HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAMA mp_2p(Avon-Dare County) - SignedForm DGM fnP-2 EXCAVATION and FILL (Except for bridges and culvcrts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-l. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation and/or flll activities. All values should be given ln feet. Accees Channel (NLWor NWLI Ganal Boat Basin Boat Ramp Rock Groln Rock Brsalnrrater Other (excludfng shorellne etabilizatlonì Length 13,200 fr (2.5 m') Wdür 260 ft Avg. Exlstlng Depth -40fr NAVO F¡nal PñrJect Depth ,ir:, rJrlfi. rr,¡:.48 ft NAVD a. Amount of mate¡lal lo be excavated from bdow NþlW or fWì/L in cublc yards. 1 milllon cublc yards below NHW c. (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wellands/marsh' (CW, submerged aquaüc vegetalion (SAV), shgll bottom (SB), or oürer wetlands (WL)? It any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet afûecled. Ecw _ Elsnv _ trse _ E¡wL - ENone (li) Describe he purpose of lhe excavatlon in lhese areas: N/A b. Type of material to be excavated. Medium sand, see Narrative d. Hlgh-ground excavation ln cublcyards. None a c, Locatlon of disposal area. Cape Hatteras National Seashore in front of the Village of Avon (l) Do you claim lllle to dlsposalarea? EYes EHo E¡¡n {ii) lf no, attach a letter grantng permission from the owner. e, (l) Does tho disposal area lnclude any coastal wellands/marsh (CìÂ/), submerged aquatic wgêtation (SAV), shell boltom (SB), or other weflands (WL)? f any boxes are checked, provlde lhe number of square feet aff€cted.Ecw - Esnv - Esa -flwt- - ENone (¡l) Describe he purpose ol disposal ln ttese a¡eas; b. Dimensions ofdisposal area. 13,200 fr long and averaged 260 ft wide d. (i) VUI a dlsposal area be availablê for futr¡rÞ ma¡ntenance? EYes ENo []NA 0¡) lf yes, where? Ocean shoreline will be utilized for fr,Éure necessary maintenance. (l) Does the disposal include any area h the waler? EYes ENo El.lA (ð) lf yes, ho¡r much water ar€a ls affected? 77 aores f. 252-tlOS-280ð :: {-B8S*!RÊOÃ$'Í :: Wwur.xcr{)â5tafimã{naqte¡t¡t>¡¡t"r.¡et rcvised:12/26ß6 Fornl þ6tr1 MP-? (ExeavaÉiore arrd FE[0, Fage 2 of S] Type of shoreline EBulkhead fiRlprap EBreal(wât€r/s¡ll Eother:8oach Nou¡ishment Average distance waterward of NHW or NVVL: 180 fl of MHW b. Length:ljl?qg Width; l@¡1[!!!S d. Maximum d¡stance walerwad of NHW or NI/VL: 450 fi of MHWc. e. Type of slabilization mate¡ial: Medium sand S. Number of sguare Þet of fill to be placed below water level. Bulkhead backfll N/A Riprap ![.Breahrrater/slll@ i, Source of lll material. Offshore borow area. See Nanatlve. a. (¡) Wil íll material bê bfought to the site? (ü) Amount of material b be placed h the water 600.0O0 cv (lll) Dimensions of llll area 100 acres (iv) Purpose of fll Bead¡ restoration. f. (l) Has thsre been shoreline erosion during prêcÊding 12 months? Eyes Ot'to El¡¡n (ll) lf yes, state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount information, -5-20 q,rñlyr (owrall beach). See Nanaüve. h. Type of frll matelal. Medium sand wilh trace firi€s; -2.6-5.1% granules. -0.1-0.7% gravel. and -16.5% shellmaledal, See Narrative. b. (D Wll ffll matedal be placed h coastalwellands/marsh (CW),' submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? lf any boxes are checked, provlde thê number of square þet affected. ECW - ESAV EISE trwl - ENone (ll) Oescribe lhe purpose of thê frll in lhese areas: N/A How wlll êxcavatod or fill material be kept on slle and erosion controllêd? Sand dikes b. Vvhat type of constuction equipment will be used (€.9., dfagline, backhoe, or hydraul¡c dredge)? Hydraulic andlor hopper dredge, bulldozers, and front end loaders c,(l) Vvill navigationala¡ds be requ¡red as a resuìt of the prdect? Eves Etto D¡¡c (li) lf yes, explain what Væ and ho,v lhey wíll be implemented. d. (i) Vìfll wedands b€ crossed in transporling êquipment to prdect site? OYes ENo ENA 0l) f yes, explain steps that w¡ll be taken to avoid or minimize envlronmental impacls. ' _, ,1....:: : .:...,::l : -:,-.. ..i::.1 P¡oiectruåme:.: : , , 25¿-BO8-ABO8 !¡ { "888"4Re0 ÂST :: vuww"i¡coqasea[nra¡ra gêrú!€$trlrêt rêv¡sed: 12t261O8