HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-65_ Yaegar (2)Oak Island Local Government N~ CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT Wo PERMIT Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management' Issued to Benjamin & Gina Yaeger, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 207 W. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 11/19/2019. This permit, issued on December 11, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a single family residence with parking in the 60' setback and associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 11/19/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This peril action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this RECEIVE Donna Coleman @AMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL permit expires on: DEC 1 0 2019 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Lanndd WfLMINOak Island, NC 28465 GTON C Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal PERMTTEE Management. (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) N J, Minor Permit 0116 Date: Deoember,O-,j, 2011. Pbge,2; of 2 (5) The ,pernfteei.$,required 'tocontact.the,Local Permjt--Qfficor,(,91,01),,2785024,shortly betqrehQ plans d6h8ih1doni.!6 80 Ahge,.-9 8iRbabl?,* ffiLiasUreffionflhat will be MdV6 for giW­-(60). days barring, 4 major shotblifie change., C , onstructl6amust,.begin within sikty160j4hys.of thodeterminaflon' or the measur6mentAsmofd (6), The structure mustset back arninl (im of60'feet.frcim, the first line ofstable natural, vegetation, and extand. rio farther Seaward t n 0 M or other assignedageht6f the than 'Ol DqveL1opmentjinp.,aSr,-4e . determined by;th ' -_ ..In to tem QQ j the LPO (7) Any structures) ; constructed, within, the Ocean Hazard area 4haill oQmp]Y With the N C Building C 00 bd' including the coatW and hood Plain Cohstruetibn 8taintlardg, of the N., G. 6urldirig Cdde, and the Local Flood Damage, Prevention, Ordinance- as required by the National. Flo.flnsurance, Program.. If any, provisions of, the -building cod ora. flood. damage6 le followin prevention. qrOjnpnqp arp-inconsitt6rit. with 611 f *0 standarft the ffift. restrictive We provision shall control', (8)` All buildings constructed within. the mon, hazard area shall comply with., the NO Building Cocle, and the Flood DamagePrev6nfloin- Ordinance as required, by. tie, National Flood Insurance l Program. ' If - any y I ' provisions O Ahe- boilding,code. or- a. flood da mage preventionordinance: are incQnsfstent with, any of 1110011ow ,,In g; AEC ­,standards. the more restrictive ptdVisisloh Shall d6fibrol". M. All buildings must be elevated on.. pilings- with a, diameter of at: least 8,inches in diameter; if round, or 8. inches to a 3 .Side, if s uare; a ev616fthOstlis'andi 1Sttrhu$tffieettfte,,1My on. -q,-.-.. ROthqfir9floorI, _19 'ear flood le�v (fO) All pilings shall have,.afippenetration,.greater,than eight feet below the lo.westground.,eie,,vitto.n,ttnderilt4o structure; (111) Qqne disturbances will be-1 allowed, oniy to thenecessary protective. VA6, p4ertt oppe, _. Ekry for development and if the, uhd!