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HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_11-019_MurinsonFROM :SHIPPING [[ DEPOT Nr'K-dt,-c"1'1 lal:&4 rr am: IM] N1-FWK1Nbr TOWN OF HOLZN ffin Local Goverllnlent FAX NO. :3362994484 Apr. 26 2011 02:03PM P1 y1WId4C (bb3 I o:3,pbd'! (H54J , 211111-018 Pltr * Nwdw CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as autnodcod by p+e SUB of Norm taMina, Dapartma of Ernironman4 and Natural Rwau+cM tied tine Ceaatat ReeemrmM Cenr rd"Ien as development In an arm of awareadrmt concern puraeent to Section WWI 18 of the awrlli Statutm, 'Coastal Anne McMpenienC Issued to Donald A Cynthia Mu[inson, audari2ing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 1007 Ocean Boulevard West , in Holden 9each Brunswick County, as requested in the permifte's application, dated March 15, 2011. This permit, Issued on April 26, 2011, is subject to compliance with the appkkon and site drawing (where consistent wkh the permit), all applicable rep[dallons and special conditions and rotas set k* below. Any violation of these taunts may subject permitlea to a tine, Imprisonment or chill action, or may cause the permit to be null and Vold. This permit authonzas REMOVE EXISTING DECK ATTACHED TO THE HOUSE AND INSTALL A IN THE GROUND POOL & GROUND LEVEL DECKING, CONSTRUCT NEW STAIRS. (1) All proposed developrovinl and assodaled construction moat W done In acaordanoe with to parrr'itled work plat drawkgks) dated received on March 15, 2011. (2) All oonstri whon must oordorm to the N,C, Buhdhg Code requirement® and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordina nean and F MA Flood Regulations. (3) Afly oha%e or changes In ltle *ne for devebprthant, construction, or land use activillos will require a re-evaluation and Modllcation of fhb permit, (4) A ropy of this permit shad be posted or available on site. CorfW ibis office at 910-042-6060 for a final inspection at ,=Yipletl n of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on page 2) T`hls por" Wfim tnay ik appmWO tX the germane a cater OWW paraans MtNn twenty (2a) days of tlW Iwuing dide Fran ttia dale of on appast any nark cmUM under It good slut lama until Me appeal It math Tian pwmf mot be no the P'*d site end accetatde b the "after Wen era aapected la cornp9mm Any malrAmauca ask or projept madkattn cool eovarad under this parmK 01011e tenter w fan PW N approval. The alplattn dale or the paring to been U040d In aoppdance with aassin Law 20MAN. All oak row! cease when fin pt it a" our 091162016 RECEI In Ww1ng this Writ in is apaad that ear pajW It wastar n wtlh the to d Lead time PWn and aN appkuble adlnlitma. Thp pmaa may not tie anther party vkvmt Ira w then arrfwM at So %mon d ovMR 2 8 Msrageuwic 9'ih'j' u)c&' Rhonda Wooten CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 110 Roltlsctdld Street ��Il.rnn,rNOCd2i�846.Y2 'n�h_��ii uR�4ts ftWr IEE - 2011(SWiahae ratyldlad If tlllnlilimsOWN apply to permit) D(-I"^ VVI00INGTON, NC FROM :SHIPPING [E DEPOT FAX NO. :33629944e4 Apr. 26 2011 02:04PM P2 HI'k-Cb-cd11 pram: IM MHMIN51' 71W 14drGtla 10: 3.Stu-9 f4S43 r.S/6 Name: Donald d Cyntlda Madntron KnorPerrnitill 2011-MO Dune; Apr1126, 2011 Page 2 tar I ne Wwwre must set Dept a minimum alto apt from the }lien line of debts natural vegetation, as determined by the DW the LPO, or other assigned agerd of the DCid. (6) The pamdltee Is required to contact the Loud Permit Officer 910-842-M, shorty before he plans to begin construction to arrarpa a setbad[ measurement that will be OWN for sixty (60) days bmrtng a major shoreline Chempe. Construction must begin wft d* (80) days of the detetm6vdm or the meamement Is void and must be redone. (7) All buildings Constructed within the ocean hazard area ahaff comply with the NC Building Code, including the Coastal and Flood Plain ConelruoBon Standards of tha N. C. Bulkfmg Codo, and the Local Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance as required by the National Rood insurance Program 0 any provisions of the building code or a food damage prevention erdinaae am poor sdaleM with any of the following AEC atanderds, the more restriolve provision shag oonbd. (8) M buildings mnat be elrarated on pilings wifi a dimnetor of at lead 8lnchas in diameter N round, or 8 inches to a aide Ii square; and the Orel floor level of the Bills and )OM must meet the 100-year flood level elevation. (9) AI I pilings shall have a 0 penetration greyer Ihart eight feet below the lowed Ground elsvallon [coder the structure, (1o)Dune disturbances will not be allowed. The dune's protective value SHALL not be wmkened or reduced. 