HomeMy WebLinkAbout45-17 S&R Properties I LLCPermit Class �1 NEW Permit Number 45-17 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission Permit for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to S&R Properties I, LLC, 2334 S. 41't St., Wilmington, NC 28403 Authorizing development in Brunswick County adi. to a manmade canal off the AIWW, at 24 Laurinbur2 St. Ocean Isle Beach , as requested in the permittee's application dated Received DCM Wilm. 327/17 (MP- 1), revised 4/3/17 (MP-2), incl. attached workplan drawings (3), 1-2 of 4 dated 12/9/16, & 3 of 4 dated Rec'd DCM Wilm 1222/16. This permit, issued on April 4, 2017 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may to tines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to w null ana voio. Bulkhead 1) The bulkhead shall be constructed in the same alignment as depicted on the attached workplan drawing. 2) No backfill material shall be placed within 30 feet of the normal high water line, except that which will be used to backfill the area behind the permitted bulkhead. 3) The temporary placement or double handling of fill materials within waters or vegetated wetlands is not authorized. RECEIVED 4) The bulkhead shall be constructed prior to any backfilling activities. APR 0 6 2017 (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 2020 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEQ and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. Braxton C. Davis, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee S&R Properties I, LLC Permit No. 45-17 Page 2 of 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 5) The bulkhead shall be structurally tight so as to prevent seepage of backfill materials through the structure. 6) The bulkhead shall be solid and constructed of treated wood, concrete slabs, metal or vinyl sheet piles, or other suitable materials approved by Division personnel. 7) All backfill material shall be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Conditions 8) In order to further protect the endangered West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus, the applicant must implement the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Manatee Guidelines, and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at htti)://www.fws.p-ov/nc- es/mammal/manatee guidelines.pdf. 9) The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States or the State of North Carolina. 10) The permittee, upon receipt of a notice of revocation of this permit or upon its expiration before completion of the work will, without expense to the United States and in such time and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative may direct, restore the water or wetland to its pre - project condition. Sedimentation and Erosion Control 11) In order to protect water quality, runoff from construction shall not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. 12) A ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be provided within 30 calendar days of completion of any phase of grading on cut or filled slopes. At a minimum, a silt fence shall be properly installed immediately landward of the bulkhead cap immediately following completion of backfilling activities. General 13) No Coastal Wetlands shall be excavated or filled, even temporarily, outside of the approved bulkhead alignment. } 14) The permittee and/or his or her contractor shall meet with a representative of the DivisioQrior to project initiation. UJ U N _> rLU �• Z V cr F, S&R Properties I, LLC ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Permit No. 4547 Page 3 of 3 15) This permit shall not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. NOTE: Future development of the permittee's property may require a modification of this permit. Contact a representative of the Division at (910) 796-7215 prior to the commencement of any such activity for this determination. The permittee is further advised that many non -water dependent activities are not authorized within 30 feet of the normal high water level. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local pen -nits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers assigned the proposed project Action ID No. SAW-2017- 00191. NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Resources assigned the proposed project DWR Project No. DWR- 2017-0128. NOTE: An application processing fee of $400 was received by DCM for this project. This fee also satisfied the Section 401 application processing fee requirements of the Division of Water Resources. RECEIVED APR 0 6 2017 DCM- MHD CITY u Division of Coastal Management Application Processine Notes Applicant: , S!;2 f- -- Paenay -i--L-L-G - Type (check all that apply) NEW / MAJOR MOD MINOR MOD RENEWAL _TRANSFER_ Permit Coordinator: j^ • Co f� Field Representative: S- yak' Date/Time r� u7 ii < PrgjL TmeftA C�mp�-ram ems, 3/q/i7 Or AttT• fZa�h2in�J j�o Nonllc� S��ntyJ 0AQCH2C+ (ot,,-Gj Dte- ASS l,ou 6 kS Sim i TMM V. N f Z n ADS . 3/2,3/ 17 C r-t, ;,b tit M Log A-6 GNi f0 2 /M0 IlJ fo 04 � 2✓\g , NO-G��- JZAA7 561,Js Dfm (W-,, L011r'L. 5FNT Oaff " I V -v` ()tit 5 Ft 90 f0Q ec-Vtta.). 3�Z1/1'1 (Z CLZN 00 *mvo P,q aF W--1 F�aM �-ts)n P-'vANeq wuL :Fga (ss-ta-Nice of ea/tk�o rrf-Z yeuvo RECEIVED APR 0 6 2017 DCM-_MHD CITY ---- OCM MP-1 APPLICATION for Major Development Permit (last revised 12;27i06) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name � Project Name (it applicable) Qp o.LD_ Applicant 1: First Name MI Last NameeJ�% 99 Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name If additional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed. _ Mailing Address 7� u 'f►G PO Box City State �i ZIP Country Phone No. AX No. Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email 6 e` 2. AgenUContractor Information Business me Agent/ Contractor 1. First Name MI Last Name e� ,L 9wc Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Mailing Addressss PO Box City Slatg I !/ ZIP Phone No. 1 on No. 2 ext. L FAX No. log9000 Contractor p Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email Ooc k S �'S ®� ECEIVED Nf _.. ♦AII DGrv, .. •— <Formcontinues onback>RECEIVED D�O%Z016 JAN 2 6 n7 DCM- f.;HD CITY �. I Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for N Major Development Permit 3. Project Location County (can be multiple) Street Address State Rd. # ryxd l u Zip State Subdivision Name Ciitt�y�� / Phone No. Lot No.(s) (if many, attach additional page with list) - - ext. , a. In which NC river basin is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project ,1 W r c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the propo ct site. ❑Natural Wanmade []Unknown t e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? I. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed AYes ❑No work falls within. is . 4. Site Description a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of entire tract (sg.ft.) c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or N W L (normal water level) (If many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) ❑NHW or ❑NW L e. Vegetation on tract f. Man-made features and uses now on tract g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adjacent to the proposed project site. � Z In. How does Iccal government zone the tract? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable), gas ❑No ❑NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes ;j04o k. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. ❑Yes RNo ❑NA If yes, by whom? I. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ❑Yes JoNo �S1 TAN, N� National Register listed or eligible property? MN11LM1NG 2 % 2olb <Form continues on next page> RE NED JAN 2 6 Z017 DCM- [:.HD CITY Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? es ❑No (ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? Vies []NO (iii) If yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? []Yes (]No (Attach documentation, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. Nowe_ o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. N N 0 p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. NoN f-- 5. Activities and Impacts a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ❑Commercial ❑Public/Government Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. d. List all development activities you propose. &5,VfXck 8vAk"A-A - WiliJerr war81 o-� �x.�F;ny Wlek� �(e �ka4,6It\. Qrapo-)e. -}0 00 4. e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing projeclifnew wak or both? iV I. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed /}�project? Sq.FI or []Acresres prvy. 1I000 -i- 4. g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ❑Yes ❑No A that the public has established use of? h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. A//f1 i. Will wastewater or stormwaler be discharged into a wetland? ❑Yes ❑No I$NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes []No UNNA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? ❑Yes []No A If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. RECEIVED U%OIVI VVIUVIIIMV I VIV, l•v <Form continues on back> RECENE32 2016 N 2 6 Z017 DCM- [,.'.HD CITY r J * , romp UI.M mi -1 (rage 4 or 4) APPLICATION for `A Major Development Permit 6. Additional Information In addition to this completed application form. (MP-1) the following items below, if applicable, must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete. Items (a) — (f) are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required items below. a. A project narrative. b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. J. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. I. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (rparan) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Name r pfj k AA /v p I/ n Phone No. Address aLDy U cc / ,x CIOVu C.Q.•-e 1. Name 00,,,-M.OAf %I ou^8 Phone No. Address 0-1 Sun a d 5 M r fCd Name Phone No. Address g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract, Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable. i. Wetland delineation, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) k, A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10), it necessary. It the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to t4is application will allow only the development described In the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify, that the infcrmation provided in this application is truthful tc the best of my knowledge. Date Print Name ENE Signature Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ❑DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts ❑DCM MP-3 Upland Development RECEIVED Received ❑DCM MP-4 Structures Information APR 0 61017 MAR 2 7 2017 CITY nG '' C31 � _ w • rorm ul.M me-1 (t age 4 or a) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 6. Additional Information In addition to this completed application form, (MP-1) the following items below, if applicable, must be submitted in orderfor the application package to be complete. Items (a) — (i) are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to property prepare the required items below. a. A project narrative. b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. C. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only} or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate applicadon fee. Check or money order made payaole to DENR. f. A list of the names and ampleta addresses of the adjaoant waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return raceipts as prof that such owner have received a apy of the application anJ plats by certified mail. Such landowners must oa advised that they have 30 Jays- in which to submit ammants on the proposed projazt to the Division of Coastal Management. Name Phone No. Address Name Phone No. Address Name Phone No. Address g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permiltee, and issuing dates. h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable. i. Wetland delineation, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard nonce for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act N1.C.G. S. 113A 1-10). if necessary If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. i. uertitication and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that 1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies tc enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify, that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Date ��if �� (P Print Name "gli Signature Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ❑DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information ❑DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culve ❑CEIVEp DCM MP-3 Upland Development UC1u� WILCEIVED , yE ❑DCM MP-4 Structures Information RECENAM-22016 JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- 6 PHD CITY e Form DCM MP-2 EXCAVATION and FILL (Except for bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation and/or fill activities. All values should be given in feet. Access Other Channel Canal Boat Basin Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock (excluding (NLW or Breakwater shoreline NWL stabilization Length Width Avg. Existing NA NA Depth Final Project NA NA Depth 1. EXCAVATION ❑This section not applicable a. Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b. Type of material to be excavated. cubic yards. c. (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlandslmarsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (W L)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: d. High -ground excavation in cubic yards. 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ❑This section not applicable a. Location of disposal area. 6 Dimensions of dispnsal area. c. (i) Do you claim title to disposal area? ❑Yes []NO ❑NA (4) If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. e. (i) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh (CW ), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB). or other wetlands (W L)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑S8 OWL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas: d. (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, where? f. (i) Does the disposal include any area in the water? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, how much water area is affected? RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON. NO DEC 2 2 2016 DCM "Ill— R 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION ❑This section not applicable (if development is a wood groin, use MP-4 — Structures) a Type of shoreline stabilization: to. Length: r _ Bulkhead ❑Riprap ❑BreakwaterlSill ❑Other c. Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL: A It e. Type of stabilizatioJ terial �Vtv�~ g.sater/sill f square feet of fill to be placed below water level, backfiI to Rlprap _ Other _ r Source of fie material. ` XS'F', n S SO Width. r (I Maximum distance waterwaltd of NHW or NWL: �a f. (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding 12 J" Yes ONO 71NA fit If yes, state am tint or erosion and source of erosion amount information. Lt�t K o f S kc) .fl 11 ti. 5�4IDr t� ?rn h. Type of fill material. 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES ❑This section not applicable (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a (i) Will fill material be brought to the site? ❑Yes ONO ❑NA b__.._(i) Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlandsimarsh (CW), It yes, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom(Se). or L) other wetlands (W. If any boxes are checked, provide the (ii) Amount of material to be placed in the water number of square feet affected (it,) Dimensions of fill area ❑Cw ❑SAV ! ❑SS _ (iv) Purpose of fill OWL ❑None (o) Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas. 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on, site and erosion controlled? c. (i) W-II navigational aids be requveu as a re"""s��o! of the project' O-res ❑Nil 5kNA 31+7/V7 `+0 (ii) If yes. explain what type and how they will be implemented. -I MiM7 b. What type of construction equipment will be used (e g . dragline. backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)9 /k l k (O E— k C c- 4 L:i:kt-r<- d (i) Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA (if) If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize environmental impacts APR 06 2017 [-,4N Girt S Dale DCM- MHD CIT�Iicant Ni�4 4,�`� !!3 Project Name Applicant Signature rIEC E iVED �o b& t NC At ;11 DCM WILMINGTON NG APR 0 3 2017 1P.- % ra 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION ❑This section not applicable (if development is a wood groin, use MP-4 — Structures) a. Type of shoreline stabilization: b. Length: Bulkhead ❑Riprap 09reakwater/Sill ❑Other c. Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL: e. Type of stabilization ateriat, V►�J 6V. g. WwQktbeof square feet of fill to be placed below water level Bulkhea backfill —41).b Riprap ater/Sill _ Other i. Source of fill material. '�A0.1 Width: -ar d. Maximum distance waterwalpiDt NHW or NWL: �a I. (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding 12 umonths? �yYes ONO A (ii) If yes, state am unt of erosion and source of erosion amount information. GAS o F 51; ,tW_ S btu h. Type of rill material. L ¢ �X�S'cy r.A Jr7..' . 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES ❑This section not applicable (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. M Will fill material be brought to the site? ❑Yes ONO ❑NA _6-_(i). Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), If yes. (ii) Amount of material to be placed in the water (iii) Dimensions of fill area (iv) Purpose of fill 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? c. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? ❑Yes ONO ❑NA Ili) If yes, explain what type and how they will be implemented. submerged aquatic vegetation tsAV I, snee oouom taol, or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV _ ❑SS _ OWL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas: b. What type of construction equipment will be used (e.g.. dragline, backhoe. or hydraulic dredge)? d. (i) Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? ❑Yes ONO ❑NA (ii) If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. RECEIVED IUN 2 s MR LA -A! E 1&=n- [,Fin (CITY Dale Applicant Na �4 p i CEIVED �(phf3Ei�@P� Al6 Project Name Applicant Signature DEC 2 2 2016 Py; 1, Arial. wa� a /i'✓ j`ea, i11w= �lj j �� �r�poss� 6�1k1~�ai2 pcope'f'�-i I (7 uv ties I�o�Man $I,o.nd SO4ad Nit 6i 9379 / 0 sri`EiT i o� .f /O/ a lz A w -r 181��'A� *- Iz)j C'.�arlo�k., nc So'""" � oZSCaI 1 bhp+r cot a.+ fq y S+. Oc e4✓ Tt /c Bt�ei �i Kd C, IFM V�Dt&RT MC-061'.L RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- [,.',HD CITY RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NO DEC 2 2 2016 �o R, '3D,ex-T Mc 0e-t I I -DEC sip 14e 44 ,a< 1.1 p � Lp1 no RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- I"•IHD CITY RECEIVED jf [)CM WILMINGTON, H DEC 222a16 i I�i/Ji4V Mai M 2"x6" CAP 2"x8" OG WASHER' 6x6 WHALER 112"x12" GALV BOLT BOLTS CAP TO VINYL SHEET PILE 2"x6" 2"x8"x12' WING BOARDS\ SfFOY TIE ROD 6"x6"x6' DEAD MEN ! '"- SG 225 VINYL SHEET PILING —'-- DESIGN h MAINTENANCE OF ALTERNATIVE LAND USES RSC ENGINEERNp, PLLC 169e0 05 rtVft 17 MYPSTEAC. XOIfN CAIIOUXA 261A1 PHONE: 910.170.9599 . FAX: 910.270.9592 ^ul.�eEfry. `_.., E—Mau: ASC«+pinwHnpkherw.rH! SECTION SEA WALL RECE►vt JAN 2 6 2017 GROUND OG WASHERS DATE: Aj10J20:` SCALE: 1/T JOB / a DRAWN BY R" SXEE" of DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 2 2 Z(A Sri 3 0� 1 - DCM- 6t;HD CITY .. Goggle Maps Page 1 of 1 11,/ Google Maps Map data 02016 Google 20 ft RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- L'HD CITY RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 2 2 2016 https://www.google.com/maps/@33.8905199 78.4347728,106m/data=!3ml!le3 9/6/2016 Coastal Management aAIVIROMM[NtAI QUALITY March 24, 2016 Backwatez Marine Construction c/o Mr. Ted Lane Helms 1907 Kirby Rd. SW Supply, NC 28462 ROY COOPER covernar MICHAEL S. REGAN Crary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director SUBJECT: Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Permit Application Submittal for S&R Properties I, Inc. Dear Mr. Helms: This letter is in response to the above referenced CAMA permit application, which was accepted as complete by the Division's Wilmington office on January 11, 2017. Processing of the application is ongoing. However, it has been determined that additional information will be required prior to the Division taking final action on your application. These required items are summarized below: 1) Please complete Field 61 of the DCM MP-1 form (the names and addresses of the adjacent riparian landowners). Please also complete Section 5 of the DCM MP-2 form. If revising the original form, please re -date both forms indicating the revision and initial beside the revision date. If you can provide to this office with this information within five working days from the date of this letter, DCM staff will continue processing of the application and the processing clock will not be suspended. If the required information is not received in this office within the specified timeframe, processing of the application will be suspended in accordance with 15A NCAC 07J.0204(d) until such time as the requested information is provided. RECEIVED APR 0 6 2017 DCM- MHD CITY State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management Wilmington Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wllmmgtom North Carolina 28405 9107967215 If you have any questions concerning these matters, please feel free to contact me by telephone at (910) 796-7302, or by email me at heather.coats@ncdenr.gov. Cc: MHC Files WiRO Files Sincerely, Heather Coats Assistant Major Permits Coordinator State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management Wilmington Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 2&405 9107967215 U W o N = W o � U � W a � O Energy. Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ROY COOPER coJnrnor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretory TRACY DANIS Dirlector May 31, 2017 Mr, Robert. McNeill S & R Properties I, Inc. 2334 South 41st Street Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: EXEMPTION Stormwater Project No. SW8 170129 24 Laurinburg Bulkhead Brunswick County Dear Mr. McNeill: On January 23, 2017, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources received a copy of the CAMA Major Permit Application for the subject project. Staff review of the plans and specifications on February 13, 2017 has determined that the development activities proposed at this time will not pose a threat to surface water quality from stormwater runoff. The Director has determined that projects that are reviewed and approved by the Division as not posing a water quality threat from stormwater runoff should not be � subject to the stormwater management permitting requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000, the stormwater rules. By copy of this letter, we are informing you that this project will not require a stormwater management permit. If the subject project disturbs one acre or more and has a point source discharge of stormwater runoff, then it is also subject to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater discharge requirements. You are required to have an NPDES permit for stormwater discharge from projects meeting these criteria. All temporary built -upon area associated with the construction of the project must be removed within 30 days of completion of the project, or when it is no longer needed, whichever occurs first. If you have any questions or need additional information concerning this matter please contact Georgette Scott at I (910) 796-7215, or via e-mail at