HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-62_ Efird (2)Oak Island RECEIVED 01 62.19 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued Chad & Ginger Efird, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 4204 E. Yacht Dr., in Oak Island, as requested in the permittee's application, received 11/1512019. This permit, issued on 12/06/2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a single family residence with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 1111512019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910)278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the penmittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. RECEIVED DEC 10 2019 DCM WILMINGT(D M! )J,,t0, �UUL�LLUL Donna F. Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) NOMO! Effrd M.IjidtPriffiJt# * f0l'6­19 Date: IVOR 0 Page.2 M tfie amount of impervious suda'ce shalt h6t6xceed 3QPta Of the M area witlin 71 feptOf n h19 water' mstuariqe ShorelinsArea.0f Environmental,00in this,caseJ000 square feet is, authonzed.' (6) All UMbrisolidated material roWbOg ROM 6s9dolat6d,grading and ta retained o a ,s b by ef f sedmentaWn and'Qrosibn control measures: P00r, to any land4sturWng activities, ;a41der I4e,�qf fijfer-lo hi must be installed. between, the.faritl dfsturtiing activity And the adjacent marsh or areas, Until guchlrrleas fhevea has been properlyasta!Iilized with a; vegetativer., ,,,6ove... M An, proposed hg-withl ,Y PrDPQ in the 30-boffer ftmlho normal; hi4K, water must Wtontoured to, prevotttaddiflonaf stamwatpr runqffto-tbp:adjacent porsh., This area shplt. W. immediately ,vo gly'.stabjilizooptppmafn iningetativ , arLO m A vegetated state, (8)All other b vegetatively stabilized,(Plgfit6d and roulthwywithin14 days of donsttudbo fi completion.: e (9) P'nottoany development, gift.lence, shall beproperty;i6sitalled between pJanned land, disturbance jand t 400cerflmrsb: and qppu waiter mps;,be prpppoy maintained throughout the constnictto_,n - Sii0d. Sift fence, shall be:ihstalledl such Pe that Itis'propody toed4b.t6the soil: . (10) All other., disfutbed areas, sholf be vegetatively stabilized (pln(W and "MU16hed), Wfthin'14,d6yt,6f-.- construction completion. -th (11)Priortoany,doyelopm the permiftee is -required. -to. jact xm, e con e L 1' Pont Officer Q-201- 2 904.7 to mark the landwardedge of I be . 3011 Met: , . C I j� "':' .SIGNATU.RE.---.---. DATE., PERMITTEE PermitNumber 2, I I Idan Iiazatd "`dn- n'e: Sfidiefie-/'..QRW Shoreline: LPublic Trust Shoreline Otfier(F.6f. - 6 ft 16i l -, u s, e- -, 6 n'f, y- GENERALMORMATION LAND. OWNER. Name:! Address: AN��, t7en�g� AUTHORIZED AGENT - , Name: Address:: 0, /Vt` J01 P- City" : LOCATION OF IP adjacentmaterbody '�� :��EIUED Phone; State:,. - NV', C, 2u Thone to site. 1fno-i , - , i what is the nameof-the - ocean on, What DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:, (List all proposed construction,and, land disturbance.) SIZE OF LOTMARCIM:J05611 gquare,f6et J ''acres, PROPOSED; USE, ..Re,side.,tliia*-(Singtf.6fami i7f0mJJY- -E ia.l. 0 other El TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR. AREA