1118turbed areas will be immedia* stabilized. (11)AII rmconWidarad material reWfimg from associated grading and landscaping gall be rolalned on site by effective Bedm union and erosion control meaatves. Disturbed areas shall be vapatatativey stabilized (plonfad and mulched) wdhln 14 days of oonshudlon completimu. (12)Aoy Mature au"WrIzed by itch permit shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imminenfly threatened by Changes in ehorelhe configuration. 110 atruaturecel shag to relaotad or dimnertfed Mdhfn two rears of the time Iehan it Yee intently IhreStened aML, LW oese coon Its ryrlJWall or aubM . However, If natural shoreline recovery, or beach mnourLghmant takes place within two years of the Ilm[e the structure become Imminently threatened, w that the stn tuna Is no longer krmdnantly threatened, then a need not be relocated or dismantled at f t lime. We condition shag not affect the permit holdsee right to seek authoritation of temporary protadlve measures allowed under CRC rulo& (13) The final as bugt convey shall allow the kr MA of the prtuonat *Won too of hollal dune, location of pool, daft and gftre square footage of decking. SIGNATURE: A. PERMITTEE DATE: / l GENERAL INFORMATION' LAND OWNER Name Address am I S' City AKemL0r State NC- Zip ZqL*-Phone __-- AUTHORIZED AGENT Name W L .L rc- . Address //Jai ewk '54! �^ City State AIC Zip .4y4L Phone ' 91y Email Ki tJ �AHw. com LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront; what is the name of the adjacentwaterbody.) la>? Ctejsry Mul t✓ui � - t"'UnWL GC�b�nry DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) i nsi wu- oc. of Ae. 0144-E L3u,1A qua ah,,cs SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 11', y t square feet acres PROPOSED USE: Residential . (Single-family ❑ Multi -family ❑) CommerciaVlndustrial ❑ Other ❑ COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit Offer ijyou are not sure which AEC applies to your property): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding noti-load-bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: _ square feet (includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES Ir NO RECE 1, If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: 5N46L square fedt. E D MAR 2 4 2011 OCM WILMINGTON, NC OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA mini development permit, including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and others. Check with your Local Permit Officer for more information. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person euthonzedTo act as awagentforpurposes-ofapplying-for-a-CAMA minor.developn=t-p_ernilcertify that the person _ listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) _✓an owner or record title, Title is vested in _0021-\6t " �4 ^Yn," (I � a%.L see Deed Book 3 page -11 in the �- ^� -.•�k County Registry of Deeds. _an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet & attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OFADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. l AAA--- (1) (2) (3) (4) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I, the undersigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned fox an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the Local Permit Officer has explained to me the particu- lar hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabiliza- tion and floodproofing techniques. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant, permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information .' related to this permit application. This the /•Sig day of /16114N > 20 1L Landowner or person orized to act as his/her agent for purpose of filing a CAMA permit application This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the Ocean HazardAECNotice where necessary, a checkfor poo.