§: pr6tqdti is Aot.Weakened or reduced. Disturbed dune amatwill'be immediately .stabilize All unconsolidated material resulljbg: from mWOM i grading, and landscaping shall I be; retained on site by ,#vq , q#eG -SedfrflehtAdh and! erosion, control rhe8sur6s.Disturbed areas, ihatir be vegetated. arid'sta6ilized'(planted art'd 0 8) (14) 'mulched), within: 1.4 days of` construction completion, Any structure: authorized by, this permit shall be relocated' or' dismantled[ when it. becomes; ffiminonfly threatened by thorelift recovery or beach Tenou shment takes place, within two yeorsi of the time the structurez becomes IM, q1nen d imminently threatened, so th.at, jhgi structure is no l6nger,im tly thteptepod, then itnee , no be tdodat� or . WTI P _ ­ ­ 1. dismantled at that the. This tondition'shaff,not affect the permitholdeiOsdghtto seek"authorlMlon of temporary protective measures allowed under CRC rules,., The oceanfront, uncovered deck' within ft setback area shall not. exceed: ac, footprint of `500. sqquares feet and shall he structurally independent from the hauselbundOtlon pllings. (15): Ddvaways,and: parking area shall,be, constructed oftlay, kqkodsand orgriv.el'in..,,the -OO.setback, SIGNATURE DATE. PERMITTED Locality —y- U—CLK L"l—if A Permit Number —01 Ocean Hazard, —✓i,—ef `Estuarine, Shorelines OR-WShOrelitie<-..,,,PublicTmstShoreline —. 4 Other 14 (For offictqj jjse, on&l GENERAL INFORMATIOM LAND OW,.NFR, -w MAELINO ADDRESS lk"Jr-AX-4, z E R D "� C`_ E_ -1 V., E_ ------ 2 9m hone -I,!" ji OF PROJECT: (Address, street n d/ ,ordirections. tolsi �mine 2jiftheadjscent w4terb DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT.- (Last al, iproposed'construction arid! land; d- tu is r 6 enc � Up A. A 4 IA 1A A T' � MEOV110"UPARC L I -'EL i, . square feet _01 _71 acres, ?RQPOSED USE.- Residential. (Single-family werci W 24wfi-;fEim'1Y-' El') (�'om­ _ja, ndfistrialEj Other, 'QWLFUE EITHER (1) OR (2)BELOW -(ContactypiftL-oca4pek.-�dlOfficer 'ifyou. gr# not sure whicliAEC applies 1) 'OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOULFLOOR AREAIMPROPOSED STRUCTUREf6et (includes; it conditioned living space, parking elevated-,abov �e-grqlqnO'Ieveli non -conditioned: space elevated above ground level but olUdifignon-load-bIearin'1attic space) 'I'MAUALSHORELINKAEQs" SIZE OF BLTILDrNG. FOOTMINT AND IOTIMR IMPERVIOUS OR, BUILT PON SURFACE9.. square. feet (includes: the area of overlIft f6tifidAtionof all building driveways; ci A *' , 'EIVED 'fic'Me or. masQI-UY, 1)40'9, etc. that are'-withi' the: applicable AECt Attach your calculAtions wiffi the protect Project drawing.). FATE MRMWAT9R MANAGEMENT j?ERMff., Is the prqj DEC 10 20'i9 4 4 ect locatedin an. area subject to State AWM it Permit issued by the..NC, Div 3 ormw anagem Of Energy, Mineral and. Land' osour ds: (%'MLR ?' ES NO CM ILMINGTON NC Yps,, list the -total built u a/f Pon', are mriperviou . s svrb ' age allowed for your, lot or paroeff, squ are OTHER kFRMUS' � MAYBE RE b The, Ci -4c jvUY,Y6.iu Art planning p' may rvq iry ermi6 o an the CAMA. Minor development Permjt,jacludifig, but* not 11 tedto:,I) kiqK'�NWW&II,,,sdpti"c!Ta*-(ptot4ets4iiita t sanitary waste; itbathidnt system), Building; Electrical, plimbifig, Reating.,and Air- - Cohditioning'IASVIatiot and Energy AA`qrtification, m,Y . i�ogAppttval�MobueHoAp-ParkzApproValiiihwayCoi6ectton, and :400,-Check With-yourLoqat Pormjt;(Ifficer for more- information, STATEMNT OFIOWNkggHIP, L the undersigned, an apph WAftVf6 ACAMA'minor-development'permit,-' ihg.eithert-heIowqpro ..propefty.,in. an AEC or 'person authorized to actat.an agent for purposes of applying f6t a," CANIA,in m"or deve perini4 certify that the person liked as la ef On this appliq4 significant I , ­ jidowtv - In, the! real, ,scribed-, therein; int6td, can. be. described as;. (check onel, prQPP4.