HomeMy WebLinkAbout88440C - Gray, JohnCAMA f]DREDOE&FILL GENER/AL PERMIT E(.r, tr "*lllcdon Dcomplete Relssue EPardal fubsrc bv 6. S@ o{ hlo.6 Grolhr. 0"1I+, I I 00 rfi. CoqFl n srrEr Csrrh&do.! In /a---, ^.* n-.-*,. OcBfira,t of ErwtrDr|.r:t l Qu.ltvrd N9 88440 AB Pradous P.rmltD . prBvl E Frmk hsrEd t r'. o{ enrirorvrrntrl orr.!.n plflana E r dE b0.i^*f lHc ,re*nq-,re'.idt^fiA.'-d- D Ar a.rdori:cd LsA IIKAC Aodall ltnr Addrq Ary Phorc , ( E nail tdsizd ffra PrCd to<rtio.r (Co{t ): SE!.i Addr!../Sqs Ro.dL.4 #(i) SllbdNil)on , [04 c? fit []rrs Ad' ]rb' ocdr- srsrA lnrs cl61.q1lyo..io+fttw/Ja,hd AEC(rI fcw ]DdIwocnrn^ t*,r@ PIiA: Se Typc ol koicct/ Aaivity Ac.6! l.n$h Pler lcoct) hntih ftcd Hrtbrn{r} , - no.6^g Plattorm(rl Breatr.ter/Sill ,rr:l ""*AnA-Z-s.dn, d.lrn l---21-- tscrrafrfl5l f I : --t- -L ti-'-i-- - i----.- =- -r - i -,,- , - i- -i-- 't;ll--l- -1"-1--r--:- -r-ti-i -J- -t-l-.-- t--+-.-i- i-l- --.ir+l- I r I + ---I-,-__r_ t_1- -.t--+--+ ---1-. -r--L--- ---+ I -L- I ---1-';':1, +-li-1- :-i- ---r Ft- l r r r- I -_:_1-'-- L-l '-a- l-_ _ _-,__-t-___ --ljl-l- - j_L -+--- -i-i---l-- lct.,uI,Bghlt--Z:-+ @nrrt rt-rtr' q++ Arr dirEnca o6horl -/-t---. t. -- f'"' -f I'__J__F -.1- -r 1- -1 I L. ---f-L_ -+-, Ii--i-t,L. +--l - -,] -J_-l --:--r :.-f fr -i I J I -,-1 'i-l- { I +--- I I --! Bi lr..+i I t 1-t--SAvlac(rtd: F. taol{o.lr/m: rV. rar Slta thotoi yar ih.rhn WdlE tlLdid: ya. )- .t,-.t l-i-;-.l-- A b'rildirA atiof's perlnit !e Y R/IAI.ITNR SEiUJFFER (th.L m) S.c nnrr m h.(i llfrdrf ilr! Lit!.uha Sn ad&k,o.] alda./tol|ddort oh baat A'{DTIof Pl€a5a Chtcl ,, "ral,, Fa.(s) sEtsn€nt on bacl ot parlnlt'' ona, frar lirui 0ale (n..5.lnldall It:a'.a. Y-_.; ZP sn(,,|,,r* t n&1-)@-:- nnger plor(!) Tot l PLdorrr .I!a -L- Crtft.r'ds---3-- goat nmD Bo.thour,r Setllft / a.rar surl&d,l3-Z:-- Ot , a./ -t--l-II - i-- i ! -'" -'i-'i' 1 -! -+ .l-_-1 - L--r- s-\\ t'-.- 1-- -----i_--+l-- 'i--i-; CAMA EDREDGE&FILL GENER/AL PERMIT M"* E llodification ! Complete Reissue ! partial Reissue As authorized by the ina, DepartnEnt of Environnrental Queliq/ and N9 88440 AB Previous permit Date previous permit issued Commissbn in an area of eivironnEnt l concem pursuanr to: Rules a\railable at the followinS link: www.dea.nc.gov/C^|,lArulesI5A NCAC the Cogrral R€sources lr'J Generat permh Applicant Name City Phone # ( Emarl Aflected AEC(s): oRw State ztP Authorized ASent Proiect Lo<ation (County): Street Addreststate Road/Lot #(s) Subdivision maLl . [o,.,\ city EW rxA PT{A ES SPIMA flms Adi. wtr Body E *,t Ctos6t Mai. wtr. Body OEA Atw (v P Type of Project/ Activity shorernetengLn /?1O /(scare:Nfi-Sl Access tength Pier (doc*) length FixedPlafiotmlsl r./ rotat plartorm area / Groin len8rh/S@Riprap length Av8 distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ lenSth q_ 5s 3o*et Basin. channel -- Boat ramo -/ Eoathouse/Boatlift / Beach Bulldozing Other A building permit/ron Moratodum: n/a Site Photos: Riparian Waiver Attached ffi@ permit ln Vt be re uiredby Permit ons I I I I I TAR/PAI4/NEUSE/BU FFER (<ircte ooe) 5€e note on back reSarding River Basin rules See additional notes/conditions on back ilI0 h\rlf IAM AWARI OF or Applicant PRINTE0 Name CRC RUI-ES AND ONs THAT TE THIS PROJ€CT AND COMPI-IANCE STAIE (Please lnitial) re t:Please 1 20 Check Signatu Fee(s) read compliance Statement on back of permit.. oney Order ls5u Date 's PRI 1- )o D f] nutes attached. lfr Er* ,"@ I Floating Platform(s) Finaer oierls) -/ Cubic