HomeMy WebLinkAbout86605A - Mariners Pointe Holdings, LLC)1CAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL
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Previous permit
Date previous permit issued,
*j New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue
L Partial Reissue
As authorized by the` State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and
the Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to:
15A NCAC [sue) `' attached.
1 I General Permit Rules available at the following link: www,de9.nc.goy/CAMArules
Applicant Name C (i t 1 ��
Agent L AAA � C -
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Address I C- ( {- t&V b kL L2 OC. nk— LtC t s(''
Project Location (County). } -
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Street Address/State R)o�a'd/Lhiot #(s) 15L- 2
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Type of Project/ Activity C l.L "'
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Shoreline Length
Access Length �� �- CK154_ _ I
Pier(dock)length �Ll�t
fixed Platform(s) _ ._..._ �:
floating Platform(s)...... ...........___..____
Finger pier(s)
� 5 L-- 41
Total Platform area _ ^- n � � � � � GU �!1
Groin length/H .__.. .._.__._ _ �� t
Bulkhead/ Riprap length ` d
Avg distance offshore _,Breakwater/Sill YJ
�A14,�A�}t $'I
Max distance/ length W __........-_ oyt►tdrl
Basin, channel ......................
Cubic yards
Boat ramp —.
Boathous oatli 4
Beach Bulldozing -----
SAV observed: no % T i
Moratorium: tea., ve no 4,
Site Photos: es - X eXi 54i j
Riparian Waiver Attached: yes x' no-
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Limited Liability Company
Legal Name
Mariners Pointe Holdings, LLC
Sosld: 1542711
Status: Current -Active
Date Formed: 9/13/2016
Citizenship: Domestic
Annual Report Due Date: April 15th
Registered Agent: WASLAW, LLC
Reg Office
1001 College Court
New Bern, NC 28562
Principal Office
7112 Cove Lake Dr
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Company Officials
Reg Mailing
1001 College Court
New Bern, NC 28562
7112 Cove Lake Dr
Wake Forest, NC 27587
All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20.
Michael L. Molinini
7112 Cove Lake Dr
Wake Forest NC 27587
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This map is prepared
from data used for the
inventory of the real
properly for tax
purposes. Primary
information sources such
as recorded deeds, plats,
wills, and other primary
public records should be
consulted for verification
of the information
7001 Martins C E I(VV E Diners Pointe Holdings Llc
Martins Point -Primary Owner
Parcel: 029308017
Pin: 986705084840 JUL O S 2022 Building Value: $753,900
Land Value: $387,600
C Isc Value: $76,000
CMal Value: $1,217,500
Tax District: Martin's Point
Subdivision: Martin's Pt Blk 1 Sec 2
Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 17 Blk: 1 Sec: 2
Property Use: Residential
Building Type: Traditional
Year Built: 2000
Loeffler, Sarah W
From: Loeffler, Sarah W
Sent: Sunday, May 8, 2022 4:35 PM
To: Terri Robinson
Subject: RE: [External] CAMA Permit for Molinini
Attachments: Mariners Pointe - Submitted Project Drawing.pdf; Mariners Pointe - Agent Authorization
Form (Lyn Small, Inc; INCOMPLETE).pdf; APO Notification Form with Waiver (July
2021).pdf, Mariners Pointe - Riparian Property Notification (M. Zaritsky;
Good afternoon Terri,
I have reviewed the permit application, conducted a site visit to this location, and I also spoke with Mr. Molinini
while I was there. The drawing (see attached) that was submitted with the permit application showed the proposed jet
ski lift going to the north of the covered platform, adjacent to the lower platform, and within an existing wet slip. Mr.
Molinini indicated that he did not want the lift in that location as it would render his wet slip unusable for his boat. So
we then discussed other possible locations for the jet ski lift. He asked about placing the lift on the north side of the pier.
I explained that any location along the pier would cause the jet ski lift to be considered a third designated slip. The
request for a third designated slip would require a major permit instead of a general permit. He indicated that he would
prefer the project to remain under a general permit. So we then proceeded to discuss the jet ski lift being located on the
southern edge of the covered platform with the removal of existing wooden benches. This location appears to be
permittable under a general permit, remains outside of the 15' setback, has the necessary depth, and would meet
preferences of Mr. Molinini.
If this change is acceptable to both Lyn Small, Inc and Mr. Molinini, then this is what is needed to move this permit
1. Please generate a new project drawing showing the proposed location of the jet ski lift to the south of the
covered platform.
a. Please include the dimensions of the jet ski lift (length x width).
2. Since this is a location change, the adjacent property owners will need to be renotified with the new drawing
have attached a copy of the updated APO Forms. Please use these for the renotification and for future
a. Please also be sure that the Zaritsky's fully complete the form or return tome a certified mail green card
instead. The previously submitted form from the Zaritsky's is unacceptable as it was missing an
objection or no objection response and was incorrectly signed (see attached).
3. Please submit an updated copy of the Agent Authorization Form which states what development is being
proposed. The original copy neglected to include this information (see attached).
4. At your convenience, please send in a check or money order in the amount of $200 for a docking facility permit.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Sarah Loeffler
Sarah W. Loeffler
Field Representative
Division of Coastal Management
401 S. Griffin Street, Suite 300
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
This map is prepared
from data used for ;hc
inventory of the real
property for taw
purposes. Primary
information sources such
as recorded deeds, plats,
wills, and other primary
public records should be
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consuhed for verification
of the information
contained in this map.
7001 Martins Point RD
Martins Point NC, 27949
Parcel: 029308017
Pin: 986705084840
Owners: Mariners Pointe Holdings Llc
Primary Owner
Building Value: $753,900
Land Value: $387,600
Misc Value: $76,000
Total Value: $1,217,500
Tax District: Martin's Point
Subdivision: Martin's Pt Blk 1 Sec 2
Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 17 Blk: 1 Sec: 2
Property Use: Residential
Building Type: Traditional
Year Built: 2000