HomeMy WebLinkAbout84419C - Soots, ClaudeflflffiffiIru=.ilti!-gI Enu* [frkdfic*ion flcarnpret€ Rehruc tr p*rfid x"*ss,re Ae$3 foadous pernr* Darc pret*,ux pgril{t bsrr€{*{::]_* I A*r"a*** ffi eorr.f n*r&&J$E{rr$ar.rdrihloq,*ttilcru,*Ji$n4cuf.$,tArdcr A.dtori,.d&ltr {s Fa{ccrtocr#on (CamV} Srs Addrrer'Sur Ro.dltrt #(r) Subdirt*fon 6ry SS*{S!E*- - i,C/ up 7lWt f*r [rt*n {$r*i*;tls ,d t& lr unfiortud by *re Stle oa Nor6 farc*ln.Drprrun*rt o{ &n&nrnsrtd SE ry lnd dT Co*trl Faoorrcs Comr{sioa h rn nr of enrrlmnrrmt canu* pgnurm o: }SANCAC *p@arlt*n* Addrtsr ctry 5ta!e AJf ?IB PtBfit # V{vreil *kr [cw AEc(r) iloro &- fJuo EL*otu* I p|,f y* Ad. YYk god!, fix.isi14.t6a'.t* Fil6* Tyfe otrorect/Ad$rtrl Shorelire le*utb *ffis, Pbi {doct} lengh fixcd et' Floo{nj PlaSc;m{r} J*.*.-._.- _-_ ?st lfie$rrrm srcir bngtf# ralkherdl Rtprap Avg dirtEnre ofhhort flteakr.terl$lll n sdlstancf./ Ba*n, dnnnel Cubirfrdr 9sat rrnp Soxhousa/ leadt lulldoring Other 9lV otlerred: trfor.tori.rm: nl, Slt Pho,ts: Slparlen lribhru AtUchcdr A hnlldlng pcrnft/rorftt mry be r"qulr*d tf yu /6\ ##$l#1\l , $'I d$? tdwrs $\P&trs fJ rrrm$trNa$gBuFFER {c}dc onc) I Sc" aotr rn Aacf rsxr.dft nitEr Besln ruht f, S"" radm*l roterlondldmr on hact fiIH?TD rced ,r"-'njffitrp {** Fec(sl trl Che* IAloney Order baint (Plcase lnHr!! t I I Iffi { .*g$ggn Kcerua tr oneocE & FILLiIEcENEpqL PERMIT ?-=Ifiruew lModification lComplete Reissue lPartial Reissue N9 8441e Previous permit A e@ Date previous permit issue4 D As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Depanment of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I5A NCAC [-l Rules attached. ffi Cenemt Permit Rules a\railable at the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name xa,",, 6nZ / f)l t 'q 4 SA state AJL ze ? funl? Authorized Agent Proiect Location (County): Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) 0_l . DEV6 City Phone # Email SuMivision City -14?.4P Affected AEC(s): !cw !oer ht*&toEr* ffi'l-I lsPrMA I ews Ctosest Maj. Wtr. Body Ertt Adi' Wtr' BodY Irxe @{ btn.,\ PNA: Type of Proiectl Activity Shoreline Len6h Access Length Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) W:',Yj*dOA- -, a itlS_ 7€ep NS ^JIa t/)' *nt 4tiweJ (Scale: u6 latlOD +1 F Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ le o/c+ u( z/e I (ot tb/ta lbd Basin, channel Cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Beach Bulldozing Other SAV observed: Moratorium: n/a Site Photos: Riparian Waiver Attached Perm Conditions, i:: RU**$MN brg fi\w dr4Z Fr1} SorS A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: tU'(0 Agent or Fee(s)Check #/Money Order lssuing COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. Expiration Date I AM AWARE OF CRC RULES AND APPTY TO THIS PROJECT AND (Please lnitial) Applicant PRINTED Name **Please read compliance statement on back ofa ! rnVrnmlr.rEUsE/BUFFER (circte one) ! S"" note on back regarding River Basin rules ! S"" additional notes/conditions on back ( Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is sub.iect to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any acfivities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) has been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Divislon of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and beliel certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules lf indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. lf you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215). Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: please ensure all d€bris assoclated with the removal or construction of the permltted development is contained within the authorized proJect area and dlsposed of in an appropriate upland locetion. Dlvlslon of Coastal Manaqement Offfces Morehead Clty Headquarters Washlngton District 4OO Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 943 Washington Square MallWashington, NC 27889 252-808-2808/ 1-888-4RcoAsT Fax: 252-247-3330 252-946-6487 (Serves: Carteret, Craven - south of the Neuse River, Onslow Fax].252-948-0478 Counties) (Serves: Eeaufort, Craven - north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) EllEbeth City Olstrlct 401S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-254-3901 (Serves: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Wilmintton District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9to-796-72L5 Fax; 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties) Revised 6/01/2o21http://porta l. ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home AGENT AUTHORIZATIOTTI FOR CATIA PERIIIT APPLICATION NameofProperryOwnerReqnestingPermil 0 ln,t,l,, finrl,rr' | fl^J< Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email Address: I ceftify that I have authorized 3<L- t"l,tt-tlt: ?aL Eg 9ltsd 3 s , :i qrl t Ahr ,fuls @- (l,nr L-r . ,tel /" Clun u at my property located at bo/l/t /<an ^Jo l?.7 {en )3fi2> ini u'le,d-Countv. I furthermore certify that I am authoized to grant, and do in fact grant pormission to Division of Coastal Management statr, the Local Permit Ofrcer and their agents to enter on the alorementioned lands in connection with evaluating information rebbd to this permit application. Property 0wner lnlormation : Signature 5 Print or Tyoe Name oilLor, Ti e --At-tL--t. Jotl. Date TnE ceruncauon ls valn mrougn / , ' Agent / Contrac{or to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: hu ,ld,n., ,t r.i.cK e / ( J.*-- ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMEI{T I hereby certifo that I own property adjacent to ...: , , property located at (Name of Property Owner) (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.)cn .:tn N.C.(Wat6rbody) (Clty/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAYYING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (lmliviclual proposing fuvelopment must fill in descrtp$on below or attach a site drawing) '3,:rq /du',iz i/.C $a WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) fi- t;'7, , I do wish to waive the 't 5' setback requirement. i do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner lnformation) "'wl7 tl,/\t cc i" f, tv (Adiacent Property Ourner lnformation) t or Type Name t/V Prin or N;;;7' A I 1/"'r'! C 2 o f Mailing Addrcssl) ;LtGsdt d2 4 Al e I sCrl Ciu/State/Zlp-'3i'Z:ZZq-l-<qq t ootz Jr 1-??1- )333 ctrt Telephorn Number 6- ?.2072Telephone Numberf. 'ct?- A=- Dote ),( Date (Revised 6/142U 2) N.C. OIV}SION OF COASTAI- T'ANAGEIIENT AOJACET{T RIPARI,AT{ PROPER,TY OWIYER llONfl CANO'{,WAIVER FORM Y (top portion to be compbted by orner or treir agent) Name of Prcperty Omer cl .. N0 Erl 6 Agenfs Name: _Agent Phon€#'_-- Ag6nts Emall: -oR- Signatutg of Adja@nt Rtparian Ptopafty Owner AD.'ACEI{T RIPARIAI{ PROPERTY OU'NER€ CERI|FICATION r hereby certify tMt r ou,n property adjacant ro the aborre r€f€r.ncad prop.rty. The indrvrduar applying bf thisp€rmit has de.cribed to rne, as shcruvn on the atbctred ora*ins, fi;lreviroemenr thav ail i riipEiing. A0escriouon or 0rawino . wrm oEnenslops. must be omvided *i;'fiL-tddr. - I DO NOT have obJarions b this proposal. _ I DO heve obiectbns to lhis proposat_ i yol'tnye -a'b@n av*til E Rig plrlet;;ai, yo,, ntr@rrxMd:6Wi;;?fffifrt,tal,iryn7lt_pdq h wfi,g wtthht ro-&$ t_n&St ot itr-'ffi{r.. cotrJ W/rE rce shwkt bon!!!