HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-60_ Isenhour (2)Oak Island Permit Nurliibe'f Local! Gov LAMA "MIKO D.E'V "EN ELOPM PEFCbas T, -agernent' 'EN LQUALITY atauthorized Vtheji to 9-f :.. monh.corwinai,oepartmert ofEnvironmental' Quality a Me Coastal n-IsslQn,fardevelopment in,anarea, fenviro nment :�60affi, pursuant to, SeoAn '113A-11:8 of the General Statufes;: n6astat Area Issued 16- Isenhour 'Hoinf ' . I ting Aovoloprn . t in I e k a,s,i LL C ­ "th on the Ocean: Hazard (AEC) at 111 E, Beach W. 1 I'ti -d Bf County as requested in I e permlttee's�,, application, received i 11105/2019. This perlin :issued m, runs, OR Q J th November � 28 261 is so' compliance bied.to;cQm ance: with the- application and-sit6,drav�ng,(,wh,.erec'ongigtent--Withtho�pi,-,r.M,it,�)'.,.'glI appfica.-bleregulations andlspecial conditions and 'riles set forth belbw.. Ahyviblatton-.Of-(hLhsetMoiW $Ub"--'ct,,Ih _- INP permittee. to,a,' fine, imprisonment or ciV.11 action, or may cause the permittob6• null void, This, perrnit,authorkesvithd construction of single fdrMly residence with qlkvAtqd pool, gravel the. 6.0.? ro parking in set .back 611 with aswlated:development. , -.6 iia' ' fid nd with the p (I) All proposedidev0l'opment-and' associate&eonstrucffon must be, onelin, cdo, a . e h 6 errn!tted site drawing dated recekie&dn I I iokldlo. (2)All construction shall con -form to the N.Q, Building Code requirements andl all other locWli, State. and. Federal regqla#Qns, P01 a fcAble lolocal,ordinances,ordinances,and flEMA-Flo-od Ragplations. . PY, Anood-fit lion ofthis em�the-pinsfr developmentconstruction;, titieg frequite teievaltoddh andyqhgrgaW A copy offhis: 06ftit shall be posted, gravailable ,on site throughout - the -'construction process: Conte tahfg officeofficeat,(910) 0 278,024 for-a.final ihspebtl6mat completion:'f work. RECEIVED (Additional PermilKooditions, ort Pago-21. Thit,permitactibn may be appealed 'by; the'Vermltte6 or other qpqllfi , q , d persons Within two i do h6 M [00,datd; This the protect � twenty days it U is,pomftrnat be On site and, accessible 'to, the permit officer when 'the project is inspected, for, qqmpliance-,. Any pql0jqp price work;.:Or proje( -modification covered! under this 04 ` requite further. written permit , approval.. All wokmustcease when this, permit.ex p6s on:. Dece , mber 31 2022' In issuing ,.this -permit _iU agreed that:41his, 'S project -is c.onsistent,with.the local Land Use Plan and,al[ a9plicable, ordinances.. This' permit may not be transferred to anoft( party Witho0t, tile' ,written .;appt6val of the ,' Division •of Coastal Managpm.ent.-. - DCM WILMINGTON, NC Donna Coleman- C" LOCAL PER IT OFF]:UAL UAL 4601 Oak Niand Dr, - Oa Is.landiNG2,8465 t. PERM117M (Sigriature requited i1 conditions above apply tb permit)' Name, lsankour Hornet,. LLa whorp Wet RbVqm00r 20 Pagel Of The perm iftee is.. required to contact the Local Permit. OR& " M6W shortly before. he pla nslo tegJIff., consfruuWon 4"90 a seftok.measuremept thatwl[t. baiffeetive for sixty-(69) days- baning " majorsh6relhie change Carlstruct[6-p must b%IhvlIfhln,A* Ift, days, ofthe determination or