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147-17 Minor Mod Millstream Properties I
Permit Class MODIFICATION/ MINOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission Permit Permit Number 147-17 RECEIVED MAY 0 7 ' ':: for pr �IIM HD CITY X Major Development in an Area of Environmental COfiCCiii pursuant to NCGS I I3A-118 Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to Millstream Properties I, LLC,1019 Cowper Drive, Raleigh, NC 27608 Authorizing development in New Hanover County adj. to Banks Channel, 1905 N. Lumina Drive, Wrightsville Beach , as requested in the permittee's application letter dated 03/18/19, including attached workplan drawings (2) 1-2 of 2 both dated 03/13/19. This permit, issued on April 26, 2019 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may )e subject to lines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause me permit to oe nun ana vola. 1) Unless specifically altered herein, this Minor Modification authorizes the reconfiguration of the authorized docking facility, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached email, application, and workplan drawings. Any additional land disturbing activities and/or construction may require a modification of this permit. Contact a Division of Coastal Management representative at (910) 796-7215 for this determination. 2) The permittee and/or his or her contractor shall meet with a representative of the Division prior to project initiation. (See Attached Sheet for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires fruther Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 2020 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEQ and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. Braxton C. D s, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee Millstream Properties I, LLC Permit No.147-17 Page 2 of 2 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 3) This permit does not authorize the excavation or filling of any open water or wetland areas. 4) This Minor Modification does not authorize any additional slips. 5) This Minor Modification be attached to the original of Permit No. 147-17, which was issued to the permittee on 1.2/21/17, and copies of both documents shall be readily available on site when Division personnel inspect the project for compliance. 6) All conditions and stipulations of the active permit remain in force under this Minor Modification unless specifically altered herein. NOTE: Future development of the permittee's property may require a modification of this permit. Contact a representative of the Division at (910) 796-7215 prior to the commencement of any such activity for this determination. The permittee is further advised that many non -water dependent activities are not authorized within 30 feet of the normal high water level. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers assigned the project Action ID No. SAW-2017-02354. NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Resources assigned the project DWR Project No. DWR-2017-1400. NOTE: A minor modification application processing fee of $100 was received by DCM for this project. ROY COOPER Governor NUCHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAMS Director MEMORANDUM NORTH CAROLINA fnvfronmenW Qua9ry TO: Courtney Spears DCM Major Permit Assistant Coordinator, Wilmington FROM: Patrick Amico DCM Field Specialist, Wilmington THRU: Debra D. Wilson �0 W DCM District Manager, Wilmington DATE: April 2, 2019 SUBJECT Permit Modification Request to State Permit No. 147-17, Millstream Properties I, LLC, 1905 N. Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville Beach, in New Hanover County Stephen Conway, of Southeastern Coastal Construction Company, and acting as agent for Millstream Properties I, LLC, is requesting a Minor Modification to State Permit No. 147-17. This request was submitted in a letter received by DCM on March 21, 2019 with two (2) drawings, labeled existing and proposed modification, dated March 13, 2019. State Permit No. 147-17 was originally issued December 21, 2017 for the expansion of an existing private docking facility. State Permit No. 147-17 is due to expire on December 31, 2020. The applicant is requesting changes to the docking facility to better accommodate his vessel, reduce wear on the facility due to heavy boat traffic, and extend waterward to the Town of Wrightsville Beach pierhead line. The Minor Modification request consists of increasing the length of the fixed access pier from the existing 49' x 4' to a proposed 58' x 6', and reducing the seating area of the gazebo from the existing 16' x 17' to a proposed 16' x 16'. The minor modification request also includes the rotation of the existing 24' x 5' floating finger dock from a north -south orientation to a east -west orientation, parallel with the fixed access pier, and construction of a new 25' x 4' floating finger dock oriented in a north -south orientaticn, connecting the landward side of the 20' x 13' floating dock to the northernmost landward