HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_09-29_ThigpenNORTH TOPSAIL 09-29 BEACH Permit Number Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to REGGIE THIGPEN, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 7202 ISLAND DRIVE, in NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, ONSLOW COUNTY as requested in the permittee's application, dated 7/21/2009. This permit, issued on 8/01/2009, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: A PROPOSED COVERED / UNCOVERED WOOD DECK (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 7/10/2009 by Stroud Engineering Dated: 7/2/2009. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910) 328-1349 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the pernittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the dale of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project fi mad cation not covered under this permit, require further written permit RYAN C. MCALISTER, ASLA approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL DECEMBER 31, 2otz 2008 LOGGERHEAD COURT In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the ;;ECE i V E D NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 28460 Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Ccwateh 0 9 2009 Management. SEI PER TEE DCW{ VJ{LMINGTO . SigNnaal�tLw required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: REGGIE THIGPEN Minor Permit # 09-29 Date: 08-01.2009 Page 2 (5) The structure must set back a minimum of 60' feet from the first line of stable natural vegetation, as determined by the DCM, the LPO, or other assigned agent of the DCM. (6) The permittee is required to contact the Local Permit Officer (910) 3281349, shortly before he plans to`begin construction to arrange a setback measurement that will be effective for sixty (60) days barring a major shoreline change. Construction must begin within sixty (60) days of the determination or the measurement is void and must be redone. (7) All buildings constructed within the ocean hazard area shall comply with the NC Building Code, including the Coastal and Flood Plain Construction Standards of the N. C. Building Code, and the Local Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance as required by the National Flood Insurance Program. If any provisions of the building code or a flood damage prevention ordinance are inconsistent with any of the following AEC standards, the more restrictive provision shall control. (8) All buildings must be elevated on pilings with a diameter of at least 8 inches in diameter if round, or 8 inches to a side if square; and the first floor level of the sills and joists must meet the 100-year flood level elevation. (9) All pilings shall have a tip penetration greater than eight feet below the lowest ground elevation under the structure. (10)Dune disturbances will be allowed only to the extent necessary for development and if the dune's protective value is not weakened or reduced. Disturbed dune areas will be immediately stabilized. (11)AII unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. (12)Any structure authorized by this permit shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) shall be and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence. However, if natural shoreline recovery or beach renourishment takes place within two years of the time the structure becomes imminently threatened, so that the structure is no longer imminently threatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled at that time. This condition shall not affect the permit holder's right to seek authorization of temporary protective measures allowed under CRC rules. (13) Sand used to strengthen dunes