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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCB_04-12_Dickens__Town of Carolina Beach_ Local Government Issued to __ CB2004-12__ Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statues, "Coastal Area Management" Lucius ,s H. Dickens. Ir , authorizing development in Ocean Hazard- - __ at _1114 Carolina Beach Ave. N as requested in the permittee's application, dated ApLnl 2. 2004_ This permit, issued on April 22 .2004 , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received 4/2/04 (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) This Permit is valid for the construction to Pour Concrete (5) Pursuant to NCAC, Subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, or otherwise disposed of to a third party. (6) All disturbed areas shall be vegetatively planted and mulched within 30 days of construction completion. This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the Issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval, All work must cease when this permit expires on December 31, 2007 In Issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. \J Local Permit Official (signature) Jeremy Hardison CAMA Local Permit Official Peroiltee (signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Dennis Barbour Mayor - Jack Lynch Councilman Joel Macon Jr. Councilman TORN OF CAROLINA BEACH 1121 N. Lake Park Boulevard Carolina Beach, North Carolina 28428 910 458 2986 / FAX 910 458 2997 Public Notice CAMA advertisement NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Town of Carolina Beach G� Pat Efrid Mayor Pro Tem Gary Doetsch Councilman Calvin R. Peck, Town Manager Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), the Town of Carolina Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA Permits in areas of environmental concern, hereby gives notice that on April 8, 2004 Lucius H Dickens Jr applied for a CAMA Permit to move sand and poor concrete at: 1114 Carolina Beach Ave N. Carolina Beach, N.C. The application may be inspected at the address listed below. Public comments received by April 22, 2004 will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Jeremy W. Hardison CAMA Local Permit Officer Town of Carolina Beach , 1121 N. Lake Park Blvd. Carolina Beach, NC 28428 (910)458-2991 Cc': ( Please publish on April 14, 2004 ) Caption of Ad: CAMA Mail Invoice and Affidavits of Publication to Attention of Lynn Prusa, Town Clerk, Town of Carolina Beach, 1121 N. Lake Park Blvd, Carolina Beach, NC 28428. Thank Youl) L. H. UILKENS K SUN hax:91y3 ib33151 Hpr 'U4 14:U1 ".U4 RgQUIRRA CAMA PTItM[T APRIL 2, 2004 DATL: _ -- JP.ANNE RITCHEY To: — — 5714 STARDUST DRIVH, - DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27712 lltis letter ha bean tmnamtttod to you a• roquircd by I MA to inform you that I (WC) havc upplicd for a (:AMA rarmit on property located at !, i -- 1114 CAROLINA BEACH AVENU�NORTHi_C,rR017NA 'F&CH--p T-H CARt>i,ilJA' N.C. CAMA regulation• roquirc mo (usi to notify you of my (our) intcntions. l Curogna BCWb, ro Yed (wc) have enelosod u copy of my (our) permit applicftion and plans of my (our) p p IxnjLVL No mspon+w within tut (10) days 1% the RamQ s3 no objcction when you hnvc heCn notifled by (:crtilic(l Mail. IFyou have any C0111MI010 relative to this propoxul, pleaxk Contact: Joremy ! Wdlr<on, focal CAMA Pcrmit 011 "car 1121 N. lAb Park lvd. Caroline Beach, NC 8428 (9)0) 458-29911 Sincctcly. j L. ". LUU r110 a JUIV npr vc W+ a,.. W.r. r GX•717bJJJ1J1 m REQUIRr,DCAMA PERMIT UAIL• _ ApRIL 2,.