OF A BUILDINGIN THE OCEAN HAZARD! AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL. CONCERN (AEC). -square feet,(includes air tonditio ed fiv- tng-spacc; parking elevated -b ground level' but, exdludi non -load -bearing atticspac 4bdvd. g.rolind, 1�vdl,, non., 'on,, i ioned- space 16VZated above grou eluding e) COASTAL SHORELINE, AREA OF E NVMQNMENM,CONCERN , 'AKs :SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER JMPERVIOUS� OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES_-" ZL=—�:1sr (includes the; area of the rooVdrip: line= qdare feet of all build, , concrete masonry patios, etc, - t that are within the applicable AEC:Attach driveways; covered ! decks;, ks,, your calculations; with th th I e project, drawing.) Choose .the AEC; atea that applies W yo"ut prodperty.: (1)wfthim 75 feet ofNormal High Wate for -the E-stuarine Sbpreline:AEC (Z).Wlllthin, 5,75:feet cif N6.r.'--matHigh Water f or 'theEstuakifte, Shoreline AEC,, adjacent tG. Outstanding Resource. Waters (3).withirr 301 feet of the Public. Trust' Shoreline AEC. {Contact gout Local Permit- Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies tayouvproperty. STATE ST-09MWATERMANAGEM[ENT PERIMT: Is the project, located, in an area subject to a, State Storrawater. M'ES E] NOt!anagempAt Permit issued by the NCI Dl'y -ision of Water Quality? Y i Ifyes Nstth 6 a d�Alld dd'f6ry6 your I torp r.c&l square feet. RECEIVED DEC 10 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC C _6 Init 10T�HF,R'PF,RMI,TS,:MA'Y'RE'RE'QVIRED.T-heacilvity,", 'arql- wnlaymq itdo thot, tb - -.-AM `q604*WpInOqt!p you a p annin .As,a-sefv�ieii..'Wehoe,,c6inpi!W --l" j!14� #f. _0 _. ft 4-, 1�4hgo'bfth its di4nlight.bq required . sugges t st you check overthe listwith your LPO,tO determine ifany-of the.56.- apply, to,your,proj project. Zoning, Watei Well, Septic Tank (jor.'otfieK=itary. -waste,• treatffidnt ;�ygftj; ' ldfkpg, ­ - % , I., Spi Electrical; Pftitiibf4,;l4eatidgandA-,itC'bifdiii4t�ot,,- n ' d Energy, Conservation; `FIA Certification;, SindrDun0, Whent'Cotro l�ubdMsi.Qn Approval, Mobile ffo=,Park:Approval,,H ghway Connection, and others., STATEMENT` OF-0 W-,-N,ERSHIY.- Lth-euridersil'' d,anapplicand6raCAMA Mitt t lop,Mi nt, p- r.mi ',or gne pr dove P q _.ti;b�ing�eiihort,4eowoor.of..p.roperty'i ir.r. anABC AperSOnaUthoriiatoaei4:�anWhtfbrpurposts.of'applying,foraCAMAmino'r.de,vefopmentpermit;,c,ertit�t4tthp person, listed asj4ndoWner on this application It fc interest ,,Pr Porty" desorlbddthdrelft. This interest. iffoant, rest in:thd root o ;on 'as, OP! sign cafi.' 6-dd§cribed a (check one) an owner or reeo�d tiff is, vested in. :4ea PPO B ­, $try eg; Deeds. �,Coiuiitit.. R o.J-.!ee___ P, 90 :41, the; (VkAv y Ell an. owner by virtue of inheritance. ,Applicant. is-anhe.'i'rtathe,estateof probate Was JA El,cif .o.ihet,interest; isuch .,.asWritten c.