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HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_11-027_Williamsr JLL-21-2011 13:31 From:THB PLRNUNSP 36/27/2011 14:51 9109078169 .1U'-ET'i'a11 15:10 FrOaI:TH9 PWrgjNS� 01" po_ 91t9fiQTW3 To:19103953964 To:91090i8169 P.6/14 PAGE 02/04 P.3'5 Town of U-a Beuf L owl Goveminent RECEIVED ()CM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 2 1 2(Ji1 CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT If 111-W Pel r I Nt row If I a sudwnbred by ere Soft nr Wmft Cwalrw, oepwbyARI of 6n+i,wrnent, WO Nftn4 Raaaso uM the Cawftl Ratnaama Ce.wim em hr davkpae rn an men of ardaaaaat mma% pwsan to SOON UU-jig an tea Ga W Rta4r6!1. i Arai FIhRe/rrMt' lWWd 4n OWN S Amy YV autllplLng develppmellt rn 0ie Estuerir� ShoreNrle KC) at I ► Wsh 0m, in Holden Beach 9nrnswick Coui as requested in the penni0�e r appicalbrt, dated May 25, 201 . nis permit, issued on dude 27, 2011. is sub)ectb owipliance w1h Ote appl calm and site draRln9 (where eo; * rl ivgh fie pemtitl, a0 9M*Ade raWlaWns arM spmW mfd km ow noles set lath below. Any triola' m cd Bra tt emta may aubjed pemiiltele to a fine, impdsom6ient or civil acl R or may cake the pemfit to be nol and void. Tfus permitauhonm IRWALL GROUND LEVEL S MMilING POOL, 780 SQUARE FI :I f OF GROUND LEVEL. WOOD OECKNIG, AND FENCE TO MEET ALL REQUIRNENTS. (1) AN proposed deveiopmsrd and assodaled =WucUw must be done in anm*nm +N,h li r drwAnga(s)v recewd an tley 25, 2t111. ssmrw work plat f2) AN oonahrdiarrnlrc v ikxn to ttr N C. & Bding Cade rowiramerts and al elhar ldW, a3tata s , Faders regdahons, applemble local adnaims and FEMA Hood Repulallorta kJ) N7 &aMa or cbatpes in the Flans for deuelopm t,wwtudMa hand use aril Is Y& mcp 'r nwdficaun of this wrnft. a rB ov uallen and t4) A mpy of this perms arm ba poslod cr avaclehJe on sh. L4nracl this ofioe at 910.842&W ^_ "aim etw]rk. a ffnal rrspeciion at (Aditmml Pormit Cnnddioen on Rage2) 'm part %;6m Rwr beappawbd b1 am pm... x q ww mamm parawa tM urn � Pena N' �'kV MO Fan 6n do a w o:pa1, awl RW mm vrM be MIMI b Mftmd Ths mrrwinufbgmIrapwi 2*mw amMde b be MR waiter am ee r 9W I; aRppaad rnr aon'GFwm AV maYae W" aarr a p4Xt mobhee&n not mmq wade M pw* mgwe fiber atom pmot awomL The expira6tib date cf this W" ha been oftnded in acoofdarm with Session Law 200"m mW*rmatcama -mcpn *aowm Rr,O =15 U fminp mn Faeraa apacw 1iplNs pgedl!caaimnt 11'itip2laW i9M tlsb Pon and all aPP6:'� . m ppmd thou ad a "�re+od >o = >nmac a1° a7Pmwal err fire Obbloo at Cwedel RH91 aA Uh ,I 7EN CAMALOCAL PEI;I "OFFICIAL 110 Rothrchl ij : treat `�= (SiarraWra 9grerudRCdtt66cr .:weapply to pomiq JUL-21-2011 13:31 From:THB PLRN&INSP 06/27/2011 14:51 9109070169 .nN-27-Re11 13:10 From:TFIB PLH`r D& 91110427003 To:19103953954 Ta:9 ON713169 P.7/14 PAGE 03l04 P,4,S Name DanielAAmythhltxne MlnorPem it# 2011-027 Oft- June 27,MI Page 2 DECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 21 (5) Unless spadfioally etW b 15A NCAC 07K G2Wd)(70}. and shuwrn an the pemlltad plea drm r I, Alldevebpmer tlmrne3vctlwl shlY be loo7pd a diA mm of 30 ia6tlandward of nowd high W*zr. (6) AllU1fLOn9f) d !lard elirled4t Fdn 8�pa}a♦!d gradnAg si d tang irng steal tIC rCt9fledCT li- 31y etfectiae SK&W Wow and aoaonom d measures Prfor b any LwAdwjffft ed,Klag a Lanier kw c ' e dolh must be k�led broperotvresn the lark! OO *g ackutpr and the adjacent mer8h or wapa areas, Ell WM 1 � n ea reel B ea has been ply wabibdwtlh avegmws eovw. (7) �Y Ixoposed brgradkng+nLfrtf iFe 30 huller hem qte ndrm� ti8h water moat be Canto red }D Prr ;. , taddHorml Olmm ter 11IMP to the adjacent marsh. This area shal he kMoiatey veptat vey atettihnd, an I usl remairn n a vegetated sue, (8) Ar other doxbad areas shall be vegatalWy sUbIzed (08etee and muldpd) wft,14 days of a ri mctiop eompfatbn (9) PRIOR TO A FINAL NPECTION BEING COMPLETED ON THE PROJECT , AS BUILT SURVEY WITH THE 30 FOOT BUFFER BEING SHMN,TFE SQUARE F �I 'tTAGE OF THE DECKING WITHIN THE BUFFER AND THE TOTAL SQUARE FOOT tl 1E OF THE Pf: WMS DECKINGSHALL ✓3E SUBMITTED TO THE INSPECTIONS DEI'J°,RTMENT. (10)Thedecking