` detc ef This sta n. own orrecord �Jtlq,, T�jfle,j� '7 see Deed Book page County 9egi$fiY_ofDeedS. an qW00r bY virtue of inhenianee, Applicant is atfheir to, the estate of probate was in, if PtheVinfdfest, such as Written contract or lease, explain, below,or use application... 0�_ separate shed Sc& attaph! tohig NOTWCATTQN01FADJACENT, RIPA?SUN r 9RTy 0 W NERS: C flirth6rmore certify thAtthe following Ors0fts are .owners Q f properties adj.,oiping :this prop-brty...1 affirm that 1 6 given &CTVA"OT" to each, of th have gien emi concerning intent to. develop pro 0rfY0jjd.toa ­ 1.� p - pply Or. AMA ehhh, . (Kamo) rAemn.-oal.. 3) LCXW0WILEDGEMNTg, ,the undersi, d edge that 14h& undersigned,. acknowledge owi owner is: aware thatithof-Proposed. development is Planned, &r-an -area w iay be susoePtibldi Wer0sion, and/or flooding. I acknowledge: that the, Local Permit.Off ddr. has explained to me tho�paiticu- it, ha.zardprbblems associated With thislot. This explanation was aec'oMpabied-bYtecommendconcernings I stabifiza= on. and &odprQq g- iechdiques. Furthermore, certify that, I= authorized rant, and o i fact gran pe 14S to Division to 9 A rm: 10 n of Coastal Management staff, e Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the af6rernenfion.ed! I#uds in donne.ction with; evaluating m ormation. lated to, this permit app lication. ndown.opor,_p1stsen authorized ibbi This the d' 41; ay, - - as. his/her agent -for - ....-PurP ogt roflilingaCAMA -permit application. &APP11cationinclu4s. general informatio (this form); a site: draw -a h1g, as described on the back of, this p nersh[P statement the Ocean Hazard AEC Notice -where. n -t pjica(jon; the ecgssqPyj&.oh&ckj6jt$jo 00 madepayablatothe locality WfOrOddon as may � he provided;oraffy by the The detdi&of e, and appikant application; 6y� -$o�urces are or porated with011fr*Bende in "' any permit it be issued. Deviation. from "these detaits will Co f ,permit. Any person developing in an AEC- withoutpermit4sSUb0040,C&IIi.criminaland'admii.istrative actio);, R01 AEG'- HAS ME' Project Isla -Ant'. zQoean-Erodl4ldArea: _Z. HfghR4zardt Flood -Area Hazard d2drdArea Property Property Lot, 1, This nqftqe isint ended you,; ifieappli torMako applicant ,.aware�oftha . special risks Oci risk I associatedwith develop rieuit in this: -area, which iszoubject, to nattirdl hazards, such --as storms,, erosion wid durrents. The .rules of the. Coastal Resources c6thtissibn requirwthat oureceiMAEOffazar d- Notice anilacknowledge that notice in writin&before apqr 4evVeld0mentraft be issuedi, The Gorrttnisston's rules ioo buildi ing, standards; o6ganfro t 4: a - - setbac tFs and dub.diiiierations-:,are desi" lbb,miO I but. designed zo�.,-not elfilhate' property!- d - granting -iermits,-the hazards AZU4.1,yy COWOA, 0 -.orrimission ddes!rWografitedthe s-dfety �df the development anal; assumes nor,fiabxfiii' V- -for future dampgP to. the oevol motit.,.porm, its issued in; tha Ocean Hazard Area of` Environmental Concern -i d d _63h6,09'a Won that structures 4e relocated or dismantledif they, b6do ir qJ im inently %rowtied',E yy OUbg0s in, s horeli ne confl guration. TlaeA ft(i) must be, alocaied or dismantled .w.ith' (2-Y f U years ocoming-, iii. two Jr.haiinently, threatened,, and in any L.case. upon its collaps e :or. subsidence. The best availkt`6 i4dorinatiqn, a;,, accepfe4 by