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in arty permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. �-a oll—orcv AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: Ocean Erodible Area High Hazard Flood Area Property Owner: JIY�, 1,nA Property Address: Date Lot Was Platted: -JU1N 7.5 19 S 1 This notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as storms, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules on building standards, oceanfront setbacks and dune alterations are designed to minimize, but not eliminate, property loss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commission does not guarantee the safety of the development and assumes no Lability for future damage to the development. Permits issued in the Ocean Hazard Area of Environmental Concern include the condition that structures be relocated or dismantled if they become imminently threatened by changes, in shoreline configuration. The structure(s)-must be relocated or dismantled within two (2) years of becoming imminently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence. The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual long -tens average ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located is 01 feet per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as feet landward in a major storm. The flood waters in a major storm are predicted to be about —_feet deep in this area. Inlet Hazard Area L:atl Brunswick County GIS for this information! 910-253-2690. This shall be completed. SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for development in areas subject to sudden and massive storms and erosion. Permits issued for development in this area expire on December 31 of the third year following the year in which the permit was issued. Shortly before work begins on the project site, the Local Permit Officer must be contacted to determine the vegetation line and setback distance at your site. If the property has seen little change since the time ofpermit issuance, and the proposed development can still meet the setback requirement, the LPO will inf-)rm you that you may begin work. Substantial progress on the project must be made within 60 days of this setback determination, or the setback must be remeasured. Also, the occurrence of a major shoreline change as the result of a storm within the 60-day period will necessitate remeasurement of the setback. It is important that you check with the LPO before the permit expires for official approval to continue the work after the permit has expired. ---Generally, if foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal can be authorized. It is unlawful to continue work after permit expiration. Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties. . and breakwaters are prohibited. Temporary, sand bags may be authorized under certain conditions. The applicant must acknowledge this information and requirements by signing this notice in the space below. Without the proper si lure, the application will not be complete. For more information, contact. WOAt: n Local Permit Officer TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH Address PLANNING & tNSPEGTIO� 7io POTHSCHILD STREET HOLDEN DFACH, N.C. 28M Locality RI6-Bu(�o�d Phone Number �i�rr7, W[E _ MAR 3 0 20 no n D MAT! (?r Hr)1117 Fnnp� Property Owner's Signature nafa BEFORE YOU BUILD Setting Back for Safety: A Guide to Wise Development Along the Oceanfront When you build along the oceanfront, you take a calculated risk. Natural forces of water and wind collide with tons of force, even on calm days. r^ Man-made structures cannot be guaranteed to survive the force of a hurricane. Long-term erosion (or barrier island migration) may take from two to ten feet of the beach each year, and, sooner or later, will threaten oceanfront structures. These are the facts of life for oceanfront property owners. The Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) has adopted rules for building along the oceanfront. The rules are intended to avoid an unreasonable risk to life and property, and to limit public and private losses from storm and long-term erosion. These rules lessen but do not eliminate the element of risk in oceanfront development. As you consider building along the oceanfront, the CRC wants you to understand the rules and the risks. With this knowledge, you can make a more informed decision about where and how to - build in the coastal area. The Rules When you build along