HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-59A_ Dixon (2)Lf� 76-z2 Oak Island 0159-19 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT K-C PERMIT Coastal Management EHVMO.S.UL oul111v as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management' Issued to Pam & Joe Dixon, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 725 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 1117/2019. This permit, issued on November U. 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a 12' X 12' Gazebo with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 11107/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Palle 2lk1Oi9NIWIIM VY00 This permit action may be appealed by the permillee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further wnhen permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31.2022 In issuing this permit it Is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances, This permit may not be transferred to anoth6r; party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. OZOZ f 0 833 Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 �»C1►1���qq (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: Won Mino I . rporMO-OfS94191 OAte; NO-00016601,2019 Page Zof'Z The perMiftee is -required to contattholocal Permft, 0mcer(91.0)278-6024i'shoOlybefore he; plans to, begin co nstruction to arrange; a setback measurement .that .,will tie --effective for sixty (00) days -,baning, -a major shoreline change. Construction must begin s&(601 do 6fitho determination orthe. measurement is void and must be'Tedone.. (6), Any structure(s) constructed within the Oqpan Hazard area shall comply -with the NO: Building Code: including, the -Codsta[ and Fldddi Mift Construction Standafft of the N". C., Building Code; and the W;*! FtppO,,, Damage PreveritionOrdinonce as required, by llhp� Nationa[Flood lrtsurpnpq� Program. Want' provisions of building ocido, ing with m . of, the! follo46g, AEG standards,. the more or a flood' damage prevention ordinance are inconsistent 'Y restrictive provisl6ry, shall 006frol, (7), All!' buildings constructed Ilid ocean ha2aM area, shalLtorn,ply with .the 'NC Building .CM6 and the, Local 5106d Damage. Prevention I ,OTdihan'ce., . as requitedby the, National Flood Insurance Program.. If any provisions offhe -a building code"or`ehood 'damage prevent ion;o.rd'.09UPqare: inconsistent WIth any of the. following AEC standards,1he more restrictive "provision shall control. (8) All <baildlngs, must be elevated on pillfngs with a,-cliamptervf. atleast a. inches in,diaMdt& If "Ourid, or 8 inches, toa side # square, and t ' he,fi t ffd6r'f6v6l ofthe -8018-andjolstsmusf meet. the t MO -year good,: level, elevation. R. Al pilingsshal[ have aNIP-Penetration greater than. eight feet below the. lQWq4t_grpq6.d el.6v6t,idh'Uhd6r'th&,.6trUdtum. "VVL 11) Aff unconsolidated material mulitng, from, * associated grading ab'd IaIhdsca , pi L ng shall, be. retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Disturbed areas shall` be vegetated and stabilized.; (planted. and mulched) Within 141 days of construction completion: imminently threatened: by (12) Anythbtw& authorized by this_ permit shall, b6 relo.catod'ordismantled. wha it becomes: I n _ _Im, __ changesf in shoreline configuration. The structure(sY shall be relocated or dismantled within two years. of the. time' when .it becomes, imminently threatened,_ and in, case ubon its; collapse or subsidence,: However, R natural rishm two •yqprs: of the time the structure becomes sftorelirie.. recovery'.or beach renou ent takes. place. within -.1hreatOrfed, then it. not be relocated or imminently t5rWoped., S& that thb.tthu'tuf6. is