HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-57_ Tsiopras (2)Oak Island 0157-19 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to George & Mindy Tsiopras authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 5201 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 10/2212019. This permit, issued on November 2.2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: removal of unused septic system and replace pervious driveway with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 10/22/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: Tsiopras Minor Permit # 0157-19 Date: November 2, 2019 Page 2 of 2 (5) The permittee is required to contact the Local Permit Officer (910) 278-5024, shortly before he plans to begin construction to arrange a setback measurement that will be effective for sixty (60) days barring a major shoreline change. Construction. must begin within sixty (60) days of the determination or the measurement is void and must be redone. (6) The oceanward side of the lot must be restored to its predevelopment condition to such an extent that is possible after the removal of all septic system, site must be stabilized with suitable vegetation as soon as possible. All associated demolition debris must be properly disposed of and the site returned to pre -development condition. (7) Dune disturbances will be allowed only to the extent necessary for development and if the dune's protective value is not weakened or reduced. Disturbed dune areas will be immediately stabilize (8) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscapingshall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Disturbed areas shall be vegetated and stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. (9) Any structure authorized by this permit shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) shall be relocated or dismantled within two years of the time when it becomes imminently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence. However, if natural shoreline recovery or beach renourishment takes place within two years of the time the structure becomes imminently threatened, so that the structure is no longer imminently threatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled at that time. This condition shall not affect the permit holder's right to seek authorization of temporary protective measures allowed under CRC rules. SIGNATURE: DATE: PERMITTEE �1 GENE (fir FORMATION LAND OW:` ER a Name: roe( tf, TStopraS 011d 11tf y Mnacl (-TSIo X0.S Address: 2, : �' �hp5h�re 4111% 1>: 49- 1 � 6 City: Dot State NW Zip: � � Phone: 603 (o � 69C08 8 AUTHOR17 ED A ;ENT Na Address: City: \ Sta a: _ Zip: _ Phone: LOCATION OF I ROJECT: (Address, street r ^ me and/or directions to site. if tot oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent watt bodti ) Sze I FnS} '!Each Artspe t oak _ ,am , NU --'m teb s. "_,� DESCRIPTI )N f F PROJECT: (List all prop,{ ad construction and land distu bane.) P1mOral ou<fA '5E 4;c c-ySt'm; i e't r )oS Qrivet,:n y trtSE ,Itz be leki4 cw1d rwet ld (Ati Cfu'Shd c�Awe- SIZE OF L( r/PA (CEL: 77L74-,quare feet acres PROPOSED USE Residential ❑ (Single-fami Multi -family ❑) Comt tericaL'Industrial ❑ Other ❑ TOTAL EN( LOb :D FLOOR AREA OF A B JILDING IN THE OCEAN I AZARD AREA OF ENVIRONN EN7 .L CONCERN (AEC): !!�g 9 square feet (includes all flo( a and roof covered decks) SIZE OF BL LDI •G FOOTPRINT AND OT IER IMPERVIOUS OR BUI; .TUPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL s ROR :LINE AREA OF ENVIR( NMEN FAL CONCERN (AE -): 2? qi¢_ square feet (Calculations includes the a ea o: he roofidrip line of all build gs, driveways. covered decks, oncrete or masonry patios. etc. that are within the ap, icab AEC'.)