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86390A - Yang, Ju & An, Da
DREDGE & FILL CAMA Previous pernut I GENERAL PERMIT Date previous Pernn'"Ssuied Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Modification m an area of C—er" 1"U"'t to As Awt,�,Ied b* tt�, Stare of N-th Ca,ohQ. Depatin-nt f F.rIvIro,ta1 Q11ality and line Coastal R&�rces Co��%""n , win I SA 14CAC H., tk 75 AgetA Applicant Nance , L- V�� P-lectLocAocra(C-10.-ey) _...—_- Address Street Address/State litoaWlLot #is) City ot-r-h' StAte ,6iJ, t 71P a5, 941. S u b d i v m e 0 n 14 N 1. k C'ty Es PTS Adl, wit" Body Affected jcw P. i ISPIMA UPWS Closest Mar W"' Body AECis) Ll OEA F.J 1HA E] Uw ORW Vest) PNA Type of Project/ Activity— (scale: 1�'MS Sho,ebne Length (4,5! . .... Access Length............. Pier Idock) length-- t3 0,4l, k4l� Fixed Platformis) Floating PlatfOrn'll(s), r— Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin length/#-—, f Bulkhead/ Riprap length IL L�--i& y— Avg distance offshore_.. — Basin, channel Breakwater/Sitl Max distance/ length TX I Cubic yards T Boat ramp Beach Bulldozing Other SAV observed. ye yes no Plcry. L 1no 4 1 Moratorium! t C( Site Photos: no I Riparian Waiver Attached: e A building permit/zoning permit may F1 required by 7ra—Z 142[— TARJPAl-VNEUSE/BUFFFR (circle one) Permit Conditions See note on back regarding River Basin ru See additional notes/conditions on back IA"A AREOF5TATUTESCRC-R—ULESAND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) THAT APPLY "PL' —IzAeL� AA, Sc?be4 Cot,&: +-f- D N P Officer's PRINTED Name Name Agent 0 11cant P 7E;w� compliance Signature Sign ure el Vad complianc,,Ilat,ment on back of permit" Application Feels) Check M/Money Order issuing Date Expiration Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLlCATtfl�l Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Mailing Address: I Phone Numbers .� i ~r -� ` ` 7 Email Address: l certify that l have authorized 1 ��:>�,�"f � jo Agent contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following Proposed development , t' at my property located at _ a t-t ( ini� _County. 1 furthermore certify that i am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permissior, to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit O,fcer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection, with evaluating information related to this permit application_ Property Omer Information: f, Signature Print or Type PIame Title /IVfZ(4 1 26) 2'L-- Date This Certi °ication is valid through _- ___.... 1 1 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner N-./ Address of Property: t\;A --�C,2 Mailing Address of Owner: ' ' ' t Owner's email: ,, Af tf'4-Aj 4Y 7 Agent's Name: Agent Rhone#: 11 re?- i Agent's Email: f`� - ►, 7 J: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adiacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me, .is shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A description orrlrawinn with I DO NOT have dbjections to this proposal. 1 DO F-, we objections to this proposal. r' sV -' i LUn -C If you havb objections to what is eing propose , you must n tify the N.C- Division of Coastal Management (DCMi) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 401 S. Griffin St-, Ste. 300, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 264-3901. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, goat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (if yo is to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) .1 I DO wish to waive somelall of the 15' setback Sigrfa�re Adj cenrRT ei " Property Owner -OR- I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (initial the blank)__ Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner: Typed/Printed name of ARPO: L Rtr.l r _w_.11 tJAMc.