 3.1. Beach nourishment projects using offshore borrow areas completed or planned in Dare County (MCY – Million Cubic Yards). FIGURE 3.4. Unit volumes by station from the foredune to the approximate depth of closure at –24 ft NAVD along the Avon study area using the July 2020 survey. Note: the proposed nourishment project area is from stations 1550+00 to 1682+00, mainly Reaches 3 and 4. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 19 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 3.4.1 Project Description Based on the feasibility study (CSE 2020) and available funds, Dare County has elected to nourish the critically eroded section of beach and its immediate upcoast. The proposed project area, marked as Reaches 3 and 4 in Figures 3.5 and 3.6, is 13,200 ft (2.5 miles) out of the 18,000 ft (~3.8 miles) of the Avon Village. The maximum nourishment volume will be 1 million cubic yards. It will involve excavating beach-quality sand from an offshore borrow area via hydraulic and/or hopper dredge (see Figure 1.1). Borrow sediment will be pumped to the beach and spread by land-based equipment (eg – bulldozers) in the beach zone between the toe of dune/mid-dry sand beach and the low watermark. The elevation of the nourishment berm will be set at or below the normal dry-beach level (approximately +7 feet NAVD) so that it is naturally overtopped by waves during minor storms. The nourishment profile will be designed to adjust rapidly to changing wave conditions with an expected gradual shift of sand into deeper water as the profile equilibrates. Backshore areas are expected to be enhanced gradually after construction by natural dune building processes. The average maximum fill density (volume of nourishment per linear foot of beach) will be ~75 cubic yards per foot (cy/ft). This is equivalent to an average beach width increase after natural profile adjustment of ~40 ft in Reach 3 and 90 ft in Reach 4. During construction for a 2.5-mile-long project, the anticipated maximum impact area is ~80 acres. The maximum project is expected to create ~15 acres of new dry-beach habitat. This expanded dry-beach area will eventually produce ~3.5 acres of new dune habitat via natural processes after the equipment is removed from the beach. The maximum scale is expected to provide approximately five years of erosion relief, dune growth, and NC 12 protection under normal conditions. The final project volume will be determined according to the state and federal permits, the County’s construction fund, and the responsible bid. Fill densities will vary from 43 cy/ft in Reach 3 (north of the Avon Pier) to 90 cy/ft in Reach 4 (south of the Avon Pier) to best achieve the Applicant’s purpose and goals of the proposed nourishment project. Figure 3.7 includes the fill design of two representative stations, and the details of the design are illustrated in Permit Drawing Sheets 03–10. The elevation of the dry-sand berm is set to be at +7 ft NAVD, and the initial dunes will be constructed along Reach 4 from stations 1590+00 to 1682+00. The dune crest is set to be at +13 ft NAVD, the typical dune width is 20 ft, and the dune seaward slope is 1 on 4 (vertical versus horizontal). The width of the constructed dry-sand berm (before normal profile adjustment) in front of the toe of the initial dunes varies from 90–200 ft. The initial dune will tie into the existing profile but will not encroach on existing vegetation or house foundations under any circumstances. Final fill templates for each section of the beach will be determined close to the time of construction (according to standard practice) based on beach conditions. However, the total project volume and the impact area will not exceed the maximum values proposed herein unless otherwise directed by the permits. Final fill templates for construction will be submitted to the permitting agencies for approval before the commencement of nourishment. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 20 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.6. Aerial photo taken on 15 July 2020 showing the proposed project area, particularly Reach 4 – south of the Avon Pier. FIGURE 3.5. Aerial photo taken on 15 July 2020 showing the proposed project area, particularly Reach 3 – north of the Avon Pier. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 21 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 3.4.2 Sediment Quality and Compatibility (1) Beach Sampling CSE established five stations in 2020 along the proposed project area while conducting the feasibility study (CSE 2020). Sediment samples were collected at 14 positions across each station in March 2021. The location of the five alongshore stations are shown in Figure 3.8, and the 14 positions across each station are illustrated in Figure 3.9. The mean grain size of beach sand at the Avon project area was 0.289 millimeters (mm) with 4 percent of shell and 1.8 percent of gravel as of March 2021. Samples collected below –8 ft NAVD were finer than those collected from the upper portions of the profile. Samples collected within the trough (next to MLW in Figure 3.9) were significantly coarser. The mean grain size of samples collected above mean low water (MLW) is 0.323 mm with 4 percent shell material and 1.8 percent gravel (>2 mm) by weight. Not including the trough, beach samples contained ~2–3 percent shell material and ~1–2 percent gravel by weight. (2) Offshore Borrow Area Sediment Quality and Compatibility Analysis The proposed offshore borrow area encompasses ~250 acres and is located within NC state waters. Fifteen (15) 3-inch borings were obtained in April 2021, and each core has a uniform depth of 10 ft below the existing substrate. Twelve out of the 15 cores are located in the proposed borrow area, yielding an average core density of one core per ~20 acres. The core locations are marked in Figures 1.1 and 3.10 and on Permit Drawing Sheets 11–12. The borings were split, logged, subsampled, and analyzed for grain-size distribution and comparison with the existing beach sand, then pro-rated according to the length of each sample interval. This allows the calculation of boring statistics to a specified “composite” depth, which is useful for the operational considerations of dredge vessels. After calculating the composite values to 6 ft, 8 ft, and 10 ft depths, seven (7) borings were found to have beach-quality sand to a depth up to 10 ft in Borrow Area 1, and five (5) borings were found to have beach-quality sand to a depth up to 6 ft in Borrow Area 2. The mean grain size of the seven borings in Borrow Area 1, composited to a 10-ft depth, is 0.308 mm with 16.4 percent shell material and 2.8 percent gravel (>2 mm) by weight. The mean grain size of the five borings in Borrow Area 2, composited to a 6-ft depth, is 0.331 mm with 16.8 percent shell material and 5.8 percent gravel (>2 mm) by weight. Overfill factor provides a measure of how a particular sand source will perform as beach nourishment (CERC 1984). Low overfill factors are generally preferred, with the ideal being equal to 1.0. The overfill factor of Borrow Area 1 (10-ft cut depth) is 1.0, and 1.1 for Borrow Area 2 (6-ft cut depth), indicating a good match between the material in the borrow areas and the native beach. The boring density in both Borrow Area 1 and Borrow Area 2 is approximately 1 core per 20 acres. Based on these descriptive statistics, the proposed borrow area contains compatible sand (Figure 3.11) and meets the requirements of the updated North Carolina Technical Standards for Beach Fill Projects (15A NCAC 07H .0312 effective April 1, 2021 –Attachment A) and National Park Service Sediment Management Framework (NPS 2021a and 2021b). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 22 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.7. Representative fill templates at station 1560+00 for Reach 3 and 1610+00 for Reach 4. Beach profiles represent the beach condition in July 2020. An initial dune is proposed to be constructed along portions of Reach 4. The dune crest is set to be at +13 ft NAVD and the seaward slope is 1 on 4. The typical dune crest width is 20 ft, and the constructed dry-sand berm in front of the dune is approximately 157 ft at station 1610+00 (~2,000 ft south of Avon Pier). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 23 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.8. Location of the five sediment sample transects (14 samples per transect) along the Avon project area. Samples were collected in March 2021. FIGURE 3.9. Sample positions for “beach” grab samples along the Avon project area following North Carolina sediment sampling criteria rules. The Avon littoral profile exhibits a narrow berm (dry-sand beach) and deep trough separating the outer bar from the beach. Elevations and depths (y-axis) are relative to approximate Mean Sea Level. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 24 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.10. Mean grain size, percent shell, and percent gravel for core composite samples to 10 ft in the proposed offshore Borrow Area 1 and 6 ft in the proposed Borrow Area 2 based on borings obtained in April 2021. Each boring has a uniform length of 10 ft. Composite results of the twelve vibracores are listed in table on the upper left. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 25 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.11. GSDs for Avon native beach samples (n=70) compared with offshore samples in the proposed borrow area (composite). [UPPER] Borrow Area 1 where 10 ft excavation depth is proposed. [LOWER] Borrow Area 2 where 6 ft excavation depth is proposed. In both borrow areas, sediments are expected to be coarser than the native beach initially. Over time, the grain size of the post-nourishment beach is expected to move closer to the historical grain size distribution around Avon. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 26 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina The proposed 250-acre borrow area would provide up to 3.4 million cubic yards of beach quality sand if excavation is permitted to a depth of 10 ft in Borrow Area 1 and 6 ft in Borrow Area 2. The proposed ~250-acre borrow area will provide sufficient volume to accomplish a 1-million cubic yard project. More details of the geotechnical data and analysis are included in Appendix A of the Environmental Assessment. Large sediment sampling was conducted in March 2021 as required by North Carolina sediment standards for the proposed beach nourishment (15A NCAC 07H.0312 Effective 1 April 2021). The fieldwork, data analysis, photo processing, and the report were performed under Grant Contract No. CW20490 between the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the County of Dare. Large clasts are defined as sediments greater than, or equal to, one inch (25.4 millimeters) in diameter, and shell material greater than or equal to three inches (76 millimeters) in diameter. Survey results show that 26 clasts were observed along the five transects in the Avon project area in March 2021. Each transect averaged 5.2 shell fragments greater than three inches in diameter. More details and the full conclusions are included in Appendix C of the Environmental Assessment. 3.4.3 Cultural Resources Study in the Borrow Area The coastal waters off the Outer Banks of North Carolina have one of the highest documented concentrations of shipwrecks in the western Atlantic. Hundreds of vessels have been reported lost off the Outer Banks and especially off Cape Hatteras. Weather, currents, natural magnetic anomalies, and shoals make navigation along the Outer Banks and off Cape Hatteras more hazardous than most East Coast areas. Although the proposed action area lies within the area of highest sensitivity for historic shipwrecks in North Carolina, no shipwreck remains have been documented on the adjacent beach or in the offshore vicinity (NPS/USACE 2015). The Applicant retained Tidewater Atlantic Research (TAR) to conduct a cultural resources survey in the proposed borrow area for the Avon nourishment project. Because the proposed borrow area contains over three times more sand than the volume needed for the proposed nourishment project, “no-work” buffer zones around possible anomalies (if any) are not likely to impact construction. 3.4.4 Dune Management Plan Dare County proposes to integrate a dune management plan into the proposed nourishment project. The purpose of the plan is to improve storm protection along the vulnerable section of the project area, accelerate dune growth, and provide guidance for possible sand relocation activities in the event of future sand encroachment to existing structures. The dune management plan proposed as part of the nourishment plan and present permit application includes the following actions at two major stages: (1) During Construction – Initial dunes are proposed to be built along Reach 4 – south of the Avon Pier. The typical elevation at the top of the dune will be at +13 ft NAVD, and the typical width of the dune crest will be 20 ft. The typical seaward slope will be at 1 on 4 (vertical versus horizontal). The constructed berm width in front of the dune varies from 90–200 ft, providing sufficient dry-sand beach to minimize scarping at the toe of the dune following project completion. The protective CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 27 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina dune will tie into the existing profile but in no circumstance encroach on existing vegetation or house foundations. (2) Following Construction – Sand fencing will be installed, and vegetation will be planted along the entire project area (i.e. – Reaches 3 and 4) following nourishment. General instructions are illustrated on Permit Drawing Sheet 13, and the exact locations of sand fencing and vegetation will be determined based on the condition after the proposed nourishment. 3.4.5 Methods of Construction The proposed beach nourishment will be placed by ocean-going trailing suction hopper dredge(s) or cutterhead pipeline dredge(s) between the seaward crest of the existing dry beach and the outer bar. Only the profile above high water is controllable in nourishment construction. Intertidal and underwater portions of the profile will be subject to natural adjustment by waves. The fill will be placed no higher than +7 ft NAVD (the average natural elevation of the berm). Work will progress in sections within the borrow area and along the beach. Fill placement along the beach will typically progress at an average rate of 300 ft per day. Construction activities will involve the movement of heavy equipment and pipe along ~4,000-ft reaches over a period of 1–2 weeks. Once a section is complete, piping and heavy equipment will be shifted to a new section, and the process will be repeated. As soon as practicable, sections will be graded and dressed to final slopes. Other than at equipment staging areas, beach residents along the project area will experience disruption due to construction for only several days or less. Land-based equipment will be brought to the site over public roads and will enter the beach at designated beach access areas. Any alteration of dune vegetation/topography necessary for equipment access will be authorized prior to undertaking any work and be repaired to pre-project conditions. Daily equipment staging will be on the constructed beach seaward of the dune line. Existing dunes and vegetation on the beach will be avoided and preserved. The Contractor will provide proper storage and disposal of oils, chemicals, hydraulic fluids, etc., necessary for operation according to state and federal regulations. Construction Schedule — The proposed project will require summer dredging because of safety issues, particularly the lack of a nearby safe harbor for ocean dredges. Construction duration is expected to be a maximum of ~3 months if work is permitted between 1 May and 15 September. CSE evaluated potential cost savings during the feasibility study should an Avon nourishment project using offshore deposits be combined with similar work at Buxton (CSE 2020). Some sharing of mobilization costs would potentially offer savings of $2–3 million for the proposed project. Permit applications for the Buxton renourishment project were submitted to the state and federal agencies in May 2021, targeting construction in summer 2022. Therefore, the preferred schedule for the proposed Avon nourishment is summer 2022. The summer construction proposed herein is consistent with all prior nourishment projects in Dare County since 2011 (see Table 3.1). It also follows the applicant’s goal of maintaining the project with renourishment at approximate five-year intervals between projects. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 28 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 3.4.6 Alternative 3-Summer Construction (Applicant’s Proposed Action) Alternative 3-Summer Construction would meet the goal to protect infrastructure, achieve the wider oceanfront beach, and would meet the project purpose and need. This alternative is predicted to afford protection for twice as long as Alternative 2-Winter Construction. The applicant-proposed action would include placement of up to 1.0 million cubic yards of compatible sands (also dredged from the proposed 250- acre offshore borrow area) along up to 13,200 ft (2.5 miles). While all of this length is within National Seashore property, the entire project length is along the oceanfront of Avon Village (see Figure 1.1). The proposed dredging offshore and sand placement on the beach is projected to occur over a <3-month period between June and August 2022. Recognizing the serious concern for endangered and threatened species protection during summer dredge operations along the ocean coast of the South Atlantic Region, certain monitoring and mitigation measures would be implemented by the project owner (Dare County) and dredge contractor in close coordination with resource agencies (e.g. PDCs and other guidance from the 2020 SARBO as appropriate) and the NPS. National Seashore biologists closely monitor shore bird and turtle nesting activities along the National Seashore and establish closure areas when certain species are present and actively nesting. Fewer shorebirds nest in the Avon project area compared to the Buxton project area; however, one least tern nest and chick was observed in 2014 but none since. Shorebirds do rest and forage on the Avon beach every year, and loggerhead sea turtle nests are usually documented on the Avon beach every year. After informal interagency consultation with USFWS, NCWRC, and NPS for the 2017/2018 Buxton project, Dare County proposed to minimize or mitigate impacts to nesting shorebirds and sea turtles and marine mammals by the following measures which would also guide the Avon restoration project: • Time construction activities to avoid active nesting areas to the extent practicable. • Configure the fill sections to avoid placement on the dry sand beach in the vicinity of any designated bird closure areas; placement would occur seaward of mean low water for limited sections of the project. • Monitor both sides of the shore pipe each night during construction for signs of turtle activity. • Daily sea turtle nesting surveys initiated by 1 May through end of project. • USFWS- and/or NCWRC-authorized personnel will relocate all sea turtle nests that may be affected by construction or sand placement ahead of construction to minimize impacts to sea turtles. All relocated nests must be moved before 0900 the morning following deposition to a secure setting meeting criteria to optimize hatch. Nest relocations will cease as project segments are completed unless other factors threaten successful hatch. All nests will be marked and avoided. • Use special lights for turtles as recommended by USFWS and, per the 2020 SARBO, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and subject to conformance with OSHA minimums for work safety. • Maintain a minimum back beach buffer of the order 50-ft (no work area) between the foredune and active nourishment area to avoid disturbance of incipient vegetation or potential nesting areas. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 29 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina • Maintain certified and NMFS/OPR-approved onboard protected species observers (PSOs) with authority to stop work as deemed necessary by current ESA protocols, the 2020 SARBO, and/or standard conditions of the any biological opinion (BO) issued for the project. Optional measures suggested to mitigate adverse effects will be fully considered. • Trawl ahead of hopper dredges (non-capture trawling) to mobilize any sea turtles or Atlantic sturgeon that may be resting in the surficial sediments of the borrow area. A goal of summer dredge operation is to accomplish the work at the largest volume possible in the shortest time, so as to provide the greatest project longevity. A project of ~1.0 million cubic yards can be constructed in two to three months in the summer; however, based on recent experience at Buxton, wave climate is critical to the timeline, even in the summer. Typically, projects at the scale of Buxton and Avon require two or more landing points for the submerged pipeline. The sand slurry is pumped via the submerged pipeline to shore, then runs parallel to the beach by way of “shore pipe”. Work proceeds north or south for a distance of 3,000- 4,000 ft (typical) until that section of the project is complete. Then the shore pipe is removed and used to build the next section in the opposite direction until complete. Avon would likely be completed in four discrete sections, working around the clock due to the high cost and number of personnel required for the operation of ocean certified dredges. It is not practical or cost-effective to suspend operations for several weeks and restart the project. Suspension of work for several weeks would result in remobilization costs or high standby costs per day (order of $150,000-200,000) with concomitant reduction in the volume that can be dredged under a fixed budget. Fill sections can be modified to avoid placement landward of the low tide line for limited distances so as to place active construction as far as possible from nest closure areas. Such a configuration would leave a swale between the nourishment berm and the native beach. After construction is finished and all equipment removed, autumn storms would be expected to overtop the nourishment berm and drive sand into the swale. This procedure was used at Nags Head to avoid placing sand under condemned houses that were positioned in the active swash zone (CSE 2012). It is not practical or advisable to leave gaps in the project, given the anticipated cross-shore dimensions. Bulges in the fill adjacent to gaps potentially produce accelerated erosion of unnourished sections. For similar reasons, the ends of the project would incorporate long taper sections (order of 1,000–1,500 ft). As sections are completed, a 1,000-4,000 ft length of shore pipe remains in place for a 1–2-week period. The connection points every 40 ft must remain exposed for inspection for leaks by the dredgers, but numerous sand ramps will be placed over the pipe for vehicles and beach goers. The duration of time that the shore pipe would be strung out the maximum distance alongshore (~4,000 ft) would be a few days. As soon as the section volume is in place, the shore pipe would be removed and the nourishment berm graded to final contours with nearly all construction activity ceasing in that section. To minimize ingress of heavy equipment along the beach at night, unused pipe sections would be pre-positioned by loaders during daylight hours near the active work area for adding as needed during the night shift. This would also confine lighting to the ~300 ft active work area each night. Dare County proposes these monitoring and mitigation measures based on consultation with USFWS, NMFS, and NPS officials, experience from the Buxton restoration project, and experience with Northern Outer Banks nourishment projects. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 30 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 3.5 Additional Details of Applicant-Proposed Action (Alternative 3-Summer Construction) In addition to what has been described above, the applicant-proposed action (see Fig 1.1) includes the following items: 1) All sediment placed on the Avon project beach would be compatible with the native beach. Figure 3.11 presents the grain size comparison for native beach samples and offshore samples in the proposed borrow area. The beach fill sand would be dredged from the proposed borrow areas located about 2 miles offshore of Avon from within an unnamed sand ridge just northeast of the proposed borrow area dredged for the Buxton restoration project (see Fig 1.1). Geotechnical investigations were conducted in March 2021 within the proposed borrow area to identify sufficient quantities of beach compatible material (≥90% sand) and determine presence of cultural resources or hard grounds. Figures 3.12 and 3.13 show an example core photo log and core log from the center of the proposed borrow area. Figure 3.11 shows a preliminary comparison of the grain-size distribution along the subaerial beach and borrow area (composited samples in the upper 6–10 ft of section). The proposed borrow area for the project is a shoal exposed to high wave energy in water depths between 40 to 50 ft with negligible fine grained material present (e.g., mud or organics) (CSE 2021a). Geotechnical data within the proposed borrow area confirm the sediments are beach compatible and exceed North Carolina state standards for similarity with the native beach (CSE 2021a). A high density of 15 borings (12 within the actual boundaries) (~1 per 20 acres) demonstrates general uniformity of sediments in the upper 10 ft of substrate in Borrow Area 1 and 6 ft in Borrow Area 2. 2) The proposed work would use either an ocean certified hopper dredge (with pump-ashore capabilities) and/or a hydraulic pipeline cutterhead dredge (Fig 3.14) to excavate and pump the material from the proposed offshore borrow area to the sand placement area. The most feasible and safe method for excavation is anticipated to be via hopper dredge during summer months when wave energy at the borrow site is within threshold criteria for safest and most optimal operations (see Fig 3.15). The project area is exposed to the highest waves along the East Coast (Leffler et al. 1996) and is situated approximately 105 miles from the nearest safe harbor at Little Creek Virginia. Ocean-going dredges, which can legally operate offshore, generally have drafts which exceed the navigation channel depth or actual depth at Oregon Inlet (~45 miles away) or Hatteras Inlet (~20 miles away, extra distance required to navigate around Diamond Shoals for safe passage). 3) Once sand has been pumped to the site, heavy equipment typically used in beach fill placement operations (i.e., bulldozers, front end loaders, excavators) would be used to fine tune the design beach profile; other support vehicles (i.e., ATVs, trucks) would also drive on the beach (Fig 3.16). Operations at the active beach construction site would be around the clock seven days a week until completion, the active beach discharge point would be fenced to protect public safety, and land- based personnel would work within the beach construction zone to ensure compliance with conditions and restrictions of the applicable state and federal permits. Staging areas would be used to store additional shore pipe, fuel, mobile on-site office, and other necessary equipment. Locations of any staging areas and two anticipated access points for support vehicles and heavier equipment would be coordinated with the NPS and the Village of Avon, as necessary. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 31 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.12. Example core photo log for one of the 10-ft borings (AV-27) obtained by AVS in April 2021. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 32 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.13. Core log for AV-27 showing the lithology, sample intervals, and mean grain sizes. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 33 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.14. Three hopper dredges and one suction cutterhead dredge (inset photos) were used to construct the Nags Head (NC) beach nourishment project (24 May to 27 October 2011). Image shows nourishment construction in progress working south to north toward Outer Banks Pier in south Nags Head. [Photos by CSE and Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.] CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 34 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.15. Graph showing the monthly average wave climate from 2003–2020 at NDBC Wave Buoy Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC) near Buxton and Avon compared with the wave climate at the USACE Field Research Facility at Duck (NC). The criteria for safe dredging apply to hopper-dredge operations using ocean- certified equipment per informal guidance by dredging contractors. Suction-cutterhead dredges generally cannot operate safely in waves >3 feet (USACE 2010). The graph shows that average monthly wave height exceeds 5 feet from September to April in the proposed project area. Calmest conditions occur in June and July when average wave heights are ~3.7 feet. The bars at the bottom of the lower graph show approximate range of dates when certain protected species may be present in or near the Project Area. (Source: NDBC). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 35 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 4) The duration of construction is expected to be ~2–3 months assuming operations are permitted during summer months and weather/wave climate is conducive. Safe harbor interruptions, which may be expected but are not quantifiable, are not included in the 3-month construction estimate. Production for a 4.6 million cubic yard project at Nags Head, North Carolina (~50–60 miles north of the Buxton project site) was ~3.8 million cubic yards in three months between 27 May and 27 August 2011 using one large hopper dredge (~6,000 cy capacity) and one suction cutterhead dredge (for ~1.5 months), and ~0.8 million cubic yards in two months between 27 August and 27 October using two smaller hopper dredges (~3,000 cy capacity each) (CSE 2012). Low production rates for the latter 20 percent of the Nags Head project reflect a high frequency of no-work days associated with high wave events in September and October. Hurricane Irene impacted the Nags Head project on 27 August 2011. 5) On a given day, the typical impact area along the beach in the project area would average ~1,000 linear feet. Project areas outside the active work area would remain open to the public, subject to NPS natural resource protection, management, and policy. As sections of the project are completed, the nourished area would be reopened immediately to the public as appropriate. Sections of shore pipeline extending up to ~4,000 linear feet along the beach would be left in place along the completed berm. Sand ramps would be placed over the pipeline for vehicle and pedestrian access to and from the beach every 100–200 feet (ft). The pipeline would be monitored nightly while in place to detect any turtle activity in the project area and to insure no turtles are stranded landward of the pipeline. Upon completion of a section of the project, the shore pipeline would be removed and relocated to a new pump-out point and shore pipe extended along the beach as the subsequent sections are completed. Thus, the shore length over which pipe extends during construction would vary from <100 ft to ~4,000 ft. Resource closure areas designated by NPS biologists before or during construction would be bypassed or avoided by shifting construction as far seaward as practicable to minimize impacts and maintain acceptable no work buffers near closure areas. Close coordination between NPS personnel and contractors would be maintained throughout the construction of the project. 6) Loaders would remove and relocate the pipeline and bulldozers would shape the nourishment berm into its final grades and slopes above mean high water. The seaward slope cannot be controlled accurately, but the likely intertidal beach slope for the nourished beach at the time of construction would be ~1 on 15 based on experience in similar settings. The constructed berm is expected to adjust rapidly to slopes and morphology typical of the surf zone, including low-tide bars and troughs formed within weeks in response to varying wave action. During fall months, the project area is subject to frequent high energy wave events associated with minor extra-tropical storms (“northeasters”). The berm elevation of the nourished beach is expected to be lower than the typical wave uprush limit during northeasters and be overtopped periodically within months of project completion. Washover deposits would shift sand landward to higher elevations near the foredune and shift sand into shallow water. Figure 3.17 illustrates a sequence of profile changes at one station along the Nags Head project area during and shortly after construction (from CSE 2012). Figure 3.18 shows natural buildup of the foredune over sand fencing placed at the toe of the foredune one year and three years after construction of the Nags Head project. No dune planting or sand fencing are included in project plans. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 36 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.16. Types of land-based support equipment generally required for beach nourishment construction. [Photo annotations courtesy of J Lignelli and First Coastal Corp of New York.] 7) The offshore borrow area would be excavated to a maximum depth of 10 ft in Borrow Area 1 and 6 ft in Borrow Area 2 below existing grade. If hopper dredges are used, excavations would leave undisturbed areas in close proximity to dredged corridors. High wave energy is expected to rapidly eliminate irregularities in the borrow area topography and promote mixing of exposed sands which underlie the removed sediments. The anticipated borrow area contains potential sand resources totaling >3.4 million cubic yards. The maximum project volume to be removed would be less than 30 percent of the sand resources in the designated area. Upon adjustment, the average depth over the designated borrow area is expected to increase by ~3 ft to an average depth in the range ~40–50 ft below mean sea level. The excavations over a natural ridge are not expected to leave deep holes. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 37 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.17. Pre- and post-nourishment profiles from a station in south Nags Head ~900 ft south of Jennette’s Pier (Whalebone Junction) showing fill adjustment after three years. Note ~20:1 vertical exaggeration. No sand was placed above the +7-ft NAVD contour. Natural profile adjustment by Year 3 included a large shift of sand from the nourishment berm to the foredune as well as a buildup of sand offshore. The buildup of the foredune since nourishment is due to natural processes (from CSE 2014). The profile changes include impacts from Hurricane Irene (2011) and Hurricane Sandy (2012). FIGURE 3.18. Natural dune growth along south Nags Head (NH Station 855+00) after the 2011 nourishment project. [UPPER] 11 June 2012 locality in Nags Head (NC) seven months after nourishment. [LOWER] 5 June 2014 same locality two years and seven months after nourishment (From CSE 2014) CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 38 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK — CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 39 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 4.0 PROPOSED PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION Cape Hatteras National Seashore occupies over 30,000 acres (ac) from the ocean to the sound and includes 64 miles of shoreline across three North Carolina islands, Bodie, Hatteras, and Ocracoke. The Proposed Action Area is in Dare County, North Carolina and in the jurisdiction and management of the National Park Service in front of Avon Village. The sand placement will widen the beach in front of much of the village of Avon, and the northern and southern ends of the sand placement will taper into the existing beach profile. As shown on the topographic/bathymetric map (Fig 4.1) and aerial photograph (Fig 4.2), the majority of the project area considered terrestrial is unvegetated. Figure 4.3 shows the terrestrial foot-print ranges in elevation (NAVD) from mean sea level to 13 ft and includes the backshore (13 ft elevation and landward 50 ft = 15.2 ac), foredune (9 ft to 13 ft elevation = 10 ac), and dry beach (5 ft to 9 ft elevation = 16.1 ac). The aquatic or marine footprint ranges in elevation from −24 ft to 5 ft and is comprised of wet beach (5 ft to −1 ft elevation = 16.6 ac), nearshore bottom (−1 ft to −8 ft elevation = 92 ac), and the offshore bottom (−8 ft to −24 ft elevation = 526.7 ac). No nourishment would be placed directly on the backshore above the +13-ft elevation contour. However, post-construction adjustment of the profile would likely include natural aeolian transport of sand from the nourishment berm to the upper beach and foredune. Therefore, habitat areas 50 ft landward of the +13-ft contour are referenced herein as part of the project area habitat. Borrow Area 1 and Borrow Area 2 include an additional 250 ac of offshore bottom from approximately −35 ft to −50 ft elevation. Nearshore and offshore bottom includes the trough and longshore bars of the surf zone as well as the more persistent shoals in deeper waters. Figures 4.4 and 4.5 show typical profiles of the topography of the beach and proposed borrow areas. East of NC 12, construction access points for equipment staging and manipulation will occur at two points along the project length chosen by the selected contractor (in coordination with NPS personnel) and may include other somewhat vegetated terrestrial habitats not affected by the actual sand placement. The analysis/action area, includes both the marine and terrestrial proposed footprint of the activities (sand placement and offshore borrow) and within 1 mile of the edge of the proposed footprint. All direct effects would be those which may occur during the project itself including the dredging within the proposed borrow areas, pipeline transport of dredged sediments to the placement areas, and/or the sand placement and shaping activities on the dunes, beach and nearshore. Indirect effects would include those which may occur after the project but as a secondary response to the project. The Proposed Action would occur between May and September 2022 and would include use of the following equipment and activities: • an ocean certified dredge (hopper dredge and possibly a suction cutterhead dredge) to dredge suitably sized sand from a borrow area ~2-3 miles offshore; • these sands would be piped to shore and placed seaward of the toe of the dune (+7-ft contour); and • bulldozers would shape the piped sand to closely match the contours and elevations of the natural beach. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 40 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 4.1. Digital terrain model (DTM) showing topography and bathymetry in the project area in August 2020. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 41 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 4.2. Aerial photos of the project area (15 July 2020). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 42 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 4.3. Habitat area map of the project area showing acreage of various dune, beach, and inshore habitats out to the −24 ft NAVD depth contour. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 43 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 4.4. Representative habitat profile in the Avon project area showing elevation limits for various habitat types and corresponding areas along ~13,200 linear feet based on conditions in July 2020. FIGURE 4.5. Detailed borrow area bathymetry and representative sections based on condition surveys in July 2020. Depths are in feet NAVD’88. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 44 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina The nourishment berm may be varied as necessary to avoid or provide additional separation around nest closure areas. The project would likely increase the area of beach suitable for turtle, shorebird, and colonial waterbird nests and increase suitable areas for shorebird and colonial waterbird foraging and resting. Therefore, both the size and location of pre-nest closures may increase, as well as the time required for NPS personnel to establish the closures and perform their required surveys. Although unlikely, it is also possible that species not currently managed (or found within the National Seashore) become established in or use portions of the increased habitats subsequent to the project which may then require additional NPS management (e.g. seabeach amaranth). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 45 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 5.0 PRE-FIELD REVIEW A list of all federal and state ESA species considered as endangered, threatened, candidate, proposed, or special concern by regulatory authorities was generated. Those federal authorities included USFWS and NMFS and the state authorities included the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and the North Carolina Plant Conservation Program; lists of rare and other protected species are updated every two years by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). Species with the potential to occur within the analysis area are shown in Table 6.1. Species not known to occur in the analysis area are documented with rationale for exclusion in Table 6.1 and some of these species are not discussed further in this document. Excluded species were dropped from further analysis under one or more of the following three conditions: 1) species does not occur nor is expected in the action area during the time period activities would occur; 2) occurs in habitats (including water depths) that are not present in the action area; and/or 3) is outside of the expected or documented geographical range of the species. In addition, Table 6.1 also gives a very brief summary of the species, designated critical habitat, species’ habitat requirements, and known occurrence information of species that are known to or may occur in the analysis area. Table 6.1 indicates whether the species from the USFWS official species list (dated December 21 2020), the NMFS southeast region list accessed from the NOAA website, the NCNHP and NCWRC websites are (a) known or expected to occur within the analysis/action area and/or within 1 mile, (b) suitable habitat is present, or (c) if not, why they are excluded from further analysis. Additionally, for the marine mammals, North Carolina stranding data collected from 1997–2020 were consulted to help determine whether or not to evaluate a species in more detail (Byrd et al. 2014; Cummings et al. 2014) and NOAA's Southeast US Marine Mammal Stranding Network 2000-2020). For all federally listed species in Table 6.1, there is no proposed critical habitat within the analysis area; however, designated critical migratory habitat for the loggerhead sea turtle does exist within the analysis area. There is no other designated or proposed critical habitat for any species within the analysis area. 6.0 PROTECTED SPECIES CONSIDERED AND EVALUATED Species listed as threatened or endangered by USFWS or NMFS are afforded federal protection under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended. Section 9 of the ESA expressly provides specific lists of prohibitions only for endangered species and does not automatically provide the same prohibitions for threatened species. However, Section 4(d) of the ESA allows the Secretary of the Interior (department over USFWS) and Secretary of Commerce (department over NMFS) to also extend some or all Section 9 protections to threatened species. Historically, the USFWS extended all protections to threatened species while NMFS specified appropriate regulations on a species-basis when a species was given threatened status. The Section 4(d) rules, sometimes called “special rule under 4(d)” provide regulators (USFWS and NOAA) flexibility to identify/allow certain actions to occur which may result in incidental take of a threatened species but are not deemed to interfere in the species overall recovery. As of 28 October 2019, the USFWS was required to change its procedures to match those of NMFS for threatened species (either newly listed species or status change of previously listed species). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 46 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 6.1. Threatened, endangered, and candidate/proposed species with the potential to occur within the action/analysis area as determined by state and/or federal agencies with jurisdictional authority. The species lists were obtained from appropriate agencies (FWS, NMFS, NCNHP, and NCWRC) and reviewed; species without the potential to occur were excluded from further review with a no-effect determination based on the rationale codes as shown below. 1 Status Codes: E/E= federally and state listed endangered; E*=state listed endangered; T/T=federally and state listed threatened; T*=state listed threatened; SC= state listed special concern; V=state listed vulnerable; P= federally proposed for listing; Exp=experimental population, non-essential 2 Exclusion Rationale Codes: ODR=outside known distributional range of the species; HAB=no habitat present in analysis area; and SEA=species not expected to occur during the season of use/impact SPECIES COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS1 POTENTIAL TO OCCUR RATIONALE FOR EXCLUSION2 HABITAT DESCRIPTION AND RANGE INVERTEBRATES1 Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) T No ODR Coral reefs in southern Florida, the Bahamas, and across the Caribbean Staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis) T No ODR Back and fore reef zones in southern Florida, the Bahamas, and across the Caribbean BIRDS Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia) T* Yes Primarily coastal shorelines/waters but also larger lakes and rivers of North America Eastern black rail (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis) T/PT* No Variety of heavily vegetated salt, brackish, freshwater wetland habitats of Mexico, Central American, Caribbean, and US east of Rockies Piping plover (Charadrius melodus) T/T Yes Coastal shorelines, sandflats at the end of sand spits and barrier islands, gently sloped foredunes, sparsely vegetated dunes, and washovers Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) E (PT)/E No HAB Mature pine forests with an open understory Roseate tern (Sterna dougallii dougallii) E/E Yes Nest on ends of or breaks in small barrier islands other than NC; NEUS population may use NC beaches as stopover during seasonal migrations Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) E* Yes Fall and spring migrant; uses NC beaches for resting and as winter visitor; can be seen on telephone poles on Pea Island/Hatteras Island. No suitable nesting habitat in project vicinity. Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucoephalus) T* Yes Year round resident in vicinity but no nesting habitat in project vicinity. Forages along the seashore. Gull-billed tern (Gelochelidon niloctica) T* Yes Breeding summer resident early fall migrant; rests on sandbars and spits with other terns; feeds over coastal grasslands, dunes, marshes Red knot (Calidris canuta rufa) T Yes Coastal shorelines/interitdal areas for resting and feeding during spring and fall migration CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 47 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 6.1. (continued) SPECIES COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS1 POTENTIAL TO OCCUR RATIONALE FOR EXCLUSION2 HABITAT DESCRIPTION AND RANGE BIRDS (concluded) Common tern Sterna hirundo) E* Yes Breeds on bare sand on barrier islands and dredge spoil islands; summer resident; more numerous in fall migration Least tern (Sterna antillarum) SC Yes Open sandy beaches, sparsely vegetated areas often on islands through the southeast US Black skimmer (Rhynchops niger) SC Yes Open sandy beaches, sparsely vegetated areas often on islands throughout southeast US, colonial nester; mostly summer resident in NC American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) SC Yes Coastal shoreline and estuaries, oyster beds, mudflats, beach nester Wilson’s plover (Charadrius wilsonia) SC Yes Beaches, island end flats, estuarine islands Little blue heron (Egretta caerulea) SC No HAB Forests or thickets on maritime islands Snowy egret (Egretta thula) SC No HAB Forests or thickets on maritime islands Tricolored heron (Egretta tricolor) SC No HAB Forests or thickets on maritime islands Least bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) SC No HAB Fresh or brackish marshes Glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) SC No HAB Forests or thickets on maritime islands FISHES1 Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) E/SC Yes Western Atlantic waters- fresh water rivers to spawn, estuarine waters as juveniles, marine waters as subadults and adults (10-50m depths) Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) E/E Yes Rivers and estuaries of the east coast of US Smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) E No ODR US DPS; shallow warm estuaries and off warm water beaches and warm deep water reefs Giant manta ray (Manta birostris) T Yes Tropical, subtropical, temperate oceans worldwide and near productive coastlines seasonally; estuarine waters near inlets; scattered and fragmented populations Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) T No ODR;HAB Worldwide surface waters of tropical, subtropical offshore open ocean of >600 ft depth FLOWERING PLANTS Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) T/T Yes Overwash flats, dunes, and accretion areas on barrier islands of the Atlantic Ocean Seabeach knotweed (Polygonum glaucum) E* Yes Beach dunes and interdune swales and overwash sands, margins of salt ponds Georgia sunrose (Crocanthemum georgianum) E* No HAB Maritime forests Gulfcoast spikerush (Eleocharis cellulosa) E* No HAB Brackish marsh CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 48 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 6.1 (continued) SPECIES COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS1 POTENTIAL TO OCCUR RATIONALE FOR EXCLUSION2 HABITAT DESCRIPTION AND RANGE FLOWERING PLANTS Lanceleaf seedbox (Ludwigia lanceolata) E* No HAB Brackish marsh Florida adder’s mouth (Malaxis spicata) SC-V No HAB Swamps, low woods, streambanks Four angled flatsedge (Cyperus tetragonus) SC-V No HAB Open woods, thickets, barrier islands MAMMALS Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) E Yes HAB;SEA Worldwide oceans; occasionally in coastal waters but thought to occur generally more offshore than other whales; poleward migration in spring; 0 NC strandings 1997-2020; recent documented sighting 27 mi off Cape Hatteras Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) E Yes Deep offshore waters of all major temperate to polar oceans; may be in NC waters during winter migration from north to south; 3 NC strandings 1997-2020, 1 in proposed construction window (May) Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) E Yes Worldwide oceans equator to subpolar; winter migration to tropical and subtropical waters; 50 NC strandings 1997-2020, 8 from May to Oct North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) E Yes Worldwide temperate to subpolar oceans; nursery grounds in shallow coastal waters; movements strongly tied to prey food distribution; in lower latitudes and coastal waters in winter, more inshore during spring migration; 6 NC strandings 1997-2020, 2 during proposed construction window (Aug and Sept) Sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) E No HAB;SEA Subtropical to subpolar waters on continental edge and slope; usually observed in deeper oceans far from coastline; move to northern latitudes in summer; 2 NC strandings 1997-2020; not in proposed construction window or Dare County Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) E Yes HAB Worldwide oceans; uncommon in waters <300m; 9 NC strandings 1997-2020, 2 in proposed construction window (June) West Indian manatee (Trichetus manatus) T/T Yes Florida coast and Caribbean; rare visitor to NC waters and further north; 5 NC strandings 1997-2008 all inshore, 2 in proposed construction window (July, Aug) Red wolf (Canis rufus) Exp/T No HAB NC’s Albemarle peninsula, species found from agricultural lands to pocosins in areas of low human density, a wetland soil type, and distance from roads. Northern long eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) T/T No HAB; NC represents southern coastal extent of range; needs forests (live and snags) for summer roosts. Project meets 2017 SLOPES IV.B conditions Buxton Woods white- footed deermouse (Peromyscus leucopus buxtoni) SC No HAB Only found in maritime forest of Buxton Woods CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 49 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 6.1. (concluded) SPECIES COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS1 POTENTIAL TO OCCUR RATIONALE FOR EXCLUSION2 HABITAT DESCRIPTION AND RANGE REPTILES1 Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) T/T Yes Global distribution in tropical and subtropical waters along continents and islands; inshore and nearshore waters of NC; nests on ocean beaches Hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) E Yes Circumtropical; usually in waters <20m; rare in NC waters but has stranded on NC beaches; nests on ocean beaches elsewhere Kemp’s ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) E/E Yes Neritic habitats including Gulf of Mexico and US Atlantic seaboard; nests on ocean beaches Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) E/E Yes Pelagic species found globally, but also forages in coastal waters; nests on ocean beaches Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) T/T Yes Circumglobal in temperate and tropical oceans; nest on ocean beaches; critical migratory habitat in NC offshore waters within project area Diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) SC Yes Coastal salt marshes and shallow bays; nests in sand dunes or in scrub near ocean Carolina watersnake (Nerodia sipedon williamengelsi) SC No HAB Salt or brackish marshes Outer Banks king snake (Lampropeltis getula sticticeps) SC No HAB Maritime forests, thickets, and grasslands of the Outer Banks Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) SC No HAB Wetland forests in the coastal plain. Carolina pygmy rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius) SC No HAB Pine flatwoods, pine oak sandhills, or other pine/oak forests Eastern chicken turtle (Deirochelys reticularia syn. Deirochelys reticularia) SC No HAB Quiet waters, ponds, ditches, sluggsish streams Carolina swamp snake (Seminatrix pygaea paludis syn. Liodytes pygaea paludis) SC No HAB Lush vegetation of ponds, ditches and sluggish streams CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 50 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina As indicated in Table 6.1, of the 55 protected species listed for Dare County by the USFWS, NMFS, or NCNHP, 29 species were determined to have the potential to occur within the project analysis area/vicinity (YES in the table), the other 26 were eliminated for detailed evaluation based on habitat, seasonality, or range (NO in the table); one of the 29 with YES was also eliminated due to habitat, seasonality, or range (sperm whale). The evaluation included 19 species with both federal and state protection (11 birds, two fishes, one mammal, four reptiles, and one plant), seven species with only federal protection under the ESA (one bird, one fish, three mammals, one sea turtle, and one reptile; one of these seven is currently proposed for listing by the state), and two species with only state protection (one reptile and one plant). One of the 19 species was evaluated despite the fact that habitat and season provided exclusion (blue whale). The blue whale was included since it has been recently documented within 28 miles of Cape Hatteras (Lesage 2017) and two confirmed sightings were also documented off the Virginia coast in 2018 and 2019 although further offshore than the one in North Carolina (Engelhaupt et al 2020). The Virginia photographs represent the southernmost extent of sightings of the blue whale in the western Atlantic US EEZ. Only those 19 species were addressed in this assessment (evaluated species). A No Effect determination was assumed for the 26 species not evaluated in detail. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 51 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 7.0 EVALUATED PROTECTED SPECIES INFORMATION FROM SEASHORE SURVEYS Since successful integration of recreational uses of the Seashore with wildlife management depends on accurate knowledge of the needs of wildlife species and the potential impact of human activity on those needs, NPS contacted the American Ornithological Society (AOS) in June 2016 to request that the AOS convene an independent panel to review and synthesize current scientific knowledge about the biology of the Seashore’s beach-nesting species of conservation concern (both federal and state species with various types of legal protections), and to assess the appropriateness of the Seashore’s beach management plan in light of current science and understanding. The AOS agreed to conduct the review, convened a panel of scientists with expertise appropriate to the task, and recently published their results for piping plover, American oystercatcher, colonial waterbirds, and sea turtles (Walters et al 2020). 7.1 Field Reconnaissance National Seashore biologists provided the following information about recent surveys or documentation of listed species within the park by the Park Service: • Piping plover (Charadrius melodus) — The species nests within the park on a yearly basis, primarily on Cape Point which has the premier habitat. Within the past five years, no piping plover nests have been documented within the Proposed Action Area. • Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) — Habitat does not exist for this species within the Proposed Action Area; no documentation of species. • Roseate tern (Sterna dougallii) — The species may be observed within the National Seashore while in migration along the east coast. The majority of nesting habitat is located at the Northeast/New England states. The species has never been documented to nest in the park. • Red knot (Calidris canutus) — The species is primarily observed foraging on mudflats near the points and spits, but can use beaches for resting and foraging. From 2014-2020, a total of 19 red knot observations occurred the project area. • Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) — No documented instances of this species within the Proposed Action Area. Typically observed within low-salinity habitat characteristic of bays and inlets; the closest inlet (Hatteras Inlet) is located ~15 miles southwest of the Proposed Action Area. • Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) — No documented instances of this species within the Proposed Action Area. Typically observed within low-salinity habitat characteristic of bays and inlets; the closest inlet (Hatteras Inlet) is located ~15 miles southwest of Proposed Action Area. • Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) — Although habitat for this particular species is sufficient, yearly surveys within the park have yielded zero documentations of the plant since 2005. There are no historic records of this plant from within the Proposed Action Area (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Randy Swilling, Natural Resource Program Manager, pers. comm. 15 April 2015 and Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Science Technician, pers. comm. January 2020). • Red wolf (Canis rufus) — Habitat does not exist for this species within the Proposed Action Area; no documentation of species. • West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) — Preferred habitat does not exist for this species within Proposed Action Area, which is highly turbid and has little to no aquatic vegetation; their usual NC occurrence is inshore along rivers and channels behind barrier islands south of Cape Hatteras. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 52 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina However, there have been a few documented instances of manatees north of the project area nearer inlets where the manatee is likely to traverse into the sound for vegetation consumption and to drink; one was photographed near the Rodanthe pier in June 2019. No annual survey of the Seashore for this species is conducted. • Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) — The species nests on National Seashore beaches on a yearly basis but makes up a fraction of the overall nesting turtle numbers. Total strandings on Hatteras Island is almost six times higher than the other sea turtles over the past 10 years (2,328). Four nests have been documented within the sand placement footprint area in the past five years. • Hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) — The majority distribution for this species is limited to the equatorial tropics and well out of range of the proposed nourishment area. To date, the species has not been documented alive within the park, but strandings have occurred in the Seashore. Strand data from www.seaturtle.org indicate that 11 have stranded in NC since 1988, only one of which was on Hatteras Island (in 2003); no strandings have been documented on Hatteras Island for the past 10 years. • Kemp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) — Primarily nesting in the Gulf of Mexico, this species is a very rare nester at the National Seashore; 12 Kemp’s ridley sea turtle nests have been documented in the National Seashore in the last five years (including 2020). No Kemp’s ridley sea turtle nests have been documented by NPS surveys within the project area in the past five years. • Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) — Regularly observed off the coast of the National Seashore during peak summer months, very seldom does this species nest in the park (majority nesting occurs in tropics). In the past five years, there have been no nests documented in the Seashore; the most recent nest was in 2012 ~30 miles southwest on Ocracoke Island. Over the past 10 years, a total of nine have stranded on Hatteras Island (www.seaturtle.org). • Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) — The most commonly observed nester on National Seashore beaches. Over the past five years, a total of 55 loggerhead nests have been documented within the proposed project area. Over the past 10 years, 417 have stranded on Hatteras Island. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 53 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 7.2 Status and Biology of Species with Federal ESA Protection 7.2.1 Birds Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) The Great Lakes watershed population of piping plover was designated endangered in January 1986 and designated as threatened elsewhere in its range, including its migratory corridors. There are three demographically independent breeding populations, the Great Lakes (lake shores), the Northern Great Plains (along lakes, rivers, and wetlands), and the Atlantic Coast (beaches from Newfoundland to South Carolina). Individuals from any of these populations may use the North Carolina coast for migration and wintering. North Carolina is one of the only states where the breeding and the wintering ranges overlap. The piping plover is a small shorebird about 6.7 inches in length with a 15-inch wingspan (USFWS 2003). The species is named for its melodic call. Overall plumage is light colored, allowing it to often blend into sandy habitats. During the breeding season the species has a single black band across the upper breast, a smaller band across the forehead, and bright orange legs and bill with a black tip. (photo of chick courtesy of NPS; adult photo courtesy of USFWS Digital Library.) Females are often duller in coloration and lack a complete breast band. In the winter, the bill is black, legs are pale, and dark markings (breast and forehead bands) are absent. Both federally and state protected, there are 18 designated critical habitat units for the wintering population of the piping plover from Oregon Inlet to Mad Inlet and four of those units are on the Outer Banks; Unit NC-2 Cape Hatteras Point is the closest to the proposed project. The northern boundary of Unit NC-2 is 468 ft south of the southern tip of the project footprint. This Unit extends south ~2.8 miles from the old ocean groin at the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse location to the point of Cape Hatteras and then continues west for ~4.7 miles along Hatteras Cove shoreline (Shore Beach) to the edge of Ramp 49 near the campground at Frisco; it does not include the groin. Beaches, pools, and intertidal areas, especially in the vicinity of inlets, are the primary habitats used by piping plovers and their precocious chicks; the area of analysis which may affect this species is composed of beach face and intertidal zones. Piping plovers occur year-round along the Outer Banks; North Carolina represents the normal southern edge of the breeding range and the northern edge of the wintering range, and is the only Atlantic coast state to have piping plover during all phases of its annual cycle. The species is migratory, and birds from coastal CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 54 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina and interior nesting populations both winter in North Carolina. For nesting, piping plovers typically select open, sparsely vegetated, sandy habitats near inlets and overwash areas. The nesting season lasts from April through August. Nests consist of shallow depressions or scrapes in sand often lined with shell fragments or pebbles. Both adults defend territories and share nest incubation duties. Typically, a clutch consists of three to four eggs which are incubated for 25 to 31 days. Re-nesting will often be attempted if nests are destroyed. Young are precocial, feeding themselves after hatching, but still depend on adults for protection until flight (about 28 to 35 days after hatching). Chick survival has been linked to access to quality foraging habitats (Loegering and Fraser 1995). Contrary to most other bird behavior, Halimubieke et al (2020) documented the tendency among plover species, including piping plover, for a pair to “divorce” upon mating success and found that usually it is the female who abandons the chicks to find another mate. This strategy produced more offspring within a season than those who retained their mate after nest failure. Foraging occurs on a variety of substrates including: intertidal beaches, sand/mud flats, wrack lines, shorelines, and tidal and ephemeral pools. Use of areas for foraging is largely dependent upon availability of habitat, food abundance, stage of breeding cycle, and disturbance from humans (Burger 1991; Loegering and Fraser 1995; Zonick et al. 1998). Wintering birds spend much of their time foraging on insects, marine worms, crustaceans, and mollusks (Haig 1992). Primary threats to eggs and young include avian and mammalian predators, including red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), feral cats (Felis catus), raccoon (Procyo lotor), gulls (Larus spp.), fish crows (Corvus ossifragus), grackles (Quiscalus sp.), and ghost crabs (Oncypoda sp.) (USFWS 1996a, 2003). Invasive species of plants in some areas of its range also may present a threat to the open sandy habitats it prefers. Lack of suitable and undisturbed habitat creates additional pressures on nesting and foraging birds. Human-related disturbances of threat to the species are those associated with recreational activities and pets (USFWS 2003). North Carolina breeding pair estimates from 2011-2016 were 27 percent higher than the estimates from the 1990s and estimates of the number of North Carolina pairs per year from 2001 -2015 (preliminary data from 2015) ranged from a low of 20 in 2004 to a high of 70 in 2012 with > 50 pair each year since 2007 (USFWS 2017). The Southern Recovery Unit goal of 400 breeding pair/year had not been met by 2015, although for the previous decade, except for 2011, the number was above 300 (USFWS 2017). Cold, wet, and windy spring weather can delay breeding and can be a factor in low productivity as can wind and flooding which interferes with territory establishment. Figure 7.1 shows the lack of trend in productivity of piping plover in North Carolina. Table 7.1 shows numbers of piping plover breeding pairs documented in Cape Hatteras National Seashore from 1987–2018 (modified from NPS 2010). Within the Seashore, surveys from 1987-2018 document Cape Point as the area with consistently the most number of piping plover nests with a high of eight in 1990 and 2012 (42.6 percent of pairs among the six nesting locations (Figure 7.2). The closest documented piping plover nest is ~0.59 mi SW of Ramp 44 in Cape Point, or ~5 miles south of the southern limit of the project area. While it is likely that the project area may be used by this bird during migration or foraging, the National Seashore field data has not documented this use; neither individuals nor breeding activity has ever been documented in the Avon sand placement footprint (Fig. 7.2 and Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm., 18 March 2021). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 55 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Conclusions reached on the success of the National Seashore's beach management plan with the needs for piping plover were confounded by the difficulty to distinguish between stochastic and deterministic variation in addition to the small population size (Walters et al 2020). However, per Walters et al. (2020), one clear conclusion was that predator removal and protective buffers did not consistently result in achievement of short-term (1 chick per breeding pair) or long-term (1.5 chicks per breeding pair) objectives for piping plover productivity; nonetheless, without this management, productivity likely would be even lower, possibly almost nil. An additional finding of Walters et al. (2020) was that low productivity of piping plover in the National Seashore was due to low chick survival rather than low hatching success but further study was recommended to understand the effectiveness of exclosures and food/habitat availability among other topics. FIGURE 7.1. Variation in annual reproductive activity of piping plover in North Carolina (as shown in Figure 6 from USFWS 2017). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 56 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 7.1. Number of piping plover breeding pairs by site at Cape Hatteras National Seashore (1987–2019). aAfter Hurricane Irene, erosion of this spit had removed all suitable breeding habitat. bTotal numbers of pairs was 202 through 2011, but locations were not available in 1989, so percentages from the specific sites are based on the 187 nests recorded at one of the six specific nesting areas. Year Bodie Island Spit Cape Point South Beach Hatteras Inlet Spita North Ocracoke Spit South Point Total Pairs 1987 0 4 0 4 1 1 10 1989 ------15 1990 0 8 0 4 2 0 14 1991 0 5 0 3 5 0 13 1992 0 4 0 4 4 0 12 1993 0 5 1 3 3 0 12 1994 0 5 1 3 2 0 11 1995 0 6 1 4 2 1 14 1996 1 5 1 5 1 1 14 1997 1 4 1 3 0 2 11 1998 0 4 1 3 0 1 9 1999 0 3 1 1 0 1 6 2000 0 2 0 2 0 0 4 2001 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 2002 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 2003 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2004 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 2005 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 2006 1 2 1 1 0 1 6 2007 1 4 0 0 0 1 6 2008 1 5 1 0 0 4 11 2009 0 5 0 0 0 4 9 2010 0 6 1 0 1 4 12 2011b 2 5 2 0 1 5 15 2012 1 8 1 0 1 4 15 2013 0 7 0 0 0 2 9 2014 0 7 0 0 1 4 12 2015 1 4 1 0 1 5 12 2016 2 6 0 0 1 2 11 2017 1 5 0 0 1 5 12 2018 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 2019 0 4 0 0 0 1 5 Tot al 15 126 15 45 27 53 296 Percent of total pairsb 5.1 42.6 5.1 15.2 9.1 17.9 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 57 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 7.2. Piping plover breeding pair summary over past 32 years; no pair documented in the project area. Numbers are the cumulative totals for the Table 7.1 record, or in the case of Cape Point, an average of 3.9 pairs/year. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 58 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Roseate Tern (Sterna dougalliidougalli) The roseate tern a federally endangered migratory coastal seabird about 14–16 inches in length, with light-gray wings and back. Its first three or four primaries are black and so is its cap. The rest of the graceful and slender body is white, with a rosy tinge on the chest and belly during the breeding season. The tail is deeply forked, and the outermost streamers extend beyond the folded wings when perched. During the breeding season the basal three-fourths of the otherwise entirely black bill and legs turn orange-red. It feeds by plunge diving, often completely submerging, but also may feed in the shallows and even steal food from common terns. It can be found singly, in small loose groups, or in mixed flocks with hundreds of other birds (Urban et al. 1986, Snow and Perrins 1998, Ramos 2000). (Photo courtesy of USFWS Digital Library.) It is divided into four subspecies, based largely on small differences in size and bill color. The North American subspecies is divided into two separate breeding populations, one in the northeastern US and Nova Scotia and one in the southeastern US and Caribbean. It once bred from Sable Island, Nova Scotia to Virginia, but it no longer breeds south of Long Island, New York. It nests in widely but sparsely distributed colonies and among the northeastern US populations, usually among colonies of common tern. In these colonies, it is much less defensive of its nest and young than other white terns and often even relies on other parents of other tern species for such defense. Birds younger than three may remain all year in the wintering grounds. Threats to the species include habitat loss to barrier island development, nest or even entire colony abandonment due to disturbance from humans, vehicles, or predators, and competition from expanding numbers of larger gulls (e.g., great backed gull and herring gull in the northeastern US population) (USFWS 2011). As it forages and migrates far off the coast during breeding season, development of offshore wind facilities poses an additional threat through collision with the blades of the wind turbines. In North Carolina, the roseate tern is rare and most likely only to be seen on a Dare County barrier island as it passes through the area to and from northern breeding grounds May through September. There are 124 eBird observations of roseate tern in Dare County, most frequently in May and June (eBird website accessed 15 October 2020). Observations of rare species on eBird may include multiple reports of the same bird(s) by different observers and conversely an observation may include multiple individual birds. Within the county and the National Seashore, the eBird observations were often in the Cape Point vicinity (76 of the 124 county observations). There were 14 eBird observations reported in 2020 in the Cape Point area, including two birds present for much of May through July and an unusual high of 16 birds seen and photographed on 15 June. Red Knot (Calidris canuta rufa) On September 27, 2013, the US Fish and Wildlife Service released a proposal to list the red knot as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act and the final rule was published in the Federal Register on 11 December (Volume 79, No. 238) effective date 10 January 2015. During more than 130 days of public comment periods and three public hearings since September 2013, the Service received more than 17,400 comments on the threatened listing proposal, many of which were supportive form letters, while others raised issues with the adequacy of horseshoe crab management, the impacts of wind turbines, the inclusion of interior states in the range, and other topics. The agency requested additional time to complete the final decision in CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 59 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina order to thoroughly analyze complex information available after the proposal, such as national and global climate assessments and carefully consider and address extensive public comments. On 9 December 2014, USFWS designated the bird as threatened. There is no designated critical habitat for this species, although some areas may be proposed for public review and comment in the future. Included among the highest research priorities of the USFWS for 2019-2022 for this species are: to document habitat, prey, and bird responses to coastal engineering projects, better characterize the non-breeding diet, and to develop a reliable and cost-effective method for estimation of the size of the populations that winter from North Caroling to Texas (possibly into northeast Mexico) implemented at regular intervals (https://www.fws.gov/northeast/red- knot/pdf/red-knot-research-priorities-March-2019.pdf). A handsome robin-sized shorebird with a wingspan of 20 inches, this species annually migrates from the Canadian Arctic to southern Argentina, a 19,000-mile distance which ranks the birds among the longest migrants in the animal kingdom. Adult plumage in spring: above finely mottled with grays, black and light ochre, running into stripes on crown; throat, breast and sides of head cinnamon-brown; dark gray line through eye; abdomen and undertail coverts white; uppertail coverts white, barred with black; in winter: pale ashy gray above, from crown to rump, with feathers on back narrowly edged with white; underparts white, the breast lightly streaked and speckled, and the flanks narrowly barred with gray; and in autumn: underparts of some individuals show traces of the "red" of spring. (Photo courtesy of Greg Breese, USFWS) The red knot, whose range includes 25 countries and 40 US states, uses spring and fall stopover areas along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts arriving in large flocks containing hundreds of birds. Estimates for the mid- Atlantic population based on marked bird data and mathematical models are 44,680 for birds stopping in Delaware Bay (2012) and 12,611 to 14,688 stopping annually in Virginia (2007-2011) (USFWS Red Knot QAs 092713). These estimates do not include birds migrating overland directly to Canada from Texas or the Southeast. The flocks appear to depend on and return to known and consistently productive foraging areas to “refuel” during their migration that includes thousands of miles of non-stop flight. The bird is known is display some site fidelity to particular staging areas between years. Although foraging red knots may be found in small numbers widely distributed within suitable habitats during migrations, they tend to concentrate in those areas of consistently abundant food resources; therefore, the quality of these areas of abundance are essential to the survival of the species. Climate changes already affect the bird’s food supply, the timing of its migration, and its breeding habitat in the Arctic. Variations in annual breeding success is closely tied to the high-amplitude arctic lemming population cycle; low population years for the lemming cause lemming predators to switch to other available food sources such as red knot eggs and young. It is not known how continued climate change may affect the existing three to four-year lemming boom/bust population cycles, but as lemmings are keystone tundra species there may be significant knock-on effects to trophically linked species. The Arctic is changing more rapidly than other climes (warmer shorter winters) and how this affects population dynamics of the lemming is a research topic; Domine et al 2018 show that dynamics of rain on snow can strongly influence the amplitude of brown lemming populations. Reduced snow cover in winter makes it difficult for lemmings to build up peak density as winter predators have easier access as postulated by Bart S. Ebbinge in a study of high Arctic tundra ecosystems from 2004-2006 (author content uploaded on CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 60 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina ResearchGate); continued winters of reduced snow cover may contribute to collapse of the boom/bust lemming cycles. Mismatches in migration timing often put the bird out of synchrony with peak periods of food availability. The shorebird also is losing areas along its range due to sea level rise, shoreline projects, and coastal development (USFWS 9 December 2014 Press Release). Just over half of the beaches from North Carolina south to Texas are developed and one third of the available knot habitat in the US is available for development (USFWS Red Knot QAs 092713). A primary factor in the recent decline of the species was reduced food supplies in Delaware Bay due to commercial harvest of horseshoe crabs. In 2012, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission adopted a management framework that explicitly ties horseshoe crab harvest levels along the Atlantic Coast to red knot recovery targets. The Service’s analysis shows that although the horseshoe crab population has not yet fully rebounded, the framework should ensure no further threat to the red knot from the crab harvest. The Smith et al. (2016) regional status assessment of the horseshoe crab determined that the population is stable in the Delaware Bay portion of the Mid-Atlantic region and has grown in the Southeast region; North Carolina is the most southern component of the Mid-Atlantic. Other regions have either mixed trends or continued declines. The peak spring migration for the red knot in North Carolina is May to early June and the peak fall migration occurs from late July to early November (ebird.org). The red knot does not nest in North Carolina but has been documented foraging on mudflat habitats in the points/spits within the National Seashore by NPS personnel. The eBird abundance regional stats for the species show that during pre-breeding migration (19 April – 31 May) the percentage of the entire seasonal North American population in North Carolina is 0.12 percent and is 0.0 percent for post-breeding migration (13 July – 2 November). Most shorebirds are absent in the Seashore, or nearly so, from January to March but more red knot have been found in the Seashore from November to March than from April to October; most of the red knots documented in the Seashore were concentrated on south-facing beaches near Cape Point and Ocracoke Island (Walters et al. 2020). Table 7.2 contains summary data of red knot observations within the Seashore from 2008-2019 and demonstrates that while the project area is used by the species in most years, the North Hatteras segment is among the segments with the least numbers of observations. Red knot observations from 2010-2019 with a gap in much of the project area are displayed in Figure 7.3. The foraging habitat for this species is very marginal in portions of the southern Avon project area due to the high energy conditions and eroding beach face; nonetheless from 2014-2020, NPS personnel documented 19 observations of foraging red knot in the project area. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 61 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 7.2. Historical red knot observations in Cape Hatteras National Seashore survey segments from 2008–2019. The project area is contained within segment PM19-PM44 (blue fill) and PM indicates Park Mile along the ocean side. Since 2016, Park biologists conducted daily beach patrols for red knots vs actual PM transect surveys (CAHA, pers comm. Paul Doshkov Biological Science Technician 17 January 2020). 200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019Total by segmentBodi e I sl and( PM 0 - PM 3 )006517443399239017424Bodi e I sl and Spi t( PM 4 - PM 5 )10201058100224901198Nor t h Hat t er as( PM 19 - PM 44)001022241636642381,387533332,183Cape Poi nt( PM 45 - PM 46)00237130731352742555515Sout h Hat t er as( PM 47 - PM 57)0021321, 2921, 6065,3712,1803,8412,2561,0827,12724,808Hat t er as I nl et( PM 58)0000130002400037Nor t h Ocr acoke( PM 59 - PM 60)018491291400474NANANANANA2,1143,554Ocr acoke I sl and( PM 61 - PM 73)001583782, 2929, 640NANA87NANA1,97014,525Sout h Poi nt( PM 74)43967111688683494NANANANANA3112,802Total by year4408554068534,83912,2425,4942,2784,3464,2051,16011,928 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 62 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 7.3. Summary of red knot observations in Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2008–2019. Since 2016, daily beach patrols have counted red knots instead of only the Park Mile transect surveys as was done previously. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 63 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 7.2.2 Reptiles Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) The largest of the hard-shelled sea turtles, the green sea turtle is both federally and state threatened in North Carolina. In 2004, the Marine Turtle Specialist Group of the IUCN classified this turtle as endangered globally. On 20 March 2015, NOAA reclassified 11 distinct population segments as threatened due to successful conservation efforts while three segments remain classified as endangered. The North Atlantic population (also included Florida and the Gulf coast of Mexico) is one of the 11 distinct population segments. The two largest nesting populations are found at Tortuguero, on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, where 22,500 females nest per season on average and Raine Island, on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef where 18,000 females nest per season on average (www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/green.htm). In the US, green turtles nest primarily along the central and southeast coast of Florida where an estimated 200-1,100 females nest annually. All marine sea turtles spend up to 90 percent of their lives in the open oceans; such inaccessibility complicates population monitoring regardless of species and is the reason why nesting data are used to extrapolate population health. The green sea turtle grows to a maximum of about 4 ft and 440 pounds. Variably colored, it has a heart-shaped shell, small head, and single-clawed flippers. Hatchlings generally have a black carapace, white plastron, and white margins on the shell and limbs, while the adult carapace is smooth, keel less, and light to dark brown with dark mottling and a white to light yellow plastron. Heads of adult green sea turtles are light brown with yellow markings. Identifying characteristics include four costal plates which do not border the nuchal shield, no jagged marginals, and one pair of prefontals between the eyes (photo courtesy of Doug Shea). When not migrating, green sea turtles are generally found in relatively shallow waters where marine grass and algae can flourish, such as those found inside lagoons, reefs, bays, and inlets. Green sea turtles require open, sloping beach platforms and minimal disturbance for nesting. Strong nesting site fidelity (tendency to return to birth beach areas) is characteristic of the species and long distances often exist between feeding grounds and nesting beaches. Sargassum clumps are often used as refugia and food resource areas. Carnivorous as hatchlings and juveniles, they begin feeding on algae and marine grasses when they are approximately 8 to 10 inches in size and, as adults, they are the only plant-eating sea turtle. This trait is thought to render a greenish color to their fat from which they are named. For the southeastern United States, nesting season is usually June through September and occurs nocturnally at 2-, 3-, or 4-year intervals. One turtle may lay as a many as seven clutches in a season at 9- to 13-day intervals with 75 to 200 eggs in a clutch requiring incubation for 48 to 70 days, depending on nest temperatures. Although hatching generally occurs at night, mortality is extremely high. Age at maturity is thought to be between 20 and 50 years. A major factor contributing to the green sea turtle's decline worldwide is commercial harvest for eggs and meat. Mortality of green sea turtles has been documented in Florida, Hawaii, and other parts of the world CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 64 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina from fibropapillomatosis, a disease of sea turtles characterized by the development of multiple tumors on the skin and internal organs. These tumors interfere with swimming, eating, breathing, vision, and reproduction, and heavy tumor burdens can lead to severe debilitation and death. Evidence is mounting that this disease may not be the death knell for green sea turtles as was originally thought in the early 1990s. Like other sea turtles, other threats to this species include loss and/or degradation of nesting habitat from human activities such as armoring and development projects; disorientation of hatchlings by beachfront lighting; excessive nest predation by native and non-native predators; degradation of foraging habitat; marine pollution and debris; watercraft strikes; and incidental take from channel dredging and commercial fishing operations. A time series analysis of annual nesting abundance found an upward trend for green sea turtles in the northwest Atlantic Ocean (Mazaris et al. 2017). Green sea turtles have nested every year in the National Seashore since 2006 but on average represent ~4 percent of the total sea turtle nests; at 32 nests, 2019 was the year with the highest number of nests followed by 2013 at 23 while the other years each had 11 or fewer (www.seaturtle.org; Fig 7.4). Figure 7.5 shows green sea turtle nest numbers and locations documented from 2010 to 2020 within the proposed sand placement footprint. It is important to note that turtles do not clump their nests in any particular location at the National Seashore and that nests have been relatively evenly distributed in the project area over the years (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Randy Swilling, Natural Resource Program Manager, pers. comm., 4 June 2015). Figure 7.6 depicts a summary of green sea turtle nest numbers within the Buxton nourishment area (sand placement footprint) from 2010-2020 (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm. 18 March 2021). Green sea turtles strand on the National Seashore at a much higher rate than the other four species of sea turtle described in this document and represent 77 percent of the total strandings documented by www.seaturtle.org between 2014 and 2019 (Table 7.3). The 2017-2018 winter cold stun season lasted longer than usual at four months (December – March) per data collected by NCWRC (http://www.seaturtle.org/groups/ncwrc). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 65 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 7.3. Sea turtle strandings annual total by species at Cape Hatteras National Seashore (2014-2019 reports and pers comm. Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician,11 November 2020) and Hatteras Island from 2014-18 November 2020 from www.seaturtle.org. Year Stranding Total Loggerhead Kemp’s Ridley Green Leatherback Hawksbill Unk. Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2014 219 50 61 104 1 0 3 2015 286 44 39 198 3 0 2 2016 637 45 49 541 1 0 1 2017 280 56 53 168 1 0 2 2018 156 42 41 69 1 0 3 2019 137 31 14 91 1 0 0 1715 268 257 1,171 8 0 11 Hatteras Island total (includes CAHA numbers through 2019 and most of 2020) 2014 258 31 76 148 1 0 2 2015 254 37 40 174 3 0 0 2016 1057 57 45 954 1 0 0 2017 365 52 62 247 2 0 2 2018 126 37 28 59 1 0 1 2019 230 29 21 176 0 0 4 2020* 229 17 20 192 0 0 0 2,519 260 292 1,950 8 0 9 * not complete data for year FIGURE 7.4. Green sea turtle nests and trend at Cape Hatteras National Seashore from 2000 to 2020 (from www.seaturtle.org). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Green sea turtle nests at Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2000-2020 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 66 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 7.5. Green sea turtle nest numbers and locations recorded along the proposed Avon nourishment area between 2010 and 2020. [Source: Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm. 18 March 2021] CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 67 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 7.6. Green sea turtle nest numbers at Cape Hatteras National Seashore from 2010 to 2020 within the Avon sand placement footprint (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm. 18 March 2021). Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) This species is the most endangered of the sea turtles and was given endangered status throughout its range in 1970. The Kemp’s ridley was historically abundant in the Gulf of Mexico. Approximately 60 percent of Kemp’s ridley sea turtles nest within a 25-mile length of beach at Rancho Nuevo in Tamaulipas, Mexico. Scattered nests also exist to the north and south of this primary nesting ground. During one nesting season in the 1940s, an estimate of 40,000 turtle nests was recorded at Rancho Neuvo. However, the Kemp’s ridley declined substantially from the 1940s to the 1980s, primarily because of the harvest of eggs and mortality from commercial fish and shrimp trawling and gill net operations, but also from pollution, dredging, and commercial exploitation of adults for food. It was given endangered status throughout its range in 1970. By 1985, only 740 nests were recorded in Rancho Nuevo. Since species management and recovery plans were implemented, populations have rebounded. Nesting increased steadily from the early 1990s to the present. The number of nests at Rancho Nuevo increased to 1,430 in 1995, 6,947 in 2005, and 15,459 in 2009; however, nest numbers dropped to below 10,000 in 2010, followed by a jump to over 16,000 in both 2011 and 2012, then dropped in 2013 to 11,995 (2013 numbers include two neighboring beaches, Tepehuajes and Playa Dos) (NMFS and USFWS 2015) and 10,986 in 2014. The three Mexican beaches comprise the primary nesting beaches for this turtle. The required 5-year review since the NMFS and USFWS (2015) report on the accuracy of the listing classification had not been published at the time of this document's preparation. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020Number of NestsEvent Year Green Sea Turtle Nesting History Avon Nourishment Project Area CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 68 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Kemp’s ridley is one of the smallest of all extant sea turtles. Adults grow to about 2 ft in carapace length and 120 pounds in weight. The Kemp’s ridley has a light grey-olive carapace and a cream-white or yellowish plastron (photo courtesy of USFWS). Males display distinct morphological features not found on females including a longer tail, a more distal vent, recurved claws, and, during breeding, a softened, mid-plastron. Hatchling sea turtles likely spend 1.5–4 years associated with floating Sargassum near the ocean surface. Subsequently, at about 8 inches in length, they enter a benthic-feeding immature stage until reaching sexual maturity 7–9 years later. During this juvenile period, they enter shallow coastal waters and forage along the bottom. As adults, Kemp’s ridley sea turtles continue to forage in the sediments of shallow estuaries, consuming crabs and other invertebrates. Females reach sexual maturity at ~2 ft in length. Females nest multiple times during the nesting season (April to June in tropical areas) producing clutches of about 100 eggs. A unique feature of the Kemp’s ridley is that they tend to nest in large aggregations. Most females nest once every two years. As with other sea turtles, hatchling sex is temperature dependent. A 1:1 ratio of males to females is produced at 30.2° C. Above this temperature an egg will likely develop into a female, while more or all males will be produced at 28°–29° C. In most natural nests, 64 percent of hatchlings are female. Sea turtle data have been collected prior to 2010 statewide and in the National Seashore, and while those data are available in NPS online annual reports and on the NCWRC website (www.seaturtle.org), the data are subject to review and should be considered preliminary for that reason. Sometimes, the nest numbers from the two sources do not exactly agree for a given year but never differ greatly. Figure 7.7 depicts preliminary Kemp's ridley nest numbers for North Carolina from 2010-2020. While the Kemp’s ridley is rarely found in North Carolina, numbers of this species sighted in North Carolina appear to be on the increase; possibly a phenological response to environmental changes associated with sea temperature variations (Solow et al. 2002; Mazaris et al. 2013). Pound nets set in Core and Pamlico Sound from 2007 to 2009 showed an increase in Kemp’s ridley and recent gill net captures in Cape Lookout Bight in May 2014 yielded seven Kemp’s ridley, while in previous years only loggerheads were netted there (NMFS, Joanne B. McNeill, Fishery Biologist, pers. comm., 14 October 2014). The North Carolina Natural Heritage program has documented this species in Beaufort, Brunswick, Carteret, Dare, Hyde, and Pamlico, Currituck, New Hanover, Pender, and Onslow counties (North Carolina Natural Heritage Program 2014). FIGURE 7.7. Number and trend of Kemp's ridley nests documented in North Carolina (2010- 2020) (preliminary NWRC data from www.seaturtle.org on 18 November 2020). 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Kemp's ridley sea turtle nests in North Carolina 2010-2020 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 69 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina The Kemp’s ridley is the second most common species found in strandings on the National Seashore; generally, 10 or more individuals have been found most every year between 1996 and 2006 (National Park Service 2006) and more than 30 a year since 2014. At least 20 strandings occurred every year since 2010 on Hatteras Island and numbers ranged from 20 in 2020 to 89 in 2010 (www.seaturtle.org). According to preliminary data from https://www.seaturtle.org, 12 Kemp’s ridley sea turtle nests have been documented in the National Seashore in the last five years (including 2020), the first ever occurred in 2011 and was not in the area of analysis. In 2013, one loggerhead nest was incorrectly identified as a Kemp’s ridley (Outer Banks Group, Leslie Frattaroli, Acting GIS Specialist, pers. comm., 29 December 2014); after 2011, no nests were documented again in the National Seashore until 2016. No Kemp’s ridley sea turtle nests were documented by NPS surveys in the Avon nourishment area from 2010-2020 (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm. 18 March 2021). Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) The leatherback sea turtle was listed as endangered under the ESA throughout its global range on 2 June 1970, and is listed as endangered by the State of North Carolina. The leatherback nests all over the world, but most commonly nests in the tropics. Nesting in the continental United States occurs mainly in Florida, but has also occurred in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. The leatherback is a common visitor in waters along the North Carolina coast during certain times of the year. The Recovery Plan for Leatherback Sea Turtles (NMFS and USFWS 1992) includes an estimate of 115,000 existing adult female Leatherback sea turtles. The International Sea Turtle Society estimates that there are 17,000 nesting females from the Atlantic Ocean (International Sea Turtle Society, press release, April 2, 2007). In a 2003 interview, Larry Crowder of Duke University indicated that leatherbacks in the Pacific have declined more than 90 percent in the last 20 years (Black 2003). A time series analysis of annual nesting abundance found an upward trend for leatherback sea turtles in the northwest Atlantic Ocean (Mazaris et al. 2017). Largest of all turtles, the leatherback is easily distinguished by its ridged leathery skin rather than the more common hard shell of marine turtles. The back, head, and neck are dark brown or black with a few white or yellow mottles or blotches. The lower shell is whitish and ridged. The flippers are paddle-like without claws and proportionally longer than in other sea turtles (photo courtesy of USFWS). The average adult can weigh 640 to 1,300 pounds and its carapace length measures 61 inches. The hatchlings are mostly black on their backs and covered with tiny bead-like scales (NMFS and USFWS 1992). While this species is killed for its meat, the greatest threats are fishing gear, ingestion of marine debris, and egg collection. Threats to nesting areas stem predominantly from increased human presence and include beach erosion and beach nourishment, beach armoring, artificial lighting, and vehicular compaction of the beach. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 70 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Although common in North Carolina waters during certain times of the year, the leatherback is a rare nester in North Carolina. North Carolina beaches are the northern most extent of confirmed Atlantic nesting of this species (Rabon et.al.2003). The first documented leatherback nest was in 1998 in the National Seashore and since 2010, there have been 9 documented nests in North Carolina, one of which occurred in the park in 2012 (www.seaturtle.org). Data have been collected prior to 2010 statewide and in the National Seashore; those data are available in online annual NPS reports and on the NCWRC website, but those data are under review and revision and not included here. In 2012, the one leatherback nest was relocated approximately 28 beach miles from the project area (Outer Banks Group, Leslie Frattaroli, Acting GIS Specialist, pers. comm., 29 December 2014); the only other leatherback nests that year in North Carolina were found in Cape Lookout National Seashore (www.seaturtle.org). In 2018, two nests were found, one of which was also in Cape Lookout National Seashore while the other was further south at Fort Fisher near Wilmington. Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta carretta) The loggerhead sea turtle has received federal protection as a threatened species under the ESA since 28 July 1978 and the State of North Carolina also considers this marine turtle threatened. This species of sea turtle is widely distributed within its range of the temperate and tropical regions of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. According to the Recovery Plan, finalized in 2008, for the North Atlantic population of loggerhead sea turtles, only two loggerhead nesting beaches have greater than 10,000 females nesting per year: South Florida and Masirah, Oman. Beaches with 1,000 to 9,999 females nesting each year are north Florida through North Carolina, Cape Verde Islands, and Western Australia. Smaller nesting aggregations with 100 to 999 annual nesting females are found in northwest Florida, Cay Sal Bank (Bahamas), Quintana Roo and Yucatán (Mexico), Sergipe and Northern Bahia (Brazil), Southern Bahia to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Tongaland (South Africa), Mozambique, Arabian Sea Coast (Oman), Halaniyat Islands (Oman), Cyprus, Peloponnesus (Greece), Island of Zakynthos (Greece), Turkey, and Queensland (Australia). Adult females from United States beaches are found in waters off the eastern United States and throughout the Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and Yucatán in years when they are not nesting. The Northern Recovery Unit, extending from northeast Florida through North Carolina, represents approximately 1,287 nesting females per year with annual total nests ranging from 3,629 to 6,642 between 1989 and 1998. With the addition of the females estimated to occupy the other three Recovery Units, the total estimate of females nesting in the United States is 19,993 (NMFS and USFWS, unpublished data). The Sea Turtle Conservancy estimated in 2004 that there were 44,560 nesting female loggerhead sea turtles. The USFWS says the number of nests in the United States has fluctuated between 47,000 and 90,000 a year for the past two decades. Nesting of this species on all Florida beaches was in decline for the decade after 1998, but according to recently completed trend analysis of data from 1988–2014, the trend has been upward since 2009 with 2014 nest totals being slightly higher than the previous high in 1998 (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website, 10 December 2014). A time series analysis of annual nesting abundance also found an upward trend for CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 71 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina loggerhead sea turtles in the northwest Atlantic Ocean (Mazaris et al. 2017). However, after an analysis of 30 years of reproductive data for loggerhead sea turtles in Florida (the largest sea turtle nesting population worldwide) Ceriani et al. (2019) concluded that loggerhead nest counts are not a direct proxy for adult female population status because females do not reproduce every year and often lay more than one nest; no evidence for a strong population recovery or trend over the period. The required 5-year review for the NW Atlantic and seven foreign DPSs of loggerhead sea turtle was initiated by NMFS on 26 December 2019 to verify accuracy of the listing classifications. The loggerhead has a large head with blunt jaws with a reddish-brown carapace and flippers and yellow plastron. Identifying characteristics include five pairs of costal scutes on the carapace, with the first touching the nuchal scute and three large inframarginal scutes on each of the bridges between the plastron and carapace (photo courtesy of NOAA website; shows loggerhead escaping fishing net via TED). Adults grow to an average weight of about 200 pounds and they feed on mollusks, crustaceans, fish, and other marine animals (NMFS and USFWS 1991). Loggerheads are found at sea hundreds of miles from the coast, as well as in inshore areas such as bays, lagoons, salt marshes, creeks, ship channels, and the mouths of large rivers. Common feeding areas are coral reefs, rocky places, and ship wrecks. Loggerheads nest on ocean beaches typically between the high tide line and the dune front, but occasionally will nest on estuarine shorelines with suitable sand. It is thought that most United States-hatched loggerheads lead a pelagic existence in the North Atlantic gyre for an extended period of time while young, perhaps as long as 10 to 12 years. They are most documented from the eastern North Atlantic near the Azores and Madeira. Post-hatchlings have been found floating at sea in association with Sargassum rafts taking advantage of the food and refuge offered in these rafts. Juvenile loggerheads begin moving to coastal areas in the western Atlantic, feeding on the benthos of lagoons, estuaries, bays, river mouths, and shallow coastal waters. These feeding grounds may be utilized for a decade or more before their first reproduction when females will return to their natal beach to lay their eggs. The continental United States nesting season extends from about May through August with nesting occurring primarily at night. A single loggerhead may build from one to seven nests within a season (mean is about 4.1 nests per season) at intervals of approximately 14 days. Mean clutch size varies from about 100 to 126 along the southeastern United States coast, with incubation time ranging from about 45 to 95 days, depending on incubation temperatures. Hatchlings typically emerge at night. Remigration intervals (intervals between successive nesting years) of 2 to 3 years are most common in nesting loggerheads, but this has been known to vary from 1 to 7 years. Like all sea turtles, loggerheads are slow to mature with age at sexual maturity estimated to be about 20 to 30 years. Adult loggerheads will make long distance migratory journeys between foraging areas and nesting beaches. The majority of loggerhead nesting occurs in the western rims of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans where high energy, generally narrow, moderate to steeply sloped, coarse grained beaches backed by high dunes are preferred. In the US, loggerheads will nest from Texas to Virginia, but over 80 percent of nesting occurs in six counties in Florida (Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, and Broward). In the southeast US, mating occurs in late March to early June, and females lay eggs between late April and early September. In a single nesting season, females may lay three to five nests and sometimes more. Incubation requires about two months but is very dependent on temperature; hatching occurs between late June and mid-November. Both egg-laying and hatching usually occur at night. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 72 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Researchers at the University of Georgia have been genetically fingerprinting nesting loggerhead mothers since 2008 in the Northern Recovery Unit and in October 2013 the researchers were awarded additional NOAA funds to continue the fingerprinting in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Through the NCWRC, NPS personnel have participated in this Georgia-based research since 2010. While flipper tags are the most common method used to track turtle numbers, it is estimated that flipper tagging typically misses up to 20 percent of all nesting females on a beach each season. Previous studies had also shown that nesting females may use more than one beach which can lead to incorrect estimates about the population. One unexpected result of the Georgia research findings shows that sister turtles often do not nest on the same island, contrary to the common belief of strong natal beach fidelity (philopatry). At least for the turtle population in the study, philopatry was relaxed; one suspected reason was the abundance of good nesting habitat (The Red & Black, October 2013). Other investigations of loggerhead nesting preferences indicate that among four environmental factors evaluated (temperature, moisture, slope, and salinity) for nest site location, slope appeared to have the greatest influence (Wood and Bjorndal 2000). Some investigators attribute large inter-annual variations in nesting numbers of sea turtles to be driven by individual variation in re-migration patterns which are often triggered by sea surface temperature variables which then affect feeding conditions at sea where turtles spend 90 percent of their lives (Solow et al. 2002). In 2012, approximately 8,000 loggerhead nests were documented in the Northern Recovery Unit (The Red & Black, October 2013). Loggerhead sea turtles have nested every year in the National Seashore since 2000 with generally increasing numbers and a record of 440 nests in 2019 (Fig 7.9 per www.seaturtle.org). Between the years 2000 and 2007, less than 100 nests were recorded each year. Since 2008, there have been over 207 nests per year on average. Figure 7.11 shows that 120 loggerhead sea turtles nested in the proposed sand placement footprint from 2010 to 2020. NPS data also indicate that over the same period, approximately 48 loggerheads nested within 1 mile north of the sand placement footprint compared to approximately 42 nests within 1 mile south. It is important to note that turtles do not clump their nests in any particular location at the Seashore and that nests have been relatively evenly distributed in the Proposed Action Area over the years (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Randy Swilling, Natural Resource Program Manager, pers. comm., 4 June 2015). Figure 7.12 is a record of the number of loggerhead nests in the Avon nourishment area from 2010 to 2020 (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm.18 March 2021). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 73 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 7.8. Number and trend of loggerhead nests by year (2000–2020) at the Seashore (revised from Figure 13 of NPS 2010 – 2018 reports and 2019-2020 per www.seaturtle.org). 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Number of loggerhead sea turtle nests by year at Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2000-2020 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 74 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 7.9. Loggerhead sea turtle nests and locations recorded along the Village of Avon nourishment area from 2010 to 2020. [Source: Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm. 18 March 2021] CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 75 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 7.10. Loggerhead sea turtle nesting history for 2010-2020 in the Avon sand placement footprint (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm. 18 March 2021). Note: numbers differ from Fig 7.9 because the northernmost ~0.9 miles of Avon is outside the proposed sand placement area. Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) The hawksbill sea turtle was listed as a federally endangered species in June 1970. Currently, the hawksbill sea turtle lacks any protective status from North Carolina, most likely due to its rarity of occurrence in the state. The hawksbill sea turtle derives its name from its distinctive hawk-like beak. The shell of the hawksbill is brown with yellow, orange, and reddish-brown markings. The underside of the hawksbill is yellowish with black spots. The hawksbill may reach up to 3 ft in length and 300 pounds in weight, but is more commonly 2.5 ft in length and 95–160 pounds in weight. (Photo courtesy Caroline S. Rogers, USGS.) This sea turtle is found worldwide in tropical and sub-tropical marine waters although it has been documented as far north as Massachusetts. It prefers rocky bottoms, coral reefs, and coastal bays and lagoons, in water depths <65 ft. In the US, hawksbill turtles nest only in Florida on rare occasions. Like other sea turtles, hawksbills occupy a variety of habitats over their life cycle. For the first few years of their lives, hawksbill turtles are associated with floating algal mats in deep oceanic waters. At ~8 to 10 inches, hawksbills migrate to nearshore marine waters and begin consuming sponges, which will be their primary dietary constituent throughout their life. Hawksbill sea turtles reach sexual maturity (27 inches for males and 31 inches for females) at 20–30 years of age. Nesting occurs on tropical and subtropical sandy beaches from April to November, depending on location. Females show high fidelity to natal beaches (beaches where they 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020Number of NestsEvent Year Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nesting History Avon Nourishment Project Area CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 76 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina hatched) and nest three to five times per season, laying about 130 eggs per nest. Adult females generally reproduce every two years. Sex ratio of hatchlings is temperature dependent with warmer temperatures producing more females. The historical decline in hawksbill turtle populations was primarily due to commercial exploitation of adults for their shell. Other causes of mortality include habitat degradation, marine pollution, and incidental take by commercial trawling and gill netting activities. In general, Caribbean populations have increased somewhat in recent years, coinciding with the decline in the shell trade. However, hawksbills nest in isolated locations, and it is often difficult to gather accurate records of the number of reproductively active individuals. Today, worldwide numbers are likely decreasing, although certain populations in the Caribbean and Pacific are increasing because of better management. Stranding data from NCWRC's www.seaturtle.org preliminary data indicate there have been 14 hawksbill strandings in North Carolina since 2000 five of which were in Dare County, while most of the others were in Carteret County. Until 2015, the most northern hawksbill nest beach was thought to have been central Florida. But genetic analysis of two turtle nests laid on the National Seashore in the second half of the 2015 nesting season determined both nests to have been laid by the same female turtle and that she was 100 percent hawksbill (Finn et al 2016). The North Carolina Natural Heritage program has a record of this species in Dare County (North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, 2006), and four strandings of hawksbills were recorded between 1996 and 2006 (National Park Service, 2007). Hawksbills have occurred in the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge during the last 20 years (USFWS, 2006); however, no further nests since 2015 nor strandings since 2010 have been documented on Hatteras Island (www.seaturtle.org). 7.2.3 Mammals West Indian Manatee (Trichetus manatus) A distant relative of the elephant, there are three species of manatees worldwide. There are two distinct subspecies contained within the West Indian manatee; both subspecies were changed from endangered to threatened under the ESA in April of 2017. Manatees and also have federal protection under the MMPA. The historical range of the West Indian manatee included the entire Gulf of Mexico, southwest Atlantic US coast, throughout the Caribbean, and the entire Atlantic coast of Brazil. It has disappeared from portions of that historic range as it is only found on the north coast of Brazil, and is no longer found in the western Gulf of Mexico, in Guadeloupe or some of the Lesser Antilles. The subspecies most likely to be along the US east coast in the vicinity of the proposed project is the Florida manatee (Trichetus manatus latirostris). The West Indian manatee is large seal shaped marine mammal found in marine, estuarine, and freshwater environments. They have paired front flippers and a spoon shaped tail which leaves a very distinctive wake on the water surface. Typically grey in color, color can range from black to light brown, and some individuals are occasionally spotted with barnacles or colored by algal patches. The muzzle is heavily whiskered with CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 77 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina coarse single hairs sparsely distributed over the body. These whiskers are called vibrissae and are used to detect current and obstacles in turbid waters (Gaspard 2013). Adults average about 9 or 10 feet in length and weigh 1,000 pounds but have been known to be as large as 14 feet and 3,000 pounds. At birth, calves are between 3 and 4 feet long and weigh between 40 and 60 pounds. (Photo of manatee cow with nursing calf courtesy of Keith Ramos of USFWS). The population estimate within the current range of West Indian manatee is at least 13,000 with more than 6,500 in the US and Puerto Rico. When aerial surveys began in 1991, there were an estimated 1,267 manatees in Florida while today, that population has significantly increased to more than 6,300 over the past 25 years. Some speculate that this increase has driven the expansion of the number of individuals seen in the summer at the northern extent of the range. Very temperature sensitive, the manatee winters in waters of at least 68 degrees F and often can be found near hot springs or power plant outfalls for this reason. Since they surprisingly have almost no body fat or blubber to insulate them, manatees may experience “cold stress” if they are consistently exposed to waters below 61 degrees F, a condition that can form various health defects (Cummings et al. 2014). In summer, predominantly along inshore channels and rivers, they venture further north with warmer waters to the fringes of their range but can also be found in the nearshore marine environment; males are thought to range farther than females in the summer. They can become stranded and cold stunned if they fail to migrate south in the fall. The manatee feeds exclusively on seagrasses and other aquatic plants which grow in shallow waters and this behavior is the source of their "sea cow" nickname. They survive mostly on seagrass, and must consume about 9 percent of their body weight in food. Their lungs are found below the spine instead of within the rib cage and stretch almost the entire length of the torso, and help to maintain optimal buoyancy. With only six cervical vertebrae (most mammals have seven), a manatee cannot turn its head to the side and must turn its entire body to see behind. They require freshwater for drinking and prefer to forage along the edge of seagrass beds next to deeper channels which they use to escape threats. Seagrass beds are common near the higher water quality of inlets (e.g., water clarity, suitability of sediments, and prominence of associated shallow flood tidal deltas/shoals) so the rare oceanic manatee in NC waters might use inlets for access to seagrass beds and fresher inshore waters. They have no natural predators, but sewage runoff often causes algal blooms which can be toxic to the manatee upon ingestion. Collision with boats present another major threat to their survival, especially in shallow sounds and canals with no deeper water for escape. Another threat on the horizon is the widespread retirement of power plants that provide warm water discharges for manatees in the winter, without them locations for manatees to overwinter may become even more limited (Laist and Reynolds 2005). Of the more than 6,000 manatees estimated to live in Florida, as many as 75 percent may depend on these discharges. Opponents to the 2017 downgraded threatened status argued that the increases in population presented a false sense of stability as they were tied to the high numbers of individuals which have become habituated to the power plant outfalls and that the vulnerability of the manatee Climate change also poses a threat with perhaps repeats of the massive 2010 manatee die-off due to unprecedented winter temperatures in Florida. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 78 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) Endangered throughout its range under the precursor to the ESA since June (USFWS) and December 1970 (NMFS), this slender streamlined whale is the second largest of all whale species. It is also listed as depleted throughout its range under the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA). For management purposes, fin whales in US waters are divided into four stocks, one of which includes the western North Atlantic Ocean. The 2018 stock assessment shows the best population estimate for this stock at 1,618 and the minimum estimate at 1,234. These numbers represent US and partial Canadian waters from 2011 shipboard surveys; while confident numbers in and of themselves, it is highly probable to be an underestimate and is no longer very current. Insufficient data prevents determination of any trends. No critical habitat rules have been published for the fin whale. The fin whale is a fast swimmer found in deep, offshore waters of all major oceans primarily in temperate to polar latitudes and less commonly in the tropics. In the northern hemisphere, these whales reach a maximum length of about 75 ft with the females usually 5–10 percent larger than the males. The whale has a V-shaped head, a tall curved dorsal fin located about two-thirds of the way back on the body, and a distinctive coloration pattern: the back and sides of the body are black or dark brownish grey, and the ventral surface is white (photo courtesy of Lori Mazzuca, NOAA). The unique, asymmetrical head color is dark on the left side of the lower jaw, and white on the right side. Many individuals have several light-gray, V-shaped "chevrons" behind their head, and the underside of the tail flukes is white with a gray border. Lifespan is 80–90 years. Recent research and analysis of acoustic data by NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Center published in July 2020 indicated that four of the six baleen whales of the western North Atlantic, including fin whales, have altered their distribution since 2010; the fin have shown an increase of time spent in northern latitudes. Over the last decade, fin whale were found nearly year round in waters from Virginia to Greenland; feeding grounds are known in New England but their mating and calving ground remain unknown (Davis et al 2020 and https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200717120132.htm). Usually associated with small social groups of two to seven individuals, they often are also part of larger feeding aggregations of marine mammals (humpback and minke whales and other species) in the north Atlantic. Commercial hunting was a major threat to the species but this practice ended in 1987 for the north Atlantic population. Vessel collisions are a primary threat to this species and this species is the large whale most often reported in vehicle collisions (Jensen and Silber 2004). The 2018 stock assessment mentioned a review of records from 2012-2016 that showed a total of seven deaths attributed to vessel strikes (a rate of 1.4/year); however, the true total is unknown since the NMFS records do not cover the entire area used for the population estimate. The 2018 assessment also showed that no fishery related mortalities or serious injuries of fin whales were in the NMFS Sea Sampling by-catch database. A review of the records on file with NMFS for stranding, floating, or injured fin whales for the period 2010-2016 found no evidence of fishery-related interactions as cause of mortality in US waters while serious injury from non-fatal fishery interactions showed an annual average of 1.1/year. These records are not thought to be accurate estimates of entanglements. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 79 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Other threats include fishing gear entanglement, reduced prey abundance due to overfishing (krill, herring, capelin, sand lance, and squid), habitat degradation, and disturbance from low-frequency noise. Although the deeper ocean habitat where this species is most commonly found does not exist within the project vicinity and the 2020 SARBO determined no effect for this species for winter projects, the fin whale is included in analysis because of the project’s proposed summer window and the fact that the species may be in the deeper offshore waters during its winter migrations through the area from the north. Additionally, three strandings have occurred on North Carolina beaches between 1997 and 2008, one of which occurred during the proposed construction window (May). The Southeast US Marine Mammal Stranding Network listed only one stranding record from 2000-2020 for fin whales in Dare County; it was found freshly dead near Kill Devil Hills on 27 February 2003. Research published in 2016 on habitat-based cetacean density for the US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico used 23 years of aerial surveys and shipboard cetacean observations to make predictions (Roberts et al 2016). Predicted mean density and mean monthly abundance for baleen whales in July and January are shown in Figure 7.12 (as shown in Roberts et al 2016); predictions for mean monthly abundance and mean density for baleen whales were higher in January than July. FIGURE 7.12. Predicted mean density of baleen whales in July (A) and January (B) with inset table of mean monthly abundance (N) and coefficient of variation (CV) (as shown in Figure 5 of Roberts et al 2016). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 80 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Protected from commercial whaling since 1966, the humpback whale was listed as endangered under the precursor to the ESA in June 1970. This whale lives in all major oceans from the equator to sub-polar latitudes and abundance has increased in much of their range, especially in the Pacific populations. On 20 April 2015, NOAA proposed delisting most populations of this whale (10 of the 14 distinct populations were proposed for removal, including the West Indies population that migrates through the western Atlantic to its northern Atlantic feeding grounds). Currently, four of the 14 are listed as endangered, one is threatened, and nine are not at risk; the West Indies population was delisted under the ESA, but the species still is protected under the MMPA. For the north Atlantic, the best available estimate is about 11,500 individuals. The recent Northeast Fisheries Center acoustic research mentioned above showed humpback to be in all regions of the western North Atlantic, but researchers were surprised at the length of time they were present in all areas (Davis et al 2020 and https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200717120132.htm). The Latin name means "big-winged New Englander" as the New England population was best known to Europeans and refers to their long pectoral fins. This species is the favorite of whale watchers as they perform acrobatic displays with their fins, heads, and bodies. Similar to all baleen whales, females are larger than males and can reach up to 60 ft in length. Their body coloration is primarily dark grey, but individuals have a variable amount of white on their pectoral fins and belly. This variation is so distinctive that the pigmentation pattern on the undersides of their "flukes" is used to identify individual whales, similar to a human fingerprint (photo courtesy USFWS digital library). Humpback whales migrate the farthest of all mammals during their travel from summer high latitude feeding grounds to winter calving grounds in subtropical or tropical waters. During migration, they stay near the ocean surface and during feeding and calving, they prefer shallow waters. Their summer feeding builds up the blubber on which they will live off of during the winter as the warm water calving grounds are less productive. They utilize multiple feeding strategies and methods to corral, herd, or disorient the small fish upon which they prey, one of which is called “bubble netting”. This technique unique to humpbacks involves a coordinated effort among groups, with defined roles for individual whales, to concentrate the prey and force it to the surface for easy feeding. For the western Atlantic population, feeding occurs during spring, summer, and fall with a range that encompasses the eastern US coast and into western Greenland. The wintering grounds are used for calving and mating and are where their famous, but poorly understood, singing takes place. Threats to the species include fish gear entanglement, ship strikes, harassment by whale watcher, habitat impacts, and legal harvest (Japan has issued scientific permits in the Antarctic and western north Pacific in recent years). Numerous conservation efforts have been undertaken by NOAA and various partners to reduce these threats including education, take reduction measures, and monitoring. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 81 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina This species is more likely to be in the offshore waters of North Carolina than the fin whale, as evident by the 33 strandings documented by the Southeast US Marine Mammal Stranding Network for Dare County from 2000-2020; 11 were found between Avon and Hatteras Inlet. Of those strandings, 29 were found between September and April and all but one between Avon and Hatteras Inlet were found from October to April. North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalanae glacialis) Originally listed endangered throughout its range under the precursor to the ESA in June 1970 as the North Atlantic right whale and under the ESA since 1973, it is also considered depleted throughout its range by the MMPA. In 2008, NMFS listed the North Atlantic right whale as two separate endangered species, the North Pacific right whale (E. japonica) and the North Atlantic right whale (E. glacialis). There are two other species of right whale, one found in the north Pacific and the other found in oceans of the southern hemisphere. Primarily found in coastal or shelf waters in all the oceans of the world, right whales can sometimes be found moving over deeper waters. They migrate to higher latitudes in spring and summer. Current population estimates for this critically endangered whale suggest 400individuals; despite 50 years of protection, the species shows no signs of recovery. Once heavily exploited by whalers off southern Europe and northwest Africa, the species is suspected to no longer frequent these areas and in fact the eastern North Atlantic right whales are nearly extinct. This large whale grows to about 50 ft in length with a stocky black body, large head, no dorsal fin, deeply notched tail, and raised patches of rough skin (callosities) on the head region (Photos courtesy GA Dept of Natural Resources [right] and NOAA [left]; open baleen and callosities visible on whale shown on right and North Atlantic right whale feeding from above on left -NEFSC Christen Kahn). Like other baleens, the females are larger than the males and while few data exist on longevity of right whales, their lifespan is estimated to be about 50 years. They feed on zooplankton and are skimmers, removing prey from the water with their mouth open. They were deemed the “right” whale to hunt because of their tendency to float when dead due to their thick blubber. The North Atlantic right whale has two critical habitat areas designated by NMFS, the Northeast US (Unit 1 for foraging, Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank) and the Southeast US (Unit 2 for calving), neither of which is within CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 82 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina the project vicinity. The northern limit of the Southeast US critical habitat includes the waters offshore of the southern half of the Georgia coast. On 13 February 2015, NOAA proposed to expand designated critical habitat in the northwest Atlantic to include areas that will support calving and nursing (calving from southern North Carolina into northern Florida and nursing/feeding in Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank); however, when the designations were finalized, Unit 2 no longer included the entire North Carolina coast. This whale feeds from spring to fall although in some areas they may also feed in winter; however, their distribution is strongly tied to prey distribution. The whereabouts of the winter population remained unknown until Davis et al (2017) published long-term passive acoustic results collected collaboratively from 19 organizations from 2004-2014 (324 recorders; >35,600 days; species’ acoustic signal in 7 percent of the days). Results of analysis showed minimum presence for this species widely distributed across most regions throughout the winter months. Results also indicated almost year round use of the western Atlantic, particularly north of Cape Hatteras, with a decrease in detections off Cape Hatteras in summer and fall (Cape Hatteras region did not have a recorder from 2004 to 2010); post 2010, there was increased use of the mid- Atlantic region and decreased use in the northern Gulf of Maine. A broad scale distribution shift in sightings of this whale in its southeast calving grounds and three of its northern feeding habitats since 2010 or 2011 co-occurred with an increase in sightings in Cape Cod Bay and in two lesser known feeding habitats (Fauquier et al. 2020). While there are seasonal concentrations of North Atlantic right whales in some habitats, historically a large proportion of the population has always been, and continues to be, unaccounted for in most months of the year (Fauquier et al. 2020). Most known right whale nursery areas are in shallow coastal waters and nursing mothers will often aggregate in other areas; breeding areas were not known for any population until Davis et al. (2017) showed the Gulf of Maine as a potential winter mating ground. It is not clear if the shift in regions detected in the long-term acoustic data are driven by anthropogenic or natural factors or a combination. Studies such as this may indicate that areas deemed to be critical habitat may not be static. The most common human threats include ship collisions, largely due to their cryptic coloring and lack of dorsal fin which obscures visibility to ships when at the surface, and fish gear entanglements. Additional threats of habitat degradation, contaminants, climate change, increased human-sourced noise in the oceans or seaways they frequent, disturbances from whale watchers, and noise from industrial activities are other human threats. They are also prey of large sharks and killer whales. Adult females used to calve every 3 to 5 years but now it is every 6 to 10 years. Up to 85 percent of right whales are estimated to have been entangled at least primarily with vertical buoy lines, or ropes, connected to fishing gillnets, traps, and pots on the ocean floor; entangled whales can drag gear for hundreds of miles. Once entangled the lines can cut into a whale’s body, cause serious injuries, and result in infections and mortality. Even if gear is shed or disentangled, the time spent entangled can cause severe stress, which weakens it, prevents it from feeding, and saps the energy it needs to swim and feed, or successfully bring to term and nurture a calf. The North Atlantic right whale habitat and migration routes are close to major ports and overlap the major shipping lanes which make vessel strikes more likely. Underwater noise from human activities such as shipping, recreational boating, development, and energy exploration can interrupt the normal behavior of right whales and interfere with their communication with potential mates, other group members, and their offspring. Noise can also reduce their ability to avoid predators, navigate and identify physical surroundings, and find food. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 83 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Numerous conservation efforts have been undertaken by NOAA and various partners to reduce these threats including measures to reduce ship collision and fish gear entanglement, take reduction measures, establishment of seasonal management areas which include ship speed restrictions, and monitoring. As shown in map to right, the project area does not fall within a designated seasonal management area. Of particular concern is the decline of adult females in the population, estimated at 200 in 2010, 186 in 2015, and fewer than 95 in 2019. Only 12 births have been documented since 2017. High mortality of North Atlantic right whales in 2016 and the known deaths of 17 in 2017 add to the widening gap between numbers of males and females (Pace et al. 2017). In fact, 2017-2020 (partial data for 2020) has been named an Unusual Mortality Event (UME) for the species by NOAA due to the significant increase of deaths in Canada evident in the graph on the NOAA website about the UME (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine- life-distress/2017-2019-north-atlantic-right-whale-unusual-mortality-event) shown in Figure 7.12 below. As of 30 September 2019, the UME total was 30 (21 in Canada and nine in the US) 14 of which were female (gender of two was undetermined). Preliminary findings show the majority of the deaths were attributed to either vessel strikes or net entanglement. To date, of all UME’s since 1991, the highest percent by group has been cetaceans (57 percent) and the highest by geographic region is the Atlantic (36 percent). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 84 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 7.12. Unusual Mortality Event (UME) for North Atlantic right whales from 2017-2020. Of the three whale species evaluated in this BA, the North Atlantic right whale is the species most likely to occur in the shallower coastal ocean within the Proposed Action Area. While all of the 30 Canadian UME deaths occurred in the Gulf of St Lawrence in June and July with one in September, the nine US UME deaths were spread over six months of the calendar year with the most southern death offshore of Virginia Beach, VA in January 2018. The shift into different Canadian waters (from the typical Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine into the more northern Gulf of St. Lawrence) drove the increase in lethal encounters. Researchers believe the shift north was probably driven by the rapid spike in deep water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine attributed to climate change, which caused a decline in the copepod population, which drove the whales further north for food. Conservation and management efforts lagged behind the shift and have struggled to keep pace. The Southeast US Marine Mammal Stranding Network data for Dare County documented six North Atlantic Right Whales from 2000-2020, five were found from Avon to Hatteras Inlet; five of the six recorded whales were found between September and April. However, the most recent stranding in the Seashore was August of 2013 (south southeast of Cape Point); other more recent strandings in 2007 and 2008 were near Avon. The 2019 Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Marine Species (AMAPPS) report documented two north Atlantic right whales in their winter 2019/2020 aerial survey track off of Cape Hatteras, but it is difficult to tell from the figure in the report how close to shore these two individuals were documented (Figure 3-5, pg 49 in NOAA 2020). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 85 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) Endangered throughout its range (world oceans except for the Arctic) effective 2 December 1970 under the ESA and granted protection by NMFS, the blue whale is also protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Generally long and slender, with characteristic mottling used for individual identification, the blue whale feeds almost solely on krill which are sifted through its baleen plates; individuals may consume up to six tons of krill a day. At up to 110 feet long, the blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever existed on the planet. (Photo courtesy of NOAA) Worldwide commercial whaling reduced the population to a fraction of its numbers prior to 1900; however, population numbers appear to be on the increase for the western North Atlantic region (latest stock assessment in November 2010 mentioned between 200 and 600 individuals). Total abundance for this region’s stock was highest in 1995 (979) and lowest in 1987 (222). However, the small proportion of range sampled and limited population data are insufficient to determine trends with much certainty. A study to document wintering and foraging behavior of blue whales from eastern Canada satellite-tagged 23 individuals and documented for the first time that the Mid-Atlantic Bight was a wintering destination and was possibly also a breeding and/or calving area (Lesage et al. 2017). Figure 7.13 shows the path of two females of the 23 whales tagged, both of which spent part of the winter (late December to mid-February) within the waters of the Mid- Atlantic Bight. In fact, the one shown in A (whale ID B244) spent part of January and February in waters “off Pamlico Sound and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina” with the closest distance of 28 miles. This particular whale documented a path of 7,406 miles during the study. This rare sighting, so close to shore, is the main reason the blue whale has been included in this document. Additionally, as mentioned in the fin and humpback sections above, a study of broadly situated acoustic data shows that since 2010, like the others, blue whale have also altered their distribution; also like the others, perhaps due to changes in prey habit as a result of temperature alterations due to climate change. Acoustic detections also showed the blue whale as far south as North Carolina (Davis et al 2020 and https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200717120132.htm). Threats to the species are poorly known, but vessel strikes and net entanglement are the most likely causes of any direct mortality; pollution, acoustic communication disruptions from human activities, changes in distribution of prey due to changes in climate which concomitantly affect ocean temperatures and currents may also affect numbers and population health. As a cool water deeper ocean species, a blue whale is unlikely to be within this project’s area or vicinity (within 10 miles of the beach), but a sick individual or one wounded from a ship strike or net entanglement could drift that close. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 86 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 7.13. Winter 2016 telemetry paths of two tagged female blue whales in the Mid-Atlantic Bight; the path shown in A was ~28 miles from Cape Hatteras (although the yellow dots appear much closer on the map) (Figure 4 shown in Lesage et al.2017). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 87 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 7.2.4 Fish Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) The Atlantic sturgeon, specifically the Carolina and South Atlantic distinct population segments (DPSs), was designated as “endangered” in February 2012 (effective April 2012) and granted protection by NMFS (Federal Register, 2012). The Gulf of Maine DPS was listed then as threatened. Atlantic sturgeon is also listed as an endangered species in the state of North Carolina. In 1998, Amendment 1 to the Atlantic sturgeon Fishery Management Plan (FMP) implemented a fishery moratorium and efforts to reduce or eliminate by-catch. In June 2016, NMFS proposed that Critical Habitat be designated for the Carolina and south Atlantic DPSs and the designations were adopted 16 August 2017. Approximately 3,968 miles of coastal rivers along the east coast have been designated as critical habitat. Sturgeons, including the Atlantic sturgeon, are among the most primitive of the bony fishes. All are characterized by bony plates (scutes) that run the length of the body, sensory organs called barbels, and a mouth positioned on the underside of their snout. Atlantic sturgeon can reach 14 ft to 18 feet in length and weigh up to 800 pounds; however, individuals over 10 to 12 feet are rarely encountered (ASMFC 2017). They have olive-brown or bluish-black backs with paler sides and have a white belly (NOAA Fisheries 2014). Sturgeon species, including the Atlantic, are long-lived and may reach over 60 years old. Atlantic sturgeon mature at approximately seven years and the young may remain in freshwaters for up to five years before migrating to the ocean (Rohde et al. 1994). Both gender and population segment location affect age at, and frequency of, reproduction (Photo courtesy of NOAA) The Atlantic sturgeon is an anadromous species that inhabits the lower downstream sections of larger rivers and coastal waters of the Atlantic coast (found in 32 rivers and spawns in perhaps 20), moving into freshwater only to spawn in the spring. Five DPS’s of Atlantic sturgeon have been identified: Gulf of Maine, New York Bight, Chesapeake Bay, Carolina, and South Atlantic. Recent preliminary DNA research on Atlantic sturgeon tagged by the Navy in Virginia’s Pamunkey River, a tributary of the York River in the Chesapeake DPS, proved not only that reproduction was occurring in a river previously thought to no longer support the fish, but also that the York River population was genetically distinct from all other known Atlantic sturgeon populations along the Atlantic Coast, including the nearby James River (Watterson 2015). In addition, one group of the Chesapeake Atlantic sturgeon spawn in May (James River) and another in mid-September (York River, as well as the James) (Hager et al, 2014; Balazik and Musick 2015). Fall spawning has been documented in the Roanoke River of NC (Smith et al 2015) and in other western Atlantic rivers. Dual race (run) spawning occurs in other Acipenseriformes globally, the historic record of colonial America also indicates its occurrence, and data suggest that perhaps the fall group was/is the principal group in some cases (Balazik and Musick 2015). Results on the genetics of juveniles from the Connecticut River run contrary to the belief that re-colonizers of extirpated populations primarily originate in proximal populations as these juveniles were comprised of specimens mostly from South Atlantic and Chesapeake DPS origins (Savoy et al 2017). Current research into CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 88 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina the underappreciated dual run aspect of the reproductive biology of Atlantic sturgeon and discovery of reproduction in rivers once thought to have extirpated populations are encouraging. The species has improved chances for continued survival if other unstudied or discounted tributaries are also used by the species and if dual races exist in other Atlantic rivers. Such information and results also have management implications for population assessments and recovery plans and may affect windows for permitted activities. The Carolina DPS includes all Atlantic sturgeon that spawn, or are spawned, in the watersheds from Albemarle Sound southward along the southern Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina coastal areas to Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. The marine range of Atlantic sturgeon from the Carolina DPS extends from Labrador, Canada south to Cape Canaveral, Florida. A bottom dweller and benthic feeder, it prefers areas with soft substrate and vegetated bottom for most of the year. At spawning, the fish requires fast current and rough bottoms. Suitable Atlantic sturgeon habitat exists in the project vicinity and Proposed Action Area and this species has been documented in the project vicinity. The suitable habitats include open water marine and estuarine environments, including inlets. As bottom feeding animals, sturgeon primarily consume organisms associated with sediment such as worms, bivalves, crustaceans, insect larvae, and small fish. They also consume live and detrital plant material. Historically, Atlantic sturgeons have been abundant in most North Carolina coastal rivers and estuaries, with the largest fisheries located in the Roanoke River/Albemarle Sound system and the Cape Fear River (Kahnle et al. 1998). Landing records from the late 1800s indicate that Atlantic sturgeons were very abundant in the Albemarle Sound, and North Carolina as a whole supported an estimated 7,200 to 10,500 adult females (Armstrong and Hightower, 2002; and Secor, 2002). In 2007, it was estimated that fewer than 300 spawning adults reside within the Carolina DPS (Atlantic Sturgeon Status Review Team [ASSRT] 2007). There also are many records of Atlantic sturgeon from the Neuse River, Tar River, and Pamlico Sound. Estimates of Atlantic sturgeon >1 meter total length in the Carolina DPS ranged from 1,912 to 2,031 dependent on method used to count based on a side-scan sonar study (Flowers and Hightower 2015). Between April 2004 and December 2005, the NCDENR-DMF Observer Program documented the capture of 12 Atlantic sturgeon in the Pamlico Sound (ASSRT, 2007). Laney et al. (2007) documented mostly juvenile Atlantic sturgeon in North Carolina nearshore water depths of <60 ft from cooperative winter tagging conducted from 1998 to 2006. Other captures in North Carolina waters were primarily associated with inlets and nearby bays (Stein et al. 2004). Recent acoustic data collected from the vicinity (Atlantic Cooperative Telemetry Network data referenced in CBI 2015) indicate that Atlantic sturgeon are present in nearshore North Carolina in higher numbers in November and March. An array of 12 acoustic receivers was deployed periodically at Hatteras Inlet in 2008/2009 through April 2014 to detect tagged fish (originally only spiny dogfish; other sharks, Atlantic sturgeon, and other fish were added later) (Rulifson et al. 2020). Table 7.4 shows the distribution of Atlantic sturgeon by life stage, month of the year, and habitat location as Wickliffe et al. compiled in a Technical Memorandum prepared for NOAA's National Centers for Ocean Science (2019). Figure 3.4.4 in Wickliffe et al (2019) showed that for the sum of all of ASMFC's Cooperative Winter tagging cruises from 1988-2016 the counts of Atlantic sturgeon per square kilometer were 1 to 2 in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras; cruises occurred in January and February, no cruise occurred in 2011, 2013, or 2014 and no Atlantic sturgeon were counted in 1993 or 1995. While the state no longer has funds to tag Atlantic sturgeon, the Hatteras array continues to collect data on tagged fish including those tagged by other researchers. The most recent tagged Atlantic sturgeon to pass the array was documented on 22 November 2019 (NCDMF, Michael S. Loeffler, Marine Fisheries Biologist, pers comm. 26 January 2021). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 89 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 7.4. Temporal and spatial distribution of various Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) life stages in the Carolinas and the northern portion of the South Atlantic distinct population segment (from Table 3.4.1 in Wickliffe et al. 2019, page 121). * Pre-spawn adults are present in estuaries May through August as they stage to get ready to run up the river. In North Carolina subadults are in the estuaries year round. A certain proportion of these individuals overwinter in the ocean. The NCDMF currently has three independent gill net programs that encounter and tag Atlantic sturgeon. The Albemarle Sound Independent Gill Net Survey (IGNS) is a stratified random gill net survey that employs gill nets with different mesh sizes and floating and sinking nets; each 40-yard shot net set is fished for approximately 24 hours before retrieval from January through May, November, and December. Figure 7.14 shows the IGNS catch per unit effort (CPUE) and trend for Atlantic sturgeon in the Albemarle Sound from 1991- 2018 as variable with a generally positive trend, although not strong (R2 = 0.44) (NCDMF 2019). R² = 0.4385 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050 19911993199519971999200120032005200720092011201320152017Catch per unit effortAtlantic Sturgeon CPUE NCDMF Albemarle Sound IGNS 1991 -2018 River Estuary Ocean Life Stage Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Pre-spawn & spawning adults **** Egg Larvae YOY growth Subadults year-round Subadult overwinter Q1 = Winter Q2 =Spring Q3 = Summer Q4 = Fall Atantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus)FIGURE 7.14. Catch per unit effort for NCDMF Atlantic sturgeon gill net surveys in Albemarle Sound 1991-2018. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 90 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina As of 2019, Incidental Take Permits (ITPs) issued by NMFS are held by NCDMF for the commercial inshore gillnet fishery (issued in 2014) and by Georgia Department of Natural Resources for the commercial shad fishery (issued in 2013); both permits are for 10 years. In North Carolina, from 2015-2018, observers for the estuarine large and small gillnet fishery for southern flounder from 2015-2018 self-reported 74, 82, 51, and 24 netted Atlantic sturgeon respectively; of those three in 2015, five in 2016, three in 2017, and 2 in 2018 were dead (ASMFC 2017, ASPRT 2018; NCDMF 2018 and 2019). Each year since the first report year (2015) when 86 were taken, the number of takes in the Albemarle Sound have been over 100 (124, 173, and 155 from 2016- 2018); mortalities from these incidental takes were 15, 9, 18, and 16. Takes in the Pamlico Sound, which is clumped with Pamlico River and Pungo and Neuse rivers were much less at 24,10, 5, and 11 for the same period; among the incidental takes in the Pamlico complex were five mortalities in 2015, two in 2016, none in 2017, and two in 2018. Estimates of bycatch from the North Carolina gillnet fishery were averaged at 4,179 per year with 218 dead and the Federal Observer estimated bycatch program (gillnets and trawls combined) estimated 1,139 per year with 295 dead in gillnet fishery and 1,062 per year with 41 dead in otter trawl fishery (ASMFC 2019). Threats to current populations of Atlantic sturgeon include incidental by-catch, human activity such as dredging, dams, and water withdrawals that result in habitat loss, and ship strikes (NOAA Fisheries 2014). In a presentation at NOAA’s May 2016 Atlantic and Shortnose Sturgeon Workshop (Threats Session), researchers concluded that thermal effects due to climate change pose a threat to early life stages of Atlantic sturgeon (Chambers et al. 2016). At the 2016 Workshop, it became apparent that fish passages at dams were not necessarily the panacea once thought due to the fact that juveniles need to be able to move downstream; a function perhaps not considered in existing fish passage designs. The Workshop also identified water quality degradation as a potential threat from certain compounds such as copper, mercury, selenium, retene (particularly for spawning areas downstream of pulp mills in the case of retene), and that Atlantic sturgeon are sensitive to endocrine disruptors. While sturgeons are known to be “sensitive”, data gaps exist. Another threat identified with many unknown effects was impingement/entrainment from facilities with water intakes. Yet another threat to recruitment presented at the 2016 Workshop, is habitat displacement and/or potential predation from the blue catfish, an invasive species in rivers of Virginia and both North and South Carolina (Kahn et al. 2016). As commercial by-catch of this species occurs across a range of gear types, by-catch has been identified as the predominant impediment to recovery (ASSRT 2007). However, the 2016 Workshop participants noted the lack of consistent by-catch information (self-reports and volunteer) and differences across states on mandatory reporting requirements made it difficult to know true extent of this threat. Research on the northeast populations has shown that most human interaction occurs during their coastal migrations in fall, winter, and spring (Dunton et al. 2015). Breece et al. 2016 used seascape models to predict preferences of tagged Atlantic sturgeon during spring migrations offshore Delaware Bay. Results of their research indicates readily accessible and easy to use seascape tools could target smaller closure areas which would have less disruptive impacts to gillnet fisheries and reduce the by-catch of Atlantic sturgeon. Recent study of gill-net adaptations to reduce capture of Atlantic sturgeon in North Carolina from this fishery reduced by-catch by 39.6 percent and encounters by 60.9 percent; in this study, the Atlantic sturgeon was most often in depths that ranged from approximately 17 to 21 ft (Levesque et al. 2016). The most recent stock assessment showed there is a high probability that the coast-wide index is above the 1998 levels (year moratorium began) and that Atlantic sturgeon populations have begun a slow recovery CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 91 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina (ASMFC 2017). Indices for the Gulf of Maine DPS, New York Bight DPS, and the Carolina DPS all have a greater than 50 percent chance of being above their 1998 level; the Chesapeake Bay DPS was at 36 percent and there were no representative indices for the South Atlantic DPS (ASMFC 2017). In July 2019, NOAA recommended $10.4M for 19 new coastal and marine habitat restoration projects and two ongoing projects which included $42K in funds for a Nature Conservancy project to restore floodplains and remove barriers to fish migration in the Roanoke River of North Carolina. This type of habitat restoration will benefit both Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon. Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) In March 1967, the shortnose sturgeon was listed as endangered under the precursor to the ESA. The NMFS later assumed jurisdiction for shortnose sturgeon under a 1974 government reorganization plan (38 FR 41370). The shortnose sturgeon is managed by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) of which North Carolina is a member. In 1990, the ASMFC devised a Fishery Management Plan (FMP) to aid in the recovery of Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon. In response to continued declines, in 1998, the FMP was amended to include a moratorium on sturgeon fishing in participating states. Although the shortnose sturgeon was not targeted by the commercial fishing industry, it was a common incidental catch in the Atlantic sturgeon fishery. Therefore, with the ban on all sturgeon, the ASMFC reduced the fishing related mortality to the shortnose sturgeon. In addition, possession of the shortnose sturgeon is illegal because of its federally protected status. The shortnose sturgeon is also listed as endangered by the state of North Carolina. The shortnose sturgeon is the smallest North American sturgeon, reaching 3–4.5 ft in length and 61 pounds in weight. The shortnose sturgeon has a blackish head and back, a yellowish-brown body and a pale underside and can be distinguished from Atlantic sturgeon by its shorter snout, wider mouth, and the lack of scutes between the anal fin base and the lateral row of plates (NMFS 1998). Distinguishing between the two species can be tricky as the adult shortnose may be the same size as a juvenile Atlantic sturgeon. Like other sturgeon, this species is long lived and may live 60 years. It is primarily amphidromous, born in freshwater, lives and feeds in its natal river system with the exception of short feeding or migratory forays into salt water; all sturgeon return to freshwater to spawn (Photo courtesy of Gary Shepard, NOAA; shortnose shown on top, Atlantic beneath). Telemetry data show the species makes long coastal migrations to other river systems but there is little evidence to show shortnose sturgeon at sea (Wickliffe et al. 2019). Table 7.5 shows the distribution of shortnose sturgeon lifestages in the Carolinas and northern portion of the South Atlantic DPS. Shortnose sturgeon is found in 41 rivers and bays along the east coast from the St. John River in New Brunswick Canada south to the St. Johns River in north Florida. They spawn in 19 river systems along the east coast, including the Albemarle Sound drainages and the Cape Fear River drainages of North Carolina. There are three distinct metapopulations which comprise reproductively isolated groups, the northern, the mid- Atlantic and the southern. There is a 250-mile separation between the northern and mid-Atlantic groups and the southern which deprives adults the chance to interbreed across the gap. In general, the Atlantic sturgeon is more saline oriented, whereas the shortnose sturgeon spends more time in freshwaters and migrates CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 92 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina upstream earlier in the year (Gilbert, 1989). When it is in oceanic waters, it tends to stay closer to shore than the Atlantic sturgeon. Shortnose sturgeon begin their freshwater migration in late winter and early spring and spawn from April to June. Developing sturgeon may occupy the upper reaches of the natal river for up to five years, at which time they move to the ocean. However, unlike other anadromous species, the shortnose sturgeon does not seem to make long distance offshore migrations after spawning, but rather occupies the estuarine and nearshore marine environments. TABLE 7.5. Temporal and spatial distribution of various shortnose sturgeon life stages in the Carolinas and the northern portion of the South Atlantic DPS (from Table 3.5.1 in Wickliffe et al. 2019, page 140). In the mid-Atlantic region, both male and female shortnose sturgeons reach sexual maturity at three to five years, spawning every three years thereafter in the case of females and often yearly in males. As bottom feeding animals, shortnose sturgeon primarily consume organisms associated with sediment such as worms, bivalves, crustaceans, insect larvae and small fish. They also consume live and detrital plant material. Suitable habitat exists within Dare County, and historic records document the species within the area. It is believed that the shortnose sturgeon declined along with the Atlantic sturgeon beginning in the early 1900s. Population declines were a result of dam construction, commercial fishing, pollution, dredging, and habitat loss. Today, these human activities continue to threaten the survival of the shortnose sturgeon. Historically the species probably occurred in major rivers throughout North Carolina; however, the current distribution is not well known. There is no historical information on the shortnose sturgeon population size, but today, the shortnose sturgeon population varies by river system. Few if any shortnose sturgeons are collected in scientific trawl surveys, so population assessments are difficult to make. The shortnose population in the St. John River is among the largest in North America and the Hudson and Delaware Rivers also support substantial numbers. Oakley (2003) adds evidence to the opinion that the species has been extirpated from the Neuse River of North Carolina. River Estuary Ocean Life Stage Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Pre-spawn & spawning adults Egg Larvae YOY growth Subadults year-round Subadult overwinter Q1 = Winter Q2 =Spring Q3 = Summer Q4 = Fall Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 93 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina While the Georgia Department of Natural Resources also holds an ITP for shortnose sturgeon for its commercial shad fishery, no other southern state has an ITP for the species. In North Carolina the shortnose sturgeon seems to be most abundant in the Cape Fear River system. The USFWS cites 2003 NCNHP data indicating records from 11 counties in North Carolina, not including Dare County. There is, however, a record from 2006 in Pamlico Sound in Dare County (USFWS, David Rabon, Biologist, November 30 2006). Further information from NMFS indicates that this record probably occurred in summer of 2005 during the North Carolina Independent Fisheries Assessment. Personnel participating in this assessment were trained to identify species, but the sturgeon referred to in this instance was not verified nor were any photographs taken. However, NCDMF has submitted annual reports on Atlantic sturgeon per the 2014 ITP and only one shortnose sturgeon has been reported in any Albemarle Sound gill net (2016) and none in independent sampling or during observed on board or alternative platform large gill net trips since then (NCDMF 2016-2019). Giant Manta Ray (Manta birostris) First proposed for listing in 2015 by Defenders of Wildlife, NOAA Fisheries followed with publication of their 90-day review in February of 2016; NMFS issued its Final Rule 22 January 2018 which listed the giant manta ray as threatened throughout its range. To date, no critical habitat has been designated for the species (NOAA/NMFS 2019). Some have modified the genus from Manta to Mobula (Fishbase website, Stewart et al 2018 among others); however, as of December 2020, NOAA and the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) nomenclature remains Manta. A slow moving migratory circumglobal planktivorous filter feeder, the giant manta ray is the world’s largest ray with a wingspan up to 29 feet (photo courtesy of Pixabay). Diamond shaped with wing like pectoral fins and a wide terminal mouth, manta rays can be one of two colors: chevron (black back white belly) or almost completely black on both sides. Constant and distinctive patterns of belly spots can be used to identify individuals. Found in all tropical, subtropical, and temperate oceans it can also be found seasonally near productive coastlines with regular upwelling where it follows zooplankton, the predominant food source. It also has been known to frequent estuarine waters near coastal inlets; it is suspected that its depth preferences and foraging habits are more complex than currently understood (Miller and Klimovich 2017). Stable isotope analyses suggest that more than 50 percent of the diet of M. birostris comes from mesopelagic prey in some regions (Stewart et al 2018). Water temperature preferences appear to vary regionally and to range from 66 - 72° F off the US east coast and it is more cold tolerant than the Indo-Pacific manta species M. alfredi. The oceanic manta has one of the largest brains (10 times larger than a whale shark) and the largest brain-to-mass ratio of any cold blooded fish. It heats the blood going to its brain and is one of the few animals (land or sea) that might pass the mirror test, seemingly exhibiting self-awareness (McDermott 2017). Aside from the taxonomy, not much is understood about population biology (e.g. age at maturity, habitat use, pupping and nurseries) and spatial distribution, but they are sparsely distributed in small fragmented populations with Ecuador suspected to support the largest population. Considered predominantly an oceanic CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 94 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina species of the continental shelf or other areas where productive upwelling occurs, it can be sometimes found in shallower waters. While the presence of juveniles has been documented in US waters in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida (Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary and near Jupiter Inlet), juvenile presence alone is not enough to designate any area as a nursery. Data to date indicate that the species displays both long- and short-distance migratory patterns, although there is some evidence that some individuals do not range as far as others. However, not enough is known to confidently identify any frequently used or preferred migratory corridors. The giant manta ray, M. birostris, can be found in all ocean basins, while the reef manta ray, M. alfredi, is currently only observed in the Indian Ocean and the western and south Pacific. Additionally, a third, putative manta ray species has been identified (referred to as M. cf. birostris), with its range extending along the Atlantic coast, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean, based on research conducted in the western Atlantic by Dr. Andrea Marshall founder of the Marine Megafauna Foundation. A manuscript identifying this third species is expected in the near future; however, this potential newly identified manta species is highly abundant off the U.S. east coast, with a large population also found off the Yucatán peninsula (NOAA/NMFS 2019). This new cryptic species looks very similar to M. birostris, with only a few diagnostic features that could potentially distinguish the two (mainly small morphological and meristic ones). Without genetic testing and a formal description, species identification cannot be completely validated (Stewart et al 2018 and Hinojosa-Alvarez et al. 2016, Kashiwagi et al. 2017, and Hosegood et al. 2019 as cited in NOAA/NMFS 2019). Largely solitary, giant manta rays do congregate for cleaning and reproductive behaviors and occasionally they have been observed to work cooperatively for feeding and demonstrate habitat fidelity. Very little is known about their growth and development but its fecundity is the lowest of the elasmobranchs (a subclass of cartilaginous species); it is viviparous and slow to mature. While it has few predators, its low reproduction rate and other aspects of its life history make it vulnerable to depletions from fishery bycatch; they are also specifically targeted for their gill rakers which are internationally traded to meet Asian demand. Other threats include ingestion of microplastics, gear entanglement, and vessel strikes; their slow speed and apparent lack of fear of humans add to their vulnerability (NMFS 2020). Strongly associated with the thermocline, M. birostris bycatch rates could be mitigated by gear sets above the thermocline, but feasibility of such an approach in commercial fisheries is unproven and questionable (Stewart et al 2018). While documented as far north as Long Island, they generally are not found further north than Cape Hatteras and are considered rare in the mid-Atlantic and northeast. Many of the previous observations of “giant manta ray” logged in aerial survey or ship survey records with accompanying photo documentation have since been proven to be identification errors when examined by manta experts (NOAA/NMFS 2019). These earlier surveys incorrectly expanded the “normal” range of the species. Nonetheless, an Instagram video of a giant manta ray taken from the Avon Fishing Pier in July of 2019 documented “chasing” behavior which was speculated to be associated with courtship (NOAA 2019). Historic documentation of the giant manta ray in North Carolina include 11 individuals near Cape Lookout one of which was a pregnant female (Coles 1916), one in the Cape Fear estuary in 1977, one in Lockwood Folly River in 1978, one in Beaufort Inlet in 1981, and one in Bogue Sound in 1999 (Schwartz 2000). The low and widely sporadic documentation of the species in North Carolina estuaries are considered accidental incursions of errant individuals (Medeiros, Luiz, and Domit 2015). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 95 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 7.2.5 Plants Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) Seabeach amaranth is a federally threatened annual plant native to the Atlantic coast barrier island beaches where it prefers the lowest topographic position that can support vascular plants. A fugitive species, it is able to spread quickly and colonize habitat as it becomes available in space and time. This species occurs where there is low competition from other vegetation and it can serve to trap and stabilize sand. A single large plant is capable of building a mini-dune up to 1.9 ft in height that contains up to 105.9 cubic feet of sand (USFWS 1993, 1996b). Historically, and as documented by the National Seashore surveys, during times of sea level rise and/or accelerated erosion, most populations have been found on south, or southeast, facing beaches and on accreting spits near inlets (USFWS 1996b). Its preferred habitat is barrier- island beaches and nearby environments which are sparsely vegetated with annual herbs (forbs) and, less commonly, perennial herbs (mostly grasses) and scattered shrubs. Primary habitat consists of overwash flats at accreting ends of islands, lower foredunes, and upper strands of non-eroding beaches (landward of the wrack line). These habitats are often shared with other rare (slender sea-purslane and shoreline sea-purslane) or protected species (e.g., seabeach knotweed, piping plover, and roseate tern). In rare situations, this annual is found on sand spits 160 ft or more from the base of the nearest foredune. It occasionally establishes small temporary populations in other habitats, including sound-side beaches, blowouts in foredunes, interdunal areas, and on sand and shell material deposited for beach replenishment or as dredge spoil. It has a low, sprawling habit and small, fleshy spinach-like leaves on red stems. (Photo courtesy of USFWS Digital Library.) Seabeach amaranth germinates from April to July, from a small sprig which branches from the center to form a clump which may contain over 100 stems. The diameter of a large clump can be over 3 ft, although size is more typically 8–16 inches. Flowering begins in June and lasts through late fall, with seed production beginning in July. The yellow flowers are inconspicuous and wind pollinated. The species is a prolific seed producer, and the waxy seed are thought viable for extended periods. Wind, water, and possibly birds disperse seed, and whole plants and seed are temporarily buoyant. Plants are usually detectable from April through December (frost dependent). As stated in the 2014 Cape Hatteras National Seashore annual report on this species, some notable research in the past several decades have assessed the life history and habitat requirements of seabeach amaranth (Bucher and Weakley 1990, Johnson 2004, Jolls et al. 2004, Sellars and Jolls 2004, Strand 2002). Compilation and review of these studies, many of which address the crucial habitat characteristics that determine likelihood of amaranth occurrence (i.e., elevation, overwash disturbance potential, and competition), have provided a baseline for the selection of survey locations and methods at the Seashore. Locations of historic amaranth occurrences in the Seashore are also taken into consideration. Specific habitats surveyed include high beach (between the wrack line and foredune), sand flats on accreting ends of the islands, and large dune blowouts. All CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 96 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina surveys are conducted in accordance with the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Seabeach Amaranth Monitoring Protocol created in 2013 and amended in 2014. Seabeach amaranth has historically been documented in the National Seashore and suitable habitat exists within the area of analysis, but it has not been documented in any annual surveys in the park since 2005. As shown in Table 7.6, seabeach amaranth populations have fluctuated greatly since surveys began throughout the park in 1985. The area on Bodie Island spit where amaranth had been located in 2004 and 2005 has been continuously protected through summer and winter resource management closures. At Cape Point, a portion of the area where amaranth was historically found has also been continuously protected through summer and winter resource closures while at Hatteras Inlet, large portions of the historic range have eroded and are no longer suitable. Although it is thought that the plant may possibly be extirpated from the National Seashore, it should be noted that since plants are not evident every year, but may survive in the seed bank, populations of seabeach amaranth may still be present even though plants are not visible for several years (USFWS 2007). Primary threats to continued existence of seabeach amaranth are habitat loss due to natural conditions (dynamic characteristics of the habitat itself, erosion, competition from perennial species, herbivory by webworms) and human activities (armored and stabilized shorelines, sand fencing, recreational use and vehicle use on beach during its growing season). On some North Carolina beaches, experience indicates seabeach amaranth can propagate following beach nourishment (CSE 2004, USACE 2006, CSE 2008). This is likely due to the extra width of dry beach that is created by the nourishment project and the addition of habitat acreage is slightly above the normal wave uprush level. Amaranth surveys were performed at Bogue Banks (NC) before and after nourishment. Over an ~16-mile length of shoreline, the number of plants observed in August 2001 prior to nourishment was under 35. After nourishment, seabeach amaranth increased to over 5,000 plants as mapped in August 2002, August 2003, and August 2004 (CSE 2004) (Fig 7.15). Results of seabeach amaranth surveys from other developed beaches show large variations in plant populations from year to year. At Topsail Beach, USACE (2006) reported a range of 3–22,410 plants per year between 1992 and 2004. [Physical conditions (saltwater inundation, temperature) control seabeach amaranth propagation (Hancock 1995, Hancock and Hosier 2003). The seeds must be within ~1 cm of the surface substrate to propagate. However, amaranth seeds are noted for their resilience and longevity with century-old seeds reportedly capable of successful germination and growth (USFWS 1996b)]. Seabeach amaranth is confined to a relatively narrow elevation range, just 0.2–1.5 meters above mean high tide. Any physical process—human or animal activity—that modifies this zone poses a threat to the species. Furthermore, seabeach amaranth is an annual which propagates from seed at temperatures between ~25̊ C and 35̊ C during a limited growing season in the summer months. It cannot grow where perennials are established (USFWS 1996b). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 97 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Physical factors, some inter-related, that pose the greatest threat to its occurrence include: • Beach erosion • Active washovers or flooding and inundation • Burial by windblown sand • Vehicle traffic on the beach • Pedestrian traffic on the beach • Expansion of perennials by natural succession into its habitat, particularly along stable narrow beaches • Fortnightly tide cycle, which may cause periodic tidal inundation of the dry beach habitat required by seabeach amaranth • Minor storm surges associated with northeasters, which inundate the habitat during the growing season • Beach bulldozing, a common practice along many erosional, developed beaches • Installation of erosion control structures, including sand bags which inhibit recovery of the dry beach • Major storm surges associated with landfall hurricanes during the growing season Of the physical factors listed above, beach erosion is considered to be the primary threat (USACE 2006). Beach bulldozing in response to erosion further exacerbates the erosion problem in the zone where seabeach amaranth is most likely to propagate. Shoreline stabilization structures (ie – bulkheads, sea- walls, riprap) are seen as threats to seabeach amaranth populations. The USFWS recommends beach nourishment in the winter months to avoid damage to seabeach amaranth habitat (www.fws.gov/northeast/nyfo/info/factsheets/amaranth.pdf). Evidence from Wrightsville Beach and Bogue Banks suggests populations may expand exponentially in the subsequent growing season after nourishment (USFWS 1996b, CSE 2004, USACE 2006) (Fig 7.15). To address its decline before possible extinction, USFWS biologists initiated a plan in 2017 to re-propagate seabeach amaranth in selected wildlife refuges along the East Coast. Among those was the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge in Charleston County, SC, where the project began in May 2017. Using seeds collected from the wild, botanists at the NC Botanical Garden grew new seabeach amaranth plants from which they harvested seeds for planting. The result was some 12,000 seeds used to establish planted plots in selected wildlife refuges. As the plots were in protected areas, new plants could grow within wildlife preserves without disturbance from human activity. As part of the project, biologists re-propagated seabeach amaranth in other wildlife refuges within the plant’s former range, in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. Another 80,000 seeds are preserved in long-term storage for future seed plots (J. Koches, USFWS, 2017). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 98 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Seabeach Amaranth Propagation - Bogue Banks (NC) 2002–2004 Plant Location Number of Plants Aug-02 Aug-03 Aug-04 Pine Knoll Shores 779 2,690 1,524 Indian Beach/Salter Path 437 1,047 1,558 Emerald Isle 175 530 2,210 Total Plants 1,390 4,267 5,292 FIGURE 7.15. Seabeach amaranth census for Bogue Banks following nourishment between 2002–2004. Pre-project plan census detected only 36 plants within the 16-mile-long project area. (Source: CSE 2004) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 2002 2003 2004Number of PlantsIndividual Town Totals (2002-2004) Pine Knoll Shores Indian Beach/Salter Path Emerald Isle 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 2002 2003 2004Number of PlantsTotal Plants -(2002-2004) Pine Knoll Shores Indian Beach/Salter PathEmerald Isle CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 99 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 7.6. Population estimates* of seabeach amaranth in Cape Hatteras National Seashore. [*Population estimates by North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, East Carolina University and NPS. Table provided via Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Science Technician, CAHA, 31 October 2019.] Year Bodie Island Spit Cape Pt. / South Beach Hatteras Island Spit Ocracoke Island Totals 1981 15 15 1984 1 1 1985 0 300-500 300-500 100 700-1100 1986 0 >200 >300 >100 >600 1987 0 5,200 274 1,409 6883 1988 0 800 1,718 13,310 15,828 1990 0 2,830 252 250 3332 1994 0 0 0 1996 0 6 82 10 98 1997 0 59 16 6 81 1998 0 55 210 0 265 1999 0 3 5 0 8 2000 0 1 1 0 2 2001 0 27 16 8 51 2002 0 11 75 7 93 2003 0 16 3 11 30 2004 1 0 0 0 1 2005 1 0 0 1 2 2006-2019 0 0 0 0 0 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 100 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK — CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 101 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 8.0 STATUS AND BIOLOGY OF SPECIES WITH OTHER FEDERAL AND STATE PROTECTION 8.1 Marine Mammals The US Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972 as amended protects all marine mammals, including cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), pinnipeds (seals and sea lions), sirenians (manatees and dugongs), sea otters, and polar bears within the waters of the United States. It was the first act of the US Congress to specifically call for an ecosystem approach to natural resource management and conservation. The MMPA prohibits marine mammal take and enacts a moratorium on the import, export, and sale of any marine mammal, along with any marine mammal part or product within the United States. The Act defines take as the act of hunting, killing, capture, and/or harassment of any marine mammal; or, the attempt at such. The MMPA defines harassment as any act of pursuit, torment or annoyance which has the potential to either: a) injure a marine mammal in the wild, or b) disturb a marine mammal by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, which includes, but is not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering. The Marine Mammal Protection Act provides for enforcement of its prohibitions, and for the issuance of regulations to implement its legislative goals. The US Fish & Wildlife Service was given the authority to ensure protection of sea otters and marine otters, walruses, polar bears, three species of manatees and dugongs and National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration was given responsibility to conserve and manage pinnipeds including seals and sea lions, and cetaceans such as whales and dolphins. As shown in Table 8.1, four species of earless seal, 17 species of oceanic dolphin, one porpoise species, three sperm whale species, five species of beaked whales, five species of rorquals, one species of right whale, and one manatee species have the potential to occur in North Carolina waters. Of these 37 species, seven species have additional federal protection under the ESA; six of the seven are under the protection of NMFS and one is under USFWS. All seven have been addressed earlier in this document. The four highlighted species in Table 8.1 not yet addressed in this BA text but shown as common or abundant are described in more detail below. Research published in 2016 on habitat-based cetacean density for the US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico used 23 years of aerial surveys and shipboard cetacean observations to make predictions (Roberts et al 2016). Predicted mean density and abundance for three of the four common to abundant species among others are depicted in Figure 8.1 (as shown in Roberts et al 2016). Roberts et al (2016) combined pilot whales into a single guild and none of the figures in the paper depicted this guild; however, the data showed that pilot whales as a guild were found throughout oceanic waters in highest density along the continental slope (consistent with prior reports) and were especially concentrated off Cape Hatteras, just north of where the Gulf Stream separates from the shelf (Roberts et al 2016). Quality and consistency of marine mammal stranding data is a challenge with heavy reliance on public reports and ties to state, federal, and local municipalities for access to stranded animals. But spatial and temporal patterns of NC strandings from 1997-2008 corroborated existing public records and served as proxy for live animal distribution and biodiversity; changes in these patterns can indicate shifts of source populations due to anthropogenic interactions (e.g., vessel strikes, gear entanglements, climate change) or natural events (Byrd et al 2014). While the marine mammal stranding trend in the Seashore decreased from 2001-2019 for unknown reasons, a mass stranding of pilot whales in the Seashore in 2005 (30+ animals), 16 spotted dolphins in 2013, and a significant Unusual Mortality Event (UME) of bottlenose dolphins in 2013 due to the morbillivirus contributed to the spikes shown in Figure 8.2 (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Biological Science Technician, pers. comm. 6 January 2021). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 102 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 8.1. Marine mammals which may occur in North Carolina waters. Only common bottlenose dolphin is known to be abundant. X =accidental/casual; R = rare; U= uncommon; C = common; A = abundant; * = northern limit of range; **= southern limit of range. Occurrences and range limits from 30 October 2019 website access to http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/mammals/accounts.php, Harry LeGrand (NCDENR-Parks) and Tom Howard (NCDENR-Parks) pers comm. 29/30 October 2019, and Webster et al. (1985). PHOCIDAE (earless seals) Hooded seal Cystophora cristata X Harbor seal Phoca vitulina R/U Harp seal Pagophilus groenlandicus X/R Gray seal Halichoerus grypus R DELPHINIDAE (oceanic dolphins) Killer whale Orcinus orca X/R Rough-toothed dolphin Steno bredanensis R Striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba R/U Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis C Spinner dolphin Stenella longirostris X/R* Clymene dolphin Stenella clymene R Pantropical spotted dolphin Stenella attenuata X/R* Short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis U/C Common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus C/A Fraser's dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei X Atlantic white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus R False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens R Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus U/R Long-finned pilot whale Globicephala melas R** Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macorhynchus C Pygmy killer whale Feresa attentuata X Melon-headed whale Peponocephala electra X PHOCOENIDAE (porpoises) Harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena U PHYSTERIDAE (sperm whales) Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus U ZIPHIIDAE (beaked whales) Gervais' beaked whale Mesoplodon europaeus R/U Blainville's beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris R True's beaked whale Mesoplodon mirus X/R Northern bottlenose whale Hyperoodon ampullatus X/R Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris U BALAENOPTERIDAE (rorquals) Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus R Fin whale Balaenoptera physalus U/R Sei whale Balaenoptera borealis X/R Common minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata X/U/R Humpback whale Megaptera novaengliae U BALAENIDAE (bowhead and right whales) North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis R KOGIIDAE (small sperm whale) Pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps R/U Dwarf sperm whale Kogia simus R TRICHECHIDAE (manatees) West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus R CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 103 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 8.1. Predicted mean density of small delphinoids with inset table of mean monthly abundance (N) and coefficient of variation (CV) (as shown in Figure 2 of Roberts et al. 2016). 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Marine Mammal Strandings in Seashore FIGURE 8.2. Marine mammal strandings and trend in Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2001-2019. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 104 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 8.1.1 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis) Due to uncertainties about population status and trends, the Atlantic spotted dolphin is considered as Data Deficient by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) although it is not considered strategic under the MMPA. It occurs throughout the warm temperate, subtropical, and tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. They have a widespread distribution that ranges from the US East Coast (Gulf of Mexico to Cape Cod, MA), the Azores and Canary Islands, to Gabon, and Brazil; distribution is suspected to be affected by warm currents such as the Gulf Stream. A long-term resident population is well known in the sand flats of the Bahamas. A common to abundant dolphin in its range and equally common to at times very common off the North Carolina coast, this gregarious dolphin is found mainly in warmer waters of the Gulf Stream, less so farther offshore. It is present in North Carolina waters year-round, as it is not seasonally migratory. It is often more frequently seen than the common bottlenose dolphin on boat trips, though the latter is the most abundant cetacean in North Carolina waters. It has been known to hunt small fish prey cooperatively and also feeds on bottom dwelling invertebrates and cephalopods (octopus and squid). They also use their beak to dig in the sandy bottom to dislodge prey; most dives typically occur in less than 30 feet of water and last from 2 to 6 minutes. The Southeast US Marine Mammal Stranding Network lists 36 stranding records in Dare County from 2000- 2020 with 29 found between Avon and Hatteras Inlet. The majority of stranding records occurred between September and February (28 of 36) with only two reported in August and one in July. All but four stranding records between Avon and Hatteras Inlet were reported between October and April. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History mammal collections lists 31 stranding records for Dare County (1900- November 2020 http://collections.nmnh.si.edu/search/mammals/) fairly well spread across the year. As of 1995, there had been 25 strandings along the NC coast (Webster et al., 1995), covering most months of the year. Unlike most of the dolphins in NC waters, this species prefers the "shallower" inshore waters, mainly over the continental shelf; south of Cape Hatteras it is more likely to be closer to shore in NC waters. Its status beyond the continental slope is not well known, and perhaps the majority of the spotted dolphins at these depths are pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) (http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/mammals/reference.php). A medium-build dolphin, it is quite agile and frequently is seen leaving the water for its dives (more so than does the bottlenose dolphin). They are about 5-7.5 ft long, weigh 220-315 lbs, are fast agile acrobatic swimmers often active at the surface, and are known to surf boat wakes. They have a robust or chunky body with a tall, falcate dorsal fin located midway down their back. The rounded melon is separated from the moderately long beak by a distinct crease (photo courtesy of NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center). Their shape is often described as an intermediate between a bottlenose and pantropical spotted dolphin (Shirihai and Jarrett 2006 referenced at NMFS website http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/mammals/cetaceans/spotteddolphin_atlantic.htm). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 105 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina The coloration and patterns vary with age, life stage, and geographic location. Calves and immature animals have an unspotted three-part muted coloration pattern consisting of a dark gray cape and lighter flanks with a pale white underside giving it a counter-shading effect. As animals age and mature, they gradually become darker and more heavily spotted, especially on the dorsal area. It also often comes to boats to bow-ride, where observers can see the spots and the pale blaze or wedge below the dorsal fin. It travels in smaller groups than most other dolphins, mainly 10-25 individuals. The two spotted dolphin species -- Pantropical and Atlantic -- are easily confused, as the amount of spotting is quite variable; some Atlantics can look spotless. On many pelagic trips to the Gulf Stream, observers can expect to see a few individuals of this species, and often a few dozen or more can be seen (http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/mammals/reference.php). For management purposes, Atlantic spotted dolphins inhabiting U.S. waters have been divided into two stocks: the Northern Gulf of Mexico Stock and the Western North Atlantic Stock. The northern Gulf of Mexico stock is estimated at 24,500-31,000 animals, while the population in the western North Atlantic is estimated at 36,000-51,000 animals. Estimates are at least 81,000 in US waters (NOAA fisheries website species overview); however, the most recent 2016 summer surveys from central Florida to the Bay of Fundy estimated abundance for the western North Atlantic at 39,921 (two ecotypes combined). The three most recent abundance estimates from 2004 to 2016 (2004, 2011, and 2016) show a statistically significant decline in abundance although it is unknown to what to attribute the apparent decline. It could be variability in environmental conditions which drive spatial variability or actual changes in population size (NMFS 2020c). Like all marine mammals that use sound to communicate and echolocate, underwater noise pollution from human activities has been shown to be disruptive to feeding, communication, and orientation, or can even cause temporary or permanent hearing loss if loud enough. Noise pollution is also suspected to cause some stranding events; however, susceptibility to temporary and/or permanent hearing loss is likely to vary across species (Department of the Navy 2017). Atlantic spotted dolphins have been incidentally taken as bycatch in fisheries such as gillnets and purse seines. This species has been observed interacting with various fishing vessels, often following and feeding on discarded catch. Despite this behavior, total estimated fishery-related mortality or injury from 2013 – 2017 was zero as there were no reports of such in the western North Atlantic (NMFS 2020c). A few animals have been harpooned in the Caribbean, South America (e.g. Brazil), West Africa, and other offshore islands for food and bait. Offshore wind development will likely pose additional potential threats from associated activities beyond noise, which include geophysical and geotechnical surveys, installation of foundations and cables, vessel collision due to increased vessel traffic, benthic habitat loss, entanglement due to increased fishing around structures, marine debris, dredging, and contamination/degradation of habitat and operation, maintenance and decommissioning of facilities (BOEM 2018 in NMFS 2020c). 8.1.2 Short-beaked Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Short-beaked common dolphins prefer warm tropical to cool temperate waters (52-88° F or 10-28° C) that are primarily oceanic and offshore, but still along the continental slope in waters 650-6,500 ft (200-2,000 m) deep. Short-beaked common dolphins also prefer areas where upwelling occurs. Though this species is found worldwide in temperate and tropical waters, in the Atlantic off the east coast of the United States it seems to prefer the more temperate zone, is seen more often from Cape Hatteras northward than it is off the southern half of the North Carolina coast, and is seen much less often than common bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. The southernmost stranding record is for Carteret County, with none at all along the CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 106 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina southern 40% of the coastline. In the western North Atlantic, they are often associated with the Gulf Stream, although in the waters off NC it seems to favor deeper temperate (cooler) water and is not often seen in the warm Gulf Stream waters or close to shore. The IUCN status of this dolphin is Least Concern. Short-beaked common dolphins are small dolphins less than 9 feet long and weigh about 440 lbs. As adults, males are slightly larger than females. They have a rounded melon, moderately long beak, and a sleek but robust body with a tall, pointed, triangular, falcate dorsal fin located in the middle of the back. This species can be identified by its distinct bright coloration and patterns. A dark gray cape extends along the back from the beak and creates a "V" just below the dorsal fin on either side of the body. There is a yellow/tan panel along the flank, between the dark cape and white ventral patch, forward of the dorsal fin. This bold coloration forms a crisscrossing "hourglass" pattern. A narrow dark stripe extends from the lower jaw to the flipper. There is also a complex color pattern on the facial area and beak that includes a dark eye patch. The coloration and patterns of young and juvenile dolphins are muted and pale, but become more distinguishable and bolder as they mature into adulthood. These morphologies can be variable and distinct based on different geographic and regional populations. (Photo courtesy Howard Goldstein, NOAA.) This is a very active and lively species, often coming to boats to bow-ride, and individuals are often seen leaping completely out of the water, so that the hourglass pattern and amber-colored patch on the side of the animal can be seen. Short-beaked dolphins are usually found in large social groups averaging hundreds of individuals, but have occasionally been seen in larger herds consisting of thousands of animals (up to at least 10,000), known as "mega-pods." These large schools are thought to consist of sub-groups of 20-30 individuals that are possibly related or separated by age and/or sex. Groups of several dozen dolphins are normal off NC and winter boat trips seem more reliable for seeing them than those in the warmer months. At times, 100 or more can be seen on a single boat trip. They feed on a variety of prey which often includes herring, mackerel, and squid. Short-beaked dolphin is common within its overall range; however, in North Carolina waters, it is fairly common to at times common and that mainly north of Cape Hatteras; it is rare in the warmer months and in warmer waters. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History mammal collections (1900-November 2020; most recent record was 2011) lists 36 stranding records for Dare County, all between December and May with the great majority from February to April. The Southeast US Marine Mammal Stranding Network lists 89 stranding records from 2000-2020 for Dare County and 30 between Avon and Hatteras Inlet. All stranding records occurred from September to May with the majority occurring between December and March. Thus, in North Carolina waters, the short-beaked common dolphin is very rare to nearly absent in summer and most of the fall, and present mainly in the latter part of winter into early spring. The short-beaked common dolphin is still abundant in most oceans with the exception of depleted populations in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The most recent stock assessment indicates that as of 2016, CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 107 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina the western North Atlantic stock contains 172,825 (NMFS 2020d). Threats include incidental "take" in a number of fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean as bycatch with several types of fishing gear, including longlines, driftnets, gillnets, and trawls, in addition to aforementioned noise pollution effects. The species has the highest mortality rate of all cetaceans impacted by the drift gillnet fishery off the coast of California. Hunting, for their meat and oil, in Russia, Japan, and by nations bordering the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea also pose threats. 8.1.3 Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus truncatus) Found worldwide in temperate and tropical waters ranging from latitudes of 45°N to 45°S, the bottlenose dolphin is one of the most well-known species of marine mammals in North America. It occurs in the Atlantic all along the coastline and far offshore and at times enters estuaries and river mouths. Given uncertainties about its productivity rate, and the fact that the maximum mean annual human-caused mortality and serious injury exceeds Potential Biological Removal rates, NMFS considers this stock strategic under the MMPA (NMFS 2018a). They have a robust body and a short, thick beak. Their coloration ranges from light gray to black with lighter coloration on the belly. Inshore and offshore individuals vary in color and size. Inshore animals are smaller and lighter in color, while offshore animals are larger, darker in coloration and have smaller flippers. Bottlenose dolphins can sometimes be confused with the rough toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus), and Atlantic spotted dolphins in regions of overlapping distributions. (Photo courtesy of NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center-female with calf.) Bottlenose dolphins range in lengths from 6.0 to 12.5 ft with males slightly larger than females. Adults weigh from 300-1,400 lbs. This is a long-lived dolphin species with a lifespan of 40-45 years for males and more than 50 years for females. Sexual maturity varies by population and ranges from 5-15 years for females and 9-15 years for males. Calves are born after a 12-month gestation period and are weaned at 18 to 20 months. On average, calving occurs every 3 to 6 years. Females as old as 45 years have given birth (http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/mammals/dolphins/bottlenose-dolphin.html). Bottlenose dolphins are generalists and feed on a variety of prey items endemic to their habitat, foraging individually and cooperatively. Like other dolphins, bottlenose dolphins use high frequency echolocation to locate and capture prey. Coastal animals prey on benthic invertebrates and fish, and offshore animals feed on pelagic squid and fish. Bottlenose dolphins employ multiple feeding strategies, including "fish whacking," where they strike a fish with their flukes and knock it out of the water. Bottlenose dolphins are commonly found in groups of 2-15 individuals in North Carolina waters instead of many dozens to hundreds like those in other genera, but offshore herds can sometimes have several hundred individuals. This species is often associated with pilot whales and other cetacean species. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 108 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina By far the most widely distributed cetacean in North Carolina waters from the continental shelf to the coastline, this species is the only dolphin species likely to be seen from shore. Bottlenose dolphins are quite active, though they are not quite as agile as some species, because they are somewhat stocky; leaps completely out of the water are not as frequent as with many other dolphins. On offshore North Carolina boat trips, numbers can be matched or exceeded by Atlantic spotted dolphins, but bottlenose dolphins are typically seen on most trips. There are separate populations/forms found "inshore" and "offshore", with an apparent gap between them; a few biologists believe that the two populations or forms might represent separate species, but most probably do not share that belief (http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/mammals/reference.php). Figure 8.3 shows North Carolina stocks of the species and their seasonal distribution (per NMFS 2018b). FIGURE 8.3. NOAA fisheries stocks of bottlenose dolphins in North Carolina (in NC two are estuarine and 3 are oceanic) https://www.coastalreview.org/2020/04/bottlenose-could-be-ncs- marine-mammal/ The Southeast US Marine Mammal Stranding Network lists 687 stranding records between 2000-2020 for Dare County and 288 between Avon and Hatteras Inlet while the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History mammal collections (1900-2020 http://collections.nmnh.si.edu/search/mammals/) lists approximately 500 stranding records for Dare County with the most recent in 2007; by far the most for any cetacean species. Bottlenose dolphin can occur year-round in North Carolina waters. There are numerous stranding records for all 12 months, with more in the winter perhaps owing to pregnant or nursing females or young with females at that time of year. Threats include incidental injury and mortality from fishing gear, such as gillnet, seine, trawl, and longline commercial and recreational operations, vehicle collisions, exposure to pollutants and biotoxins, viral outbreaks, noise pollution as mentioned above, and direct harvest in Japan and Taiwan. In CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 109 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 2006, NMFS implemented the Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Plan (BDTRP) to reduce the serious injury and mortality of Western North Atlantic coastal bottlenose dolphins incidental to nine U.S. commercial fisheries. In addition to multiple non-regulatory provisions for research and education, the BDTRP requires modifications of fishing practices for small, medium, and large-mesh gillnet fisheries from New York to Florida. The BDTRP also established seasonal closures for certain commercial fisheries in state waters. According to most recent meeting summary of the BDTRP Team available on the website (December 2017 meeting), commercial gillnet fishery mortality from 2011 to 2015 was above sustainable levels (i.e., Potential Biological Removal, PBR) for bottlenose dolphin stocks inhabiting waters off of North Carolina, notably the Northern NC estuarine system stock and the gillnet mortality for Southern NC estuarine system stock likely was as well. The small size of these two stocks is of great concern; however, the mortality estimate provided at the 2017 meeting could be complicated due to the Unusual Mortality Event (UME) for Mid-Atlantic bottlenose dolphins from July 2013 to March 2015. Nonetheless, the mortality estimates for these two stocks indicate the BDTRP is not meeting its MMPA-mandated short-term goal outlined in Section 118 of the statute (pers comm. Stacey Horstman, Bottlenose Dolphin Conservation Coordinator, Southeast Regional Office, NOAA Fisheries,18 November 2020). In March 2019, the IUCN reclassified bottlenose dolphin from Data Deficient to Least Concern. 