HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-58_ Homan (2)Oak Island Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT 0158.19 Permit Number IY� Coastal Management - i na ONMENTAL OVi L.TV as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to DarrellHoman, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 2921 & 2919 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 11/15/2019. This permit, issued on December 06, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the fill of low laying area at base of stairs by pushing sand from MHW mark with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 11/06/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. RECEIVED (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) DEC 1 n ., This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31.2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. OCM WI�MINGTpN, rVC, ' i—Imytc- �7C4 GLv` Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) flame:: HOMAN Minor Petm# OCn5s 1:9 Date:: December 06,; 2019 Page 2 of 2 (5) Thy perinit rs in response to recent beach erosion and authorizes a one-time beach bulldozing gperatian. (fry In older to.mihimize adverse impacts to. nesting.sea turtles, no. work shall.ocepr within the period , May 1 through. November 15 of any year,, without :prior approval; of the Division iofCoastal Management; in coordination: with :tile: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commissror� an ' US kft qnd VN ldirfe Service. (71. Bulldozing equipment must .be brought onto. the beach at an authorized location,; not across existing dunesiberm or unauthorized private property (8) Equipment used to push beach sand or construct 'beadh dunes will not be operat WMeN &d of the mean high water elevation contour:;: , (9; Ali uneonsolid'ated material resulting; from associated gradingE and landscaping shall be retainedon site by effectiw sedimentation and erosion control measures Disturbed areas shall be vegetated ands- stabilized (planted and m„inched) within 14 days of construction completion: (1'4) Any structure authorized by this permit shall be, relocated`ordismantled when it becomes.tmminentiy'tlireaterted by changes irr shoreline confignrafian The structure(s)-shaii.'be relocated Aor--dismantled within `two :years, of the time. shoreline recovery or beach renou4s.hment takesi place within. ,two years of the time' the, stricture bocomm. 'imminently threatened,. so thaf the structure is no longer' imminently tCireateried then it need' not be relocated': or dismantled of that tirne; This condition,shallrfot;:affec the 'permit holder's night. to ;seek authorization. of 'tempormn protective measures allowed under*'CRC rules,. SIGNATURE. PATE; K RMITTEE GENEgALW09MAVON, Name. --D-- Dt- ICA Address: City: State n, Zip:, AUTHORIZED AGENT Addrosg; city, $'tate-,' . Zip: Z� L;; noft Phone?, LOCATION OF PROJECT(Address, sttoet,,fiawo and/br directions to, site, If not .oceanfront; what l iis-thename of Adjapont,w4tprbody) E s-� mac- ?2, � 2" 41 DESCRIPTION OYPROJECT: (List, all proposed construction and land; dj$turwo-.)p—I I't llpt-)-'arem-& n d—z SIZE ,OF L- OTMARCM.- square feet —agres. PROPOSED'USE: Residential [' .(Single-family l blfi-fkmily EI); Ummerical/,Industr ai 01Other O TOULINCIMED FLOOR AREA OF A BVUBING IN'THE OCEAN 11"AR0 AREA OF W WWWNNTALCONCERN (AEC): square '*et(includes all floors and . roof covered decks) SIZE OF RUMPING FOOTPRINT OTHER UVWERVIOVS OR BUILT M,SU'' RFACE$ - IN'TBE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF'ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AE(Axsquare ,feet (calculation s includes i-he, -1Of-theroof/drig,lihoofallb 8,drivewaysp n patios,. etq.thaf are within theap plicable AEC.)