-2004 •_— TO: JAMES 6 CYN'IO& KAIAER- 1116 CAROLINA BEACH AVENUE, NORTH CAROLINA BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA 2842 •U1 r.VJ ]9ris Idler has been trarumiticd w you ar roquircd by C�MA to infonn you that I (we) have upplicd for a CAMA wit on prgwny locatod al— _ 1114 gAROLIN{� BEACH AVENUE. NOR 4�Q NA REACH, S Lam- --" olina beaeh, N.C. LAMA regulations require mo (us) notify you of my (our) intentions. I Cau (we) have endosod u DopOn and plans of my (our) proposed y of my (our) permit applieat projuct. No msponsso within ten (10) days 6 Qtc rawss no objection wttcn You have tntin notlfied by (:ertiRod Mail. Ifyou have any comments relative to this proposal, pIC= �011lnt:t: Joremy }lardiron, local CAMA Ieralit Ulliccr 1121 N. l.altc Park Ell d, Cuolina beach, NC 2 28 (910)458-2991 i i Sincerely. I I t L.H. Dickens L. H. Ull"KE% & SUN npr vc v. ....•....� h dX � ylyt5555151 HPr 12 "U4 14:UU F. U2 REQUIRMCAMA PF•ItMIT 1)Ari: _ APRIL 2_2004 T0; "ANDRO & GABRIELLE RUIZ __ — • _'_ 1112 CAROLINA BEACH AVENUE N__,_ CAROLINA BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA 254 -111iz letter hus bean tM118mitt9d w you as roquirvd by C: applied for a CAMA permit on property locatal at _,. 1114 CAROLINA BEACH AVENUE. NORTH; Cl Carolina Butch. N.C. LAMA regulations roquire me (us) (we) have eneiosod u copy of my (our) Pam" applica lnojoeL NO Mponeo within to (10) days la Cho Rams o0tined by cortiliod Mail. If you have any comments rzlativo to this proporrl, OWL 3oremy HardlrArl, I=W LAMA It 21 N, Tako Park A Caroitne Beach, NC 2 (910)458-2991 Sincotoly. L. H. DICKENS FICATION to infonn you tbal 1 (wc) have iLINA BEACH. N!C notify you of my (our) intentions. 1 n and plans of my (our) proposed no objection when you have bean Onlccr BEST DISTRIBUTING CO. GOLDSBORO — CHARLOTTE — GREENSBORO W AT6: 1-SM472-31 M LOCAL: 1-919 M.1651 FAX: 1-919-165-9946 N vl 51 "6 rrX ;�1 y\I y LvJ TA NTO rax•7i7o»oiDi "fit iz Uµ 14-W r.Uo L-. n. uii.n[.110 a oury iu A ru .1 0 Ln c 0 v O 0 a C3 0 m 0 0 r- r ru v 0 c 0 v 0 m 0 m 0 v M1 Cr .n .-a .a ti 0 w v 0 0 v o Ln v In 0 0 rn 'N, Only;Domestic Mail Insurance Coverage Provided) OFFICIAL USE p"" y .37 2.30 �OUtfSip r- PAWiOW Doha, " Ln .v-. 1� +AMP $4.42 Taw .&Fr Its JAMES 6 CYNTHIA WALKER w�vosw '1116 CAROLINA BEACH AVE..N. -------------- -......--------- ----------- CAROLINA BEACH, N.C. 28428 --- Poslal Service CERTIFIED MAIL,RECEIPT (Doau,stic m.* only; No Insurance Coveraw Provided) OFFICIAL USE racy. 4 .37 1OtlO� , 2.30 CAMW1e a 1.75 fEna�rir+M�a+M V :r.> ~' a..eie.a oa...y w �. ea9L y9mr,nrMnp�a�ap mrv,wp.yw. $ 4.42 SWN To ALEJANDRO 6 GABRIELLE RUIZ ..-- ......................_....... ... . roemlio. 1112 CAROLINA BEACH, AVE, N ..................................................................... d"COLINA BEACH, N. C. 28428 PostalCERTIFIEDService MAIL, RECEIPT (I)onjesuc m�w onty� No insurance Coverage Provided) OFFICIAL USE ►amp • .37 2. 