hdr. lo'hger imminently need dismantled' ot that time. This condition shall not :affect the perafi.t hqIjef4,right to seek aq#102atfioh of tdrfio6rgry, protective measures 'allowed :under QRQ rules. (13) G&6bo% are limited for'200-scileotinthe Oceanside., setback and landward, Of t1hp,deveippmen.t: line., SIGNATURE. DATE PERMITTEE Locality.. ak PerniftNuinber, Ocean ! HazAed Estuarine Shorelind. ORW Shoreline Public Tfust, Shoreline -Other 14 use, only) 71; (For officiat GENERAL INFORMATION t'9 LAND OWNER, Name Addrt City ity, 3, & > h State Zip: 10 &t_' q 7 q:. Phone Email J -- AUTHORIZED AGENT' Name Address.-, Y: 7414L, Se, d eS, d,,,- city )9_4 State, Zip � VqG[ Phone LOCATION OF PROJECT:. (Address; street_name and/or directions to site. Knot oceanfront;; what is themarnei of the adjacent waterbody.) DESMWTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed eqnstruction,and lan,4 disturbance.) zq SIZE OF LOUPARCEL-i 7 squaref6et acres PROPOSED USE: Residential, (Single-family 2'*'/Multi44.mjIy -r-_J) Corruqptcial Mustrial F-1 Other. E] COMPLETE EITMER,(1) OR. (2).BELOW (Contact your Local Perinit Officer if.�ou are not sure jvhic1rAEC'qp- U p les to.your prqperty�: (1), OCEAN HAZARD AE'Cs:. TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED, STRUCTURE:. t,4'4 square feet (includes air conditioned living: space, par -conditioned: space- elevated above: ground level but.! parking elemated above ground level, non excluding non -load -bearing attic. space) (;Z) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs.- SIZE OF, BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER, IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: square - feet(includes the area of the roof/dripline-of all. bijil,dih sdriveways, covered decks, _g -concrete or masonry paitibs, dtdi that are within the applicable -,AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) $TAX-Y' S!TORKWATER MANAGEMENT NT PERM M., Is the project located in, an area subiect- to a State Storm -water Management Permit isgined by the NC Division, of Water. Quality? YES! NO Z Uyes, list the total built upon area/impervious surffice allowed for your tatzor parcek square: f6et X2 N SD VEIB 0 4 TO OTHER ]PERMITS MAYBE REQUMED- The activity- you are; planning; may require, permit.% other -than;, the CAMA, minor -development permit; 'including,.. but not Iimited,to:, Ddbk-ingVat6r Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary, waste. treatment system.)Bui Iding,, Electrical, Plumbing,, Heating, and. Air Conditioning-, Insulation and Energy. Conservation., FIA Certiflcation,,:SandD,une,,Sediment:Controlion Ap� -Subdivi sion _. qgovah Mobile Home ParkApproYal,, Highway Connection, and others. Check with your Local Permit Officer; f4br More, inforgtti on STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP:: 1, the undersigned, an -a applicant for. a CAMA mirror development f-.propertv-in,,iT!'.AEC:6r. p r.10 evel r o P,=Qnauthorized, io-octasa agent, for opmen perint r pur fap or., a CA �de' e 't terrifythat the 0,dis6b: poses of:applying f I -MA niin6r listed; as landowner. on, this application has. a- sigpilicAntliudrosl in the real property described therein. This, 'interest. can. 46 described as: (check one} an ' owner or record tide-, Title: is: vested in J isYj=,,see Deed Book page in, the-kah County .Registry ofDeeds. an owner lay virtue of inheritance-ApplIcant is an heir to: the estate of probate was in 'County. If other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate,sheet:& attach to this applicdtloA, NOTIFICATION'OFADJA:CENT PROPERTY OWNERS - I furthermore. certifi,thatthe following persons owners of prop in yproperties ihi' property: I affirm that I have, given adjoining prope ACTUAL NOTICE, to each ofthem concerning my intent, to, develop, this property _y - and to apply fora CAMA permit,-, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.