the imeasurement is mold andmirst, bwredone, The structure - 4a[ck, jkm e 11in ra no 1 1. .0 Must set wofstablanatu_ Ivegetafidn, and Worid ffartherseaward1han, the Of Deveitomebif line, as d6i6frn-iihied byjho�.'00 � - p I th K tho W r 1, or assigned agent offt QCML Any structures constructed vithin the G&W: Hazard area $half, comply with - tW RQ BuildingQ, MO,, JnOoding 'the _ Coastal ,and Hood; Plain Constweloin%an.dords': of the N. -0, �,dddhgl 'Coda, and the: Local r f),ma,, todaf, Prevention Ordinance. as required: by, the R qaf,'Floq;l Insurance ran, c e Progran If any provisions,,of the,150091 code or a flood damage preventlon-ordifiarfft Eire,' inconsistent with Any 6f to following,standards, the ,re - rotodtive provisionshall! control, AM (8). All buildings constm, ctod ithin, the doeah 'h.a2,%tV, 9ro&,sh9ll comply- with t Building h& Code and thq, Local National Insurance, -any r,too4Damage ,Pr,p,�'VOntpnr�Or�dinanooas.,,*required ,b,ythe N,i vlFloo Insu nice, Program. 'if prwisfonsbffhe building code o.r-aflood d8m'a"L,i.or,6.v6ftfibh.6tdih isto it g ghte gt6lnt ns6 i" Ot-wi. any of thq,fo!JoWing AEC ,'standards; the more, restrictive provision shall control, ' (9), All bblldlpgs must be elevated an pilings wi, d a laminches srde'if square, and the first (10) Ali pilings snail haue a tip penetration greaterfJtan,eightf0ot bpOwtholowest, ground elevationuri4611-thest, structure:. re (1-1) Dun.0 disturbances Mil b6,.allowed, only to. thq. ei6.nt necessary'fdrdevelopmenf and tf the dune's -protective value is notweakened orreduced. Dlstqrbqd -dune areas will be immediately stabilize, (12) All unconsolidated ,matonal'tesul6pg from associated grading W4 landscaping shall-'be,rp 0*0- on si(e by, effective sedlmenta#lon And erosion :control measures, disturbed areas shall 'to; vegetated and stabilized (planted 'end mulched) within 14 days, oftw9tru aloti. cornpl6tioti.. Any structure, authorized by this permit shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imHh'en* -threatened by changes han ps, Ift shorellho,. tMOMOM shall be.. relocated or.,dismantMvithiry, two. -Years -'of the time ftre[M 'recovery ''" - or _' be reoounshment takes, place. O'Ittivtwo -years 'of,the timethe structure becornes immioently1hreatebod't, iso, thatlh.o struoture, is no oger imminently thitmenod, then it need not be relopotqO or, d'I'smOtled Atthpf time, thiscondition shall l not affect thepermit, holdees, rlght to seek a46orEzattion of temporary: protootiveveasum allowed under ,CROrules The, oceanfront, uncovered deck, -w! - th - in the setback, area shall :not eneod'a,, footprint of '500 square feet and gftalf be ttraclurally Ifid6p6rf6eht ftOfft,th6;fi60q..f ' q 10 pilings, 0 5), 'SOMMIng, ppols, .a ro-Only-allowed landward of ft 98'statialvegetation Ift Driveways w 4" pa rig area ,shall .00, constructed ofqjay, packed; d rgraveP In.the 600� setback:, "SIGNAT", DATE, fE. Dumber ca Pemit PCorelige Publktust Estuarine - k, Estii �Shor iiu� S 'hShoreline. Otitet For o -use-on GENERAL INFORMATION LAND'OWNER.