HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_11-09_BB&TqiQ Iv-1� Oak Island Local Government OI 11 09 Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT a. awnw:ea sr m. sasa a north area,a, oewrvnent a ews;.armaws, Yb RaGnal Resau�ua arq anti Cewtal Rea4lRws Cammbpm Mtlertlwpment In mares of ewYWnitlwfRniltn pwauaw eu SwNm llaA-IaBMNw Wrleral StatWa.'a4WNlk'e MaruaenraK awry wr Pr—t tit um t eel nacv,u temu; al 4314 C. CBacri v,, In Vak island, arequested in the permilfee's application, dated 00112011. The permit, issued on 040I2011 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consist with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject pempttee, to a foe, imprisonment or civil action, a may canse the permit to be null and void. This permit auptonzesthe demolition of pre existing residence. (1) All Proposed dalebpmem and Modeled construction nwsl be dare in accordance with the permitted work plot draw ngs(s) dated rece iod on 4101011. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requaenremis and all other local, State and Federal regularities, applicable keel ordinarces aid FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or charges in the plans U development, construction, or lard nee Whines twit nquire a ne-evakiatim and modification of this pernit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this once at t910)278-5024 for a foal inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions an Page 2) TM 0e a{ion mt ce Hie peFm sa.:rr 11,,,.dg firi4tai vM1hm awry IPP days d Cie iadng tlare Fenn ore Wre a! a, aims, - 1 vale uxqune0 m the pettta must worsewet ismetlred This his th pe'rtl out be m the prgeY sire xd acraseds to Hie pe+w dip, when the o' .� Prmaa w ash h wmpswra. ary mwam work a eafsd Donna F. Coleman modfileon cal mseed u rib pane, requite iwR wore, permit agxmaa. 4s wxk muse cease wrwr ttus parrot soiree on: CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL Town OfOak Island DECEMBER s1. m11 , 11 In is>tag Otis lenMt it is ayred"this peed u gnsMenlwi lift ac l laid — use alga a,a v apgr de «ewes. rm: Pw„a mar nor m vaafaned m PEPodITTEE anWwr pary vttlmut fM wdnen mpwal d fe orison d ceettil Nr�enr (egnalure required'rf rnndeals shove apply ro Permki RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 1 9 2011 Nane:BBBT Minor Permit N OI 1 Mg Date: 4122011 Page 2 (5) The pernifte is required lc contact the I.oca Permit Officer (910)278-5024, shortly before he plars to derndien 8ta residence. (6) Duma disturbances will be allowed only tc the extent necessary for derebpment and g the dwle's protective value k not weakened of reduced Disturbed now area Hill be immediately stabilized. (7) Al unconsol dated material resuMng from associated grading and landscaping shall be renamed on she by a"* sedimentabon add erosion oo" measures. Disturbed areas shall be vegetatati stabilized (planted and mulched) wi1Mn 14 days of construction wmoauch (8) Any structure authorized by this pemxt s+ab be relocated or damnami when q becomes immiremty threatened by Changes in ehoraine, configuration. The sauclandsl shall to ralcna nr d� vl m — —.M , v— — imoremne IBCDNNy or Death rarourishnent takes place within two years of Iba p" the stems, brig"; imm4rentlY threatened, s0 that the structne a be longer imminently threatened, then tl need not be reheated or dismanged at that time This condibon shall not affect the permit holders ngnt tD seek authorization of temporary PICIR tive measures allowed uMer CRC rules. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 1 9 2611 Locality l�t'a TCI�r.,-1 Permit Nunn a 11-i39 1414 Ocean }lazed Retue,ine Shorelive_ ORW Shoreline _Public Trust Shoreline_ Other -- (For o,(%icid um an Y) rra,ucnet INFORMATION [PR 09 LANDOWNERu, N:une a� a O.J -t Ai,e ti Addmsa j �-'�� City ia %-'-V.Ac -I State JQc—_ zip 2-1)(20A ph. 33ie,-'133-3�'t t AUTHORMD AGENT Name "a, Z ir. 2 Addrota State d ZT 2 " Phone qkG-r,75?