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87783D - Rap
+d4tCAMA ❑DREDGE & FILL N9 87783 A B C ©D GENERAL PERMIT DatePrevireviousus p * Date previous permit issued [� New ❑Modification ❑ Complete Reissue []Partial Reissue As authorized by the �e 'Suite`o`f North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of erwlronmenral concern pursuant to: V ISA NCAC -loo [.] Rules attached. N General Permit P I,s available at the following link:wwsv.dep.nc.ew'CAMlwles Applicant Name Nlh ^ it I]kA t'4 Address. %\%.<O City ( W-furl-t. State tJ ` ZIP -L OLUS Phone #Tl4C*J )1-lP 3YI Q V �< Authorized Agent �<-Cn�\Isr'—k. `_` V,(I.L Project Location (County): \ 5! vc,S,.., s[ Street Add essAtate Ro&dXot #t(s) 14 (Yt Email 0.rS .N_ yc.r subariawrt city `i ✓ e St� c:�`11 ZIP 'Z Affected ®cW EW PTA ES PTS Ad). Nrtr. BodY �4d✓ CMc. (a unk) AEC(s) : 11OEA �IHA EUW DSPIMA UPWS Ckdau Cn S C Maj. \Ntr. Body _ _ \ � ✓K.\Li ORIN: ye no PNA: ye;(Sa/ Type of Project/ Activity C.,„ S t l i f— Cto-- -, A! (Scale:,/.( 'cS ) Shoreline length V Access Length (DY z a r I �a�` Pier (dock) length (\' . Y Fixed Platform(s) /O Orst,is0 V �/ ON Floating Platforms) XI tp Finger tierls) '#y Total Platform area Sst P t i L Groin length/N Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore 4 Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length Basin, channel C Cubic yards Boat ramp_ (,•� tl.nt Boathous Boatlih 1f Z X r Z ��� w s- ^' a. ` Beach Bulldozing � s. c Other SAVyes Moratorium: nJa M yes �NO� ��✓[s dGi R�44-•�'r Site Photos, Yj�� 1ylft Riparian Waiver Attached: fres✓� a RW c..('I A4, 2 A building &1A$t� � permit/zoning permit may berequired Permit Conditions _ aC�4� [��st,.....\� n%'r C ., e � k�. l ❑ TAWPAM/NE USE/BUFFER(circle one) \�1 See note on back regarding River Basin rules See additional notes/conditions on back IAMAWA OF STATUTES CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PAWECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEME (Please Initial) r KSf v A Agent of can RINTED Permi[OfR DNai�7� I��!//Y�',,s�L� Signature' • lease read co� c atemeist nt on back of berme °`__ � ju Signature~ SS Ud _ 3Lol' ( 0-2'2 Application s) Check g/Money Order Issuing Date Expiration Date `tow" ❑,CAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 87783 A B C ®' GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit it 4 0 Date previous permit issued [X New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC -�� ,� U ❑ Rules attached. fo General Permit Rules available ar the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Address V\(\-9 V=,t'JV* 1— 1-1J4 City a(-A10-4. State 1.) L. ZIP Z?Z(Xs Phone#'O,di)1-76 lyl O Email C"0n^_ yoe��i Authorized Agent UL Project Location (County): Street Address/State Road) L Subdivision city ocL• ZIP `Z h�iLX Affected 1XICW NEW [ApTA ❑ES ❑pTS Adj. Wtr Body (6�k ( unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA IRA ❑uW ❑SPIMA ❑PWS Closest Maj. Wet, Body ��. t �k S GV.-et L- ORW. yes no PNA: ye no ff Type of Project/ Activity �e� is . t r t , I (Scale:" T S � Shoreline Length Access Length- Fixed Platform(s) 1010010 Floating Platform(s)Hw rr•'■■■■ONES -Nmimmmmmmmiiiiiii MUMMOMMUMCRdEMEM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Bulkhead/ .. Riprap length Avg distance offshore 1 Beach Bulldozing ■�■ ■�■iiii�in�■■■■■■■■■■� �MEN �■■■I! 1I 1■11IIN ■■■H�■■■■Ni.I:li���J.