(Attach. your calculations with; the project drawing Choose the A19C, area that applies, to yoldf property: (I)witht, 75, feet of Normal, High Water for the.Estuanne Shoreline: AEC (I)within 5,15 feet of Mrnatfig4. Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AECadjacent to 04tstandin� Resource .Wtiters '3)wwi ithih.30'pet of -the Public Shoreline horoline AEC ,(Contact your Local Pernik. Officer if you 'are not sure whichAEC.'applies to, your property.) STATE STORMWAT ER MAN. AGEARNT PERMT.'Is the project located in.anarea ,subject to,- a, State, Stormwater MAdagenient Permit issued byy the NC Division of 'Watot Quality! YES E3 No, tf Yes, -11"Ist, the total built upon, areelhipervii, ous."Surfka allowed 'fort your lot or parobj. ,square OTHER FERIVIITS;MA,Y-)d'E As a.strvicc- w.ehave .compiled Elcctric4, Plumblhg,;J Subd" STATE OF OWNERSMP., . . that might be reqt&64. We stiggp4t YOU check over th ljt with your 00,4 %ter"WeJL Sqpj(q,'TankX,9r qth;zr,sanitOq waste ftatmeat sy-stPai),aWIding,, Skid band, Sedimefit Cdfltdl, 4.. the v Mers4go"ed, , " ''�' I jan applicant a minor opment permit�,being either tfie, owner of property., in an,AEC.or pjkant: fora CAMA -Aevet Aperson, authorized purposes ows of applying fcr aCAMA miraox devel'oprnent permit, person listed, as "landowner on. this application has 'asignificant .. interest in the reat property described therein: This interest can. be described as, (check. one-) 2jllan owner of record title,,.- Title is vested in see Deed'Dook, 61 ' page Il l5Oiq, the, County Registry of Deeds, Q an owner ,byv'tr.,tu,e=ofi.nito4ocd.Applicant is, an heirto the estate of probate -,.-wash County. f other explain�e -s this application; . ,to or' a sheet aA4 attach. to appile, 0 ICA* k*J4'U"�A C' 14-4'e' av-- IIkz't� Fr7a NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENI'PROPERTY'OWNERS.- No\ 9 I furthermore certify that-ffie, follow.mig--perso I ns are. owners- oforoperfleo adjoining this,property p ty, I gffi that 1'have given ' ACTUAL NOTICE to each oftltem corieerii ng my iftwitto.dewtop, this property and,to,apply ,for aCAI Apermit; - Addez 4, &— 44- 4 P (4)t FOR DEVFLOPER$'IN ,OCEAN HAZARD A" EMARINE HAZARD AR19AS: I acknowledge that the, -hnd owner is aware that the: proposed developmentispfannedf6r,anarea which, maybe suscePtible to erosion, fo acknowledge p��h atpe p particular ituar hazard .problems associated with.this. lot. This; explanation was accompanied. y , recommendation .concenu"ngstabilizatiDn. and l000pr0ofinvechniques.. PERMWON TO ENTER. ON, LAND'; Lfbrfhermorreterhfy- that I am:authdri2ed to grant and do in faat grant 'p6tihission to, the; local permif'officer and his agents to enter on the af9temefitioned lands in.coguection vvWj:qvdluatin inform4tion.-rej permit; .appltcat oil: This application: noludos, general information. (thisforn),ja site chawingas d,ei cnib,e. d-onthe lackof Iliii's appl ication;.the ownershipstatement, the: AEC,hazard noticewhere necessary; a check f6r $160.00'made payable.to the , i tooaW and! any informatibL may be to1dled orally, The 404itg Offho,apptfoati leat*dbythese sources are incorporated.without'reference in any, permit issued.:Deviation ftomthesp details will co,n constitute - A U 0 14itpa 4 of any permit Arty person developing;'n..an AEC,vuthotitpe ministrative action. Landowner.., -q r, -er son authorized to act as fits agent p for purpose of filing a,.. CAMA perxnivapplibat on. l3earAdjacerlf Property:', u ,-- Thls]6tteris,toInlbffn.,you that 1, 1a� 4.