-^) w� LOCATION OF PROJECT. (Addtxs. avert name aad:m directions to site. If nor aeanfioat, what is the name of the adycmtwaterbody.) LI",(y L1Z14. (b � - DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed c0astructlon and land disnat"ace. ) SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: squae feet s l— apes PROPOSED USE: Residential' (Single-family Multl-family__) Cemructcialltnduatrial — Otha _ TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING are THE OCEAN all flondEA Od docks) ON idw ronfe MENTALCONCERN(AEC): 1-aIrM W SIZE OFBUELDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER LNPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SLRWIIC,ES IN THE COASTAL SIiORELLNE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): —t=:Uh�__sgaare/eat nw (Cakulafiena includes the area of the ronf drip line a all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete f masemy Pi etc., that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your ca"lations with the project drawing ) Choose the ARC arm that applies to your property: (1) within 15 feet ofNortni l Nigh Waterbloni al Water Level for the Estuarine Shoreline ABC (2) within 575 feet ofNortml High Watot, Normal Water LcvTl for the Estuarine Shorclina AEC. adjacent to (),nstandurg Resource Waters (3) within 30 feet of Normal Rigb Water/ Normal Wale, Luvel for the Public "frost Shoreline ABC (Contact yow Local penult Officer if you arc not sure which AEC appl les to your proportp_) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMET: Is the project located in an area subje.^t to a State Smrmwater Monagemeat Permit issued by the NC Division of Nara (,lu3litY9 YES_ NO_;>L If ves. list the total built upon amamhaperaous surface allowed for your lot or psXel: squat¢ feel RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 1 9 2011 OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The sonvoy you are plainsong may require pemtits other man the LAMA minor develop area punam As aservice we haw compiled a hitting of the kinds of pmnits that migbrbe required. We mgges you chink near the list with your I.PO b determine if my ofineae apply to your project. Z.omng, Uriacing Weer Well, Sapuc Tank (or Omer sardtmy wave treatment sytiemi. Building, Electrical. Plumbing. Hexing and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Rag , Conservation, FIA Certification, Snarl Duce. Sediment Control, Subdivision Approvai. Mobik Home Park Approval, Highway Cunnsedon, and others. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: 1, the undersigned, am applicant for a CAMA minor developrmo rt permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes ofapplying for a CAMA minor developmental permit, certify that the person listed as landowmer on this application loss a sip manna normal in the rest poi described therein This interest can be described as: (check one) ✓ sn o` ore r cord titlq Tick is vested in �� :;-v , see Deed Rook page .Qj� kn the'_..h�.+vv Country Registry of Uaeds. __m owner by virhie of -inheritance. Applimant ism heirto the csroe of probalewasin_ _.Cooly if other minim al, such ea written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet Ec attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore certify that the following persons arc owners of propeifies attjaming this property. I affirm than i have given ACTUAL NOTICE m each of them concerning my intent ea develop this property and to apply for a CAMA parent. (Name) (Addresl (2) „„T..,. -�. c, �acu.-ter. .x� e�w •-•r FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESI'IIARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the hand owner is aware that the proposed.developlaw is planned for an area which r®y be susceptible to erosion ami flooding. 1 acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular h, card problems associated with Nis lot. This explanation was accompanied by roeommeadmimes concerning stabilization and floodproofing techniques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: I furthermore certify that I am authorized ro grant and do in fact grant permission an the local permit officer and his agents to enier on flan aforementioned lands in connection wills evaluating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general infammatim (Nis fenmj, a site drawing as described on the back of this apphcation. the owoms err p statement, the AEC hazard notice when necessary, a check for $100:00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may he provided orally by the WhomN. The details of the appticenmi as described by these souses am im oll,mbal without reference m any permit which may be isarsed. Deviation from these details will onesti sv e a violation of any pemmt Any person developing in an, AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and adimmsmdivc action. This the ZQ) dayyoff� ML r� , 20�,� _ IJ�r>aiv 1mdowncr or pamom authorized to act as his agent for purpose offiling a CAMA permit applieatton. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 1 9 26111 AEC HAZARD NOTICE Protect Is In An: Z Ocean Erodible Arne ✓� High Hazard flood Area _Inlet Hazard Area Property Owner: _ U l,r) 3 I Property Address: k" t--{ II �. E AiJt 1 UIL Date Lot Was Platted: r'D ✓ 3 This nonce is imerlded I¢ make you, me applicant, ruam ofthe special nsks and tamduntri, associwed with dewelogneni in thu area, which is subject io Wirral haranLs such as motors, nusion AM wintill_ The rules of the Curial Resources t our 1. calr r tequi a that you reeetve an AEC Huard ^btice and:akrwwkdge that nonce in writing battle a permit Fa development can be The Comrmasionh rules m Iwddmg standards, oceanfront setbacks cod date alterations are designed rmnimiee. btu at eliminate, property In. fnnn hi.rzrda Ay gantinp permiLe. rite Coastal Rmwvm Commission does nnl guarantee die safety of the drvelugnem and aaamex do liability for future damage to the develolmsent. Permits usund in the Ocean Hurd Area of Eminrn floral Concem include We condintm toot .nuutuns be relocated m dsnardedif;hey become iranurienlly listai si-0by Otsego, a shurelioe sxmfigumtion. The sWautdsi most he relocated or dnnwnded within two (2j yean of becoming imminendy threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or sub alcooc. The best available information, as accepted by Me (oriel Resources Con mission. ism la that the amual long-term avenge oceal;{rtnion rate for to res where, Your mqn fly is facated Is feet per year lie me wmeslablidted byvarefW analysis nfaerial phomgtaphs ofthe coastline taken over the past 50 years. Syndics alm indicate that the shoreline uwid move as much as -3! `LFelu landward is a maim smrm. The flood waters w a major slo r, are predicted to he ahnw _I, Fact deep in this area. Prefi+ee•lotemfnml protection neounes are teach oourialumem aM rclocnntm of threatened strucIano, Hard erosion control afnKleresaKh as bulkheads, seawalls, tevettrinds, gmusa,ltttm and I.Irwaien we gohlbited. Temporary sand bags may to, mibonaed undo shall aaiditiuns. The rMhe ismwtackr owledge this urfauatan and requuemetas by signing this imuce in the sia ce below. Wilhuut Ole proper signature, theaWlicatinn will be /ctimpalo / Vr '(n of afar ��L/ ate SPECIAL NOTE: Thisba>ani niece isrequin A fa drselnpmua in amaa ahjecitus ddntand messi a samsmd t;osi.. Pamiw issued for development in this areaespirto , Osemher } 1 ofthc third year following the year in which the permit was r ii,or. Shorty b i work begins on the pmj et site, the Local permit Officer must he o nwed In determine arc .cgemt,. lice and semaskdiwm. alyoursite. Ifthe property hav sssm lirtiedungr sierra the [turret pi;rmit issumrs, cod the gnpncJ Jcvcloqueai cm xtil I rt>M the xetberk requirement, ih LPU will inform you that you may begin work. Subsdnhal progress on the project most be made within 60 days ol'tbis icmack w,mmiatinq or the setback, rout be remounred. Also, the,xcurnnceafe major shorciioechangtaa'he resort ofa xterm wilhin the 60-dny pentd will nece, inte rcmamrtment of the setback It is anptnant that youdak with dre LPO before it,, permit enpires fins official aPptnval W continue the work ahct title gsmit has expired. Gatenlly, iffoundationpilings here been plamil and sobsiamun Progress is coma-uieg. Pannil rcnu 1 can be mldsmzed. It e, unbwful to enntnoe ste, he, Pnmr. espiraliim. For wont tailarararlw, times". i Local lam l officer L: Address i Zsla,.di t1L Z8tito- Lncellty.• (CbO) �£18- SC�y Pnorre Number Re_ �_sedU� RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 1 9 IM TELEPHONE *PVC C/O ..., 0PVC C/O �..SfT LOT 6 1500.D&17AREST. ril$ W cc,�/ lLt r"FR�,i`Ek LOT 1ryCTRIC / jyl /I TWO STORY 4 COM"CV@IESEABL�Xp! i r C7 ECTRIC /y W /li r ri MAIXL�.. i.F,LECTRIC HB[[1I EESS \ 'O?AWEL (CA yypp � TT •NEtERR �`sr D�CPNIN r 0'' SECT ONK 1. E ~ \~�' �RI VE 6Q �'((�� \'�✓\ OAK ISLAND, MB I PGS 96-99 p �f S ! 11•=y, 0 230.1" *PVC C/0 2 C N A R P E i. \� . ELECTRI VC C/O ' LOT ] 55nn�. 