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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22_Test Stamp and Filing_20220803DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY A ffGJ�y111—v TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION .. �.... "`" PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED"""" Action Requested: (check all boxes that apply) DATE June 28, 2022 PRIOR Approval Required) I Approval Indicator Follows Each Action A, B, C, D A = Section Chief/Supervisor C = Financial Services - Budget We: IF A and It are the same person, please print "same" In box A. B= Division Director D= Secretary's Office ❑ Charter Aircraft A, B, C 0 Excess Hotel A, B x❑ Meetina/Trainina/Conference A, B x❑ Food/Refreshments A, B ❑ Rental Car A, B ❑ Out-Of-Country Travel A, B, C, D ❑ Registration (Attach Copy) A, B ❑ Out -of -State Travel A, B * ❑ Retreat A, B, C x❑ Travel involving 5 or more People with same A, IS * ❑ Reimbursement For Non -State Employee A, B Purpose/destination ❑ Use of Non State Facility A, B, C ❑ Other (Specify) Employee(s)/Individual(s): Coastal Management Amanda Cannon - Kara Guthrie Dlvislon regg t5odnar- ono an owe 0 raXB - icm lris - Ml a Dpazan5 I section Pea ar yron - TIOht' in Type of Funds awn uc NCAS Center Number 0 0 0 0 Travel Destination: Raleigh Registration $ Meals $ 1,817.20 Travel Dates: 7/11 & 18 to 7/12 & 19 ',1Fj* I "FO 7 .V R Estimated Mileage $ 1,755.00 Expenditures Air Fare $ State Car Mode Of Transportation: Hotel $ 2,706.00 Other Contact Person/Phone Amanda Cannon 252-503-3904 Total $6,458.20 Purpose Of Travel/Honorarium: E Permitting Training Comments Justification for any travel checked above: t-5,',,at lam' --�'8P2Z Division FiscaMutl et Officer fDale Approved ❑ Denied ❑ Section Chief l SuVenisor App�re —© Denied ❑ ivi;ton Director /ata Date Data Approved ❑ Denied ❑ Approved Denied ❑ Financial Services- Budget sn.ta y/Asslstanl Secretary Data Dale * The Supervising Assistant Secretary may elect to require scanned copies of all approved travel authorizations be sent via email within 24 hours of approval. All appropriate boxes must be filled in. tR 1-1-22 rev 1-/-2z TRAVEL BREAKDOWN Division jCoastal Management (Section , - -- '' Namil 5): Amanda Cannon - Kara Guthrie j Travel Date(s): 17111 & 18 Itoj7/12 a 19 '. G Bcdnar-Jonathan Howell Destination: (Raleigh Branton Davis -Mike Lopazanski l ,Heather Sryron - Tina Marlin Pun#/Rcc Cameron Luck Air Transportation: -- - - - _ -- - - Annt x` (per person) (persons) Airport Parking: - - ---�perday xl doy(s), x cads) - Baggage: _ __. x j x ---I = (amouN) (bags) (persons) Ground X ;State Car Transportation: ! ',ShultleRa>a/Marta _ CHOOSE OPTION BY x personal vehicle MARKING WITH AN X 0.585 x 1500 1 (total mile.) _ Rental Car x! + j $ _ I--7Train/Ferry/Other Ground = (rate) (days) Tolls: I___. _. _. _.... Annt = Registration: ''. — - Annt j (Sessions x ''� (people = Hotel r__.. _.... 2 _. .. ... (nights x� $ 123.00 x 8 Accommodations: (hotel ate) Pemon(s) $ 1,968.00 total x, -- _..... (tax%) Hotel Parking: I $ 10.00 1, per day x 4 _.... day(s) j 3 __..I. car(s) Address: (Wtaitax) TOTAL COSTS 1 S 7(' F1-..r= Phone#. Continuation#: rt;..?.( p-ho _-) Meals: hnState#M eels x#Persons Day(s) Meal Price Total Breakfast 4 Ix $ 9.00 = $ 36.00 Lunch ... _.... _...... __. 4 I $ 11.80 = $ 47.20 Dinner 4—Ix $ 20.50 = $ 82.00 Total $ 165.20 Out -Of -State #Meals x # Persons Days Meal Price Total Breakfast j ',x $ 9.00 = $ Lunch j 'Ix $ 11.80 = $ Dinner ' Ix $ 23.30 = $ Total $ Other: x i x (perperaw) (#ofpeople) (#of days) x 9 - $ 1836 $ iASAei (#persons) (watperpersord x #DIV/01 $ (#persons) (wstperpeson) $,' F, 1�a5,50i TOTAL EXPENDITURE(s) 4r4 _.__52.SD__._._..' S ; l TRAVEL BREAKDOWN Division I Coastal Management Section TOTAL COSTS— Nanrl Amanda Cannon Travel Date(s): I 17/25 & all ito!7126 & 8/2 !Gregg Bodnar Destination; Raleigh Jonathan Howell I Cameron Luck I FundIRCC: -- Air Transportation: Arnt x uperperaorn (Persons) Airport Parking: Per day x iday(s) x cads) Baggage: X! x A�- ( (person.) Ground x State Car Transportation: Shuftlerra)d/Marta CHOOSE OPTION BY MARKING WITH AN X 1 Personal vehicle X 1 0.585 x[ 1500 (.tal dried) $ ahAll Rental Car ix! $ Train[Ferry/Other Ground Crete) (days) 1 V 4 Tolls: And Registration: And sessions x people i7l-�7j—�� Hotel F 2 rights x! $ 123.00 x 3 Accommodations: (hotel rate) Person(s) $ 738.00 total X: $ 13" 8.00 (tax %) hotal tax) Hotel Parking: 1$ 10.00 per day X' 2 1 day(s) 1 3 car(.) = 1$ "Oo" Address: Phan.#. C nf! n atio n #. Meals: In -State #M set 9 x # Persons Day(s) Meal Prim Total Breakfast 4 x $ 9.00 = $ 36.00 Lunch L4 $ 11.80 = $ 47.20 Dinner 4 :x $ 20.50 = $ 82.00 Total $ 165.20 Out-Of�State #Meals x If Persons Days Meal Prim Total Breakfast _Ix $ 9.00 = $ Lunch X $ 11.80 = $ Dinner x $ 23.30 = $ Total $ Other: -------------- am x X (parp ... r) of p.m.) of days) x —2 $ 82.60 '�j T3646! (#,nd.nd) ( TOTAL EXPENDITURE(s) 1 t �4006.'90