-.o.iitraclot.tease,explain: below oruse�a,separatesheet, and ratta6 . h. to this, application NOTIFICATIONAAX CENTOF PROPERTY OWW 9: 1, fu0bermore, cortif '1 that; the following person&, are owners properties adjoining fl�s -propertyl affirm. thaff have, given'. y Ing ACTUAL,NOTICE,toeach: oftheMconcerning P intent. to,4evelo this apy I f6f a. CAMA permit. ,p d' h] lie h" C11. - (1) LnE14 aw, f 5 )5-�k Blzu�k VA-1.1 A -A 4 A­1`41 (3) (4) FOR DEVVE JL i Qj-.IER$ IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE, HAZARD AREAS- Iackowledge th the IAo4 owqpris aware ry that.the,pooposeddpVe1opmentis, pjaruddf6r,an area,whichma be 9tisc6ptiblo,tol erosion and/or flooding. I_ acknowledge that1he local permit officer, has explainedtonieft particular hazard-p ge A officer ­­1 lot., This explanation' Was -accompanied .6y..t,ecoftimendati.ons:concemingstabilization and floodproofing, techniques. PERMSSION-TO ENTXRON')LA" I furtherrnorecertify that I ama prize togran tandA :itific�t.gt;a-tit-POtniis��ionto.th�4toeii;p�rtnitb.fficerand,'h'I agents. authorized Q _ Is, to enter on.the af6rementloned lands, in, connection with evaluating information.. related tpl, pe , rui 4ppli this .. it' This application includes: general, (t a informtion his. form), 4,sit'of application; :the information N ,e drawing as described. on the, 494; e ownership, statement, theAEC 'hazard notice where. necessary. a check for $:I 06-66made paydbtef to� the locality, an am, d, an y' information, asmayte,providbd,orally by,thoappl'ic.ant., Thodetaus,of th 4pplioEitionag.4esc.tibddby,,ttidsesou'rc.es.,are incor porated'wiffi:6iit-'rdfdretc.e;ih,any,permitwh'ich may be Issued-Deviation.from these details ,w .constitute a violation, d any, -permit. Anypersondeveloping, EC with ­ 't criminal I ini tr er. in A oul � permr, is -subject jec 6 civil,, 1 inal and adm s ativ, action This the, day of /V 20, Landowner orpers.ori. -a , U'thor , izedto act as his agent, forlpurpose ­ I - ,pur f e p.ose o i �f iling a C.AkA. permit' application r Y , < " 1 • • �' t, a i d . , , 7 1 b '4 $ L 1 ! 3 i� hWl,,of Property Owner Applym fvr Penrrtl 1 Niarl{ng addressr„ ' '` s; n Y Pho ie bero ,,N6' r t x ' c. r a*.� a c{ e t, f cert{f}tAN i l iaiv4 authvr{zed �,:�' : ? . ., 3.. t .� t6 6f x 2 1 i• y,, , e'd ASS -:� . , t .. cn a 2 , ,; _c �. 1 a . i •. b z :: 1. . 'r. 7 } ,�. }.x. V .,1 . C _. 3 ,...j- fir.' 'L _ .. } Y f,—, , S 13 { '� '` s _ y ,^` c'^ > �8 z 5 P } 3 - 'tyI t r §� s i' ..t l :,', i ! .. ?�: 5 . t� y fi} 'i Y ", 1 iracA,rt q/14W n ' i . --,,— "U' . — t',; 1 ti i eta _L'': 4 Y § `1 h , n . f f r" 1s; r�,r,: 1 ate,-: £.. c-n .+` S r r.. } iil i r x ��> V�/6/'I ' », rf Courtf�c r a t {z r .. t t r k f z ,`;. k ii ,- 4) x t v' `• 4 i } L Il •.�' Z+j ( ^s C C 7 { .('r 5 4 ` Th{i . ,lb icatron {s val{d through' �` < F 'F ,r ,7,h,,"X"! - t i ���- :� `s, .(' [ � 'N• q k r %� 5 f �,1, , I, t a } , � 7 ,1P. ,P ; , 7 e} s 6:+7 rjF ''r ,q. r f ti a r ,.. , [ i h , ,, f , (, t a- 7 *., , (properly {�wr9e1ytafr�rn�atron) , ' 4: E s 7., L c l - R i : ( r 7 ao r 1 ,t u n C [ k :_ -( , 1 h i , t >.. 4 't.., -, " ' ;^x i,,, i z .. kr Prrnf or YPe N rite f:. Ti S t -'"' y 2 z x 1 I,} .. I. - - r. Tifle l Q8t8 t s f /� dfyy�. . ti_, r`. r- ,.. Phone'1Vum I. , : r -' 3.. J i fasp�p p,�...•. ,}�J/. �f� } } - f rC.... i C AI �!'616 ram^' o � / i1 . �' a* ,1 t i' f x .. ''z - r' a f a. 1 -: r z� z ,,� ,, , t ,. t 1 , r , - . - _ _ - j. _5, . :: r - . 