the oceanfront, coastal management rules require that the structure be sited to fit safely into the beach environment. Structures along the oceanfront, less than 5,000 square feet in size, must be behind the frontal dupe, landward of the crest of the primary dune, and set back from the first line of stable natural vegetation a distance equal to 30 times the annual erosion rate (a minimum of 60 feet). The setback calculation increases as the size of the structure increases 115A NCAC 7H.0306(ax2)],, For example: A structure between 5,000 and 10,000 squarb feet would require a setback from the first line of stable , natural vegetation to a distance equal to 60 times the annual erosion rate (a minimum of 120 feet). The graduated setback continues to increase through structure sizes greater than 100,000 square feet. PERMITTED --n STRUCTURE. ADEQUATE SETBACK The Reasons The beachfront is an ever -changing landform. The beach and the dunes are natural "shock absorbers," taking the beating of the wind and waves and protection the inland areas. By incorporating building setbacks into the regulations, you have a good chance of enjoying the full life of the structure'- At first, it seems very inviting to build your dream house as close to the beach as possible, but in five years you could find the dream has become a nightmare as high tides and storm tides threaten your investment. The Exception The Coastal Resources Commission recognized that these rules, initially passed in June 1979, might prove a hardship for some property owners. Therefore, they established an exception for lots that cannot meet the setback requirement Tne exception allows buildings in front of the current setback, if the following conditions apply: 1) the lot must have been platted as of June 1, 1979, and is not capable of being enlarged by combining with adjoining land under the same ownership; 2) development must be constructed as far back on the property as possible and in no case less than 60 feet landward of the vegetation line•, 3) no development can take place on the frontal dune; 4) special construction standards on -piling depth and square footage must be met; and 5) all other CAMA, state and local regulations must be met. The exception is not available in the Inlet Hazard Area. To determine eligibility for the exception the Local Permit Officer will make these measurements and observations: required setback from vegetation line _ exception setback (maximum feasible) rear property line setback _ max. allowable square footage on lowest floor PRE�PERMIT STRUCTURE: INADEQUATE SETBACK PRE -STORM BEACH PROFILE POST -STORM BEACH PROFILE ONE YEAR AFTER STORMIBEACH REBUILDING After the storm, the house on the dune will be gone. The other house has a much better chance of survival. 3 !.S ll at Adjacent Property Owner 142-4 CJ,crc�Kcc Rv1 Mail'yrg Address r ,�..Sv�l1� City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property: This letter is to inform you that I, Property Owner m ,. ru F o ate. s 0 Certified Fee i• �� m C3 Ratum RecelDt F O (Endorsemera Repuke O Restricted 0e6very,F ` O ( ErWorsement Re9ulr n r p In Total Postage 4 Fe9e Ty a Sen le NOrriS ) ` a Seer, tpr No:i / /nli .............. Permit on my property at kx)? [Jf1,4w BLv a wE S T- in Brunswick County Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection forth. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at 4110 -Celt 4 - yr x4 ,or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the Town of Holden Beach CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 Sincerely, Ua Murinson Property Owner Ale &0%SJ e_l6A Dom_ Mailing Address City, State, Zip Code 0 ti ti ��'`� M1 a I ti M 0 Adjacent Pro rty Owner la3oro�,a�„« Ra o Mai' g Ad rao r v�'1-t r niL a&'e21 t C3 City, State, Zip Code M1 m a Dear Adjacent Property: M1 WPOB"°-__/q3J rvv'dcace, '40 'Ni 96'e, nr«ilJ ' .._...... ___.... This letter is to inform you that I, a-n&AA I� L4-rorfn C u3800 ,—I Property Owner Permit on my property at /ay? UCCRly BLvD LEST in Brunswick County Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at Q to —Lets-4 —yr;-L( or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the Town of Holden Beach CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 26462 Sincerely, �nau.iD (�u.r',nSvw� Property Owner Aldo' &S5F/6L7J