-MAILJNG-ADDRE,S$ Name, Ci ty State, Email.... AUTHOMED AGENT LOCATIOW OF'PROJECT: (Address; street name - and/or directions to site; nameof the adjacent - td bm&y) O-EgORIEPTIONOF I PROJEM (,List all proposed .coins truc.tidii.and landdisturbance. .-, "I SIZE _41;�40f lt'� ul I - "', OFLOTIkAllekL: _square 01 acres PROPOSED 'USE: Residential m&,faxnilyL Multi -family El ) Coinmercial/Industrial n Other n COMPLETREIT11ER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contactyour Local Pernift Officerifyou are nof'sure ~ARC &pplies to topert (1�, OCEANRAZARD AECs:1 TOTALFLOMAREA OYPROP09ED S --- TVREA�4.jquare fpet-(incl4des,,. air condiftoodd1wmig space, � park-ing, e va e a le, t, & bov e, ground level, non -conditioned space el6vated. abovegro -nd level but excluding non"load-bearing attic space) (2) COA$TAL- MORELINEAEC s: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTHUNTAND 0,Tfffilt"MERVIOUS OR, BUILT TJON'SURFACBSsq!&et, (.inclu&s the pre4.0f th, found ation of`all it buil(Ungs, chiv way's,, covered decks, ncrete. or masonry pa tios, etc thatare,within the -applicable AECAffachyour` calculations with. the project drawing:) STATE -STORMWAYM MANACEMENT PERMIT: Is the projectJocated 'mk anar easubjea to a State Storm -water MAW, gy e t.,P a . ermit.issupd.by. the NC INVisi0obf-.EnerMineral and: LandAe Y ES_ If yos�,, lisf the total :built upon area/imporviotis surfaceallowed lowed: for your bot or wreel.. qt114Arf% fmt OTMER PERNW- MAYIDE ' REQU,1R-EW,Thactivity ea6tiv you 'are ,4.OlEidOihgmay,'require ,-permits other than the CA4N minor doyef6Pm6nt,�pennst--including, :bUtinot 6 Ii ited -D "k- _011,790pt Torik,(pi,�6&6, sain ary,waiO treat IM j ' j#91* W W t OW1 Plumbing, H, e4&,, gAnd_ Air 0' di000jn$Insulation and Energy :Cooiservatian, ,FIA ifleation, Saftd..D Dube, Sedinien�.0 ubdivision Ap u roval, M640e,,Homelark Apr?vq; Highw Connection; and, .Oers.Chock wit th, YdurLodal P Officelorefixformatiol $TATEMN, OWNERSI II' Ohe undersigned, PA.Applitght, for a CA —MA Vin-oit development, permit, beYijg either the -owner QfpropefrtY� in an AEC or a, 'person authorized to as a� 119PUtfor PUV0$0s- of 'app, for 4, CAW, _`.MM'Or:de.v qii lying development n certify thatithepersoix listed 0 landowner on thisopplioati 'peri c on has asignificant interest jn,�tfie realp ',y ,ropl degd therein: This inwes .described as-. (,cheqk one): t can be an owner or ­re­cOrd d010Iftle is vested. -_ n i of s De ee!- 0- Book page in the County Registr y ofDee4s, ----An:Owner byVirtue Ofifthdritaace. Applicant: is an hdi'rto the estate of probate: Was i Co unty. IfAther interest such as Written contractor ;lease; eicplain ow'or use a separate'sheet & attach, to this app ion. licat' NOTE OF AIDYACMT 'PROPERT-T OWNER& A9(hOftOre,O"* that the following; persons are, -owners of properties ,adj.oiqi)ig,this 'pr,op,ea y.-laffirm that I have given - : � . - PC 'L ACML, NOTICE to each of them concerning my iwcfitto develop this, py and to; apply:f6r,&CA,MA, 0 Vq� 111111 ACKNOWL EDGEMENTS, LEDGIEWNTS: I, the uIldittisigned, acknowledgO, that the land. Owner 'IS-I.aware drat the proposed deveLlopmOnt, is . planned for an area which may be-.§uscepi I l le to Qsi6a or I and/ flooding;Aedge.