-�C _ Mailing Address of ARPO: I S14--*11 `Pr" _ kJ �( {C 4L t`? ( _ ARPO's email: Date: LA - Zc , . 2 Z ARPO's Phone#: *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature* ,Revised July 2021 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAiL . RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner:..) L4 Address of Property: �_ ti,t �, I� i �j c- k:_ C_ -2r7c-, yc� Mailing Address of Owner ' ' / t Owner's email ,,2i.1 Agent's Name: 1-�b i27D C_t2 ( A4 I1) �-(_- / Agent Phone#: 2 " 2 -2 Agent's Email: 1; Is ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adiacent Property Owner) i hereby certify that i own prop.irty adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me, ;.s shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A CIACCrinlinn,Ar r1rou i .,i++..1:..........:...,...-- Y I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. _� I DO trive objections to this proposal. l�es3 D C4 0A T L-\ r' F ©1U�. SL (t 7 l�t � I i� t b ill k .'l tC; �? 7' f if you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 401 S. Griffin St., Ste. 300, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 264-3901. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, btiat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (if you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive sometall of the 15' setback , f l,/ l -OR- Signature of A iacent Riparian Property Owner I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (initial the blank) L L Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner: '± wyj A C241 Typed/Printed name of ARPO: t � lC (t2 ��", i�j C o Mailing Address of ARPO: .;ate (;�, ARPO's email: a%�7 (ca.,,,�`'% ��C� yy,��, ARPO's Phone#: Date: �(� ,�� I7 N *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature* Revised July 2021 s.rfu utisg ra-rd 3.Iws?w xq tx: a.ou a.oy 1Ati[ ` o w•[^1 ^. f •..I...Ji[i.t.:rc[t...nt.,w. !-rt,, �7.1[ir �...aFtt��t7�jw.IK 1 UCiLl' jKfJ1V.� 1!• 1.71,yro I��`Yi iYt7 is '. -...._,._.__..._.___......_,.--.,...._..___ G op w, ray wE[�l ,M•1rM 1 j ��"` I �. �� sue• as-n r.r •A',!: I3+ III rlo its t11 nat '' ti 01101 15 j v4> V As] r�: arrtv�xcu � _.f• _,+ E`y [7 a,uC OKL/ir'A.1t . Nlnwg (3s44wd to adlj rW- say VNi It/ 04 MHO t •. ",IWI %Md ■v ,1 !" ; 1} 1 "�' IVZ +�g �•oo .1.� •M Vtl.'1 Flo JHW V�D :um n/ Uu S pwa .Jowl t 1 •1jot S" sil V td,� AQ .aV 11 ✓ELT'• 7 � JISY'S� Ji: 1J � � �c 7 YU •.'�"j r� ;� �1 ;t%f IJJLIJ,3.1,11.�' /..t1:5 „� J . L { i ` � 1_ gut%MD4`1S 1 IN /q ! s, d 1. fJ�J � �..• /V� lC a (Y� 1t�1 �' �f& •I A 4cj 0�l4C alz ,Pr,)H Ats:r.1 i.14A 14 teak°j T"Q ►=� y��° j ss,_VNt/ ..r Y^� •0y�y� f r.: l..ttg1, • IIt.+)UC) {puNU.0 M .' j� :iA• 11� W MWRiWWV i F.t:-lu'c.�a ''lq•'-'_l . tiJ L'UC . �._.�nmao, ar•.eh ^�r• :u... v:,, .0 1 N i, n[us.edVq t[#OAVD ipJON .0 .uc,, .. �:1 part 04tF 4 ±R, 1't7tsrrb 'x171•d ualfe-'i,l'^4. �•`� .. -11 :0.0 tl7wJ St`W■i-!fl >13Ya � ■ ■ ■ � r� 041111111 r tIoIiio. sr ■ter ■+r rti � This map is prepared from data used for the 1" ()�, inventory of the real �� ,�, . �J property for tax purposes. Primary ��y. " information sources such as recorded deeds, plats, wills, and other primary (� _ public records should be �'�'/f! t .1501 consulted for verification of the information � 8 111 Nash RD Owners: Yang, Ju -Primary Owner Tax District: Duck Duck NC, 27949 An, Da -Primary Owner Subdivision: West Winds Sub. Parcel: 026476006 Building Value: $1,109,200 Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 6 Blk: Sec: Pin: 985920818940 Land Value: $332,600 Property Use: Residential Misc Value: $55,000 Building Type: Beach Contemporary Total Value: $1,496,800 Year Built: 2015 0