HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-68_ Billman (2)ab Oak Island Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 0168.19 Permit Number we Coastal Management _YVIROMMa NTAL QUALITY as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management, Issued to Elaine Billman, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 3623 W. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 12/03/2019. This permit, issued on December 10, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the Demolition of a single family residence with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 12/03/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the penmittee or other qualified persons ` t within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the projectf m� site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for RECEIVE Donna Coleman compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DEC 1 i) ii 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. WILMINOak Island, NC 28465 December3l, 2022 iflCiW r• T ON `VC In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name; 00hpan Minor Permit'. # Of 68.19 Date l Decem_lborl%, 2019. Pao; 2 of'2 The-permitteoisrequited ito, tontaofthe L o(gli Permit Officer (0.1 V8=5024, shortly before. -he pn f Ao demolition. disturbances: wile,be,911-10,wed.one y-to the., - extent neiaes sar, I YDune: - far develop mOt'r.and if-IM'dods protective vahie it - not weakenectiorredwed.. Disturbed dune areaswill 4elbme.didely stabilize, -(7), The- Oceaftwa(d -ti&�. of the lot must fie: restored to its: pred6vel6phi . eh dbhdifi6n,t6 Wch M extent that I& possible Me after the: removal of the structure including complete removal of all, pilings,. dobds: and sandbags, , if. -.ap- pitagbid; removal of A id �gnd p,16C a components;; rqmqvqj:of all _11 Sept system, pl umber t& # H impervious, SU00m; SRPF, must. e yste stabilized With. subbli vegetation OS�� , soon ,as possible. A . 11 associated demolition debris. must- bepnopedy disposed of and the site retuned 'rped toy p woopment ond.jw SIGNATURE: DATE: PERMITTEE ON E -VE LANDOWNER tE I, Slaift.E� B11-1mah R Addregs 3 W - AIql4ph(I .- City- :o.-ak, I s.IajKd stat& NC, ;-,-%;Q524--063--3 AUTWO.M. . - dZk-DAGENT, i,j,.,!�vom, Homes -b. K N�Inb cy - en Kis:er LL!t -ILOCAVOIN t-OF P'R,0JE'CC'!:ji�;:; 04**Iwpo�nw andfor directions to� site. it not a6iow�,themwne of the: T. -adjacent w* 1.3.62 3 T-; Be i-st " - land 44Wftfto� Ao—n—OPf q�'3�Ag hoome SUEDIFLOT)PARCEL: square - feel � 0..17 acres #R6P6SEJD:'UW&.-, kesidenti4;M I(Single-family 1vlU1644ingy�[]`) 'COhiftiOrC :Other: COMPLETE EITHER (X'IBFLOW (Ge oqr�4�PofflkQffww-ff� ft ff0f,-,fAWgWAikhAA�Cdj�pfi& (I)DR �&dy ok ,a (I). OCEAN HAZ—ARD;AECsiw; TOTAL FLIOORAREA OF�PROPOSIW 0!