HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-69_ Kattas (2)Oak Island Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 0169.19 Permit Number Coastal Managernent _NVI00H.Z.YILOU/.G11 as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Ron Kattas, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 3021 W. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 12/10/2019. This permit, issued on December 18, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the demolition of a single family residence with debris removal and associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 12/10/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when thRECEiVED permit expires on: December 31, 2022 DEC 10 2019 IT1 � I 1 ���i �2� Cf?1221MCLTI — Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transWILMINGTON; NC another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal PERMITTEE Management. (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name-: Kattas, Whor Pdrmltl 0116949 Date-'Dedetfibee 48, 2o4q; Page 20 2 ts i. -(6) The od68#Ward.sid6rofth6,,l6f, must,16; restored 'fbrI OrW6v6f0-prh6ntcondition tbisu, h nextenthat t�p c � a i . o9sible afterthe removal of the structure including: complete removal of all'. pilings, debds_-,,and-sandbCjgsjf appripoble. rdhi6vaf of all 8600o system,, Ol'Offibihg and;elecitical components; removal 6feilt'-'Iftiperv[otfs-sUrfaeet' site., MUsfbo.. �sia6ilizedrwfthsuitable .vegetato.n., as. soortas possible.. All associated demoliflon debris must be properly disposed of and the site returned to. pre­dQvqIopm6nt coridjtton; (6.).! Dune disturbances will be: allowed only to --the extent'nocessary for devoicipment and Wtho dunes protective value is notwooken-e! or reduced, Disturbed; dune,, areas, w0libe immediately stabilize: I . (7)All unconsolidated h8toiif retUlfin-g;AtdJft associated: grading, afidlandscapihg! s-fiaIt beretained on --site by effbetwe -sedimentation ands erosion; control measures,. Disturbed 'Areas, shalt be vegetated and, stabilized., (Planted and multhe Wthib:146yts of construction completion. Any structure authorized by, this pormitshall'bie relocated, or-dismantled� when it becomm imminently, threatenod. by. .changes � in shoreline configuration; The. sttucture(sl shall.. be relocated w d . i , smantled within . two years of the, timeij ­.' n When itbodoMes-r. , m-mi'- 666Y threatened, and Iqghyl as Ugon.1tsgollapsa-.4subsidence­ "H' natural 6 6 . However; if .s�horeliRe recovery or beach xenourishment takes place, within two years of -the time the structure be comes that the structure is no,! longer im'-M inedy.thteatpried, then it need not be relocated or., -dismantled' at, that time.. This condition shall; not affect the perm . it holders right to seok�authoOzatlon oftornporaq, Protective measures allowed under C-RG MW, SIGNA-TURE'. DATE; PERMITTEE -U*,ND'0W'ER RECEIVED N Name R04 Xat,-ta,;5.cU5-a, Next Rome.! Ma,n-ag-ement. LLB' LOCATION OIRPROJEC street name andfordirections :to. site: -if-zii)t6w at --the nmeatfie ocean h ts adjacent waterbody 3-0. 2.,,1., _ W,,ae ,Beach. demo sE �dwellincr SIZE OF L, OTIPARCE14f: squaf.e.&dt, "0 2 4 acres. P ROPOSED'U.S&A (Single-thinfly.10 Multi-family[3) Commercial Other COMPLETE EITHER. (i Y OR - (2, - BELOW (4ebntw your 4#WPernri offwxr. V*k am wt sure whkh AEC applies (1) OCEAN ffAZARDAX4ps* TOTAL F%00RARE-&"0FPk0P0SE!D STRUCTURE: Q, sqgw,1eet(inqlqd6s atr.cop"pq4�4vjngspwq, parking elevated 96M ground level, non conditioned above, ground: level. but (2) CQASTAL-,SR AECOS . IZE "SU-I-Lt)!N-0FO-OT-P'RIN'TA'N'D'',OTHER DMRVIOVStORB,- T Ult Ul ON."SM,A,CF,Sr,._s,quam-fe-.t,,(incltidegtheatt&.of,-,th,e.,ro6f/drip'lime lotall buildings, driveways;:iW decks; ec concrete ,or..mmonrypatiog,,.-etc, tbAt'=withija-.theapplicable AEC. -A fi, STATE,STORM,WATER,MANAOP,AMNT'P'ERI*O,T-, h*.