the Costa ll, Resources, Corqmfssfqti indicates; that the. annual tong-terin average: ocean: &-the, area where your prppqrty is an; erosion rate locatedis at Per,Y6 TIW,tote Wlisesta I blisfiedby careful ,,,analysis,ofacrig.pkotographs of-theLcoastline taken ov.ertbq post.50yegs, Studies also iindidate:.that,the shoret..inc;could mov!p;osniuch-4s , foor landward','-- - or storm, .. in a major Theflood waters in a inajqr 4tqrvt,are pre(dickd',to, be about feet p- in this area: Prefcrretf ' oceanfronpro t tection ingasureoare beglynoutisfinient ' , oceanfront - _ , and relocation of threatened. structures:. Hard erosion, control structures such as WIM94, SeE0411si revOtnobts�,groinsjetties: And breakwaters are prohibited_ Temporary sand bags may be, authorized1uodqrqertajx0Witio .The applicant must acknowledge thisi!ifomi4tionand requirements S,kv signing this. notic ek in the: space., below. proper ,griature the applicdImmill not, be comp(pte.i, A'- V "w P-Pligant WIMIUM: Da .qPEcIAL NQTME:This hazard dotice kwq4rtd,&br.deve intat. top in aroassubject to sudden andmassiv.q st OnddosibnAnnits third year f6how.M& the; YeArJa which the FFO t*Abiisued; $hw,,t,IY,beIo-r,-e- wo-t . egmsoul !,,proj'ectsite,..thetoiLat-.P.errnit Officer must be contacted to determine sotback&Uha9tybur' .Ifffit�prdpert ttle�c g Is site; y-fias'seen U hatt- -o since the m erMit' &;hepxopwdd6Vdldpinent, that:can still meet�tlie setback requirement, the LPQ-wilfinform yob y progress the. qqataykoglinw.ork.-Sobst;nti4lpr.og sb.n project mustbe.., made within 60 days.-,.of-ihi"S.:sdtback-,d6termin 4wor', the s4ackmustbe remea.sured-Also, thev;Ptfr*ffcb-,0fA inajor shoreli'ne..chgnge..as.,,the re§ul't,,Qta.§tbrm withih the-6Q.-day, period will' necessitate . re . imp . rit., _Mq4sprompat orthp setback, Itis important " tf(atybd ChO&Witfi the LPQ bofbid the �Pennit expires, for official approval to continue, the work: after the permit has. exp frecL Conerally;,iffoundk(ioo pilings have b, e placed !d a . podan4substdntial progress is, continuing, permit- renewal can be authonizcd.. llijs ,unlawfufba_continue work, afterpermitempir4tion. For,atore informatibn, contact Local Permit 0*0e +dni FE, Addres-s. wcaffly (9 1.6): PhoneWumber deo, le" Main. 9`1 Clt'.. fic,. L4 - A. r, AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT, APPLICATION Narn-& of Property :Gwaer-Applying forp6trnlit. -V-VL n. Mailiqg, address,-, � + rAi f 1 S, C A-'- 9-1-3-D-1 --D-2-4 2- Phone; Number:('' 00 1 certify that 1, bove, author,", - ed Agent'l QW(gagr LUI, to act on my behalf; fdrthis purpose: of applying and obtalhirgall CAM permits its necess-ary'fQ'f the proposed development of, -Yuc J� *My -,property located at _;;Vn, w i h, Coun This certification liva-fid, through: tzo t ­ D-Wff (Property. Owner Information) r - o Ty pe Name Title, Dato Phone Number Email Address- Novembef 18,.2019 CU !E3 M 0 CM, Mr. Floyd M, Plyhn It, W­ gyCJC'I 2057 NeilsEddy. RIO gdlwo60j,NC 2`84564006 06.0Mr. Flynn, ThifletterJs 3toi'nfqrm- you. that ($,.Oii.ho.ur-Hd.tht!S,.LLG,has,,applied'foraCAMA M norper.mit on,tl e-. property located at 207- WestBeach Drive;.Oak,Island, , trnBr uhs'k Cou nty. ,As required by CAM A regulations, I have: a copy df60tPermiapplitation and; p oject4ras &iftation of our: .p_rQpo$ed'p,rOjedt. No action: is required from you or you may, sign.the ',enclose-d no pb- ct'—qrI form (f y6uhave.questibp4orpoment$,ah6uttheptoposedproject.PleosecQntact,no.4t9.iO .4620i;orby retail' at the address be low.. If;you, you, wish to file, WrifWrf. c6mr0ahtsabr: bbjectibnswith the Town of 0 Island CAMA Mihqr permit program, you maysubmit;them fo: Donna: F.. Coleman LpqalfOrmit OWicet for the Town of Oak island `4601 E. Oak Isla r n Drivei 0A Island _ I i NC,284,65 I in, ''I rell y I Mary -Beth DeW` IsenhoiUr HOnes, LLC' ,St -..James Square 4.00'Southport Supply Rd SE' Suite 1.0.1 South - poft,;RC 28461 910,305-16201 go to CO I= M November, 18. 