- that theL qcO, Permit.Offiftir has, exp1011ed to we the part cup lar hazard problems Associated with thin lot. .'This :explanation was occo to db' th e par e, yr.ecomMegdAI10n s06 d rijingstAbiliza-. tion and EfUrthermore certify that t am Aut horized to grant, and do in fact grant pennigsion to 1) ivion anagement. stag, is 0 f Coastal MI ie Local Permit Offictir, and .their agents tq enter on the: aforemoiltionod lands miconnection with Muted -to tw Permit application: I evaluating; infornia#on , This Ole day. of. as ,an owner or P.Ots@. k4t6rizelil-to act'as . s_ , Of-Ag, purpose offiling4-CAMA s_ nt purp .,e permit applicationi 711fis, application' inc general in, OrM0004(this firm),, asite drawing ,qg,,desO.*ibed-oo -theback qf this ;app�ljcwthe op;, lwner;hOswernenti the Ocean.p4zardA�W&jj&O,wher , x a-chockforMaw made POWI* to the locality, and WfdrMation-asmay bop J rovidedorallybyyt e applicant. The detdiIsqftheqppjicq#qn qs described by these mme0ore i66rPorat--d'with. out --ferMin. ce an .Y,Oerm# whkh. may be.iss..d Deviation from: these *tails,will:constitulei a vioialaone, r "Y'Pol Anyperson. develop#q- without permit h qz(b criminal and administrative m apt, 4EC . subject to: cijillil action, 140,vLshiber 4, 2019 Mr. and Mrs: Paul Brooks 220� Belle Vernon Aye. Charlotte. , 'NC 10-4464 pear M'r-,z(pO,Mrs. Rroolks,: This letter -it t0,100,rMYO(that Isenhour H,0rneo;'(1-C, has 4ppl fe, d f or a CAMA.Minor perrnit.,on:tfte- property focated at ME... Beach Drive,,,: Oak Island, In Brunswick County, A — ,n 0i requireld, by CAMA; rogu4tibrisi1.hAv enclosed. 4copy 0f0t"rpermit application project dr rAwmg(s) as notification of our proposed. project. No action is required from yov, or yoga. my sign the nclqs.eO nao4jocti,6n form. If you ;ha0,,qb' fi, about the proposed pr011�ase.Lcontactm-eat 910-3,63-1620,.or by., ost-ons or mail: at the address, below. if you wish to. file :written .qorn h " T of -M or'object[ qsimi the own tvd 1-0ond LAMA WhOrperroit pro�kfatn, you may .sUbm it t . heim to: Local Permit Officer for the Town of 'Qpk lglotl 4601 8: 0 Oak I$t4pd], NC 28405 Sincerely, Mary Beth Deal rsonhour Ffbme-t, Ut St. James Square 43.36 Southport; -supply; Rd st Suite, 101 Southport,, NC 28461 9110-363,462Q Nov, mbdr'4,2019 Mr., and' PWn 104 Landling, Drive Chapel . 14111 Kfr-17,q,14. tear ontivlrs�,, Morgan, Th1s-1,41-t es to f inform , - , - th at is-66hotif Hom.es,,WC,has applied, forCA r pe a MA Milio -rmft orr the; pr6perty,llocatedat III E-.Beach,Dr ivej. ©alg _island,. in ftn'swi.t k County.. As required by CAMA regulations, V,We enclosed A.topy.�cifo-urpermit -,.application and project, our proposed proji%t. NO gfj is. required11--,fr,.,,., U may sfgricthe enclosed nog object f r,, lf '%7QMy,VOr 'o 0,M y" have,, queW e'nits4bou.t the proposed project,, p1A ta�, Ohs, 4seippn ;,t.: �10 jW, or by mail at the address below,. if you wfsti to Me with the. Tdw.n,,Qf Oak- 1$4, LAMA N4inor permit prDgram,,y.ou,,may subrnftthem tp:. Doqftal-. Coleman Local Rerrrt�t Cifhcer for the Touvn of Oak island 4.601'L o4k wand1 Drive Pak jsfgod,-N�Q Z8465: Sin Mary Beth ,,Deal Vsonhour Horn - jes, UC St-. James Square 433' $ Uth -0 SE port-rSOPply Rd Suite 101. South, poit, NO 29461 'A Prdjpct IS ImAri,--: Ocean Erodible Area HAZARP"JR OT IC E.! 1, Proodrty.Addre,s§,;.. Date Lot Was Platted:.. 