HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-66_ Kindley (2)Oak Island Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT 0166-19 Permit Number IT Coastal Management 6N VIMONMENTI.L O V •LITV as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Allen & Shellie Kindley, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 116 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 11/22/2019. This permit, issued on December 11, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a single family, with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 11/22/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will requirese-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) DEC 10 2019 M \NILMINCN' NC This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons C II ��/M 11 within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for Donna Coleman compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under LAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: 'Kindley Minor Permit # 011-66 4 ° - = Dates 'December 10 2019 Page 2 of`2; 5 Th'e; permittee�is .re erred; to. contaet the Local Permit Officer(0,10y,V 5024:, shod () q ` �. y°he#ore he plans to begin construction to arrange a setback measurement that will be effective for sixty (60)'days barring a major shoreline change Construction must begin within sixty (601 days: of the determination or the measurement;is-voK (6 The structure must set back;a minimum of 60' feetfrom the first lineofstable natural vegetation;, and extend no: . farther seaward than .the 01 Development:line, as -determined by the DCIVI, the "LPO, or other assigned agent.of he RCMP (7) Any, structuro(s) constructed within: the Ocean Hazard area sholi comply, with the NO, Building Code, irjcluding the: Coastal and Flood Plain Construction Standards, of the; N C: Budding, Code,; and the Local Flood Damage, PreVentiorr Ordlnance as required by the National Flood lnsurance.Program If any, provisions of the building code or flood damage: prevention ordinance are inconsistent with any of the following AEC standards, 'the more - restrictive provision shall control', ($) All buildings constructed within theocean . hazard area. shall comply with; the PVC :Building Code, and the Local Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance; as required by the National, Flood Insurance -Program If aq provisions ofthe building_code or Oood damage prevention:ordinance are inconsistent with any ofthe following AEG�standards, the more: restrictive provision shall controt; (9) All: buildings, must be elevated on pilings with a d ametergf at feast 8 inches in diameter" 'if round_', or 8 inches to a side if'square; and be first floor level of the sillsr.andjolsts, must meet the. 100year flood level elevation (10), All pilings shall have -a.tip penetration,,greater than eight feet below the lowest ground elevation under the structure, (1,1,) -All unconsolidated material: resulting_from associated grading, and landscaping shall be retained on.site by, effective sedimentafion and erosion! .control -m. easures .Disturbed -areas shall be vegetated and: stabilized ..(plantedand mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. - (12) ,Any structure authorized by this permit shall ,be relocated, ordismantled when it becomes: imminently threatened, by changes in shoreline configuration. The, structureW, shall be relocated or :dismantled within two vears of the.