HomeMy WebLinkAboutOIB_04-31_Regan•—• "' •� +P town of ocean Ile 910 579 2940 P,3 0 tan Isle Beach Lo gal Government CoAMA MINOR DEVEI -pMFNT "ERMIT as authortaad by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources One the COestal Resources Commission for development In an area of envininment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statues, "Coastal Mee MenagOment' OIB 4-3 Permit Number (SSW to Joe sad S_._ algid authorizing development in atmar lne Shoreline AFC at 19 Lee Street (lot & ocM 1, Section A & B) as requested in t to permittee's application, dated Feb"I 23, 2004 This permit, issucc on March 8. 2004, is subject to Corr pliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the pe mnQ, all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment of civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void, This 7ermit authorizes the construction of a new single family dwelling with decks on the front and covered and open deck on the canal side, as shown on the stte p1 vn. OPENAECKS 31I NO'PEXCEED 2(I(jsf INS TffE lO' BUI FER. MINOR PERMIT CONDITIONS FOIL ESTUARINE SHORELINE AEC'S (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work pit t drawings(s) dated received Fe s 3 04 (2) All construction must cOnfomr to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and FedertI regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification orthis permit. (4) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by efrective sedimentation and erosion control measures, (S) All disturbed areas shall be vegetatively planted and mulched within 30 days of construction completion. (6) No PORTION of house or covered docks/porches shall encroach into the thirty-foot buffer area Oom the inset high water mark- (7) Before the final inspection, the designing stomrwater engineer must certify that the samrnwatcr system was Installed and inspected as per the destining engineers specifications (Ocean Isle Beach Town Ordicance) (8) Pursuant to 15 NCAC, Subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, or tnherwisa disposed of to a third party. - cisil This I emit action may be appealed by the permhee ix other qualified perm s within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. Frcm the date of an upper any work conducted under this permit must cease until the sopaa( Is res wed. l This t gmll must be on rile pelf act seta end emcastuble Io the permit )racer when he project Is inspected for comphence. Any i ialmanance work or prolild modihcilft not catered under this perm require further written permit approval. All we k must cease when this permit expires on December 31, 2 1a7 In Iss; Ing this permit It Is agreed that (hit pmect Is tonsisAnt with the local Land lac Plan and all applicable ordinances. This ermil may not be transferred to another party wlhout the written appm .81 Of IN Division of Coastal Management. V1 iPR N of MEND \ MPNPG� _.._. � re red d conditions III woy to permit) . Date ep5 — ( Dale;g �� -- -- --- ---- ---- -- MAR-1-2304 03:24P FROM:' 02/29,2004 1=:40 9105792333 TO;19105792333 STEVE HARDEN BUILDE2 PAGE 03 Pro Got I r In An: AEA` HAZZA D NOTICE Ocean Efodlbla Area ✓ --h Hazard Flood Area _ Inlet Hazard Aven l is notir ; s inrm ed to make� a,th apvHcant, aware :.t tow sF:c_ai .,l.s and cond.ticns Av ociated with :'eaflmpmxt ir: tills area, which is subject to natural h; zsr& s ch ete s arms, erosion And currants. T" ,le rules of tl:e ^oaal ii Resources Commission requL--e that you receive a; AEC Hazard Notiee Arid u.knowledee that notes in ru ng t:rfore a permit for do velopmenr ear be ts,t»d T7�et.o:n-!ssinn`+a,lnonhculdingstz_�3ar3s,oceankont ssth,:.:ra ?d::t� �a'teratiorieredesignejrominintize,'.r.:t ^nt ^Ltr, ate -:�^erty IOss from haza•is. By grandxl$ ; erawl, tie Co a—rai 1Zesc;Lrces caintr. SsJor. ao" not -cara::!ce the sefety of the developmentand assume* no fabtiityfc • hrtu-e c..amage to the dtvelopmEtit I'M I)m a 'dial.'