side of the 24' x 5floating finger dock. The proposed 25' x 4' finger dock addition would create a 12' span in between the floating platforms, creating a u-shape. The applicant proposes to drive pilings on the landward side of the 25' x 4' floating finger dock, to keep the facility at a maximum of three slips. The proposed modifications appear to be consistent with NCAC 07H .0208(b)(6), which includes the specific use standards for docking facilities. This minor modification request will not negatively impact coastal wetlands or increase the number of slips. This office has no objection to the modification of State Permit No.147-17, provided it is consistent with all other local, state, and federal regulations. Southeastern Coastal Construction has submitted a check (check No. 11217) in the fee amount of $100. By copy of this memo, DCM is requesting that the USACE, NC DWR, and the New Hanover County LPO provide any comments that your agency may have on the proposed project to Courtney Spears of DCM's Wilmington office within 14 days of receipt of this memo. Enclosures cc: DCM-MHC Liz Hair, USACE-413M -no 0ynyhpv,4- Chad Coburn, NC DWR Danielle Alleges, LPO R. Q7� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Wilmington Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington. North Carolina 28405 910.796.7215 RECEIVED MAY 0 7 Z019 DCM-1 CITY Spears, Courtney From: Hair, Sarah E CIV CESAW CESAD (US) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 10:38 AM To: Spears, Courtney Cc: Coburn, Chad Subject: [External] RE: CAMA Minor Modification Request: Millstream Properties 147-17 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to repo rt.Spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> The Corps has no objection to this request. We will not issue additional paperwork, but will add DCM documents to the file. Thanks, Liz -----Original Message ----- From: Simpson, Shaun [mailto:shaun.simpson@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 10:01 AM To: Hair, Sarah E CIV CESAW CESAD (US) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil>; Coburn, Chad <chad.coburn@ncdenr.gov>; Danielle Villegas <dvillegas@towb.org>; twilson@towb.org Cc: Pietila, Tanya K <tanya.pietila@ncdenr.gov>; Spears, Courtney <courtney.spears@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] CAMA Minor Modification Request: Millstream Properties 147-17 Hello All: Please accept this request for a CAMA Minor Modification to Major Permit No. 147-17 from the above subject project in Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County. Please reply to Courtney Spears at courtney.spears@ncdenr.gov <mailto:courtney.spears@ncdenr.gov> or (910) 796- 7426 with your questions, comments, or concerns. Thanks, Shaun Shaun Simpson RECEIVED MAY 0 7 2019 Permit Support & Customer Service DCM-MHD CITY NC Department of Environmental Quality NC Division of Coastal Management <Blockedhttp://www.nccoastaImanagement.net/> 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910)796-7226 Shaun.Simpson@ncdenr.gov E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. tV- Spears, Courtney From: Coburn, Chad Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 9:18 AM To: Spears, Courtney Subject: RE: CAMA Minor Modification Request: Millstream Properties 147-17 The DWR has no comments on this project From; Spears, Courtney Sent: Friday, April 5, 2019 9:11 AM To: Coburn, Chad <chad.coburn@ncdenr.gov>; Tony Wilson <twilson@towb.org> Subject: FW: CAMA Minor Modification Request: Millstream Properties 147-17 Hi Chad and Tony, Do either of you have any comments on the attached proposed modification? Thankyou! Courtney Spears Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7426 office cou rtnev. spearsOncden r. aov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington. NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Simpson, Shaun Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 10:01 AM To: Sarah. E.Hair@usace.army.mil; Coburn, Chad <chad.coburn@ncdenr.aov>; Danielle Villegas <dvilleeas@towb.ore>; twilson@towb.ore Cc: Pietila, Tanya K <tanva.pietila@ncdenr.¢ov>; Spears, Courtney <courtnev.spears@ncdenr.eov> Subject: CAMA Minor Modification Request: Millstream Properties 147-17 Hello All: Please accept this request for a CAMA Minor Modification to Major Permit No. 147-17 from the above subject project in Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County. Please reply to Courtney Spears at courtney.spears@ncdenr.eov or (910) 796-7426 with your questions, comments, or concerns. RECEIVED Thanks, MAY 0 7 2019 DCM-MHD CITY Shaun Shaun Simpson 'Permit Support & Customer Service NC Department of Environmental Quality NC Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC28405 Phone: (910)796-7126 Shoun.Simoson@ncdencaov 0. ---*NothkqCO.Parea...,. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Spears, Courtney From: Tony Wilson <twilson@towb.org> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 9:38 AM To: Spears, Courtney; Coburn, Chad Subject: [External] RE: CAMA Minor Modification Request: Millstream Properties 147-17 Courtney, No comments. Tony Wilson, Director of planning and Parks Town of Wrightsville Beach From: Spears, Courtney <courtney.spears@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 9:11 AM To: Coburn, Chad <chad.coburn@ncdenr.gov>; Tony Wilson <twilson@towb.org> Subject: FW: CAMA Minor Modification Request: Millstream Properties 147-17 Hi Chad and Tony, Do either of you have any comments on the attached proposed modification? Thank you! Courtney Spears Assistant Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7426 office courtnev.spears(oDncdenr.aov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 RECEIVED Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the MAY 0 7 2019 North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. DCM-1AHD CITY From: Simpson, Shaun Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 201910:01 AM To: Sarah.E.Hair@usace.armv.mil: Coburn, Chad <chad.coburn@ncdenr.gov>; Danielle Villegas <dvillegas@towb.org>; twilson@towb.org Cc: Pietila, Tanya K <tanva.pietila@ncdenr.gov>; Spears, Courtney <courtnev.spears@ncdenr.gov> Subject: CAMA Minor Modification Request: Millstream Properties 147-17 Hello All: Please acceptthis request fora CAMA,Minor Modification to Major Permit No. 147-17 from the above subject project in Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County. Please reply to Courtney. Spears at courtney.spears@ncdenr.gov or (910) 796-7426 with your questions, comments, or concerns. Thanks, Shaun Shaun Simpson Permit Support & Customer Service NC Department of Environmental Quality NC Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC28405 Phone: (910)796-7226 Shoun.Simoson (a)ncdenr. oov ')' rohing Compves — E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Date Date Check From Name of Vendor Check Check Permit Rct. # Received Deposited Permit Holder Number amount Number/Comments 4/3/2019 Southeastern Bobby Lewis South State 11217 $100.00 minor mod fee, #147-17, 1905 N. PA rct. Coastal Bank Lumina, Wrightsville Beach NHCo 7957 Construction Co } LU W W W rn o cv c �' U Q U ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental QuaUty TO: Courtney Spears DCM Major Permit Assistant Coordinator, Wilmington FROM: Patrick Amico Y5' DCM Field Specialist, Wilmington THRU: Debra D. Wilson 9 pW/ DCM District Manager, Wilmington DATE: April 2, 2019 SUBJECT Permit Modification Request to State Permit No. 147.17, Millstream Properties 1, LLC, 1905 N. Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville Beach, in New Hanover County Stephen Conway, of Southeastern Coastal Construction Company, and acting as agent for Millstream Properties I, LLC, is requesting a Minor Modification to State Permit No. 147-17. This request was submitted in a letter received by DCM on March 21, 2019 with two (2) drawings, labeled existing and proposed modification, dated March 13, 2019. State Permit No. 147-17 was originally issued December 21, 2017 for the expansion of an existing private docking facility. State Permit No. 147-17 is due to expire on December 31, 2020. The applicant is requesting changes to the docking facility to better accommodate his vessel, reduce wear on the facility due to heavy boat traffic, and extend waterward to the Town of Wrightsville Beach pierhead line. The Minor Modification request consists of increasing the length of the fixed access pier from the existing 49' x 4' to a proposed 58' x 6', and reducing the seating area of the gazebo from the existing 16' x 17' to a proposed 16' x 16'. The minor modification request also includes the rotation of the existing 24' x 5' floating finger dock from a north -south orientation to a east -west orientation, parallel with the fixed access pier, and construction of a new 25' x 4' floating finger dock oriented in a north -south orientation, connecting the landward side of the 20' x 13' floating dock to the northernmost landward side of the 24' x 5' Floating finger dock. The proposed 25' x 4' finger dock addition would create a 12' span in between the floating platforms, creating a u-shape. The applicant proposes to drive pilings on the landward side of the 25' x 4' floating finger dock, to keep the facility at a maximum of three slips. The proposed modifications appear to be consistent with NCAC 07H .0208(b)(6), which includes the specific use standards for docking facilities. This minor modification request will not negatively impact coastal wetlands or increase the number of slips. This office has no objection to the modification of State Permit No.147-17, provided it is consistent with all other local, state, and federal regulations. Southeastern Coastal Construction has submitted a check (check No. 11217) in the fee amount of $100. By copy of this memo, DCM is requesting that the USACE, NC DWR, and the New Hanover County LPO provide any comments that your agency may have on the proposed project to Courtney Spears of DCM's Wilmington office within 14 days of receipt of this