'a c , f j L x -.AEC HAZARD NOTICE .Prqjqqt-W1hAn: . z_Ocean Erqd___.Area , _zm cw,", 101-et HUGOArOw FRO wnerz Property POWW WasP I This-notl6e, is jintonded tainake-you,-the,.-appliimnt.,awaro-of.tbe1 sped al;risks.anddcvnditionsassociatedivlthdevetopiiientin this: area; vtnc�gb is subject to natural ham;ds;sttch ag-stqrms. erosion and curet its .116,ales of the toa4tataewutoes. Can mission reqoiro thAt.you!:receive-an,,A-EC.-liazardNbticeandapknowI edge that notice:. itrVh4* 64 4,:-p V, Issuclil The dorrimissia_ �11 I -on-s rules em an bluY jng, standards, ocoariftnt sett ack&=d,duqe,aI eI1M­1nqte,,pr.ope*"-.t0ss_,- h6zatds: iiygrq#t!ftg_,pctffiitsj the CoastilAeswurc-04-Cion does no ffie.development-and -assumes nix l - i0bift fur t'iiture ge cotditrdntiiat stxuctuteste immmiently.flizeatartedby.- elaiiges om—Me configutalion. r '7:s rriust he relocated or disniantle& within: two years -of "becoming. nuneq.. Y, threatened,, and, Many case upon, t_ 90UAPSO or subsidence:. The best,available, tnfarmation as accepted' by the Coastal: Resobboe,& -Commission; indicates that the. abniiAl lbbg-term Ar . avenge ocean erosion the are; whoreyorproperty, is locatedis feet.peryeaL T 'otatowas ds b Mit T 040pWogra: .h, com ana ysis-of Studies also indicate that -.the shotelih64ould, move6m4&-As T he A, 6- o d, W-1 ktbrs - in, a major storm are predicted to b e ib o u t -jegk. deep in this area::. uftaft_�beach nourishment Preferred; oceanfiont protedfibn Medt and: relocation of threatened sov tur - H, eras:orn. 0 atrol, structures .:su6h-,as"bulkheads,seawalls i,re,vetihdjitg,g,r','oi-nsje es-, and brpakwqtqq are piohil*ed. Temporary pod bags May 4e. authoriied,underctitaitvcoft itibns.. liie applicant muse acknowledge dais iiiforruahonand r_equiretrients by signing this notice :in, the space. beldw, Withobt,the, proper signaMye,,*-applieWt,ott,-w,'ill,riot ba complete. tPtClAL.NOTEi,,T,Ius,Lvmdnotice..ismpired-*Idevdlo-ym I _­ ent j*g4fior dq"1qpimejitin-1h'is Deceniber-31, ofthet ,third yoor following the; year in.,WN4� the pow-vit''we , a issued:; Shox,tiy.-be,,torehwork-,-begins,-on the,projectsitei-the.-LocafP-'Ionnit- omor ax-dst, tm,wo&d, wotodo rrie thewegetattott line ant, s - ` OqckAigzqice ailyovr..-,s A , eAt*qprqF6fias spenfittle change, stziee fife time ctf"�ezrttt uance. and tizeproposed de�:elopizsut� canis, fillneefthe -setback.req4iremqn�-, ibelk? 0-writ n.you. that.OW nay 914 , oh theIp must be.made,w,iifiin--60_ Oysoftfils, setback dttermffig 6%pr- mde, f a major shorelinevhaWas the resultofastorrawi inthe 60-daypenod. wif:rtecessxate M-Meow in oft ookl.. U i� I ormfits official, 1 — ilid,v_ irwt.. 