30 C. F" ti 13 1.75 weawprmyw y C •. e ,ewrc.w.eF.« $4.42 s T. JEANNE RITCHEY ;....... apolW ., 571ST 4 ARDUST DRIVE •. •• '�............. t, N. C. 27712 Apr 02 04 08153s NETWORK REAL EST 910-458-7773 p.6 0'1'1IER PERM17:S MAY BE KI(QUIREI); llx adivilvyou arrpLlnninl; nuy require In•uuilc utbrr Ib.,n the ( :AMA uliuu, de 0-lilu u'u1 prnnil. Ala scrvive we lulvc rongtiled a list of tilt• kinds ul Ilr.•rinits IIut nligln In- requirad. We wp,,icsi von r11tch over Ihr list will yowl 1.1'0 1r titre urine il';uly of dust•apply it, Pro it promo: %caning, I hioking Wmvr WelI, Sep, it 'ibnk (car other ..orieor w.tuv trcutmow sv,Ien11. ISunlinly Eitctriral. 1'Itotl4ol(. I katiul;ill of Air ('oceli000ing, (Ilstd.,l um and I(nrrgv (:mnrrvatino, FIA (:-rrilicitfiun. .S,ual I )'s r. .irdi nlcw (A):II rill. Subdivision Approval, Mobile I luau• lark Approval, I Iil;hway. (:rma•c1kol. artd tdI(,.% STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: 1. Iht under ifprrd.:w :yql is.uu life ;I ( :AMA nlioor dl,vclopiorm permit. b0ligcillit.r till, owner ul'pngx•ny io :cat AP:(: rr it prrxm aw bol•ired tr art :r.s an aunt life porpuscs ofapplyiog for a (:AMA minor deve•luprnrot permit. rx'rtily Jun the person listed :a fitldnwoer rn rhi.e:tppliraliun has a signifu.anl interest in rhr rail prolxrrp dex:rihl•d rhen•in.11iis interest con by dc:secibed as: (check uric) _I an owner or rrcrrd tide.'I iflr is vtsad in LUCIUS_H.DICKENS,JR. set heed Book 511 pal;r 177 in Ili,- New Hanover ._ (:runty Rr„stryul'l7ccds. Page 177_ ao owner by virloc nfinheritnrlce. Appliran( is :tit licit Ili fill,• eslan' of,,.. ._. ....---..... ._—._ ; probate w,ts io ,._Cuumy. if other interest, such as written cannrlct or lease eaphlit below or rice it lll`inmrl tlTtY) ;ood Ntlrtt h to this :Ip�lica(ioo. t NOTIFIC:A ION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: C- -,;. I fortlivr(nnre certify dial the Iulluwinl; petxu,ec arc owncrr ni*l,iropertirs adjt,ioitir, Ibis pntltr•ety, I affirm that I It:tw giveo A(7113AL N(.)'17(:F. to (w•h ol'fbeul coueerning illy io(voi to dcvclup tltis property and it, ;ipply ti)r a (IAhIA permit. (N.oue) (Address) 5714 Stardust Ave,Durham,NC 27712 (l) JEANNE RITCHEY, 1112_} Carolina Beach Ave.,Carolina Beach,N.C. (2) ALEJANDRO & GABRIELLE RUIZ 1112 Carolina Beach Ave.,Carolina Beach,N,.C. (i) JAMES.& CYNTHIA WALKER — 1116 Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, N_.C.__- 01) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: 1 acknowledge dual the Lund uwocr is aware Ihal rhr plupused ekvelopmc:ill is planned litr an ttreu wIIICIt owy lie stiscep6ltle to erosion and/or (loading. I acknowledge than the Imil Ix•rmil officer hats csphiotd to life tile purrictihr lixurd prohlenls a>snci• aced will)(his 101.'I Ili% r:planation was ac'congrotitd by rec-onlon•otlatinns cvntxvnink sudtiliration and fir nlrlproolini; Ic•cft. niqucs. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: I Iilnhennorc certify flow I am :alrhflrixed to gtaut and do io liter gr:ml permission fit Ihc: lucid permii ollicer nod his agenr.v to "I'A'rn Iliv AUrenrt•otioncd lands io coollectirll Willi evalualillt illfinlowitio refilled rt this perioll appliaoioo. 