must be brought in from an outside source and must be of the same nature as the sand in the area, which it is to be placed. No sand is to be removed from the lot. (14) Sand held in storage in any dune, other than frontal or primary dunes, may be moved laterally in order to strengthen existing primary or frontal dunes if the work would enhance the protection to the proposed development activity and the sand is immediately stabilized. (15) The oceanfront, uncovered deck within the setback area shall not exceed a footprint of 500 square feet and shall be structurally independent from the house foundation pilings. (16) No driveways or other impermeable surfaces shall be allowed on the ground over any functional part of the septic system or septic system repair area. SIGNATURE: DATE: Ve PERMITTFL AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: _X_ Ocean Erodible Area _X High Hazard Flood Area Inlet Hazard Area Property Owner: R,11X C, f h -'lA e, rj44A_. Property Address: z. /o To Date Lot Was Platted: �><?/�'U Z 2. This notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as storms, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules on building standards, oceanfront setbacks and dune alterations are designed to minimize, but not eliminate, property loss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commission does not guarantee the safety of the development and assumes no liability for future damage to the development. Permits issued in the Ocean Hazard Area of Environmental Concern include the condition that structures be relocated or dismantled if they become imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) must be relocated or dismantled within two (2) years of becoming imminently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence. The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual long-term average ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located is _?, feet per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as _I 'TO 'feet landward in a major storm. The flood waters in a major storrV gre predicted e about 131 feet deep in this area. V 4— LE Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prohibited. Temporary sand bags may be authorized under certain conditions. The applicant must acknowledge this information and requirements by signing this notice in the space below. Without the proper signature, the application will not be complete. �/3 757 SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for development in areas subject to sudden and massive storms and erosion. Permits issued for development in this area expire on December 31 of the third year following the year in which the permit was issued. Shortly before work begins on the project site, the Local Permit Officer must be contacted to determine the vegetation line and setback distance at your site. If the property has seen little change since the time ofpermit issuance, and the proposed development can still meet the setback requirement, the LPO will inform you that you may begin work. Substantial progress on the project must be made within 60 days of this setback determination, or the setback must be remeasured. Also, the occurrence of a major shoreline change as the result of a storm within the 60-day period will necessitate remeasurement of the setback. It is important that you check with the LPO before the permit expires for official approval to continue the work after the permit has expired. Generally, if foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal can be authorized. It is unlawful to continue work after permit expiration. For more information, contact. Local Permit Officer TOWN OF NORTH TnnS,U 8��_ Address 2008 Loggerhead Court North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 Locality Phone Nu er A&ficJ# Signature Date Revised 2107 LocalityM l V o S &i ` R, �� Permit Number _6 01,00 V C1 Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline Other (For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER NameC� Address V q LA % tltM 14-M %Z D Cityl�K. j Lu -1ntN State Zip- L I Phone 0 U 4(( Z AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Address City State Zip Phone LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody.) TA4 R4--A, p{ 04a, DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (Li all all proposed construction and land disturbance.) D't''�-l��/ U.r<,wM0140 SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: square feet Q, l L acres PROPOSED USE: Residential Y�F-%— (Single-family Multi -family ) Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF ABUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVIRON- MENTAL CONCERN (AEC): rn square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): DCO square feet (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc., that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (1) within 75 feet of Normal High Water/Normal Water Level for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2) within 575 feet of Normal High Water/ Normal Water Level for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3) within 30 feet of Normal High Water/ Normal Water Level for the Public Trust Shoreline AEC RECEIVE D (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) AUG 1 Q 20 STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? DCM WILM'INGTON NC YES_ NO If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: square feet. OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor develop- ment permit. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. We suggest you check over the list with your LPO to determine if any of these apply to your project. Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and others. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) .2(—an owner or record title, Title is vested in /jj, 110-re %CIAL see Deed Book ZZ, Ct 3 page � in the p f�,t.ch) County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. _if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet & attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. (Name) (Address) (1) (2) (3) (4) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and floodproofing techniques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. This the L )day of 7 , 20-0— r —A Landowner or person authorized to act as K9 agent for purp6se of filing a CAMA permit application. LN * BEARING DISTANCE L1 1 N 31'40'33- W 0.39 L2 I S 23'0438" W 1 3.73' 'All ��LOT 5 BLOCK "B" MB 3 PG 61 I 1n FOUND R/W @ 12TH AVE MONUMENT--�I a (l ( o ¢ 0211TH AVE CL SITE o cq 10TH AVE z �ZfitWv Iz 9TH AVE Icri I°e VICINITY MAP NO SCALE LOT 6 010 BLOCK "B" U Im MB 3' PG 61 ADJOINERS 4' WOOD FENCE I I" ENCROACHES 0.2' I I N 31'40'33" W IlL7 OOD �ED 0 cn N W 10 LOT 20 `° BLOCK "B" MB 3 PG 61 C0 do WOOD DECK , g.q /mo, "Vor TV •�9� T-d� �N�a r FIPIFIP 4.2' "' �" LOT 19 7 s.2ft BLOCK "B" MB 3 PG 61 D DB 2293 C PG 75 0 o/ G 0.12 ACRES �� 5038.1 SO. FT. m BY COORDINATES 0 m �9.1 ft `� 0 n T LJ 11�115�� rn d *co Z �° r~• � p�uc cS"2���YA� t�tttt�n ,9.7ft A- r` ..D Lrl fu Postage $ !H! Uat-� Catfied Fee O ne ( �/ � 1J �f: S SUTI L45 /0- G�-/w O Retum Receipt Fee P Hare Adacent PPrrope Owner 0 .'j (Endorsement Reg 1red) r� j(y� ,l_. -y (/(/ l I/(J(,�bP4(a( p/Id��/ O Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) M ding,9ddress o + %{ U ?/' T7; 0 L-" M1 Total Postage & Fees .