memo. Enclosures cc: DCM-MHC Liz Hair, USACE Chad Coburn, NC DWR Danielle Villegas, LPO D _EQ-5 RECEIVED APR 0 8 2019 oLM-MHD CITY North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Wilmington Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 910.796.7215 Southeastern Coastal Construction Company, Inc. DBA Southeastern Marine Contractors Stephen B. Conway, Owner -Unlimited Contractors License & Fully Insured 910.538.9737 6252 Towles Rd., Wilmington, NC28409 Date: March 18, 2019 Minor Modification Narrative rar Parma d-- icrz - n Address: 1905 North Lumina Wrightsville Beach, NC My client, Bobby Lewis at 1905 North Lumina, would like to submit a minor modification for his pier in order to make several changes. Due to all of the boating activity, Mr. Lewis would like to turn his 24 ft. X 5 ft. finger dock parallel to his main dock connected to the main dock with a 4 ft. X 25 ft. finger dock on the back side of his new 13 ft. X 20 ft. floating dock. Also, Mr. Lewis would like to move the entire floating dock structure to the new pier headline. All of these changes would require him to reduce his sitting area to 16 X 16 and change his walkway from 4 ft. X 49 ft. to approximately 6 ft. X 58 ft. Please contact me at 910.538.9737 if you have any questions about this request. Thank you, Stephen B. Conway, Owner 910.538.9737/sconway@ec.rr.com RECEIVED APR 0 S 2019 DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED MAR 21 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Date Date Check From Name of Vendor Check Check Permit Rct. # Received Deposited Permit Holder Number amount Number/Comments 4/3/2019 Southeastern Bobby Lewis South State 11217 $100.00 minor mod fee, #147-17, 1905 N. PA rct. Coastal Bank Lumina, Wrightsville Beach NHCo 7957 Construction Co } m ~ � o U tl.l a w ULU o o _ T- � � U 0 I Sx 24 Ln f 11 (hobby Scc�-lf- Ex'S� IGX 17 P«r he'd 1 "'e- RECEIVED APR 0 8 2019 DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED P�^�rl 1 ?n+', DCM WILMINGTON, NC d��amass Scale I„ _ 20' l�rc�oose� rV1co� E�fcc �'C�av AkEk Igo S N, LtAm,,�c` �2� acr'oS5 Pies hewn( /_; RECEIVED APR 0 S 2019 DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED �lr`., 21 101�i DCM WILMINGTON, NC Aipa N RORP North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart Governor Secretary AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: k-c - tk- Owner's Mailing Address I©lR 0—C>LC3ge0- Ica 1 : A A) C a7(aa�_ Email: r! -eu-�Ec (e Y <A C . llo-2- Phone Oft -A ZZJ - 5111) Name of Authorized Agent for this project: Agent's Mailing Address &z5-x TBwj�j 2�oq Email: bUWtk/ CV—. 4nCr ✓�f CC"-X Phone r4/O 1 k— 4? 7 3-7 1 certify that I have authorized the agent listed above to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for, and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct the following (activity): F/rar. c- Ylk, nl - lSna_fi te i + T Q`v�� . i�4 ZF Lci Project Site Address: ��l Di- / ltm r,.ct JJAC be lr,� & t_ 2 i-1/SD Properly Owt Signature Date: RECEIVED `This certification is valid 1 year from date signed by property owner. APR 0 S 2019 DCM-MHD CITY RECEIVED N.C. Division of Coastal Management 12' Cardin; Drive Ext., Wilmington. NC 28405 Phone: 910-796-72151.FAX:910-395-39641nlemet:www.nccomtalmanagernent.net MAR 21 201S An EqA Oplxetady l APSmWivek" ErOOW DCM WILMINGTON, NC Complete items 1, 2, and 3. I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. .j Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to. [SO hC3I {}L&LVO gee.. 1903 N. LVmtnot ►�vee Wr'-jt^+-sv;llC- 13ea�h NC II I IIIIII IIII III I III II II IIII IIIII I I I I Illill III 9590 9402 4922 9032 9505 59 O A ti .IO Number (Trenefer from Service label) 7018 1130 0002 0001 8091 Ps Form 3811, July 2015 PEN 7530-D2-000-WS3 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpieee, or on the front if space permits. ■ D. Is delivery address different from Item 17 ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No Restricted Delivery ❑ Certified! Mail Restricted Delivery lorii91Um Rec ieie pt (or(�` ❑ Collect on Delivery ❑ Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Merchandise ^ ❑ Signature ConfionerM- ❑ Insured Mall ❑ Signature Confirmation iretl Mail Restricted Delivery v $500) Restricted Delivery 1. �7Article Addressed to. r J0k& ri J'MMyfilot, WOCfI� 20 Rt tJ M( l 6 V-0ek P_d. Rale13At NC. 2---76o� IIIIIIIII IIII 11111111111111111111111111 IIII III 9590 9402 4922 9032 9505 42 7018 1130 0002 0001 8107 PS Form 3811, July 2015 PEN 7530-02-000-9053 A. r, B. Domestic Return Receipt D. Is delivery address different from tam 17 ❑ Ye: If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type 7 ❑ Mal ❑Adult Signature ❑ram, og- ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Deliver ❑ De?" estrictec ❑ Certifetl Mall® Ds SS ❑ Certified[ Mail Restricted Delivery W ❑ Ret eceipwr ❑ Collect on Delivery a M dise 7 Called on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑ Signature Can tion`+ 7 Insured Mail ❑ Signature Con 7 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery (over$500) Domestic Return Receipt ra 0C3 CD ra 0 0 0 Rl 0 0 C3 C3 m ri ri C0 r9 0 N rM1 0 ri m ra 0 C3 C3 ru E3 0 17 0 m ri ri CD r9 O N RAI_.EiGHi NC 270 ,,, :ertl0ed Mail Fee $3. 