{_p -t9o-PPretta Ava, yo,*,tg ci,., ttC nSt. oCtirep6e,,,d,/as ;n or"o l" c'6ffiriimfff:. n" nqpo,rce is car,',an d u. oi. i i'fui i w, b; br; ;ffi.;y I underetand rn* env propos€d pier,.docrqffiitir-!6&li":t €mp, b*ar$rEler, boathouse, rift, or srornmust be set bact a minimum dt6tanc€ of tg. fom iri aria'ot ,ip"*n'iil". un,os trraivod by me (this 13::-p-t ?ppty rg grroaads or riprap ,evermenrs). ([ryou GhirGw-],e .o".X-, .iil;;i;;; d;appropriate bbnk below.) I DO wish b waive somelalt of the lO, setback I do not wish to watue the lE setback requirement (initial th " Ot *1 ,M= Signature of Adjacant Ripaden propsft), Owner: --I*' TypodrPrlnbd nams otARpO: 6 T)-a ttalling Addr?s6 of ARPO:rra.i$ So \c BI ,.U La J6ZtsL ARpos emaih @fg.!19$_1a!!Lf!! ARpob phone*: Llt bI: !/Ja O"C. QIIZV rwalver ts vatid for up to ona y..r ftom aRpo,s sign.rurer I Addrcss of popertf Mailing Addr.e8 of Ormet: .. o . 4a -... - 6 3 fa6l{ ,.) *rlAgiaa a pa LeLll a*net" emait Axrirot soora a c42@ff#f l*"* g3c-oaw.f rta - c ettS?G -?r4-15s Carteret County, N C -rii .-- !1:i1*-'-- -- i ls i.t I i+: ! '.!..--.-'' 1Lr : 1.254 r',,1 ]+r1 t'i I I I I .l I 1.02A 4213. r'l ? 'l 1 I I 1 ! t ,l I I I 'L -l I I I I I I I !,22 I I I I I L I I I I ! t 1 I .t----__-- _, i1 1., "--- t{'jl Srrfl fif ':2i 'ii-l ALr - " -'---- r t t(,+J 2271 5'," t'.1 I , r lll'-----' I 1 i it, I {,89 _-'l Jllne 14,2ol!2 jl.,0 -r4 \ 007+2,-rl?. ,./i I i..-------.----l jrl - I?&64 l-- i, !1.1 .'.". tl'-'-.- .:: ."'" j i 1i1,OO( l:! I I rE 'pliof' tr r,.d. F.rth ar- v lhi! w.b 6l € i! p,eps lld br tlo nv€ntory or 166l Foparv ,qrnd 'Mlhnlhis,ttisdclton 6nd iE coinP'lod trqr1 rscc.tb d ded!, L€ odr 6u[€d ror vdiilcdiol' ol6 a nbm d ior corisirEd on !i6 lrla Crn€ld couiy a3sun€6 m bsBI te spo,Eihlity !o,ul 0 rndq Cartercr Cosriy m ay fi.t\ly q tsad'a nW rsvic€s 6rd &..s!m€lho&al wjl. dds. .1d orh6r pru rc rccoids . fn Ota U3es d na hldrnelioD 3.€ hi6by noff€d llra U1. inkroaliDncodeii€d onthis sire. CateDl Couiy(b!! not grsalc.!1E! thodal, a\d lrEphe hfdmation dlspldyod E, rluo di6n soqc€a Ehor.rld I I I I I I I I t ,l I i I I { I \ I 1 I 1. _r 2A !^-.r I j Carteret County N C),rt I I I I i i t 1 I --l O,lr+ 22i1 zt6+ I : . - - - - - - - - - - - t : t -. --- i,lt 1.0;A +2i3 nl' i,lr, ,.25A n,,l :ll;i1 i{r J .1 t 1.3.i.A i.r- Iune 14, 2022 :42Y1 i i i ,-.-*. -- ' I l I I :llL I I I l I I I t I I I I n.l I i .1. I i ,l/Jnn N "@, s 1:1,iOOO hb.m{ion d istdal€d by lhb $/€b Bne E pl! p.lad lq llle hvglEy ol rQt Fop6ty tar rid wirhin thB lursdclion.nd i6 cdndled !.lion eacs stEuld bE <!.sJtt€d lor vsricatonotlle ntorrtbncod.,Edon ris si3. C6ns.a Co.nry arsm6s m'€!6rptim .r ora F rhermar Cartld€l Cqlrly may rbdly orr cre mp !6vic€s and erass mdhods at;it rr.rn r66(,gdd€6lB a!l!. d oth6 gluic recods ard dsta uses oa lh6 hlornaon d€ h€r.by noifi€d thd tlre ,ldm€ntiansd @btic 6. hEv r EsporGD r,ry r o tr|o rlun 6(,0 n c. nta h.d on r lls sits CrtalBt Couny dE nd gLssrb6 rlst 6E ddEl ahd mapssNEos wit b€;ait.ti. iori_""n"d I .,t I )- Carteret CountY N Ct !:1. ilr iri --.----1 llI 1.02A +f, t,l i, 1 t I I 1 1 r.ilsA :llil t t I i I I t I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I tl{' 1. r:|,A i'., ) .l I I I Jlrne 14,2022 2211 I t I :ll!1 i -----.---t. l.-- x: I l rr,.-1.--.--'--' I i {.,r't' '.t6.t{t ' i(7+t --r--..-.--:=-= 2(t1:r 1". ."',2,r,i4_-::-+_--" ',@,, s hl(.ltldondldlr.dby tis rosa.i! p|lFtBd tr. !l. nvat yor.Erf..prv fdrd *tlh t& irrlt ldion an ,. dnil€d ftnn...o'ddd*&, inlion soL,.. rri:rlO iro rrruLd br tsifcdonof '|. nlo.maroneortriEdon ti.ai!. Can€rd CountY Es.m6 rr) blal osForoiblit ro !!6 ;nDrtn ...rr. Fuhtnoq csrEd c@dy m.ylrl]dt d rino/c m? .svE6 ar! elts odrEds alwil ddr, ad o&r l,!&.eod..rld (!E Ultt o( ul5 hlt mtbn rr€ha.by 13 il€d thd Ur ddtnrltiar.d F Ulc pdmtv ,r!b.t"- .. I ', ! I I:l-t:1.!J il l: illi I ] I i