georgette.scott@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, For Tracy E. Davis, P.E., Director Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources GDS/gds: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2017 \170129 Exemption\2017 05 permit 170129 cc: Backwater Marine Construction, Inc. RECEIVED Brunswick County Building Insppections Sean Farrell/Shaun Simpson-DCM WIRO DCM Morehead City JUN 13 2017 Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File DCM- MHD CITY State of North Carolina ! Environmental Quality I Energy. Miner al and Land Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street I IO2 Staff Service Center 1 Raleigh. North Carolina 2709 1612 419 707 9200 DIVISION ON' CUAS'1'AL MANAGEMENT APPLICATION TRANSMITTAL AND PROCESSING RECORD 1) APPLICANT: S & R Properties I, LLC COUNTY: Brunswick PROJECT NAME: S & R Bulkhead at 24 Laurenburg LOCATION OF PROJECT: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW,, in Ocean Is. Beach DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED COMPLETE BY FIELD: 1-11-17,/ FIELD RECOMMENDATION: Attached: Yes CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION: Attached: n/a FIELD REPRESENTATIVE: Sean Farrell DISTRICT MANAGER REVIEW: 9/C-1 B) DATE RECEIVED BY MAJOR PERMITS UNIT: PUBLIC NOTICE REC'D: 1-25-17 /, Dam SV43 t f P 2figls ADJ. RIP. PROP NOTICES REC'D: kVO 5(PP3 OFF r 101tV APPLICATION ASSIGN TO: C) 75 DAY DEADLINE: MAIL OUT DATE:1-27-17 FEDERAL DUE DATE: To Be Forwarded: To Be Forwarded: n/a DISTRICT OFFICE: WILNMGTON FEE REC'D: $400 / #1485 END OF NOTICE DATE: 2-;5-17 )n &-rJW DEED REC'D: ON: 150 DAY DEADLINE: STATE DUE DATE: 2-211-17 FED COMMENTS REC'D: PERMIT FINAL ACTION: ISSUE DENY DRAFT AGENCY DATE COMMENTS RETURNED OBJECTIONS: YES NO NOTES Coastal Management - Regional Representative Coastal Management - LUP Consistency 6 j_3 r7 ✓ Division of Community Assistance Land Quality Section (DEMLR) (� / Division of Water Resources (401) 11 (% ZQj7- OIZ� Storm Water Management (DEMLR) 1 7 ( 7 State Property Office (Q 1 % Division of Archives & History Z V t ) ✓ Division of Environmental Health (� ✓ Division of Highways 2p4n / Wildlife Resources Commission (r (� ✓ Local Permit Office (1(% i Division of Marine Fisheries / DCM I 13A I 17 REC Corps of Engineers � i t (7 t;')ftd't 'v4 N 2 65d' R iT nq pws 2�,J(-7 ✓ DCM- LaND CITY Recommendations for State Permit — S&R Properties I, LLC 01/20/2016 It is the staffs recommendation that the applicant's proposal to install approximately 50 linear feet of bulkhead with a maximum of approximately 400 square feet of coastal wetland fill and connecting to the existing adjacent bulkheads to the north and south appears to be CONSISTENT with the Rules of 15 NCAC 71-1.0208 (b) (7) (D)(iii) Use Standards for Bulkheads and Shore Stabilization Measures states "the bulkhead alignment will not adversely impact public trust rights or the property of adjacent riparian owners." The properties adjacent to the applicant's property are prone to scour and erosion along their wing walls and behind their bulkheads if the applicant's shoreline is not stabilized. It is the opinion of this office that the proposed bulkhead is CONSISTENT with the Use Standards for Coastal Wetlands, Estuarine Waters and Public Trust Areas, as set forth in NCAC 07H .0205, .0206 & .0207. In the absence of any concerns from the commenting agencies, it is recommended that a permit be issued subject to the standard conditions for bulkheads RECENED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- L"ND CITY MEMORANDUM To: Heather Coats From: Michael Christenbury, Wilmington District Planner Subject: Consistency Determination, Major Permit ApplicatiAS & R Properties, Ocean Isle Beach — Brunswick County Date: March 23, 2017 This project appears to be consistent with the Town of Ocean Isle Beach land Use Plan. The applicant proposes to construct approximately 50 linear feet of bulkhead with approximately 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill. The project is located at 24 Laurinburg Street in Ocean Isle Beach. Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC's) impacted by the proposal are EW, ES, CW and PT. Waters at the project site are classified as SA and are not open to the harvesting of shellfish. The area is not a Primary Nursery Area. I have reviewed this proposal for consistency with the Town of Ocean Isle Land Use Plan and offer the following comments. The general area of the project is classified Residential, while the AEC impacted by the work are classified as Conservation. In general, the Town of Ocean Isle Beach allows development in Conservation classified AECs, which is consistent with the State's minimum use standards. The Town of Ocean Isle Beach Land Use Plan contains some policies, which exceed the State's minimum use standards. However, none of these standards appear to be applicable to this proposal. This project appears to be consistent with the Town of Ocean Isle Beach Land Use Plan. Cc: File 0 Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 TO: Mark Zeigler Division of Community Assistance Wilmington Regional Office ROY COOPER Govemor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR Interim .Secrelary BRAXTON DAVIS Director FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatscDncdenr_go v Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatscDncdenrpov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: SIGNED This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. **Additional comments may be attached** X This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. M &,/Q/ ?ems /-✓ DATED State of Nonh Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ent., Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 1 LY/i Received Loss 1W *%~ A AZI Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 TO: Dan Sams District Manager-DEMLR Wilmington Regional Office ROY COOPER Govemor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR Intern Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director JAN 2 zt1 i9> a FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatsanncdenr.00v Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coats(a).ncdenr.pov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATED 1, RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON. NC State ol'North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management I t5 N 0 Z017 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmingon, NC 28405 Jn 910-796-7215 XTV Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY S&R Properties I, LLC Mr. Robert McNeill 2334 South 41" Street Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject Property: Dear Mr. McNeill, March 21, 2017 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director DWR Project # 2017-00128 Brunswick County 241Laurenburg Street — Ocean Isle Beach Approval of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Conditions You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to impact 0.009 acres (400 square feet) of 404 wetlands to construct approximately 50 linear feet of new vinyl bulkhead as described within your application received by the Division on January 26, 2016. After reviewing your application, we have decided that the impacts are covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3900 (GC 3900). You should obtain or otherwise comply with any other required federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Erosion and Sediment Control, Non -discharge, and stormwater regulations. Also, this approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 Permit. This Certification can also be found on line at: http://portal.nedenr.org/web/wq/swp/ws/401 /certsandnennits. This approval is for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre of wetland or 150 linear feet of stream, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. The Additional Conditions of the Certification are: This approval is for the purpose and design described in your application. The plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference as part of the Certification. If you change your project, you must notify the Division and you may be required to submit a new application package with the appropriate fee. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this approval letter and General Certification and is responsible for complying with all conditions. Any new owner must notify the Division and request the Certification be issued in their name {I 5A NCAC 02H .0501 and .0502). Nothing Compares_ State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street 11611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh. NC 27699-1611 919.707.9000 24 Laurenburg Jtreet - UI8 Brunswick County 2017-0128 Page 2 of 4 Any final construction plans for this project must include or reference the application and plans approved by the Division under this authorization letter and certification. The applicant will also be required to evaluate all acquired permits to assure that they are consistent and all relative impacts are accounted for and shown on the construction plans. [15A NCAC 02H .0502 (b) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (4)]. The applicant shall require his contractors (and/or agents) to comply with all of the terms of this Certification, and shall provide each of its contractors (and/or agents) a copy of this Certification. Turbidity Standard The turbidity standard of 25 NTUs (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) shall not be exceeded as described in 15 A NCAC 213 .0220. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices must be used to meet this standard. Turbidity curtains shall be used as appropriate. Please notify this Office if any turbidity issues arise at 910.796.7215 This General Certification shall expire on the same day as the expiration date of the corresponding General Permit. The conditions in effect on the date of issuance of the Certification for a specific project shall remain in effect for the life of the project, regardless of the expiration of this Certification. The permittee shall require its contractors and/or agents to comply with the terms of this permit in the construction and maintenance of this project, and shall provide each of its contractors and/or agents associated with the construction or maintenance of this project a copy of this certification. A copy of this certification including all conditions shall be available at the project site during the construction and maintenance of this project. [15A NCAC 02H .0507 (c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] 6 Continuing Compliance: The applicant/permittee and their authorized agents shall conduct all activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with 303(d) of the Clean Water Act), and any other appropriate requirements of State and Federal law. If the Division determines that such standards or laws are not being met, including failure to sustain a designated or achieved use, or that State or Federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, than the Division may reevaluate and modify this General Water Quality Certification. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(d)] All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters or wetlands will be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of waters and wetlands from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids or other potential toxic chemicals. In the event of a hydrocarbon or chemical spill, the permittee/contractor shall immediately contact the Division of Water Quality, between the hours of 8 am to 5 pm at the Wilmington Regional Office at 910.796.7215 and after hours and on weekends call (800) 858-0368. Management of such spills shall comply with provisions of the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act. [15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(3) and (c)(3), 15A NCAC 02B .0200 (3)(f), and GS 143 Article 21A]. Nothing Compares.