(Attach %our calcula' ms with the project drawing .) Choose the,' ECts ea that applies Higto your (I)withi 75 f :t of Normal h;611 r gLtuarine Shoreline AEC (2)withi 575 --et of i h Water fi the Estuarine Shoreline AEC. Ajacent to Outstanding Resource Water' (3)withi 39+ oft 1 st Shorch'c AEC' tact rour .cal P i Ricer if you at> not sure which AEC applies t( your property. ) STATE STO (MW t`TER MANAGEMENT P RMIT:-Is the project located i t an area subject to a State Stonnwater Management 'erm issued by the \tDivision � Water Quality" YES [ NO If yes, list the otal lilt upon area, impervious st: ace allowed for your lot or pat :el. _ square feet. OTHE PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity } ou are planet: "- ma) require pemuts . ner than tk ''AMA : nor development perms. Asa, ice we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might _ required. We suggest ou checit � er the ILs 'vith your LPO to detenr c if any of these apply to your project. Zoning, Dnnkme Water w ;. Septic Tank for otht sanitary w :te ttew it system). Building. Eleari 1, Plumbing. Hearing and Air Conditioning. Insulation and Energg 'onscrvation. FIA Cer ftcanon, S, it Dune, viunent Control. Subdiv ion Approval. Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connectim ad others. - 4. STAI EMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I, the adersigned, an applicant for a ( AMA minor develops _ nt permit, being a her the o .ner of -operty in an AEC or a per, n authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applyir,' for a CAMA min r develol nent pe nit, certify that the perso listed as landowner on this application has a signifies interest in the rea property escribe therein. This interest can b described as: (check one) ❑ an ,wner or record title, Title is vested in see DeetBook page _, _ in the — County Registry of Deeds. ❑ ar )wner by virtue of inheritance.:\pplicant is an heir to a estate of ppro/ba _ ., was in County. S if — q her interest, such as written contract or lease, explain .-low or use a sepa ate sheet `nd atfat�: to this application. cMet-- ceir irac%/-�He 4nt Ser Nu i (D19 ( ee~ Cr 1CW Rlrc6s;!, VXi 5 ,es Ck Irc-*1'ner NOT 'iCATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNU is I fret} rmore certify that the following persons are owners 01troperties adjoinin ; this prol _Kty. I a , tern that i have given ACTI AL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent tk' levelop this prope .y and to pply fo ',I CAMA permit. (Name) g {Address) (1) }pa? Smt {�I o 4iesi t t t ��?etc) Wtson CaiL,` Q,eJrir rGrieez ,bor-7t NC Z-740-7 (2)— (4)— — — *-N*ke is kUe)V4t v'(jacerr Pfof C}y per Lonna COLEY — Alm" % Is 15zd)3 t Jsd 8e _ rLt% c , ter side is bonch FOR iEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTU: RINE HAZARD UAS: 4 i ackr wledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed * evelopment is pla ned for a area w ch may he suscee ible to erosion and or flooding. I acknowledge that thrxxal permit office has expl; ned to: e the particular hazart moblems associated with this lot. This explanation wa `accompanied by r tommen, itions c mceming stabilization and fl, Aprooting techniques. a PERD ISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: 1 forth .more certify that I am authorized to grant and do in f t grant permissior o the loc : permit�)fcer and his agents to entt on the aforementioned lands in connection with evalu ing information rt ated to tl s pernitapplication. This a )lication includes: general information (this form), a ss drawing as desci oed on tt back o- this application, the owner rip statement, the .AEC hazard notice where necessary;n check for S 100.