-poJect, located in aalare&subjedtoa State'Stormwatdr Management Permit issued bythe. $C Dfvtston:of W*rQualie YES , NO X RECEIVED If yes, list the, total built'uponarea/iinpeMious suifaeallowed for your ,tot or parcel; WAA OT-HXRPERM TB MAY BE`'REQ.bIKO Tla icdvit you p' .g eque'paterathehCAMA minor development pest,; inclti, ng, but<notHinited to Unntti ng.VfTetsr=We11, Septio Tank (br other. -sanitarywasm treatment -system), OWIdihZ Electric4.PIUmbing, Heating -and Ai rConditioning, Wi0n and:'E iergy Conservation, FtA Certifca#m.Sand-Iaune, SediI Q 1. onti`ol, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home P-arkAppraval;:Highway, Connection; and,, others: Check with your Local Permit:Officet'foi_more.-Wfotmat oa STATEMENT OF O1tSP Y,. tire: undersigned, as appl cast fora CAIvIA.mia[ar development;permit ;being either the owner of property is as AEC O _a, person authorized to net as an.agent far proposes of apgljrizrg for a CAMEO minor develapmen peraut f3! ttiat_tlie Berson fisted as landowner un this apphcati'�oti bas:a .sigh ficanY;intetest in themeal property. sunIx ern:.'t'lus iatetest;can be desenbed as;-(check,one) ati ow eror record ti`tij tWis vested m 1�T' " Home; Mgmt see heed Book 0,4278 . .g . 08 a 4 e 2 in-tlie. Brunswick - J? _ . _- ,County:"Registry`of;L?eeds�. _ _A owner by virtue offtihentauce.. Applacarit- ; heir ttr the .estate: of probate was in trosnty: if other interest; such aoxmi t iaont actor lease; ezplaiwbefow`or use a separate sheet & attach to this applicatton. t -NO, TFiCATiON>;OkADJACENT PROPERTY O;WNEEPiS l urthermmre Ce t�]at I :f(ilEow!#�g.pefSOIIa=are' owners ofproperiies adfoiuipigthiisptoperty. T affirm *#I have given ACTUALNOZTCE to=each of them cancemiisg my intent to develop*is property az to apply for,a:CAKA permit. (Alamo), (Address) (t) Robert. ]3honey 304.7 RhoneV Fare[ :Ln VaI e NC 28168 (2) Rabext 'Wernor, PO Box 68_ ClIntoun .NC 22329 (4 ACIM%IEDCEMENTS; I, the,imdersigned,.;acknowledgkthat tho,.I ttd owner is aware thattke proposed developr-eut_is pla YizY ied:fa aaarea,wiuch. niay be susceptible-: erosion and/or flooding, t acknuwTedge that the Locat Permit tper'b" exglainad to-,methe parties Jar Hazard problems.assaciaYed wit& t]ii jot. This explanation was accoMpanied by reaomri endatians concern iigstab- a- tion-,arid $oodproofing teebAigttres. I fi itI►ennore certify that I am asthanzed togrant and da in:faet grant; permission to:`Dwision of Coastal Monagekent st ,, theLocal•Permit Officer and their agents to -enter on the aforementioneflands in connection, with evacuating information related to,this permit:applicat on. This the:. 9t , day of Dee- , 20. 19 or person authorized, to act as, hisLher agent- for; purpose CAMA,permit: application. This: appikadvn includes; general nfor*atiori.{this form , as teAraww ng as describedonethe.backof this apphtafion, the- ownership statement; the Oceam NazardtlECNot eewhere necessary,. a checkfor $!00.00-rrra ' paya_bte.ta the tocality and arty- information as maybe provided''orally. by the applicant The details of the ctpplrcativa as desMbed by th&e sources are incorporated without `refemme m=tarry permit which:may be issued ' Deviadon frirn' these Ma k will constitute a violation of arty permit: An person developing in ari,AEC withautper�riit is srrbjecr to ci oil, .cr rriirral and ad»rartisrrptive gctiorr, I AGENT AUTHORIZATION, FOR LAMA PERMIT APPLICATION, Ron, Kat,tas, Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit; Mailing address; PO. BOk.. 710514 Herndon, VA 20171 .......... ...... .......... Phpho' Number:, 703-8,61-48,68 rt6rtify -that .1 haver authorized Ken "Kiser. . . .. . ......... Agent./'Opi) dor tra to act, on, my behalf . for the purpose of applying and obtaining all CAMA permits necessarydema existing h, for the proposed development, of 