vards River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules lf indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin' These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of water Resources. lf you have any questions, please contact the Division of water Resources at the washington Regional office (252-946-6481) or the wilmington Regional office (910-796-7215)' Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: please ensure all debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development is contained within proiect area and disposed of in an appropriate upland location' Diyision of coastal Manaeement ofnces Morehead city Headquarters 4Oo Commerce Av€ Morehead City, NC 28557 2s2-808-2808/ 1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252'247 -3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven - south of the Neuse River, Onslow counties) Ellzabdh clty Dlstrict 401 S. Griffin 5t. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-390L (Serves: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) the authorized Washlngton District 943 Washington Square MallWashington, NC 27889 252-946-@,8t Fax:252-948-0478 (serves: Beaufort, Craven - north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wllmlntton Dlstrlct 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, Nc 28405-3845 9to-796-7215 Fax: 91G.395-3964 (serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender counties) http:l/portal.nc denr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 5/01/2021 Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. Thii permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the iocal land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) has been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management. in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina coastal Management Program' NC Division of Coastal Management Cashier's Official Receipt 20160ABCD Date: -'1 -u ,z/- a-./'20-<d*Received From: Permit No.: Applicant's Name: Project Address: (! Signature ot Agent or Applicant: Signature of Field Representalive: $ Check No.: County: Please retain receipl for your records as proot of payment ror permit issued. ,fig4 Date: oa", (o 'l(a'LL- )a b't to 4@ N*ne of Property Ovmer Requesting Pennit: MailingAddress:(od r4 h -sA o\s Pture Number:Qto-b+q L Ernail Address: I certify that I have aulhorized Eop.lt n4aiu (t utht ot'r- LL C Aomt/cmfacb. to a€t on rry behalf, brthe purpce of aplyirB for and obtainhp "11 66yA permils nemary for the follding propoo€d do\relopmert:3o'qt+il a il E4rl ')f @1 oo o in nd)jloD, I fufitermorc anTy that I am authodzed to gnnt, aN do in tec,t gtwtt D€/ml$iln to OMsbn of Coastal Mart,qer.rcrrt $rafi,0p L@d fuflnit qfw aN fltnir agnnb to enler on the aforemenliond tands in antnec;t*xt wl& walualiry hfumlation ralafBd ftr ftrs permit ap47licetrcn. Prcprrty Gmcr lntonnrdon: n PrintorTyp Pctr Title --b tt- t!-2.- Dab rk This cBrtificetion b valid through --r--r- atmy property locabd at ir.c. Dl\n3lofl (r ooAsTAL rAilAOEreilT AIIIACE}IT RPARI^}I PROPERW OUIIIER }{OITfICATIOII'WAIVER FORI CEFMFIED NIATL . RETURN BECEIPT REOUESTED Of F|ANO DELNERY Cfop pordon b be complebd by owner or thelragont) Nglrof ftopetyOrrrs: ArffiB o( Prop.rty: l*rgAddr*!4Orms: l.comPhond: ?