-- time shoreline: recovery or beach renourishment taken place within two years pf the time: the structure becomes imminently threatened, so :that the structure, is, no longer imminently threatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled atIII#time This condition shall; not affect the permit holder's right:to seek authorization of temporary protective measures: allowed under CRC rules;_ SIGNATURE:. DATE: PERMITTEE RECEIVED .City A a � 7C one Email AUTIIORME'QAGENT6 Zip honc: propoied'consirticiton and land ,SfZkO.F'L6t&A-RttEF squardfect acres MOVOSED'US'E: Residential' (Single-iranillyle?C4u!t -,thiniii, E])Cotnmerctal)Tndustriaf [] Other !0 thwit are voi.vire ookeh Are applies '(1) Ot-EANHAZARD ARCi.-T6T,.AI;IztlgORAUFAOp' PItOr�OSFD�StItUiC.TIjtt. -square feet (mclttdrs air 06ifedaboWt ground level butsp . a.co). COASIA,LSHORELINErAECT:,SIZE OF'BUILDING FOOTPR M."AND OTHER IMPERVIOMOR-M.U10, UPON St W'' 1 dud ridbtibn b'Allbuilding M" M '�kqukfe"kt(ib .concrete br mis6nrypatibs; itei ihat.are within the ­applicable AEC, Attach yourr4kulations with:fhe project drawing.) Pj:'PM1t, Is the;,pro'jeculicicated lka'barea mbiect wa stvftd. "r-l"'a"r S_!Manugeni Pornift issued by. the NC. DiAsion ofEtiergy:Uinerid-aniffand Resiouftes (1) , r-MLR)!' , FS_. - - emI Y JfYkbe;JNl, the total built,, upon arcarimpervious surface allowed Iftn%your, lot square feet. RECEIVED DEC 10 2019 it DCM WILMINGTON OT-!!Il T 1G111 REQUIRED: The activity you -are plarinjng.ntnyrequireperrniu other titan the C. AMA biling. Mit 'to: ininor. evc opment-ptirinif* incl -ntA:Thniicd -13rinking.Waicv. Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system),, 6ulldingi ElectrIC113,Tfumbfrig; Heating and Air Condititihi6g; Iftsulation find E I ber . wfi setibil. SA gy 4;qtf cht Cofitrolestl,bdvWtitf ApOf6v'11,Mbbild-1i6fit6 PiffKAriop6iiii], Highway bth6r'q.:Clf W-A-0 y6ut. L661 Pdftit Officer for more information; STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: L,thc undemigiftaan applicant fnr it CAN41A being eRfieff th"Wrifffiflirdipfirfy in- an AEC at h personauthotized icraci;,Ls.an;agcntforptirposcs ofappkving' for aZAMAminordcvclopntcntpctmii cettifytliattheperson hd ' listed as�fanddw6h1hi§AOPli6tibh his a gignificafit ififerist ifi'th6.ial pfbliert� de�6eibed'ificicifi,.-rhis-inietest can be- describetlas4alictik one)' Xtin owilev-61:11ord t"itle-titfe is vested' in tiaiebj--),411 gt��in did �7 county 'kertstr of-Decds:' see Deed'Book 914 f_ P11 _:twowner by virtue :df . inheriumcoi ApgllictntJs anficirto-the,cstate of __;.probate was inCounty. _ifoilier interest, such,asmrifiewcontract or leaser "pliih below or use a separawshcet $atcaih to this application, NOT I FIC AT 1 ON ON A 61AUMT A I MM AN _P kO PE ftTVIOXIN-F R'S! the following ftrwng are owners of.properties adjoining this property l affirrin that I have given ACTI ALNOT109 to each atifilibm birie.eniing my intenvto to apply foe LAMA permit (4): ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 1, the.utuiel'Sigiied, acknowl6dgethat isibivbr& Mat the - propose 'd1d I t W-Olaiihidfideah fif6iWhich ; eve opmOl maybe susceptible to crosion-,undInr flooding. FacKnowictigelhat the Local Pcrrnivbifpcer has mplauvtd tome the par.dicu- tat hazard prof teiffg.,ogtdaiattd',wftkt6i§ lot. This itnbiliM- tion and floodproofing lccliniqucs; lluftlicrmofecertify that I AratautivoAzed to grant; aq"ojwrActgrpn!,'Pcrmiss . to DhQ1on.dCoastal Manaiacment statt. the Lo6itlTefinit-Offidei hiidthdiragcbtste:cntcron the:a(bremcritioncd lands in connection with evaluating -information related tolitis perii)it appltcatioit: This the diyof '20 74, Landowner orpcT$ork aitlthori2cd to actlas'llisthcr agent tar purpti,.m.6t hiing4 c nMA petbill,appll Cation a.fite ek,dWhig as deki`iW dh,tld backt5f1his d�pheafi?jm 'the cnvypershipsrdr�.Yiieni. ifte &ean a Ple to dic IoP41101ijond .0'the iij)plieiiiii.T7iediteiiisafflietrpplic(iiioyiasdescribed -4ti,these sources .ore tut), pennit..Any,perxn?z dLivelaphiginan. AEC without permit Issubftel in riWT, rriptulial and adinibi.ifrafive actin. AGENT, AUTHORIZATION HORIZATION