( ; made pe able to ic localit), and any infom tion as may be provided orally by the applicant. The of Ails of the applic:::on as de :ribed F these sources are incorr rated without reference in any permit which may be is red. Deviation fro m these dt ails wil :onstitute a violation of any trmit. Any person developing en an AEC without per 'it is subject to civ , criraina and adi mistrative action. rhis the J da. of 04 20 /9 F Landownt or parch author ed to act as his agent s for purl )se of 61, 2Ga9 g a CA IA permit application OCT 2 2 t..;.,,c.,«,.,.„.�:rs,�r-s:..i•�w-'t w.:.� _.'w-..n,,..dd.r^—,v .. r P'roject_ia Sri an. µ: " OceanErc�0 btedArea I tg 'Hazard$ its t Area lniet Naz rd Aree if 0 ma Properly' 0wnert' 1 Prape!ty,A' dress. �'^ t � i This`noiice„ Is Mended tb rs tC you, tiro app Carr aware of b, SPECt'A1._" lei T :. This , zard notice. is raqu�red' ' fqr• I? t p s�bject%`srarlder aFrd'massive stoxrias;ancl s ecislnsks and ctrudi6ons soraated wrt±a'develo nenz,rn thrs, deve o metrim cress .which is su'b}}'ec to natiirai hazards suc4as stomas, erosran ercasran Perrarts issued foi development, in'this area expiit nn; A and currents Tlre.'riiies of ;the Cflastal 'ltosources 'Com s start ?tciga* , o£ thethird year fall ring the year iFr which, rile i x q rise. "that you raceme an AEC :lizard aticp " iipc , permnf rant usued "Shortly 'before vrorr c begins an( the prdject' , acicno�vledge , that :note "'in , 'siting ,Before "a ;permit; for, sib, tixe'T�scsl �« rr� t f3ffiaer inus%%ae cosiiacted to-detiiminne t6, deer opzr€ent catt os rssucd: ° ���geiraticm.l aazz seiback,distana, at your site. 1f,ihe,property' lras)seen little ch�rige since the;trme ofpermit issuance, and iha , Tfi6l-tomniission's. --rules on building,, I4a4dards, , ocearazorat propr3setT c�evelcspru�nt rari stA11 m i ihie seiback require eiit, Y setbacks' anti; dune alterafios era :destgned'frs rtrttuiYirze, bus not the T✓l??C1 w1T axrarxxr yori that Sou iriay begin work, Substantial' elzmitii3te, property+ loss ircni Hazards 3y anarrgtpernuts;,tlre pftms� 40" &A,' rsrogtct Whist he made within 00 days of this . . { Coastal l�esoaices'Corrnniiora does not g# ° to sure safety of setback detergxttto*r, or the setbat feast be remeasuted: Alsi; theaiievelopFnent:am assumes no liability fcir frrturh damage to tree. +srcurrence iaf a ruxajor shorelin a cbarsge as tkie result `of a fire development„Petmzts ;issued. in tine t) n h and Area d, storrrrirviti p� e'txti=may. period will"necessitate reinedserresirerit lunviziisrmental Cosrcem i`eci rde the. eoarditidn' tbat. strudlures' be, ' of the' setback It "is important .tbar you, ,check w ► the 'L P•O.% ; TelOiated ,r�r dismantled, i� hey tsecome enil ttueate ed ' before "the ' ..w .expiies for tsl ciaT„ .proval to rx+ntisiue the by °charges_ in shorelix►e;coatxurafiorr 'flie `structtirures mrts't lie work. ;after' ire xpermit has. expired. Cx nerally, if ioundativn. relocated. or distnavtled, °within `two .years if beciai r�ng pilings crave b ri lare�T said substantial progress is ctirttia uing; rnuri nentl thres'wne and, in: any case .0 on its; ccilla ' e or ermit rtneQ x lal n •,be authorized, It, is ur lawful,. to •continue` y;,. dA; Ps p ' subsidence. work after4�6 piration. Th bast availai3le iirfotznanon, as.accepttab the t;r im, , t r tnore'�tz�orn at#nrt, rorttu V 12esaurces Gorrasrrissrorz; .iritireates that 'tiiia annuni ' svGrage' ocean emsitsn rate" for the area rirYtrc ysrtrY' propezt as < . locoated,is r feet'per yeas. i Lvcal,PCm C3fflr Ae'" date was- estabix ed by earefdi , �annalysrs o�qe+rat f` si pirotkagraplis bf the coastliris taken over the Est a +.years. - TS. i ti`r t Dr mo`e "alsa'indicattftxat'riTia shoreline ciulel mae,asnnch as ., Atltyrss feet lar dward iii a ma'or storFn. ,i The floodwaters in a nnalor storm are pat clicted Eo.be about feet deepin dis area.. Flexzj i�c d,cp%sa , tr�ioWl . `Prefeazed oceanfrz�nt prc#an'dseasitres baacki nourasixment, 3 and relocation -,of threatane"dl S diwtures.A-laJ +eromh contfq ', stretciuf suoh'as t " es . b uiklieads, seaalis, re"vetrxrents groins; jettresk Pir�nr Nurtrbr . and°breakwaters aze bib" d; Temporary sated bags.ratty bs ' authoiOzedrnxder certarri conditions. The ` spp1i - it vus€ acknowledge this info'rnia on, .and ; a ' requ rarirtnts b * sig7mg tbi ' once 'rzr the pace below.itirorrt A the proper signature„e ap}lication.vnll riot be ctzzuplete rf 1 . `4� � jar [�`^. } �$ % ; � .p g, �.