_ :rdormation, as acc.4 red by the Coastal Rasc,ur"S Com-nl:afon,,fndteates that the annual ocean oAn ra a for the area where your ne:eperty islocated is foe per pear. llee rate vas established by careful analysis of aerial phntI,mp is of :hacogeHJna takers over the past5o years, -%dies aaLo badfcate that the shoreline could move as murh as o f�.r c landward In a major atom. ' ftload a late: tr fn a majorsto:m seprudicted to be about _leet leep;t, tli s area. . ^refined ocea.ifront protection r."moures are beach -ous.shin(rd and relocation of threatened structures. Harc evot ion con'tkol structures such as bulkheads,' seawOn'rvntsrovniejsnroh.Lited Temporary udcc -UlDwedncenLcond!e,ititontnecelsu.adnind gbsraeaakdbvaagtcsr,emazaye rhrs r;truet me shad be relocated or dismentled within two years of be omir:g imminently threatened. the i•pplicmt s-VAst aeknoWledge this InOrmatlon and requi-saes is b-.,rdng this notice :c- Eye below space- t'dj ierstt th 1 gs; y er. signature, the appl;motion v,111 not be re lr. tc. l nits " Truro ZNQQW� SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard Dike is re aired fee development in areas subject to S-aJL=t an� mesaive storms and erosion. Permftslssuadfor 3c. ¢ oDi;entin this area expire on December 31 of the third year Eol'owing the year In which the partttlt was issued. S-ho_ iiyy bt fore work begins an the project site, the Local Peezrnit C fftcer will determine the vegeta don line and serback distance At your site. If theprope-rtyhasseen little &a:,ie:xndthe proposed development can still meet the wbr;-k •eouirom"t, the LPO w111 inform you'fhaty)u may begirt wprk. It is impor- tant that voucheck with t cLPO ra t-.r Y�dtextrlyds for offs jnl a oval to continue the ev r c after ne permit 'has expired Generally, if foundaticr ritirgs vve been placed and sub;tantdal progress is o,tinult g, permit .Ana-wal may not benecessary. If substantial ills 3gress had not been Mode, the yGatlt must be -enawed i nd a ri2w sathaek line 6041516ROd. It is tmiawf::t to cant nue wirk after peanit expiration without this amproval. 8o: cton information, contact! Local Potmif Oftcor :.��__ I(As Address Locailly Phan O�-31 Y Locality lean Permit Number 0A - 3' GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OW`NE,,RL `� �-�c� 1t Name �JY 1� \ \U Address City — L lQ 140 WWWAIR-9100111WA Stag S Zip Phone Sq,-r 3S�)-�`1 � a &M / l C Zip (If not oceanfront, is waterbody natural er made?) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Phone AREAS OFENVIRONMENTALCONCEFM (AEC) CLASSIFICATIO FEB 2 3 2004 (To be filled in by the Local Penrut OfficeprSnr to completing applica n) l TOWN .Qf OCEAN ISLF BFA6H _ Ocean Hazard �FstuarineSiw*e* e _ORW Shorelin F & INSPECilONS PROPOSED USE J U Residential _ Commercial/Indistdal Other' FEBOF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUILDING F(DOTPRINT AND OTHER I1VIOjiON bi33 OR" r_NT BUILT -UPON SURFACES (such as driv=ways, etc.) within 75 feet of thcshoreline (575 feet ofan ORW'shoreline) _ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA OOF BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SITE 1 J OTHER PERMITS MAYBE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may regmra permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. Asa service weitave compiled a listing ofthe kinds ofpermim tthat might be required_ Wesuggest you ch=k- overthe list with. your LPQto detemticeiC any of these apply to your project Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank - (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Burning, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune; Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile RomePark Approval, High«ay Connectionrand others. - i STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, begin either the owner inproperty in 3 an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an a ent for purposes of applying 'n for a ted as landowner on this aplication has a si LAMA minor development permit, certify that the person interest can be described as follows: (check one) nificant interest: in the real property described therein.. see Deed Book an owner of record. title, Title is vested in CountyRegistry of Deeds. — page in the an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was