Mailing Address &ezns0&r . /k& a7�IU�- City, State, Zip Code iaennry Page 1 of 2 i�D �� Parcel Boundary 2-9 MURINSON DONALD S ETUX CYNTHIA N 246HAO29 Parcel Number 246HAO29 Account Number 53823610 PIN 109508974668 Owner MURINSON DONALD S ETUX CYNTHIA N OF Owner Address 1 Owner Address 2 2918 CROSSFIELD DRIVE City GREENSBORO State NC Zip 27408 Legal Description L-57-58 S-B CB PLAT 3/71 Parcel Street Number 1007 Parcel Street OCEAN Street Type BLVD Street Dir W Subdivision Deed Book 3114 Deed Page 0064 Deed Date 12/9/2010 Plat Book Plat Page Plat Date Land Value $1,150,000 Building Value $104,160 Other Value $5,060 Deferred Value $0 Total Taxable Value $1,259,220 Heated Sq Ft 1,376 Year Built 1983 Bedrooms 4 BEDROOMS Full Baths Stories Ext. Wall 1 CEDAR / REDW SIDIN Ext. Wall 2 Neighborhood 5005 Municipality HOLDEN BEACH Fire Tax District TRI-BEACH Township LOCKWOOD FOLLY Acreage http://gis.brunsco.netriidentify.aspx?govUser—false&validUser=false&x 1=2199459.776153... 3/18/2011 VE-Zone Application Town of Holden Beach Floodplain Development Permit Application Date: 311,511t Permit Number : Location of Property : I ob-J Oe-cAno 131 vc{ We s+ Type of Development: Residential Construction ❑ Nonresidential Construction ❑ Addition ❑ Renovation ❑ Other (specify) Cry swim—nj 7Lc l v Size of Development: "- 450 �n��. f)A . --ocLv.- 37�oi�so� FIRM Data: Map Panel No. Suffix -T Map Panel Date 60a. eLo Flood Zone _S— (Enter zone & not y/n) Development Standards Data: 1. Base flood elevation (BFE) per FIRM at development site 17 using NAVD 88 2. Regulatory flood protection elevation must be at or above the bottom of the lowest supporting horizontal member and all attendant utilities to include but not limited to, all heating, air conditioning and electrical equipment must be installed and constructed using NAVD 88. 3. V-Zone Certification is required prior to a C.O. being issued by the Building Inspector. 4. All walls constructed below base flood elevation shall be constructed break a way walls in accordance with FEMA's technical bulletin. 5. Will garage (if app icable) be used for any purpose other than parking vehicles, building access, or storage? N R . If yes, then the garage must be used in determining the lowest floor elevation. Applicant acknowledgment: I, the undersigned, understand that the issuance of a floodplain development permit it contingent upon the above information being correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. I also understand that prior to occupancy of the structure being permitted, an elevation certificate signed by a professional engineer or registered land surveyor must be on file with the Town of Holden Beach Building Department indicating the "as built" elevations in relation to mean sea level (MSL). Print or Type Name of Applicant UCH 1 rtc- - Signature of Applicant Date Address & Tele,Phone Number � ek 1Sl X'4- D NoId2n BeAcIt. NC allt{Z Floodplain Manager Print or Type Name of Agent Signature of Agent & Date Address & Telephone Number TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION All sections must be completed, if not applicable write N/A. Section 1: Basic Data Name: V(C Tr-w_ Telephone#: IiO-I4irV-4312(. Holden Beach Property Address: Ov-7 N 6h a l✓c) Lot: 57� 5r- Subdivision: CnIvnic.1 Qezjn Permanent Mailing Address (print same if local address above applies): Street Address: .540u City/State/Zip Code: Contractor Who Will Perform Work: V&_ Zn�. Contact Person: )LtArJ r1o..rrluJt_ Telephone: qiv-4taq—ot2 Idt, Address: a ��c 51`_ Lt nJ- 10 Section 2: Specific Criteria Required to Support Application Approval: Type of Structure: New: R'_ Alteration: ❑ Repair: ❑ Relocate: ❑ Driveway: ❑ Fence: ❑ Other: ❑ Property Use: Single Family: 5KTwo` Family: ❑ Apartment: 0 Condominium: ❑ Townhouse: ❑ Other: ❑ Please describe: �n,%tA�L Sw,m, ," P�c,1 Number of Bedrooms: NJi3 Required Setbacks in Feet: Front: a5 Rear: o?O Side: 5" Platted Area in Square Feet: Usable Area in Square Feet per Survey Town Ordinance: No building shall exceed a maximum height of 35 feet measured from ground level to the highest point of the structure. Designated Ground Level in Feet Above Mean Sea Level: hV/A Highest Point of Structure above Mean Sea Level: N A Ground Level is a measured point per the following: 1. FEMA flood area "AE": Measuring Point is minus 10 feet from the base flood elevation. 