8.1.4 Short-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala macrorhnchus) Short-finned pilot whales are found primarily in deep waters throughout tropical and subtropical areas of the world. There are four recognized stocks in the U.S.: West Coast, Hawaii, Northern Gulf of Mexico, and Western North Atlantic. They prefer warmer tropical and temperate waters and can be found at varying distances from shore but typically in deeper waters. Areas with a high density of squid are their primary foraging habitats but they may also feed on octopus and fish, all from moderately deep water of 1,000 feet or more. These whales are also known as "cheetahs of the deep sea" for their deep and high speed dives to capture large squid. When they are swimming and probably looking for food, pilot whales form ranks that can be more than 0.5-mile long. Short-finned pilot whales are larger members of the dolphin group reaching average lengths of 12 feet for females and 18 feet for males with maximum male size of 24 feet. Adult weight is 2,200 to 6,600 pounds. They have a bulbous melon head with no discernible beak. Their dorsal fin is located far forward on the body and has a relatively long base. Body color is black or dark brown with a large gray saddle behind the dorsal fin. They are polygynous (males have more than one mate) and are often found in groups with a ratio of one mature male to about every eight mature females. Males generally leave their birth school, while females may remain in theirs for their entire lifetime. Gestation lasts approximately 15 months while lactation lasts for at least two years. The last calf born to a mother may be nursed for as long as 15 years. The calving interval is five to eight years, but older females do not give birth as often as younger females. Maturity occurs around 10 years of age and maximum longevity is 45 years for CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 110 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina males and 60 years for females. Sluggish for a fairly small cetacean, it does not emerge far out of the water like some smaller species, but is seen mostly moving slowly, in pods of 20 or more, fairly horizontally at and near the water surface. The species is easily confused with the closely related long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas), which favors cooler waters. It is numerically common throughout North Carolina waters offshore, though mainly in warmer waters, and thus perhaps scarce in inshore waters north of Cape Hatteras (in the Labrador Current). The species is one of the more numerous cetaceans off the NC coastline, exceeded in numbers by the common bottlenose dolphin but perhaps as numerous or more so than Atlantic spotted dolphin. The western North Atlantic population is estimated to be 28,924 animals based on summer 2016 shipboard surveys (NMFS 2020e). Pilot whales have a propensity to mass strand throughout their range for reasons that are not understood. Stranding data is never a completely accurate measure, but deeper water and shelf species data are likely to be less accurate than more inshore species as carcasses may decompose well offshore. However, the Southeast US Marine Mammal Stranding Network lists 53 stranding records for Dare County and six between Avon and Hatteras Inlet from the past 20 years. These data showed that 44 records occurred from November to April and stranding records from Avon to Hatteras Inlet all occurred within those months. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History mammal collections (1900-2020 http://collections.nmnh.si.edu/search/mammals/) lists 34 stranding records for Dare County with the most recent in 2012; all but one specimen was stranded between January and May with the majority of reports occurring in January. Webster et al. (1995) found a statistical difference in seasonal strandings of the species along the North Carolina coast, with more in the cooler months; of the 18 stranded, all but three were between December and May. However, these stranding dates seem odd, as the species is frequently seen offshore in the warmer months. Likely, the species is probably resident all year in North Carolina waters, as it is not known to be strongly migratory (http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/mammals/reference.php). Bycatch in fishing gear is the primary threat to pilot whales. Several types of commercial fishing gear, including gillnets, longlines, and trawls, incidentally take short-finned pilot whales. Short-finned pilot whales have been documented entangled, hooked, and captured in these various types of fishing gear. In addition, drive fisheries that specifically target pilot whales exist in Japan and the Lesser Antilles. Ship strikes may also pose a threat in Hawaii as propeller scarred whales have been documented. Low- to mid-frequency anthropogenic sound has been shown to be detrimental to marine mammals (e.g., active naval sonar, vessel traffic, seismic surveys) but effects vary by species; effects from such noise are also possible on prey species, but even less is understood about this aspect and how it may affect marine mammals in general or specifically (NMFS 2019). The IUCN Red List classifies the short-finned pilot whale as Lower Risk-Conservation Dependent. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 111 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 8.2 Colonial Waterbirds, Other Shorebirds, and Birds of Prey Details for each federal ESA-protected species are contained in earlier pages of this document. Other species of birds federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) or Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BEGEPA), are evaluated in more detail below. These other birds with federal protection include some species which are also listed by the State of North Carolina as threatened or endangered. Species that have only state level protection are discussed in the section “State-Protected Species.” 8.2.1 Wilson’s Plover (Charadrius wilsonia wilsonia) Wilson’s plover is not listed under the Endangered Species Act, but is federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and listed by southeastern coastal states and a few bird groups. They are listed as special concern in North Carolina, rare in Georgia, threatened in South Carolina, and endangered in Virginia. They are considered a Bird of Conservation Concern by US Fish & Wildlife Service and High Concern by the US Shorebird Conservation Plan and Southeast Coastal Plain – Caribbean Region. The Audubon Watch List has given them a Moderately High Priority status. After a recent reevaluation of estimated American shorebird populations, the Wilson’s plover population was designated as in Apparent Decline (Zdravkovic 2013). Three subspecies of Wilson’s plover have been identified, with only one occurring on the US Atlantic coast, C. wilsonia (Zdravkovic 2013). This coastal subspecies breeds from Virginia to Florida, along the Gulf Coast from Florida to Mexico, and in parts of the Caribbean and Central and South America. They spend the winter months along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts from Florida to Texas and south to parts of South America. The Wilson’s plover is not considered a completely migratory bird because some birds stay on nesting beaches year long. Birds in the more northern reaches of their breeding range will migrate short distances (https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Wilsons_Plover/maps-range). (photo courtesy of Wikimedia commons). Like some other plovers, it is a small bird with single dark neck ring although slightly larger than other plovers. The most distinctive field mark of this species is its oversized bill which enables it to capture and eat larger prey. Wilson’s plovers can be found on sparsely vegetated coastal areas, including beaches, sand bars, barrier and dredge spoil islands, lagoons, tidal mudflats, and river mouths where fiddler crabs, their main food source, can be found (http://www.allaboutbirds.org - Wilson’s Plover). A 2008 study in North Carolina found 83 percent of breeding Wilson’s plovers on barrier islands (Cameron 2008) while six NCWRC surveys from 2004- 2019 found that percentage to be slightly higher at 88.6 (NCWRC unpublished data 2019; pers comm. 12 November 2020, Carmen Johnson, NCWRC Wildlife Diversity Biologist, Waterbirds Investigation and Management Project). They build nests in areas with varying vegetation ground cover from open to dense, but they prefer to build nests on sparsely vegetated sites (Zdravkovic 2013). Wilson’s plovers nest in pairs or small groups and often return to the same nesting site (http://www.allaboutbirds.org – 2015 - Wilson’s Plover). At the time of listing of the species Guilfoyle and Fischer (2006) estimated about 1,500 breeding pairs were present on the US Southeast coastal plain and peninsular Florida. More recent estimates put the total CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 112 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina population of C. wilsonia from 13,550 to 14,650 breeding adults—of those adults, about 2,000–2,220 compose the US Atlantic Coast population (Zdravkovic 2013). In a comprehensive study (Cameron 2008), the coastal North Carolina population was estimated to range from 245 to 270 breeding pairs. A more recent North Carolina study documented nest success rates of 46 percent for 20 nests in 2008 and 44 percent for 26 nests in 2009; the hatched survival rates in this study were 45 percent in 2008 and 50 percent in 2009 (Zdravkovic 2013). Six NCWRC surveys from 2004-2019 showed an average of 217 breeding pairs of Wilson's plover for the state (range: 128 in 2013 to 326 in 2019) (NCWRC unpublished data 2019; pers comm. 12 November 2020, Carmen Johnson, NCWRC Wildlife Diversity Biologist, Waterbirds Investigation and Management Project). Unlike some other waterbirds of the state, no population or habitat goals have been set for this species by the North Carolina Waterbird Program. The numbers of nesting pairs on Hatteras Spit on Hatteras Island and Ocracoke Island have decreased, and Oregon Inlet no longer has nesting plovers (Fussell 1994; Zdravkovic 2013). In 2014, three nests occurred in the Seashore, all on Ocracoke Island, and no fledglings were documented (Cape Hatteras Resource Management Field Summary 20 August 2014). From 2009-2018, the average number of annual breeding pairs in the Seashore was 2.3, although 2018 was the first year in that set where not one breeding pair was documented (Doshkov et al 2019). The NCWRC's 2019 state-wide survey documented two pair (one territorial and one non-territorial) in the Seashore but which island was not specified (NCWRC unpublished data 2019; pers comm. 12 November 2020, Carmen Johnson, NCWRC Wildlife Diversity Biologist, Waterbirds Investigation and Management Project). In Dare County, this plover is not an abundant species, but can be spotted from March through October. There have been a few sightings documented in the first week of November and January (eBird 2020 Bird Observations North Carolina and Dare County). The biggest threat to the survival of Wilson’s plover is human disturbance. This includes coastal development that diminishes or alters habitat and human disturbances to nesting areas. Sometimes nests and chicks have been run over by four-wheelers driven by sea turtle biologists (Guilfoyle & Fischer 2006). 8.2.2 Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) The peregrine falcon does not have federal protection under the Endangered Species Act, but it does have federal protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and appears on the USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (2008) for the southeastern coastal plain of the US. The peregrine falcon is also listed as an endangered species by the State of North Carolina. After being listed as an endangered species under the ESA for 29 years, the peregrine falcon was removed on 25 August 1999. The post-delisting monitoring plan calls for monitoring by various agencies and biologists for five times at three year intervals beginning in 2003 and ending in 2015. Analysis of North Carolina monitoring data for the period of 2003-2015 showed acceptable levels of territory occupancy and productivity but unacceptably low nest success rates; in most years, only five nesting pair produced all of the young for the year (NCWRC 2018). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 113 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina The peregrine falcon is a crow-sized bird with a wing span of about 3 feet with long, pointed wings and a long tail (USFWS 2014, http://www.allaboutbirds.org). Famous for their 200-mph "stoops" or dives, acute eyesight, and aerial agility, peregrines often prey on other birds in flight. Adult peregrine falcons have a dark gray back and hood that extends down their face on either side of their beak. They have a pale chest with dark horizontal bars and spots on their abdomens and legs. Juvenile falcons have brown backs and many brown vertical stripes covering their pale underside. Males are smaller than females, but are otherwise identical in appearance (USFWS 2014). (Photo courtesy USFWS) In North America, common areas with year-round falcon residents include the western North American coast from Alaska to Mexico, Utah, Arizona, western Colorado, around the Great Lakes, and the northeastern portion of the US coast (USFWS Species Profile 2014, https://www.audubon.org/field-guide - Peregrine Falcon). They typically breed in the summer months in Alaska and northern Canada, the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains, and the southern portion of South America. Highly territorial, they build nests on cliffs, bluffs, or tall buildings in the city; typically, they build only one nest a year and if disturbed, they often abandon the nest for that year. Disturbances from humans, drones, or other interruptive activities also may cause them to vacate the nest for periods of time which may compromise the eggs or chicks from desiccation, temperature changes, or lack of food while the parent investigates the disturbance. Life expectancy is about 20 years although only 60 percent live to adulthood and 90 percent die within first year and (NCWRC 2018). Rebounding populations are expanding breeding and nesting areas across North America. One of the migration routes taken by peregrine falcons includes the Atlantic coastal areas (USFWS Species Profile 2014). In Dare County, peregrine falcons are more common from September through mid-April with highest numbers sighted in October. Around May, sightings decrease and are not spotted again until mid-July. Peregrine falcon numbers remain low until September (eBird 2020 Bird Observations North Carolina and Dare County). Preferred habitats for peregrine falcons include open areas, along lakes, river and stream banks, mudflats, coastal areas, and even in cities where they can perch on tall structures (USFWS Species Profile 2014). Peregrine falcons rely on shorelines, mudflats, and areas near open water to prey on waterfowl and shorebirds. The peregrine falcon is common during its spring (January – April) and fall migrations (mid- September-early November), with more abundance in October than during earlier months. The peregrine was never very abundant with population estimates from the 1930s and 1940s at about 500 breeding pairs for the eastern United States and about 1,000 pair in the west and Mexico. By the 1970s, populations had plummeted. The major contributing factor to peregrine falcon decline was the pesticide DDT. Since banning the use of DDT (31 December 1972), population recovery programs have helped establish a self-sustaining population of peregrine falcons in the eastern US (USFWS Species Profile 2014). Humans now pose the greatest threat, with habitat destruction being the most detrimental action. Poisoning, shooting, theft of eggs or young, electrocution by power lines, collisions with moving vehicles, and human disturbances during nesting and breeding as mentioned above are also threats to this species (USFWS Species Profile 2014; NCWRC 2018). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 114 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 8.2.3 Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoephalus) In August of 2007, the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucoephalus) was removed from the federal list of species protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) due to recovery. However, the species remains federally protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In addition, the bald eagle has threatened status in the State of North Carolina and is on the USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (2008) for the US southeastern coastal plain. The national bird, the bald eagle is easily recognizable due to its white head and tail feathers that contrast with its dark brown body and wings, with a bright yellow beak and feet. Juvenile bald eagles have a dark head and tail feathers and are mottled with white on their underside. They acquire adult plumage after about five years (http://www.allaboutbirds.org). Female bald eagles can weigh up to 14 pounds and have a wingspan of 5.5 to 8 feet while male bald eagles are smaller, weighing up to 10 pounds with a wingspan of about 6 feet (USFWS 2014). (Photo courtesy NCWRC) Bald eagles take up permanent residence in areas along the coast from Alaska to northern California, the Rocky Mountains, the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River, and along the Gulf and southeast US coasts (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide - Bald Eagle). They can be seen all over the United States during winter months and migration for breeding. Breeding hotspots include two areas: Canada and the northern US near the Great Lakes and Florida and the southeastern US coast (http://www.allaboutbirds.org - Bald Eagle). Bald eagles can be found near bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, marshes, and coastlines to feed on their preferred food, fish, but will also eat birds, reptiles, crabs, and small mammals (http://www.allaboutbirds.org - Bald Eagle). In Dare County, bald eagles are common to widespread from April through September and less common November through March (eBird 2020 Bird Observations North Carolina and Dare County). A species that mates for life, huge nests are usually built in tall trees in forested areas near large bodies of water and are used from year to year; nests can weigh up to 1,000 pounds (http://www.allaboutbirds.org/field-guide - Bald Eagle; USFWS species profile 2020). Current online Dare County NCWRC bald eagle nest data identify three active nests, three inactive nests, two abandoned nests, and four other nests which could not be located, none of which are south of Oregon Inlet(NCWRC, John Carpenter, Wildlife Diversity Biologist-Landbirds, pers. comm, 12 November 2020) (https://ncwrc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=869d743a724348359b3fec84ebe6f19d). In the south, eagles typically breed from late September through November and lay eggs from November through January (Bald Eagle Info 2014). Increasingly common in North Carolina since their historic low numbers, bald eagles can be seen perching, fishing, or soaring near the back barrier portions behind the Proposed Action Area but are less likely to be seen over the beach itself or over nearshore ocean waters. Much like peregrine falcons, threats to bald eagles include habitat destruction, poisoning, shooting, theft of eggs or young, electrocution by power lines, and collision with moving vehicles (USFWS Species Profile 2014). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 115 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 8.2.4 Caspian Tern (Hydroprogrogne caspia) The largest of all the terns, the Caspian tern can be found on five continents and is a permanent resident of but sparse breeder on the coastal plain of North Carolina while an uncommon to rare transient in the piedmont and mountains. The bird was proposed for threatened state status by the NC Wildlife Commission in 2017 but was not included in the latest State of North American Birds Watch List published in 2016. There is little information on population trends, but the species appears stable overall; however, where it is considered rare or vulnerable, it is mostly due to the scattered nature of breeding colonies. The 2017 survey of colonial waterbirds by the NCWRC reported a 46 percent decrease in relative change in number of sites where the species was nesting over a 13-year period; the number of nests met the population goal of the North Carolina Waterbird Program only in 1993, 1995, and 1999 (Schweitzer et al. 2017); the nest sites goal was met (one) in the 2020 NCWRC survey but the number of nests goal was not (Johnson et al. 2020). The 2020 NCWRC estimated number of Caspian tern nests compared to the 14-year average declined (-16 percent) as did the number of 2020 sites compared to the 14-year mean (-100 percent) (Johnson et al. 2020). Found near large bodies of water, lakes, lagoons, beaches, and bays with a preference for quieter water, it is seldom seen foraging over open sea, although it may forage along the ocean beach edge. During breeding season, it forages mostly in fresh and brackish impoundments and marshes and leaves the saltwater habitats to other terns. It has a thick based and prominent red bill sometimes with a black tip, a rather thick neck, and in flight, the tail has a shallow fork. A breeding adult has a black cap, frequently raised, and the undersides of the wings are mostly white to grey with black on the outer primaries (photo of breeding adult courtesy of Nick Rosen/Macaulay Library). The species nests on open ground it scrapes on islands and coasts; in Dare County about 10 to 12 pairs nest annually, but mostly in vicinity of Oregon Inlet, with fewer pair and/or less frequency near Hatteras Inlet (LeGrand 2018-11-09). The 13-year average of nests in North Carolina documented by the NCWRC is 18 +/- 3 at one to three sites (Schweitzer et al. 2017). Each pair will typically raise only one brood per season and a nest will contain one to three eggs. Usually a solitary bird who nest by themselves, this bird aggressively defends the its breeding area and will chase and pursue other potentially predatory birds and even draw blood on the head of humans who threaten too near; ironically, the entire colony will take flight when a bald eagle appears, which then exposes the chicks to predation by gulls (Cornell University- All About Birds 2020). The species is noteworthy for extended adolescence and prolonged care of adults for their young for as many as eight months. The diet of Caspian terns consists mostly of fish and it will hover above the water, then plunge and dive below the surface to capture prey; it will also consume insects and eggs and young of other birds. Threats to the species include predation and human disturbance to beach nest areas. 8.2.5 Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon niloctia) The gull-billed tern is state listed as threatened in North Carolina (2005) and Virginia, endangered in Maryland, and has various other legal statuses in South Carolina, Alabama, California, Louisiana, and Michigan. It also CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 116 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina has federal protection under the MBTA. It is included in the US Fish & Wildlife Service's Birds of Conservation Concern (2008) for the US southeastern coastal plain. If conservation actions are not taken, the species could become a candidate for listing under the ESA. The 2017 state-wide survey of colonial waterbirds by the NCWRC reported a 36 percent decrease in relative change in number of sites where the species was nesting over a 13-year period (Schweitzer et al. 2017). This medium-sized tern has light gray wings with some black in the tips, a thick, black bill, and black legs. Their tails are short and notched and have a light gray to white body. During the winter, they have white heads with some black around their eyes. In the summer, when they are breeding, they have a black cap that extends from their beak back to the nape of their neck. Juveniles look similar to winter adults (http://www.allaboutbirds.org). They have a wingspan of about 35 inches and are approximately 14 inches in length (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide). (Photo courtesy of Glen Fergus) Gull-billed terns are year-long residents in parts of southern California and the western coast of Mexico, the Gulf coast, the Caribbean Islands, the northeast coast of South America, and parts of Argentina. Some terns spend the winter months along the coasts of Central America, Columbia, and Venezuela (http://www.allaboutbirds.org – Gull-billed Tern.). Breeding occurs during the summer months along the Gulf coast from Mexico to Florida and from Florida to New Jersey along the Atlantic coast (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide – Gull-billed Tern). Most Atlantic hatching occurs in June (USFWS 2010). It is not abundant in any part of its North American range and by 2006, Texas was thought to contain over 60 percent of the eastern subspecies (G. niloctia aranea). The subspecies was probably extirpated in Maryland with declines in population numbers in Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, and possibly Georgia (Molina & Erwin 2006). Although breeding pair numbers in North Carolina have declined from 1977 levels, it was rather stable (200–250 pair) from 2000 to 2010. However, recent North Carolina census data indicate a reduction in the number of North Carolina colony sites and a center abundance shift from the Cape Fear River area to the northeastern part of the state (USFWS 2010). The species has a tendency to nest in relatively, small, scattered and often ephemeral colonies (Molina and Erwin 2006). Terns make their nests on sandy exposed beaches and dredge spoil sites with usually sparse vegetation and feed over mudflats, marshes, and dunes (Georgia Wildlife 2010 – http://www.georgiawildlife.com/sites/degault/files/uploads/wildlife/nongame/pdf/accounts/birds/gelochel idon_nilotica.pdf - 24 October 2013, USFWS 2010). Always among the least-common of the breeding terns in North Carolina, the gull-billed has declined more strongly than other ground nesting colonial waterbirds over the past decade or more with the reasons not clearly understood (LeGrand 2019-04-19; Birds of North Carolina). The 2020 NCWRC state-wide colonial waterbird survey reported that nest numbers were a little over half the goal of 300 but the number of sites met the habitat goal of the North Carolina Waterbird Program; this bird has never met the number of nests goal of the North Carolina Waterbird Program since surveys began in 1977 (Johnson et al. 2020). Gull-billed terns are uncommon to fairly common in the coastal plain and in Dare County during mid-May through July where they breed, build nests, and hatch their young, although numbers have been in decline in the northern coastal plain especially since 2000. Beginning in August, the terns begin to migrate south, and by September, very few CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 117 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina are left. By November, the terns have departed from the North Carolina coast and begin to return the next year by the end of March (eBird 2020 “Bird Observations North Carolina” and “Dare County”). An NPS nesting survey conducted in 2013 for its annual Seashore colonial waterbird study found six gull-billed tern nests during the first part of June (NPS 2013c). This number is lower than the previous years, with 15 nests counted in 2011 and 43 nests counted in 2012 (NPS 2013c). Lower nest numbers in 2013 are likely due to habitat changes caused by Hurricane Sandy fall 2012 and extreme winds and high tides caused by Tropical Storm Andrea which washed out nesting sites in early June 2013 (NPS 2013c). The gull-billed terns are one of the less common nesters on the Seashore (NPS 2013c). Since a low in 2014, the numbers of nests within the Seashore increased to a high of 50 in 2018; however, all gull-billed terns detected in 2018 were in two multi-species colonies on South Point of Ocracoke Island, none were in the Proposed Action Area (Doshkov et al 2019). The 2018 increase is speculated to be related to several factors such as no severe weather events during nesting season and installation and maintenance of yearly pre-nesting closures to reduce human disturbance and interactions. Human disturbance at nesting sites is perhaps the biggest threat to gull-billed terns. Eggs and young in nests can be crushed by vehicles, people, and pets (Georgia Wildlife 2010). Other losses include elimination of natural nest sites to beach erosion or perturbations to estuarine functions, development or modification of upland habitats important for foraging near breeding areas, and feral predation (Molina and Erwin 2006). Gull- billed terns are considered to be more susceptible to disturbance than other terns. Constant disturbance of gull-billed tern nesting sites can upset important activities that are essential for species survival and can even cause terns to abandon nesting sites. According to Molina and Erwin (2006), this species often nests on man- made substrates, which suggests it could be responsive to management of breeding sites. 8.2.6 Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) While the least tern is not federally protected under the ESA, it is protected under the MBTA. The least tern is listed as Special Concern in North Carolina due to continued disturbance of nesting sites along the coast. In fact, most states along the Atlantic coast list the tern as endangered, threatened, or special concern due to loss of nesting habitat (http://www.allaboutbirds.org - Least Tern). On 12 January 2021, the USFWS announced that the interior DPS was fully recovered and could be removed from the federally endangered list while the California populations remain endangered. The least tern was included in the USFWS list of Birds of Conservation Concern (2008; most recent list) for the US southeastern coastal plain. If conservation actions are not taken, the species could become a candidate for listing under the ESA for this region. However, both the 2017 and the 2020 surveys of colonial waterbirds by the NCWRC reported increases in relative change in number of sites where the species was nesting over the period of record; the increase was most likely attributed to its plasticity in nest site selection (beaches, dredged spoil, and gravel roofs) (Schweitzer et al. 2017 and Johnson et al 2020); such resiliency, along with conservation efforts, were fundamental to the recovery of the interior DPS. The smallest of the American terns, least terns are approximately 9 inches in length, with their long, narrow wings reaching a 20-inch wingspan (http://www.allaboutbirds.org). Breeding plumage of least terns includes a black cap; white CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 118 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina forehead; a short, white eyestripe; grayish-white back; white underside; short, notched tail; yellow legs; and a yellow bill with a black tip. During nonbreeding season, they have a black eyestripe that extends to the back of the head, a white cap, and a black bill. Males and females look alike and immature terns appear similar to wintering adults (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide ). (Photo courtesy Dick Daniels, carolinabirds.org) Least terns build their nests on sandy or gravelly beaches or along wide sandy river banks and lake shores and also may even use flat gravel rooftops as nesting sites. Guilfoyle and Fischer (2006) estimated that of the 50 percent of all coastal pairs nesting on rooftops, 90 percent occur from Florida (both coasts) north to North Carolina. Eastern populations occur all along the Atlantic US and Gulf coasts and in the Caribbean during breeding season. In Dare County, least terns begin to arrive in early April and are abundant May through August. By the end of September, very few may remain until the beginning of October (eBird 2020 “Bird Observations North Carolina” and “Dare County”). By November, all have flown south to coastal areas along Central and South America for the winter. The Seashore is a traditional nesting site for the least tern, and in 2013, Cape Point had the largest colony along the Seashore with 329 nests out of the 802 total observed. The 2013 total is only slightly lower than the 832 nests observed in 2012 (NPS 2013c). Since 2007, the highest number was in 2011 with 1,063 nests, much higher than the 381 nests observed in 2010 (NPS 2013c). A steady decline in least tern nest counts in the Seashore occurred from 2011 to 2017 with an increase in 2018 to 475 nests which produced 15 chicks (Doshkov et al. 2019). The NCWRC 2017 state-wide colonial waterbird survey noted a 17 percent decrease in least tern nest numbers since the previous survey in 2014; the number of nests documented in North Carolina has met or exceeded the population goal of the North Carolina Waterbird Program every survey since 2004 (Schweitzer et al. 2017). The 2020 NCWRC survey proved this trend continued; the estimated number of least tern nesting pairs in 2020 compared to the 14-year average was +55 percent while the number of 2020 sites compared to the 14-year mean was +37 percent (Johnson et al. 2020). One least tern nest and chick was documented in 2014 in the project area, but since then all shorebird breeding activity moved to the north near Ramp 34 outside of Proposed Project Area (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm. 18 March 2021). However, the least tern is likely to use the nearshore waters of the Avon area for foraging. The biggest threat to the least tern, and many other shore birds that use sandy beaches for nesting and foraging, is human disturbance. Recreational use, residential development, and water diversion are hazardous to the least tern’s survival (http://www.allaboutbirds.org - Least Tern). As gravel rooftops are being phased out due to storm safety concerns and energy efficiency, the loss of this alternate nesting habitat further threatens this species. Although there were two instances in Florida in 2010 where least terns were documented nesting on roofs other than gravel, this is not considered a long-term alternate choice for the bird (Warraich et al 2012). (The two roofs had been gravel and were previously used by nesting terns.) Despite increased development over the years, the least tern population has steadily increased since 1997, with the largest colonies found on inlets (Schweitzer 2012). 8.2.7 Common Tern (Sternula hirundo) Common terns are the most widespread tern species of North America. This tern species decreased drastically declined within the last 20 years due to loss or disturbance of nesting habitats (LeGrand 2020-02-08; Birds of North Carolina “Common Tern’). Prior to 1995, the bird was common to fairly common in the warmer months in North Carolina; it still is mainly seen from mid-April to mid-October and is easiest to find around inlets although overall numbers are in decline. Peak counts at Bird Shoal near Beaufort, NC were 9,000 in 1973, 5,000 in 1974, CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 119 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 3,928 in 1979; since 1995, the peak count is only 375 except for a report of 1,000 in spring of 2015. The common tern is listed as endangered in North Carolina since October 2017 and has been listed as threatened, endangered, or special concern in other states although it is in no immediate danger of appearance on the federal list (LeGrand 2020-02-08; Birds of North Carolina “Common Tern”). This species is not federally protected under the ESA but it is protected under the MBTA. The 2017 survey of colonial waterbirds by the NCWRC reported a 28 percent decrease in relative change in number of sites where the species was nesting over a 13-year period (Schweitzer et al. 2017). Common terns are considered medium-sized at 12 inches long with a 30-inch wingspan. Male and females look similar with black caps and wingtips, grayish-white bodies, red legs and bills with a black tip, and long deeply forked tails during the breeding season (http://www.audubon.org/field-guide). Nonbreeding and immature terns have only a partial cap and juveniles have a brownish head and brown stripes across their backs (http://www.allaboutbirds.org). (Photo courtesy Jeff Lewis, Carolina Bird Club) Breeding areas for common terns include Canada, US states bordering Canada, and beaches along the Atlantic coast from Canada to North Carolina. Guilfoyle and Fischer (2006) estimated that less than 1percent of the world population breeds along the coast of North Carolina. In North Carolina, common terns use bare sand islands, dredge islands, and sandy beaches as nesting sites (Birds of North Carolina 2014 “Common Tern”). They build nests on the ground in shallow depressions or scrapes, sometimes with dead vegetation and shells (http://www.allaboutbirds.org - Common Tern). During migrations, they may also be found around lakes and marshes. Common tern sightings have been documented in North Carolina during winter months, but it is believed that these may be misidentifications, and that common terns are absent from North Carolina in December, January, February, and most of March (LeGrand 2020-02-08; Birds of North Carolina “Common Tern"). In 2011, the largest colonies of common terns were found on Big Foot Island, Clark Reef, Cape Hatteras, and Cape Lookout National Seashore along the North Carolina coast, and approximately one-fourth of nests were built on dredged material (Schweitzer 2012). In Dare County, these terns are commonly seen April through October (eBird 2020 “Bird Observations North Carolina” and “Dare County” 2020). They appear in April during spring migration and while some remain to breed in the vicinity, others continue further north to breed. Local breeders begin to leave in the fall joined by northern breeders on their way south for the winter in South America. The Seashore is a traditional nesting site for the common tern. From 2007 to 2013, the lowest number of nests observed was 19 (2008) and the highest number was 218 (2012), followed by a substantial decrease to 34 nests in 2013 (NPS 2013c). Lower nest numbers in 2013 were likely due to habitat changes caused by Hurricane Sandy in the fall of 2012 and extreme winds and high tides caused by Tropical Storm Andrea that washed out nesting sites in early June 2013 (NPS 2013c). The lower nest numbers persisted in 2014 and 2015 but increased in 2016 and 2017 to slightly less than 100 both years, followed by a slight decrease in 2018 to 72. In the past, the points and spits of the Seashore consistently provided its preferred nesting habitat. However, many of these areas have expanded their adjacent dune systems in the absence of overwash events which deposit the sandy shell beds of their preferred nest habitat. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 120 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina The NCWRC 2017 and 2020 colonial waterbird survey documented common tern nests at 11 sites in the state which were less than the habitat goal of 20 and the number of nests documented was far below the number of nests goal of the North Carolina Waterbird Program; this goal has not been met since 1988 (Johnson et al. 2020). The 2020 NCWRC survey showed the number of common tern nesting pairs in 2020 compared to the 14-year average declined (-83 percent) as did the number of 2020 sites compared to the 14-year mean (-51 percent) (Johnson et al. 2020). Predation, competing gulls, pets, loss of nesting habitat, human disturbance at nesting sites, weather, and rising sea levels are all factors that threaten breeding populations of common tern along the Atlantic coast and they remain concentrated in a few well protected colonies (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide - Common Tern). Despite the bittersweet irony of its name, the common tern is one of the beach-nesting bird species in most rapid decline. 8.2.8 Black Skimmer (Ryhnchops niger) Although black skimmers are not protected under the Endangered Species Act, they are federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The skimmer is listed as endangered in New Jersey and special concern in Florida and North Carolina. The North American populations are on the 2014 State of the Birds watch list (NABCI 2014). The 2017 NCWRC state-wide colonial waterbird survey reported that both the number of black skimmer nests and number of nesting sites were less than the population and habitat goals of the North Carolina Waterbird Program; the nest goal has not been met since 1993 (Schweitzer et al 2017). Unmistakable with its unique red and black bill and short, red legs, the black skimmer’s bill is thin with a longer lower mandible used to skim the water for fish as it flies; the upper beak snaps shut when a fish is sensed. Black skimmers are medium to large-sized waterbirds (18 inches long with a 44-inch wingspan) (http://www.allaboutbirds.org). They have long, pointed wings and a short, white tail (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide). The top of the head, back, and wings are black and the forehead and underparts are white. Skimmers have thin vertical pupils that reduce glare from the sand and water; a trait that is highly unusual in birds. Males and females are similar in appearance and immature skimmers have mottled brown caps and backs (http://www.allaboutbirds.org). (Left photo courtesy Lindsay Addison, Audubon; right photo Phil Zeigler, NPS). Active at all times of the day, with dawn and dusk peaks, they are able to hunt even in low light due to their fine sense of touch. A group of black skimmers in flight are a synchronous spectacle as they circle, bank, and alight as one. Of the three races of the black skimmer, the North American race is largely coastal with the exception of some large inland lakes in Florida and the Salton Sea in California (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide - Black Skimmer). During breeding season, black skimmers occupy areas ranging from Massachusetts to Texas and areas in Central and South America. Guilfoyle and Fischer (2006) estimated that as much as 20% of the world’s population of this bird breeds in the southeast US where they are found year-round. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 121 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina During winter months, skimmers are not found any further north than North Carolina (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide - Black Skimmer). Skimmers may move inland to the North Carolina piedmont during hurricanes (Birds of North Carolina 2014 Black Skimmer). Black skimmers use open sandy beaches, dredge spoil islands, sparsely vegetated shell or gravel bars, and mats of sea wrack in salt marshes as nesting habitats. In some instances, nests are built on rooftops (http://www.allaboutbirds.org - Black Skimmer). They nest in groups and share nesting areas with laughing gulls and common, least, and gull-billed tern colonies. In 2011, one-third of observed black skimmer nests built along North Carolina coast were on dredged material (Schweitzer 2012). The 2020 survey of colonial waterbirds by the NCWRC reported a 59 percent decrease in number of sites where black skimmer nested compared to the 14-year mean and a decrease of 54 percent in the estimated number of nesting pairs (Johnson et al. 2020). In Dare County, black skimmers can be spotted year-round, commonly April through October (breeding season) with peak abundance from May through September, but less seldom seen December through February (eBird 2020 Bird Observations North Carolina and Dare County). The National Seashore is a traditional nesting site for the black skimmer, with the number of nests increasing between 2007 and 2012. From 2007 to 2010, low numbers of nests were observed, ranging from 4 in 2008 to 61 in 2009; 99 and 119 nests were observed in 2011 and 2013, respectively; and the highest number of nests was 221 in 2012 (NPS 2013c). Lower nest numbers in 2013 was likely due to habitat changes caused by Hurricane Sandy in the fall of 2012 and extreme winds and high tides caused by Tropical Storm Andrea that washed out nesting sites in early June 2013 (NPS 2013c). Since declines in 2013 and 2014, nest numbers increased every year with the highest number since 2012 in 2018 (368 nests and 116 chicks) and in 2018 black skimmer nests were documented among the multi-species colony at Cape Point for the first time (Doshkov et al. 2019). With an 87 percent cumulative loss in population between 1966 and 2015, the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan estimates 65,000 to 70,000 breeding black skimmers in North America (All About Birds 2020 black skimmer conservation). Black skimmers are under the same types of threats as gulls and terns. Loss of habitat due to human development and disturbance of nesting sites due to human recreational use of beaches, along with predation or disturbance by pets, and sea level rise are the main risks to their survival. 8.2.9 American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliates) American oystercatchers are listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern in almost every state along the Atlantic Coast; in North Carolina, they are listed as a special concern species (nc.audubon.org; NCNHP 2020 Dare County list). This species is included in the USFWS (2008) of Birds of Conservation Concern (2008) for the US southeastern coastal plain and if conservation actions are not taken, the species could become a candidate for listing under the ESA. Currently, oystercatchers have federal protection under the MBTA. American oystercatchers are unlikely to be confused with other shorebirds due to their bold coloring and size. With long, sharp bright red bills and stout, pale-pinkish legs, black heads, brown backs, and white bellies, yellow eyes with red eye ring, they are distinctive birds. At 18 inches in length, with a 32-inch wingspan, they are one of the largest shorebird species in North America CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 122 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide). Young oystercatchers look very similar to adults except for duller bill color and the feathers on their backs impart a flecked look. As their common name indicates, they feed almost entirely on shellfish, including oysters, limpets, clams, mussels, crabs, starfish, sea urchins and worms (http://www.allaboutbirds.org). (Photo courtesy Planetofbirds.com) These unique birds are strictly coastal and use large open sandy areas, sand dunes, and tidal marshes as habitat. During summer months, the American oystercatcher can be seen along the Atlantic Coast from New England to the Gulf Coast, Mexico, and Central America, parts of South America, and the Caribbean. Oystercatchers are typically considered non-migratory; however, most all birds from New England to Maryland head south for the winter around late September. Approximately 12 percent of the global population of American oystercatchers inhabits the United States, with one third of that population wintering in South Carolina alone. Virginia through the Carolinas has the largest concentration of wintering populations along the Atlantic Coast (https://www.audubon.org/field-guide - American Oystercatcher). American oystercatchers can be seen in Dare County throughout the year; however, numbers are lower during winter months (eBird 2014, 2020 Bird Observations North Carolina and Dare County). Guilfoyle and Fischer (2006) estimated about 1,875 breeding pairs along both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, with 1,200 pairs estimated from Florida to North Carolina. Six recent NCWRC surveys (2004-2019) showed an increase in American oystercatcher counts in the state from a total of 699 in 2004 to 890 in 2019 (high of 1,014 in 2016) with a range of observed singles from 23 in 2010 to 134 in 2016 (2019 total singles observed was lower at 104, but continued the upward trend) (NCWRC unpublished data 2019; pers comm. 10 November 2020, Carmen Johnson, NCWRC Wildlife Diversity Biologist, Waterbirds Investigation and Management Project). Along the Seashore, 27 total breeding pairs were documented in 2013 (Schweitzer and Abraham 2014) and in 2014 with 14 of them documented on Hatteras Island (Cape Hatteras resource field summary August 20, 2014). The Hatteras Island nests (22) had seven of the nine documented fledglings for 2014 and by 2018 the 10 pairs on Hatteras Island had 12 of the 20 total documented fledglings (Doshkov et al. 2019). From 2014 through 2018 in the Seashore, the number of breeding pairs ranged from 24 to 26 (2016 was the high) and total nests ranged from 38 to 53 (2017 was the high); the 2018 fledge rate for the entire Seashore at 0.8 was the highest since 2011 (Doshkov et al 2019). In cooperation with NC State University, since 2002, 232 American oystercatchers have been banded at the National Seashore (52 adults and 180 fledglings) including 10 chicks in 2018. The average number of breeding pairs of American oystercatchers documented in the six NCWRC state-wide surveys from 2004-2019 was 381 (range: 337 in 2004 to 440 in 2016) (NCWRC unpublished data 2019; pers comm. 10 November 2020, Carmen Johnson, NCWRC Wildlife Diversity Biologist, Waterbirds Investigation and Management Project). American oystercatcher breeding activity occurs both to the north and south of the Proposed Project Area (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm. 18 March 2021). The bird is likely to use the beach within the Avon area for foraging. Like many other shorebirds, loss of habitat and nesting sites, human disturbance, and predators pose the biggest threat to the survival of American oystercatchers. This species is particularly sensitive to disturbance and is more vulnerable because on average a pair may take up to four years to successfully fledge one young (Guilfoyle and Fischer 2006). One human activity that has been beneficial is the creation of sand islands from dredge spoils. These islands are good nesting sites because they are often high in elevation and fairly isolated from people and predators like raccoons and skunks (http://www.allaboutbirds.org). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 123 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Status and Biology of Species or Areas with only State Protection. The two species discussed here represent the species with the potential to occur in the Proposed Action Area or vicinity which have only state level protection. Within North Carolina, endangered, threatened and special concern species listed by the state have legal protection status. Other state-protected species which also have federal protection (although sometimes with a different status) are discussed in previous sections of this document. 