50 p(�j TCftcy ri C,� xVa Services pt Frees (Greckeos, eddM1e - v ��'r ❑PeNm Receipt PN,dCOp`/) $ ❑flatumR.Npt CeMWIR(el ❑MIM Mellflestndee nNivery $--sun nn IV. ❑Rdutt al9�tum Raluaed j� H ❑Pdue a19naNre ResVIgM pyypy j /. _ V ostage Sl .15 io �3/20/20 otal Rostege end Fees $7.45 I Permit Class NEW Permit Number 147-17 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission V erm i t RECEIVED APR 0 8 2019 DCM-MHD CITY for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concem pursuant to NCGS I I3A-118 Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 111-229 Issued to Millstream Properties I, LLC,1019 Cowper Drive, Raleigh, NC 27608 Authorizing development in New Hanover ICounty adi.. to Banks Channel, 1905 N. Lumina Drive; Wrightsville Beach , as requested in the permittee's application dated 10/18/17_ Incl. attached workplan drawings (2), 2-3 of 4, both dated 10/18/17. This permit, issued on December 21.2017 . , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be sabject to- fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. Dockinn Facility 1) This permit authorizes only the expanded docks, piers, and other structures and uses located in or over the water that are expressly and specifically set forth in the permit application. No other structure, whether floating or stationary, shall become a permanent part of this expanded docking facility without permit modification. No non -water dependent uses of structures shall be conducted on, in or over Public Trust waters without permit modification. 2) No sewage, whether treated or untreated, shall be discharged at any time from any boats using the expanded docking facility. Any sewage discharge at the expanded docking facility shall be considered a violation of this permit for which the permittee is responsible. This prohibition shall be applied and enforced throughout the entire existence of the permitted structure. (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the pennittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 2020 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEQ and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. X�� r 14-04#� F Z BraxtorrC. Davis, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee Millstream Properties I, LLC Permit No. 147-17 Page 2 of 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 3) The permittee shall maintain the authorized work in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. The permittee is not relieved of this requirement if he abandons the permitted activity without having it transferred to a third party. 4) The permittee shall install and maintain at his expense any signal lights or signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulation or otherwise, on the authorized facilities. At a minimum, permanent reflectors shall be attached to the structure in order to make it more visible during hours of darkness or inclement weather. 5) This permit authorizes a maximum of 3 formalized boat slips. 6) The pier and associated structures shall have a minimum setback distance of 15 feet between any parts of the structure and the adjacent property owners' riparian access corridors. 7) No portion of the authorized docking facility expansion shall extend past..the Wrightsville Beach Pier Head Line. 8) : ' No attempt stiall be.made bythe peiinittee to prevent the fullaud free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work. General 9) The permittee and/or his or her contractor shall meet with a representative of the Division prior to project initiation. 10) This permit shall not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. 11) This permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project, and the permittee shall not be entitled to compensation for damage to the authorized structure or work, or injury which may be caused from existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. 12) No excavation or filling of any open water area or vegetated wetlands is authorized by this permit. NOTE: Future development of the permittee's property may require a modification of this permit. Contact a representative of the Division at (910) 796-7215 prior to the commencement of any such activity for this determination. The permittee is further advised that many non -water dependent activities are not authorized within 30 feet of the normal high water level. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the proposed project by way of General Permit 197800056 (Action ID No. SAW-2017-02354), which was issued on 11/15/17. Millstream Properties I, LLC Permit No. 147-17 Page 3 of 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Resources assigned the proposed project DWR Project No. 2017- 1400. NOTE: An application processing fee of $250 was received by DCM for this project. RECEIVED P °'' 0 S 2019 Ur ?,A-iAHD CITY