-.` 24 Laurenburg Street - OIB Brunswick County 2017-0128 Page 3 of 4 Fueling, lubrication and general equipment maintenance should not take place within 50 feet of a waterbody or wetlands to prevent contamination by fuel and oils. [ 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(3) and (c)(3) and 15A NCAC 02B .0200 (3)(f)j. This certification grants permission to the director, an authorized representative of the Director, or DEQ staff, upon the presentation of proper credentials, to enter the property during normal business hours 15A NCAC 02H.0502(e). 10 Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant and/or authorized agent is required to return a completed certificate of completion form to the NCDEQ DWR 401 and Buffers Unit North Carolina Division of Water Resources, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699 within ten days of project completion. The certification of completion is available at: http://portal.nedenr.or web/wq/swp/ws/401/certsandperinits/apply/forms). Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. The authorization to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application and as authorized by this Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless contested. This Certification can be contested as provided in Articles 3 and 4 of General Statute 150B by filing a written petition for an administrative hearing to the Office of Administrative Hearings (hereby known as OAH). A petition form may be obtained from the OAH at http://www.ncoali.com/ or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office at (919) 431-3000 for information. Within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of this notice, a petition must be filed with the OAH. A petition is considered filed when the original and one (1) copy along with any applicable OAH filing fee is received in the OAH during normal office hours (Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, excluding official state holidays). The petition maybe faxed to the OAH at (919) 431-3100, provided the original and one copy of the petition along with any applicable OA14 filing fee is received by the OAH within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. Mailing address for the OAH: Ifsending via US Postal Service: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc): Office of Administrative Hearings 1711 New Hope Church Road Raleigh, NC 27609-6285 One (1) copy of the petition must also be served to DEQ: Sam M. Hayes, General Counsel Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 --" 'Nothing Compares. Brunswick County 2017-0128 Page 4 of 4 This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Resources under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Chad Coburn in the DWR Wilmington Regional Office at 910.796.7215 or Chad.Cobum&ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, regson, Regional Supervisor Wa er QualiTy Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Enclosure: GC 3900 cc: Ted Helms — Backwater Marine Construction, Inc., 1907 Kirby Road Southwest, Supply, NC 28462 Tyler Crumbley - USACE Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Heather Coats — DCM Wilmington WiRO/LF !`/'Nothing Compares ti._ Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director DWR Project No: County: Applicant: Project Name: 401 Water Quality Certification Issued Date: Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. This form may be returned to DWR by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer. It is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification I, hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Agent's Certification I, hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: if this project was designed by a Certified Professional I, as a duly registered Professional (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architect, Surveyor, etc.) in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Permitee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Nothing Compares State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I water Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street 11611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh. NC 27699-1611 919.707.9000 Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 ROY COOPER Governor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR lverim .Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director TO: Georgette Scott Stormwater Section DEMLR - WiRO FIR M: 1 Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather coatsat7ncdenr.gov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coats(a)-ncdenrgov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: ✓ This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached"" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATED 2113 /17 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON. NC State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, NC 28405 f C U 2l1 910-796-7215 VAV Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 Tim Walton Dept of Administration State Property Office JAN 3 1 Z017 L+OA STATE PROPERTY OFFICE ROY COOPER Governor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR /nrerim Secmmry BRAXTON DAVIS Director FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coats@ncdenrpov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatsanncdenraov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached"" i This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED ta- DATED 7 RECEIVED -)CM WILMINGTON. NO State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ent., Wilmington, NC 28405 c Cd 10 2017 910-796-7215 4L_ ROY COOPER JAN 31 2017° WIL.LIAM G. ROSS, JR HISTORIC PRESERVATION ;Iffu lar °R s'n' Coastal Management BRAXTON DAVIS ort�a ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 0207 January 23, 2017 NJQ�' TO ReneeGledhill-Early 's3 j1 Dept. of Cultural Resources 2" Archives & History FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coats(aWdenraov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier04-16-33) dI15Il� FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm , NC 28405 heather coats(d)-ncdenr gov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-18-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached"' This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED � DATED a'I� 1� %EC_ _3 V ED DCM WILMINGTO! ,! NC sme cd Narlh C.I. I rinMravrwry Q.wm i Comma] Mmaiiiiiiiir F F R 2 0 ? P FB U 12017 127 Cardinal Dire Eal., WJminpoa. NC 29405 9I0496q?IS Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 TO: Shannon Jenkins NC DMF Shellfish Sanitation Section ROY COOPER Governor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR Interim Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS nlrecmr FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatsa()ncdenrpov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coats(aD-ncdenroov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SLED DATED ecei e - FEB 0 3 2017 eY State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management • ` 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 DC M 910-796-7215 0_1' Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 Q•l Ben Hughes NC Dept. of Transportation NH Co. & BR Co. ROY COOPER Govemor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR Interim Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director DISTRICT 3 JAN 31 2017 RECEIVED FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatsCaD-ncdenr.00v Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatso@ncdenroov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached"" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached c mments. SIGNED DATED 01twIZECEIVEDrJ uG State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drove Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 TO: L Imo.01,30.o'Z Maria Dunn NC Wildlife Resources Commission For WiRO ROY COOPER Governor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR Interim Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director ]AN 2017 Cor��y4 iar, FROM. Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator «Jl StbV NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatso(dncdenroov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatsal)..ncdenroov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. /"Additional comments may be attached" V/ This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached __comments. SIGNED DATED .3-3-4J11— RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NO State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality J Coastal Management MAR ©6 2017 127 Cardinal Drive Ezt., Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 Wl/ Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 TO: Keith Dycus Local Permit Officer Ocean Isle Beach ROY COOPER Governor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR Interim 3ecremry BRAXTON DAVIS Director FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coats(cDncdenrgov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather.coats(a)ncdenrgov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached'" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments,. `S.�s%n W.uJ�.,kside SIGNED{/ DATED DCM WIN INGTON, NO FEB 01 2017 State or North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 RECEIVED ROY COOPER Governor Ni JAN 31 7.U17 W[LL[AM G. ROSS, JR /nrenm Secretary IS UCM-Fisheries Coastal Management wARO BRAXTON D Dmaor ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 TO: Gregg Beelner Fisheries Resource Specialist DCM, Morehead City FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext..Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatsaC)ncdenrgov Fax: 350-2018 (ourier 04-16-341 FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive_Ext., Wlm., NC 28405 heather. coatsd)ncdenr.pov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties I, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this fornrlo leather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" Vz'This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. DECEIVED �! 7 SIGNED PCM WILMINGTANT� JAN 3 12017 RECEIVED State ofNoW, Caroline I Fn"tonmental QualityI Coastal Menage t JAN B 6 2017 127 Cardinal Drive P.ra., Wilmington, NC 2g405 910-796-7215 DCM KI ,ID CITY .. e Coats, Heather From: Crumbley, Tyler A CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Tyler.Crum bley@usace.army. mil> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 3:47 PM To: Coats, Heather; Coburn, Chad Subject: Recommended Conditions for SAW-2017-00191 / 24 Laurinburg Street Bulkhead Heather and Chad, A hard copy of the conditions will be sent to Doug. This should help in your document processing. -Tyler We recommend that the following conditions be included in the modification to the State authorization: 1. In order to further protect the endangered West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus, the applicant must implement the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Manatee Guidelines, and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/mammal/manatee_guidelines.pdf. 2. Dredging is not authorized. 3. The permittee must install and maintain, at his expense, any signal lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulations or otherwise, on authorized facilities. For further information, the permittee should contact the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office at (910) 772-2191. 4. All work authorized by this permit must be performed in strict compliance with the submitted plans, which are a part of this permit. Any modification to these plans must be approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) prior to implementation. 5. The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. 