144, �r, Tbig notice is intended to. make you the: applicant, pliqag awqevoflht: 4pecialxi k -saodconditions associated with development iJ this, area,.whfqh is subject; to. natural hazar&sach as storms„ erosion andcurrents3 ' The rilesofthe, Coastal R osOurces ommission requird, that you -receive anA-EC Hazard Notice and oftowledge, that notrce tt writing before apermit for development: can be, issued. The Commission's _rules on Wiilding,gtandards; oceanfront setbacks anddune alteration,&a.re,&signed to,thihirritte, butnot eliminate; pr.Qerty'loss from hazards.'By. granting p Oftits tho Coastal Resources COMthissionAdes.not guarantee theSaf0ty.of the, development and assumes no I ia'bi.4ty, f6r future damageto- the, d6veippmdrit. Permits issued: in:.'the -Ocean Riizard Area of . Environmental Concern include .the condition that s414cWregb e relocated or.dism,atitte,,d,,,jfthey -become imminently threatene&by changes in-sliorefine conflizuration. The structure(,};must be Ylocated or.disittantled within, two (2). -years of becoming imminently threatened and 'd In, Any case. upon its, collapse or subsidence: The, best available information, as accepted by the Coastal resources Commission, indicates that th6 annual longrtorm. .Average oceanerosion rate for the:area where your property is located isA,- feet pe r year, The-rate:wg�5es'ta.bli.s.bed.,.b�v,�Aidfulanalysisofacnalphotographs ofthe coastline taken over ft;past SO years. Studiesalsomidi-cate that, the-sh6teline.ebuld lnove,as muchas feet:. landward. in a -major. storm,. The flood waters in: a rinaJOr storm are predicted" to be, about, Jeet-Adep in this area.. Prefe rred' oceanfrontpKqtectipri:measures are beach nourishment' and relocation, 6fthreatened structures;, structu,, Hard erosion control. 6trumpes. such.98, bulkheads, seawalls; s;-,revetments,,grqins jetties and breakwaters are prohibited. Tdmporary sand 'bags may be -- authorized Linder certain: conditions: The applicant must -acknowledge this infomiationand requirements '-Y . signing this.. notice in the space below. Without the proper .gnatureapp lication icatimwOlnotbe,complek. —.Inlet Hazard Area SPECIAL NOTM This hazardno(fco-isTe.qy1redAbr deve lopment iwateassubject to sudden and massive storms and erotion. 11..,ermitg issoodfor development in this area expire on,Decernber-M of the third year fol[Owina the; year in which the permit, wa issued:. Shortly before work begins on, the prqie6t�sito, the Local' Tern iit. 'Offlot huistbe-cofitActed;to, determine the,,vegetation.'line and setback distance at- utsite.Ifthe,ptooertyhas-seenlitfle'- Yo _,c; h'a' nge .sihceAheAime qfpq� m. up And t hd�ptdpbsed development, it issuance car;stillitedt.the 'si�tback-requirement,,IheLPO.will inf6r . myou that- you, may begin -Work,.. Substantial progress; on the project must, be made with t 06 dAyt• of this setback, dete ,rt n na . oiR i ti ,.o.r. .thesetback.