(*0I1 VIWt sqqw—thet(includes, au c , MeldvaWaboveground level' non -conditioned Vwe elevatedabove-Foundlevel c eXcluding.n6fi-IbAdbearinga ' tti spNet,) (2): COASM:SHORELDMAkCi:SME:OF-BUILDING FOUR%WTAND,QOM"ERMM'OR,BUILT UPON SURFACES:, '_ 9qbrefbet,6aqI buildI�!,driveways ;,,covered decks; concrete OMWOUY patios, etc. that are-wildiin the a V 1: 4 rNW-j pplicable AJ9C, Attach yoig, w.'thftwp -- STATE MRM%WMMAMA, ,LENIENT ?VRAflM Is-thepoject ImW in an area -sd*dtdz9 State S-toftwater . Management Pdrmit, imup&byyihe jqGPMsjoA 6f WAtdrfQWiw,? YES— NO_,� Ifyes, ii.st.,tb!D,iota, "buUtuponamditpftW6tis=siurtweallowed: for yow lot 94prpefr4py, squaws*t� J, I WILUJNGJ-on� f%,C '(THERPXRMMKNMR&QUHtMTh!id6*You are uMOoir�V�.oilier than the j CAM -A. minor development)*rnxct Jqcluft, but *UWled IObtink4Water-We% Sepik Thwk(br waste trekment.sydeni), Atoldingx E*WcaL Plumbing, Heatiu an-dAil` :Conditioning;,-- hm"04 C Certification, 9and0we, SedimeiipControt Subdivision.Approval. Mobjjc ff6me bark Approval; Highway Cb"004am and othem. Cbftkwith Ybilt-Local Pooh Offim-for mominf9rWdom STATEMENT OF OV M.- ww'. l* the undersigned, appl; cant fora C�j N--- or, dey -1� -,dra persoff- duthodied, to act as. *,Vod for purposes df 9 fora LAMA mM6rAe.Ve10Pmeftt Ofth* cOr W that theperson listed as landawner`asi this W a sigi fficasiti interest in-thwieat property d=dW thmtimi This interest can.be. described as: (6heck, one) I F, ip�' Xi� ..an.0wacroUrew -Tatigisivos � -, - - iila, % - .1682 tod k seepe B 0 pap. tok Q -Rp9i9.W6f D' --An owder-by vfte-of'!qhedtavce.ApP4PWs.a probate,wp'%in --coq* .,if other ft*rest;;sucb, explainUlow of use alseparite sheet & d*444 this. qppRcatl�on., NOT' IFICA11,0N, OFADJACENTVROPOWi ON) ,M I'f-4thermone certify. dwithe following pergob&are-ftneis of properties adjoinib" this 14ffirmthatlhavogiven, ACTUAL NOTICE to Mh of them-con=nfng my inted to" fora CAlvi �: permit. (Nanise ; (Add*g) (1) Brent Qhit'h,- PO; box 3-9485 Gr-ggnsbpxq _,—NC,. -274.38 (2), Jordan Jeagex... .4.0;'9.H'aMPt0n.,..Tra.i1,. Fora,ui.11, SC 'TQ 8, (4). ACIMQWM- GFMNTS*.: acknowledge -e that �a wed�f 4h u(�L which cipqoga evefopmentis, planned may be suscepfible to erosion a4d/qr. flooding. ,j-'tkft0w16dV IW*d L6w1'1em3tt.QfR;gr-has explained too: we the p&fica- -ev ouvwItcoilipani4d b bfis erningstaff j tar. hazOW l�rablenwassWiited:withiM,,S,,'10't,'Tbis.."-' t ti tionland flooclproofingtbchaiqtfes.. i"ftthermore.c.la-*-'-tW!---o;*.authofizMt6.g=t,:tLtiidd4i�in; fac $,mt n ern='i0Xk-tQ.,'PM9i p,_p Of Coastal 1�erfient, sbA' the.,Lotalil?emitbicer and their agents to.ente,Toil -the.ai,oremetLOOngd-lMd$jn,c6bnoctionwith evafuating WbilhatiOn related. to this pemfitappliqatiom This1-1 T th 2 *Y'of DEC .20 " or person authdrized.;to'Ut ashiafti -agent for-Pbrposa This qPp1k41fon,.1nlades ., general information (this form);; a sited awing as described on, the. -batik of this appiltd1lon, the ownership