6. Approval of the structure is based on determinations that there would be no obstruction to navigation. The structure may be damaged by wave wash from passing vessels. Issuance of this permit should not be construed, as relieving the permittee of taking proper steps to insure the structure and moored boats will not be damaged by wave wash. 7. The authorized structure and associated activity must not interfere with the public's right to free navigation on all navigable waters of the United States. No attempt will be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work for reason other than safety. 8. Except as specified in the plans attached to this permit, no excavation, fill or mechanized land -clearing activities shall take place at any time in the construction or maintenance of this project, in such a manner as to impair normal flows and circulation patterns within waters or wetlands or to reduce the reach of waters or wetlands. 9. Except as authorized by this permit or any USACE approved modification to this permit, no excavation, fill or mechanized land -clearing activities shall take place at any time in the construction or maintenance of this project, within waters or wetlands. This permit does not authorize temporary placement or double handling of excavated or fill material within waters or wetlands outside the permitted area. This prohibition applies to all borrow and fill activities connected with this project. 10. All mechanized equipment will be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of waters and wetlands from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. In the event of a spill of petroleum products or any other hazardous waste, the permittee shall immediately report itto the N.C. Division of Water Quality at (919) 733- 5083, Ext. 526 or (800) 662-7956 and provisions of the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act will be followed. 11. Unless otherwise authorized by this permit, all fill material placed in waters or wetlands shall be generated from an upland source and will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. Metal products, organic materials (including debris from land clearing activities), or unsightly debris will not be used. 12. If the permittee discovers any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the authorized work, he will immediately notify the Wilmington District Engineer who will initiate the required coordination procedures. 13. The permittee shall require its contractors and/or agents to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit in the construction and maintenance of this project, and shall provide each of its contractors and/or agents associated with the construction or maintenance of this project with a copy of this permit. A copy of this permit, including all conditions, shall be available at the project site during construction and maintenance of this project. 14. The permittee shall employ all sedimentation and erosion control measures necessary to prevent an increase in sedimentation or turbidity within waters and wetlands outside the permit area. This shall include, but is not limited to, the immediate installation of silt fencing or similar appropriate devices around all areas subject to soil disturbance or the movement of earthen fill, and the immediate stabilization of all disturbed areas. Additionally, the project must remain in full compliance with all aspects of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A Article 4). 15. The activity will be conducted in such a manner as to prevent a significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction -related discharge. Increases such that the turbidity in the waterbody is 50 NTU's or less in all rivers not designated as trout waters by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 25 NTU's or less in all saltwater classes and in all lakes and reservoirs, and 10 NTU's or less in trout waters, are not considered significant. 16. The permittee, upon receipt of a notice of revocation of this permit or upon its expiration before completion of the work will, without expense to the United States and in such time and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative may direct, restore the water or wetland to its pre -project condition. 17. Violations of these conditions or violations of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act must be reported in writing to the Wilmington District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers within 24 hours of the permittee's discovery of the violation. Tyler Crumbley, PWS Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 i Phone:910-251-4170 Fax:910-251-4025 email: tyler.crumbley@usace.army.mil "The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at: http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/" Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 23, 2017 TO: ROY COOPER Governor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR I� 1 lmerna &crcma JqN �' BRAXTON DAVIS �lvisio 1 ?017 nlreeor N,RO waP bwa�esunphJ Heidi Cox Assistant Regional Engineering Supervisor Public Water Supply-WiRO FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coatscDtacdenr.clov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coats()-ncdenroov Fax: 350-2018 (Courier 04-16-33) Applicant: S & R Properties 1, LLC Project Location: 24 Laurenburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off of the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County Proposed Project: to install a new vinyl bulkhead w/approx. 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coats at the address above by February 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Sean Farrell at (910) 796-7423 when appropriate in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATED /L RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC State of Noah Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management FEB o 6 2017 127 Cardinal Drive Eat., Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 0 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 99 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 April 13, 2017 Regulatory Division Action ID No. SAW-2017-00191 24 Laurinburg Street Bulkhead S&R Properties, Inc. Attn: Robert McNeill 24 Laurinburg Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 Dear Mr. McNeill: Reference your application for a Department of the Army permit to install 50 If of new vinyl bulkhead with approximately 400 sq. ft. of coastal wetland fill on an existing canal at 24 Laurinburg Street, within a man-made canal adjacent to the AIWW, in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina. Your proposal has been reviewed and,found to be consistent with the provisions and objectives of the CAMA-Corps Programmatic Permit process (copy attached) for construction activities that receive authorization from the State of North Carolina. Therefore, you may commence construction activity in strict accordance with your submitted plans, applicable State authorizations, and the attached Federal special conditions. Failure to comply with the State authorization or conditions of the Federal permit could result in civil and/or administrative penalties. If any change in your work is required because of unforeseen or altered conditions or for any other reason, plans revised to show the change must be sent promptly to this office and the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management prior to performing any such change or alteration. Such action is necessary as revised plans must be reviewed and the authorization modified. Your Department of the Army permit will expire on December 31, 2021. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 14 2017 -2- Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr-. Tyler Crumbley, Wilmington -Field: Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone 910-2514170 Regulatory Project Manager Enclosures: CAMA Permit GP 291 conditions Copy furnishcd.(w/enclosures): , Ted Helms Bacicvvater Marine. Construction, Inc. 1901 Kirby Road S.W. Supply, North Carolina 28462 Copies flimisked-without enclosures: DrJadoWftber National Marine Fisheries Service Thbit - at Conservation Division- 219 Fort Johnson Road bil,rieston,.-So-uth-C-arolina 29412-9110 Dr. Ken Riley National i 'Marine Fisheries Service Habitat -Conservation onservation Service Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. Doug Huggett Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-3421 BE Ms. Debra Wilson Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 127 Cardinal -Drive Wilmington, North Carolina, 28405 Ms. Karen Higgins Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1660 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Mr. Pete Benjamin U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North_ Carolina 27636-3726 Mr. Todd Allen Bowers US EPA Region 4-Life Scientist Water Protection Division 61 Forsyth Street; SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960 BOSN3 Mr. ,S'eottMcAloon U.S. Coast Guard/Sector NC Waterways Management. 2301 E. Fort Macon Road Atlantic Beach, North Carolina 28512 Ms. Heather Coats Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Mr. Chad Coburn Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Special C6ndtions S&R;Propertiesjnc.-Attn: Robert -McNeill. Robert-MeNei SAW-2016-01871 I., In order to Author, protect the endangered Welst, Indian M,aqatee4, Tlichechus. manatus,, the applicant must implement the U.S. Fish.and Wildlife Service's, Manatee Guidelines, and strictly adhere to• all rpquirenients therein. The guidelines can be: found atj*tp.-//Wm7X*s.goV/h&-- e9/manim91fiiahate& nW&lifibs.vdfi 2.. Dredging, is not authorized. 3. The permittee must install and maintain, at his expense, anysignal lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through. regulations or otherwise. -on autliorized.fadftities. For further information, the permittee should contact the.U.S. Coast -Guard Marine Safety Office at;(910) 772-2191. 4. All work authorized by this permit must,be performed in strietcoitpliancowiftihesubml,L,LeuI plans, which are apart of this permit. Any modification to these plans must be approved by the Us Army.Corps of Engineers (USACE) prior to implementation. 5. The docks and piers extending over wetlands will be'elevated sufficiently (a minimum of 3 feet) above the wetland substrate to prevent -total shading of vegetation, substrate, or other elements of the aquatic environment. 6. The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United'Stat'esrequire the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of structure -or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the. -Army or his authorized.representative, said structureor work -shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to, remove,, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the 'Utifted States. 7. Approval of the structureis based on determinations that there would be no obstruction to navigation. The structure. maybe. damaged by wave wash.from passing vessels. Issuance of this permit should not be construed, as relieving the permittee of -taking proper steps to insure the structure and moored boats will not be damaged by wave wash, 8. The, authorized structure and associated activity must not interfere with the public's right to free navigation on all navigable, ' waters of . the United States, No attempt will be made by the permittee to prevent the full and,free use by the public of all navigable waters at'or adjacent to the authorized work, for reason other than safety. 9. Except as specified in the plans attached to this permit, no excavation, fill or mechanized land -clearing activities -shall take plate at, anytime in the construction or maintenance of this project, in such a manner as to impair normal flows and eirculation.patierns within waters or wetlands, or to reduce the reach of waters or wetlands. 