inCounty. v if other interest, such as writtan contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this 2 3 2004 IUWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH - NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS PLANNING & II SPECT13NS Lfurthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. a t"ffthat- have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a LAMA permit- - . I (Address) (1) (2) (3) (4) FOR DEVELOPERS IMOCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINEHAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the landowner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and /or flooding. Lacknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems,assodated with this lot This explanation Was accomganied:by recommendations concerning stabilization and floodproofingtechniques- PERMISSIONTO ENTER ON -LAND EEC 5 20C)4 A I furthermore certify thatI am authorized to grantand do in•fact pennission to the ]btal permit -officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permixapplication- Cp/a v This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this ap- plication, the owners hi statement the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $50.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without referencein any permit which maybe issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit Any person developing in an AEC without a per- mitis subjectto civil, criminal and administrative action - This the r-7dayof La vneror rs n authori act as his agent forpurposes of filing a CAMA permit application 31/27'2004 17:34 9105756623 PRO SHOP PAGE 01/31- f \ LOT 15 � \ 6.0 CAMA LINE \\ E.3/40 1P �� \ \ x \ \ 30' BUFFER 5.7 , \ .p0 \ x \ LOT 16 01 No,00 10 T \ 00 `P' p E.:/4°IP N o ooc A4' \\ 8, O p` ��A 3 5.5 ep0 , PROPOSED \ ti \ 6.0 2.S.F.H. \ COVERON PILINGS \ •* PORCH� 5.8 X (3+ ya N0. 19 6.2 \ � 6o a p• aN \ COVERED S � AC PORCH O, O 6� O .ss. \ moo. 6 500, C� Si LOT 17 BEG. TOP \ Vtl -. CONCRETE SOPE �f � PS FEB 2 5 2004 O NOTES: PROPERTY IS IN A FLOOD HAZARD AREA. VVIE16.0 MAN EMrNT SURVEYED BY USING MAP CAB, H, PAGE 374 Cp p STA► AND EXISTING PHYSICAL CONDITIONS, PLOT PLAN FOR :D-1250 JOE and SALLY REGAN SCtNO..99/0149 = 2Q'OF i TOLLOTTE O 'LOT 16 COUNSW I CK CANAL NO. 1 STC. ADDITION TO SECTIONS A and 9 TOAN ISLE EEACH MAP CAB. H, PAGE 374 DA2 23 . 04 JAN K . DALE F7 N.C. REG . NO. L-1 250 DRJKD + i JAN I ^DALE 591 COPAS RD. — SHALLOTTE, N.C. Otn-7F4 AA77 DW99/01 CERTIFIED C r CERTIFI�ED w '-- , M MA L M ti cmajo (Dn (Domestic Mail Only; N ta No 1y; 0 For or delivery information Y formati visit o visit of Er OCEAN ISLE BEACH V, 29469 Ir Postage $ $0.37 -I- U1.6U 1:3 Certified Fee M --rIj-. 517 1=1 Return Reciept Fee (Endorsement Required) M cO Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) —0 Total Postage & Fees o Sant Tob � E wo co a- H K RTIOMOI"�', Ir Postage $ $0.37 M Certified Fee $2.30 M M Return Reciept Fee $0.00 (Endorsement Required) ED Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ $2.67 M Sent Fo 0459 01 Postmark Here 02/23/2004 0459 01 Postmark Here 02/23/2004 0 \ FAX No. : 90.0• Cud[ Feh, 24 2004 01:23PM P2 fnza dirR nY `x no S' Lee street STORM'WATER PLAN FOR LOT 16, LEE STREET OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 23469 TOIL STEVE HARDEN WELDERS 1••01 . 61-0e . 5•.0^ *,s- Awd •21a" Z U2^ -s in^ _fe Driveway and Swale Detail for 60• R/W IWMQ114-3� il.eea Cv"d f Vrl-Iszz nab' Tl4.6) anti AM.pb v w 6' pb'a.rd ppr a'fO'z1• . n 1% 4m z u � am = is Q it R R-clliw-Lm sr map V.� 1aT[1S Ld bG9� Ils22rmrin.!e Ref2•a•.��_. _.. _ _. at%A6pw�Iq Vaty Q`z�•x Usa4-tA fYpcR pl.r•�d CfM N�-fe1IR Ase Se•F. of esY b ia@tr: b Cr.q) Olf.e aenp Vtlw• e664rI5Im&.lMA-94E.? R..t�aJT..ai t+N �56.15/ i;-11 h It�tTi+ad-h Ref 2• Pam= 14Sts, _ �Applolmd44 h..m.bp M.npa vs mare 9rm.e10MR. � reere.+._ — lYar.rb amm- 2e•-0e G fY. m t6'74 0`Q r a^ 1J T�s!base Defie I' A CT JS A«t TfeRe6 � ) m "n°° h4a - se- ine. Aarsse..r. QT-_ pb■ Tr.N* D Scott W. QueintsDce, P.E. nost<_ , ,� �9 11 d 6934-9 Beach Dr. SW Seale ene' I. omen late Bead,, NC 28a69 Drawn Hr` �004 r - .w OF COASIE-•L ivi;'AAG0,`ENT