$ \ . City, State, Zip Code C3 M1 o seer a � V�� 't i�.. - "o.; "' -C ��n - O Sbeet,, Apr. of PO Sox No. _ �, A f., w a y Dear Adjacent Property: City, State. ZIP+4 r :rr rr. This letter is to inform you that I, C G 1 have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit on my property at 2 Z O 2 in Onslow Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at Yl b zq 8 �) f 20 or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicants Telephone file written comments or objections with the NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: RYAN C. MCALISTER, ASLA Local Permit Officer for NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH 2008 LOGGERHEAD CT NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 28460 Sincerely, Proper)! wner L0-9-Q I vM Mailing Address ilQ /— City, Stater Zip Obde a Dw 141h. UInJ/ZGG �1i17G Adjacent Property Owner `f () t, 01..A,44y3.h.. tJ.R Mailin Address ���� City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property: r (yromesnc man unryr No insurance Uo.verage rrovrae _ For delivery Information visitour ivebsite at vrvi .Ubtes.co`mi a � 0 Return Recelpt Fee T Postmark Hem (Endorsement Required) V O Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) 0 ( r� r q to Total Postage & Fees N Senr To h y `J O ; e�,LU o 0 _QIRC�C b5ieer. nor. No.. J O N \i 24J orPo 9oxNo. --__a _.....__...... R- fti _______________�__ Cly Slate, 7 F+4 •-________ ....................... e. , �`Pa 3 �c. saa•.� • This letter is to inform you that I, d have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit on my property at 7 Z (2 in Onslow Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at / J0 ;2- %,9 �z�z z or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to . Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: RYAN C. MCALISTER, ASLA Local Permit Officer for NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH 2008 LOGGERHEAD CT NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 28460 Sincerely, Property er /a 4 y ji�na�t �d Mailing Address X City, State, Zf c de %&,,C,11P1 Dat Adj cent Proloert y Owe S Mai Ad2q dressX �-7 City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property: m Ul ra Ln PostageEr $ y� V`•l. Ir canitlea Fee ( l pReturn rieoelPi Fee PostmaHere q� ^ C3 (Endoreemenl Required) �( V r3 Restricted Deilvery Fee (Endo mement Requiretl) 0 L q3Total Postage & Feea $ sue, J� `T ru Sent To o serest McFa..t----------- --------------------------- M orpoeox No. V. �0... a3J r` ----- A —� =-• X c ,,scare,Yr ) N C 11 S a r •�i This letter is to inform you that I, L' G r s have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owngir Permit on my property at /LUG in Onslow Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at 9 /D 2 92Z 2 g or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: RYAN C. MCALISTER, ASLA Local Permit Officer for NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH 2008 LOGGERHEAD CT NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 28460 Sincerely, . rr- `! - e d! 44 1 /, Mailing Address i City, State, Zip`Code ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to property located (Name of Property Owner) Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) I on ,in (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) N.C. He has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location, and,.l have no objections to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) Signature Print or Type Name Telephone Number Date .pr POSTAL SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF MAILING M 7 BE USED FOR DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MAIL, DOES NOT P VIDE FOR INSURANCE -POSTMASTER I Received Fro � l c ce of ordinary mail addressed I o 0� IIVn'rG111 V I OWl~ 1 7�L�yj f0• �F Lk VI C a PS Form 3817, January 2001 9 3WOH 31100W O O � v ORslow County, NC Property Record Card Page 1 of 1 OWNERSHIP 05302009 74456 302 (PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ITAX SUBDIVISIONS IMAP NUMBER CARD NO CLEM DAVID E 6 SHELBA W ISEAHVN BCH 4 BB L6 (STUMP SOUND TWP IF12 100, 1 I (NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH IRECORD NUMBER:. 