HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_99-43_SearfossOI-99-43 Oak Island Local Government CAMA Modification Permit Number MINOR DEVELOPMENT- PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statues, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Jay & Susan and Brian & Lisa Searfoss, authorizing development in COASTAL INLET HAZARD at 6915 Kings Lynn as requested in the permittee's application, dated 01/10/00. This permit, issued on 12/16/2003 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit),.all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes a two (2) year extension for the completion of clearing, grading, filling, driveway, and construction of single family residence with a boardwalk and gazebo as permitted on 02103100. Any other development will require additional permits or a modification of this permit. The following conditions shall apply: (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received 01/10/00. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on s' ICe fora ection at completion of work: (910) 278-5024 DEC 12 2003 This permit action may be appealed by the pernittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal s resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or Project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on December 31. 2005. In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. COASTAL M � Local Pemlit Official (signature) CAMA Local Permit Official Town of Oak Island Steven B. Edwards tpfteNe sl nd Dr. C 28465 � (signature required if conditions above apply to permit) 0 FROM : P PI-,UNE NO. : 910 457 7055 Nov. 06 2002 02:56RM P2 RAINWATER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 3008 ROBERT RUARK DRIVE SOUTHPORT, NC 28461 910457-5729/FAX 457-7055 E MAIL: RbuiJdH2OAao1.com December 16, 2003 Town of Oak Island Oak Island, NC 28465 Re: CAMA Permit # 01-9943 Jay & Susan Searfoss 6915 Kings Lynn Drive Oak Island, NC 28465 Attn: Steve Edwards Rainwater Construction, Inc. (acting as agent) for getting CAMA extension; Permit # 0I-99-43, necessary to complete deck, walkway, gazebo and landscaping. Thanks for your help. Most Sincerely, DEC 2 2 2003 DIVISION OF William H. Rainwater COASTAL MANAGEMENT RAINWATER CONSTRUCTION, INC. /" W % 9 Q? I (L M 02 'APR-10702 WED 01: ro PM i +.' • tri9r.ayp � Local t3overnment 0I-99-e3 �erinit V%ruer CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMEW PERMIT as authorised by the State of North Carolina, DeparDaert of erui=merit and Naturai Resources and dw Coastal Resources Commissix `or development In an area of environmental *crown purauarn to Section 7 f3A-1 19 of the Ron DeSwuCo,Torrarava DevARoOly, lna, Agent General Statu es, •CoastalAron Management" = t+ i •s { issued b �` t Sl gm'r11d R. as R f iaa Cwarf ic. whom dovalopmont In Tavn of Oak lsund _ eL 515 Kings Lynn Drive as requested in the permdleeb appiicatlon, dated This perms issued ort 02/03i00 is subject to compliance with the appliodt .. and site drawing (where mhsister with the,paimk), all appikable ragu'rdlona and.spad4l conditions and notes satfortn below. Any violation of these terms may subject parmhNe to a fine, Imprisonment or olvC action, or may cause Yea permit to be null and void. Vs permit authorizes the deans$, Grading, filling, driveway, aid construction of a single family residence Wall a boardwalk and gerebg. (1) All proposed d.-vdolrneni and associated oonsmactiam must be done in ac=dancc with the pcnsirod pin' drawtnR(s) submitted on 01/16•00. r) All ct =joden must oattorm to the N.C. Building Code regairements and all local, State and Federal RerAdiam Comaat the Town, of Oak Island Building Inspection Department six applicable 1oca1 ordmancat and FEMA Flood AquIatims, (3) Ariy ctu nge or citaagcc m Site pleas for developmeat, omsinrctioT4 or land use ai;U ities will require a. e- Cvaluww and modiftouial Oftbis permit (4) A spy oethis permit shall be posted or available on site. Crew this office &r a final insperum at aampledon of work: (910) 279.5024. i (5) The =ucture must be elevated on pflitrgs with a diameter of at leant 8 iachas, the 6m floor level of the sits and joist must meet the 100 year flood level elevation, and pile penetraticu must mYlV"!all regbllifims asrequired byt1se\.C. Building Code. '*CON MOMS CONTBd W ON ATTACFIFDS . DEC22� OF This pent action may be appoalod by the pomiAse or other quallfled pawns wknin twenty (20) days of the kaukV data. Firm the date of an appeal, arty work conducted under this por- mt m,.atcease uM.6the appeal is resoka;. This permit must be on the project vita and scceasibie to the ponrul offfoar whar. the prejact 2a inspaotsd for mmpllance. Any ieartenarca work r project motifflitlms notcovered under this psrtnb requires further writlen permit aoproval. All work must oehar. this permit expires on December In issuing this permit it is'agread that this project Is consistent with the local Land J ss Plan and all appttcable ordinances. This permit may not be oanstetred io another party without tt'te written uppnrrni of the D:'visi°n of Gaasad Mufagement. .NACatrv" ~Local ParmitOfficer (sig tutu') David Clemmcns name 418 Yaw= Drive address em, tee (signature required it sooeialcorditicns above appbi io park; +.APR-10-02 WED 01:04 PM ,,33 OAK IS AND 0L99-43 (6) No Wpameable surffias mall be allowed over any f Dc600sl part of ie septic tank system. g) The strirrsi rt must be sa back z minimum of 6o feet fwrl the fret line of stable natural ve;CMTIC t. (8) An diMrwd areas soaII be vegetativelyphtaW and mulched vaithin fourteen (14) da3m of=&action oomplaiar. (9) AnY sttltaare shall be relocated or dismantled whar it becomes is =ci tlY threattei- by ctunllrt in shoreline ooffigutvggt. The stntcwre(s) shall be relocated or dhmrmtded aithm two years of the time when it baemes immhmq dreamed m any cage upon its cojgM or s»tsideiam However, if net Lra_ shoreline rerovery or beach reaa.atishmeat takes place vrehia mu years of dte Here the saucnrre bemmas imminently tla."teaed se theft thexnccture ih na longer hulkently threatmetl, then it nand not be relocated or d{imaxrttled at that time. This COO&tim sfhsil not a3eet the permit holder's tight to Beek wftwxdiat of tartporary protective measures allowed under Rule 03o8(sx2) of this section.. (10) All t ncomwEdated material rewAing frcsa associated grading and landscaping eW be ret med on site by .ffecrive sedmematim and aesioa control measures. No 4UW6eace of f =W dune. A sih Pence shall be iaatalk-d and by the Laval Permit Officer ptia to ground distt bmaL Q I7 Rule 0310 (Use Studs for Inlet Hazwd Areas) shar apply. DES 2 2 � p1V �S�ANp �,EMe��' COASTAL.