�..�Breakwater/Silll ■■■■■■■■■■ i■i■��e■ai■�i i�i ii�►�i�iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ®■■iii i■il EN 1lE1'!iLALw J■■■■■■_■t�z'. h: 0�.��i■■■�i�I�.7 ■■ 7mm■■m■■iq," 1■i■■■ O CAV observed: yes Moratorium n/a yes M We Photos: , NEIm■■■■i■ ■■N■■■■ LIMAM I, A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: JJ n$e t 1 , ❑ TARIPAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) Permit Conditions \\ oC..-< �,i Iln of Cppx �.�01• tn.� !?l. ✓ le , c ^ �l+V '..�.. C s 1. � � o... ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules I AM AWARE OF STATUTES. CRC RULES Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back (Pleaselnitial) IC. Signature •,•Please read compliance statement on back of perm' •" Signature 2'2z 2?- Z 2 Application IS) Check #/Money Order Issuing Date Expiration Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) has been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: ElTar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215). Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: Please ensure all debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development is contained within the authorized project area and disposed of in an appropriate upland location. Division of Coastal Manaeement Offices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ 1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven — south of the Neuse River, Onslow Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 (Serves: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Craven — north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Fender Counties) Revised 6/01/2021 (AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION' Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Austin and _Alexis Rap 2126 Labumum Ave. Mailing Address: Charlotte, NC 28205 Phone Number: 704-776-3810 austin.r5p a-luaiI:coni Email .Address: I certify that I have authorized CPG, LL'C Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits new docking facility and bulkhead repair necessaryfor the following proposed development: at my property located at 1404 Riverside Drive , in Brunswick County. 1 furthermore certify that l am authorized to grant, and do infact grant permission. to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Infor-mation: Austin Rap Vkplr22,202215:15 EDT) Signature Austin Rap Print or Type Name Property Owner Title 4 / 20 i 2022 Date This certification is valid through 4 1 20 i 2023 DIVISION OF CbASiA� ,.MANAG MENfi AI?JA`tsENT RiiAFti(�>,td'i�ROpERTy {)V�tNR NOTIFICp�TION►"/1{A{ViWE?OFM k GEiTit'iEt} iv9Alt RTUR f`CC iF?T tE LIES ELl ter1ft�it1.a'1 EL'" �Tag�; partapn to b� cc�mpt�tea by ownt}r of them Ophtj N�rr,v,o!?rc�pua�ty,Owner �iaa�t�u,'�nti tti4�aiw Kai , f e:drass F Pra erty; A ,4 Ettvc ��aii w`��r Sun��, E3e a� h itiC, 09 . , Oailfn Addrps �t thansr o ? I 1,I � uri i:it r1 is t ttaxli iv, `G c] �rlrot"s ,8MA,j rsusttn r gys�"r�a rtta:f etttn f i3� 7 f� Hatt) �iavttcrs �hone� ? Ageni`fi Naitaa aM(;+1 �Bett 13rat�it}' Anent Phtsn 9►v=3c)2 5j:z$ Y a9emt s,Ern i1, len'cc+titalpsrit7YCt;u,,,:4c�nt AQJACENT=RIPARIAN;PROPERTY OWk4 S:CERTIFIGAti6k, CBattom poXtion to be oo—Platcd h lho Adiaaant Proberty Ownar} r4j bq,.tdrt4fy tlta I t>vrtt Air arq �r SJact to 90 the m*�cis r l r r ca"d property Tt �i jgdivrdy4l