8.3 Reptiles 8.3.1 Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) The diamondback terrapin is legally protected only by the State of North Carolina with Special Concern status while the International Union for Conservation of Nature categorizes it as Vulnerable. However, in early 2020 the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission submitted a proposal to further protect the species from depletion by the blue crab fishery with the designation of Diamondback Terrapin Management Areas (DTMAs) and use of turtle excluder devices in blue crab pots in the DTMAs. The first two DTMAs were selected in May 2020 (Bald Head Island and Masonboro Island) and the framework for the NCMFC proposal will become effective in 2021. Native to coastal states from Cape Cod, Massachusetts to Corpus Christi, Texas, it is the only species of turtle in the temperate zone adapted to life in the salt marsh. It is found in brackish coastal waters in habitats including coastal swamps, mangrove swamps, salt marshes, lagoons, and estuarine tidal creeks. There is also a separate small breeding subpopulation on the east end of Bermuda. The females of this medium-sized hard shell turtle grow to a much larger size than males. Females reach a maximum of 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) while males reach only 14 centimeters (5.5 inches). Coloration is highly variable, although adult terrapin carapaces (top shells) are generally a shade of grey with lighter colored concentric rings (circles inside of circles). Heads and limbs are also a shade of grey, with variable spots or blotches. Orange rings with a grey or greenish background may appear on shells, but there is a wide variety of patterns and colors in the species, sometimes even within single populations. Feet are webbed for strong swimming (photo courtesy ncpedia.org). Where they occur, diamondback terrapin contribute important functions in coastal saltwater marsh ecosystems (tidal creeks, lagoons, and estuaries) which include seed dispersal, vegetation management, insect and snail population controls, and help keep water clean. In some places, diamondback terrapin are an important predator of the salt marsh periwinkle (Littoraria irrorata), a snail that feeds on salt marsh cord grass (Spartina alterniflora). Research has shown that when the diamondback terrapin and other predators are removed, periwinkles overgraze the cord grass leaving a barren mudflat (CITES 2013) It needs periodic access to nearby freshwater for long-term health. It has the ability to distinguish drinking water of different salinities (Davenport and Macedo 1990) and several sophisticated behaviors to capture fresh water have been documented including drinking from the fresh surface layer that accumulates during rainfall CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 124 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina and even swimming on the surface with an open mouth to capture falling rain drops (Bels, Davenport, and Renous 1995). Cape Hatteras marks the interbreeding fulcrum between the ranges of two of the seven subspecies of this reptile; the two subspecies compose the entire east coast population. The more northern subspecies M. terrapin intergrades with the more southern subspecies M. terrapin centrata in the Cape Hatteras region. Although these seven subspecies are recognized, these designations do not correspond well with genetic data (CITES 2013). A long-lived species (~40 years), the turtle is also known for its high site fidelity which means it stays in the same area its entire life. In North Carolina, it was once so abundant, it was considered a nuisance. Diamondback terrapin are currently collected for the pet trade and are exported primarily to Asia. Exports of this species from the United States have increased from under 1,000 individuals per year in 1999 to 3,000 individuals per year by 2010, with a high of 6,000 individuals exported in the year in 2006 (USFWS, International Affairs species profile page). Threats to the species include habitat degradation and loss from urbanization since the 1700s, collision with vehicles particularly adult females crossing to and from nest areas in dunes to the back barrier sound marshes, raccoon predation of unprotected nests, international pet trade, sea level rise, beach development, loss of sand dunes, and incidental drowning in blue crab pots (CITES 2013). One crab pot, found in North Carolina, contained 29 decomposing terrapins. Adult females are typically too large to enter crab pots so adult males and young females are usually the casualties. Terrapin biologists advocate the use of BRDs (bycatch reduction devices), which prevent smaller terrapins from entering crab pots (ncwildlife.org species profile) 8.4 Plants 8.4.1 Seabeach Knotweed (Polygonum glaucum) The State of North Carolina considers the seabeach knotweed endangered, but it is not afforded any federal protection. It is found in maritime coastal habitats from Florida to Massachusetts, which are often subject to both natural and anthropogenic disruptions and disturbances. An annual prostrate member of the Buckwheat family, the small narrow foliage of seabeach knotweed is bluish green with a waxy coating (glaucous) on sprawling fleshy stems growing from a central taproot. The leaves have inrolled margins. On beaches, it is found seaward of dunes, above the wrack line or high spring tide zone, and often forms interwoven mats when growing conditions allow. It is also often found on the margins of salt ponds in the back barrier environment and interdune swales. Flowers form from May to October and fruits from June to September. Often subject to overwash which may aid in seed dispersal, it is considered a pioneer colonizer species in these dynamic conditions although little is known about the biology of this plant. This species was known in North Carolina from nearby Chicamicomico (~15 miles to the north of Avon) prior to initiation of dune stabilization projects in that area but has not been seen in recent years. This species has also been documented south of the former location of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse (Pers. Comm. Allison Weakley, Conservation Planner, NCNHP, 8 October 2014); the 2018 list of rare plants of North Carolina show the species documented in six counties, including Dare; it may be extirpated in two of the six counties (Beaufort and New Hanover) (NCNHP CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 125 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 2018). Known threats to the species are from vehicle traffic and dune stabilization projects. (Photo courtesy Rhode Island Department Environmental Management, Fish and Wildlife Division) 8.5 State Natural Areas The Hatteras Island Middle Section natural area is a Registered Natural Heritage Area (RHA) under an agreement between the National Park Service and North Carolina Department Environment & Natural Resources (now the Department of Environmental Quality). Within the Hatteras Island Middle Section RHA the following natural communities have been documented: Dune Grass (Southern Subtype), Dune Grass (Northern Subtype), Stable Dune Barren (Southern Subtype), Maritime Dry Grassland (Typic Subtype), Maritime Shrub (Bayberry Subtype), Maritime Wet Grassland, Maritime Shrub Swamp (Red Bay Subtype), Brackish Marsh (Salt Meadow Cordgrass Subtype), and Upper Beach (Southern Subtype). This Natural Heritage Area is depicted on Figure 8.4. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 126 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 8.4. Map of Avon area and the approximate boundaries of the Hatteras Island Middle Section (the one state Natural Heritage site located about 1 mile from the Proposed Action Area). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 127 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE The environmental baseline is defined as the past and present impacts of all federal, state, or private actions and other human activities in an action area. This baseline also includes the anticipated impacts of all proposed federal projects in an area that have already undergone formal or early ESA Section 7 consultation and the impacts of state or private actions that are contemporaneous with the consultation in process. The environmental baseline for this BA refers to conditions based on the assumption that the Proposed Action would not occur. As the Proposed Action Area is a dynamic barrier island system subject to rapid and ongoing responses to short-term (storms) and long-term (sea level rise and or climate change) wind, wave, and ocean current conditions, many changes occurred before the establishment of the National Seashore in 1937; those responses continue today. The flora and fauna found in a variety of habitats at the park include migratory birds and several threatened and endangered species. The islands are rich with maritime history of humankind’s attempt to survive at the edge of the sea, and with accounts of dangerous storms, shipwrecks, and valiant rescue efforts. Today, the National Seashore provides unparalleled opportunities for millions to enjoy recreational pursuits in a unique natural seashore setting and to learn of the nation’s unique maritime heritage. Additionally, as a very popular park within the national park system, other changes have occurred based on human uses of the National Seashore ecosystems as well continued growth of the towns and villages of the islands shared by the National Seashore. For the period 1967– 2014, each year has documented more than 1 million visits/year to the Seashore (NPS 2015b), with a steady annual increase each year since 2013 to a high of 2.61 million visits in 2019 (www.statista.com) While vehicle use on the beach occurred prior to 1937, it was primarily done for transportation and it was not until NC12 was paved, the Bonner Bridge was completed in 1967, and the Ocracoke ferry was added to the North Carolina ferry system, that access to the National Seashore was significantly facilitated (NPS 2010). The increased access and subsequent popularity of sport utility vehicles in recent years have changed the vehicle use from primarily transportation to primarily recreation (NPS 2010). Off-road vehicle (ORV) use on the beaches of the National Seashore (includes the Avon beach), continues to increase with as many as 2,200 vehicles/day counted by rangers during summer months concentrated near the three spits associated with inlets through the National Seashore (Bodie, Hatteras, and Ocracoke Islands) and Cape Point (NPS 2005). Land within the Proposed Action Area is comprised of ocean beach and portions of dunes within the National Seashore, in front of Avon Village. See Figure 4.3 for approximate project acreage within various elevations. 9.1 Previous Consultation with USFWS within the Analysis Area The National Park Service submitted a BA in support of the Final ORV Management Plan (EIS) on 27 February 2010 and received the Biological Opinion (BO) with concurrence 15 November 2010. The USFWS also amended the ORV plan BO in early 2015 for the modified wildlife protection buffers (NPS 2015a). The National Park Service also conducted an informal consult for the Proposal to Facilitate Additional Beach Access (EA); concurrence was received on 24 September 2013. A BO was also received for the initial Buxton beach restoration project to protect NC 12 (CSE 2015). 9.2 Past and Current Activities within the Analysis Area Previous shore-protection measures along the Avon Action Area mainly include dune reconstruction and enhancement. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 128 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 9.2.1 Dune Reconstruction and Management In 1935, during the height of the Great Depression, the federal government funded a major dune reconstruction effort to build up a protective dune line and reduce the threat of breaching along barrier islands. This Works Progress Administration (WPA) project “… saved 120 miles of the barrier islands on the state’s northeastern coast” (Stratton 1957, pg 4). Over 1,500 workers were brought to the Outer Banks “… to eliminate the flow of ocean water over the Banks” (Stratton 1943, pg 26). Brush panels were installed over a denuded landscape to trap sand and establish a dune line. AC Stratton was the field supervisor with the National Park Service during the dune restoration efforts. His reports (Stratton 1943, 1957) describe the degraded condition of the Outer Banks in the 1930s compared with conditions in the late 1800s. “What at one time was a thriving, prosperous, and productive part of the country became only a fast eroding barrier reef …. It almost ceased to be a productive asset and it became questionable as to the length of time it would continue to protect the mainland” (Stratton 1943, pg 25). Stratton (1943) reported that in earlier times, “… villages scattered along the beach were dotted with woods, grape vines, and vegetation of great variety extending from the sounds toward the ocean and in some cases to the beach itself” (pg 25). He attributed the denudation in the early part of the 20th century to overgrazing, particularly by hogs, and timber removal by commercial interests. He also discussed the adverse impacts of blowing sand on the elevation of the Outer Banks and the “… salt water that flowed over into the Currituck Sound…” (pg 25). As erosion took its toll in “several places along the coast for a distance of three miles or more, ordinary high tides were running over the Banks” (pg 26). Stratton (1957) reported that much of the efforts from the 1930s project remained in place 20 years later. The work was credited with reducing erosion and saving the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse which had been abandoned in 1936 (www.ncsu.edu/coast/chl/timeline.html, accessed 31 October 2013). Stratton (1957) described a planned rehabilitation program by the National Park Service (Mission 66) to repair damaged dunes over a ten-year period and restore them to their condition following the 1930s project. Everts et al. (1983) prepared a detailed analysis of shoreline change for the Outer Banks. This cooperative study by the Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) and National Ocean Service (NOS) within the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (respec- tively) measured ocean and sound shoreline changes between the 1850s and 1980. Everts et al. found that the Outer Banks, on average, were narrowing by ~3 ft/yr (~0.9 m) with the majority of the recession occurring along the oceanfront ~2.6 ft/yr (~0.8 m/yr average). The CERC–NOS study found that the sound shoreline was not prograding significantly by overwash at decadal to century time scales. It further suggested that the principal losses of sand along the Outer Banks were associated with inlets, particularly the deposits of sand in the flood shoals in the sounds. After breach channels or ephemeral inlets closed, the deposits in the sound stabilized with marsh vegetation and left a characteristic bulge into the sound which is readily observable in aerial photographs (Everts et al. 1983). While Everts et al. (1983) documented a narrowing of the Outer Banks, they emphasized that this trend was established well before the dune reconstruction efforts of the 1930s. They concluded “… overwash has not been an important mechanism in sound shoreline progradation for the last several hundred years. Today, the islands are probably too wide in most places for overwash penetration across the entire island” (pg 95). Everts et al. concluded that “… if island migration occurred … between 1585 and 1850, it was probably the result of inlet processes,” which is the primary mechanism for major withdrawal of sand from the littoral zone in settings like the Outer Banks. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 129 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina One implication of prior dune reconstruction efforts along Hatteras Island is the apparent positive effect in reducing sand losses while restoring the general character of the island to its condition prior to overgrazing and timber harvesting. A number of references suggest the northern Outer Banks is relatively sand-rich compared with the southern coast of North Carolina (Byrnes et al. 2003) or with barrier islands that have been in stable position for at least several centuries (Everts et al. 1983). Average erosion rates along Hatteras Island are low relative to the average width of the island and have likely benefitted by the presence of high natural dunes which tend to reduce the frequency of washovers and breach inlets (CSE 2013). 9.2.2 Beach Nourishment Beach nourishment projects in Cape Hatteras National Seashore have emplaced over 10.2 million cubic yards of sediment on National Seashore beaches between 1962 and 2011; 1.7 million cubic yards in front of Rodanthe in 2014, and 2.6 million cubic yards in front of the Buxton project area in 2017–2018. This quantity does not include dredged sediment (Dallas et al. 2013). Dredging at three inlets and two marinas has also removed an unquantified, but likely significant, volume of material. Not counting side cast dredging, 12 million cubic yards have been taken out of the inlet system between 1960 and 2012 and over 5.7 million cubic yards of this material was placed offshore; the remaining 6.3 million cubic yards were placed on northern Pea Island beaches and the nearshore from 1997 to 2010 (Dallas et al. 2013). Commonly, nourishment is placed in the upper part of the foreshore, mostly above low-tide wading depth so the sections and volumes can be controlled. Waves then shift a portion of the fill toward deeper water as the profiles equilibrate (Dean 2002). If nourishment sediments are coarser than the native beach sediments, there is a natural tendency for the beach slope to become steeper and for more sand to be retained along the visible beach. By comparison, if the nourishment sediments are significantly finer than the native beach, the resulting slope will be gentler with a high proportion of the added sand shifting to the underwater zone (Fig 9.1). Thus, to achieve a particular dry-beach width upon equilibration, more fine sand would be required than coarse sand as demonstrated by Dean (1991, 2002). The sand losses detected by Fisher et al. (1975) following the 1973 nourishment project provide indirect evidence that the borrow material may have been finer than the native sand on the beach and the loss was more accurately a shift of sand into the active surf zone. Further north along the Outer Banks, a 10-mile beach nourishment project for the Town of Nags Head (North Carolina) in the summer of 2011 provides a good example of the fate of nourishment sediments during profile adjustment. At Nags Head, about 1 million cubic yards (out of 4.6 million cubic yards) shifted from the visible beach at placement to the inshore zone between mean low water and −12 ft depths within the first month or so after nourishment (Kana & Kaczkowski 2012). Such profile adjustment is normal and necessary for the equilibration of nourishment projects (NRC 1995, Dean 2002). While no other monitoring reports were found for the Buxton projects, some local observers believe the 1973 project yielded benefits for many years because of the lack of emergency protection measures needed along existing hotels and houses until recently (Lighthouse View Motel, J Hooper, former Dare County commissioner, pers. comm., April 2013). An emergency project in the National Seashore to widen the beach in front of where Hurricane Sandy severed NC 12 was completed in October 2012. The worst damage occurred in the NCDOT-identified “hot spot” known as the S-Curves just north of Mirlo Beach (Rodanthe approximately 18 miles north of the Proposed Action Area). The damaged area was subject to ocean overwash and direct surf zone energy and the emergency response to NC 12 damage from Hurricane Sandy was ongoing for months after the storm. This emergency nourishment project was designed to provide short-term protection against ocean overwash and future NC 12 damage (estimated three-year project life) by the application of 1.7 million cubic yards of sand to this vulnerable section of Hatteras Island (USACE 2013). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 130 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 9.1. Effect of borrow material grain size (nourishment scale parameter, AF) on the width of the dry beach for a fixed volume of nourishment sand added per unit beach length (from Dean 1991, Fig 25). In simple terms, coarser sand relative to the native sediment produces a wider visible beach than finer sand. [Note: 1 m ≈ 3.28 ft] CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 131 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina The most recent beach restoration/nourishment within the National Seashore occurred in 2017/2018 (as described earlier in this document) near the Village of Buxton and south of the proposed project addressed by this BA. Several hurricanes and nor’easters impacted the Buxton area during construction and in the months just after completion which caused a premature sand deficit in the targeted beach profile and resulted in continued exposure of NC 12 and Buxton to overwash hazards. A proposed beach maintenance project for Buxton in almost the same footprint as the 2017/2018 project is also proposed for summer 2022 construction and effects evaluated in a separate BA. Four northern Outer Banks towns (Duck, Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk and Southern Shores) each completed a nourishment project in 2017. These four northern towns along with the Town of Nags Head also propose maintenance projects in summer 2022 (see Table 3.1). In 2019, the Town of Nags Head completed a second renourishment in nearly the same 2011 project footprint, with 4 million cubic yards placed along the 10-mile length instead of the 4.6 million that was placed in 2011. 9.2.3 Highway NC 12 Prior to the 1950s, Highway NC 12 was an intermittent paved road and unpaved trail between Oregon Inlet and Buxton. In 1952, the two-lane highway (fully paved) was completed. Shortly thereafter (1953), the National Park Service officially established Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Certain sections of Highway NC 12 along Hatteras Island have been subject to erosion, washovers, and inlet breaching from the beginning (Riggs et al. 2009). Three hurricanes in 1955, (Connie on 12 August, Diane on 17 August, Ione on 19 September) resulted in severe erosion and damages to Highway NC 12 between Buxton and Oregon Inlet (USACE 1996). The “Ash Wednesday” northeaster of record (March 1962) in the Middle Atlantic states breached the barrier island between Buxton and Avon (CHWA 1977), causing emergency repairs to close the channel and rebuild the highway. In 1973, the “Lincoln’s Birthday Storm” (NPS 1980) produced considerable erosion including severe overwash into Pamlico Sound immediately north of Buxton. “Oceanfront motels at Buxton and beach cottages north of the lighthouse were significantly damaged” (NPS 1980, pg 32). The storms of the early 1970s forced officials to relocate a section of Highway NC 12 in the Buxton area, but the narrow width of Hatteras Island in some places and concern for fringing wetlands along the back barrier preclude further shifts. Other factors which restrict NCDOT relocation of the highway are existing easements and rights-of-way through the Seashore (NCDOT, J Jennings, Division Engineer, pers. comm., August 2014). In recent years, including 2011 after Hurricane Irene and 2012 after Hurricane Sandy, portions of the foredune in the Buxton Action Area breached. Sand washed over NC 12 and forced temporary road closures (NCDOT 2015,). NCDOT scraped sand off the road and pushed it back into the protective dune to restore vehicle access as soon as possible. In other areas of Hatteras Island where the barrier island and foredune are narrow, breach inlets formed during Hurricane Irene (see Fig 1.5). These inlets resulted in over two months of road closure and lack of normal access to all communities on the island. Prior to Irene, the separation distance between high water and NC 12 was <150 ft in the S-Curves Mirlo Beach (Rodanthe) “hot-spot” area, where one of the inlets formed. Riggs and Ames (2011) estimated that NCDOT has spent a minimum of $100 million from 1983- 2009 to maintain NC 12. In the past 10 years alone, $72.6 million dollars have been spent in repairs to this road (https://www.carolinacoastonline.com/regional/article_65db140e-a8cb-11ea-a81e-0f536569a647.html accessed January 2021). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 132 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 9.2.4 Oregon Inlet Dredging Oregon Inlet is an outlet/inlet across the barrier island that opened in 1846 and separates Bodie Island from Pea Island. In response to dynamic conditions, the inlet steadily migrated south from its original position and then in 1962-63 a 2.4-mile-long bridge (the Herbert C Bonner Bridge), with a fixed navigational span, was constructed across the inlet. To maintain the main channel under the bridge, dredging occurred with offshore, deep water disposal of the dredged sand. The southern migration of the inlet was halted by a terminal groin and rock revetment built in 1989–1991. However, the northern Oregon Inlet shoreline (Bodie Island spit) continued to migrate southward into the inlet channel driven by the dominant energy of nor’easter storms which required a further increase in frequency and volume of dredging to “hold the channel” under the fixed navigation span (Riggs and Ames 2011a). After the terminal groin and revetment were built, dredged sand from the inlet was more frequently put on Pea Island beaches between 1 and 3 miles south of the inlet. Riggs and Ames (2011b) compiled data from various sources to summarize Oregon Inlet dredging and Pea Island nourishment which had occurred from 1992-2009; the conservative estimate is 12.7 million cubic yards. Major dredging of Oregon Inlet is estimated to occur every four or five years with maintenance dredging as needed on a more frequent basis. However, a new memorandum of agreement is under negotiation between the USACE, the state, and Dare County which would provide dredging on a more regular basis. A recent tactic by the USACE during the spring 2015 Oregon Inlet dredging was to cut the Bodie Island spit in two with the hopes that the encroaching south end would be swept away by the current (The Outer Banks Voice 26 April 2015). In 2019, Dare County applied to the USACE to dredge year-round in Oregon Inlet via a proposed public-private partnership and the use of a $15-million-dollar state appropriation to build a dredge for the County and its partner (The Outer Banks Voice-Coastal Review Online 6 February 2019). In the meantime, the NPS issued the USACE a Special Use Permit in June 2020 to dredge Oregon Inlet and discharge the sediments in accordance with the USACE’s Dredge Plan. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 133 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 10.0 EFFECTS TO EVALUATED FEDERAL ESA SPECIES, CRITICAL HABITAT, AND DETERMINATIONS The following ESA definitions apply to federally listed species and designated critical habitats and are used in the evaluation of effects of a proposed action: • No effect – the proposed action or project and its interrelated and interdependent actions would not directly or indirectly affect listed species or destroy or adversely affect designated critical habitat. Formal Section 7 consultation with NMFS and USFWS is not required when the no effect conclusion is reached. • May affect, not likely to adversely affect – the proposed action or project and its interrelated and interdependent actions may occur in suitable habitat, or may result in indirect impacts on the species but the impact is likely to be insignificant (small, immeasurable), or discountable (unlikely to occur), or even beneficial (contemporaneous positive effects with no adverse effects). Based on best judgment, the impacts could not be meaningfully measured, detected, or evaluated, are not expected to occur, and never reach the scale where a take could occur. • May affect, likely to adversely affect – the proposed action or project and its interrelated or interdependent actions have at least one adverse effect that does not meet the above definitions. There may be a combination of beneficial and adverse effects which result in neutral or positive effects. Incidental take may or may not be anticipated and this definition requires formal Section 7 consultation with NMFS and USFWS who must prepare a Biological Opinion (BO). Direct effects are caused by a proposed action and occur simultaneously and in the area of the proposed action and indirect effects are those reasonably certain to occur as a result of the proposed action but at a later time and/or place. Interrelated activities and their effects are part of the proposed action that depends on the proposed action for their justification and interdependent actions have no independent utility apart from the action. Cumulative effects under the ESA include the environmental baseline plus the additive effect of reasonable foreseeable future state, private, and tribal activities; however, the effect of future federal actions are not considered. Under NEPA, the cumulative effects are almost identical to those described for ESA, the only difference being that cumulative effects under NEPA also include the effect from reasonably foreseeable future federal actions as well. Below is a summary of future non-federal (private, state, or tribal) activities that are reasonably likely to occur within the Proposed Action Area that directly and indirectly affect species addressed in this assessment. These are added to the environmental baseline (discussed above). In many instances, these past activities and their effects remain to this day and are currently ongoing as well. Potential projects identified as cumulative actions include planning or construction of beach nourishment projects that have been completed in the recent past, are currently being implemented, or are expected to be constructed in the near future. The shoreline referenced for cumulative impacts is the Dare County ocean beach north of Cape Point. This ~70-mile barrier-island coast is part of the Cape Henry to Cape Hatteras littoral cell (~120 miles) with similar wave climate and coastal processes. During the past decade, five beach nourishment projects were conducted within this littoral cell: Nags Head 2011 and 2019 (~10 miles each year) Rodanthe-Pea Island 2014 (~2 miles), Duck, Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills and Southern Shores 2017 (~10 miles), and Buxton 2017 (~3 miles). Several dredge disposal projects at Oregon Inlet impacting ~2 miles were also conducted. Combined with the proposed action at Avon of 2.5 miles, a total of ~30 miles (~35 percent) of the CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 134 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Dare County shoreline north of Cape Hatteras has been nourished or is likely to receive nourishment over the 12-year period 2010–2022. In June 2020, the NPS approved a plan to issue a Special Use Permit to Dare County to use a privately owned hopper dredge for future maintenance dredging of Oregon Inlet and disposal on the north end of Pea Island (~2,300-acre project). The majority of shoreline (18 miles out of 25 miles) that has or may receive additions of sand is developed and situated north of Oregon Inlet. The following future activities are likely to occur within the action area or adjacent to it within the next several years to decades: • Maintenance and repair of NC 12 after major storms which breach the foredune and deposit sand over the roadbed or into Pamlico Sound (removal of overwashed sand into bulldozed artificial dunes to protect the roadway contributes to sand deficit which steepens and narrows the beach and degrades nesting, resting, and foraging habitat for birds and nesting habitat for sea turtles). • Installation of emergency sand bags along private property within the villages of Buxton and Avon (steepens the beach face and removes potential foraging and nesting habitat for birds and nesting habitat for sea turtles). • Beach nourishment or renourishment/maintenance projects in Dare County combined with the proposed restoration at Avon of about 2.5 miles, a total of ~28 miles (~31%) of the Dare County shoreline north of Cape Hatteras is likely to receive nourishment over the next 10-yr period 2020-2030. The majority of shoreline that has or may be nourished is developed (similar potential adverse and beneficial impacts for resting, foraging, and nesting habitats for birds and sea turtles; similar potential adverse effects for Atlantic sturgeon and swimming turtles). • Beach restoration at Avon at five-year to 10-year intervals based on documented performance of the proposed project; funding is anticipated by Dare County (construction of a wider beach in more developed coastal regions of North Carolina may cause an increase in summer rentals with a concomitant increase in night lighting which may affect nesting and hatching sea turtles; also likely to increase the use of the beach by both beach-goers and their pets which may contribute to increased disturbance to birds in the area). • Beach nourishment along other erosional “hotspots” and dune breaches along Hatteras Island based on documented surveys for purposes of restoration of the measured sand deficit (see first beach nourishment bullets above). • Identification and use of other offshore borrow areas along Hatteras Island (may affect Atlantic sturgeon, North Atlantic right whale, and swimming sea turtles). • Installation of sand fencing and vegetation along the foredune to intercept nourishment sand and help promote dune growth without encroachment onto NC 12 or adjacent developed properties (may provide benefit to species which use the dry beach for nesting and foraging). As described earlier, this BA addresses those species with federal and/or state protection. For ESA protected species, in the absence of an overarching regional biological opinion, Section 7 consultation is the process for incidental take. For MBTA-protected species, there is no provision for incidental take related to dredging or filling or crushing by equipment. Additionally, the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BEGEPA) offers legal protections to these two birds and a mechanism for issuance of incidental take permits. The U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 as amended (MMPA) protects all marine mammals including cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), pinnipeds (seals and sea lions), sirenians (manatees and dugongs), sea otters, and polar bears within the waters of the U.S. The MMPA prohibits marine mammal take and enacts a CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 135 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina moratorium on the import, export, and sale of any marine mammals, along with any marine mammal part or product within the U.S. The MMPA defines “take” as the “act of hunting, killing, capturing, and/or harassment of any marine mammal; or, the attempt at such”. The North Carolina Endangered Species Act prohibits the take of any protected species without a permit. In August 2017, the USFWS issued a Statewide Programmatic Biological Opinion (SPBO) for Beach Sand Placement on beaches of North Carolina between 16 November and 30 April. Since this proposed Avon project will likely occur outside that calendar period, the USACE as lead federal agency will initiate Section 7 consultation with USFWS. The 2020 SARBO includes more flexibility on seasonal windows for dredging and sand placement than did the 1997 SARBO and it identifies a risk assessment and risk management process as a strategy to assess whether or not federal resource agencies can utilize the 2020 SARBO or whether individual consultation is required. Either under the 2020 SARBO or under individual Section 7 consultation and subsequent biological opinion, USFWS or NMFS may authorize incidental take for ESA- protected species that are likely to be adversely affected by the project activities. State resource protection agencies have the opportunity to review and comment on the permit application and supporting documents for the Proposed Action. 10.1 Piping Plover As part of standard annual management practices, NPS personnel patrol the Seashore and evaluate all potential areas of breeding habitat for this species by 1 March and recommend pre-nesting closures based on that evaluation. Surveys continue three times/week and closures are adjusted accordingly throughout the nesting season until 31 July when unused pre-nesting closures are removed if no breeding activity is seen in the area; or 2 weeks after all chicks have fledged whichever comes later. All NPS surveys are conducted seven days a week once nesting has begun. Non-breeding habitat protection areas are implemented prior to removal of pre-nesting closures and are designated vehicle free areas (VFA) but are open to pedestrians. Under the revised buffers for piping plovers implemented by NPS (2015a), the mandated breeding behavior/nest buffer is 165 ft (50 meters) for both ORVs and pedestrians and the buffer from unfledged chicks is 1,650 feet (500 meters) for ORVs and 330 feet (100 meters) for pedestrians. Shorter than those identified in the 2010 plan and ROD, the revised buffer distances are contingent upon the ability of NPS biologists to conduct intensive monitoring of plover chicks for the duration of the day that the beach is open for ORV driving (0700–2100 hr). Direct and Indirect Effects on Piping Plover. While the closest, documented piping plover nest was ~4 miles away from the project area, one non-breeding plover was observed ~1.5 miles south of the southern limit of the proposed Avon sand placement footprint. While it is reasonable that piping plovers may use the area during migration, neither individuals nor breeding behaviors have been documented in the sand placement footprint since the July-May weekly migratory bird surveys began in 2010. No direct effects are expected as a result of the offshore dredging activity, but individuals could be temporarily affected by sand placement activities. The sand placement activities on the beach will occur outside of NPS-established buffers designed to minimize disturbance effects for breeding, nesting, foraging, and roosting behaviors. Additionally, this species is not as likely as other species to occur in the area of sand placement and is very unlikely to nest in the project area. However, if the bird occurs outside of established closures, direct effects for foraging, roosting, or nesting adults would include disruptions and disturbance from the pipeline application of slurry sands, movements of support vehicles, and scraping the new beach. Even so, for non- nesting adults, the effects in a given area would be temporary as the project is predicted to cover ~800–1,000 feet per day (ft/day) within the larger context of miles and miles of shoreline available for foraging and CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 136 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina roosting; these mobile adults can move to more favorable habitat. However, in the unlikely event there are any chicks in the project area, direct effects would include disturbance and interruptions in foraging activities since the chicks are unable to fly elsewhere to forage. Infaunal prey species in the surf zone would suffer direct effects as existing organisms would be buried in the slurry deposit and the beach scraping would reduce available food in the vicinity of the active impact. Therefore, direct effects which may occur are considered short-term, temporary, and insignificant or discountable. Potential indirect effects could stem from the wider post-project beach. Wider beaches lead to more rapid dune growth (Bagnold 1941) as demonstrated by the 2011 Nags Head nourishment project (CSE 2014). Along accreting beaches or where sustained nourishment is implemented, the dune field can become stabilized to the detriment of species which prefer unvegetated washover deposits. Indirect effects are considered insignificant with the abundance of preferred habitats nearby. While burial of many benthic surf zone prey of the piping plover will occur during the sand placement, an indirect effect on the prey population could include potential reduction on subsequent visits the following season or year which could affect the ability of the piping plover to refuel with enough reserves to complete their annual life-cycle in optimum condition, or at least in the condition they might have been without the Proposed Action. This effect would also be difficult to meaningfully quantify or evaluate in regards to this project. However, as shore protection project studies in different locations and settings have demonstrated, compatible sediments placed on the target beach in a configuration appropriate to the geomorphology result in a short-term impact to the infauna of the surf zone; viable communities are often present within the first year and recolonization begins to occur rapidly for some species. Studies have shown that depending on species, recolonization of beach benthos can begin as soon as two to 6.5 months if borrow sediments are similar in grain size to the target beach (USACE-Burlas et al. 2001) as is the case for the proposed Avon project. The benthic organisms which thrive in the harsh dynamics of the surf zone are well adapted to perturbation and wide fluctuations of wave energy, suspended sediments, transported sediments, and other disruptions from coastal storms which can sometimes last over several days and in any season of the year- conditions not dissimilar to sand placement activities of the Proposed Action (Deaton et al. 2010). Infauna in these disturbed environments are well adapted by being small bodied, short lived, with a maximum rate of fecundity, efficient dispersal mechanisms, dense settlement, and rapid growth rates. However, it is recognized that tube dwellers and permanent burrow dwellers are most susceptible to these types of disturbances compared to more mobile organisms. Additionally, most studies of benthic recovery post-dredge or-sand placement activities have focused on macrobenthos and not the meiofauna (benthic animals that pass through a 500-micron sieve but are retained on a 40-micron sieve). A recent study of North Carolina meiofauna data from historic ocean beaches and from heavily and lightly nourished beaches discovered increased heterogeneity to beach sediment structure and habitat in the nourished beaches and posited that such physical and biological changes to the production of ecosystem services provided by the fundamental meiofauna may not be without consequence (Fegley et al. 2020). Daily NPS surveys within the project area and vicinity will help minimize disturbance to the piping plover; if individual birds are observed within the project activities NPS personnel will alert the contractor and appropriate management measures will ensue to reduce potential effect. One positive effect for this species would be a wider less steep beach with the potential for increased habitat suitable for roosting, wintering, and for foraging (more intertidal surf zone after a recovery period for the benthic organisms and increased production of wrack lines). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 137 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Cumulative Effects on Piping Plover. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). Climate change would likely bring changes in temperature and precipitation which can significantly affect habitats in both the short-term and the long-term, especially if the seasonality of precipitation deviates from the norm. Such changes are difficult to predict with accuracy and therefore it is hard to state how such changes might affect piping plover habitats. However, most scientists think that climate change is likely to bring more intense storms and potentially more frequent storms but in a somewhat unpredictable manner. Storms and other weather events during the piping plover breeding season (March-August) can result in temporary displacement and disturbance to nesting birds or even wash away nests, eggs, chicks, and breeding adults, depending on timing and severity of the event. More powerful storms can surge and overwash large areas of piping plover habitat even up to the toe of the foredune and beyond. Conversely, storms outside of breeding season may provide benefit to piping plover with new overwash areas and new nesting and foraging habitats but may also adversely affect existing suitable habitat by associated erosion. Hurricanes can also affect the piping plover because of their impact on National Seashore staff resources. Storm recovery that pulls staff from resource management duties (including species monitoring or law enforcement) during piping plover breeding season would have adverse impacts. A hurricane after August would have no direct effect on piping plover and for the reasons stated in the preceding paragraph could benefit or enhance habitat. Coastal development is likely to continue throughout Dare County on both state and private lands. This would bring added pressures of more vehicles on NC 12 and more people to the Proposed Action Area beach and beyond, either as residents or tourist rentals. The need to maintain NC 12 for vehicles reduces the chance of natural washover formation and reduces formation of new nesting habitat in back barrier areas. Even without more development, recreation on the beach within the Proposed Action Area and throughout Dare County is expected to continue to increase with a concomitant rise of tourists and vehicles on the beach especially in the summer. While recreational vehicle and pedestrian use is highly managed by the Seashore’s efforts to protect the natural resources of the Park, the summer season coincides with high productivity life cycles for piping plover (mating, nesting, incubating, and fledging). Visitor use of the beach, notably surf fishers, will likely increase not only in summer, but also in fall and spring. Such use is not likely to adversely affect piping plover prey in the surf or intertidal area. Commercial fishing will continue in nearshore and offshore waters which may affect the abundance of the prey which both the fish (target and bycatch) and piping plover may prefer. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to the piping plover from such actions. Determination on Piping Plover. Effects are considered insignificant or discountable; therefore, the Proposed Action may affect but is not likely to adversely affect the piping plover. 10.2 Roseate Tern Direct and Indirect Effects on Roseate Tern. Due to rarity of appearance in the Proposed Action Area, no direct or indirect effects to this species are expected. However, since it is a rare visitor to North Carolina, visitor(s) could occur during construction. Normal beach surveys performed by NPS biologists will note any roseate terns in the Proposed Action Area or vicinity; although unlikely to occur, if individuals are noted by CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 138 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina NPS staff during construction their presence will be communicated to contractor and appropriate actions will be taken to minimize disturbance. Project‐related activity will not affect their ability to feed because preferred locations for foraging (shallow bays, tidal inlets and channels, sandbars) are widespread, thereby providing the rare visitor with other options for these activities. Nonetheless, potential visitor(s) could attempt to rest in the project area and be temporarily disturbed by sand placement activities, although preferred habitat for resting (sheltered estuaries, inshore waters, and creeks) are not found within the sand placement area. No nests have been documented in North Carolina. Cumulative Effects on Roseate Tern. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0) and Cumulative Effects on Piping Plover above. The roseate tern is a rare visitor to North Carolina and does not nest in the state, so the activities discussed above would have even less likelihood to adversely affect the roseate tern than the piping plover. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to the roseate tern from such actions. Determination on Roseate Tern. Effects to the roseate tern are considered insignificant or discountable therefore, the Proposed Action may affect but is not likely to adversely affect the roseate tern. 10.3 Red Knot There are no standard management practices currently in place specifically for the red knot within the National Seashore’s current ORV management plan but its presence and use of the beach will be included in data collected by NPS biologists during their other beach bird surveys (e.g., non-breeding survey from July through May). As it will not nest in North Carolina, no pre-nesting surveys or closures are expected. When compared with seven other US east coast locations, the Outer Banks ranked last in regional importance for red knots (Dinsmore et al. 1998). In addition, North Carolina observations of red knot are generally more numerous in the southern half of the coast and outside the Proposed Action Area (Carolina Bird Club 2014). Direct and Indirect Effects on Red Knot. No direct effects are expected to this species as a result of the offshore dredging activity but individuals could be temporarily affected by sand placement activities. The sand placement activities on the beach will occur outside of NPS-established buffers which are designed to minimize disturbance effects for foraging and roosting behaviors for the red knot. As the red knot forages in the surf zone and roosts on the beach, activities on the target beach associated with sand placement, particularly from April through June, would temporarily disrupt migrating adults from foraging or roosting in the area, will therefore cause expenditure of energy to seek quieter locations, and will temporarily reduce surf zone prey preferred by the species (coquina clams, mole crabs, marine worms, and horseshoe crab eggs). Stress and the bioenergetics impact on shorebirds from such project disturbance are very difficult to measure, although this species already suffers from asynchronies in migration timing and food supply. These direct effects may negatively affect their ability to gain enough weight to arrive at the next stop over in an optimal condition, which may affect their ability to successfully nest, breed, and rear young, or complete their migration. However, these effects are difficult to measure, meaningfully quantify, or evaluate. Current NPS management practices will help minimize the likelihood of prolonged disturbance to the rufa red knot and there are abundant higher quality roosting and foraging habitats north and south of the project area. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 139 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina In addition, compared to species which nest on North Carolina beaches, individual migrating birds do not remain very long in the vicinity and will either move to adjacent areas undisturbed by nourishment activities, or continue their migration. Also, the foraging habitat for this species is very marginal in the project area due to the high energy conditions and eroding beach face. One beneficial direct long-term effect for this species would include a wider beach with the potential for increased habitat suitable for roosting and for foraging after a recovery period for the benthic organisms. While burial of many benthic surf zone prey of the red knot will occur during the sand placement, an indirect effect on the prey population could include potential reduction on subsequent visits the following season or year which could affect the ability of the red knot to refuel with enough reserves to complete their annual life- cycle in optimum condition, or at least in the condition they might have been without the Proposed Action. This effect would also be difficult to meaningfully quantify or evaluate in regards to this project. However, as shore protection project studies in different locations and settings have demonstrated, compatible sediments placed on the target beach in a configuration appropriate to the geomorphology result in a short-term impact to the infauna of the surf zone and viable communities are present within the first year; recolonization begins to occur rapidly depending on species. Studies have shown that depending on species, recolonization of beach benthos can begin as soon as two to 6.5 months if borrow sediments are similar in grain size to the target beach as is the case for the proposed Avon project (USACE-Burlas et al. 2001). The benthic organisms which thrive in the harsh dynamics of the surf zone are well adapted to perturbation and wide fluctuations of wave energy, suspended sediments, transported sediments, and other disruptions from coastal storms which can sometimes last over several days - conditions not dissimilar to sand placement activities of the Proposed Action (Deaton et al. 2010; NCDEQ 2016). Infauna in these disturbed environments are well adapted by being small bodied, short lived, with a maximum rate of fecundity, efficient dispersal mechanisms, dense settlement, and rapid growth rates. However, it is recognized that tube dwellers and permanent burrow dwellers are most susceptible to these types of disturbances compared to more mobile organisms. Cumulative Effects on Red Knot. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0) and Cumulative Effects on Piping Plover above as the same activities have the potential to affect resting or foraging red knots that may be migrating through the Proposed Action Area and beyond during the spring and early fall. Most of the precipitous decline of the red knot is tied to (1) climate change which is likely to continue to affect asynchrony with food supplies as the birds migrate south too soon from the Arctic and (2) the commercial horseshoe crab harvest in Delaware Bay which has severely depleted a preferred food source during their migration. While horseshoe crab harvests have been managed since 2012 with conservation of the red knot in mind, the horseshoe crab populations in Delaware Bay have not yet rebounded; data from a 2016 study (Smith et al.) show the Delaware Bay population of horseshoe crab to be stable and to have grown in the Southeast. Preferred red knot prey in Virginia during spring migration was determined to be blue mussels on peat banks (despite the availability and abundance of other prey); blue mussels have been shown to migrate north in response to climate changes and shifts may occur more rapidly than the red knot can adapt to and result is spatial and temporal mismatches (Heller 2020). Any such mismatches of other benthic prey would adversely affect red knot's ability to refuel during spring migration. Cumulative impact from persistent stress can be inferred when a population declines. More specifically, when combined with other stressors such as repeated flushing while foraging or from sheltered areas during CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 140 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina inclement weather, such impacts can have a cumulative negative impact on fecundity and overwinter survival (Byrne et al. 2009). Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to the rufa red knot from such actions. Determination on Red Knot. Effects are considered insignificant or discountable; therefore, the Proposed Action may affect but is not likely to adversely affect the red knot. 10.4 Sea Turtles For sea turtles occurring in the Atlantic Ocean, the applicant presumes to operate under the 2020 SARBO which found physical injury or other take by mechanical (cutterhead) dredging of green, loggerhead, hawksbill, leatherback, and/or Kemp's ridley sea turtles to be "extremely unlikely" while hopper dredging was determined likely to adversely affect these species. Sand placement activities described in the 2020 SARBO were deemed temporary and insignificant to these sea turtles due to the included PDCs. The applicant acknowledges the needs for compliance with all current recommendations and PDCs of the 2020 SARBO as well as future revisions to the SARBO should they occur during the timeframe of the project. Direct and Indirect Effects Common to Sea Turtles. Non-breeding sea turtles of all five species with potential to be affected can be found in the nearshore waters in the Proposed Action Area during much of the year and may be disturbed by increased turbidity or disrupted while swimming during dredging activities (NPS 2013b). During sand placement activities, the primary direct effects on sea turtles which may nest on the beach include disturbance during nesting and the potential for escarpments and compaction of beach sand. Large escarpments can impede access to nesting areas, increase the number of false crawls, or cause a turtle to lay eggs in a location subject to overwash (Byrd 2004). Sand compaction can affect digging behavior and result in false crawls, can affect incubation temperature which in turn affects sex ratios, and can affect gas exchange parameters within incubating nests (Mann 1977, Ackerman 1980, Mortimer 1982b, Raymond 1984). Other effects from construction activities would be noise, construction lighting, and the potential for a nest to be crushed if missed by the NPS regular patrols. Noise criteria for sea turtles as well as other species have been somewhat formalized between NMFS and the US Navy. To replace regulatory uncertainty with scientific facts, NOAA convened a panel in 2004 to develop noise exposure criteria for fishes and sea turtles. When NOAA’s support ended in 2006, a Working Group was established to determine broadly applicable sound exposure guidelines for fishes and sea turtles under the support of ANSI-Accredited Standards Committee S3/SC 1, Animal Bioacoustics, which is supported by the Acoustical Society of America. Few data are available on the hearing abilities of sea turtles, their uses of sounds, or their vulnerabilities (Popper et al. 2014), although Level A (205 dB re 1µPa2·sec) and Level B (182 dB re 1µPa2·sec) criteria for sea turtle harassment have been considered by NMFS and the US Navy for explosions associated with certain ordnance disposal training operations, and interim criteria have been developed by NMFS for pile driving. While some researchers have suggested that marine mammals should be used as the analog for sea turtle responses to noise, the view of the Working Group was that fishes are more appropriate due to dissimilar functions of the marine mammal cochlea and the basilar papilla in the ear of sea turtles (Popper et al. 2014). Broadband sounds of many frequencies are generated from dredge activities and are non-impulsive and intermittent. Figure 10.1 displays hearing frequency ranges for some marine species, including sea turtles, and the main energy frequencies for some anthropogenic sources (after Figure 3 in McQueen, Suedel, and Wilkins 2019). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 141 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 10.1. Hearing frequency ranges of selected fish and mammal species and main energy frequencies reported for anthropogenic and ambient sources (from Figure 3 McQueen et al 2019, after Suedel et al. 2018) For turtle activities on shore, much research links decreased sea turtle nesting in areas with human activity, disruptions to hatchling ability to orient, caused by high light levels, and increased hatchling predation compared to natural beaches (Witherington 1992, Kikukawa et al. 1999, and Martin 2000) Although nest relocations in the project area already occur somewhat regularly due to the narrow eroding beach, relocations as a result of the project construction would be another direct effect. During the 2017 nesting season and previous Buxton beach restoration project, one sea turtle nest was laid in an active work zone on a night when the dredge was not in operation. A total of 15 sea turtle nests were laid within the 2017 nourishment area and all were relocated. These relocations comprised 20.8 percent of the 72 relocated nests in 2017 (Doshkov et al 2018). In 2018, there was no nourishment activity and a total of 61 nests were relocated (Thompson et al 2019). Dredging itself, the noise associated with dredging and piping, and the concomitant increased turbidity in the waters of the proposed borrow area, could also present adverse effects to sea turtles. While monitoring requirements and procedures prior to and during dredging make it unlikely, potential entrainment of a turtle by the dredge operation could also be a direct effect. As part of the standard management practices, NPS personnel conduct daily patrols from 1 May to 15 September in most years but the end date can extend through September when conditions favor late nesting. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 142 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Ordinarily, they are charged to relocate only those nests directly threatened with loss from erosion, nests laid below the high tide line and subject to frequent inundation, and nests with broken eggs from predation or ORV contact. Over the period of 2012 – 2014 within all of Hatteras District (Ramp 30 to Hatteras Spit), the relocation rate is slightly higher in Hatteras South-from Cape Point to Hatteras Inlet (24.9 percent average) than from Hatteras North-from Cape Point to Ramp 30 (16.8 percent). But it is impossible to predict how many nests would be moved in any given year in the future if the project were not to occur. Conclusions reached on the success of the Seashore's beach management plan with the needs for management of nesting sea turtle concluded that the current criteria for nest relocation and frequency of relocation matched the Seashore's goal for such activity and the nest management program is likely sufficient (Walters et al 2020). However, per project specific informal guidance from USFWS/NCWRC on 29 July 2015, any turtle nest found within the project area will be relocated as soon as possible after discovery by USFWS and NCWRC-approved personnel. The relocations would follow all current USFWS/NPS/NCWRC guidelines and protocols should they be different than what was provided in 2015. Within the entire Seashore for the past nine years (2011-2019), the average percent of relocated nests is 26.7. Over that same period, except for one year, mean hatch success, mean emergence success, and overall nest success has been higher in the relocated nests than in the in situ nests; the exception was 2017 when mean hatch success and mean emergence success was less in the relocated nests (Table 10.1). From 2010 to 2019, the number of sea turtle nests laid within the project area ranged from 4 in 2014 to 43 in 2019. As described elsewhere, lack of safe harbors in the Proposed Action Area results in preference for a summer dredging window. Therefore, this project poses a higher threat to sea turtles because the sand placement is proposed to occur during two months of the nesting season which runs from May through September. Existing NPS management activities will continue to occur in addition to daily turtle patrols during construction to limit and minimize adverse effects to these species. The project also may have indirect effects on sea turtle nesting habitat which could include changes in beach morphology or sediment characteristics. Changes in beach morphology could result in less preferred nest sites and changes in sand characteristics (higher mineral content or color change) can cause a temperature change in the nest which is known to affect the sex ratios of hatchlings. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 143 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 10.1. Sea turtle nest relocation compared to in situ success in the Seashore 2011-2019 (compiled from Cape Hatteras National Seashore annual sea turtle monitoring reports available online and Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers. comm. 4 November 2020). Year Percent relocated nests Nest Type Mean hatch success Mean emergence success Nest success In situ 58.6 49.1 64.2 Relocated 66.6 55 75.3 In situ 53.7 47.9 68.2 Relocated 66.8 56.2 80.3 In situ 61.1 54.3 67.2 Relocated 59.2 51.1 69.4 In situ 59.3 52.3 68.2 Relocated 70.5 58.3 89.4 In situ 55.4 47.4 63 Relocated 62.7 55.1 73.2 In situ 48 44 57 Relocated 58.9 47 60.6 In situ 63.7 55 72 Relocated 68.3 59.6 89.2 In situ 78 73.1 88.6 Relocated 80.96 74.46 98.1 In situ --- Relocated --- In situ 59.7 52.9 68.6 Relocated 66.7 57.1 79.4 *one nest was laid within the active work zone on a night when dredge was not in operation. Of the 72 relocated nests, 15 were laid in the sand placement area (20.8%) **2011 report did not contain summary data in this format Average 26.7 25.9 26.6 26 24.3 Selected Sea Turtle Nest Data from Cape Hatteras Annual Monitoring Reports 2011-2019 2014 2013 2012 2011** 2019 2018 2017* 2016 2015 36.7 28.8 26.1 19.3 27 Suitable sand size and color and measures to avoid disturbance of sea turtles during dredging and sand placement will help minimize effects. One beneficial direct effect for this species would include the potential for increased habitat suitable for nesting due to the wider beach. Although ORV access and authorized ORV calendar use of ORV areas are strictly managed by NPS practices and regulations, known turtle nests are protected with buffers, and incubating nests and hatchlings are monitored and protected, a wider beach may also promote increased use of the beach by ORVs, as well as pedestrians. Under this scenario, the potential that a turtle is disrupted from nesting or that a nest or hatchling is disturbed also increase. The project action may temporarily adversely affect turtles during the short term of construction although it is likely to have a longer term beneficial effect post-construction as potential turtle nesting habitat is likely to expand from a wider beach. Addition of appropriate sand from the proposed borrow area similar in color and CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 144 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina grain size is expected. The addition of sand in the nearshore environment replaces sand lost as a result of natural processes in this eroding beach, which will reduce this beach’s susceptibility to a breach in the near future, enhance its resilience, and help sustain its biological integrity. While construction of a wider beach in more developed coastal regions of North Carolina may cause an increase in summer rentals with a concomitant increase in night lighting, the majority of this project occurs in the National Seashore where further development and increased lighting will not occur. The portion of the project area adjacent to existing sandbagged structures in Buxton Village (where the beach is currently so narrow that a turtle is unlikely to select it for a nest and if one was laid it would have to be relocated) will also be wider; a wider beach front may spur an increase in rental use of these particular structures and therefore an increase in nighttime lights and nighttime pedestrians. Differences in Direct and Indirect Effects among Sea Turtles. The difference between the potential effects on these five sea turtle species is based on the extent to which the species is likely to be present during the proposed activity. Species presence and potential effects are closely related to nesting, with the leatherback, Kemp’s ridley and green sea turtles being infrequent nesters, while the hawksbill never nests in North Carolina. Of the five sea turtles, the loggerhead is the species most likely to be affected by the Proposed Action. 10.4.1 Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle Of the sea turtles that commonly or occasionally nest in North Carolina, the Kemp’s ridley is the rarest and is least likely to nest on eroding or steep beaches, characteristics of the proposed beach at Buxton. Kemp’s ridley is primarily a tropical to subtropical nesting species; however, preliminary data from 2000 through 2020 documented 37 nests in North Carolina with 36 of them since 2010 with 14 of those in the Seashore (www.seaturtle.org through 18 November 2020) a clear indication of increased use of NC beaches. The National Seashore documented its first Kemp’s ridley nest in 2011 (this nest was not in the previous action area (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Randy Swilling, Natural Resource Program Manager, pers. comm., 10 April 2015); information about the location of the other 13 relative to the Proposed Action Area was not available at the time of document preparation. As the use of North Carolina beaches by this species seems to be on the increase, the potential exists for it to come ashore in the Proposed Action Area or to be in the waters in the vicinity of the dredge and pipeline. 10.4.2 Leatherback Sea Turtle The leatherback is also a rare nester in North Carolina and especially rare in the northern part of North Carolina; from 2000 to 2020 preliminary NCWRC data documented 37 nests (www.seaturtle.org). Nine nests have been documented in North Carolina since 2010, one of which was in the Seashore in 2012, but no nests were documented in the state for the past two years. Although loggerhead, green, and Kemp’s ridley sea turtles are commonly found in beach strandings in the National Seashore, leatherbacks strand more rarely and only nine were documented from 2010-2020 on Hatteras Island (www.seaturtle.org; preliminary data). No leatherback nests were documented in the previous Buxton action area (Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Randy Swilling, Natural Resource Program Manager, pers. comm., 10 April 2015); according to the NRWC preliminary data, this statement remains true since neither of the only other nests documented after 2015 (two in 2018) were located in the Seashore. This species is less likely to be impacted by either dredge or sand placement activities than loggerheads or green sea turtles. Per project specific USFWS/NCWRC guidance, nest surveys for leatherback may be required to begin 15 April since this species may nest earlier than May. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 145 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 10.4.3 Green Sea Turtle The green sea turtle is essentially a tropical species and does not generally breed in temperate zones, but it does occasionally nest on North Carolina beaches, and occurs in North Carolina waters during the warmer months where it feeds on sea grass in the sounds. Preliminary NCWRC data indicate that from 2000 to 2020, 456 green sea turtle nests were documented in North Carolina, 332 of that total were found since 2010 (www.seaturtle.org). Over those same years, 164 nests were located in the Seashore, 123 of those since 2010. A somewhat regular nester in the Seashore with an upward trend over the last decade, individual green sea turtles may be impacted in the water during dredging or on the beach during sand placement activity. 10.4.4 Loggerhead Sea Turtle The loggerhead sea turtle is well adapted to the highly dynamic environment of the Outer Banks and is the most common marine turtle nesting in North Carolina; the average number of nests per year reported in Godfrey (2013) was around 750 while preliminary NCWRC data indicate that from 2000-2020 the average was 941 (www.seaturtle.org). Since 2000, 19,754 loggerhead nests were documented in North Carolina with 10,744 of them in the National Seashore; since 2010 the state total was 13,052 of which 4,042 were in the Seashore (www.seaturtle.org). Within the action area from 2010-2019, mostly loggerhead nests have been documented (Outer Banks Group, Leslie Frattaroli, Acting GIS Specialist, pers. comm., 27–28 October, 29 December 2014 and Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Paul Doshkov, Supervisory Biological Technician, pers comm.5 November 2020). While tagging data have been used most extensively to predict population numbers for marine sea turtles, satellite telemetry of a southwest Florida loggerhead rookery improved measurements of site fidelity (philopatry) and revealed a need to recalculate fecundity estimates (Tucker 2009). If clutch frequency numbers are representative of the Western Atlantic population of this species, then confidence bounds on the estimated breeding stock could be underestimated by as much as 32 percent (Tucker 2009). The Proposed Action is most likely to impact the loggerhead sea turtle, the most common sea turtle to nest in North Carolina, with either dredge or sand placement activity. 10.4.5 Hawksbill Sea Turtle From 2008 to 2020 (as of 7 October), there is no record of a stranding of a hawksbill (www.seaturtle.org) while the first two nests were documented in North Carolina in 2015 (Finn et al 2016). While it is possible one could occur in North Carolina waters, due to its rarity of occurrence in North Carolina among sea turtle species with the potential to occur, hawksbill individuals are the least likely to be encountered. Cumulative Effects Common to Sea Turtles. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). Climate change directly affects the reproduction of sea turtles in three ways: (1) sea level rise may affect significant nesting beach areas on low-level sand beaches, (2) higher temperatures increase the chance that sand temperature will exceed the upper limit for egg incubation which is 34°C, and (3) higher temperatures bias the sex ratio toward females because incubation temperature determines the sex of the egg. Loggerhead turtle nests in Florida are already producing 90 percent females owing to high temperatures, and if warming raises temperatures by an additional 1°C or more, no males will be produced there. Adult feeding patterns are also affected by climate change. Sea grass beds are in decline, water temperature is higher on intertidal sea grass flats, and coral reefs, typically feeding grounds for green turtles, are affected by bleaching. Sea turtles have existed for more than 100 million years and have survived ice ages, sea level CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 146 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina fluctuations of more than 100 meters and major changes to the continents and the seas. As a result, they may be able to respond to unfavorable nesting temperatures or inundation of beaches as they have in the past, by seeking out new nesting sites or modifying the seasonality of nesting. However, changes in the climate may not proceed in a linear fashion and may cross thresholds of stability in ways that are unpredictable and that lead to rapid and abrupt and potential irreversible changes in temperature or other abiotic factors. Such rapid or abrupt changes may challenge the historic resilience of sea turtles to adapt. Even if the pace of change is not rapid or abrupt, it may still take decades or centuries for sea turtles to re-establish and stabilize their habitats, and steadily encroaching human development of coastal areas makes the availability of new habitat for them very limited. Without rapid or abrupt changes in coastal storm patterns or intensity, coastal development will continue to increase which would increase the number of buildings and roads which are lighted at night which may adversely affect nesting and hatching sea turtles. With more development come more residents and tourists which increase recreational use of the beach in the Proposed Action Area and beyond. Increased use of the beach by both beach-goers and their pets may contribute to increased disturbance of nesting sea turtles and turtle hatchlings in the area. More people bring more trash/garbage and associated scavengers which may rob sea turtle nests. Despite expected increased development in other parts of the Outer Banks, the miles of the Seashore will remain undeveloped and mostly unlit and the village of Buxton will not be able to expand to its north or south due to the Seashore boundary. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to sea turtles from such actions. Determination on Sea Turtles. Minimization measures followed by the National Park Service (all nests will be relocated prior to construction) and adherence by the dredge contractor to the required 2020 SARBO PDCs during the project would minimize the likelihood of lethal take on the beach and in nearshore waters; however, there is a likelihood that an incidental take could occur (especially for the loggerhead). The 2020 SARBO final NMFS determination for four of the five sea turtles addressed in this document was Likely to Adversely Affect while a Not Likely to Adversely Affect determination was included for the hawksbill. The USACE would initiate formal Section 7 consultation with USFWS for nesting sea turtles and the 2020 SARBO from NMFS is expected to be utilized for any sea turtle take which may occur in nearshore waters. The National Park Service would issue a Special Use Permit subject to issuance of a USACE permit for the project. 10.5 Marine Mammals 10.5.1 Whales Direct and Indirect Effects Common among Whales. Noise generated as part of the dredge and pipeline operations would be one direct effect experienced among any whale in the vicinity of the operation within range of its hearing. Short impulsive sounds and nearby high frequency sounds have been documented to be disruptive to many species of marine life including whales, other aquatic mammals, and fishes. However, aside from the occasional normal activity which may create a punctuation noise event at higher or louder frequency such as transit maneuvers or cavitations, most of the noise generated during the dredge and pipeline activity would be continuous and low range. A trailing suction hopper dredge operation is purported to emit sound levels at frequencies below 500 Hz, a level generally parallel to that of a cargo ship traveling at moderate speed [Robinson et al. 2011 (per CEDA Position Paper 7 November 2011) Reine et al. 2014]. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 147 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina As stated by Reine et al. (2014), using the current NMFS threshold, peak source levels did not exceed Level A Criterion (180dB re 1µPa rms) for injury/mortality to marine mammals during any aspect of the dredging operations in the study. However, in this Reine study, noise levels exceeded 120dB, Level B Criterion for harassment, and were measured at this level out to 1.3 miles from the source. While it is acknowledged that smaller support vessels and the pipeline emit higher frequency noise than the dredge and that pipeline noise also increases with size of the aggregate in the pipe, the sand size in the proposed borrow area will not be large; in addition, higher frequency sound attenuates faster than low frequency. For the dredges in the Reine et al. (2014) study, attenuation distances for noise levels associated with eight different dredge operations among three different dredges ranged from <0.7 mile to 1.7 miles. In August of 2016, NOAA NMFS released its advisory acoustic guidance on effects of human activities on marine mammal hearing and followed in September with its Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap to better guide the agency for the next 10 years to minimize acute, chronic, and cumulative effects of noise on marine species and their habitat. Efforts included robust and cooperative cetacean and sound mapping efforts, management, and outreach. In response to Presidential Executive Order 13795 in 2017, the technical guidance was reviewed and deemed scientifically based and remained unchanged in the 2018 update although efforts to clarify and improve implementation of the guidance were added (NOAA/NMFS 2018). In 2020, NOAA posted two new tools for users to assess noise effects generated from their project based on the type of equipment/activity and potential cetaceans present; tools which were designed to assist with implementation of the guidance (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-acoustic-technical- guidance). More can be found about NOAA’s 10-year plan and Ocean Noise Strategy at this website: https://cetsound.noaa.gov/ons. However, the 2016/2018 advisory acoustic thresholds apply to a single source and may not be appropriate for multiple sources or for animal exposures over various temporal and spatial scales and the thresholds and guidance serve as one tool among others to evaluate effects. Nevertheless, while research has increased in the last decade on the biological effects of marine noise and more is known about types of noise to which some types of cetacean are most susceptible, not enough is known to be able to confidently state a degree of injury with a particular degree of noise for a particular species, especially not on an individual basis. Therefore, an individual whale in close proximity to the dredge operation could experience a temporary hearing loss if exposed for long enough, but this is not thought likely as the whale could move away from the noise source; this noise avoidance could be considered harassment if the noise level exceeded 120 dB. Noise avoidance could affect foraging behavior which could lead to reduced productivity if there were prey in the vicinity of the noise that did not also avoid the noise source. Noises could interfere with communication between whales in the vicinity. There would be an increased risk of collision with a project-associated vessel. Nourishment and renourishment projects targeted for segments of the North Carolina coast that include offshore dredging may pose the potential for indirect effects. Previously, based on limited photographs taken by observers on vessels and occasionally from airplanes, it was thought that the larger whales did not entangle as frequently with fishing gear as the smaller marine mammals. However, analysis of recent photographs collected by drones in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence showed that as much as 60 percent of the blue whales and 50 percent of the fin whales showed evidence of entanglement with nets at some point in their lives; for the North Atlantic right whales it was also 60 percent while humpbacks were 80 percent (Ramp et al. 2021). As required for previous similar operations/projects, under the 2020 SARBO, the PDCs for protected species observers will require trained on board marine mammal observers to greatly reduce the potential for collision CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 148 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina or other direct interaction with any whales in the area. In addition, if disturbed by the noise associated with the dredge operation, any whale is likely to avoid the project vicinity. Differences in Direct and Indirect Effects among Whales. As the whale most often recorded in ship strikes and collisions, the fin whale is more susceptible to activities which result in an increase in ocean vessel traffic, addition of a new commercially targeted fishery, or changes in methods or popularity of an existing fishery. None of these effects are expected as a result of the Proposed Action. As the most popular whale species targeted for human observation, humpback whales are more susceptible to potential harassment from whale watchers in both their winter and summer congregation areas. Although more humpbacks have stranded in Dare County than other species of whales, humpbacks generally are further offshore and migrate through in the fall and spring so the whale-watching industry is not as popular or as sophisticated in North Carolina as it is in places like the Gulf of Maine or Baja California. Potential harassment of humpback whales is not likely to increase as a result of the Proposed Action. As the whale most likely to utilize the shallower waters within the Proposed Action Area, especially during spring migration, the North Atlantic right whale is the species with the highest likelihood of being in the vicinity of the dredge activity. One of the rarest and most critically endangered of whale, the species is also a somewhat regular fall and winter visitor to North Carolina waters. Cumulative Effects Common among Whales. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). In response to a rise in sea surface temperatures from climate change, recent research has shown that over a 27-year period, fin and humpback whales have adapted their arrival to feeding grounds in the Gulf of St. Lawrence by one day later each year. During the period of the study researchers were surprised to find that, despite following separate migration routes, the two species synchronized their arrival times each year to avoid competing with each other for food (Ramp et al. 2015). As whales have adapted to many other changes in climate in the historic record, this study gives hope that these animals will continue to adapt to the current challenges of climate change, but their response would be affected by the rate of change and how adaptable their food source is to the same challenges. Climate change effects on the North Atlantic right whale is tied to a tiny crustacean, Calanus finmarchicus, a key food source. Without dense patches of this zooplankton, female whales are unable to bulk up to prepare for calving, carry a pregnancy to term or produce enough milk. When the concentration of zooplankton is too low, right whales do not feed; such highly concentrated patches often occur where currents converge or at the boundary of water of different densities. Changes of seawater temperature, winds and water currents can affect patch formation of zooplankton (New England Aquarium website www.neaq.org). On 25 September 2020, President Trump issued a Memorandum to the Secretary of the Interior that added certain areas off the coasts of North Carolina and Virginia into the previous moratorium against offshore drilling for oil and gas leasing, exploration, or production and extended that moratorium to 2032. The coasts of the Gulf of Mexico, Georgia, and South Carolina were included in the original moratorium issued a month earlier. While the moratorium may reduce the potential cetacean impacts from noise and other related activities of this industry and is therefore hopeful from a biological resource protection point of view, the political life of such a moratorium is speculative. Cumulative effects to the fin, humpback, and North Atlantic right whales would include the continuation of current threats such as ensnarement in commercial fishing gear, overfishing of prey species for human or animal food sources, and habitat degradation. Noise generated as a result of LaMont-Doherty Earth Observatory’s month-long 2014 air gun survey off North Carolina to study the earth’s crust may have been disruptive to whales moving through the area. A recent CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 149 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina study modeled over 8,000 hours of cetacean survey data across a large marine ecosystem (> 308,000 mi2) to investigate the effect of seismic surveys on baleen and toothed whales and found significant effect of seismic activity across multiple species and habitats compared to control surveys (88% decrease in sightings of baleen whales and 53% decrease in sightings of toothed whales) (Kavanagh et al 2019). When added to the noise generated by any previous larger scale seismic testing/surveys in ocean waters from Delaware to Florida as part of oil/gas exploration activities proposed in 2015 and supported in 2017 by the Trump administration until the recent moratorium mentioned above and by pile-driving associated with construction of offshore wind turbine clusters on the western Atlantic continental shelf, noise may be cumulatively detrimental even if it does not cause measureable injury. Once constructed, offshore oil/gas platforms and wind turbines will require vessels to supply operation and/or maintenance personnel and equipment which will increase noise from vessel traffic, facility operations, and will increase potential for ship collisions. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to whales from such actions. Determination on Whales. Under the 2020 SARBO, No Effect determinations by the USACE/BOEM were included for blue, fin, sei, and sperm whales when all pertinent PDCs are followed by all participants of any proposed project covered under the 2020 SARBO; however, a determination of Not Likely to Adversely Affect was also included for the North Atlantic right whale. The NMFS final determination in the 2020 SARBO for each of the five whales was Not Likely to Adversely Affect (2020 SARBO, Table 8, pg 91). Pertinent 2020 SARBO North Atlantic right whale PDCs (e.g. vessel speed reductions if sighted within 38 nautical miles) will be followed and since the applicant's preferred construction window is summer, the Proposed Action will align with the NMFS determination of Not Likely to Adversely Affect the North Atlantic right whale. While humpback whales are unlikely to be in shallow waters of the Proposed Action, but potentially could be, and the species was not included in the SARBO, the Proposed Action may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the humpback whale. 10.5.2 West Indian Manatee Direct and Indirect Effects on West Indian Manatee. Although a very rare summer visitor in inland waters north of Cape Hatteras and also seldom in the NC ocean waters north of Carteret County, the West Indian manatee might be found in the vicinity of, or between, Hatteras or Oregon inlet in the summer to access its preferred shallow vegetated back barrier habitats away from more saline ocean waters. Noise effects on manatee may be similar to those experienced by whales (see above text) although perhaps a manatee would not perceive the noise from as far away as a whale may or levels may differ slightly as the manatee is neither a pinniped nor is it depicted among the species shown in Figure 9.1. In quieter waters of canals and rivers manatees are known to avoid boats when they can escape to nearby deeper water; boat collisions are a primary source of injury and death to manatees. Along with their own results, Gaspard et al. (2015) cite other research that confirms manatees have relatively high frequency hearing and the ability to localize sound sources from boats (fast or slow moving) as long as the background noise did not exceed their broad hearing range. Hopper dredge noise from propeller cavitation, draghead vacuuming, and submerged slurry pipeline noise, was shown to interfere with manatees' ability to detect boat noise in a river (Gerstein et al. 2006) while McQueen et al. (2019) indicated a modeled masking zone distance from dredging noise of 1,680 to 13,438 feet for manatee. Cumulative Effects on West Indian Manatee. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). Summer dredge work associated with Oregon Inlet could also possibly disturb West Indian manatee, although it is a very rare visitor CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 150 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina to the ocean side of NC inlets. Increased development of the Outer Banks increases the likelihood of more boats in the sounds which may collide with the rare manatee summer visitor, while an increase in temperatures of summer waters in North Carolina due to climate change could attract more manatee visitors in the future and increase the opportunity for and likelihood of human interactions. However, as winter populations may be negatively affected by the future closure of coal plants and the warm water outfall congregations of manatees and climate change may foster more frequent winter temperature anomalies, there may be less pressure for the males (typically) to wander further north in the summer. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to West Indian manatee from such actions. Determination on West Indian Manatee. Although its appearance in North Carolina near Cape Hatteras is rare and there is little to no summer preferred habitat in the project area, a summer visitor could be in vicinity of the dredge operations; effects are considered insignificant and discountable so the Proposed Action may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the West Indian manatee. 10.6 Fishes 10.6.1 Atlantic Sturgeon Direct and Indirect Effects on Atlantic Sturgeon. Atlantic sturgeon have been documented in the nearshore marine waters in the vicinity of the Proposed Action Area so the potential exists that one could be foraging or migrating in the waters during the dredge and pipeline activity or during the placement of sediments on the target beach. Their presence is possible throughout the year, so a summer dredge window does not necessarily increase the potential for effect; in fact, results from a recent acoustic study conducted by the Atlantic Cooperative Telemetry Network from February 2012 – May 2014 off of Cape Hatteras indicated numbers are highest in November and March (referenced in CBI 2015). Direct effects could include noise, turbidity, temporary interruption of access to food sources, accidental collision with hopper dredge or support vessels, and potential loss of foraging habitat due to potential changes in prey species habitat as a result of the dredge activity. However, the average incidental take of Atlantic sturgeon during all USACE- authorized dredging projects on the southeast Atlantic coast since 1995 is 0.7/year, and most of those incidental takes associated with dredging occur in inlets or harbors, not offshore (David Bauman, Regional Environmental Specialist, USACE Southeast Division HQ, pers. comm., 4 September 2015). In US Gulf and Atlantic sandy borrow areas studied within BOEM jurisdiction, general faunal recovery (total abundance and biomass) has been shown to vary from 3 months to 2.5 years; however, paucity of long term studies suggest that diversity and dominants composition may take 3.5 years (Michel et al. 2013). No infilling fines in the borrow area and accurate placement of properly sized sediment at Nags Head Beach in 2011 allowed a full suite of species similar to the native beach and offshore zone to recolonize the impact areas within one season and by the second year taxa richness and abundances were similar to controls (CZR 2014). Indirect effects to Atlantic sturgeon as a result of the project may include changes in the marine nearshore bottom habitats as a result of changes in bathymetry in the proposed borrow area shoal. If those changes in bathymetry occur, the suite of potential prey species might also be altered. However, these effects are not likely due to construction procedures designed to minimize such changes. Cumulative Effects on Atlantic Sturgeon. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). Like other species, climate change has the potential to affect the Atlantic sturgeon with changes in temperature of the rivers and oceans CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 151 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina or seasonality of these changes. The variations in conditions may affect prey species or timing of sturgeon movements from the ocean into freshwaters. Dams in place in spawning rivers will continue to block the migration of Atlantic sturgeon into their native rivers; although there are efforts to remove some dams or improve the migration pathway by construction of rock ramps at some dams. These rock ramps are considered beneficial. Cumulative effects would also include continued commercial fisheries that use bottom disturbing fishing gear in particular and accidental by catch of all types of commercial fisheries. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to the Atlantic sturgeon from such actions. Determination on Atlantic Sturgeon. Research has shown that the Atlantic sturgeon may be in the Proposed Action Area in higher concentrations during November and March and primarily in proximity to inlets. Although the nearest inlet is ~12 miles from the project area, the dredge activities may result in an incidental take since there is much uncertainty about the habits of the species. The 2020 SARBO has no seasonal window restrictions for sturgeon and includes a Likely to Adversely Affect determination for the Atlantic sturgeon. The pertinent sturgeon 2020 SARBO PDCs will be followed during all proposed activities to minimize potential effects, but as determined by the 2020 SARBO, the Proposed Action is likely to adversely affect Atlantic sturgeon. 10.6.2 Shortnose Sturgeon Direct and Indirect Effects on Shortnose Sturgeon. As this species is rarely documented within the aquatic marine habitats of the Proposed Action Area there are no direct effects expected. They are sometimes documented in nearshore marine areas close to inlets but the closest inlet is 12 miles away. There is a remote chance that a shortnose sturgeon on its way between inlets and its estuarine and riverine habitats would be in the area and potentially disturbed by dredging activities but this effect is unlikely. An indirect effect would include a short-term decline in the amount and quality of benthic foraging habitat in the borrow area but this effect is considered insignificant in light of the scale of available nearby similar foraging habitat. Cumulative Effects on Shortnose Sturgeon. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0) and Cumulative Effects for Atlantic Sturgeon which would also be considered similar for shortnose sturgeon. However, climate change effects may affect the shortnose in different ways since more of its life is spent in the shallower waters of rivers, river mouths, and estuaries. These bodies of water may respond to changes in precipitation or temperature more quickly, or with more frequent variation, than the ocean with uncertain effects to the species which use those habitats, including the shortnose sturgeon. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to shortnose sturgeon from such actions. Determination on Shortnose Sturgeon. The 2020 SARBO includes a Likely to Adversely Affect determination for the shortnose sturgeon largely due to the riverine and inlet dredging activities of many of the USACE projects covered by the 2020 SARBO. This proposed Avon nourishment project is not located either in proximity to a river or a nearby inlet and the species is very rare in the project area. Therefore, the Proposed Action is not likely to adversely affect the shortnose sturgeon. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 152 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 10.6.3 Giant Manta Ray Direct and Indirect Effects on Giant Manta Ray. Never documented within the nearshore marine aquatic habitats of the Proposed Action Area or project area and almost never documented in North Carolina north of Cape Hatteras, there is the remote possibility that giant manta ray could be in the vicinity of the dredge operation. However, direct and indirect effects are not likely. Cumulative Effects on Giant Manta Ray. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). All of its habits and behaviors are not completely understood so additional threats may exist from activities not yet described. It is likely that many of the existing threats from overutilization and bycatch, vessel strikes, entanglement, and habitat degradation will continue despite its protected status. Its low fecundity and apparent habitat fidelity make it particularly vulnerable to climate change factors which could be disruptive to past patterns of prey which are driven by variations in currents and temperatures. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to giant manta ray from such actions. Determination on Giant Manta Ray. The NMFS determined a Likely to Adversely Affect while the USACE determined a Likely to Adversely Affect for hopper dredging and relocation trawling in the 2020 SARBO, but a Not Likely to Adversely Affect for other activities covered by the SARBO. The 2020 SARBO covers a vast geography that includes known congregation areas of the giant manta ray and offshore dredge locations beyond state waters and in tropical inlets and estuaries the giant manta ray may frequent. However, the likelihood of this species in the Proposed Action Area is very remote as it is considered generally rare north of Cape Hatteras. A large portion of existing data are observational and incidental (usually tied to other types of surveys), often lumped as "manta ray", aerial data may overlap which leads to potential double counts, and rays are notoriously prone to misidentification, especially north of Cape Hatteras and without photographs to corroborate (NMFS 2019 CFR 84 No. 234). Therefore, the proposed Action is not likely to adversely affect giant manta ray. 10.7 Plants 10.7.1 Seabeach Amaranth Direct and Indirect Effects on Seabeach Amaranth. As this species has not been documented within Proposed Action Area and NPS personnel perform annual surveys, no direct effects are expected to any existing populations. The deteriorated condition of the beach and absence of backshore area free of vegetation with a stable dry beach to sustain the species continues to make the project area unsuitable for seabeach amaranth. The project may increase suitable habitat, but no harmful indirect effects are expected. Cumulative Effects on Seabeach Amaranth. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). Increased storm intensity or frequency could have both adverse and beneficial effects on seabeach amaranth. Often colonizing species on somewhat ephemeral habitats like overwash fans, the seabeach amaranth could benefit from increased events of this type provided there was seed available from a nearby population or dormant seeds exposed by the erosion/deposit. Conversely, larger more frequent storms could wash away or bury established populations. Coastal development and encroachment on habitat by increased human recreational use of the dry beach will continue to have adverse effects on seabeach amaranth. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 153 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to seabeach amaranth from such actions. Determination on Seabeach Amaranth. Effects are considered discountable; therefore, the Proposed Action will have no effect on this species. 10.8 Critical Habitat The only species with designated critical habitat in the project area is the loggerhead sea turtle. Recent telemetric tracking of juvenile loggerheads indicate that the life history of sea turtles is likely more complex than previously understood (Mansfield et al. 2009, McClellan & Read 2007). Largely as a result of such tracking, Constricted Migratory Corridor Critical Habitat for the northwest Atlantic Ocean loggerhead turtle Designated Population Segment (DPS) was designated by final rule in July 2014 (Fig 10.2). This habitat is designated primarily because of its high use and constricted narrow width (land to west and Gulf Stream to east). The corridor is used by juvenile and adult loggerheads migrating between nesting, breeding, and foraging areas, and because of such high use and narrowness, is more subject to perturbation. The Carolina DPS critical habitat designation final rule 17 August 2017 includes the Tar-Pamlico River (unit 17 of Carolina DPS) for Atlantic sturgeon; the mouth of the Tar-Pamlico River is approximately 39 miles west of Hatteras Inlet which is the nearest inlet to the project area (16 miles to the southwest on the other side of Diamond Shoals). Dredging and sand placement activities could present obstructions to loggerhead turtles in transit through either the surf zone or the offshore borrow area. But as stated in the final rule (CFR # 15725 on 7.10.2014, Comments on Constricted Migratory Corridors, response to comment 73), “…many of the possible impacts associated with dredging and or disposal activities are not expected to occur, or to occur at a level that would affect or modify the essential features of the critical habitat.” Additional conservation measures to avoid impacts to this designated corridor are not likely beyond those measures that are typical for projects of this type and which would be in place to protect the species itself. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to critical habitat from such actions. Determination on Critical Habitat. Effects are considered insignificant; therefore, no critical habitat for any species will be adversely affected by the Proposed Action. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 154 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 10.2. [UPPER] Critical migratory habitat for the loggerhead sea turtle (in light yellow). [LOWER] Critical migratory habitat designated units for loggerhead sea turtle. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 155 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 11.0 EFFECTS TO EVALUATED SPECIES WITH OTHER FEDERAL AND/OR STATE PROTECTIONS AND DETERMINATIONS 11.1 Marine Mammals The aforementioned Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972, as amended, offers federal protection to marine mammals within the waters of the U.S. The MMPA prohibits marine mammal takes and enacts a moratorium on the import, export, and sale of any marine mammal, along with any marine mammal part or product within the U.S. The Act defines take as the act of hunting, killing, capture, and/or harassment of any marine mammal; or, the attempt at such. The MMPA defines harassment as any act of pursuit, torment or annoyance which has the potential to either: (1) injure a marine mammal in the wild, or (2) disturb a marine mammal by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, which includes, but is not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering. Of the 37 marine mammals with the potential to occur in the Proposed Action Area (see Table 8.1), only four are considered common, uncommon/common, or common/abundant and the biology and distribution of these four were described earlier in this text. Thirteen of the 37 are considered accidental/ casual or accidental/casual to rare, 11 are considered rare, and 10 are considered uncommon or rare/uncommon. Seven of the 37 have federal protection under the ESA and six of those were evaluated in earlier sections of this BA. In the text below, when the term “marine mammal” is used, it does not include the marine mammal species with ESA protection addressed earlier in this BA. Direct and Indirect Effects on Marine Mammals. The common bottlenose dolphin is the most abundant NC visitor among the 17 oceanic dolphins which may occur in NC waters and often will use inlets and river mouths to access estuaries. A breach inlet formed due to continued erosion could have a beneficial effect and provide new access to the sound and other back barrier habitats; duration of the effect would be determined by time to closure or whether it was bridged. Of the four species of marine mammal common or abundant in North Carolina waters, three are found year round (Atlantic spotted dolphin, common bottlenose dolphin, and short-finned pilot whale) and one is found only during the winter or early spring (short-beaked common dolphin). With the exception of the four earless seals, all of which are rare or accidental/casual but also occur in shallower waters like the common bottlenose dolphin, most of the other marine mammals with potential occurrence in North Carolina waters are oceanic and found further offshore in deeper waters than the −25 feet to −50 feet found in the vicinity of the borrow area for the Proposed Action Area. Common bottlenose dolphin in the shallow waters closer to the beach during sand placement under either winter or summer construction may experience adverse impact during pumping operations or disturbance from other project-associated vessels, but being mobile they would be able to easily find nearby suitable habitat for foraging or other behaviors. Noise and turbidity may disrupt foraging of any marine mammals in the offshore borrow area depending on prey availability and/or mask their ability to communicate with one another whether construction occurs in winter or summer. As only the common bottlenose dolphin is abundant to common and can be found close to the beach and offshore, it is the only marine mammal likely to be affected by both the dredge operation and sand placement activities under either alternative; winter construction may be more likely to affect pregnant or nursing females of this species than summer construction. Winter construction would also be more likely to affect CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 156 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina short-beaked common dolphin during dredge operations compared to summer construction but this species is usually associated with deeper waters. NOAA guidelines define two levels of harassment for marine mammals: Level A based on a temporary threshold shift (190dB re 1µPa for pinnipeds and 180dB re 1µPa for cetaceans), and Level B harassment with the potential to disturb a marine mammal in the wild by a disruption to behavioral patterns such as migration, breeding, feeding, and sheltering (160dB re 1µPa for impulse noise such as pile driving and 120 dB re 1µPa for continuous noise such as vessel thrusters). The 2015 guidance on anthropogenic-sourced noise for temporary threshold shifts (TTS) and permanent threshold shifts (PTS) based on hearing sensitivities within certain marine mammal groups was recently updated (NOAA 2018). Non-impulsive sources evaluated in the updated guidance do include drilling and dB thresholds (peak and cumulative) for non-impulsive activities range from 173 to 219 dB for PTS and 153 to 199 dB for TTS depending on whether the cetacean is considered susceptible to a low, medium, or high frequency range (NOAA 2018). However, dredging is not one of the activities evaluated and the new noise thresholds do not address behavioral effects. So in the interim, noise associated with hydraulic cutterhead or hopper dredges operating in sandy substrates are unlikely to exceed either the Level A or Level B thresholds. However, McQueen et al. (2019) reviewed available marine mammal effects data for dredge-specific sounds and no adverse auditory impacts were observed; biological responses of proxy species were limited to avoidance and potential masking (Table 11.1 is screen shot of Table 2 from McQueen et al. 2019). TABLE 11.1. Reported biological responses of mammals to dredge-induced underwater sounds. NR = not reported; RMS = root mean square; SEL = sound exposure level; TTS = temporary threshold shift aCalculated SEL values were below the TTS threshold values of 183 (seal; Southall 2007) bCalculated SEL values were below the TTS threshold values of 195 (harbor porpoise; Southall 2007) CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 157 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Cumulative Effects on Marine Mammals. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). All of the dredging associated with Hatteras Island future projects, either in Oregon Inlet or offshore, and sand placement during future disposal of Oregon Inlet dredged material, or beach nourishment activities for other Dare County beaches, would possibly disturb marine mammals in the vicinity of the dredge and pumping operations (Atlantic spotted dolphin and common bottle nose dolphin primarily; other species are most often found in deeper waters). Sand placement activities would possibly disturb species found closer to shore in shallower water, e. g. the common bottle nose dolphin. Anthropogenic background sounds in the marine environment have steadily increased and are likely to continue to increase from shipping and other uses of the ocean and inland waters. Adverse biological effects from predominantly low frequency continuous sounds (such as dredgers) that overlap with the hearing frequencies of many aquatic species have been of recent research interest and McQueen et al. (2020) developed a framework of ecological risk flexible enough to adapt to new information as species' exposures and responses are better understood. Shipping is the dominant source of underwater noise below 300 Hz (Ross 1987, 1993 as referenced in USACE 2015). While this level is below 1 kHz, the potential exists that this sound can mask biologically important significant sounds from groups of marine mammals that produce and receive sounds in this band (e.g., pinnipeds and baleen whales such as fin and humpback). Numerous actions around fisheries activities (e.g., legal and illegal bottom-disturbing fishing gear) within state waters would continue and potential future actions (offshore wind projects, offshore oil and gas seismic testing and drilling) all have the potential to adversely affect marine mammals to a larger degree than the Proposed Action. It is commonly assumed that climate variability will affect oceanographic conditions which contribute to sea temperature, algal blooms, prey availability, and food webs; some of these factors, whether local or distant, are likely to affect marine mammal strandings in unpredictable ways given the cryptic movements of certain species. For example, if upwelling occurs closer to shore, or concentration of prey is dispersed atypically, some marine mammals may be more likely to strand (e.g., shallower waters, exposure to toxins, or malnourishment due to extra effort required to obtain food) (Department of the Navy 2017). Research also suggests that hierarchical effects of environmental parameters such as variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) were linked to marine mammal strandings for some species in New England (Harry 2015) and the St. Lawrence Seaway (Truchon et al. 2013). Interrelated and Interdependent Actions. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to marine mammals from such actions. Determination on Marine Mammals. Either winter or summer construction has the potential to adversely affect certain behaviors of some marine mammal species but effects would be temporary and short duration. Many species demonstrate avoidance behaviors to noise levels associated with dredge activity and all species are mobile. Effects are considered insignificant and discountable; therefore, the Proposed Action may effect but is not likely to adversely affect marine mammals (most likely effects, should any occur, will most likely be to the common bottlenose dolphin). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 158 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 11.2 Colonial Waterbirds, Other Shorebirds, and Birds of Prey Additional species of birds federally protected under the Migratory Bird Protection Act (MBTA) may occur in the project area/vicinity; e.g., colonial waterbirds, other shorebirds, and birds of prey (bald eagle and peregrine falcon). For MBTA-protected species, there is no provision for incidental take related to dredging or filling or crushing by equipment. Take under the MBTA is defined as pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, capture, or collect or attempt to purse, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, capture, or collect per 50 CFR §10.12. Some of these birds also have state-level protection status as shown in Table 6.1 (pgs 46 – 49). 11.2.1 Colonial Waterbirds Direct and Indirect Effects on Colonial Waterbirds. Continued erosion would affect colonial waterbird nesting habitat, as the beach would eventually become too narrow to support nesting; however, a beneficial effect would be the additional foraging and resting habitat should an inlet breach occur. Duration of this benefit would depend on whether the breach remained open or closed and whether it was bridged. Winter construction could have minor effects on foraging or resting black skimmer (present all year), common tern (could be present March to November), and gull-billed tern and least tern (not likely to be present) while summer construction could affect all five species. Caspian terns could be in project vicinity all year but most are seen in closer proximity to rivers, inlets, and lakes; more are seen near Oregon Inlet (>30 miles away) than Hatteras Inlet (12 miles away). Birds would be disturbed by construction activities on the beach. Existing foraging and nesting habitat would also have short-term minor impacts during sand placement. These impacts would be staggered, however, and progress over an 800 – 1,000-foot active impact area of the beach at any given time as the sand is pumped and bulldozed. Approximately 200–300 feet of nourishment would be completed per day, which would become immediately available for use by birds in the area, based on their tolerance to disturbance and proximity to human activity. These disturbances would be minimized by the NPS shorebird surveys, which are conducted March to mid-August, depending on species presence. These would establish pre-nesting closures based on observed behaviors of target species and designated buffer distances around nests, unfledged chicks, or fledglings (modified buffer distances for species and activity type as described in the environmental assessment for ORVs prepared by Cape Hatteras National Seashore) (NPS 2015). No construction would occur within the closures or buffers. Cumulative Effects on Colonial Waterbirds — Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). Habitat loss or degradation due to human activities associated with recreation or development elsewhere in Dare County would continue. Alternative 2–Winter Construction would provide up to ~3 years of beneficial long-term impacts to nesting habitat (wider beach) and Alternative 3–Summer Construction would provide ~5 years. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions on Colonial Waterbirds There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to colonial waterbirds from such actions. Determination on Colonial Waterbirds. While potential effects differ due to seasonal presence or absence of some species, construction would be unlikely to adversely affect colonial waterbirds due to NPS- established monitoring surveys, closures, and buffers. Those NPS conservation activities and restrictions would minimize, reduce, or avoid adverse potential effect. When added to the cumulative effect of the periodic Oregon Inlet dredging continued development in Dare County, other Outer Banks beach nourishment projects, CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 159 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina effects are insignificant to discountable; therefore, the Proposed Action may affect but is not likely to adversely affect colonial waterbirds. 11.2.2 Other Shorebirds and Birds of Prey Direct and Indirect Effects on Wilson's Plover. The likelihood of an inlet breach would increase if erosion is allowed to continue in the Proposed Action Area. Should an inlet breach occur, additional foraging habitat (tidal mudflats and lagoons which support fiddler crabs, their favorite food) could result in a beneficial impact to the back barrier west of NC 12. The duration of the benefit would depend on how long the inlet breach remained open and whether or not it was bridged. Continued erosion would reduce available nesting habitat although the bird seldom nests in the Seashore. Either winter or summer construction could temporarily affect foraging and resting areas although post-equilibration both foraging and nesting area would have increased in width. Any birds which may be in the vicinity of sand placement activity could experience short- term temporary disruption from resting or foraging. Regular bird surveys conducted by NPS biologists begin in March for this bird, and all NPS protocols (buffer distances and closures as appropriate) would be followed in the unlikely event one was observed in the active work area. Cumulative Effects on Wilson's Plover — Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0) and Cumulative Impacts for Piping Plover as many of those effects would be similar for Wilson's plover (pg 135). Habitat loss or degradation due to human activities associated with recreation or development elsewhere in Dare County would continue. Additionally, while the Proposed Action Area would likely revert to the pre-project deficit condition within ~3 years under Alternative 2–Winter Construction and ~5 years under Alternative 3–Summer Construction, sand that migrates from the nourished beach downcoast within the littoral current would feed the existing foraging and roosting habitat south of Buxton at Cape Point, a potential long-term benefit to the species. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions on Wilson's Plover. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to Wilson's plover from such actions. Determination on Wilson's Plover. Continued erosion in the Proposed Action Area would cause adverse impact to nesting habitat, but if an inlet breach occurred, it would provide the beneficial effect of additional resting and foraging habitat. Effects to nesting and foraging habitat would occur and individual birds may be disturbed during either winter or summer construction, but these are considered negligible, temporary, and short-term; therefore, the Proposed Action may affect but would not likely adversely affect Wilson’s plover. Direct and Indirect Effects on American Oystercatcher. Continued erosion would provide similar effects to that described for colonial shorebirds and Wilson's plover (potentially adverse and beneficial). Winter or summer construction would have minor effects to American oystercatcher foraging and resting habitat in the Proposed Action Area during sand placement; although fewer oystercatchers are in Dare County in the winter, which reduces the likelihood of an encounter. Summer construction would disturb nesting birds especially in the northern portion of the Proposed Action Area where nests have been documented since 2009. However, NPS biologists establish pre-nesting closures when breeding behaviors are noted and maintain a 495-foot CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 160 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina buffer around active nests and a 660-foot buffer around unfledged chicks where no construction can occur; NPS established buffers would be strictly observed by the contractor. These buffers should help to minimize and avoid adverse impact to American oystercatcher; in fact, NPS biologists can enlarge the buffers if individual birds appear disturbed at the shorter distances. Beneficial, site-specific, long-term, moderate effects would include ~35 additional feet (Alternative 2) and ~75 additional feet (Alternative 3) of dry beach for nesting and resting post-equilibration. Alternative 2 would have no adverse impact on nesting birds. Cumulative Effects on American Oystercatcher — Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0) and Cumulative Impacts for Piping Plover as many of those effects would be similar for American oystercatcher (pg 135). Additionally, while the Proposed Action Area would likely revert to the pre-project deficit condition until future renourishment), sand that migrates from the nourished beach downcoast within the littoral current would feed the existing foraging and roosting habitat between Avon and Cape Point, a potential long-term benefit to this species. Habitat loss or degradation due to human activities associated with recreation or development elsewhere in Dare County would continue. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions on American Oystercatcher. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to American oystercatcher from such actions. Determination on American Oystercatcher. Either winter or summer construction, as well as no construction could have beneficial impact by the addition of, or expansion of, nesting, resting, or foraging habitat; winter construction would have slightly less disturbance effect to individual birds than summer as nesting birds would not be present. Summer adverse effects to nesting would be reduced by avoidance and conservation measures already in place. Therefore, the Proposed Action may affect but would not likely adversely affect the American oystercatcher. Direct and Indirect Effects on Bald Eagle. Continued erosion would have no effect on habitats commonly frequented by the bald eagle. Bald eagle foraging and resting areas would have short-term and negligible effects during sand placement under either winter or summer construction although winter construction may have a slightly higher likelihood of disturbance since the bald eagle is more common at the Seashore in the winter. Current online Dare County NCWRC bald eagle nest data identify no nests south of Oregon Inlet. Neither beach nourishment nor dredging is specifically listed in the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (USFWS 2007). These guidelines provide buffer distances for activity categories based on type of activity, visibility of activity from an active eagle nest, or whether similar activity exists within 1 mile. However, extremely loud intermittent noises within 0.5-mile of nests are discouraged, unless greater tolerance to the activity is demonstrated by eagles in the nesting area. Any impacts from noise, should they occur, would be considered site-specific and short-term. Cumulative Effects on Bald Eagle. Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). These cumulative effects are considered imperceptible to noticeable. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 161 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Interrelated and Interdependent Actions on Bald Eagle. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to bald eagle from such actions. Determination on Bald Eagle. Based on the information presented, effects are considered incremental and insignificant; therefore, the Proposed Action is not likely to adversely affect the bald eagle. Direct and Indirect Effects on Peregrine Falcon. Continued erosion in the Proposed Action Area would have no effect on nesting or breeding habitat of this falcon as none exists in the Seashore; however, foraging habitat could be affected as a narrower beach reduces shorebird congregation areas and shorebirds are among their prey. If an inlet breach occurred from continued erosion, a beneficial effect could be formation of additional foraging habitats. The peregrine falcon is uncommon from May to August, and becomes slightly more common in October so winter construction would have a slightly higher likelihood of a falcon visitor, depending on the actual months of construction. Foraging habitat (near congregations of shorebirds) would have direct, site-specific, short-term, negligible to minor effects during sand placement activities. However, as stated above, the active zone of disturbance would range from 800-1,000 feet long on any given day, and extensive foraging habitat is otherwise available. Winter or summer construction may have beneficial long- term effect to foraging and resting habitat of the peregrine falcon, due to the wider dry beach which would be likely to attract shorebirds, preferred coastal falcon prey. Cumulative Effects on Peregrine Falcon — Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). Habitat loss or degradation due to human activities associated with recreation or development elsewhere in Dare County would continue. Long-term beneficial impacts of a wider dry beach from future nourishment in the Proposed Action Area should it occur would equate to more potential use by shorebirds, which are prey for peregrine falcon. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions on Peregrine Falcon. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to peregrine falcon from such actions. Determination on Peregrine Falcon. Effects are considered negligible to minor but since some disturbance to foraging habitat would occur from sand placement activities, the Proposed Action may affect but is not likely to adversely affect the peregrine falcon. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 162 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK — CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 163 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 12.0 EFFECTS TO SPECIES WITH ONLY STATE PROTECTION AND DETERMINATIONS One additional reptile, the diamondback terrapin, and one additional plant, the seabeach knotweed, have the potential to be affected by the alternatives addressed in this document. Both species are designated for state- level protection and are discussed in more detail earlier in this document. Potential impacts to those species by each alternative are discussed below. 12.1 Reptiles 12.1.1 Diamondback Terrapin Direct and Indirect Effects on Diamondback Terrapin. The diamondback terrapin has been documented by NPS biologists west of the Proposed Action Area on the west side of NC 12, so continued erosion may permanently affect some existing back-barrier habitats preferred by the diamondback terrapin, as erosion would increase the likelihood of overwash events or a breach in the future. While both overwash and a breach would be unpredictable in time and duration, a breach would remove back-barrier dune and marsh areas the terrapin may currently use for foraging, nesting, and hibernation. Overwash events would have the potential to bury either active or dormant individuals or preclude use of existing foraging or habitat. The duration of those effects would depend on whether or not the breach closed naturally or remained open and was temporarily bridged. Disturbance and disruptions from erosion and overwash would continue to affect the terrapin and its habitats. After some overwash events, some short periods of decreased traffic may occur before NCDOT could clear NC 12, or decreased traffic may occur over longer periods if NCDOT needs to conduct more extensive repairs to NC 12, or in the event of a breach. These effects would be considered short- term and minor to moderate. The diamondback terrapin would not likely be affected by winter construction as the species is less active. While no suitable habitat exists for it within the Proposed Action Area, there is a chance that a project-associated support vehicle could encounter a terrapin as it crossed NC 12, but it would not likely be found on the ocean side of beach dunes where much of the project activities would occur, regardless of season. While this terrapin is not found on the ocean side of dunes in the summer, a project- associated vehicle en route from one beach access point to another could encounter a female diamondback terrapin crossing NC 12 on her way to or from the back barrier to a back-dune nest area. Although existing traffic is heaviest in the summer, which raises the potential for an encounter with a vehicle, the odds are somewhat remote that it would be a project-associated vehicle. Should an encounter occur, this effect would be considered short-term and moderate. Existing habitats for this terrapin west of the dune crest to the edge of Pamlico Sound would have no adverse impacts during summer construction and would have long-term beneficial impact from a wider beach in front of the dunes. Cumulative Effects on Diamondback Terrapin — Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). Traffic is not expected to increase as a direct result of the continued erosion or construction; however, traffic on NC 12 in general may increase as it has historically and would likely continue with or without the project. An increase in traffic raises the likelihood that a diamondback terrapin would be killed as it crossed NC 12 between habitats. Habitat loss or degradation due to human activities associated with recreation or development elsewhere in Dare County would continue. Sea level rise or increased frequency and intensity of storms associated with climate change might reduce or destroy nests or preferred habitats or occur more rapidly than adaptation by the diamondback terrapin. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 164 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina Interrelated and Interdependent Actions on Diamondback Terrapin. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to diamondback terrapin from such actions. Determination on Diamondback Terrapin. As effects are unlikely and imperceptible, the Proposed Action will have no effect on the diamondback terrapin. 12.2 Plants 12.2.1 Seabeach Knotweed Direct and Indirect Effects on Seabeach Knotweed. Continued erosion could increase habitat for the seabeach knotweed, as more frequent overwash events may disperse dormant seeds into new suitable habitats formed by the overwash deposits, a beneficial effect. However, should the species colonize such a deposit, continued erosion and other overwash events may bury or eliminate the pioneering plants which would be an adverse effect. No adverse effects are likely to occur under either winter or summer construction as there is currently no known occurrence of the seabeach knotweed, and it has not historically been found in the Proposed Action Area. Occurrences of the seabeach knotweed have been documented in the Seashore south of the former location of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse; however, not since 2005 and never within the Proposed Action Area. The species was last documented during monthly visits between 1989 and October 1995 at the “beach south of Buxton light (pre-1995 location)” with no other details as to density of occurrence or more specific distances (NCNHP, Allison Weakley, Conservation Planner, pers. comm. 10 August 2015). Since Park Service biologists conduct surveys for this plant each year along the Seashore, they would notify the Applicant and/or the maintenance contractor if any plants are found. Construction in either season is designed to widen the beach which would be a beneficial effect. As the nourished beach equilibrates over time to the additional sediment in the system, Aeolian processes may also enhance the species’ preferred habitat between the wrack line and dune face. Therefore, the project under either alternative has the potential to provide more habitats for this pioneering species and is not likely to threaten its continued existence. Cumulative Effects on Seabeach Knotweed — Please refer to the introduction to cumulative impacts for a description of past, present, and reasonable foreseeable future actions (Section 10.0). Habitat loss or degradation due to human activities associated with recreation or development elsewhere in Dare County would continue. Sea level rise or increased frequency and intensity of storms associated with climate change might reduce or destroy or create potential habitats preferred by the seabeach knotweed. Interrelated and Interdependent Actions on Seabeach Knotweed. There are no interrelated and interdependent actions associated with this project; therefore, there are no anticipated adverse effects to critical habitat from such actions. Determination on Seabeach Knotweed. While each of the three alternatives would have minor effect on potential habitat for seabeach knotweed, only continued erosion would have moderate effect. Each alternative has the potential for beneficial effect which differs in time (temporary overwash habitats with continued erosion and a wider more stable beach between the wrack line and dune toe with either winter or summer construction. The lack of historic occurrence in the Proposed Action Area and NPS surveys performed prior to construction make it not likely for seabeach knotweed to be adversely affected by the Proposed Action. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 165 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina 13.0 EFFECTS TO STATE-DESIGNATED NATURAL AREAS No state-designated natural areas or natural communities exist within the Proposed Action Area. While the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database shows two so-designated areas nearby, Turtle Pond Registered Heritage Area (RHA) and Buxton Woods, neither would experience effects from the project activities of any of the three alternatives evaluated in this BA (see Fig 8.3). Cumulative effects on these natural areas may occur from increased pressure from visitors with continued development of the Outer Banks; however, if such pressures become detrimental, agencies in charge of management of these areas may limit access frequency or density or types of allowed activity. Climate change (e.g., increased intensity/frequency of storms) and sea-level rise (e.g., increased potential of flooding events/duration and salt water intrusion) may alter the vegetation communities in these areas and render them less unique or worthy of designation. 14.0 EFFECTS DETERMINATION SUMMARY FOR EVALUATED PROTECTED SPECIES Using the terms described above for analysis (see pg 133), and the three alternatives, a summary matrix of potential effects on federal- and state-protected species expected within the project area and mitigation to offset those effects is provided in Table 14.1. The effects determinations of the Proposed Action (summer construction) for the evaluated protected species are shown in Table 14.2 and summarized in the next paragraph. Of the 29 protected species with the potential to occur in the Proposed Action Area or vicinity shown in Table 6.1 (see page 42), evaluation of the effects of the Proposed Action resulted in: a No Effect conclusion for seabeach amaranth and diamondback terrapin; a May Effect, not Likely to Adversely Affect conclusion for nine species (piping plover, roseate tern, red knot, fin whale, humpback whale, north Atlantic right whale, blue whale, and shortnose sturgeon, and seabeach knotweed); and a May Effect, Likely to Adversely Affect conclusion for five sea turtles (Kemp’s ridley, green, leatherback, loggerhead, and hawksbill), and for Atlantic sturgeon. As mentioned previously, the 2020 SARBO from NMFS is expected to be utilized for the marine species while in the water after the USACE performs its risk assessment and risk management analysis of the proposed project. Section 7 consultation will be initiated with USFWS for their Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement(s) as applicable for species on land; NMFS will either agree that the 2020 SARBO covers the project or determine an individual consultation is necessary. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 166 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 14.1. Effects matrix summary for the three alternatives addressed in this BA for state and/or federally protected species with the potential to occur and proposed mitigation to offset adverse effects. Resource No-Action Alternative Alternative 2 Winter Construction Preferred Alternative 3 Summer Construction EASTERN BLACK RAIL Present year round on NC Outer Banks but mostly north of Oregon Inlet and rare Existing breeding, foraging, or resting habitat in back barrier areas could be reduced by inlet breach should one occur. Temporary-short term, negligible disruption from noise from project activities for the rare individuals who may be in the back barrier habitats in vicinity. Temporary-short term, negligible disruption from noise from project activities for the rare individuals (more in summer than winter but still rare) who may be in the back barrier habitats in vicinity. PIPING PLOVER Present year round on NC Outer Banks; nests in Seashore near tidal inlets or overwash areas; no nests in project area. No effect to existing breeding, foraging, or resting habitat. Potential beneficial effect should a breach occur and new tidal inlet habitat form. Potential beneficial effect if future overwash events build new breeding, foraging, or resting habitat. No adverse effect to critical wintering habitat. Temporary-short term, negligible disruption of foraging areas. Foraging habitat could be affected although historically project area is low quality foraging habitat. Any plovers resting in the project area during construction would be temporarily displaced. No adverse effect to critical wintering habitat. Potential beneficial long term effect to resting habitat (wider dry beach) and foraging habitat (lower slope intertidal beach) and critical wintering habitat by downcoast migration of nourishment sediment. Temporary to short term, negligible disruption of foraging areas; but not likely to adversely affect. Foraging habitat could be affected although historically project area is low quality foraging habitat. No nesting habitat within the project area. Any plovers resting in the project area during construction would be temporarily displaced. Not adverse effect to critical wintering habitat. Potential beneficial long term effect to resting habitat (wider dry beach) and foraging habitat (lower slope intertidal beach) and critical wintering habitat by downcoast migration of nourishment sediment. MITIGATION: Prescribed NPS surveys for use of the beach by piping plovers will occur into mid- August and include the project area. No construction will occur within any NPS established buffers. ROSEATE TERN No nesting habitat or breeding occurs at Seashore; rare visitor during migration May through Sep. Jul records within Seashore. No effect to breeding, foraging or resting habitat. Negligible effect to resting habitat. No effects to breeding, foraging, or resting habitat. Negligible effect to resting habitat. Beneficial short term effect to resting habitat (wider dry beach). Temporary to short term, negligible disruption of resting and foraging areas for the rare visitor; but not likely to adversely affect. Any birds resting in the project area during construction would be temporarily displaced. Beneficial long term effect to resting habitat (wider dry beach). RED KNOT No nesting in North Carolina; birds have been observed in all months in Seashore with highest numbers during peak migration in Apr-May and Aug- Sep. No effect to foraging or resting habitat. Temporary, negligible effect but not likely to adversely affect. Foraging habitat could be affected although historically project area is low quality foraging habitat. Beneficial long- term effect to resting habitat (wider dry beach) and foraging habitat (lower slope intertidal beach). Temporary, negligible, minor adverse effect. Foraging habitat could be affected although historically project area is low quality foraging habitat. Beneficial long-term effect to resting habitat (wider dry beach) and foraging habitat (lower slope intertidal beach). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 167 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 14.1. (continued) Resource No-Action Alternative Alternative 2 Winter Construction Preferred Alternative 3 Summer Construction ATLANTIC STURGEON Documented in project vicinity waters most all year; moves to freshwaters inshore to spawn in spring. No adverse effect. Potential beneficial effect if inlet breach opens new access to Pamlico Sound habitats. Duration of benefit would depend on NCDOT response or length of time inlet remained open. Temporary, negligible to minor effect due to potential disruption in early spring during inshore migration. MITIGATION: Conservation measures to minimize impacts or disruption provided by NMFS during consultation will be followed. Qualified NMFS/PRD approved endangered species observer on dredge at all times who will follow standard reporting procedures and has authority to stop dredge ops if Atlantic sturgeon observed in area of danger or in dredge screen, skimmer funnels or drag heads. Temporary, negligible to minor effect due to potential disruption in late spring during inshore migration. MITIGATION: Conservation measures to minimize impacts or disruption provided by NMFS consultation will be followed. Qualified NMFS/PRD- approved PSO on dredge at all times would follow standard reporting procedures and would have authority to stop dredge ops if Atlantic sturgeon observed in area of danger or in dredge screen, skimmer funnels, or drag heads. SHORTNOSE STURGEON Move to freshwater from late winter to early spring; remains in estuarine and nearshore waters remainder of year. One record from Pamlico Sound. No effect. Potential beneficial effect if inlet breach opens new access to Pamlico Sound habitats. Benefit duration depends on how long inlet open and NCDOT response. Temporary, negligible to minor adverse effect due to potential disruption in late winter or early spring during migration to fresh and estuarine waters. Temporary, negligible to minor effect due potential disruption in nearshore waters but not likely to adversely affect. GIANT MANTA RAY Errant individuals could be present in most any month but usually in deeper oceanic waters associated with upwelling. No effect. Temporary, negligible to minor. Noise avoidance could affect feeding behavior depending on presence of prey species. MITIGATION: Qualified NMFS/ PRD-approved PSO on dredge at all times would follow standard reporting procedures and has authority to stop dredge ops if a giant manta ray is spotted in area of danger. Temporary, negligible to minor. Noise avoidance could affect feeding behavior depending on presence of prey species MITIGATION: Qualified NMFS/ PRD-approved PSO on dredge at all times would follow standard reporting procedures with authority to stop dredge ops if a giant manta ray is spotted in area of danger. SEABEACH AMARANTH No plants documented in the Seashore since 2005; no records from project area. Long-term, moderate effects to potential habitat. Beach would eventually become too narrow to support; alternatively, regular overwash would increase potential habitat. Temporary, negligible to minor. Potential beneficial long term effects (wider beach above wrack line). MITIGATION: NPS biologists, who survey for the plant each year, would notify if found. If found, steps to avoid the plant(s) will be identified by NPS manager coordinating with USFWS biologists. Temporary, negligible to minor. Potential beneficial long term effects (wider beach above wrack line). MITIGATION: NPS biologists. who survey for the plant each year, would notify if found. If found, steps to avoid the plant(s) will be identified by NPS manager coordinating with USFWS biologists. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 168 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 14.1. (continued) Resource No-Action Alternative Alternative 2 Winter Construction Preferred Alternative 3 Summer Construction WEST INDIAN MANATEE No adverse effects. Beneficial effect if breach inlet formed to provide additional access to inshore/sound foraging areas. No effects. Species not typically present in winter. MITIGATION: Qualified NMFS/ PRD-approved PSO on dredge at all times would follow standard reporting procedures and has authority to stop dredge ops if a manatee is spotted in area of danger. Temporary, negligible to minor adverse effects. Noise avoidance could affect behavior. MITIGATION: Qualified NMFS/ PRD- approved PSO on dredge at all times would follow standard reporting procedures with authority to stop dredge ops if a manatee is spotted in area of danger. WHALES Fin and humpback migrate through the western Atlantic in winter, North Atlantic right migrate through in spring and are found closer to shore in spring but can be in project vicinity throughout the winter months. Blue whales have been documented closer to shore (winter only) than once expected but no strandings have been documented in NC 1997-2020. No effects. Temporary, negligible to minor effects. Noise avoidance could affect behavior of N. Atlantic right whale, depending on presence of prey species; could affect fin, blue, and humpback during winter migration. MITIGATION: Qualified NMFS/ PRD-approved PSO on dredge at all times would follow standard reporting procedures and has authority to stop dredge ops if a whale is spotted in area of danger. Temporary, negligible to minor effects. Noise avoidance could affect behavior of N. Atlantic right whale if project activity occurs in the fall, depending on presence of prey species. MITIGATION: Qualified NMFS/ PRD- approved PSO on dredge at all times would follow standard reporting procedures and has authority to stop dredge ops if a whale is spotted in area of danger. SEA TURTLES (includes green, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, leatherback, and loggerhead) Some commonly nest in Seashore; others never to rarely, but may be present in project vicinity waters. Long-term, moderate adverse effect to nesting habitat. Beach would eventually become too narrow to support nesting. Regular overwash would decrease nest success. Potential beneficial short term effect if breach occurred which would allow new temporary access to back barrier habitats until the breach closed. A potential NCDOT solution to a breach may include a temporary bridge which may have short term adverse effect to turtles in the area during construction. No effect during construction. Project would occur outside of the sea turtle nesting season. No adverse effect on critical migratory habitat. Nesting beaches would have long term beneficial effect (wider beach and lower slope). Temporary, negligible to minor; likely to adversely affect. Nesting females could be disturbed in project area. No adverse effect on critical migratory habitat. Nesting beaches would have short-term negligible effect but beneficial long-term effects (wider beach and lower slope). MITIGATION: No night work or only night work w/turtle friendly lighting; night-time monitors must survey the affected beach area on any given night before the required 9 am daily survey. Nesting surveys initiated by 15 April for leatherback and 1 May for others. Surveys would CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 169 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 14.1. (continued) Resource No-Action Alternative Alternative 2 Winter Construction Preferred Alternative 3 Summer Construction SEA TURTLES (concluded) continue during project by trained experienced personnel, duly authorized and permitted by agencies. Construction would not begin until the daily survey was completed in any given area. All nests in project area to be relocated by NPS personnel as soon as possible after discovery (no later than 0900) to a location to ensure hatch success. Nests discovered after project completion in an area will not be relocated if laid in location conducive to hatch. All in-situ or relocated nests must be marked with stakes to delimit a 10-foot buffer zone around the nest, two on-beach markers, and must be monitored daily. Qualified NMFS/ PRD- approved PSO on dredge at all times would follow standard reporting procedures and has authority to stop dredge ops if a sea turtle is spotted in area of danger. MARINE MAMMALS (other than those above) Four species common to abundant in project vicinity; three of which are present year round. No adverse effect. Beneficial effect from breach inlet (new access to back barrier sound and river habitats) for species which seek such areas. Temporary, negligible to minor potential adverse effect during dredge and pumping activity. Common bottlenose dolphin most likely to be affected by noise from project construction. Temporary, negligible to minor potential adverse effects during dredge and pumping activity. Common bottlenose dolphin most likely to be affected by noise from project construction. COLONIAL WATERBIRDS (includes gull-billed tern, common tern, least tern, Caspian tern, and black skimmer) All nest on NC beaches including Seashore and within project area. As a group, can be in project area from March to Nov. Long-term, moderate adverse effect to nesting habitat as beach would eventually become too narrow to support nesting. Breach inlet would provide new foraging and resting habitats. No effect. Birds not normally present in winter. Beneficial long term effect to nesting habitat (wider beach). Temporary to short term, negligible to minor effect to nesting birds and disruption of foraging and resting areas. Beneficial long term effect to nesting habitat (wider beach). MITIGATION: NPS surveys and no construction within 300 meters of active colonies. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 170 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 14.1. (continued) Resource No-Action Alternative Alternative 2 Winter Construction Preferred Alternative 3 Summer Construction AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHER Common in Dare County all year with low numbers in winter months. Nests and breeds in Seashore. Long-term, moderate adverse effect to nesting habitat. Beach would eventually become too narrow to support nesting. No effect. Species not normally present in this area during winter. Beneficial long term effect to nesting habitat (wider beach). Temporary to short term, negligible to minor effect to nesting birds and foraging and resting areas. Beneficial long- term effect to nesting habitat (wider beach). MITIGATION: NPS surveys and no construction within 300 meters of active nests or chicks. WILSON’S PLOVER Rare nester in Seashore; present March to October with occasional Jan or Nov occurrence. Long-term, moderate adverse effect to nesting habitat. Beach would eventually become too narrow to support nesting. No nests in project area but a few nests have been documented elsewhere at Seashore. Temporary to short term, negligible disruption of foraging and resting areas. Temporary, negligible, minor. Foraging habitat could be affected; historically, project area is low quality foraging habitat. Beneficial long-term effect to resting habitat (wider dry beach) and foraging habitat (lower slope intertidal beach). MITIGATION: NPS surveys and no construction within 300 meters of active colonies. PEREGRINE FALCON No nesting along NC coast; uncommon May to Aug; more common in Oct. Winter resident. No effect to breeding or resting habitat. Potential beneficial effect to foraging habitat if inlet breach occurs. Temporary to short term, negligible adverse effect from disruption of foraging areas. Beneficial long term effect to foraging and resting habitat (wider dry beach). Temporary to short term, negligible adverse effect from disruption of foraging areas. Beneficial long term effect to foraging and resting habitat (wider dry beach). BALD EAGLE No nests in project area; birds observed all months in Seashore, but more common in winter. No effect to breeding, foraging, or resting habitat. Temporary to short term, negligible adverse effect from disruption of foraging and resting areas Temporary to short term, negligible adverse effect from disruption of foraging and resting areas. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 171 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 14.1. (concluded) State Protection Only Resource No-Action Alternative Alternative 2 Winter Construction Preferred Alternative 3 Summer Construction DIAMONDBACK TERRAPIN Nests and forages in marsh or back dune areas; hibernates in back-barrier muds. No record from within project activity area. Long-term, unpredictable, moderate effects to existing potential habitat. Overwash could bury nests, young, or adults and habitats, but may increase and build habitats further into the sound overtime which could be beneficial. A breach may destroy habitat if inlet became permanent. No effects. Temporary, negligible to minor effects due to potential disruption when crossing NC 12; such disruptions already occur from existing traffic. Project related traffic would be temporary and mostly confined to the beach where the turtle is not found. SEABEACH KNOTWEED Unpredictable colonizer species found between wrack line and foredunes and overwash fans. No record from within project footprint, but documented in project vicinity (near the Cape Hatteras lighthouse). Long-term, unpredictable, moderate effects to existing potential back-barrier habitat (existing foredune habitat not suitable). Overwash could bury seeds and habitats, but may increase brackish and back barrier habitat or assist in seed dispersal which could be beneficial. Temporary, negligible to minor effects. Potential beneficial long term effects (wider beach). MITIGATION: NPS biologists survey for the plant each year and will notify if found. Temporary, negligible to minor effects. Potential beneficial long term effects (wider beach). MITIGATION: NPS biologists survey for the plant each year and will notify if found. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 172 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 14.2. Summary effects determination of Proposed Action for protected species with potential to occur in project area or vicinity. SPECIES FEDERAL/ STATE STATUS DETERMINATION Birds Eastern black rail T/PT NO EFFECT Piping plover T/T MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTRoseate tern E/E MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTRed knot T/T MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Caspian tern T MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTCommon tern MBTA/E MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Least tern MBTA/SC MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTGull-billed tern MBTA/T MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTBlack skimmer MBTA/SC MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY American oystercatcher MBTA/SC MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTWilson's plover MBTA/SC MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Bald eagle BEGEPA/T MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Peregrine falcon MBTA/E MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTFishes Atlantic sturgeon E/SC MAY AFFECT, LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECT Shortnose sturgeon E/E MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Giant manta ray T MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Plants Seabeach amaranth T/T NO EFFECT Seabeach knotweed E NO EFFECT Mammals Fin whale E MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Humpback whale E MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTNorth Atlantic right whale E MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Blue whale E MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTWest Indian manatee T/T MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECTMarine mammals (other)MMPA MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Reptiles Green sea turtle T/T MAY AFFECT, LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECT Hawksbill sea turtle E MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY Kemp’s ridley sea turtle E/E MAY AFFECT, LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECT Leatherback sea turtle E/E MAY AFFECT, LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECT Loggerhead sea turtle T/T MAY AFFECT, LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECT Diamondback terrapin SC NO EFFECT CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering Biological Assessment – July 2021 [2525–Task 4–Appendix E] 173 Avon Village, Dare County, North Carolina REFERENCES ASMFC. 2017 ASMFC Stock Assessment Overview Atlantic Sturgeon. 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