Is being proposed wlHlin the Item yaw stdback and is beint l iermMed to be ground level any, (I OThe 185 square feet Of pervious decldrtg within the 30 Foot bdfw Is bein I iWpilted based an section 15NCAC 07R AM (dxio) . (12) A tcrW of 780 square feet Of pervious decking, Nwe wil be Ieft betwm ,yards so the stmmweter ran flow Onto IRKIs{Ing ground)is being pormil 0d. SiGM4TURf:�i L-11 .i .N 2e11 Pt RMITiEE DATE: " — JUL-21-2011 13:31 From:THB PLAN&IN5P 9108427003 To:19103953%4 P.8,14 06/27/2011 14:51 9109078169 PAGE 04/04 TUN-27-2011 13:11 Froo:TW PUMTB SP 9100427003 Te:91090 IG9 P.5-15 Name: Darien & Amy M111 9 MinarPann,�#2011-0i Data dune 27M 1 Page 3 (13) The Town of Holden Beach Code of Ordinates states in pant as follows: ; Is the intent of these regulations that Mannwater flow be routinely containe w I in property lines In question, and not be directed onto adiacent real estate. (14) h is the persons signing the prmit that are respwmlbl8 to provide the ct ri : ractos WNh a copy of ttds permit so that all c011sbuc6en be done accordarree N ij I the per RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 2 1 'All A SIGNATURED.. - DATE: V NJ Z o 4r PER IFF EE "'� Locality _ f 060H Ll�d' M Jet a UA Permit Number a G��-0.2 Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline _Public Trust Shoreline Other (For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION W.Vkvlz61NA.13� Name: Daniel It Amy Williams Address: 7116 Holmfield Road City: Fayetteville State: NC Zip: 28306 Phone: 706 833-8712 AUTHORIZED AGENT Name: Danny Sparkman Address: 1108 Sword Street City: Supply State: NC Zip: 28462 Phone: 910 512-5635 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody.)107 Starfish Drive, Canal #3 Heritage Harbor DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) Install In Ground Swimming Pool, Ground Level Pervious Deck and Fence SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 7,489 square feet 0.17 acres PROPOSED USE: Residential X (Single-family X Multi -family 0) Commercial/Industrial ❑ Other ❑ TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): N/A square feet (includes all heated/air conditioned living space) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): N/A square feet (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC.)(Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (1)within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2)within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3)within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES ❑ NO ��X If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. N/A square fee JUN 0 3 2011 Dr —Ai" WLlTV {'tipGfON, tsl(: SUN-06-2011 08:49 From:TH8 PLAN&INSP 9108427003 To:3953964 P.313 01 HER PERMITS MAYBE REQUIRED: The iteuvity yob are planning may rcyuin perm is other than the CA' MA minor development prunut As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required We suggest you chuck over the list with your 1,11010 dcn:tmine if any of these apply to your project. Coning, prinking Water We1L Septie'1'ank (or other sanitary waste treatment sys-tcm) Building, Fit Wicsl, Plumbing, Harting and Air Conditioning, fnsulatimn and Itnergy Conservation, FIA CertTicalion, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval. Highway Connection, and others. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: L the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying fora. CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) X an owner or record title, Title is vested in Daniel a Amy Williams, see Deed Book 3149 page 698 in the Brunswick County Registry of Deeds. ❑ an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in _ __ County. ❑ if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application_ NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit (Name) (Address) (1) Paul ti Sherri Broglin 334 Saint Thomas Road Fayetteville, NC 28311 (2) Wallace & Carolyn Harrelson 204 Victor Street Marion, NC 29571 (3) (4) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN 14AZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and Floodproofrng techniques. 