7500.0 SO. FT.- 0.17 ACRES RETE SEPTIC e F4ONT r /5 y/ `F l i fi [AVSONLRETE / SLAB . 9 TJOp.O SO. Fi •PVC CYO $ IR :CTRILU O H �• lH LOT 10 / / O ^vN �ggCk''ll � N nm..n [� rnfy Barrdba. Adjacent Property Purer IOY &ar� a"kin—lr,,A rta j bmar... $ si.6 pwnyaell Oi PdGies�pp j Natty Lfc Z'7$'\(p —"—' City. Statelip Code r a wmw Dear Adjacent Propery. This letter is to inform you mat 1, applied for CAMq Minor Property Pennitonmypropertyat 4�iLA � (shave [�Omer E' 1..7ealL� C)"'/'e, .in Oak Island. Property Address As required by CAMA mgdetlons, I have encbsed a oaPy of my Pond aptskalion and projem drawing(s) as notification of my proposed pmled. No action is required from you or you may sign and ream the enclosed no objWkon form, g you have any queslpns «comments about my proposed projal. please Coned me at al0—SIZ 1 ,\ ,«bymailaltheaddresskstedbelow. tlyouuw'shlo AppiCame Telephone fde wrieen mmmanle «objocbms wpm the Ton of 0ak ishod CAMA Moor Pamd Program, you nay subnit them to: Donna F. Coleman 7 Local Permit Officer for the Tour of Oak Island 4601 E. Oak Island Or Oak Island, NC 2W5 sincerely. Property Owner a I0 Ca—u�br--1 c Mailing Address C)"K t!'ko,nd NC, a � City, State, Zip Code tiPR 01 2plt ' RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 1 9 2011 m vrs. fTN• I Mai S M Q � a°M`riw W.W As ¢tens Pr Ownr I�i> c°pB v d P,ne Orye City,Stata,L Cale p >roeo.ra 0eaz Adjaamrst Property: This later is to Inbms you that I, Aare applied for a CAMA Minor oemet on my propeat � property yQmer � 1 �(n • s.� pl7V`�' ,im Oaklsland. Property Address As required by LAMA regula9onA I hove enclosed a cry of my Permit apffill om and project drawings) as mGfication of my proposed project. No action is required from you o you may Sign and velum the enclosed no o*cson isms. t you have amyquestiwrs orcommauts about my proposed project, poses contactme at al©-��1c.-.� !A., _,a by mail et the address fisted below. d you wish ro Applicant's Teleplim file written Comments a objections with the Town of Oar Island CAMA Mine Perm Program, you may submit them to: Donut P. Colemn Local Perrot Officer to the Twin of Oak Island 7 4801 E. 09I6land Oak Island, NC 28l Sincerely, Property Owner o1 jg Mafing Address lr-)' - Silo nos 1JE ���� n �i City, State, 7jp Cade APR 0 � 2AN�� RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC tAY 1 9 20111 NU R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue James K Gr'9sor, Govema DndwDee Freeman Secretary AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORA Date: 3 -31-1I Name of Property Owner Applying Ip Permit; Owners Mailing Address Name of Authortzetl Agent for this project: Agent's Mailing Address; aIC9 c Phone Number Allis 51-a- ( L I certify that I have authorized the agent Meted above to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all LAMA Permils necessary to insfaq or construct the fo,l nn mnxnn,v (my property located) at This certllirarW/n' valid third (date) .L �.c to Ah!24�,t Property Own Ignature Dab I APR 01 I�^II 1]) Leda Xtvw E.L. 001.100.. K ]eras Rae9t0.196rP51 EA1E 91P]a5J9611mame: mmncma:acirugarwasa iV�� {CaroJj)ina rwcero�.+n�uma..+s�[rt. JY�[f!lYUI�fJ him RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 1 9 2011 NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CANIA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to NCOS 113-A-119(b), Town of Oak Island, a locality authorized to issue CAMA Permits, hereby gives NOTICE that the following applications for CAMA Miter Development Permit(s) have been received: The applications may be inspected at the address below. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to time of permit decision. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Number Name Address Development Comments through iK 01-11d8 BB& T 4314 E Beach Dr Demo res deuce A0122, 2011 01 11-10 Jarnes Watermeyw 3515 E. Beach Dr Gravel driveway & under house April 22, 2011 Donna Coltman CAMA Local permit Officer Town of Oak Island 4601 E Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 29465 Phone: (910)278-5024 PLEASE PUBLISH ON: April 06,2011 Billing information for this ad: Becky Beard Town of Oak Island 4601 E. Oak Island Drive Oak Island, NC 28465 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAY 1 9 2011