&Mc�.have,-app iedf,fo'r a.OAMA minor PropertyzQwRqr Own it on my, property at 2Att( LC:6,s+, 1jgo 10,13runswick, PropertyAddress. County. As" required' by CAMA regulations, t. have .en 16.80d a; Opo of MY tpipliiC0permit ._., ion andproject drawing As notification -ofM,,pmp edprqjectNo,actiionI§re from you oryou may sign and return y (s) ftical:_ n PS required fr the enclosed no 6*60ftform.. If you, have zygoostions droommentsabout my proposed, project, pjease contact m,.e,,,a,,t, or by mail at theaddress listed below. If you wish to Applicant's, Telephone -file written comments or-objectionsWith the Town of.Clak,istand CAMA Minor PennIt,Prbgf.am, you may submit , thera, to: i]ontia Coleman LocalPermit 'Officer for the Town,, of�Oak, Islak. 4601 E. �Qak 1,51grid, ph 'Oak Island-, 'NC 28465 sincerel Property Owner : Malling.Address zPAA '4515 .0Ity,,8tat6,'ZIip todd k hereby! certify that I owff property aciJacent to Dow"IfIA ([term, of, Psoperwrown"), property located -,at Z9iR *04 Sftcl%, 01.02JKXslmgjo: AIC 2.646S Address.'k L*4 I , OOR,, Road. atO4. pi�.!O fT*wwsndIbrCouI!w He h" dowthed to mq W;hown 10 the application and'orojea, Orwri'lits), the, ,development fie 4sfroposino at that locatiom, and, :have noobjections to- his f ' IMPLICATION AND. DRAW1,Nffil P PFtOPQSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) Telephone :Number Dote 0 & QU MW� OWNER IMEME"IMN TIOR OAMA NNOR 'PEW" tmfflw dt, pmprty, qi,144� Addww# Lot, Stbak, o M4 , .(W;itq*d"l _y fTwwn, Hahas'describ .LAP-P-L-I�T-,ION,ANCI�,,O_[N,,,OP,,,P,R - 6POtt-D.-DEVELOPMENT. -&_CHeQj, . PARIA PROPERTY( OV,1 �R . STATEMEW FOR OAlIELA M NOR PER,'',,.,, f hefsOy certify that,l own property. adjacent'ta, . r 4o;Pt 4Ct ' _ _ s " (Name of Property Owner) property located at; _.a� <t� Dit, Address, Lot, Block;, Roach etc.) on (V laterbvdy (Town agcvor Count He has described do me as�shown in the attached app(ipitipai and pCaject d awl tg(sy,;tire development he s ;pCopas ng ,at; EFiat toaatibn,. arid, l have na . - jectrons to :hfs proposal, (APPLICATIQNAND DRA1tt/'ING 0i P OP'OSED�L(]PMENT Al"f' HEOI Signature —` ��d 1 Prmt.ar Type. Name Telephone ucr►tier MacPherson, Tara From: Donna Coleman <DColeman@ci.oak-island.nc.us> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 11:09 AM To: Tracy Homan; Allen Homan Cc: MacPherson, Tara Subject: [External] CAMA Minor Permit Application OI 58 -19 2919 E. Beach Dr. Dear Sir: We originally accepted your CAMA Minor applications under the impression that it was complete. On subsequent review, I have discovered that additional information is needed to complete the review process. Accordingly, I am requesting that you submit the following additional information to this office: 1) Date and sign the application. 2) 1 need a copy of the fill plan. What areas are to be filled and the depth of the fill. 3) The 100.00 payment made out to the Town of OI In accordance with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulations, we note that a certain time has passed while the application has remained in our office. Upon resubmission of a complete application, a local decision will be made in 25 days. Please contact me at (910)201-8047 if you have any questions. Respectfully yours, Donna Coleman, LPO Donna F. Coleman, CFM CAMA-LPO / Building Inspector Town of Oak Island (910)201-8047 (910)278-1811fax RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC OCT 312019 Aw 0A Ali I RECEIVED [ ... . ........ I .. ........ LIEC -10 6-1,11.]r.1.1,111! -DCM WILMINGTON, NC w _��, ,; ;. �.' �7¢IH� N. f CyCV