HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-70_ Van Horn (2)Oak Island Local Government LF 12-&-2z 01 70.19 Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued Bill & Pam Van Hom, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 4830 W. Beach Dr. Dr., in Oak Island, as requested in the permittee's application, received 12/17/2019. This permit, issued on 12/27/2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a 12'xl5' open deck and landscaping with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 12/17/2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910)278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing dale. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this pemut expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2023 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. RECEIVED JAN 3 0 2020 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Donna F. Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Naime: Vainorn Minor Permit# Ql 70.1:9: bate 1212712019` Page 2 }; Theamount of impervious surface shall notexceed. 30% of the: lot area within 75feet of normal high water (Estuarine Shorelloo Area.oi Environmental Concern),. in this;case, 0 square°feet is authodzed.. (6). All unconsolidated. material resulting;, from;associated grading and landscaping shall be retained ort site by effective sedimentations and. erosion control measures, Prior to an..y land disturbing, actimfies,, a barnerline of'filfer cloth must, be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or waferareas, untilrsuch time,as�-the: area has. been properly "stabilized: with: a vegetative -cover. (7): Any proposed grading within'the.30.' buffer from the normal' high water`must bex6 touredi to prevent additiorial storm w,ater runoff, to the adjacent marsh,. This area shall' be immediatelyyvegetativelystabilized and must- remain in a vegetated state., . (8) All other disturbed areas shall fie: vegetatively stabilized, (planted' and .mulched wifhin 14_days of construction completion. (9), Prior. to -any development, slit fence. shalt be properly, installed between all planned land disturbance -and the . adjacent marsh and -open water, areas, the siltlence shall be properly, maintained throughoutthe.construGtion; period. Silffenceshall be installed,, such that it Es properiytoed-in tathe soil: (10)'Prio"r. to any developrnent,_thb pemiiftee<is required to coritact,the Local Permit Offcer Donna! Coleman_910-2- 1- 8047' to mark the landward edge of the 301. buffer. SIGNATURE: _ DATE:. PERMIT -TEE Locality Ocean Hazard %/ Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline (Tor q j%cial use wily) M►' �► 1 �.t.s: Name Address 4W IV, Permit Number LT '7(I -1 Public Trust Shoreline Other r •. IZ11-)114 City Ui'iI L71�11 State t�t� Zip 2—M Phone %- A11 LAq_ 1i Email LOCATION OF P. adjacent w•aiarbody. and/or directions to site. Lfnot oceanfront, what is the name of the DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) 1119 t51IwK mwxl& We �(i pervtcws/ PIQnhn5s SIZE OFLOTIPARCEL: 7) square feet �r�S acres PROPOSED USE: Residential [31 (Single-family a Multi -family Q ) CommereiaL"lndustrial 0 Other 0 COhIPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Coieracl your Local Permit Officer Ifyoo are nolsure which.4ECapplies to your property): , (I) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROP05ED STRUCTURE-. square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -hearing attic space) 0 (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES:?! 1A square feet (includes die area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc, that am within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMLT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit slued by the NC Division of Water t2t:ality? YESNO 0/ If yes, list the total built upon area/imperviaus surface allowed for your Ict cr parcel: I�ED JAN 3 0 7020 DCM WILMINGTON, NC OT . HM PERMS MAY AMEQUMD: Tk aWW"n are platen may require permits ether Q_ m,ft QAMA mini .develomnentperinit,,--Inched ng,,beet; aot ,limitedto-,I) kihg,-%ter WeIL -Septic. Tank (orothers*twy Nvaste, .treatmentq.steq), AuIKUS, VeCtrfC9iPWmbin&Ht%tia an mdlnew!Consem,&n,.r,_, A 4 A" Cartifffica.don, S-And Dune--Scdint6j3�t-,Controf,.Subdi-vis ., g.. li", While-. tioma Park Appr,04 loru. 19. -4 MOW ay'Cb.Mict` ax! I", the OWemigft�,au aPPRQWa dAMA,minar persiln>aptEtortzect`taact as an agent ):t'p -seg ppo�,-4 f IL%v,d hw'. a-'sIMI& IY,�8 for a.0 A.Mit oid&veibwent permlt,l cird6,, (WIbe.parsop P intore-st iA ft. mh rop"d Is I m de4crlb0d, as: (Oidk,omy TitI6 i,k Yes te.r �tj% sea.Deed paw in ttte i` u*'R"Uy o�DLI�e&' wwhd,by virtue Of irkheji"M. Appji County, n of f4momi-or Aict! g thiaz propty4 1,gMW#ioG I'hay��g!,vgo A C AMAW pej A'C MY ; A C X NOMUO, G E, M M, S.