statement; the ocean H=ardA00)VbrkeA&e necewary, q ckegkfAr, 100,00-- 1, 't- 9the locality; and any infornWion as may be ppbv 'Qrqlly & the Tho4oWh of, the�4r&atk# as -described by. -I hese Yources are y pplic;wt; Incorporated Without, efor4Moolhj A on mi 'i y� e c, may uod Deviation jmm tl�ese:detiils will cdnsd1ute,,q- violation of anypermit, Airy p -erson Jeydqpihg in d&A,6C without permit is, sgbiki to: dvj4 criminal qdjWn4%r;tiwaction: I ,AEC,HAZAM- MW(CE C 'A 'InIft Hazard, .Area Prgje_4t- is In An-., . X - , MOO rod! 6A-rott- 14 kbr loh, H d r 'Elaine Billman - W. -84 fto A- 3 62 3 B(��h� Oak 1$`,lAtxd NC Z the pp , f 6 Fhisnotrce is intended to make g the special itmtow re cobAit fitthis p t area, which 184P 1o--na_hmllaz.aI­r&IIsu.ch-�o.1 -trosim -, - and currenti-Thifdtieso-f,,.t_hO- '$m 'ER 6ufcts Conunission, require thatyou receire an AEC.HazardNotice andactatowledge ,ihg.iiofice wwO,., heiv a a perra"t ifor4evd! .be issued. fhe, aomrnulon'g,ivjes ott but tiding standards,, setbacks ariddunealtetations agn. _'ed to mtiituze, butiibt eLn hate, property l fto.Wards Coastal esoBy gm_ 'u. rices. Coma obs''lod - " I . ;--- a oem, oi the --do-4,olopmanfandassumes ;w.'R­­­ Ai the..4eveop ­jh­ 0 0"Aftvf :in the ... g, ", pom, 4�nggItsitsm_1 9.hv,i*rotipental,,toneft,uiclgdc.,.;the -condition thatstrut t Moo, relocated id "llixt'46, 00 "to oo, ohanggs iti-shof6lind,,conon The be my - - up on stibsidencm 'TU best flat Ie .iriformatton as acqep(odbythe -Coastal- Resources.. Corntnisstofi,hidic'.4tes tlhac,ffio'� ann ut d-longi-tOrmh avenge ocean erosion rate S th -h yourp pertyjs AW. Cre -.!,r _q:OreaW ioclit year., ThcWW"Ofted ofthe cbgsttt'nol4ken over: the D660ydais, ,Studies :also .bdibAte.thaf the!shoreli'ne.-could move as-muchas The:flood waters Ana majo,f stonn are pied ctedtohvabout —, f9 _.Akadeoflnarea. Preferred o p Wows 0 Oosivebai* ­11 hoof and relocatioin'' dftfi�atened 4b*. Hard vrbsibn, control. structuressuch 'ast jlflffi'&­ 'qn I j . S�-groins; . e q0o-j.. Vounjetties and firoWgtdrsare.. 0"itod; leftoorary sand bags may. be authorize4under (:ert*000itib'- . 441. The app ,R*t,tiiustg*o.w.!edgetbfsit&rmafionand,"mquiremmts co_�!n, Oy si0intthus tod 3h belt Miith .theproper signature,off, 0a pawill not lie complete:: 12-2-19- SPECIAL, NOTTV; This, uc#wa- fo-r-developm ,qnf, InarvA466 suMenOd jy6,,mt#n'wanf emib issued oriievelopment�n-t wDecembd3l ofthe thhd fnitowing the year in=which the: permit was .issued.. .Shottlybetbm-Wo bOF . oti#O, thelAml Permit - �r TO* Ckffig; musot cbtft: sett 9ckdiAance,it,yoV If1hepropetty-basseen flttlephmge since th 'flM " f it to: , ep ppml mqnw,, and the 7prpposed dooldiftent- n f brm..Vou, that. y *yl begin work: Substantial pmio p gress on, 0 to' ject must'be made Qtn'thin bit Efays of this setback determination, at°° these %dugtbetomea0dwAAIW. the o.,ccunrenee of asnal6v shoreline cha' n­ - - ­ 4h -les&v, f , -s't6novithffil, -day ." 