'Off . kid, '0 �,Oivkesf I -tfiatyou,chedk-wWtheXP0 bdoTe or 'appXbyof to goof thoiw Generally, on pi mp,b v orp a k, p 'I, is °contittumg, peTutTeg0*_kLcaft be-a4ftd ItU �irit4wmto.,f:ontiouewoik-afL-rpoo0expm Fdr inore Inf4mg contact: Cal LOW Pern#,Offi-Cer Adikios� - b!o L4000 Appilopnt.31gryakire, Dald ,q0v1sed,,S r Certified' Ma1. ate Dear -Adjacent Propertr. nfoR u :1, h This leftrjsto�. inform you that aveapplied for a'QAMA Minor - Property 0,Wq6f' Permit on ftyy prbOef(Y.:af""4Z_100 I P__ k44t A A Yik Cr 'in Brunswick - PropertyAdjregs, so project Coq9ty. As required'by:LAMA -regUl*�tidn,s, 148%enclosed a-�cop of my permit and, 0 Oct dt 9,('s)-I as notification of my°proposed project: No aC600 Oryou lmay sign and return fl the -enclosed no: ,objection I I trft,l I f You Nave any questions or corn ject, please below, 'Ify ou wish -to: mail ;at.the; address fisted cgritpot me at s- 6ph Appll� nt".T6fiolfte, Minor' porm;ff prograrn,'you-may submit commen.ts.or o*c%bns�wJfh, the Town of C4 fsl8ftd,,, CAMA them thern'to, Donna F. Coleman Local Perm'a-'Offlapr for the Town of Oak Island 4,6,Q.I E.,'.O.WsiaridDr, Oak'I9(andA' 2$465 Sincerely,, State;, ZIP Qoqe. —©ate "T Dear -Adjacent P rope,, This 'Th isla In' - rMlYbou", that!", _ Propody. Owner., Perniit on in Brunsvkk CbUhty, As required: by LAMA regulafioris,.Ihave eOcfos6,dacopy ".0fMypermit: @.pp4caflonabd-'Prbjed 4raW�h as nof of -my, proposed Nd adfdrf is oryou may,sign iand return . the: enclosed, no' u� ... eany,�q'u.'-estt*o-'nsor-com,..m.epts,,� rn pfegse abo propp4ed -pro �Pjocflqn krm. lf.yo . tav zotitactmb,at or b Vw Y m aiat the addles: below. IfYQ �- !shjo, p. one %.,woW comments biqctlons With th6l bWof 00k I d Minor Permit Prootath 'You M-ay,"40MIt item to�� Donna R-Colorrian Local Permittoffloorforr the, Town of 00:10M 46,0.'j,E.,Qak Island Dr. 0#1#opo, NO 284,65, sincere . k�l City', $talp, ,Z. Qoda, jM'TOACOASTALWATERWAY, fw-c&#AL *M-AY: To,T&. vgLtw= To -eE rETAar.D.4osa; cr f—Vk2A ATUMNY' MaIrwecA COMTRucriom .Em BV.W, lawk or 0AISLAND STANMRD,oEa .08 .APPMVED EOM- F r E 01 MW-ISH METATNE CUM CCMEP, clyp M "'MATN-V OIL Al 4"PE RAnD" LLJ .1 ry, LL- 0 CQ 0 Ip6RL- r< , 11 sToky 2 Ak E RESIDENCE 2. om FQUI� ?AT,[OhL -6i -910 �A IpPiNl n t -- . - I - -11 � Nf, 15 QG' N 71" 4204 EAS-T. 'Y-A-C-H-.T Mdghm ke, Vol DUN= MEAL 60**� PUBLIC 'R,110fl.=,O'F—WAY 0R v, DEC 10 7019 -M estu tad %yo Mom " M.oR OAK ISLAND ZONRO: xM-,-jHZ-CWA AREA :OF ENIA jqr4C6KVdk UES BrMWIr IHE �4�51UMFWATM &7 SF •pRopq�m mu?eWous ARE1:99 UNDMFZM %MACKS FROWw . I (WAD, SWOQ Al _q�R 22.1-CF. -PM, 4* SEC;164 , u§6D) TAX'F�CEL ff'235LA.014 S.nOAL �tOdg KQARO ANZ�tv A � _PENDor PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN- ==WL Mat.uw=m SLQX04,u?4 SET FOF.;t.f- BUFF EMLDER.S: MAT UAY LOT rKeleftMSWXX =N'ty. hTKA4 ,TRM-7RANSFORMER ACLCNW BLOCK 97; SECTION 7, Ttj OPIL HARBOUR:. OAK I E TOM. -�Fovm *stmmKt.%9FF WP vcs & I OAK GRAPHIC SCALE f C ISLAND PONWANYxC TELE(7 r36 , 11�1 30 FEV EMAIL b con d e , e '1 j 1 N If U -l;Ull _ i fl I ; ���il i�� i � �x" � �• s i r iI 1, N i r - _ _,; : fill #E jlll�'!ljjEfii�fi �1i��; i �r tJ� S' ��i r{ S1j i�{#ii i r ij' lifirf il} #!' �: )rj�#,; x�,�l lr, � r `;#�•� �+! 1 lrii+{ T{ 'I Ii�li iitilr �i' } ti j i i11 rij r rxr �4 i 19- � �� 11 tji ,- �I �"� " I�{ #r'#t •�{J' it+�,titl+lei a tit,+ � i t?} S �kN,IR'3 1 � .� "'A�ry � �jC�i''� ' �� F 'Cr;� �- •`11�71# i! � ! ia:,,,i,'���� a�' 1�1.�� S !#` �,'! � h, " �" 111 �t _ 1 BUFF $UJLOERS' a 1 1 I x ,c. �ro CCz 4204 E MCiIfT DR N R JI'iIR. 1 '1 1 1, I N n z°'•• � �� _ CArc r5L?iNQ:• i+7C a e C' ri#al ..