-,- "rtfie Iamo mrrtisaw WO ­ ed4voopmenti�:platinddf r. .. , . A " v P, P-03 6at may. be' dua#flble.� to erosi6h. aMMrPoodiftg., 1. ad-Adwledge that the Local Perm i to f 4;:qri has empl'affied lb-M., th', 6fti , C wp . Qll� _Wood Ow Sg, �C,Oroo Idol d hs m : oMmeal atio . associated w"Ith, this tot. This � P con=Wag A Non and_flovdproa6Ag-tech6jqqes,. .certify that jr,=aqft. 0AW do, 9=14 PM—MMIM t.O;DTVWO(k.,Of - OMW MOhnemenl.stalt ttie Local Nwt UOfi=dOnWjffi'reVatVafing n if0madon, Ehe4day Off_. Of pi..... ........... . . . . . . ------------ .......... ............ JAMA-P9PAITAPPLICATIO porty. Owner Reqqesfim P erm -,0.Nqme Offt PhW NO.mb&. Emp-R.Address-, 1-certify a1h ve au. wined to -act onrnybehO; for -the ' purpos&pf apt loitig f,6r sknd-q4f hing, if; CANIA a MApermit f Temeary, for the fdIIOWfjn9. proposed diavol 0 ai-f99 A?=A 'y ffu,d&fin,OrOC8If!fythat - ark auork&j$to..gr-.nt th a and & in 4lict-gront perr*uion 10 division of caaael Mabidgement #0fr, the Lome Pennitlet on 'tho- - "qt9mid thel? agents Id ah aforernffOnad' I" In connetionwith oyaluating infonnatkn, refgW&d,, (b., ffils permit apofcaiitai7: Orwity 9"eri form 6 .10'ai VDI V VE OW.&TYP This.4edfitatba is valid through Add ss, Rod;: til ck eta:) : Al. v ��e NA t #ia: has desGed toMq s sh�wrr in tt�e stfa�ed:aAP�ieatfon am1<prtrjct,dra�vlrnj,{j, the, derettxprct$Rt hs:€s �ioP at to st focatfinP,; arid, Ct���e;�+� obioucils tb W Pe ssl , ' 'Ll AT10EV.l t�sslO RAWING OF 1'Fi ' PO. EG DEVJELC1PI FtE— HEDI'IMt . t-4,. et�thona tVumitx�x . ; ct3 Receiots for f, Hem), Dale MOng. Address lhls afar isto. MOO, you"that 1, PAM Perm O'n-iny -eityat.- t3attlsiand pojstlNd action; is! :required From -you orYou -M4V skin a6d (ARIM gfo* plot 0 by malt' ridtese Slod below:- [I you wish to Aopr Psi T*Ohoqi lile TA41en, comments or-pbo''Onsvilth the:, own oDlft skd C-AMA,Wpr Porrml-Pro tsto,)rom."--aubdff, f Loot Nuft,ofter,16i * T*t of wdsldnd 4601 EI-Oa ' k-Isbad Dr. Oakl8land,-NC 28465 C3iy,; Skate;:ZIP Code PT L s� 44. ' 4 F .. e ' , d . C t ii � y , i ?;` Y 3 �� t { � ` i .,,..,„,.. r rT•' .h .psi»%- -.-. •....L"t. .. `.1 . ' x t .o y j `�.r'�=gis ''` y ii � r� sib'': �: ''�� + <-�5,1�,,•L �F � I..�!� � c r ;f^., •; +�. .�-?'.-.�S �x tr � f $,�'a�=� - •a; r:. tY"��j rx.y "�: i,��• y �� �f 7_ � t 4 • r a :. f 1`�! i • `i' ��. w K•i X _.'!^' k > �4' gi'C'.�(,+.F �w%"� i � i 7 Donna Coleman: To: kim everhart Cc: MacPherson;. Tara Subject CAMA Minor; PermitApplit-ation Oil 70719 ; 4830 W. Beach Dr. 48-3Q W Bdh.pdf Attachments. Dear Kim:� VV6 ong'in-ally accepted y6UrGAMA..'Minb.r-apolitatioht,und"er the IffiPrOtg ion,that a*As'corftpfete.. Oh sUb.s64U6ht r0le"' W-I 1,ha-d!soovered thataddiftoplinformation' is,needed to complete the reviewprocess; According'!y�.Iam, r.eqpe ff4g, you submit the f6il6wing, adAid, nai irtf6rmatidn to fl)is,-0fflqe:I /1) Date and sign theagpnt authorization farm bythgF owner. -V'2-), Place design o.nsurvey p-rQvid.ed., bythis email. In ac-coroance wiftlbe, Qep,?rtment.-Qf EnYirqnmtand Natural Resources regulations;, wenote 1bat a�Wairy time has'possed. while. the application has:remained iftb&bffice. U06n resubmission dfg,-complete: application, aitcat.decisibn Will, lie made days. Please contactmo at(9,10)204-804.7- if you haVe any qpestbhs. Respeoffully yours;_ Donna Colmom., LP0 boona r.-'.Coleman, 'C-F-M CXMAm,LPO./ q-u'ildlhg Inspector Town of Oak t1larid. (9'1ogo1-sov PLAT OF SURVEY FOR BILL & NANCY SIMMONS 41£r3o (A./. LOT 15, BLOCK 1/5, SECTION "WLB" SMITHVILLE TOWNSHIP, BRUNSWICK COUNTY OAK ISLAND, NORTH CAROLINA 0. 30' 60' 40' i OC BK Il8 SEC�10N 'WLB• OAK ISLAND, N.C. DB 1032, PG 993 B.C.R. MB 2 1/Z RGS fez -lag B.C.R. R DCD ATE SWFIX DAVIS CREEK NAIL I MEAN HIGH WATER +2,9w ULKHEAI) 23. 0 � ryfrw 4 cs IN BULKHEAD �/ x 9.93 3' �o o � ^ x 11.41 W Ppq E� LUT 14 uj ( N x $ 1816 ZONE 'VE' c uj Q — Z _v ELEV. 17' 2.46 U W N O �T V 0 T 0 ny m 0