10..Except as authorized by this permit or any USACE approved modification to this permit, no excavation, fill or mechanized land -clearing activities shall take place at anytime in the constructionor maintenance of this project; within waters or. wetlands. This permit does not authorize -temporary placement or double handling of excavated or.fill material within waters or wetlands outside the permitted area. This prohibition applies to all borrow :and fill activities connected -With this project. 11. All mechanized equipment will be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of waters and wetland's from fuels; lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. In the event of a spill of 'petroleum products or any other hazardous waste, the permittee shall immediately report it to the N.C. Division of Water Quality at-(919) 733-5083, Ext. 526 or (800) 662- 7956 and provisions of.the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act will be followed. 12. Unless otherwise authorized by this permit, all fill material placed in waters or wetlands shalt be generated from an upland source and will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. Metal products, organic materials. (including debris from land clearing activities), or unsightly debris will not be used. 13. If the permittee discovers any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the authorized work, he will immediately no* 'the Wilmington District Engineer who will initiate the required coordination procedures. 14. The permittee shall require its contractors and/or agents to comply with'the terms and conditions of this permit in the construction and maintenance of this project, and shall provide each of its contractors and/or agents associated with the construction or maintenance of this project with a copy of this permit. A copy of this permit, including all conditions, shall be available at —the project site during construction and maintenance of this project: 15. The permittee shall employ all sedimentation and erosion control measures necessary to prevent an increase in sedimentation or turbidity within waters and wetlands outside the permit area. This shall include, but is not limited to, the immediate installation of silt fencing or similar appropriate devices around all areas subject to soil disturbance or the movement of earthen fill, and the immediate, stabilization of all disturbed areas. Additionally, the project must remain in full compliance with, all aspects of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of1973 (North Carolina. General Statutes Chapter 113A Article 4). 16. The activity will be conducted in such a manner as to -prevent a significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction -related discharge. Increases such that the turbidity in the waterbody is 50 NTU's or less in all rivers not designated as trout waters by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 25 NTU's or less in all saltwater classes and in all lakes and reservoirs, and 10 NTU's or less in trout waters, are not considered significant. 17. Tbe-permittee, upon receipt of anotice ofrevordtion of this permit or upon 1t&expiration before c6rnpldtion of the work will,, without.expense. to the United Statmand, in -such time'and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative may direct, restore the -watmor wetland4c; its pre-projectcondition . 18. Violations oft6se conditions or violations of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or -Section. 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act must be reported,111-writing to the Wihnington,DjsWct U& Army COiPs Of Engineers within 24 hours, of the perrnittee`s discovery Of t4vviolAtion.. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT I. APPLICANT'S NAME: S & R Properties I, LLC 2, LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 24 Laurinburg St., adjacent to a manmade canal off the AIWW in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County. Photo Index - 2006: 1-6201, A - 10 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2151070 Y: 44810 Lat: 33°89'04.69" N Long: 78°43'46.19" W 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit — 06/03/16 Was Applicant Present — No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received—12/22/2016, 01/11/2017 (complete) Office - Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION (A) Local Land Use Plan — Town of Ocean Isle Beach Land Classification From LUP — Residential (B) AEC(s) Involved: ES, EW, CW, PTA (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Private (E) Wastewater Treatment:Existing — Municipal Planned - None (F) Type of Structures: Existing — none Planned -50 linear feet of new bulkhead (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source — N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A) Vegetated Wetlands (Coastal) 400 sq. ft. (B) Non -Vegetated Wetlands Open Water (C) Other 1,000 sq. ft. Uplands (disturbed) (D) Total Area Disturbed: 1,400 sq. ft. (0.03 acres) (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA Open: No 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes construct approximately 50 linear feet of pg v �by�(kb�ad-with approximately 400 square feet of Coastal Wetlands fill. KK `tt 1I �v/ Ct L) JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- MHD CITY S & R Properties I, LLC Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant's property is located at 24 Laurinburg Street, adjacent to a man-made canal contiguous with the AIWW in the Town of Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County. Directions from Highway 17 south of Shallotte: Turn Left onto Ocean Isle Beach Rd. SW and travel for approximately 3.6 miles. Stay straight and continue over the high rise bridge to Causeway Dr./NC904. Turn left onto E. 2nd St. and travel approximately 0.14 miles. Take the 15t left onto Laurinburg St. and travel approximately 0.1 miles. The property will be located on the right hand side of the street. The project site is a canal front lot with approximately 50' of shoreline frontage. The elevation of the high ground area of the lot averages approximately 4' above normal high water (NHW). The lot is currently undeveloped with high ground vegetation that consists primarily of lawn grass and woody shrubs. The shoreline of the property has not been stabilized and it is evident that the high ground of the lot adjacent to the canal has subsided over time, allowing the coastal wetlands to incorporate much of the property's shoreline. The coastal wetlands that are present consist primarily of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), however Black Needlerush (Juncus roemorianus) and Salt Meadow Hay (Spartina patens) are also present in the high marsh transitional areas. The Coastal Wetlands are, on average approximately 25' in width as measured from the adjacent bulkheads on either side of the property. The existing escarpment measures approximately 4'-13' landward of the adjacent bulkheads to the north and south. The normal high water line follows the approximate escarpment between the high ground and coastal wetlands on the property. Both of the adjacent properties to the north and south are developed with single-family residences and docking facilities. No known archaeological sites are within the project vicinity. The Town of Ocean Isle Beach Land Use Plan classifies the adjacent waters as Conservation, and the adjacent high ground portion of the project area as Residential. The waters of the AIWW are classified SA by the Division of Water Resources and are NOT designated as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries. They are CLOSED to the harvest of shellfish. 10. PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant proposes to install approximately 50 linear feet of new vinyl bulkhead with approximately 400 square feet of Coastal Wetlands fill. As proposed, the new vinyl bulkhead would be aligned to tie into the adjacent bulkheads to the north and south of the property. The proposed bulkhead alignment would range approximately 4'-13' waterward of the existing escarpment (See Sheet 1 of 4). RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- CND CITY av S & R Properties I, LLC Page Three 11. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The proposed new bulkhead construction with associated backfill and tie back/anchor system would result in the filling of approximately 400 square feet of Coastal Wetlands, Estuarine Waters, and Public Trust Areas of Environmental Concern. The Coastal Wetlands that are proposed to be filled consists of primarily Smooth Cord Grass (Spartina alterniflora), with some Black Needlerush (Juncus roemorianus) and Salt Meadow Hay (Spartina patens) also within the area of proposed fill. The proposed bulkhead construction would result in the disturbance of approximately 1,000 square feet of high ground. Minor turbidity increase can be expected during the construction process. Submitted by: Sean C. Farrell Date: January 20, 2016 Office: Wilmington RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- LND CITY Ca ROBERT MCNEILL 24 LAURENBURG ST OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC PROJECT NARRATIVE The project property is located on the east side of Laurenburg St. adjacent (north side) to Mr. Norman Bland's property and adjacent (south side) to Mr. Charles Horne on Ocean Isle Beach. The site can be reached by traveling highway 179 across the causeway, turning left onto 2nd St. then left on Laurinburg St. Property is adjacent to 22 and 26 Laurinburg St. The site is undeveloped at this time. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of the following elements: • Filling lot- approximately 400 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetlands. See attached pictures of erosion. Setbacks are pulled from normal high water mark. Shoreline stabilization will prevent further erosion into canal and the undermining the adjacent property owner's bulkheads. • Building a bulkhead and future home site. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SCHEDULE COMPLIANCE WITH CAMA LAND USE PLAN Property is located in a R-1 "Residenlidl" zone. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NO DEC 2 2 2016 RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- LIHD C11 V`' COMPLIANCE WITH THE N.C. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT There is no work proposed on the site that will require review under the N.C. Environmental Policy Act. RECEIVED JAN262017 DCM- f.',HD CI-'y RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON. NC DEC 2 2 M6 Environmental Quality January 20, 2017 S & R Properties I, LLC c/o Lane Helms 1907 Kirby Rd. SW Supply, NC 28462 Dear Mr. Helms: ROY COOPER Gomm", WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR. Mwrim Searemrt BRAXTON DAVIS DirC,"r.. The Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of your application, acting as S & R Properties I, LLC, for State approval for development of the property located at on 24 Laurinburg St. adjacent to a canal in the Town of Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County. It was received complete on January 11, 2017, and appears to be adequate for processing at this time. The projected deadline for making a decision is March 27, 2017. An additional 75-day review period is provided by law when such time is necessary to complete the review. If you have not been notified of a final action by the initial deadline stated above, you should consider the review period extended. Under those circumstances, this letter will serve as your notice of an extended review. However, an additional letter will be provided on or about the 75th day. If this agency does not render a permit decision within 70 days from January 11, 2017, you may request a meeting with the Director of the Division of Coastal Management and permit staff to discuss the status of your project. Such a meeting will be held within five working days from the receipt of your written request and shall include the property owner, developer, and project designer/consultant. NCGS 113A-119(b) requires that Notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development. Enclosed you will find a "Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the property of your proposed development. You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along your property where it can be observed from a public road. Some examples would be: Nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of-way fronting your property, or at a point along the road right-of-way where a private road would lead one into your property. Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application. An onsite inspection will be made, and if additional information is required, you will be contacted by the appropriate State or Federal agency. Please contact me if you have any questions and notify me in writing if you wish to receive a copy of my field report and/or comments from reviewing agencies. Sincerer Sean Farrell Field Representative Enclosures cc: Doug Huggett, DCM Heather Coats, DCM Debra Wilson, DCM Tyler Crumbley, ACOE Chad Coburn, DWR Keith Dycus, Town of Ocean Isle Beach LPO S & R Properties, applicant RVCENED JAN 2 6 Z017 DCM. E jHD CITY State of North Caroline I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 \T01'1'IC1: AMA PERMIT APPLIEC PROJECT: To install a new vin 0 Lau the, FOR bulkhead with f COMMENTS ACCEPTED THROUGHFebruary 25, 2017 APPLICANT: Robert McNeill 77 2334 S. 41" Street z Wilmington, NC 28403 0 Agent: Ted Lane Helms (9101 443-489'8 FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT THE LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER BELOW: NC Div. of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Dr. Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Sean Farrell, Field Representative 910-796-7424 vu N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date I a- aa.- Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: LLC- Mailing Address: --I HI5! . I certify that I have authorized (agent) P" �& ?jQ,C"{w, to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to Install or construct (activity) at (my property located at) „iU This certification is valid thru (date) I Z I ) I d Property Owner Signature R,tVED JAN 2 6 2017 t t? 94 j 0 - 61 1� cf DCM- [:.HD CITY ?'M G ON,, NC JAN 1 12017 Feb 25 2016 4:14AM HP Fax page 2 MA oA North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pal MOD" ' t3ovanwr N.C. Division of Coastal Management AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date:' Name of Property OwnerAppiykg for Permit: ,lohn E. 811 wlai IN Seaeiely Nome of Aufhodssrd Agent for this project: L-Ar tArwnis _ Owner's WoUng Addmos: n Agent's XWft Address: 23?i� So YL, V/) S ��zl �,5 pool. Al 7l$4feZ Erne 2; fb Emsq. (jnt_iwS As [hCM1 Phone r °r 10) h_ l 9 r _ Phone M10 I c4Q.1— 4 V19 i codKythet I hove outhorlwd the agent listed above to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying nor, and obtaining all GAMAA Permits noes ery to install or oonstruct the Wowing (acllvky): For my property loosted at This certlticatlon Is valid 1 year from (date) Property Owner Signature Dab _ .. IVCon*WoawEM., ,HC250o Phww WO.796-rM 1 FAY: M 395.39H 1onM: www.nqwnd*rAragwmMiw RECEIVE© JAN 2 6 2017 DCMt - [,.'HD CITY DCM WILM NIGEON, NC DEC 2 2 2016 M EouwC�w AOl Ow 10" Fk* P���� �N�y�-1°wC� �t�n> a..i� ✓2.`�Jrnj����� VYv-0'n'If ��i CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner Address of Property �O f 0 r (Lot or Street 0 Street or K o County) Agent's Name 9 l c_,c 1 . /aS MalhngAddress Agent's phone N 9/O-. �i ' y6 1Oq �/ l[ ,�;21µ I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has descnbed to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing A descnotion gf draw ixt with dimensions must be provided with this letter w,1�(,,,,p 4�I have no ubjections to this prufx)+bi I have objections to this proposal. If You Mvs ob/ectlona to wrist is bring Proposed, You must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DC+1) In writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be meUed to 127 Cardinal Dries Ext, Wilmington, NC, 28005-3845. DCN representstIves can also be contacted at (910) 796-7215. No response Is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by CerW10d Mail,_ WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breekweter, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of ripanan access unless waived by me (If you wish to waive the setback you must initial the appropriate blank below 1 C `, l 1 do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement N' (-tw' C `' I do not wish to warve the 15' setback requirement BAN 2 6 2017 (Property Owner Injovirlation) "i Y /_ 4 awr�1t , A' City/Srote2ip RECEIVED -? J ( T M WILMINGTON, NC 2016 Revised 6/18/2012 Lr, -11 to . ,a CHI RfMit l 12/21/16 S cercinea Mail Pee 43.30 C3 Extra Semi &Feee(U bkp ,yap ❑ReWm Re &pt(ha ph f O ❑ ReWm R.,,,(elecbaJc) O o ❑ Centtlee Melt Rmth1111 Dear Charles E Horne Jr., EJ°e"s,,.",u�R°ply EC o ❑�pnsle ep�R e Due to changes that have been made to the CAMA applicatior m Pos age $2.64 NC, we are submitting to you a copy of the revised applicatior '-4 s°"IPOS898an date and initial the final page. This can be returned to us by r a san(Jp SS OM1 Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. She(Cef,"eend'Api Noepxgj -C'Zy-A 5 LI�Pn Pauline Benton Permit Pals 2169 Boones Neck Rd SW Supply, NC 28462 (910)540-4424 Pwvb78@atmc.net 21 2�bt PoSbna& Here n RECENE0 JAN 16 2917 pCM. t:,HQ CITY RECEIVED OCM WILIANGTON, NC OFC 2 2 2016 c,JYr ter+/ Ra_r �I S C&RTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUE-$TEd DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner Address of Property. -e ?111/Uet )'I or Agent's Name s: 4g&�-�/$� Agent's phone yq 3- Jff99 8, 5treel or ,t Mailing Address' _�LC�..���C/, ! hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing;_the development they ar proposing, A deactiotion or drawing with dimen,gi9n6_ musl be Drovlded with this letter. 1(t,�1,�7 i have no objections to this proposal. 1 have objections to this proposal. 1/you have ob/.Minns to what is bol49 propasM, YOU must not11y Ihr Dlvlslnn or Cw61bl ,Nanag0Cn*M t0cM!n wildnp within ID days of roca(pi of this notice. Correspondence should be malled to 12Y Cardinal Ddve Ent, LNimington, NC. 28405-3846. DCM represontelivos can also be confacfad of (910) 796-1215. No response is consrde.ao the Same as no objection if you h►ve boon nodllad by C*fWntd Mail. , k4k WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 16' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. of you wish to waive the setback, you must initlal the appropriate blank below) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. RECEIVED 1 do not wish to waive the IS' setback requirement. (toropolif owner ln)"tion) a��% ign011tre Prrpl or Type Name M•iing Adidtamr �J JU C, 910-77 J Telephone Number 17nn JAN 2 6 2017 `? CITY .r •r �., * . fir .: r � lea; -I ';.i` i • I Telephone Revised 6118012 12/20/16 Dear Mr. Norman Bland, Due to changes that have been made to the CAMA application for 24 Laurinburg St. Ocean Isle Beach, NC, we are submitting to you a copy of the revised application. If everything is acceptable, please re - date and initial the final page. This can be returned to us by mail or e-mail listed below. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Pauline Benton Permit Pals 2169 Boones Neck Rd SW Supply, NC 28462 (910)540-4424 Pwvb78@atmc.net Postal Service" :�TIFIFID MAIL'' RFCEIF Domestic Mail Only F-4 For delivery information, visit our ebsit�'�trsps. cotes' ru r` ce mea rneu Fee 0402 f3.30 $ S $B 9$ Fees rwa�rtopwp�■qt� N, NO ❑Return Recelvt meracowkJliM■`t�t O C3[twtMW ❑Rewrn Recelq telecimac) ■ tom. POBMerk Melt ReeNcted Nll"e 6 HBlO C3 OMuttsi8naturenNulre [3Muh sl,.ture �dw N way ■ 0 Postage $2.64 m rq 12/22/2016 Tool Poetep■ eN f8.b4 : Sent To ft o s '� °. , or, . M.11 2d_ - ----- RECE;VED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- S.,HD CITY RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 2 2 2016 in iijc Coup Y, K "494 tO Of 2d 1� aw srz7 ae, Ck' "-_--' `,IW f Caws yP a Eatise'rac: ljq,44 Recording Time, Ronk and Page Prepared by: Carlton F. Williamson, Attomey (tn) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WARRANTY DEED COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK THIS DEED, made and entered into this the S day of F61�2009, by and between TERRY A. HOOKS and wife, TAMMY S. HOOKS; JOSEPH M. HOOKS and wife, MARY M. HOOKS; JEFFREY A. MILLIKEN and wife, SONJA R. MILLIKEN; RANDY G. ALDRIDGE and wife, CLOVIS S. ALDRIDGE, hereinafter called "Grantor", and S&R PROPERTIES 1, LLC, 2334 S. 41" Street, Wilmington, NC 28403, hereinafter called "Grantee". The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sett and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all right, title, and interest in and to that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Ocean Isle Beach, Shallotte Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lots 108 and 109 in Block 21, according to a Wrap entitled "An Addition to Ocean Isle Beach Sections B&C", prepared by Howard M. Loughlin, registered surveyor, on February 3, 1960 and which map is now duty recorded in Book of Maps 6 at Page 1 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Brunswick County, North Carolina. Being the same property conveyed by Deed dated June 22, 2004 from Sawgmss, L.L.C. to S&R Properties 1, LLC; Terry A. Hooks and wife, Tammy S. Hooks; Joseph M. Hooks and wife, Mary M. Hooks; Jeffrey A. Milliken and wife, Sonja R. Milliken; and Randy G. Aldridge and wife, Clovis S. Aldridge, recorded in Deed Book 1 %6, page 144, Brunswick County Registry. RECENED Jo 2 6 M7 ECM_ 1' ;HID CITY RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 1 12017 ox-an. xeaa iik��ity.r �f ttR z orx7®a+ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of a 4151s undivided interest in the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: Subject to easements, conditions, and restrictions of record, if any, and any outstanding or current ad valorem taxes; and Deed of Trust recorded in Deed Book 1966, page 147, Brunswick County Registry. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. TERRY A. HOOKS ___ (SEAL) TAMMY S. HOOKS t l (SEAL) JOSEPH M. HOOKS; .......... _(SEAL) MARY M:HOOKS JEFFREY A. MILL.IKF.N RECEIVED DCM- LIND CITY RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC J A N i i 2017 111111111IIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIII?aedPelaz IO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot of patcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thercto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple And the Grantm covenants with the Otantee, that Otantot is seized of a 4/5' undivided intmcst in the piernises in fee supple, has the tight to convey the same in fee simple, that tide is marketable and flee and clear of all encumbwncos, and that Gtantm will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all petsons whomsoever except for the exceptions heteinafter stated Title to the property hweinabove described is subject to the following exceptions; Subject to easements, conditions, and tesuictions of record if any, and any outstanding of current ad valorem taxes; and Deed of Trust recorded in Deed Book 1966, page 147, Brunswick County Registry IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto his hand and seal, the day and year first above wtitten (SEAL) TAMMY S OOKS ___(SEAL) )OSEPH M HOOKS -----(SEAL). MARY M. HOOKS -- --- SEAL) EY A MILLIKEN RECEIVED 2 S- ZO17 DCM- [-.',HD CITY RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 1 12017 IIIIIIIII111111111111116111111111III s?? P9193, �g = 09, ar—eulck CnuntY. NC Reg,ater or Deed• page a of (���� SO R MII,LIKF.N 44 R kaws'i..�.