- 1, the undersigned, acknowledge that, the landowner is aware,-that-ihe proposed development is planned for an area which . ,-. may be susceptible. to: erosion and/or flocidiha'. I. acknowledge that the Local Permit Officer has.e�.plaiqqd o m 6, d, or r g, p rti. lar hazard Droblernsi associated with this lot. This explanation was; accompanied' by riec orni men-dationsconcerning stabiliza- tion and floodprooflIng techniques. I furthermore certify that I am, authorized to grant and do in fact grant, pe rmission to Diviii,on of -'Coastal Matiagemeot.st-aff, the, Local Permit. Qfte,r and theiragents t6ewor on the, afto grit ed I' , d 'it, h With evaluating 460nnatibn fgh �. s t connection related to this pertrift'appli,catioa. This. the day o '. 26 a Laftdowner, or person atitIf6rized toact-, as, his/ho agent. for purpose QfIfiling,aCA M A.perrditap' Ii-idat iori, p TJi _s qppfieadot&6&fdesf general informationfthlsforn) a -site drawing. as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, .the 0cean,.AazardAEC Notice where, necessary; a,,cheek.fpr.$100.,00madopaya,-ble to: the locality and any information as may. be provided orally by the, applicant. The, details of the application. as described by these sources are : inc0porated withoutreforence: -in'-any permit whkh:maybe Issued, Deviation from these details ,will constitute i a violation of any permit -Airy person developing in an AEC' without permit Ig subject to civil, criminal and administrative., action. t t 1-1 [ Date" LI-JAIN z'-" -cv v t--n" r jr Adjacent.PropOdy Owner Mailing Address City, $late,, Z' lip code Dear -Adjacent Property; This lbiter'lls"toFinform you that 1, frameappliedfor a CAKk- Minor Property-Owper Permit," on my property at. 9 ZS 0, C—Ijc in:Brunswick: Pro 'y .pert, 'Adorpss. County. As required' by- CAMA,rdgulaffons, khave enclosed a copy of, my perrhit application and, project drawings) as ation of my proposed project Nb,adtionk, required frdmyou oryou may sign and retorrf the enclosed ,:nolobjection form. If you any questions or commentsaboutny proposed, project, please: contact meat, —,orby: mail - at, the address listed below if you 10ill to Aoplicgh ft. Telephone rile: wottewcomments or Qbjeprims, with the Town -of Oak Island LAMA M ror'Permit Program, you"May submit! them to: Donne F Coleman Local. Permit Officer 'for -the 'Town of Oak [.stand, 4661'E. Oat( Island Dr., Oak, Island, NG 28465 Sfncerdyi Property Owner Mailing Address ClJr- \4,.,L . &,Y- 2K4CA City, State, dip Code . tej -, ADJACENT RIPARIARPROPEM OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS. 1he ti feby certify that-4 own, property adjace t to $ (Name of,Propert—yOWnpr). Property locatect at. j?&aA^ 0�r DdJ; t, St ocr)j N, c, 2- Addressi Lot, Block, Road, epp. orl awb c, Br-ule)-Sw cdc, cb uv4',l LOOL �-is Kc� (Waterbody) (Town artd/OrCo.uhty) Hphas -described to' me.aA.-shown itl;th6clttacapplicationhadan project drawing(s), the development_development_ he is proposihg at.thAtIocation and' 1, have, rto obioctions to hk. prop -o- 1, - - On L +K,t Necu 44'al, ti�� rc,--,�Fs kl� +Lcl P -ev xr�n L4, n &,Are— ^Mfune- ex"'( IA-001 ^r-bsL.A-r-K,r4-, v Donna Colerfiart Fronx David. Ebathdr <dd.ebacher@hotmaiLcom> Sent Tuesday, NbverTiber 05R 201-9 9-0& PM To:: jghamiiton090l99@gmaii.com Donna C61dirnah, grendan, Gordon, (,!--VROI) 72' West Beach [hive-�.Adj6,Lin�'t p6riAhPt6p,'i�rtyOWhi�r,S"6tO�rndhtfor'C�,A�MA.