2. FEMA flood area `NE": Measuring point is minus 8 feet from the base flood elevation. 3. FEMA flood area "AE" and "VE" where the minus 10 and 8 foot measurements from the base flood elevation is below undisturbed soil: Measuring point is the lowest original soil under the structure after the disturbed soil has been balanced (see Town Ordinance for definition of "balanced"). 4. FEMA flood area " V: Measuring point is to be the lowest original soil under the structure after the undisturbed soil has been balanced. Flood Zone (AE, VE, X): Base Flood: VE Elevation: /P Type of Driveway Material: N�A Driveway Area (in sppuare feet): N Lowest Original Grade Elevation below Building in Feet: "N Proposed Finished Grade in Feet as Shown on Fill Plan if Fill is to be Placed on Lot: N A Is Fill Material Being Proposed on the Lot? Yes: No: t/If Yes, Depth of Fill: Proposed Concrete Slab Elevation as Shown on the Stor water Plan: N4A Piling Depth Below Original Grade in Feet: A/JA Certification to be Completed by Applicant: "I certify that any construction, alteration or replacement of building and/or use of land shall be carried out in accordance with the information and Zoning Permit criteria listed above." Authorized Signature Printed Name Date Section 3: To be Completed by Town of Holden Beach Zoning Official CAMA Permit Required? Yes: ❑ No: ❑ Stormwater Permit Required? Yes: ❑ No: ❑ Zoning District Determination for Property: Residential District (R] Zone) ❑ Residential District (R2 Zone) ❑ Commercial District (C Zone) ❑ Zoning Official Approval Signature: Date: This permit expires 1 year from the date of issue. r.H.dIIII PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT Building Inspector Timothy D. Evans March 22, 2011 ZoningJCAMA Officer Rhonda Wooten VCC Inc. 123 Cole Street Unit D Holden Beach, NC 28462 RE: INCOMPLETE APPLICATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED APPLICATION NUMBER- 2011,V< O7 9 PROJECT ADDRESS- 1007 Ocean Boulevard West We originally accepted your application under the impression that it was complete. On subsequent review, I have discovered that additional information is needed to complete the review process. Accordingly, I am requesting that you submit the following additional information to this office: 1. AEC Hazard notice with property owners signature In accordance with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulations, we note that a certain time has passed while the application has remained in our office. Upon resubmission of a complete application, a local decision will be made in 20 days, provided this period is not extended as provided by law. Please contact me at 910-842-6080 if you have any questions. Respectfully yours, Rhonda Wooten, LIDO rd��lTX� Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 c.c. Debbie Wilson - DCM RECEIVED MAR 2 4 2011 �l VVILNIINGTON, PVC 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET • HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 • 910.842.6080 PHONE • 910-842-7003 FAX J - Message Confirmation Report Name/Number 7545407 Page 1 Start Time MAR-22-2011 07:24AM TUE Elapsed Time 00'13" Mode STD ECM Results [O.K] MAR-22-201107:24 AM TUE Fax Number t 9108427003 Name THS PLAN&INSP NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in Areas of Environmental Concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on Nme �q��,ao l l , tack I.d A Oly h4 ib, m ] 1 r I' w applied for a CAMA permit to %W ASL.p ) �d21r2J(eC� r C6 f0 © an boulevar weplicati may, e�{spected at the address below. Public comments received by (I X`"`'`i U1 will be considered. Latcr comments will beaetepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Rhonda Wooten CAMA Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holdcn Bcach NC 28462 Phone: 910-842-6080 PLEASE PUBLISH ON: 10 1Qyl�Y\ a`i c)611 RPR'08-2011 09:36 From:TH8 PLRNBINSP 9108427003 To:3953964 P.7/10 Gla Pursuant to NCC.S 11aA-119(b). iwn of Holden aea@4 a locx)ity �thorized to issue CAMApermits Areas of Envh'onmeatal concern, �reby favea N(rrlCE that on Marrh oa ocean with uncovered wood docking snit construct stairs at 1107 Ocem 6oulr vard west Tho application may be inspected at the befew address. Public corn meats received by