HomeMy WebLinkAbout86593A - BODOBX, LLC0- "i-1,10 AC;(),A (I t3 C D CAiV1A ; DREDGE & FILL. Previous permit Rle 2. r GENERAL PERMIT Date previous permit issued i2 21- FINew F- Modification g Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the Statue of North Carolina. Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC �S 1' � � Rules attached, N General Permit Rules available at the follovnng link: www. a .nc_gov1 AM_Aru ti Applicant Name _(, b - - City ._4 �"1 {{{����il�� yt'�i/s��,�'� State _ V-A ZIP Phone # (&+ _•±fir ;t,_'_���� Email Affected 0CW XEW %PTA AEC(s): DOEA IDIHA QUW ORW: yes so PNA: yes Type of Project/ Activity t. f . - _ ... i P - _ . - oil t J. Access Length ....... er ock)length xedPla arms -Fsrwig Awwww itft h +! .n 4%sA in er ier� 'aota! Platform are �T Grain ler:gth/# _ Buikheadl Rlprap length Avg distance offshore _ Breakwater/Sill .._....._..._._.._ _ Max distance( length \ Basin, channel Cubic yards __..... .... _ _.- Boat ramp U .'-r.. r fl i •. 191 V V Authorized Agent �Mti c K i' �---•-if-I" A Project Location (County): Mary - — Street Add �y r ess/State Roadllot #(s) Subdivision / `, C V 44, ++� �Q� �j City ZIP. 14�4q ES PTS Adj. Wtr. Body k!MLf, ' •+ + _.__....- `man/unk) El SPIMA i PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body __. A_bL A& WV tt ' Tr - &L3 � '4 L `� _ (Scale: N r5 ) awlt- L f f ' SAV observed: es no Moratorium: n yes no .i site Photos: CE) no C►` Riparian Waiver Attached: yes r 6 � A building permit!'oning perm : itit ,may be recluked by ) r�U f1I VJ Permit Conditions iirlA.._/ CA-C - ' $5 _! CRC RULES AND Application Fee(s) F y'Ct QAv,* iZ Avi,414Aairi /•✓ •y p} e I 15, =1 . tr t . L, r TAR+PA"NEUSE1$UFFER (circle one) ram•=J-C2G4MYLLtr ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules See additional notes;tonditions on back _._ _.....__ __.__........,._._........ _..... _.._._..-- i THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT check a/tvtonev Order (Please Initial) PeraniiOtficer's� 0 N e���/i�"t✓ Signature issuing ate it ExpiroitioRDau AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR LAMA PERNIFF APRILICATIOM N?rr,e of ProPerty Owner Requesting Permit BCDOBX LLC klailiro Address: 3213 Brook Road Richmond Va. 23737 Phone Number: 64 o 4 - c Email Address- bcdobx@gmail.com I Cr­rtif? that I have authorized Millstone Marine Construction, Inc. Roam? CorAractor tc act on mu behaii. for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits, lecessary for ;he foltoMng proposed developmem: Replace existing pier and install a boatlift at my property located at 3800 Elijah Baum Road ,n Dare —county. iUr"170r=re certify that I am ldth0h7ed to grant. and do in tart grant permission to L)ivis'on Of Ctlastal "W"n3ge)"7e"t stallthe Luca! Permit Officer and their agents to enter on file aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating infor.r7ation slated to this Permit appficafic)n. Property Owner Information: Signature RECEIV71, c 41r'rnfor Typp Name J U N 1 5 2021 Manager .... ..... . . . __ 'ride 6 1 14 / 2022 DCM—EC 'aatc Thf4 is valid throagh 8 30 2022 ,4e�ted Nat. 201 b ■ Compiete items 1, 2, and 3. r Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, or on"front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: _rn r '�Q C .e Cyr' A. signature ❑ Agent X ❑ Addre B. Receiiv�ed/ not Name) C pat of I L`---` — 17 Y s D. Is dermw address different from d: No If YES, enter delivery address 3. Service Type I[BQ[QI01 I II i[Iill� III (IIIII I[I i 111 I� IIIII 191l = Deii y ❑ Certified Mag Roejlc ad DeYvery 9590 9402 6268 0274 3866 59 ❑ Co9ect on Delivery ❑ Wlect on De'ivery Rest7lded DeW" 2. Article Number (transfer from W1VJce IabeJ) O Insured Mal " i ' LIJ Restricted DeMery ❑ priority Mau Expf ss f) ❑ Registered MmPu ❑ RegWered Mail Restricted Detivery ❑ Signature ConfirmationT" ❑ Signature Contirmation Restricted DolNery 6.. .. 