'Phis application iodutles: genrrd ill6ifl ration (Ibis lio'nl), ;t site detwing as described on rile hack ol'ilti..v nliplicilion, Ili( uwurrchip s(atrrtlanl, du' AF(: hazard nuiitr when: necessary, o clieklc litr $100.00 oud( pay;(ble to tilt. IocaGp', :old env inlio. nl:uirn as nury be provided ondly by the aphli<ant.'I l)e dreails of the 31111A 16011 as described by these sources :ur in(rrlwrurd Wilbur let': ren(( in;Illy Itc eolil wl) nlay he isstetl. I )cvlalion fro ii rlic:se dootils will eoosdooc a violalirn of:oly pronit. Ate pers.m dcvclopiog io .at Al?(: wilhuol Ilc'(loil is subic•cr of cavil. rlilniuxl .utd :lJolillkirative :tc•lion. This fileis file 2nd d.y ot&PRIL ---- 2(P4 - -Z .H. Dickens, r landowner car person authurivtel (o as al, his agent lor• purpose. of liliiag a (:AMA permit applitathur. Apr 02 04 08:53a NETWORK RERL EST 910-458-7773 P.7 IV Locality NEW HANOVER COUNTY.,_ CAROLINA BEACH Permit Number ()ev.ul I lanird Iisntarine Shordim- ( )RW Shore•lim ,Public •liusr Shiucliur l him (14)1. td{ici:d use onl)•) GUNEI(AL 1NNOliMA1'lON LAND OWNER Ndmr Addrvm 1V (:itV LUCIUS H, DICKENS,, JR.. ••• 2311 WHITE LEVEL ROAD LOUISBURG.. AU7'HORI7.ED AGENT otr Nana nddre:�. C:iry Srutc N.C...._._ Gip. 2754q1411We919 853-2117 919 853-3429 910 458-5061 Stare —------ Lip .... I'hone.._...... LOCA'P1ON OF PROJECT:.(' 1d4ln:a, zrn-m natnr and/or dinr•tions to .ire. Il gut ticruli rnm, wh:u is the nanm of dte adjacent wuterlrtdy?) _141K._CAROLINA AVENUE, NORTH.-: •etc: ..._ ._.-_..._._.-._. CAROLINA BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA ?VI DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (Lim all prulumA aarsmictiun and land diswrbanec.) _._-. move sand, pour concrete SlZEOIrll)T/PAR(XI_ 175 x 50.......- yuan fr(•r acres PROPOSED USE: Rxgidtmri;rl_ „ (Sinplc-Family _,_ Multi -(tinily __.,...) Cununcric:d/Industrial Wier )•i• T Y1AL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD ARTA OF ENVI- RONMF:N•lAL CONCERN (nEc>:.-_._ ..... square fact (includes d1l nnors and ntof covered deck,) vc SIZT' OF IiUll.D1N(: FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SI)RFAC F.S IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC):,---,..- sq. ft. ((;alculations include the area o1'ibc roof%drip line of all buildings, driveways, covared decks, ('unrrete ur netsuory palius. etc. dom :ire within ncc appticAble AEC:, Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) Choose the: AEC: area that applie9 tr) your Property: (1) within 75 fic( of Normal I Sigh Water fur the Fmimrinc Shos0inc ACC (2) within 575 feet of Normal I figh Watcr lbr the lisuuu inC ShurClino ARC:. adjacent to (htwuotding Sksourcr Warecs Si (3) widtin 30 firt ufdtc PuhlicTrust Shurrl(ucAVC Si (( :unmet your Load Permit Officer if you am nor sum which AI?C applies ro your putperty.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT is the projcc•t locmced inan area subjt•ar co a State Su>rmwater Mana(;Cmcur Permit iasuC(I by the N.