applying for this. . r tit has: descr';b d io. rt7ct a~:istiasvr� pn tl�c �ttac , d dt�:� �rx� iheYdeee#r� m rat tzEy are pfopasln . �vsCri/ �c�n' o�,� c,__,ctrsvri " 4+r1th�r t, ni�rt_ s;:,must.b�r't�i�re�neri„ tvih t i��C� zs 9 pC? NtST havaobiect�as ttt thts'prataasl r DC3;try c�bctian� td tls prrrsosat " ii':you havQ obfactrons.fo wftet , being. propo ed yot must notify the NC,�OivhslorYof CgastaJ, Management �pG4lj rn avnbVleffhrn iQ;cliy-,6f'recelp' this r ohce .'Correspondence shauts be,; rri�itrad ta;i27'CardrrtatDrave°Ext t�lr»ington,;,Nt;x$4Q53$4S;�AC�t';reprosQr9ativas,cnn also ba.: lc'oiiiactadv�r �s,1Qj 79G;�2i5 'Non°respdn a ►ssconsrc/ere_l:the'saIne as.Rci objection if yo i, have,iiecn; notlffect�#Ty Certrfa`dR+taiJ:', ` _- ` _ MAiVi:Ft SECTION i taraderstaad that stay prope3su'ti pier doc6c ;mo+artnr pilinsl Iat ramp, brea}cvrater ttrittltoasso bEt oc' 4ar'afn must, b :s t t act a rt inrmum lrstance'af ice', frW*,mv,";iea iii r is�ari�n ttle`�plSrop�tatcs bianfi belay.+31, �e+«en,�eda,.vosi�lp�gm me. as S li'Ctl --- r`� s ' e QCSCTTi� ! Cf dfIIWifiG 1ePitti' '~� 4 SIebPMnt' �Y a 'io��, ti9tlSi �e'avii#�,olt1 %'tea s ptapcsaL . ; . A -L osai. f s to this , ;H you"haves fa: '' mast rt+ t1re,"N.GJfv�s%n of Coastal IKanagemet�f`lDCi{�J;to y _Pft 10 days of teceept czi tip r C L maPleri to t2?' Cardinal Dnwe -a :MC -� idencB - ; d;be corrtactEd at;{37©j 79.TZf No c rs µwat ���//�{{ alsj�oM°b^e_ [roifl7ed by;Gel�ifled litali s - -• ' � - - ,y�-'{(• M k� fI� ems_' - - Y. 1 !_understand that airy pi600po + SroI� must be set back a rr�ittimum �, �a �+. tei, boathouse, irR, or p , :. (this does not aApty► °iai bttikt*esds a° a�a of non access un3ess waived by �a Moments) V you wsh€ t6, tha the appmo<fate,bbelow kM .l ID6to arty �i5h t0 Wititfe So1TIb/811 Ot'Itle i5` '' V*fCTR, t dd trot wth eai+414,the t5'setbxt, t=C, Elie b ?c) ` WROG '±y1�dlFi„tK# n 6°'n# A�tAt;d3It"tQTi t?til( AIGi([It Add MS OAR1 .1 Gd Dr; Buthn Yvn�^%IC ARM, 1rC il A n REI\FORC'E X Bulkhead with manta m N Ray suppoit system z and replace top cap c t— r ryyn [61 x 4' u n X O rn O -o N c nt A fit 1 < 6 x 23' Pier p rn n D � x v Z A - rn 12' x 1 I' Boat Lift 44' off bulkhead to existing pier headline P.Us W. AFDC 1, OWrsTOaPR D. SfANIEV, CERNT i1VZ NE ODD TE ro TM D'xamum warm sIaPN PRs PEMoaJw IRfOFA YY SWFIA'6DN FwY AN AETLLLL 0P5 SWMY YAOE LRIOm YY USSEDED TO 9P AND IM 10LLOAtNC IwaaW1DN xAs m Pm1pa1116 suRIEY: OASR OF SUT'ET: A IVE GAC MDP OD20n AT Di GPS FE10 PROCEDURE CPUS-Rs 61iEe OF $le&M: 05-01-2012 MNY/DDCk mu OB AI.W.W. PUBII6XED /iUw wMROL• RN FALTOk I COMMCODEL —si1E uBDRID .wo16NA IRKS: US PEST WPIJ w NOTES: _ __.___ ... BFNCIODM( mmm Pm OMSDN W WATER OLLWII SfODI WATER PERYrt W. SRW ELEVAIgI=fi.,2' OIOZIOYOO, Nrs S118E W rs GAT- FOR 66101H, FArM NAVD. 88 / Auowm 2750 wuARE fEEi a BIALi-IWON aRu Au a< nc Nlmiawd AREA AswuTn wm11M PRDJEw / m BE a+AOED SIpI 11W 1XE RIRI]fT DRADS P1f0 il£ / sTwu wA1FR 06tl.1RRIDN ssIDJ. / ' ALL ROOT GM B— BE 1DG,FD AK01 MAr NE EtO— IS DREDBD MO TIE STORY 0101 MF TRM iMEPE rs A J(Y CAYA BUfim M.ASURFO m0111HE YFAX Wql _ 1"� Nu• JB' 121Yf WER DS ON FIIII wT TWr wT. N TIE .-s. F — 2843-M To lINS) IEPFRYDU6 wRFACEs OF Flbl wT. M SWE T145. iX15 1 RESOOR EE WY BE PED E 7 .O N(d3 E PFR CEBOax RmwRCm wYN65DN RIAE TX.02w(Y) IOKI). wu Sfl&LMS SN4L BE DETERUNE) DN AN INDNDWL IS AT NE BYE 1 RrvERNEDE DRIYR OfYOOPYE,T IS PROPOsm. 