19411151MI0I►1itC133aY31;1i)gaWJ 1lF I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard noticc where necessary, a check for $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application a, described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action_ -rh is the 24th day of May, 2011 RECEIVED � JUN 0 6 2011 Landowner or person authorized to act as his agent for purpose of filing a CAMA permit application DCM WILMINGTON, N ' AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: Ocean Erodible Area High z�rdrFlood Area _ Inlet Hazard Area �,," � I �I/AAMS � Property Owner: Aj� � N i I II �2"" Property Address: 101 c�%r�51i �D NbIr1Ey1 1 r(iol , ✓yb Brunswick County GIS for s information! 910-263-2690. his shall be completed. icant, aware of the SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for developmer evelopment in this in areas subject to sudden and massive storms and erosion. Permit as storms, erosion issued for development in this area expire on December 31 of th urces Commission thud year following the year in which the permit was issue( e and acknowledge Shortly before work begins on the project site, the Local Perm evelopment can be Officer must be contacted to determine the vegetation line an setback distance at your site. If the property has seen little chang since the time ofpermit issuance, and the proposed developmer dards, oceanfront can still meet the setback requirement, the LPO will inform yo minimize, but not that you may begin work. Substantial progress on the projec anting permits, the must be made within 60 days of this setback determination, ( rantee the safety of the setback must be remeasured. Also, the occurrence of a maj( r future damage to shoreline change as the result of a storm within the 60-day perio an Hazard Area of will necessitate remeasurement of the setback. It is importa( n that structures be that you check with the LPO before the permit expires for offici; nentlythreatenedby approval to continue the work after the permit has expire( tructure(s) must be Generally, if foundation pilings have been placed and substanti; years of becoming progress is continuing, permit. renewal can be authorized. It its collapse or unlawful to continue work after permit expiration. o (j q IfG} Call Date Lot Was Platted: I 1 I thi T This notice is intended to make you, the appl special risks and conditions associated with d area, which is subject to natural hazards such and currents. The rules of the Coastal Reso require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notic that notice in writing before a permit for d issued. up The Commission's rules on building stan setbacks and dune alterations are designed t eliminate, property loss from hazards. By gr Coastal Resources Commission does not gua the development and assumes no liability fo the development. Permits issued in the Oce Environmental Concern include the conditio relocated or dismantled if they become immi changes in shoreline configuration. The s relocated or dismantled within two (2) imminently threatened, and in any case u subsidence. The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual long-term average ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located is _A feet per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as 3 feet landward in a major storm. The ood waters in a major storm are predicted to be about feet deep in this area. Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prohibited. Temporary, sand bags may be authorized under certain conditions. The applicant must acknowledge this information and requirements by signing this notice in the space belo ithout the proper signature, the application willn tbeco plete. if. Il1 XK 5 fl-I I For more information, contact: 0 nd a W! Qf� I2h Local Permit Officer TOWN oP HOLDEN BEACH rlPapta V. IMMC3UM Address 110 ROT}gSMILD MUT HDLDEN sFACM, N.C. 2t;462 Locality aI(-BQQ-(oo,2o Phone Number spot (1 &0( " 615 ( visr) 6fV1 966 11 Jf �0 mww May 24, 2011 Paul & Sherri Broglin 334 Saint Thomas Road Fayetteville, NC 28311 