-inust-be remeas,u,rpd. Also, the occurrence ofa major sh mec aIi"' h-0- pre nge-at the;result 6fastonn-within the 60 day pdriod will e necessitat, re ... measuremen .of 'the setback, It is,.'* rta t; .-? I Mpo. In � thatyoa check with the LPO before the f Ecial, permit expires for o approval to continue the work af ter the permit; erin has, expired.. Generally, iffoutidation pilings have been placed and substantial, progress is, continuing,permit, f6fteWaf,6ari be authorized. It, is: unlaWful to continue work,aft t For.. snore f i-nqppat4oh, Odnfizct- _Dof,smA F_ (Iolem Local Permit, 4cop t F,,-. �DaL Adde6§$: 2S..L4 cob— Lptality, Phone Number 0' LA. Applicant Sigt,)6ture U Date J Docuftn Envetope ID: 8C2E:E931+-4AF5=448D-$8ED•39a0FE44FEI OFEER.TO PURCHASE AND .CONTRACT -. •VACANT LOT>'iAIVD [ onsirlt "Guideliiies" (form i2G)^for guidance u% eompf eting this foie ] NOTE: This contract is. untended for uni nprt ved teal property that: Buyer, will,purchase only for personal use and. does oat have immediate: plans to subdivide.. It shoiiId not be used. to sell. property that is being, subdivided unless! the property has b' platted; property approved and recorded with.:.the register' .of" deeds aas of the. date of the contract,; f f.:Seilet 'i Buy",th builder. and :the. sale uivtil�7es the construction of a new single' family, dw:ellit g, prior to closing, use: the standard., .Offer to Purchase; and: Contract=New Construction, (Form 800 T) or, if the, construction i$ Oftipleted, use the Offer to Purchase :and Contract (Form 2 T).-with the New Construction .Addendum.(Form2A3T):. For valuable cons ieration,.. the: receipt and -'legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Buyec offers, to purchase and Seller upon acceptance ,agrees to: sell and, conveythe Property on the terms and conditions, of"this Offer To Purchase and Contract and any, addendum or.modification made in ,accordance with. its terms (together,the "Contract" ). 1, TERMS A lD DEFII ITIONE, The terms listed below shall. have the: respective meanuig given their. as set forth adjacent to each terms: (a) "Seller".:. Jerry Dry_e: (l); `'Buyer" Isenhour iohes LLC' (c) ''Property''; The Property shall include dlLthat real estate described below together with atl appurtenances thereto including the improvements' located thereon, NOTE.: If thrw Property will, yriOude, a manufactured (mobile): `home(s); Buyer and Seller should consider meluditig, the Manufactured -Mobile) Home,iprovision in -the Additional.PiovisionsAddendum. (Standard.Form 2¢l,l-T) �?viih. this•offer; .JtCGC.L.IAUart355; Lll r. County; Brunswick; - ,.North .Carolina NOT)(r;; Goveriiruentak,authoriry aver:taxes, zoning, schooI districtsy, utilities and mail d4 ry may -differ. from address shown. Legal Description: (Complete ALL applicabl0)' I P1at;Reference Lot((Jn t T0' , Bloek/Sect 62, , Subdivision/Condomin um.,E. Long Beach' as drawn on Plat' Book/SIido: 2 at Piig e s ; 182 O_ The PINT U or:otheriden tification number ofthe..Prope W is '234ME01' Otlier:description L7!1;0':B-62'LONG BEACR:PLAT:2 5/1827189. Some 'or all ofthe Pro .e y p rty- A be descnbed in Dee,'Book 3174.. at .Page 1300 - 340;000,00 paid in US - Dollars upon the following tennis;: iero BY DtM PILIOENCt FEE made payable and delivered,to Seller°liy'the EffectiVe Data,, 51000.00: BYIMTXAL EARNEST' MONEYDEPOSIT made payable and delivered .to Escrow Agent named iix Paragraph 1(f) by 0cash X personaI cheetC, [�.of1 i44l bank check Qwire transfer;; Q electronic transfer, EI1?FIBR� with this offer OR X� within fve (5) days. of the: Efectitie Date o1'this Contract. zero, BY .