FOR.CANIkIRERMITAPPLICAMN. App Name of Property, Owner, lying for Permit' Phone Numbest 7 certify fy r ft author ti, have gont /- Confraefor to, act onmy beh-alf., for the purposeof applying and obtaining ally CAMA. permits - necessary3 fdr the proposed development_ of. at my property located at, -c- in; County. This.certification it valid through Mfe, ,(Property, Owner infOrmati Information) Print or Typ e po- Name TWO -41 Phone Mithb& Email Address A150, Pedjddt is in:.An; Erodible Area Property. Property,, A Adr Datt, Lot -Was: Platted: NAZARIX N0--TnCe,'_ This natice,-s.intended'to,make you, the -applicant, aware-oftba. , special risks andqojnditionits.socitLte(1,Wkth,.deveti)pt.nitil.tii-L-,thls:, area,, mifibqh': is subjectto.nafiaAl hazardi-,-such- as. storms,:erosion aw currents -. The rules of the Coastal Resources. Corimission. require:thatyou receiveanAEC-:Hazard,,Notice:audacknowledge: that nodce fn .wriftg! before; apOMit:4ord.eve'IPOnecan tie issued-. The Co is, gidri_'s, rules -on'. buildilm&,standardsi 6,00MArdlit 4ethaqks, and dune ',alterations are designe4t"o minimi7g,,but-not, I prop 'iftigpetm t9the 'efty logs ft0t4hatft,'8.y;gra'n i Coasta[Resource&Cornmission does not guarantee the-safety,of the developmentand assumes -oo liability for future to the development. Permits issued in the_ Ocean Hazard Area7lof Env ko LCon n tUt ''be ,P 1 AS -0, reldcattd-ot,dismandedif. they'becomeimminentty , ft'eatcndd�by, changes in shore,11pe configuration The stnjq64(s) must be relocated or dismantled, I within. ;;o (2), years �ofbecoming- .iMn*4eptjy ftatene4,. aqd:'irf any =case up6n itseollapge or 'SUb9*nc0; The best availa,ble, informatipm, as accepted, by the Coastal Resources : Commission, indicates that the annual long-term average ocean erosion .,rat6--fbr-'the 'area wherp'yqur-p operty is k f f locW66S, odti* year.. Thetitewas,estabfishe0y, corefutanalvsisof aerial pAotographs, 6f the.wastlibe taken: dver'the,,oast 50 yeifrs. h - feet landward hi a major, Ajor storm., The flood waters W. a;m'aj*p'rSthrrfi are predicted to be About L'fL feet deep fa this arc&. Pitfoirtid.oceanfront.Protedtidn measures afe�beach Ourishriaent and relocation: 6fthrelit0pedi, strudt'='S. Hard, prosip. , A. control strUctires-su&M,bUlkheads$,aw-OS�.ICZftents,Igroins', j oeids and breakwaters areprohibitef. Temporary sand , bags may be'. 0utkqrf=d under eefta" itiont: The ,applipantknust.aelmowle0gethisiO"tibrian.dre,nui,rements, by signing,'thit notice in: the: spAcc;bolo *,,Whhout . the proper f per signature williio-comp)ete: ,.the application L LAp F icqn flats K10h HazartF Rqqd'Arew Area SPECIAL-NQTE:Tliis'!hazmmriotilmisnequiftdfordeveloptnei 'Perrnit§ in-ateas sWjod:W Mid&fi wiif.'� sion ism-edfor4ovelopin :iilrl*iparqaoxpirqqlk-pgcq!)**,Ilof.tli6 th''Ifd'; ydar f0ftftingi the year 10 V *0 permit NVA§ idSue& Shor,tly46efgro-woikbegins�on,t,he prQ s tfieLocaffennit setback fttappe.atyoursito; -Iflhe;prqp qrt , y hgsseeo littlochange, sraee the time ofpermit:issuance, and the;proposed development: canvill'ineefthe.-setbackreq , 4trement,the.L—PO.-willittfbrm-you, ffi,of"Y-04, MAY"' b gubstaotiai,'000 — ' - " 66 begin work gross on. e. ptiplect, 'Must,'be- rna& wAin,60`.days ofthi; s setbackdetermination,. T t-h6Aot r-hsvbe'�4t4e04ed.A-' soji(he�o difa- M p - - __ _J - . ajor shotei.i:n,etchangp�as'the,r6sdt.of.a:stomvithiff.the 60--dayperibd' WitInectssitate -remof jhe:setback,, It. is- important -thatyou checkwithAAMbefore the'permitexpifes-,for official- oppfovij - to continue - they work 'A#q the permik'has expired; Generally Unigia avet n, andsubstantialifif6undatibb.pilif h - bee placed. prqgress, is, continunig,, pernut t00 [ can bje-.pq*0ijz%L It is. unlawful .foconrinue.woik- pe For More-10foMadon, contact: _L)01,J,N R. .0cal Porfolt 6 44troo-:1 UaIgL acotaxylgo. all. U.S RevisedIdg- I 'T AS E . DOLPH DRIVE W PUBLIC RIGHT' 0 F4AY 8*1TOY' , 50 A ox Y: SEP 4 sm-Aw ALL ot§TV"PP q!p�. Z TWO. (-!) TREES To s&; n IN; HEIGHT OR OVER Al-1141torr mov k PLANTED OR REMAIN REMAIN, AFTER; ,6tqSn ER EXC# 1-45!) _V,�Pop"p - 25-f MBL 3- ON . 