HomeMy WebLinkAboutWB_04-25_Kenan Enterprises INCTown of Wrightsville Beach WB04-25 Local Government Iql l� IL I CAMA DIVI , MINOR DEVELOPMENT COASTAL Ii\AAI -`�U` "'L-"'PERMIT E as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management.° Permit Number Issued to Kenan Enterprises. INC., authorizing development in Estuarine AEC at 101 W Salisbury Street as requested in the permittee's application, dated June 21, 2004.This permit, issued on Julv 20, 2004 , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null; and void. Demolish an Existing Structure 1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted workplat drawing(s) as originally submitted, or as revised on June 21, 2004. 2) All construction must conform to the North Carolina Building Code requirements and all other Local, State and Federal regulations. 3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. 4) This permit does not authorize any development within 30 it of the normal water level unless it has been specifically indicated on the permit or reference plat as acceptable water dependent development. 5) In order to prevent sedimentation, an undisturbed vegetated buffer zone must be maintained between all disturbed areas and the adjacent water body, marsh or mean high water. 6) Prior to initiating any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of fitter cloth must be installed between the land -disturbing activity and the adjacent march or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetated cover. Filter cloth must be installed on the landward side of the 30' vegetated buffer. 7) Pursuant to 15 NCAC, Subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed to a third party without the written approval of the Office of Coastal Management. 8) There shall be no habitable space below 14.0 feet mean sea level in accordance with Federal Flood Insurance Regulations. The building area shall be a minimum elevation of 7.5 feet mean sea level 9) All construction debris and trash shall be contained on site and not allowed to blow onto the strand, estuarine areas or the property of others. 10) All storm water shall be contained on -site with no runoff allowed into adjacent estuarine waters. 11) The site shall be vegetated and stabilized to prevent erosion within 30 days. 12) The site and any accessory uses to the property such as piers, docks, pilings, buildings, and the like must conform to all applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances. Any existing violations must be correct so as to be conforming. PAGE2 Conditions Continued 13) The applicant has effectively demonstrated, through innovative construction design, that the amount of impervious surface areas may be exceeded in a way that runoff water will be managed and the AEC protected so as to allow 30 percentage of impervious surface areas within the AEC. Local compliance requires 100% retained, as per 151.005 Stornwater Runoff. 14) Prior to a Certificate Of Occupancy being issued; the stormwater design engineer must certify, that the stormwater control system has been inspected and installed as designed. (A copy of this certification must be forwarded to DENR). This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the site and accessible to, the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit requires further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on December 31, 2007. In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management Loc4l Permit Officer (Signature) Jon W Giles Jr The Town of Wrightsville Beach 321 Causeway Drive Wrightsv Is Beach, North Carolina 28480 Permittee (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit) Dec 22 03 11:07a WB P&I 310 256-6848 P•1 TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 321 Causeway Drive • P. O. Box 626 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Telephone: (910) 509-5019 • Fax: (910) 256-6848 www.townoAvrightsvillebeach.com To Fax Number: 56 S m �� I L1tt,l03 Date: _ Time: PLEASE DELIVER IMMEDIATELY To: J 4 .6 :� n 0 FR0M: Planning and Inspections Department Number of pages, including this transmittal memo: r If you do not receive all pages or have any problems with the transmission, call Anne at (910) 509-5019 ext. 202. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 714 M ON FOR LENT T&4Vr .L JL, In 1974, the North t21M, pna,t.tqneral Assembly pas--d the Coastal Area development in fragile -'..Management— an and oceanfront. Alomg', andproducti -b an develop, the GeAO4. dd with requirin c Y n (CRC) to Assembly directe*&h , e'C t tirden-arx the applicantJr . allo -7. ment Clear rC 4. ... .... 'akt. rrn1�1ihdeKCAMA no This applica of isle tom rt t 4 t ano.lnteniof Gei" uire no gn" d to b htfo esi rwvd:.=d, req Assembly. It e straig C more time or; rt ssar)r from gthe applicant flegi6 90 over.this; 11aw 19 f6tati` hi t tut Officer PO) for th�.. folder with P build Ian to d c cerWn that you tun p x'sFand,;Y.6tit 1-A 3i she needs. , 'V Under ijiOr peXmit is -to be issued within 25 daonce a to ica isWlialid Often less time is needed if .,theproject i Wit,e p ass p 7, aIiy takes about 18 days. You . cls or , r oc g certain that your application can. speed a e specifications given As complete at awing meets the speciF inside and that your application fee is attached. Other permits are sometimes required for development in the coastal u to check with the area. While these are not CAMA-related, we urge you LO&I permit officer to determine. which , of.th , eseo . y * n may need. A tjttsfoldei listinpis M oft Page, 0 - W m Q6RQ-qC? OTS Locality Permit Number YJ` e) - 2 S Ocean Huard _ Estuarine Shoreline #OR%V Shoreline _Public Trust Shoreline _Ocher_ (For official use onh•) GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER N.ntle W. FP.tL)ZI�.U. 41•tt1t�K-y r ac,Gi« .1tL 6+so .� d�,1w1 �ortl�io� s�vPr9lt..c \ddreis � \Ybl )L 2K E:4------�— eta tc •:-'i'.— �� .'Q� — l'h•,n: Z�iCy Lk(osJ"Q Laa� t'it•: �X4 KT6s.Ll .tX• _�(� AUTHORIZED AGENT idd:rss O�(v l.i[P N1IIt.MAI�-�v� LOCATION OF PROJECT:.Address. Street name .ttnli.,r dircction, to irc. ll our Jie.inifnnt, •S h.0 i• ii;. n.nr...,t [itc .idjacent cvaterbody: W41 s�Ls -yg:3r4t !'NIL.i��— � DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:: List all proposed conscrucnon and land disturbance.' p rlb ?a j.V Gx Lin �1� FLR6T w 1b t11✓.y vL�toaD r�L c�>z SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 'hq tr,+ ,quarc fret acre, PROPOSED USE: Residcntial C.ommericallIndustcial _ Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF AA BUILDING INfeet ,OCEAN.tl HAZARD ro O'FdEN ENVI- RONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): t� square SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): - sq. k. (Calculations include the area oFthe runt/drip line of all buildings. drivcwaYt .,:ovcred decks. concrete or masunrP p.tnn,. cue, rhar are within the applicable AEC. .Atcach your calculation.% with the project draWin,'J Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (I) within -i lcct of Normal l-(igh ALarer for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2) within �') feu[ of Normal FIiGh Water her the Estuarine Shoreline AEC:, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3) within 30 feetorthe PublicTrusc.Shoreline.AL'C lConcact your Local Permit Otlieer iFPnu arc not ,ore which ALC applies (1i Pour property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: is the project located in an area Subject to a State Surrmwater Managumeni Permit issued by the N.C. Division uFwan•r l ualiry't YES— NO IF ycS, list the total built -upon arealimpervious iurtacc allowra Cot }'our lot or pared. uluare tact. .. •.,I Rb89-9SZ 016 I'M 81'1 e80:T1 co ea oaa OTHER PERMITS MAYBE REQUIRED: rile acrmn you are planning nb.ly require p,•mnit, w!ler than :he I :.\\!.1 ::n;:•,: •!c,'rlupntenr pernvt. As a ,rn•ice we have cunlpiie,I ., liar of the kinds of pernlir, db.tr nu_fi: !n• r;qw n•,i" \\c .r._ .:.,n, _:,..:..:,.•- .:: I: s,:nr LI't 1 it, den'nnine if.tnv -if these .Ippls it) sour project. zoning, Drmkiu_ ;C".uc: 'Vcil. Scan, !:nth •:,r ,:::: r .,:u;.:n :,•.0 uu'm ,)',renu. llutnin_. Elccmcal, I'lumbm... Hcarm; and .fir e:o ldiriuntms..:•,t.1xi'm .;; .: c a:r,' ,.nai I +unc..ledin:cnt t 3nurnl, iuhdivuiu❑ :lppnn-al, ..\Inbily 1 lonlc i'ar': ...,. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I.:I:c under,igncd. anapplicant fora C:APOA minor develop rile I'r permit. i,clne :i:!::r nc� : „acr:a .