4 IP9 �QM5 at my; property located at. 30,21 V. Beach in BrunswIc,,k-- County-. This certificationIs valid', through Date, P7, owner Information? Signature Ron Katt&$ Pdht: be Type N6h7e s-elf Title -Date 7-03-867-4868 Phone Number. Email Address RD, Orqject Is InAn:- 'ErodWoAroa X" HtgjjN J4i!qrd,Ffl'd*d.'AraO Wbt Hazard Areer Pragorty Owaom., -,Ron - kgttag Date. Lot: Was P I 0 special areal whichls UO and _aitrrent:,: The. mites qf' tite Coastal -es rces-MbuWss on: ikt fdr be tssuedt that; rio�cd"' mdofig The Commission w M"e& oh­.b'W_ er"w standards,­"0 s s',. esigA m' nejbito, t B3! A be Cuastaf m d'- MOMAW the, de reIapinent Pdhffi4,iksued in the :0ce0_&,,H MOO im" -C 00�"'Jlfg cot dit[ortth isitugtares relocated years,'o''f-, - becoming imminently Oreate mod, and m A y i"_n,. its collapse or �. subsiftince; T ho- b-w available information ,asto*ptdd W ihe. CoastalResources Otmisa" 6411" t. jpA,An tmft�&.tha average -ocean vrmsionratofm_r4. earea,-where-yo, -.prqped.yit locaWU: feet.per T-he.rate,*aetstablishedby,.ckefulanalysis -ofacrialphotographs ,of the:coastlinertaken 04,thepag Sqyo#$� Studies also indicate, thattheshotefte cqul4, rnqv.e,,ao TpUob pk$- The t1ood.waters in. a-maimstorm are, p ddi�t6d"t,.t) be.,about ' Preferred ocmftntpMfecftqWgsures dire beaoh #oq*hoW4 acid relocatiom, df ihocatoned sit*t4kos Uar erosion_ control' stnicturd§suchas' . - "*-Ats,-$romsijOtw* and- breakwaters ore, prohibited. Ternporary sand bags &ay be, autli6rkMundercertWh,iconditiorit. The appljcarit-misuelmowfoge this inkrmation andr 'Ments by signing :this notice to the space: below : W sw-atu . re': 6e4ppOca 'tlofiwill ndt"U OffivWte., Applkant SOMOO Dote ISPFCIA�NQT .shezardn ceJsreqmfoceetopmen m:Areas;$ubje d-to su"6a do- ',J,� -9t On, - ass' #00AMOdero dn.Pennia 6 opin n, sawe)cpft Wued7ford w'l ftntIf Jhj" briDO-e4tnt6r3'1­0,, third year klovAh9-t1h,Ky"year pp-ftIt.wjg§UC& Shorttji xq dt-si #tk e, Pectnit 0 the th top, 0!iw lie. -1 1. z , :,.' "0 0.01 th, .0 vdgptnoon, live, and, pepy m 9# since the �eoflrenit ts5ttaci, acid 6646Wsi dw­e bowdi-anit uiremenV- d41O0w11l4nfqrinypu that you mad ,be gi V .,S6 tabflij ih musi' be made wiit►n 0' da—yi, ofthis tetbAckdefwujjnAO% or h Oe o .4molor 4hipre -Chm th udf, - A --'mdbtw M. 0 a wil ih& lot w 'will necessitate ,*,fio-,sbredien''—t d..ke se tba*,,..kt j4j#p V" thatyoucimkwithikeI:Pb,b,f4 the.- i0expires-loto apptovat toitonfitip th ii5r�"it C; 0 emu has :expired. Gen= �found4ti'ort.piling,,s!hgv,,eFb.eegpj4e0:an(t�qubatifitiat '0 th renewal. Om tie ,authorized:, It k ' MUM, is �C ' U., can I Pot. -meminforwadonj contact: _U046-SM, A, 17.; Local -permit MC, AdWess., Locality Phoheimimb 6-e. us 1:0 P_ Ln 0 1:11, La, Robert Rhonev.-.,.._._ ; Property J.- -'Own ,Acqar;cnt.'Pm er, 3047 F ha ey Faam c3! Ln Im Mailing,A,Kw, Vale., NC 28168 Oty, Sl-alblio.,CWe- rn p q,"_ This let'letislainkWMthatrif Ran Katttas, 'eftaqmt - ft, 1 3.-,012., W�_ Bea`dh PPropelyo04,49190d, Property Address ASrequired by OM&ieguladons. IfiMOOMW 9A" of my pem(itaokaWn andpwied promW P*.d. NO.,acgo 9W fiWyou of may. I aW m smn 0 i�Mwi you P* the errdosed`na:abjeeGon;form;l%you hate any questions or -HA -jaw myPropm pw1plieme contact sf91A-•0633 'Orby Mal � I'a lthia:Odr liWdbelbwAf'y.od-.wJ-s to ­­­r is- 0*60 LAMA .M=:Pem#t,Pm9qdm,,.you -may_,sWmW,, Dbnnd.,F.,ColomA" Local Permit f ofCAislaod k9jr Or ftT 4601" E Oak Loland0r, 0 'k.,,kbnd,;NC 28465, a NO P.0, Box. 71-01*574 MirftAiddress Serndonj VA ZQ; 171 CAy,4St9e..4p.Code. 26, L"" ' ;!' 1.2- 9. RQbert Weiner po Cl j.nt lft tetter Wto in<mmyouthath. 3021 W, Bea.dh: County, As b' -encfvAOacbp'yofny WbVqo*pmJe4l y %0000� rhave pe0s a crypt" OiOMW Wi ' , , . :ofnr A ss etow,ltyou wish to: ffCCC rr fhe TOlin of Oak 4,60t,R. Q*Utondbn Pic . PO Box 710,514 Se--r-n,.cfo4,, VA, 2,01711 r- DEC 10 2019 OCM GTpN, IVC