2 G 9Ir Mr.,.. 04, Mts.. Harr�,Allen'Diel 44449 Redwood Lane; C406M !a, MD. 20619. botrM'r.:an&Mrs-_ I DIOL This letter isito �In�fo"rmyou th4 Isenhourli'd 0 ..LLIC has applied 'fora CAMAMino pert if n'the Property-10cated;at2o7West: Beach' Drive,Oak lsj� inswidkCourity. As reqPired' by, CAMA regutations,,:tlhave ,enclosed a(,copy 4four ,Perm,j'ta W project, drawl rvg(4)',as., notification* v application an of our proposed. project. No action is required from Q.. you pr-yqu. m- s.igothetdriclosed,no,6bjqctionform if about -you have'q 1 IMOP 1- H0 '.the,pr'Qposedproj ct,pfease�:c rt Molt'90-308400, or by, ,west.m.or COM 14 mail at the address below:. If you wish to fife written co- with the,Town, mmen orb �16c.tfons�w of 04k Island CAMA, Minor perm Otprogr -affi� you itt V aysubmit them to: DonnaR Coleman Coca( Pe�aTfit-Offidet.f6r the Town of W40 `4601E., Oak I'sig.nd 0 ­ I , re Oa' island, NC 28465 Sloterely) Mary. Beth Deal Isenhour Homes,. LLC St. James Square 413,01.00thport-Supply, R#$� Suitlo 101 Somth'pOrt, NC28461 910=3634620 MEMOKP FLOGR. P-LA'N . — .-I HW.ED7 ;c: 69Z- ft' REni UMIM ""'I ' I AL EJ-U.0 Elr,.M AftE 'C.!' THIR:LCIOM PLAN: HEAiED PIIIIE��JllW jl �32i ME a (p .0,) =1 GM A x2v 4 VICINITY MAP' NOT TO Scmz ATLANTIC OCEAN ATLANTIC OCEAN, 2000 US - CqE� �d r� ,LL, DISTURBED AREAS EE r & STRAW. - ' - A SEED 2. ONE' (1) TREE TO BE 15!' K HEIGHT 00 OVER AFTER' AT MATURITY MUST BE PLANTED OR REMAIN_I -CONSTRUCTION ., PER . R , E 1450! SF., OF LOAREA.- . .1 EACH i: ONE 91 x TW PARKING AREA MUST BE PROVIDED ON THIS PRQ'.?JERTY PER HABITABLE. ROOM- M NUS ONE- COMPLET ELY OFF OF THE STREET RIGHT —OF WAY: EA 7500.0 SF LOT_ AREA TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREO iqzt,5 sf, 10, rj-- - Ws- F t f. :FIW LINE OF STABLE VEGETATION (R10% FLAGGED BY'CAMA OFFICIAL 06TERWARD TaEr 1 =(V39.5 SF X 017/153-4 9=5 L—F UNE 1: . : C�F /3.53--6Z,=1.0,, LF as 2 (178.0 SF X0 Wit 3=(1SF X* 1.5)112=23.4CF/3.53t64=19V LAN, 4=(1:87 0SF X T.t)/12=23.4 CF/3Z3=16.6=5 LE 5 (t65.G SP X 1.5)/12=20.6 CF/22,1-=0.9.'--i, CHAMBER 12 �(1.;69.0 SF X 1, -S) 12 Z2A=0,9=1 CHAMBER f . x t8sfi f L01 rofAL VOLUME TO. BE:RETAINED =127.7 CF 0" m cd cp 0- NOTE' SILT FENCE � CONSTRUCTION' EN'. RANCE TO BE PER TOWN OF' T 15 - OAK. ISLAND; STANDARD DETAIL OR APPROVED EQUAL Z, flRST TA ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE- COV COVER (TYR)-, 12" NATIVE FILL ,5.0` FROM' FOUNDATION_ FROM PILINGS .7 Ll E "SE Q rn 0 oil se Po PERFORATED,— :R FABRIC i�li cs, EfIdw .1Z1 207 S 60' PUBLIC OR 3:53. CF/LF b IEGENO(IF USP) 1917=11ROK ROD' OR REBAW FOUND'017`--�PIPE, .. FOUND. T .0 #57 ST M8L:iiMINiMUM: BUILDING LINE, REBAR SET ENGINEERS , r U,S. ARMY CORP OF QI DEC 10 2019 0, E EACH DCRR'�y , _ OTON, N 3'HT-0f—WAY ... STONE. ENCASED, �WIT.14 FILTER FABRIG. INFILTRATOR QUI61(4� PLUS HIGH CAPACITY CHAMBER. AND END' W, 5 ry.2' .'-PM 4' 5EcnoN OAK ISLAND GRAPHIC -SCALE -AGENCY ZONING I 1.6 0 :7i5. is 30 R7