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Exempted Project Under CAMA Regulations T15A: 07K, Sea
ISSUED TO: Vick Griffm
PROJECT On the Beach behind 1515 LAKE PARK BLV S
LOCATION: Carolina Beach, NC 28428
ISSUED BY.- �Q��^I'S�7�VMti1A
Jemmy Hardison, Local Vermit Officer
DATEISSUED: November 17, 2003
Equipment used for filming TV series on the
camera, possible dolly w/track, assorted
stands and silks (used to bounce and reflect natural light)
access beach with 4x stakebed pickup trucks (2) to
transport said equipment to beachfront location;
- Number of crew: approximately 60 people
- Length of time on beach - approximately 2 hours
The submitted information relative to development within CAMA Areas of
Environmental Concern (A.E.C.) has been reviewed by our office and has been
determined to be exempted from requirements for a minor development permit. Subject
to the conditions as specified herein:
All work shall be in compliance with the approved plans, any modifications shall be
approved by the local CAMA Minor Permit Officer prior to construction
All work shall be in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal
regulations and permits obtained as applicable.
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