15041 3007 BUCKINGHAM WAY I I IAOUTE 30200427 APEX NC 27502 1 ITEMP-426613 48 ILISTER:JJ052406 - 5 OEED:2721 678Q08292006 515000- 717003 11TH AVE 6 ISLAND DR I IREVIEW:JJ110105 ...........2............ ITOPO ISTREET (UTILITY IZONING 0.11 ACRES NBHD 4 E q .......... 26..........: (LEVEL (PAVED (ALL PUB IMHR I I I I NOTES: I (MEDIUM I IVDY :BP 7/04 120,000 N 2 0 '#(LAND CLASS SIZE IBASERATE*FRNT"DPTH"ADJ=ADJRATE*UNITS=LND-VALUE Ill 6VRESID I I I SOF 100D1 550010.0010.001 T 55001 501 275000 4.. I I 1 ' ILAND VALUE: 275000 3 3 1010THER FEAT I SIZE IBASERATE*COND =ADJRATE*UNITS=OFB-VALUE 2 A- 2 11113CCONCRETEI 321 2. 7410.80 13" 1-2 191 4161 911 BCHHOUSE 12113CCONCRETEI I 13" 211 2.8010.80 1 2.241 2731 612 2 2 I 4B 4 • I ' IOTHER VALUE: 1523 @.......... 26..........: IFNDATIONI%TRFNISHI ROOFT YPEROOFMTRLISIZE/QTY IWOOD IALDM VNLIGABLE ICOMPSHNGI I IPILINGS I IHIP I 12.00STHT1 I I I I I I 9.: WALLFNSHIFLOORS IHEAT&AIRIHEATFUELI I 8 C- 8 IDRY WALLITILE IHEATPUMPIELECTRICI 4 BDRMI PORCH I ICAAPET I 1 1 6 ROOMI I I I I I1.00LFUFI .......... 26..........: I DWELLING BEACHCOT B B2004 AVERAGE CONDITION DIMENSIONS:A-CU32R26D32L26 B-R26D3CA9U29L9D29 C-CDBR26U8L26 D-U3CXL1U1XU7XU1R1XD9 E-U32CU4A26D4L26H #STRUCTUREISKTCH-SF*STHT= AREA RATE*GRDF+HEAT+EXWL*WLHT=ADJRAT* AREA= RPCN* DEPF"CNDF=STR-VALUE AI T3BECHHOUSE 183212. 001 16 441 77.481 13.00 1 60. 481 16641 1339191 0.981 1 131241 1 3.00 BATHS( I I I I I 1 1 3450.001 1 103501 0.981 1 10143 B188 WOODDECKI 9611.001 961 14.581 1 1 1 1 14.581 961 14001 0.981 1 1372 C180 PORCH 1 20811.001 2081 19.401 1 1 1 1 19.401 2081 40351 0.981 1 3954 C188 WOODDECKI 20811.001 2081 13.531 1 1 1 1 13.531 2081 28141 0.981 1 2758 D163 BCHHOUSEI 811.001 81 77.481 13.001 1 1 80.481 81 6441 0.981 1 631 E188 WOODDECKI 10412.001 2081 13.531 1 1 1 1 13.531 2081 28141 0.981 1 2758 F186 UTILROOMI 14311.001 1431 21.451 1 10.001 1 21.451 1431 30671 0.981 1 3006 1672HSF, 2535TSF RPCN- 95.12/HSF 159043 VALU- 93.22/HSF 155863 STRUCTURE VALUE: 155863 VALUATION( VALUEIPREV-VAL.IP-N%l SALEIS-N81 TOTAL VALUE 432386 LAND I I 2750001 50000155881QUALFIEDI 12395800LV/AC OTHERFEATI I 1 15231 1 1082920061 1 STRUCTURE( I 1 1558631 442881351%12721-6781 1 258TV/H9F TOTAL 1 1 4323861 942881458%1 5150001 8381 308SP/HSF APPRAISED -VALUE: 432386 Show with Lame F_Font htti)://mai)s.onslowcountync.2ov/cei-bin/onslow/CreatePRC 2.nll?Sh0wi,ink=No&.rer.Num 6/3/9nnQ 'Onslow County, NC Property Record Card Page 1 of 1 OWNERSHIP 05302009 70757 301 IPROPERTY DESCRIPTION ITAX SUBDIVISIONS (MAP NUMBER CARD NO BLACKBURN MAUDE & CROWELL JODI ISEAHVN BCH 4 BB L5 (STUMP SOUND TWP 1812 99, 1 I INORTH TOPSAIL BEACH IRECORD NUMBER:. 1911 5301 OLEANDER DR I I IROUTE 30200426 WILMINGTON NC 28403 11380/478 ITEMP-426613 47 ILISTER:JJ052006 - 5 DEED:1373 lUO5301997 - 217007 11TH AVE OFF ISLAND DR I IREVIEW:JJ110105 28............ ITOPO ISTREET (UTILITY IZONING 0.11 ACRES NBHD I LEVEL ILIGHT IALL PUB IMHR I IPAVED I I NOTES: I I I I 3020 #(LAND CLASS I SIZE IBASERATE*FRNT*DPTH*ADJ=ADJRATE*UNITS=LNO-VALUE • 111 6VRESID 1 50F 100D1 550010.0010.001 1 55001 501 275000 I I I I I 3 3 ILAND VALUE: 275000 2 A- 2 BCHHOUSE @...... 15.... 28..... 13....:... 8.... 