This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on property at 107 Starfish Drive, in Brunswick County, town of Holden Beach, N.C. and owned by Daniel & Amy Williams I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and a copy of the drawing of my proposed project. If you have any comments on my proposed project, please contact the Coastal Representative listed below. No response within ten (10) days is the same as no objection when you have been notified by Certified Mail. Rhonda Wooten 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, N.C. 28462 (910)842-6080 �erely, Danny Sparkman (910)512-5635 �w U Sk P.6sttaliSeerylce;E�f 1� � X ECER 1FIED,�MgIL AN :UI TI s(Domestic�Marl Only No;lnsurance;Cov age`ProIBM videdj , for delivery�nformabonvisIt our webste°at www�uspscom� �.�'. Certitietl Fee 'f,`.yT M Retum Receipt Fee ostmark O (Endorsement Requiretl) �i1pere ' 0 Restncted Delivery Fee- QF O (EntlorsementRequired) '�*' rr2J ru zTotal Postaga &Fees $ 3 a M1 Sent To L� C3 Sheet, Apt. No.; .. tc --_ ' ----_A----_.--___. M1 or fO ox No. ..... 1 5 1 ...'-Y'^[✓l'^%� -�lJ. - .. City. Slats, ZIP+4 ------------------------------ FA`re rTC-UI LC PC 28311 May 24, 2011 Wallace & Carolyn Harrelson 204 Victor Street Marion, SC 29571 This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on property at 107 Starfish Drive, in Brunswick County, town of Holden Beach, N.C. and owned by Daniel & Amy Williams I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and a copy of the drawing of my proposed project. If you have any comments on my proposed project, please contact the Coastal Representative listed below. No response within ten (10) days is the same as no objection when you have been notified by Certified Mail. Rhonda Wooten 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, N.C. 28462 (910) 842-6080 Sincerely, a—c-� 4-✓�- Danny Sparkman (910) 512-5635 ru C3 Postage S S ru Certified Fee M � Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) O Restricted Delivery Fee O (Endorsement Required) CO tti Total Postage & Fees ,$ ni 0 0,,, , ,a WALLAeE -" "--- -------- p Street, Apt No.; �f ''"-t"""-"' rZ or POBox Na. 4•'{ y(LTQ(z CiIY. Stefe. Z%Pt4 _M-_.._A--._•----------------- 2wfJ.- SG Pdstmark 41Ifre 21; m, t 7 5'7) VF-Zone Application Town of Holden Beach Floodplain Development Permit Application Date : 5-11- 1 Permit Number: Location of Property: In Sbdso 6ecf Cl Type of Development: Residential Construction Nonresidential Construction ❑ Addition ❑ Renovation ❑ Other (specify) Size of Development: ?LDU ^ 6x 3© r�- 372 oz. j;!a6 FIRM Data: Map Panel No. Suffix Map Pane] Date 6-oG Flood Zone i/(/.�(Enter zone & not y/n) Development Standards Data: 1. Base flood elevation (BFE) per FIRM at development site 13 using NAVD 88 2. Regulatory flood protection elevation must be at or above the bottom of the lowest supporting horizontal member and all attendant utilities to include but not limited to, all heating, air conditioning and electrical equipment must be installed and constructed using NAVD 88. 3. V-Zone Certification is required prior to a C.O. being issued by the Building Inspector. 4. All walls constructed below base flood elevation shall be constructed break a way walls in accordance with FEMA's technical bulletin. 5. Will garage (if applicable) be used for any purpose other than parking vehicles, building access, or storage? f`I IA- . If yes, then the garage must be used in determining the lowest floor elevation. Applicant acknowledgment: I, the undersigned, understand that the issuance of a floodplain development permit it contingent upon the above information being correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. I also understand that prior to occupancy of the structure being permitted, an elevation certificate signed by a professional engineer or registered land surveyor must be on file with the Town of Holden Beach Building Department indicating the "as built" elevations in relation to mean sea level (MSL). Pr nt or Type Name of Applicant �d �i�l�(IQpVI ��iYIIL� 1�1-��IQ4yIS SiV [pofApp(fea� &(1 to ...5�— Address & TelepRhone Number 'Ilw lhwYI o a Print or Type Name of Agent Signature of Agent & Date Address & Telephone Number Floodplain Manager IIIIIIIIIn111111IIllllnl111111111� s�t49 P069s °�,_�°„ 16:,3:35.0ae arue,saiek Ca.ty, NC R.alster of D..e pxg �1 of 3 �r � --Rev—Ret nt. Eck# ;Ih$ Ratuc9: _ Car`. Fj a,ca j�, �GI}' k> Preparedby: RirhardF. Green Anamey at law 2998 Bolden Beach Road, S1' Bolden Bmch, NCI9462 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK z, WITHOUT OPINION OF TITLE This INSTRUMENT Op: LOMBIMATION, as re.the COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK is made this thea!—��day of March, 2011. Whereas, DANIEL M. WILLTA IS and wife, AMY HALBERT WILLIAMS, the makers of this instrument, wish to combine three lots into one for purposes expressed herein only. a f THAT WHEREAS, the m_ers of this IN5M T OF COtvfBINATION own certain lots in Lockwood Folly township, all of whig were duly reed in the Brunswick County Register of Deeds office in Book 342 at Page 4t-9 to wit: BEING ALL of Lot Number 304, 305 and 306 of Heritage Harbor all according to a map of same of Heritage Land Corporation according to a map by A.L. Willis, Jr., R.L.S., dated October 1968, and same ap�IS srs of r"grd in the office of the Register of Deeds, Brunswick County, North Carolina„rR Map Book .'y J III�fiCIIIIiiI,IIII�I� 63149 P0699 ma,_2a„ Deeds Clemons PROP r Qrynsulek CwmtY; Reglsler of Deatls Pa0e 2 of 3 There is excepted and reserved from the above described property an casement and right- of-way five feet in width adjacent to the streets and roads on which the above -described property abuts, for the purpott of widening the roads as shown on the above referenced map, and for doing the ustip'i road wok.,pn these roads and streets. This right-of-way casement to be perpetual,hd bc;inding'adrp�ct_of the second par[, their heirs and assigns. 0�- "f'<`+,•2 ". WHEREAS, for the purpose of complying with the Brunswick County Zoning, CAMA and Town of Holden Beach requirements only, said owners wish to combine the above -mentioned lots to meet the requirements of all applicable provisions therepf,�+ At ?S;rrgq WHEREFORE, upon execytl`t'ion a recur"f,6irc'iYT,t,�,,'w1NSTRiJMENT OF CO.vBINATION, the above -mentioned lots, for purposes of meeting thecabove stated requirements of the County, may be combined and hereafter may be described as follows: "Recombination of Survey oflot 305 Revised" according to a map of survey by Gary Gorgeous, dated March LTA; 2011, andt("gogded in Map Cabinet &lq at Pagc2�, Brunswick County Regis, NortlU_Canrolina.-`"•�<.r=�; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this is a limited special purpose instrument for the purposes specified above and is not a conveyance of ownership, the makers have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written for the purpose expressed. 5P l (SEAL) '�caDANIEL M. WILLIAMS I iN (SEAL) ^� AMY HALBERT WILLIAMS ems,V W �3 g3-3t-Lett . 13149 P0109 �S' Ill ti 11ll�llll'I��NI''II��I'��I Brenta nCsa 3 if 3� f DeeAs P 7° grureulek C .tY. RC Rptgler c STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK .N I, the undersigned Notary Public of IWCounty ofk}rpnswick and State aforesaid, certify that DANIEL M. WILLIAMS and wife, AMY IIAL"RT WELLiAll,+l3.sgg;pr�11v appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the f going ios%liem for the pt¢pd;& therein expressed. -1'. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal, ffiisZr� day of March, 2011. (OFFICIAL SEAL) A LC� %v ' . "4 , T rt� NOTARY PUBLIC R'ctery's Prnrted or Type r Name) %T. My C- Expires: 0`1-'11P•.'I.OIti TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION au StlGuu115 111u5t UC CUmpletea, it not appncame write N/A. Section 1: Basic Data Name: IJArlltl & AMV N11I llannS Telephone #: Holden Beach Property Address: D S Lot: 305 Subdivision: 466M b Qr of Permanent Mailing Address (print s me if local address above appli s): Street Address: '71lu me ieo City/State/Zip Code: — CkIC1AI NP,, 111d3D Contractor Who Will Perform Work: �1�1/ i�l1GGti ( 5 Contact Person: SICVt (>Yu5 5 Telephone: Address: UZI Section 2: Specific Criteria Required to Support Application Approval: Type of Structure: ob New: , Alteration: D Repair: ❑ Relocate: D Driveway: ❑ Fence: ❑ Other. Property Use: Single Family:'i L Two Family: D Apartment: D -Cesium: ❑ Townhouse: ❑ Other: ❑ Please describe: aml Jrrct faririf, L; anw „M, Number of Bedrooms:' ItTI Required Setbacks in Feet: Front: `S Rear: 00 Side: S Platted Area in Square Feet: —74 s9 Usable Area in Square Feet per Survey Town Ordinance: No building shall exceed a maximum height of 35 feet measured from ground level to the highest point of the structure. Designated Ground Level in Feet Above Mean Sea Level: 10' Highest Point of Structure above Mean Sea Level: t,i x; Ground Level is a measured point per the following: 1. FEMA flood area "AE": Measuring Point is minus 10 feet from the base flood elevation. 2. FEMA flood area "VE": Measuring point is minus 8 feet from the base flood elevation. 3. FEMA flood area "AE" and "VE" where the minus 10 and 8 foot measurements from the base flood elevation is below undisturbed soil: Measuring point is the lowest original soil under the structure after the disturbed soil has been balanced (see Town Ordinance for definition of "balanced"). 4. FEMA flood area "X": Measuring point is to be the lowest original soil under the structure after the undisturbed soil has been balanced. / I Q Flood Zone (AE, VE, X): Base Floo k1b Elevation: O Type of Driveway Material: WVJ Driveway Area �uquare feet): 7-5t) Lowest Original Grade Elevat n below Building in Feet: /,1 Proposed Finished Grade in Feet as Shown on Fill Plan if Fill is to be Placed on Lot: f-11A Is Fill Material Being Proposed on the Lot? Yes: No: ><If Yes, Depth of Fill: rJ1,+ Proposed Concrete Slab Elevation as Shown on the $tormwater Plan: /J It Piling Depth Below Original Grade in Feet: /`l I A Certification to be Completed by Applicant: "I certify that any construction, alteration or replacement of building and/or use of land shall be carried out in accordance with the information and Zoning Permit criteria listed above." J I I (a ri illvrdm phwel will1u os Authorized Signature Pri ed Name Date Section 3: To be Completed by Town of Holden Beach Zoning Official CAMA Permit Required? Yes: ❑ No: C Stormwater Permit Required? Yes: ❑ No: D Zoning District Determination for Property: Residential District (RI Zone) ❑ Residential District (R2 Zone) D Commercial District (C Zone) ❑ Zoning Official Approval Signature: Date: This nermit exnires 1 vear from the rlate of icc„P Message Confirmation Report Name/Number 7545407 Page 1 Start Time JUN-01-2011 03r22PM WED Elapsed Time 00'11" Mode STD ECM Results 10.K] JUN-01-201103:22 PM WED Fax Number r 9108427003 Name THB PLAN&INSP SU NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to�NC�O/S' 113A-119(b),r authorizedm to issue CAMA permits in Areas of Environmental Concern, hereby gives NOTICE that.. MOW. _ S� ^ai� , dXllYlxYl tkfNi10 applied fora CAMA permit to In i,U ' nNI w4h 12 5 Sg.. ��i _ try- l W-Wered Qepryb c a& fogrR-' .0ri✓c-- The application may be inspected at the address below. Public comments received by a rnr e a 4 aA l 1 will be considered. TA —ter commarts will be acceped and considered up to the time of permit decision Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Noticeof the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. '2ilff)A o- 11)0601 CAMA Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden ^Beach ss/ Addre: Q Td,o�e� ld Phone: 96B`(1/Y1 &(--L � �1 PLEASL' PUBLISI ION: OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in Areas of Environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on May 25, 2011, applicant Daniel and Amy Wil- liams applied for a CAMA permit to install an in the ground pool with 195 sq. R. of uncovered pervious decking and fence at 107 Starfish Drive. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public com- ments received by June 29, 2011, will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the'. time of permit decision. Project mod- ifications may occur based on flusher review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Rhonda Wooten Local CAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 (910)892-6080 June 9 RECEIVED JUL 19 2011 WILMINGTON, NC STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Scott R. Harrell who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): June 9, 2011 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Sec- tion 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 9th day of June, 2011. .............. �' lGr 4 ........ (Sig ature of person making affidavit' Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of June, 2011. (Notary Public) My commission expires: December 29, 2014. INTRACOAS LAT WATERWAY HOLDEN SANTRrnl nj]� BEACH, DOLL N.C. DR. I STARFISH GREEI OCEAN VIEW SITE DR. ST. BLVD. WEST ATLANTIC OCEAN VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE THIS PLAT HAS BEEN DONE IN AC WITH THE TOWN OF HOLDEN BEAC ORDINANCES. SI:JkL 1 90 RUM % 1 z D r I, GARY L. GURGANUS, P.L..S, NO. IS OF A SURVEY OF ANOTHER CATE OF EXISTING PARCELS, A COURT -OF TO THE DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION J TIE LINE: COMMENCING AT MONUMENT "GRIF", (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 59,420.2519 AND E = 2,211,631.8070); THENCE S 81'17'04"W 1,793.33 FEET TO MONUMENT "HB 19", (N.C. GRID COORDINATES- N = 59,148.5069 AND E = 2,209,859.1852); THENCE N 74'56'34"E 341.50 FEET TO A COTTON SPIKE; THENCE N 08'40'19"W 233.08 FEET TO ERB "A"; THENCE S 02'58'22"E 75.01 FEET TO EIP "B". ALL BEARINGS ARE ORIENTED TO N.C. GRID NORTH, N.A.D. 1983. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. LOT 303 i HERITAGE HARBOR SUBDIVISION MAP BOOK 9, PAGE. 87 ( M I � I ` LOT 3a2 I 1 _ V J V) rM W m z �o Q Z � Z Z0 � O 00 2 J 0 Z Fro c3 av 00' .0 zz a A� A � C m Own o°� +3 A $j a 3-= v -a A 31.11 omNW W N ra .W 0 -um - D O 4 CTl � r � V' -4 m 0 0 � > o � IvT D N m C z 7 m NORTH CAROUNA __ BRUN WICK. __ COUNTY it I, GARY L. tm"AT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY ��� VEYMADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION, 4PAGE S THAT THE _, ERR Ofi AS xE dpY COMPUTER IS 1/ _LO�QOO+ THAT AM NOT S VEYEM ARE SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES, PLO TiCD INFAI RN D, THAT THIS PLAT WAS PR �PYACC 37-30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY NAIGMA RE, R dl NUMBER AND SEA THIS A.D., 20_ GARY L. GU ,,U _ ---- REgSTRA710N NU - 474 SEAL OR STAMP REVIEW OFFICER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF NOR CAROLINA I• : -�• REVIEW OFFICER OF COUNTY, CERW79AT THE MAP OR PLAT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED M ALL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING- REFO DA NOTES *THE PLATTED LOTS ARE IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE "VE", ELEVATION 18 FEET BASED ON F.I.R.M. 3720201500 J. PANEL DATE 06-02-06, *BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT YARD: 25 FEET REAR YARD: 20 FEET SIDE YARD: 5 FEET *THE HOUSE ON THE PLATTED LOTS APPEARED TO BE TWO LIVING LEVELS ON PILINGS WITH A GROUND LEVEL ENCLOSURE_ *THE HOUSE APPEARED TO BE 100% COMPLETE. OWNER: DEAN R & GILL A EDWARD LEGEND: ERB O EXISTTNG REBAR (FOUND) EIP 0 EXISTING IRON PIPE (FOUND) NRB O NEW REBAR (SET) MH 0 MAN HOLE CATV ❑ CABLE TELEVISION PEDESTAL ICV ❑ IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE WV Q WATER VALVE EB ❑ ELECTRIC BOX OS OUTDOOR SHOWER GLE GROUND LEVEL ENCLOSURE -X—x FENCE SBL BUILDING SET BACK LINE RECOMBINATION SURVEY OF LOT 305 REM SED MADE FROM A RECOMBINATION OF LOTS 304, 305 & 306, HERITAGE HARBOR SUBDIVISION, (MAP BOOK 9, PAGE 87), HOLDEN BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA AND EXISTING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE GARY GURGANUS LAND SURVEYING PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NORTH CAROLINA 3369 HOLDEN BEACH RD., SW SUPPLY, NORTH CAROU NA 28462 (910)233-7605 10 0 10 20 SCALE: 1 = 10' © 2011, GARY GURGANUS LAND SURVEYING SCALE: 1" = 10' DATE: 03--17-11 TOWNSHIP: LOCKWOOD FOLLY FIELD BOOK: 004-006 COUNTY: BRUNSWICK FILE: 11032 STATE: NORTH CAROLINA JOB NO.: 11032