1W PARKING' AREA MU01 BE PROVIPED ON THIS POPERY R9-AW-A049L.E -RoWNQS ETMY OFF.OF THE Sr RIC �LG.r Afitk 7%0, -SF TOTAL, IMPERVIOUS. AREA AREA A RErENMON ZAIZEILMON I slow t:4 SF �X, 1.5)/12-615, CF/.C.76alo-qu LF rLuw 2.(5558 SFiX tf EMUO 3.(556.8 SF, X tm)/1269:5 CF/1 76P39.5*46 LF EZFLOW R Mae: ROOM RES!PENCE, PF/J'.T§-�39.4�-40 LF EZF1qoj ON Ptu -$#*(45A Sf`-X� t5)1�12a44:4. CF/,1162 5.27-rZ LF EZFt-O-W, 0 FIDWONTIC 8.1� (34&.6 Sf- A CFY,7_76--t�24 IF UFLOW,Ey NOTE!; SILK FENCE W CO ENTF"CE PER TOWJN� OF I. I. , I 9 OwISIZO -9T- ARD TAIL OR PORCH enogoj� E , I . . 0 WAPLISH V 0 AYK COVER (NO) 12' -NADVF FILLY I * I L 26" fABL N W15 116EAST B."EAR H DRIVE , &S"7± 5Q" ,PUBLIC. (+ LINE AGENCY i0ct umw WITHIN A F.F-mA201!spEcN'. - , �, BM., E'k At - OF REFERENCES, 11, PE.4, Of� Ser LOW BEACH. REDONDEM IN k" CABINET 15. PACE ISZ-169. ft 5 24 -1947 IN THE:BRUNSWICK COUNTY.. NORTH r�,"U"A'RE9.w OF DEEDS DEED, BOOK. 3942. PAGE- 1121 RECORDED IN T'K. k" K- COUNTY; NORTH -CAROLINA hW=,,(3F'D=& -GiRAPHIt, SCALE -K 7 t INCH, E 3p., fw TAX PARCEL.. # 234MCQT6 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FOR:, BUFF BUILDERS OT 9". BLOCK61- W-t ioNd BEACH C OAK ISLAND-..SMITHVILLE TOWNS IP BFU.RSWIC-K COUNTY-, NORTH CARQQN A. VCS'- 4, CQ " INC C��,Zl 60 f MpbR WAY OAlt'' ISLAND NC TELEX (704) 361 =4'&A-7 EMAIL v.csbrunsddd&r#W 9 'M , NC for U-515' &F�-e 6vaj 11 Adjacent PrOPj9r.lyq.,.W nE_� H03, Al' FL&A 6 KQ U4" maillrig Address 71-7 7, City,- State"Zip 'cod e, Dear AdjadOMPFop-etty,-, This letter i's,to inform you. that 1, 447 Propertyt*wnor Permit -on my Ortipeirf 'Y' at,. Property -Address County. As, requited by CAMA regulatidhs, 1, h9V6,00,00'sed 4 copy 'Qf'MY permit appl df6wilng(s), as, n' my project. No action is' required"f rom you ory the enclosed no objection form. If YOU have any questions Or. ommpnts about yv( contact me at zlq� --, 1443 by, Mail at the address fitted Appllicahft TdIephoh6 file writtencommentsM, _Ots or, objqdtfons with the Town of'08k1slaM �QAMA inprPermil. th6m,tb,- L ponn?,f. Colema6 le Local -Permit ipff k cer-fortheJown, 'Of 0,81 W'di 4001 E'=-' Oak Island Df.. ' Oak Island, NQ-, 28465 Sincerely I - Propeq, Owner` nj CLLn Mailing Address r4 ni City, 'State, Zip Code rl i f - Q'Aduitolgrii*R6trktc Cu* ST4;3t-a,-t- P-4-,D- S-t 0-,g, -0,gM --F-1 _ -'15Y &CAMAMnor —, to Brunswick and project sl0tv"POO retum project, please If you I -Wish to iRyoundy submi M OTMr �FMWIMSRWFM UMN M 011 ISM111111-64 I Date ,�ft4 'Adjacent Property Owner Nfaiiing Address A, City State,,, Zip 00de, 'Dear Adjacent PropetW Thfs letter is to 1nforftydU:IhatA,, have Property Owner Permit on MY 11roporty, atic� L117 w Property Address QounV,,. As required by LAMA regulations, 1. have enclosed atopy, of rpy. Ora notiftation of'my-proposed. project. . No action it reqpf YO, or Y, the #n enclosed no objectiofyf0p yq4es ons.o iy pV _Jfywhave'an, ti­.' r�boMmen. about M, contact meat ,or by mail. at the addresslitted A0 ad.s, Telephone; . plic Tele�hoi file written com, ent -or objectionsvith,the 1b of Oak Island LAMA Minor Permit V� them to: DOMA R. Colehlgrf Local,' Permit Officer for the Towtiof 4%1, E. -Oak islaPO'Dr. Oak,.I,sland,,NC 28465. Sincerely, U S. Postal S CERTIFIEI Domestic Mail On, 010 /41111aolk)-, c__Au:vrIA_ Er panes Mailing, Address Cu' (Chao ru City;;M $tate, Z10 Code E5 rr-I for Werey, aLAMA Minot imftnswlck iand project sign andreturn (.project,; please if -w yqu , wish to am, you may tdbMit-, 0