April a. 2011, will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decisle». Project mod. lilcations may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision to this tauter will be provided upon written request. Rhonda Wooten Local (:A.NA Parma Orncer SPATE OF NORTH CAROI.INA COUNTY OF BRUNSW ICK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Bcl orc the undersignu t, a Notary Public of Naid County and Statc, duly commivsioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared CtI d Scott R. Harrell op who, being first duly swum, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment: that the nutiou or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Bcacon on the following date(s): March 24, 2011 and that the said newspaper In which such node;, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualificatio is of Seetion 1-597 of the General Stawics of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Sec- tion 1.597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 24th day of March, 2011. (Sig Xturcuporton making affldavilj Swam to and subscribW before me this 24th day of March, 2011, (Notary Public) My commission expires: December 29, 2014. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR n R "?11 '//tt __ TIE LINE:'HEIIS A 'A+t �IW PUT !OF L SURVEY COMMENCING AT MONUMENT 2-1 2.6 (NC GRID COORDINATES: N COMMENCING AND U E = 2,202,66&4M2); COORDINATES: I TES: 34' W A • TTED U S'I�ER 90N D 1026.55 FEET TO MONUMENT 'M 17". (NC CRID COORDINATES: DANCE STAIVARDS OF N = 58.156.4887 AND E = 2,2011.&%142118); THENCE S 81*44.44" W ��� Lu 11NG NORZ CAROLINA. 648-83 FEET TO A COTTON SPIKE; THENCE S 82'4830' W 753.10 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON ROD; THENCE S 78'5O'OO"W 854.74 FEET TO 474 NRB "A'; THENCE N 82'19'07' E 50.05 FEET TO ERB 'B'. ALL BEARINGS jTm L �) � ARE ORIENTED TO NC GRID NORTH. !ND 1983. ALL DISTANCES ARE rurrw ILLS P I S DATE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. L. - f CAJ ?cxA Llf 44cf_LA4I OCEAN BOUj_E\ p,RD `NEST 60' WGHI-OF— En nW coo O,Z Q r CS 0 Q Z 13 z Z 2' r O 0_ K 00 Z J Oz 00 Uir .0 Z = BT19'49" E MHO GRAVEL DRIVE N ERB g9.85' I "A" ST19'07" E I SV� NRB N 99 50.05' TP 1 1 _ SV 1 I 1 1 9.3' I I 8.4• 1---- II 32.4 I I I I I II OT 1 z 1 11,509 Q. FT. 1 N I 1 LOT 54 1 0 II EXISTING 1 0 I 91 56 I I I crt 0 I io titLOT 4. 1 J 11 I N 1 1 1 LOT 60 m 1 1 LOT 62 i 16. ' I 11 DECK ? TOE OF FRONTAL DUNE i I SECTION B ,._---- -- DECK36 0 FLAGGED BY TOWN OF O 9'0 HOLDEN BEACH 01-27-11 I 11 COLONIAL BEACH 51' n �\ LOCATED BY SURVEY 02-15-11 �V 1 SUBDIVISION I M.B. 3, PG. 71 EIP NRB 1 1 12.6 I I_—_- 1 1 12.2 148 _ _ 30' RECLAIMED EXISTING 15.2 PLATTED RIGHT-OF-WAY WOODEN — I I WALKWAY j t8.2 1 1 SECTION B Ir — 57 COLONIAL BEACH 1 I I ----- I SUBDIVISION 60' SETBACK LINE FROM CREST z DUNE OF I In M.B. 3, PG. 71 I 1 FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION o 01 I 1 w m I LOT 53 1 1 Imo o � 1n LOT 55 1 1 I 1 � LOT 57 1" I I I 1 I I LOT 59 I I I LOT 61 I FIRST LINE OF VEGETATIONBY 1 I I I 1 I HOLDENDBEACH 011-027-11 I I LOCATED BY SURVEY 02-15-11 _L _ 8717' 15" W I 1 S 50.04' ATLANTIC OCEAN NOTES: *LOTS 57 & 58 ARE IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE *VE", BASE ELEVATIONS 17' & 18' BASED ON F.I.R.M. 3720109500 J, DATED 06-02-06. *THE HOUSE ON LOTS 57 & 58 APPEARED TO BE ONE LIVING LEVEL ON PILINGS. *THE HOUSE APPEARED TO BE 100% COMPLETE. GARY GURGANUS LAND 30 0 30 60 SCALE i' - 30' NCINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: EIP O EXISTING IRON PIPE (FOUND) NRB O NEW RE -BAR (SET) �y,MWrt ERB O EXISTING RE -BAR (FOUND) �5 K CM A CONCRETE MONUMENT "A. . MH O MAN HOLE ,.owEN CO O CLEAN OUT I 1 I'1 SV O SEPTIC VENT WV ❑ WATER VALVE TP ❑ TELEPHONE PEDESTAL SITE EB ❑ ELECTRICAL BOX tI C C M + EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION 4TL"T$C -Xx FENCE GARY GURGANUS LAND SURVEYING GARY L. GURGANIUS, P.L.S 3369 HOLDEN BEACH RD., SW Supply, North Carolina 28462 (910) 233-7605 SURVEY FOR DON&D & CYMIA MURINSON MADE FROM LOTS 57 & 58. (1007 OCEAN BLVD. WEST), SECTION B, COLONIAL BEACH SUBDIVISION, MAP BOOK 3, PAGE 71, HOLDEN BEACH, NORTH CAROUNA AND EXISTING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE LOCKWOOD FOLLY TOWNSHIP BRUNSWICK COUNTY NC 2/15/11 FIELD BOOK: 003-058 FILE NO. 11016 JOB NO. 11016