« s•ury OVIS L �SEU.) CLOVIS S ALDRIl)QE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public, do hmaby certify that this day Personally appeared before me, TERRY A HOOKS, who acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the _ day of __ _, 2009 IMIFAA9 My Commission Expires: RY---CE.iVED JAN 2 6 2017 aECtiV.ED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 1 12017 2009 8runwle aunty 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF „_�_Pwosux 0-t a Notay Public, do hereby cattily that this day personally appeared before am, IEFFREY A. MILLIKEN and wife, SONIA R MILLIKEN, who acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the day of Fr/it". y , 2009 My Commission Expites; (' // LP,3 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OFF� a7w),�W, e .G 1, „C a Notary Public, do heteby certify that this day personally appeared befom me, RANDY G ALDRIDGE and wife, CLOVIS S ALDRIDGE, who acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the 5'' day of +:e, 2oo9 7 NOT PUBLIC. My Commission Expires: OpP"` "'4ti HOTARV .�1 PUBLIC 1"iL'CE1FNL tJ JAN262017 I)CM- E:HD CITY RECEIVLi7 DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 1 12017 iiiiiiii�iiii�ninniiiiiiiiipi l �0& ..._(SEAL) RANDY G ALDRWGE CLOVIS S ALOR=E Netm+ C,A2eu0t STATE OF GA44POPWI* COUNTYOF ?RUtJSWrCK I, _ t._t_Sa1x,.iL C" i�.•-, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that this day personally appeared before to TERRY A HOOKS, who acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instnmwnt WITNESS my hand and official scat, this the J " day of QiZU.A.✓q , 2009 -- NOTARY PUB{. My Commission Expires: r 'b6'CH J r `' f/-��Tngy ..A( pUBLO RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- [:,HD CITY RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 1 12017 IIIIIIIII IIIINIIIIIIIINIIII�III III B2�7 POia� °� °� °009 8r mda �. Cleneons STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Rrwswlet Cao ty. RC R.,.:t.r .r De.ds Rage Tar 7 COUNTY OF L(rt,'.tltdS I,A��_x. ;((.. a Notary Public, do hereby certify that this day personally appeared before me, TAMMY S. HOOKS, who acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the —_� day of 4,4/.. , 2009. ARY PUBLIC.� f•w(( ��a �.at�ttStexpires: OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CKv rr) 1, IfAttwrw F2t11N, , tod , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that this day personally appeared before me, JOSEPH M. HOOKS and wife, MARY M. HOOKS, who acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, is he i day ofrR_iMw 2009. NO ARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: _, oJ�OA/ _ RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- (:,HD CITY RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 1 12017 �b 25 2016 4:14AM HP Fax page 1 �r— Backwater Marine Construction, Inc. 1907 Kirby Road S.W. Supply, N.0 28462 (910) 443-4898 (910) 443-4899 Date:—R" Job Name: Phone Number: 64/1 Q/b M-419� Job Location: ", 1-4v wkkc s Billing Address: Comments: era Diu�. 7'SOD drf Idl-0 ai f ()CM WILMINGTON, NO ,'AN 2 6 2017 DEC 2 2 2016 -riD CITY W, Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 17, 2017 Advertising@stamewsonline.com 2 Pages Star News Legal Advertisement Section Post Office Box 840 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Re: Major Public Notices in New Hanover County • SEL Property Investors / New Hanover County • S & R Properties I, LLC / Brunswick County ROY COOPER Gommor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR Interim Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director Kyle & Heather: Please publish the attached Notice in the Wednesday, January 25, 2017 issue. The State Office of Budget & Management requires an original Affidavit of Publication prior to payment for newspaper advertising. Please send the original affidavit and invoice for payment to Shaun Simpson at the NC Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405, 910-796-7226. Paying by credit card to the attention of Tanya Wright, (Ref acct # 796-7215). Please email a copy of the credit card receipt to me. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you should have any questions, please contact me at our Wilmington office. [KIM ,Sincerely, .40 / �- -1-W Shaun K. Simpson Permitting Support & Customer Assistance Heather Coats - WiRO Doug Huggett - MHC Tyler Cmmbley - USACE Sarah Young- DCM RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive E#., Wilmington, NC 28405 p y y 910-796-7215 DCM— i [ uHD CT'Cy r NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Department of Environmental Quality hereby gives public notice as required by NCGS 113A-119(b) that the following applications were submitted for development permits in Areas of Environmental as designated under the CAMA: On January 17, 2017, SEL Property Investors, LLC proposed to construct a private docking facility at 5912 Nautical Isle Court, adjacent to the AIWW, in Wilmington, New Hanover County; and on January 11, 2017, S & R Properties I, LLC propose to construct a new vinyl bulkhead at 24 Laurinburg St., adjacent to a canal off of the AIWW, in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County. Copies of the applications can be examined or copied at the offices of Brooks Surgan (SEL) or Sean Farrell (S&R), N.C. Dept. of Environmental Quality, Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405, (910-796-7215) during normal business hours. Comments mailed to Braxton C. Davis, Director, Division of Coastal Management, 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557-3421, prior to February 15, 2017 will be considered in making the permit decision. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modification may occur based on review and comment by the public and state and federal agencies. Notice of the permit decision in these matters will be provided upon written request. RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management D C M - L: " H D CITY 127 Cardinal Drive Ed., Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 NC Division of Coastal Management Major Permit Application Computer Sheet AEC: AIWW / Atlantic Ocean Fee: $400 / #1485 CDAITS V MHC cc Applicant: S&R Properties, Inc. c/o Robert McNeill Agent/Contractor: Backwater Marine Construction, Inc. c/o Ted Lane Helms Project Site County: Brunswick Staff: Sean Farrell District: Wilmington Project Name: Bulkhead Replacement w/ffll Rover File: n/a River Basin: Initial date of application submittal: 12-22-16 Date application "received as complete" in the Field office: _ Permit Authorization: CAMA 4Dredge& Fill ❑Both SITE DESCRIPTION/PERMIT INFORMATION ORW: []Yeso I PNA: ❑Yes fqo Photos Taken: Yes No❑ Setback Required (riparian): ❑Yes RIO Critical Habitat: ❑Yes o LJNotSure 15 foot waiver obtained: ❑Yes o Hazard No' cation Returned: ❑Yes o SAV: ❑Yes No []Not Sure Shell Bottom: ❑Yes o On Not Temporary Impacts: []Yeso Sure Sandbags: Yes o El Sure Did the land use classification come Mitigation Required (optional): from county LUP: ❑Yes No ❑Yes o Moratorium Conditions: Environmental Assessment Done: []Yes QIo ❑NA Length of Shoreline: ❑Yes o ❑NA -56- FT. Shellfish Area Designation: Project Description: (code) Development Area: (code) Open -or- tleo I I I KOU S . �4, 0,63 af+7S SECONDARYATER CLASSIFICATION — OPTIONAL (choose MAX of 4) ❑ Future Water Supply (FWS) ❑ Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) ❑Swamp Waters (SW) High Quality Waters (HQW) ❑Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) WETLANDSIMPACTED (404) Corp. of Engineers (Jurisdictional ❑ (LS) Sea lavender (Limonium sp.) ❑ (SS) Glasswort ( Salicomia sp.) wetlands) ❑ (CJ) Saw grass (Cladium jamaicense) Ck(SA) Salt marsh cordgrass (Spartina ❑ (SY) Salt reed grass (Spartina altemiflora) cynosuroides) ❑ (DS) Salt or spike grass (Distichlis El (SC) Bullrush or three square (Scirpus ❑ (TY) Cattail (Typha sp.) spicata) sp.) F(JR) Black needlerush (Juncus (SP) Sali/meadow grass (Spartina oemehanus) patens) APPLICATION FEE ❑ No fee required - $0.00 ❑ 111(A) Private wl D&F up to 1 acre; 3490 El III(D) Priv. public or Comm w/ D&F to 1 can be applied - $250 acre; 3490 can't be applied - $400 Minor Modification to a CAMA Major 0 Major Modification to a CAMA Major X IV Any development involving D&F of permit - $100 permit - $250 more than 1 acre - $475 ❑ Permit Transfer - $100 ❑ III(B) Public or commercial wl D&F to 1 ❑ Express Permit - $2000 acre; 3490 can be applied - $400 ❑ Major development extension request - ❑ II. Public or commercial/no dredge $100 and/or fill - $400 ❑ I. Private no dredge and/or fill - $250 lll(C) Ppublic or comm w /D&F to 1 Cie; 349nv.0 pn be applied; DCM needs DWQ agreement - $400 S&R Properties Date: 12-22-16 Describe below the ACTIVITIES that have been applied for. All values should match the dimension order, and units of measurement found in your Activities code sheet. TYPE REPLACE Activity Name Number Choose Choose Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 4 One One New Work Pq Replace �, '71 Maint ❑ ❑ Y j2Nso New Work U Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Work ❑ Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Work Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Work ❑ Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Work ❑ Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Work ❑ Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N New Work ❑ Replace Maint ❑ ❑ Y ❑ N Describe below the HABITAT disturbances for the application. All values should match the name, and units of measurement found in your Habitat code sheet. TOTAL Sq. Ft. FINAL Sq. Ft. TOTAL Feet FINAL Feet (Applied for. (Anticipated final (Applied for. (Anticipated final DISTURB TYPE Disturbance total disturbance. Disturbance disturbance. Habitat Name Choose One includes any Excludes any total includes Excludes any anticipated restoration any anticipated restoration and/or restoration or and/or temp restoration or temp impact tern im ads impact amount) tamp im acts) amount LA Dredge ❑ Fill Both ❑ Other ❑ 6 6 lj Dredge ❑ Fill Both ❑ Other ❑ 1 D Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ 919.733-2293 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanariement._net revised: 1011Z'06 MAJOR PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE S&R Properties Inc/ $400, CK # 1485/Brunswick Co DCM % DWQ % Development Ta Fee 14300160143510009316256253 2430016024351000952341 I. Private, non-commercial development that does not involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: $250 100% $250 0% $0 II. Public or commercial development that does not involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: $400 100% $400 0% $0 III. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A,B, C, r D below applies: III(A). Private, non-commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification No. 3900 See attached can be applied: $250 100% $250 0% $0 III(B). Public or commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification No. 3900 See attached can be applied: $400 100% $400 0% $0 III(C). If General Water Quality Certification No. 3900 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWQ concurrence is needed because of concerns related to water quality or aquatic life: $400 1 60% $240 40% $160 III(D). If General Water Quality Certification No. 3900 see attached cannot be applied: $400 60% $240 40% $160 IV. Development that involves the filling and/or excavation of more than one acre of wetlands and/or open water areas: $475 60% $285 40% $190 RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 DCM- MHD CITY Payment Proccessing Confirmation Date Received I 12/22/2016 Check From (Name) Permit Pals Name of Permit Holder S&R Properties Inc Vendor Crescom Check Number 1485 Check amount $400.00 Multiple Permits No Major/Minor Major Permit Number/Comments Maj Fee, 24 Laurinburg St, 0113, Bruns Receipt or Refund/Reallocated SF/3484D RECEIVEED JAN 2 6 2017