1 unux uuu,m PiDw T OOCI6 flAC<D MIIHM JMR DYER F®E, CANAL IN SI 14 O m AN T B&M ® Rm MEAD NlCNNENi CD.SIDSD BY IODI OF SUNSET BF/bt tO' ORAMALF FAYIPMs SNOPN TIE CO(Imw ON SDE lm 1 uM (aR As SNDRN ONFRP6E) IFE s' me EE of t1E IMF. 1 CEN04L NOIES I. ID10 O rRK I REfmFNCFS BASED ON wARENr MfOAWIDN Fwxp M M B.RINS4ICP uxrr LafslTr; 2. KCOROING TO COMENT FEW P D WW 1 J2201w K, D05 —a -M m BE IO n M M FOtLDPMC ZONE AE BASE FMFIEYAMRR - 110'. 1OA11 O1' MW BFACN MONRFS A ,.w FOOT .¢ . 1 m mi,lO,Fr IS SllBR:tT 1D ANY M10 Ill. EA4Y.m COPD1e 's, a5NE1IMS. Ixllt F-TUTS OF RECORa GQhPl wx ORWNSTEB D/m MaAFEYFNiR xMIJi WY w TfE m OF ➢P6 PRDPm12. A. — SDRVEZ DOES 1ATi CERDV LEUL 1111E TO iM V T rtSED Ol TO TIE BOUNDYA.S 51 X UiB6 a RZ M 9 OBTAM M AIX2L41TE LOX OPBIDN M TO 0NE16xP — TKE BOIR161am w — P T. 5. RD BE— ABE IMBED ON NC GAD 111R1 (WDBJ-ASFB 20nT ammOES AF NOamMAI G2dM0 OISTANCEB FM ORD -I, SEE VIP WM 90. ME 81 8. RL ELLVANM6 BASED M —.DBB MTU1J AND WERE O—ED BY w PEAL TYE ETAVRI. 2. CWBMID wD -- IA00,— B. AREA Bt mw x uEDDD. 9. iAE PMCD NWBFR 2561Dw119 10. Z01ra4. BR-2 (RPPAgEO BY IOPx OF SUSET BEAM,) 11. TPPN APP lo- ETC: fTlA L01 21 FROw. 10' (MPt—mhD BY TORN mNWI OF AMh1191D SOS 5' REAR. 711' CAW SEi O IIIS MDw. >5' FEET 1DRRR RDMNCE 12. BOW ADDRESS: 11104 RNEWDE DRNE SUNSET BGM. NWN TAROLW 011fie IJ. RFFRm OwNm: ADSfIN k & RIFIOS B PAP LOT AREA SUMMARY TOTAL LOT AREA= 5,884 SF AREA WITHIN BUILDING SETBACK LINES= 1.520 SF BIG FINE HOLDINGS LLC DEED war Jm], PAGE I I ID / uPA C 0 N, PAIE JSB / PAAwl 2561000101 / JINKN CREEK ice' 1 yy,A' MA. t MAASHALL & CAMPINE ANDERSON 1 ( MOD BOOK wt, J, PIGS 624 s V 70. BALK 40-E 1 (i t �t 1 y PRELIMINARY u-� PwPosEn irro sDRr rvAUE RIn1DJ+c MT Pews Uy}'s�e'tK 516' OS' smLi s71 'T 28' A8V OOMERT V NOK 120' BOIfOY•20D• WRIER & SEWER UM PIDTED PER DESIGN P (NOT FTU AD SE ENC TB ER .2X UD .f E,LAQeLiYEM 1 SIEPHEN & JANICE JOHNSON DFFD BwK 4183, PODE IIR W lOT D2. BWDt 40-E OsamuNc 1, mew � 5.0' -BIIUOVAD nm HEAD AIDNIJFM ETAS BEE, J,u• "� 9 � ESUeusxm AS S' OURDE IM ED51MG PROM 1 a, EOCE OP CWNNEL AS SHOWN xEAwN. PRft / PRMgffO PROPOew / CWmFD RNP 1 YOJI MIDI QLINE OEIERIOBD BF N-2 OAA iDel LEGEND " ®IOIY.ViN AT EIEVAIDN . 2,01 (NAVD. 80) PER YC 90. PACE BJ � ` .>4 •a Pwwsm � /��m�rt� ' I/BR STY DEX.�O6J PMT 0T P,/EBOf WTAD NN^"' • rw / / � SCALE I•�10 CREEK vAK r.PDs10 oamRR �L 2WNsxP: sxwmlE 1mAYNf!• NCUt6WRK REP: R 3/PC FBE Dafe ReceNed Dafe Deoostted Check From Name) Name ofPwmlt Holder Vendor Check number Cheek amounf N-If NumbedComment Reeelof or Rafund/Reallecafed Columnl Ca1umn2 Cnlumn3 Column/ Columns Colu-6 Column7 Columns Column9 6/23/2022 Dominion Land Corporation SH Village Green, LLC Sunlrust Bank 990754 $ 200.00 GP #87785D _ BB rot. 18018 _ 6/23/2022 Donald Barefoot Oscar Charlies Chewning JR Truist _ 5138 $ 200.00 GP #87712D _ BB rot. 18014 6/23/2022 John CMcClure Omar Ramirez United Bank _ 1040 $ 200.00 GP #85715D _____ ____ BB rot. 18013 6/23/2022 _ Sea Dog Marine,Construction _ Whignant _ First Bank 1790 $ 200.00 1 GP #87782D _ BB rct. 18012 6/23/2022 _ Cohen Construction Inc. T Smith Truist 9691504 $ 200.00 GP #87713D _ BB rct. 18017 6/23/2022 Coleman Building Co. Rap First Bank _ _ _ First Bank 3611 $ 200.00 GP #87783D _ BB rot. 18015 6/23/2022 Paleo Properties, LLC _ Redmond 591 $ 200.00 1 GP #87788D BB rot. 17993