1� �,` r _) ',- y;-.'i.Zs�oi i ` Domestic Return Receipt roan � 1 r .fuly eU20 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 1✓ e l Ci rn r- 1W�a t (12 "'D G Ma Ves 't .7 `: Y 7 - C r—i S rn p oWwk Onr.mrro+ot� aoo°� s_ $Ll-�111-. Hoe _ VACdO C3 a"1A,rrtsne ;0.7$ 10i 05/2t121 o aa�•o� ru rul Er Se rl --- o or - .......... .. • DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED hereby certify that I own property adjacent to BCDOBX LLC Is (Name of Property Owner) Property :ocated at 3800 Elijah Baum Road (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Albemarle Sound (Waterbody) Agent's Name #- Millstone Marine Agents phone #• 252-202-2678 in Kitty Hawk , N,C (CityfTown and/or County) ;'Mailing Address 201-A Etheridge Road Manteo N.C. 27954 He/She has described to me as shown below the development helshe is proposing at that Iccation. and I have no objections to the proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) REC EN No V 0 4 2021 Replace existing pier and add a boat lift ®CM -EC If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at www.nccoastaimangementneticontact dcm.htm or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. (Prop rty Qwner Information) (RipiVPr pe Owner Information) arinaturr, e. - 'Signature BCDOBX LLC Pint ar Type Name 3213 Brook Road 1AWinq AddrvL!; Richmond Va. 23737 rihl/Slatc lZip P,6 4- j6,-GS4s 7fr:nfhune i�umtrr>r D;10- George Washington Baum LLC Print or Tyne Name 1622 Sound Landing Road Mailing Address Kitty Hawk N.C. 27949 Cifylstateop Telephone Number Date Proposed Pier for BCD OBX Gov o a NZI 3 800 Elijah Baum Road Oct A-ec I M CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. P.O. Box 665, Manteo. NC 27954 (252) 473-033 FAX (252) 473-4191 OF-- M DATE -HFCKE0 gy-- WALE rf'PICAL SECTION OF CQVEI� ZED PL -rill CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. KITTY HAWK 5AY N ------ SWEET ^* OF ------ — (-A--:vmro,m_i.��--__--___mvE_—L--_'. ^^&^,ao.__'—__--__—_'_--- SCALE * w \AH OL-0 I- C, yv 4 2021 C)CM-Ec OV w P 61 to A) i'M cy"I.) I '��� ��+ 1c, Fb)L AtZ654,14Xnji J'O j- a da"!'l "d for III, MOO Elijah BiKlm RD Owners: -s: Bcdobx LIc -Primary Owner ��' Tnx Pistfift: 1"'itty ldav/�: Illom.115 f,.[ I.... Kitt y Havvk NC, 27949 SLI1DC1j oil: Saum E W Baum Etal V\1-i 7"; blforllrlfionl :outs e., rmcll Parcel: 018152000 Pill: 987510464555 BOICHI)g Value: $564,500 Lind Value: Rev 5220,900 Lot BL.','-So\ Lot'W14 Glic Sec: MiSC V,)ILIC-: S30,500 Property�Ise: Residential L ........ Total Value: S315,900 81.10dina TVI)e: Trarlitinmil ,�`° CAMA - DREDGE & FILL D A > C D GENERAL. PERMIT Date p Pious jt iss New �,:] Modification ❑ Complete Reissue I__� Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC N.�J A Rules attached. FGeneral Permit Rules available at the following link: ww deo ncgov/CAMArules Applicant Name LLr S. 1..._r� -�- [4;�r Authorized Agent+ Address ......... i_Lti� Project Location (County): City mk i'�'r1 ___ State .--�1—__..._ ZIP _!+� LL.+G� StreetAddresslState Road%Lot Phone # (T16 ) ._5.� _ b--! _­4 Email.__ e1J.-=�-Ow, Subdivision ._ City _le-L, rT- �e�r.....�t✓►e C��. _ZIP Affected F]eW EW )KPTA ES PTS Adj. Wtr. Body_ A I { � na an(unk) AEC(s): 7 OEA ❑ IHA UW t-1 SPIMA PINS Closest Mai, Wtr. Body ..1._i ...... ORW: yesQo PNA: yqtoo Type of Project/ Activity K4-b I 'll�� + Shoreline I.ength - ._j_2�......__ Access Length—____-, eerock)length 11 _X._�_latformsq' L4X -X _kL wtv *toattttgrrtanerltRst ir,_...._L Ih W NicU J+• h W� I_ �Finger pie�r{s X 12 f to ,��74' Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead] Riprap length _._.— Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill .......__. Max distance/ length Basin, channel _....... _. Cubic yards Boat ramp oatli Boathouse i l'3'X 13 N4 + bcoyem _ �.._ the __......1A— _— SAV observed: es no'Mu'4 Moratorium: no . w� \� a v- ,yes Site Photos: Q0 no 1 Riparian Waiver Attached: yes (0 1 A building permit/zoning 2ermit may be required by: Gy^ Permit Conditions I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND Agent Applicant PRINTED Name 115 t TO THIS Signature'*Please read compliance statement on back of permit`* ._. _ .;It Application Fee(s) Check tI/Money Order .o*%- 12+ 81y' 1�+ G _ (Scale: N Y,4)) 1 ij y, nXat i IA* TAR/PAKNEUSEIBUFFER (circle one) See note on back regarding River Basin rules nSee additional notes/conditions on back (Please Initial) Permit Officer's,.PRINTED N, e Signature Issuing 15ate Expiration Date t �t. t This map is prepared from data used for the inventory of the real • �.� ��, • property for tax .•r• r purposes. Primary information sources such 1 as recorded deeds, plats, wills, and other primary public records should be consulted for verification of the information contained in this map. t 3800 Elijah Baum RD Owners: Bcdobx Lic -Primary Owner Tax District: Kitty Hawk Kitty Hawk NC, 27949 Subdivision: Nora Baum E W Baum Etal Parcel: 018152000 Building Value: $564,500 Rev Pin: 987510464555 Land Value: $220,900 Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: W14 Blk: Sec: Misc Value: $30,500 Property Use: Residential Total Value: $815,900 Building Type: Traditional Year Built: 1955