-mitiOr' C, Rerf,nits, Attachments, Pljease�.DocuSigrk Ri ian.pdf Helfoijohn, Following my initial' reviewafthe! attached, documentj requested an elevation;viewfromyouso, 1'could evaluate the impact of thisadjadent structure to my current views. Since ldidrift. receive an elevation view, e.w,. It. is my'Positioil -thafttfits additional roof6d structure, will drarbatically jht&.150ee with my current . ocean views, ..not ,'6n1Vfrom the first floor; but also the 2nd* floor. r don't understand why -an exception -would be allowed to buifd. a structure of this.. nature doserto, the zcean, infifngjng,66current vegetation - line. Theref6rd, ftn Unable to Mgn-6ffaihd approve thK, request forlhit cAMA'Permit apokatibri request for 128. West Beach. D-flive-4, that is adjacenttd my. 72.7 West Reach Drive Property. Thank you .for y. your time and, Mention., David D. ENO& Cl'aire X, Sweet.'' Sena '5' pcvx�Y i 1 m O FP N O N O VICINITY MAP ... Nar ro SLOE ATLANTIC OCEAN cri� —3 WEST BEACH DRIVE WEST DOLP111N ORNE o ATLANTIC OCEAN 2000 USACE MEAN HIGH WATER LINE VE-12 IRS N 85'30'00" W IRS T I OA' I � 20MBL 7.0'A I � � u O B' I M2 STATIC O VEGETATION LINE C:, - _B, to I 85' D FMEM I �iNLOI� �7' PROPOSED 3 — j 1 ADDITION o I o I I) Bs' 12 4 s LT-r>o: LAND,,,, I ;. I 2 STORY RESIDENCE 15• MBL I ILF 50.00, TP — IA'A C3 — I I 14 I C) TEl ,o ,� o A a J Lo 1I 1 I VE-12 _ __ __ DUSAREA AE-11�- 7255 WEST BEACH DRIVE 0 SIP _ 7.5.3 7.3•.t AREA sx E0' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY LEGEND(IF Rsm) CA Rp4 IRF-IRON ROD OR REBAR FOUND" PF-PIPE FOUND NOTE: THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE CAMA. OCEAN ERODIBLE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN. O�(H �L MBL-MINIMUM BUILDING LINE IRS=IRON REBAR SET 9 1ZL TNEeRRANCE QPOFEssYoy � CoOUNsi, VAN OAK ISLAND SEAL 9r -sITT FENCE ZONING GRAPHIC SCALE L•3586 Z rya TTWN-TRANSFORMER CO -CABLE PEDESTAL TP-TELEPHONE PEDESTAL. R-7 M 7S IY 30 PA O O� 2 �J9s sUR CANA-COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT AGENCY SEWERMINHCLEANmOLE I INCH - 30 FEET.. L� BE.WMH- MiA�m FRONT. Sm IV VQ� F.MAPFED_gtpl: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, SIDE- 8•, C-f0' F:IRMY FEDERAL INSLIRANCE RATE MAP RFARa 20 ,...... _. TAX PARCEL 234NE026 -US ARMY'CORP OF ENGINEERS CERU .THISTHISPROPROPPERATON LIES 1. PROPERTY WRWN F.E.M.A. MSPECIAL FLOOD.HAZARD AREA VE-12 PHYSICAL SURVEY W/ADDITION AS SHOWN. ON FXILM. 3720205600K, BATED BY28/20IB: GENERA- NOTES: 1. MEASUREMENTS ON THIS MAP ARE IN FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF FOR: JOE & PAM DIXON 2 ALL SEf CORNERS ARE 5/8' IRON REBAR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 3. MIS PROPEAIT' ANY RE UBrECT 10 ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS, RIGHTS OF WAYS ANO RESIPICRION9 NOf DLSCERNIBLS BY 099.W,,.N AT THE TIME or SUFNLY OU THAT MAY fiE OF RECORD. N0 TITLE STARCH BY - - Lot 13 iMOMAs D. VON DANON BLOCK 74, SECTION 3 REFERENCES; WEST LONG BEACH I. PLAT OF WEST LONG BEACH, SECTION 3• RECORDED IN MAP CABINET 2S, OAK ISLAND, SMITHVILLE TOWNSHIP E AGE PARINA REGISTER OF HEEDS. ON MAY 13TH, 1948 LN THE BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH P BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 2. DEED ROOK 3029. PAGE 259. RECORDED 1N THEE 0RVN5WCK COUNTY• NORTH CAROLPN REGISTER OF DEEDS. 'NORTH TO CERTIFY TAUT ON 00T AT L7Rt 2DI9 1 SURVEY[D' T F PROPERTY SHOWN ON MIS PLAT AND 'THAT THE TITLE AWES AND ME _ VCS & CO., INC- C-2160 1 YAUPON WAY WALLS OF ME BUILDINGS, IF ANT. ARE OWN HEREON. THE AREA OF V 8 OAK ISLAND, NO THIS PROPERTY ISO 2 ACRES uTED BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION AND HE oR OF CLOSURE IS 1:10.000. C TELE. (704) 361-1557 SIGNED 'W—) EMAIL vcsbrunscoVec.rr.com _ O D. N -CANON -3 N N