(: Division of Water (ltmlity? YES No >a t 11 yt:c, list for total built• upon arealinyn:rvinus surlarr allowed fio•yuur lot of parcel. etlnaut• li•rt. Apr 02 04 Q8:54a NETWORK RERL EST 910-458-7773 P.8 AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: X Ocean Erodible Area High Hazard Rood Area `Inlet Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platted: 'rhis notice ig intended to make you, tile applicant, aware of the special risks ;end conditions associalecl with development in this aura, which is subject to nalural Ix' such as slonnN, crrosi0n and currents. The rtdcs of the C'onstn' P.esnorces Commission regnire that you receive an Al;(' l mud Notice and neknowl(sll;c that notice ill writing before a permit for developmenfcan be iE(tucd. I'hc Conue »ssio:l's rut cs on bui Iding btanelards,OLt4tnl frollt acll>nck;:andduneallcrnlianaredesigned tomirtimize,bul not climinale, properlyy loss from hazards. By „e,nling permits, tilt COnslnl l:esrntrccs Camm;. ion doe;: roe guarantee the safety of the devalopneenl and assumes no liability [or fu to re. damage la the cievelopnurn t. 1 lie bcst available information, its accepted by the Coastal licsnureo Commission, indicates that the annual ocean arosion rate. for tits area svltrrc your property is locntod is -A _.- feel par year. The rate was oslablishod by careful amlysis of aerial I+Itologrnphs of the coastline token over the past fie years. Studivs also indicate that the Nhareline coulcl nutvo :1s much nsIA0 feel landward !it;, major storm. '1'hcfloocl waiersina nwjorstorm nreprediclecl lob eal+ont la-/$. feel deep in this area. Preferred nccanfrnnl' prntection nlea;ntres are bench nourislnneul ;led relocation of threatened structures. ]lard erosion Control structures torch as bulkiteacls, seawalls, revelments, groilts, jcllics and breakwaters arc VpilbitmI. Temporary de.viccs,incltrdulg snncl bags, may ixI al)owcd under certain canclitions. This stntcUerashall he relocated nr ellsmnnticd tvi shin two years of hnc'oming imminently (hrealrned. 7"be ap, lirnut mast acknowlcx$;c this inroralaQon and reciuirc+mCitts by NlgninlI Ills nnticc in the below space. lYilhout the prolx•r signature, lheapplicalirnt will nut be cmnl+lrtc. Af,pficants,Sipnnlur0 L.H. DICKENS, r. — APRIL 2, 2004 earls.—_......--.. �---. -- SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard nnticc is rcquued for development in areas subto sudden and massive stonnsandernsion.I'ermllsissuedfordavclo�necntinllis area expire oil December 31 of the third yearfolluwinP the year in which the permi t was issued. Shortly before work begins on the project site., the Leral Permit Officer will (]clarione lhc ve);c:laiiwI Iiacnod gvtIxlCk(Ii;annceal your sit'e.IfthepmperlyhassccnliIticchany;card thepr0pusr[l dcvcloJ)J1lcat can still me 4 the setback requtrerticnt, the LI'U well inform you that you may begin work. It is iml,or- &tnt thatynu check (vi th the LPU 1x+forc lh,• permi l expires for official approval lu continue lhn work after the lxrnlil has expired. Generally, if foundallon pilings have been placed and substantial progres. is continuing, permit renewal may not be necessary. If substantial progress has not been made, the permit must be renew('( anc9 a new setback line established. It is unlawful to ccsulinut' work after perneit•expil•ntion willlolet ihisapproval. bar mare information, contact: Lore; o7Y.6'rntilp/iirrr ---- Ilal N. LAICe Park eiOU(eva,-8 Caro Addros. Locality (9t 17 19 Piton. • J , Rovised 11/0