19I0THER FEAT I SIZE IBASERATE*COND=ADJRATE*UNITS=OFB-VALUE 11113CCONCRETEI 90* 201 2.6010.50 I 1.301 8001 1040 I I I I I (OTHER VALUE: 1090 IFNDATIONIXTRFNISHIROOFTYPEIROOFMTRLISIZE QTYI I PIER (ALUM VNLI GABLE COMPSHNGI I IWOOD I I I 11.00STHT1 I I I I I I • IWALLFNSHIFLOORS IHEAT&AIRIHEATFUELI I 8 B- 8 D- 8 C 8 (DRY WALLIHARDWOODIFHA AC IELECTRICI 2 BDRMI BCHHOUSE: PORCH I IVINYL I 1 14 ROOMI • I I I I 11.00LFUF1 ...... 15..... :..... 13....:... 8...: I I DWELLING BEACHCOT C+10 B1972EI985RI997 AVERAGE CONDITION DIMENSIONS:A-CU32R28D32L28 B-CD8R15U8LI5 C-R28CR8D8L8U8 D-R15CDBR13U8L13H #ISTRUCTUREISKTCH-SF*STHT= AREA RATE*GRDF+HEAT+EXWL*WLHT=ADJRAT* AREA= RPCN* DEPF*CNDF=STR-VALUE A 163CBCHHOUSE I 89611.001 5961 68. 661 1.101 3.00 I I I 7 8. 531 8961 703631 0.791 I 55587 1 2.00 BATHS( I I I I I 1 I 2850.001 I 57001 0.791 1 4503 150%UNF-BSMTI 1 1 4481 17.1711.101 1 1 1 18.891 4481 84631 0.791 1 6686 B163 BCRHOUSEI 12011.001 1201 68.6611.1013.001 I 178.531 1201 94241 0.791 I 7445 C188 WOODDECKI 6411.001 641 12.1211.101 1 1 113.331 641 8531 0.791 I 674 D180 PORCH I 10411.001 1041 16.5111.101 1 I 1 18.161 1041 18891 0.791 I 1492 1016HSF, 1632TSF RPCN- 95.17/HSF 96692 VALU- 75.18/HSF 76387 STRUCTURE VALUE: 76387 VALUATION( VALUEIPREV-VAL.IP-N81 I I TOTAL VALUE 352427 LAND I 1 1 2750001 50000155061 I 12395800LV/AC OTHERFEATI 1 1 10401 16971 6181 I I STRUCTURE( 1 1 763871 48664115681 1 1 346TV/NSF TOTAL I 1 1 3524271 100361135181 1 1 346TV/HSF Show with Larg2t_Font http://maps.onslowcountyne.gov/cgi-bin/onslow/CreatePRC 2.pll?ShowLink=No&reeNum... 6/3/2009 Onslow County, NC Property Record Card Page 1 of 1 OWNERSHIP 05302009 57158 301 (PROPERTY DESCRIPTION [TAX SUBDIVISIONS IMAP NUMBER CARD NO MURPHY GEORGE R 6 OTHERS ISEAHVN 4 BE L20 (STUMP SOUND TWP 1812 98, 1 PO BOX 235 I INORTH TOPSAIL BEACH [RECORD NUMBER:. 25802 I IROUTE 30200421 BENSON NC 275(TEMP-926613 50 ILISTER:JJ05240- 5 12 DEED:1542 213504261999 127500-2217204 lOTH AVE OFF ISLAND DR I IREVIEW:JJ11010 5 •.......... 28........... ITOPO (STREET (UTILITY IZONING 0.11 ACRES NBHD ILEVEL ILIGHT IALL -RUB IMHR 3020 ' (PAVED I I NOTES: I I I IVDY I NILAND CLASS I SIZE IBASERATE*FRNT*DPTH*ADJ=ADJRATE*UNITS=LND-VALUE 111 6VRESID SOF 100D1 550010.0010.001 55001 501 275000 I I I I I ILAND VALUE: 275000 3 M OTHER FEAT I SIZE IBASERATE*COND=ADJRATE*UNITS=OFB-VALUE 8 A- 11113DCONCRETEI 28* 321 1.9310.60 I 1.161 B961 3039 BCHHOUSE 4 [ 6 ' I :4.. ' I 8D 8 8 (OTHER VALUE: 1039 IFNDATIONXTRFNISHIROOFTYPEROOFMTRLISIZE/QTYI .. 6.: 1 :4.: 1WOOD (ALUM/VNLIGABLE COMPSHNG I 8 ' : IPILINGS I I I I1.00 STHT 1 IWALLFNSHIFLOORS H£AT6AIAIHEATFUELI I 0 C 8 (DRY WALLICARPET IHEATPUMPIELECTRICI 2 BDRM[ B- 8 1 [VINYL I 1 1 4 ROOMI • PORCH I I I I 11.00LFUF1 :...10 ..:.... 14.... :..... 14....: I DWELLING BEACHCOT B-10 B1994 AVERAGE CONDITION DIMENSIONS:A-CU38R28D46L19UBL14 B-CDUR14UBL14 C-UIOCL4DBL6D10R10U18 D-A28U3CA4U8L4D8H IIISTRUCTUREISKTCH SF STHT AREA RATE GRDF+HEAT+EXWL WLHT-ADJRAT* AREA= RPCN* DEPF*CNDF=STR-VALUE A]63BBCHHOUSEI 117611.001 11761 83.4810. 0013. 001 I 78. 131 11 661 918811 0.881 1 2.00 BATHS( I I I I I 1 1 3450.001 1 69001 1 0.881 1 00855 6072 1 1 BI80 HALFBATHS PORCH 1 I 11211.001 I I 1121 20.3610.901 I I I I 2587.501 1 1 25881 0.881 1 2277 C188 WOODDECKI 13211.001 1321 13.9410.901 1 1 18.321 1 1 1 12.551 1121 1321 20521 0.881 1 1806 D188 WOODDECKI 3211.001 321 15.7210.901 1 1 1 14.151 321 16571 4531 0.881 1 0.881 1458 E186 UTILROOMI 39211.001 3921 18.9910.901 10.001 1 17.091 3921 66991 1 0.881 1 399 5895 1176HSF, 1844TSF RPCN- 95.43/HSF 112230 VALU- 83.98/HSF 98762 STRUCTURE VALUE: 98762 VALUATION I VALUEIPREV-VAL http://maps.onslowcountync.gov/cgi-bin/onslow/CreatePRC 2.Dll?ShowLink=No&recNum... 6/9/2OO9 Ryan Mcalister From: Sharon Williams [swilliams@freedomenc.