94 g0ps 6, a, , he69 pm wilt, hetdt,sitate - *Oie0sur soo*� _. Is Imp; 0-�. rit Vt., :baryon 4­beforeAo t ypmo the�oe M.- exoresf6rofflaw apgtqval to cdtkfiope, the:ror1 after the pernut has expel.. ly, pMgresw;s:,.co, od, pi uin& peitiitt renewal 'unlawful.to:continue,wo kafterpe nottexplWon. ,Por,.Yn,Ore-lnftrmadi,n,,:rontae4- fin, (o AcIdrO.S.§, Locaffy 001­­ SO., 49, Phdn&NMMb&-­ �.AGENT MTHORIZ -ATION FOR CAMA: PERMIT AP,PLlCATlQN,.'-, Pe Mama: of Property Owner Ap itle for ,"It. Mailing address; 3 6Z3 R, Be,-aoh. -- - -- ----- Is-,j-&nd,., NC 2-$ 4-65 Phone Numbec, 91,0=5I08",13,67 t 06* thatI have authorized.. Kism,. Kiser. Agpht I. Contractor ... to act on my behalf.;. fbrllm -th purpose Qf applying and, obtaining:. 0f] CAM A permits. necessary for -,the proposed davefb 6ht of . , demo existing hfte i at my property -located at3,623 -W Beach. . .1 1 — N in: or,44sv", c-,,,,k. county., Thiscertificationis valid through,-- '1-31-20. (Property owtvar ing, rma. , , -t— Jon Signature: Elaine Bil jMap Print or Type Nome 510 508=1367 Phoneftmber, -Eih.61tAddress. I 1. 2_-2 - L9 Blrerfi Smith AdjacentP Q. Sqx 3$485: MaiCu� tii Tess Greensboro,: N.c 27438 Cit�F,;SIaCe, 2"ip Coda: fJa AupmeotPrcpm, . ' Elaine Billrna. This'ieitet i iab omtyou.ihaE t , frave.applsed toc CAMA Mtttot - Prapedy:0�mec . C�rn'ty. A:� [equuedby CkMA'�ufatia�,. ��fia�ve endused a �o� of my�petm� applx;atici and p�aj�i atsj asnoUfafiaR of_m grog P No acifon tequuecf ftcau,aroy may s`ard�eWm the to o objectto�i°fomlfyou . W. anyquesfigaorOQ_mments:abouimy proposed projact, pease contac m ati 704°813 4644 ;ocbbyma atth addres edbelow lf�vu'w�sh.. ApRTicansTeteptone i�Tewift ar<unentis:orobjeciionsWillith tpCECLGOVERNM ttCAMhMinctPecmrtP agcam youmaysuhmit ffi�Ri;tQi - ocul Fermit:Qi 'tcerfI .,thgTbwn:ofOak bjgno, 46t#1' E.Oak land-Dri, Oak° Island; NC' 28465' Elaine BiIIman P operCyOwnir 3 6,233 W : B:ea ch, Ma�'iu� Add�ss Qak Zs_l and NC 284:65 Cit i s%te' ZjZjAc e r Ropip -for 12-z-i9 Nt-6 - - Jordan J-4, gp,�4-- 4-0.9 hat-otd.T-,rail Dr mam6g, 'Add*95:Fort -Mill, Sc, 297,08' DearAdjawl PiWaffy:� T" it laorIslo, fd have.a Property Owner. Ntmilpirl.myprooerty.-al, 8 W. 'Reach ProDedvAddress As ,re0fe0b.Y.PAMX regulations, drawing (p)"iwnoofitadbn,pfmy,proposed -pr q -;a*o is reqY(-)Iuor. mayoll PWilt .OR return the. enclosed;n0:01J*fidw-form. 1(you hav,4-any quPstions or comments aboi4my proposed project pteme contac"t;M.ot TOA-813-41644 h t,o- ,a 6y mail at ihe;address wed below If Youlwls Applicant's Telephoim ilavrftleo qoMwW..oT,-qNe the .Tpwn,Q(Oak -Island CAM% Kno may "subm it them Im. I lefom, ',Lor.M Permft Oft6r, for ihol TWh of Oak, Isiand 460 E.O* Island br., OW 0a10MC '21465 Sincerely, Zlaine Billinan Npert' Er y ,3'0 -3- Beach_ MMMing. Address qfei 250A040. c