(ADDITIONAL} EARNEST' MONEY DEPOSIT made payable and delivered; tv Escrow Agent: named. in Paragraph I(f): by. cash, official bank check, dire transfer or. electronic .transferno Iater. than. 5 pm-. on: TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE. A4.0k BY ASSUMPTION of the unpaid. principal balance and all obligations of $ .eI(er` on the: existing .loan(s) secured .by a deed: of trust oti.. the Proiieriy ii. accordance with, the attached Loan Assumption;Addendum (Staiidard,`Fonn 2Ati-T). $ .. zero' B'Y SEI.LEI'FINANCING ii. accordance with the attached Seller Financctg. Addendur (Standard . Form .2A5-T). $ 335000,00 °BALANCE of'the Purchase Price in sash atSettletnent: (some or :all of which; may be paid with the proceeds of'a-new loan). Page 1 of 1.2:. This form jointly approved by. - North Carolina Bar Association. REACTOR® North Carol soc>iatton of,REALTOR ;.-qne...,; Buyer initials 1 `° Seller. Vitals: '�+' Be"er,[ieaeh $ales,; 86f)1 EasE=Oak titan r Oak Istagtl, NC 28;65 Ptlona: (910)52s 0540 JotinEipmgton, ProducedwithzipFotmVhyziPLogix;tBO7QFifteereMile�toad,Frasar,Mfthigap48026: www.zioLdoix.eorii .STANDARD FORM 12 T Revised.7/201.9 7120,1 Fax" i9G0)274{ 999a.= Gil E.OpO Dr DEC1®?��+� VICINITY MAP NOTE THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE _I'vjnvc27'0 NC NOi TO SCAtE C A.M.A. OCEAN ;ERODIBLE•' AREA' OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN, n ATLANTIC' OCEAN . ATLANTIC OCEAN N.. il15��9 0:5'45.0 ;W 5Q 01 HEIGHT'OR' OVER_^ QR, REMAIN, AFTER SF.: OF LOT, .AREA, k MUST BE IER #HA8ITASLF FIRST LINEOF .&AB -OFF OF THE VEGEiAT10N (FLOSS STREET RIGHT OF. 1NAY. FLAGGED BY A -.CAN LOT" AREA 75000 SF TOWN OFFICAL TOTAL ,IMPERVIOUS, -AREA (1253.O/75000)1,QQ:k: �.7% AREA ac ENTION CALCULATIONS. f99f i=(229,5 SF X 1.5)/12 287 CF/153 6:1=10 iLF EZFLOW_MTI 2.=(229.5 SF X1.5)/12=28'J CF/3,53=81+-J0 L'F EZFLOW'V ETA1 S=(229,5 SF X '7 1.5)/12=28CF/3153 8 1=10, LF EZFLOW- LINE 4=(229 5 SF X 1.5)/12, ,29.7 CF/3 53 8 ;F;10 LF EZFLOIY 5=(1B7 5 SF X 1.5)/12=QC,B CF/22.1 0 9=.1 CHAMBER 6=,(167,5 SF X 1.8)/-)2"20.9 CF/221=0.9�1 CHAMBER TOTAL VOLUME, TO BE RETAINED-15616. 'CF - 'I � 60. LANDWARD' SE FROM .(Fl,OS1! ,NQTE SILT ;FENCE &, CONSTRUCTION L` I ENTRANCE TO I3; PER TOWN OF i OAK ISLAND, STANDARD DETAIL OR APPROVED EQUAL I ESTABLI5H' 'VEGETATIVE Al COVER (TYP)C( 12` NATIVE 'FILL 4" U' FROM �F.OUNOATION` `. 3` ) OMi PILINGS 16 PIPE' SULATE N >; EROSION ;OL FABRIC IRS DUN 1 1 EAST N11oS'45' 2tlow Q EA'C H G DRIVE OW PUBLIC 'RIGHT —OF —WA` USED), 1 !Q' f 57' 9.1.' OZY a 0.A Q .t�qy. 11'L pd .�j.5 6 r'' 0 9' O� ti1'' �? sUR .Q`;' . �+ SQ VQ zm0Q-MIIVIMVM ;UUILUINEk :LINE. :IRSRIRON REBAR„SET #y ? # GROUND ELEVATIONS ®.=CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE =SILL "FENCE, TRAN TRAN5FOR,MER .. USACE= US ARMY GORP ENGINEERS: :TR=TELEPHONE PEDESTAL �CAMA-CAASTAL ATiEA MANAGEMENT AGENCY SSMH=SANITARY ;9.EWER MANHOLE SSC O SANRARY '5EWER. CLEANOUT F E M A,=FEDERAL. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY' ... „•,.v,.., u+= n� V 22.1 CF , .PER '4- ':SECTION': OAK ;ISLAND ZONING R % GRAPHIC SCALE' 1S 75 15 30 ' _�: - 1: anlcH o <FEET SETBACI(,S FRO NT+ 15' SIDE- 8' ' REARo 20' ME E?ATI` ►dAP TAX PARCEL 4 234ME017 I_ THIS FXQPERTY LIES WITHIN F.E.M.A. SPECIAL;FWOD, �"Q_ RD AREA'VE--A AE-P1 AS SHOWN ON 17,0.M. 3720205600K: DATER 8%28/20 $. :GENERAL ,NOTES; 2: ALL SET CORNERSARE 9/8P IRONI.IREI3 UN DES$�OTHE IS E N TED. 3: `THIS PROPERTY• MAY[ BE SUBJECT TO' ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS.. RIGHTS, IG_ HTS, OF -WAYS AND ;RESTRICTIONS ;NOT DISCERNIBLE BY, OBSERVATION' ATHE TIME �F SVRVEY OR THAT 'MAY' BE OF 'RECORD: NO''TTR E SEARCH BY THOMAS. D. VON CANON. REFERENCES: LOT S:U RVE,;Y fOR : iSENMOQR' 'HOMES: "'LOT 1'0: 9LOQK 62 I nmhh' PI AP1:1 iia,ijwi il ivimr NOr *10,'SCALE' 'ATt NTIC 0CFAW 'ONE, 9'X W ;PARKING AREA MUST 89 OViDED ON 'THIS 'PROPERTY PER HAsrrABEE iOM' MINUS :ONE com`OFF " THEkt&';RlGHT--W-WAY. T AREA;,ci 7500.0. IAL 44 kVibUt :AREA 253.0/7500, 0)100=163%. t46,7tTHIS 'PROPERTY' UtS WITHI N THE CA.M A, EObjeLt AREA: OF loogMtNtAL CONCERN. ATLANTIC ocEm, 2000 -OWS -MAW-6 - ` 1=(429.6 SF 'X 1.6)/1:48,.l CF/3.53=80=10 LF EZFLOW- z=E(229,5 SF-X CF/3,453=15A-10- LP 3-(22M' 8F Y C /SiM8Mzii:14 'LF EZ-FLOW 4 (2294 SF X T.5)/12=263 CF/3,53=8.1 =.I 0 IF EZFLOW, 5=(!IB7.5' SF X 1.5)/42:t�20:9 CF/21,­1­04-4 ,CHAMBER X, SF �li5)/T2ia-iO-44 d/12i iO.9"*1 f ' "--CHAMBER TOTAL VOLUME TO BE REWNED-156.6 CF L.60 " LANNY' FR OM ffo7m NQ'rE- SILT FENCE-& CONSTRUCTION' ENTRANCE ; ,', BE, PER. TOWN bF OAfC - 119 S, N b DETAIL PRI 'EQUAL , tttAgUtH VEGETATIVE Al 'COVER V C( '12"' NATIVE, FILL.! = 4* PERFORATED 5,0'MOWFOUNDATION.­ r-jr,3"FROM P_0111111GS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AGGREGATE S 0;"#* W� U 1.4 L TEAT 0 545,'q( toe. ILI le' EZfidW, E3. EAC H GRADE BUNDLE DRIVE, :&/LF 60' PUBLI0. RJGHT—QF-WAY LEGEN 1) (IF USED) i V #67 51 E''50.00.' IV MEL ENCAPSULATE WITH EROSION; CONTROL AMC. dFES/� .9 IRS IKON 4' :SECTION 2 1 PER,, B SET ELEVATIONS E:OAK ISND- NC 1 0 ENTRANCEZONINGAL IL IF GRAPHIC' SCALE L-1516 JRAN�FTRANSFO ' RMER1 75 15 30 !USACE- R-7 US ARMY CORP ENGINEERS; 'At.y°sum lq_ AREW, AGENCY' WA::�COASJAL-, )AARAGEMENT 11 INCH = 30 FEET MR- ;EWER MANHOLE' ;SETBACKS 'y EWER `CLEANOUT FRONT- .16' f-S-M A.=FED 'L,IEMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1­ AGENCY' . Q I REAR-: 20' i.R:M.=DERALINSURANCE:IWE, MAP TIM, :PARCEL # 264MEG17 W `SEWER'VENT FLOOD. CERTIFICATION, THIS PROPtOY -t IN KElIvIX SPECIAL FLOOD! HAZARD'FA , AREA VE-12 LOT S URVEY _41tS wlrH AE-1 I AS 5140 . W _LIES ON Vi-R-.M. 372006600K. 6X D -8/28/20,16, GENERAL NOTES: R -FOR. ISENHOUR HOMES, "�S 0 "" THIS: MAP ARE CORNERS M i 2. ALL S T PR y _M A B SU :E ONS NOT DISCERNIBLE 'LOT I EST' R THAT MAY BLOCK 62 THIS, p �EEY BY .OBSERVATION AT TH . ' -0 ' WAYS AND TIME OF SURVEY D. VOW 04. t.f)t%fr-' AgAr'