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:48 PM To: Ryan McAlister Subject: Re: FW: CAMA Permit 09-29 Ryan, I have the legal, CAMA - THIGPEN, REGGIE 09-29, set to publish July 24, 2009. This is the earliest possible publication date. If you have any questions or problems, please let me know. Thanks, Sharon Williams Legal Ad Clerk The Daily News Jacksonville, NC (910) 219-8406 phone (910) 353-0935 fax swilliams@freedomenc.com www.jdnews.com "Ryan McAlister" <rmcalister@north-topsail-beach.org> writes: >Please print on July 23, 2009 or earliest date possible. Please fax back >with your initials or email me at rmcalister@north-topsail-beach.org >acknowledging acceptance of this notice. >________ --------------- ______________________________________________ >NOTICE OF FILING >OF APPLICATION FOR >CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT >Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, a locality authorized >to issue CAMA permits in Areas of Environmental Concern, hereby gives >NOTICE that on 07/20/09, REGGIE THIGPEN applied for a CAMA MINOR PERMIT >for A PROPOSED COVERED AND UNCOVERED WOOD DECK at 7202 LOTH AVENUE >in NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, ONSLOW COUNTY, NC. >The application may be inspected at the address below. Public comments >received by 8/07/09 will be considered. Later comments will be accepted >and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications >may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit >decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. CAMA >PERMIT # 09-29. >RYAN C. MCALISTER >CAMA Local Permit Officer >North Topsail Beach 1 PLIi:E BEARING DISTANCE L1 I N 31'4033 W 0.39 L2 S 23'04 38 W 3.73' �LOT " 1 BLOCK 8" 1 MB3PG61 I In UI 0910 LOT 20 0 `° (D 0) BLOCK "B" (A! MB 3 PG 61 0D FIS ^ N 31'53'00" W FIS 50.12' ot44-( FOUND R/W @ MONUMENT --'I ( I At v I z I� 41 Ic� LOT 6 �_ I0 BLOCK "B" v!I0, MB 3' PG 61 1 ADJOINERS 4' WOOD FENCE 1f1 ENCROACHES 1 0.2' I � I .3ft N 31'40'33" W DECK 50.8 l'OF� I 3.Oft 14.2 2 s F 11TH AVE 6 C) 0 J :R SITE 0 U d 0 N � g 1OTH 0 AV a 9TH I AVE VICINITY MAP No SCALE 1 A6%a /-VI' 4"49/- Tv scoter ZA6F'0 �t y FIPI FIP 1'ift LOT 19 BLOCK "B" 9.2ft MB 3 PG 61 DB 2293 PG 75 0.12 ACRES 5038.1 SQ. FT. BY COORDINATES 9.4ft %8. ft 50.00' 1 CID J Z o n FIP RAVEL S t 01�N '53'00" EDRIVE O — — — — EDGE OF PAVEMENT lcn RECEIVE ILn 10TH AVENUE w Im SEP 0 9 2009 -1:1 60' R/W IN N IItM WILMINGTON, 7202 10TH AVENUE I� FOUND R/W PHYSICAL SURVEY MONUMENT o LEGEND FRIS--FOUND REFERENCE IRON CB --CABLE BOX TP--TELEPHONE PEDESTAL FIP--FOUND IRON PIPE PP --POWER POLE MBL—MINIMUM BUILDING LINE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP DO --DEED BOOK PG --PAGE LP--UGHT POLE CH --CHIMNEY AND SURVEY WAS DONE IN ACCORDANCE R/W--RIGHT OF WAY MB--MAP BOOK FPK--FOUND PK NAIL FlS--FOUND IRON STAKE MATH THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR—CENTERUNE CC --CONTROL CORNER SPK--SET PK NAIL SIS--SET IRON STAKE TF--TRANSFORMER CP--COMPUTED POINT WM--WATER METER FCM--FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CALCULA EL --OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE CONC--CONCRETE D&UE--DRAINAGE h UTILITY EASEMENT THE ERROR OF4,G1[OSUREe � CALCULATED BY LATINr /INO�iS1f ,/AR T S IS 1:10.000+ SURVEY FOR: REGGIE M. THIGPEN AND WIFE GLENDA G. THIGPEN THIS SUkl0 JfIh , _ '" 7A tJ,f� 'ARCEL OF LAND. SUBDIVISION: SEAHAVEN BEACH LOT #• 19 BLocK*-&e sEcnoN: 4 6 GAIRY CANADY SURVEYIN geRL ONSLOW COUNTY STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIP P.O. BOX: 915 9103 RICHLANDS HIGHWAY lFA)(.(ff0)-324-843O �/O DAIf►6�22/09._.SCALE: 1"-20'FB 208 PG.44. RICHLANDS, NC 28574 OFgcE:(910)-324-4616 s --- , CADFILE: THIGPEN REGGIE DWG. 7202 10TH