+45 ota,liat'a cfidl: Agctre t{anc: Agmfr Ema$: alrrlag"r,t Pto,,* q I 0 - A M - A4q 5 ADUIACETT RIPAIIIIII PROPERTY OWilER'8 CERTIFICATK)fl,Botom lortbn !o b. ffi by tfi. Adlrcrt p!r.t!, Ounar) carfly t}at I own prop.tty eqeofit b tro Sor€ rdorurcrd proporty. Iho lndhtldd applytqtortrbha. &.d$.d b fiE, a3 shoyyn on th. ettedrcd drax,klg, U|o darr€hFpnt thcy arc popo.hg. A I OO NOT havr oSec{onc b thb prcgfid. _ I DO hsvr oq.don b thb prop6d. WAIi'ERTECTlorl I urd€.stand lhtt ary gmpaod plcr, dock,moorlng pfng!,boat ranp, br€*'ret r,bodrure, Ilt, sgroh mr.t b.(ttbderrr €d bect e r**num tffcErco of 15 from my arta ol rlpqbn &c6a ur{.a u,ihrld by rncapplyb h$dl. ds a rlp.ap r.lrlin.nb ). (t( you u,lrh b ur.ivc thc t$.ck you mu.t tlorttaPProprlsbbbrk b.lox.) I DO u,bh b fthre sofir€/d of $e 1 €R-0fA@il Wy Offi* I do not wbh b wrhro tho 15 s€tb.cfi mqlrrrrErn (k*Ual thc bhnt) Sfnewo of A{acant Typ.dJPdnnd mm.,<-t-?gJ CT.o r4lt1a ,, ( &,+"'[t fr$ *^;$ W.W) h wtfrrs urtin ro &yi a nir|at d n b ncrle co,nipo;d; imup a.,rw b .u C,,,-,a".f n" Ionird crU, tao nur. DtCt nna,frrB.La iCo to oat"fClW r*m, ilo r.lopoar b oonr6r.<t dlo crnro. ao odJrcdoa iro, lar h,,ptiirlO OVdtuHL Ilfllng Addrus of X rO,:Ai ARPOr cnrrll:aA..?'{< . C-.ar'r-Al{lO'. Phond.9to -{? - s+12- b t ald lor up to ona ,aar,rom ARp'dr glgrrrtt|t. \ orb: {"-{z7- ltr Revild &.ty2o21 1ro - ttb- b41* I otrnlefi 4,M: 5e"' x,c, DrvEEx of @AlSTAt IAllAffitfi ADJACTffi RPANAT 'TOPIRT' OUI'IR iIO''IGAIIOII'WAIVER FMI CERnFIED llAI- ' RETtrRt{ RECEIFT REOUESTED d HAND DEU\,ERY (fop podlon bbe comphd by ow'E? a th€k tcnt) fEr! d Prlogarly Ornd:John Grau Arrft!. ot Blprty: UdngMdu6Oilr . eom ?+45 o!,rhtrclt* AeftNrrtr Agailtr Errlf,: Ptrqrd:1ro- ttb- b414 chu1ryilerr* a tb- OAq -3411 5 1s aDrAcDfT RFA A,l pnoptRTy OWTIR'! Crrttcr\Trora(l.front E fbt b b. EtEhd h, i. &ba.i plut!, Orr.r) lhebyaa.ttyth lownp.rdt hr drdtad b p.!p..ty.qEt b thc -orr*r!.Ed procarty. Irr. kldi,ldd qdyhotuftb ma, - ahsrYir fi tha drad drr*tre,th. .L*Fndtt tr.y.tr prl9olrg. A I DO NOT h.rn oq.cen brlb F,!pad. _IDotl.i,t (A.a{oll b $b pflDod. 1^;$ $ tott b,b.ea',ql d,/&b4&rcr.l!a,,o;aor, C.1 Um.,'a xma I ao not u,Ltr b rdva fha it r$d( ltqrtrllitt ( a tr. bh())htr lfgtt t.r. d AdFsn Rbitn pnDaty Owrfi I tndrtd thd r.ry proeo.d c.., .* mmailrp, h.twfr., bo.ior., rt agEh ar, bo xa E r lr.ltrum .hlo of rSi,i- ,[-.r Jr|;ifrE |,i- rv.d by |tt$.ffiffiffi a th t!'6r'tri)' tti r',, -iliffiiffii*.* F., ;I& I m rah b [hl. torid{ dth. tO !.tbrd( {R. @ I),D.drPrItd nrm oa Anpe Llhg Addrl oi AlUrOr /o , (,1 AiF(y. Pholl*s/4-t -/rq lor t, to cta tlar fr'c.n ^tior eg:Iira. Mt y e21 Y rrrct ercl .,yr JQ)f ,.* l, ^-^ *, l./rc /Ztzz- *lt[51J5 Icr t-,,ra&Daontaa.,llo ,lPornl ,ro m,t y|o,D,dtd!, 2? '60 h rrur!,daf drorE D. Y.\:I-i- + ! \&+ (Ax a, a7t,>-Er\'J_\ lc bI 's- {,,__r- ,D_ \< nJF .l -+- x' t-s )r E st =<- - t-b -a)a -+- litx *- h& \r'i-. \$<.r8r 15:- I L EEGgskil c/,5 EI: EIH IE "eIa IEH ftH"t'TZsg II d I 3 ! ir 4 II sE ii ol t!:tlr trnI;l ;!! lrl d I ! IE EE BO ffi MEE EEECI IEIE E$ llE Irllll ;i tEiEtl tlitrE IIIEIi Irlt: iEtIil FIT$ IEE Ebr riE !Ei iF!cii :t .82k IIiltlIl tr rF t i !I It ! I I E I I t Jro :i::!i I i!' il ;l t o I I I I lit. h I F It t" rE .t ri ;El i!s Ere:i;ill'; !91 E= rli Jtr :;:!li t !! I rj$ii riir!t :x I i! ! II I I B $"rryt iiil tq T 3El !!l tkr -[":li rhr !ii I t I iiE ,IT 'Itgt!6ilcilirill rrtl iE TI It"E I- 'E; E,a! - I :tl;E i 3ltl,,i iitir I.,* < Illl ?tlp I'fir t Hiq' HI 0l EEEEEEE OOEEgEO [flHflgEffi I tEa Its I II Irird q-.l t'titt s.a'td I IIItr mo 5:QH1- I I I !ia mnLE] I lrill I ffitl ml rI t