-r pcn,m unholi/c n: act .m agent lot purpows -,t applying G,r a C AMA :n ^, r .i:.a:•::m..r::,.rua: __.. li,tcd a, landowner on this application has a ,i-.niticanr interest in the rc:.11 p::•rerrs !_,i:ibv,i h.r::n. !"u..r,:.r.'...., : .. ,•.,,ribcd a,: cheep one) `V V tq dit bJb �qdP r+W n, rccord urIc. !'ale Is ve,[ed in 7ia6QGCrA b�1t1 �i 32!r�—"—>tiUL?R_�P the t1c�N8wle�rG� Caunn Rc_j,n'v,)r ncr hs virmc nt inherit.tnic. Applicanr is an heir to chc esra[v n•h.uc •.:.t, m County. :(,nhcr in:irr,t. botch .Is svrinvn c„ntrair or Ic.a,c. cxnl,un hclo,c ur use ' . NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: i rtu'titcrmnre,vrti:.; that :ilciujj,,wingpervm,are -livr,.• I powcnic,aJi.n c::::i.:•;'.:;:'`'.f.' ::.:.'....'........ .. ACTUAL NOTICE to each nl (bent ,unierr.ir.,_ nr: insnr to Jc':clop this ^r 1 Name' \Jdr_si: %! v;1TiG�L w[VF4� HowtOo�VwiPRt� eta. t 2 NVegtF� s.T• ,NP�tC,TCT�•'UJE TSEKM •Irr�err+-t f.t 1%! A. • Ptr•L •O'�s• O � t � 1l.Mtia FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HA7—A"RD ARENS: i .;.knnsckJ:;c Ih.0 the land usenet is asc.u'c chat the propm:d detCl:,pljIc:ll :, in.r•;';c ::. to .I::a :•. �::_.,'..,.•.... .:<:r .., r::,ion .uullor flooding. f aiknn,cicd�c that the 6:cal permit officer has .ncd with .his fur. I"his c'xplanalwn ,c,l, accompaniednn h,' rcco,lcn,l,l[:•m. r.,_:r::a_ ..u,:u:.h;.••:, :i IQ tic'. PERMISSION "CO ENTER ON LAND: I lif[hl'rI11Ufe iCr[ICV [h3[ I am alllh UrlZCd u> ,rant and do in Fact grant permission I()[hc local permit ::[ilia .u:d his cn[cr on the .ItorenbenEi0ned lands in connection with evaluating Information related to this permit applic,ttu:n. Fill, application includes: general information !this form), a site drawing .ls described nn the back of chi., 1pplical ion, :bc .nrne[,hip statement. the AEC hazard notice where necessary. a check G)r 51!P).tip ic,c pad 1,N. r l the i.urcz, :.ux1 .nr.:n; m:uiun as may be pnwidad orally hs dbe appliian[..rhe derails of the application 3s de,inind bh• nc�.,• •��uris .ire :n,•:;; • -u: ,.. rdrrence in en,' ermit wibich may he issued. Devianon Iron, these dctats '"'I `llstutnc a :i-)13rn.n ::! .un' :): [:::1[. •. pcnon developing in an AEC, without punnir is sublet[ a) C ail, irnn)n;tl and 3anunis ra t•se .la ion. 'this chc .:r U!:C„: r.' Landnwn,•r ur n,-rv)n authorized ro .:rr a, his oven[ ` I'Bd HP! e80 : I I Eo ZZ 009 oioo_oC7 nTR SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please make sure your site dnnvin" inCludcs rile following information required for a C1iN,IA minor development pel'mlt. I Ile llf'.ri�'ill may he slml)IC and not neCessarily to scale. The Local Perms Office, will help you. it I'Ctluesred. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS ✓ Libel roads Label hi;ghwacs righr-ul-was•s Label local setback: lines Label any and .ail snuentes :unL drivc•.V:n. Cunrnrh• existing on propertc PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Draw and label nIC:In hii"h water mark Draw alauiun 4011-;ire waatewarer .t.lant It vuu .till be working ua the oeC;ua h;rc.trd .trex �►.�� Drnw and label dune rid;zes inotc• height? N1A, Draw and label roc of dune ldenri4.-and luC.ttC }uSr line OFSrabic ;r,,er,ainn Deny and iabcl setbaci< line under C A'MA Dnvx and label CnDU IliphlClal Fc vu.ce topnonal'1 I(�:nu will be wt rkin;z in :ua e ruarine,shorelinc area: Draw and labbel ianuward limy, of AECi Describe terrain (.lope) DEVELOPMENT PLANS Drawand label areas that will be disturbed IFa house is to be placed on lot, describe location OF house Note size of pilin_ and depth to he placed in ground c$y°i W/ Draw and label all areas to he paved or ,raveled Describe composition of surface l�Oh1G�Pi'C� h b, Note and list fulh• all trees and vegetation to he removed or relocated w/&- Show landscaping NOTE TO APPLICANT Have you: • a)melered all blanks and I or indicated if noapplicable: • notified and listed adjacent property owners: r • included your site dl'tiM'in;% • signed both application and statement of ownership • enclosed the 5100.00 fee; • completed an AEC Huard Notice, if necessary: FOR STAFF USE Sire Notice Posted Final Inspection Site Inspections Darc oI`Action: Issued_ Idscmpred Denied Fee Received Appeal Deadline (20 days) Rcvi.rd ::,kin; eeo:11 EO ZZ 390