� ° d✓.F 1 `'b, , , ' `':' .,.,""`"-^..-✓...*,.,.o_ �;.��.�a�^.rwa.+�mz.t ^^ c-'-` '..>. ram..-�,... .. , _ -.. OFFER TO PURCHASE AND CONTRACT (Consult "Guidelines" (Form 2G) for guidance in completing this form] For valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Buyer offers to purchase and Seller upon acceptance agrees to sell and convey the Property on the terms and conditions of this Offer To Purchase and Contract and any addendum or modification made in accordance with its terms (together the "Contract"). 1. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: The tests listed below shall have the respective meaning given them as set forth adjacent to eacn term. (a) "Seller Marvin C Bake: and Laune M Baker (b) 'Buyer`. George Tsiopras and Mindy Maxwell-rsiopras (e) "Property": The Property snail include all that real estate described below together with all appurtenances thereto including the improvements located thereon and the fixtures and personal property listed in Paragraphs 2 and 3 below. NOTE: If the Property wi:: include a manufactured (mobile) hotne(s), Buyer and Seller should consider includutg the Manufactured (Mobile) Home provision in the Additional Provisions .Addendum (Standard Form 2A11-T) with this offer. Street Address: 5201 East Beach Drive City: oak island Zip:29465 County: Brunswick North Carolina NOTE. Governmental authority over taxes, zoning, school dismcts, utilities and mail delivery may differ from address shown. Legal Desorption: (Complete ALL applicable) Plat Reference: Lot(Unit 1 ,131ocLISection 6 , Subdivision Condominium LB as shown on Plat Book, Slide 1 at Page(s) 9s The PINlPID or other identification number of the Property is 249DE014 Other description: L-1 B-6 5-1 LB Plat 1M Some or all of the Property maybe described in Deed Book 1720 at Page 217 (d) "Purchase Price $ 1r $ 1! So paid in U.S. Dollars upon the following tern -is: BY DUE DILIGENCE FEE made payable and delivered to Seller by the Effective Date BY INITIAL EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT made payable and delivered to Escrow Agent named in Paragraph I (f) by ❑ cash ® personal check ❑ official bank check ❑ wire transfer, ❑ electronic transfer, EI T HER ❑ with this offer OR ® within five 5) days of the Effective Date of this Contract. BY (ADDMONAL) EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT made payable and delivered to Escrow Agent named to Paragraph 1(f) by cash, official hank check. wire transfer or electronic transfer no later than 5 p.m. on TAME BEING OF THE ESSENCE. BYASSL:MPTION of the unpaid principal balance and all obligations of Seller on the existing loan(s) secured by a deed of trust on the Property in accordance with the attached Loan Assumption Addendum (Standard Form 2A6-T). BY SELLER FINANCING in accordance with the attached Seller Financing Addendum (Standard Form 2A5-T). BY BUILDING DEPOSIT in accordance with the attached New ConstrucLion Addendum (Standard Form 2A3-T ). BALANCE of the Purchase Price in cash at Settlement (some or all of which may be paid with the proceeds of a new loan) Should Buyer fail to deliver either the Due Diligence Fee or any Itunal Earnest Money Deposit by their due dates, or should any check or other funds paid by Buyer be dishonored, for any reason, by the institution upon which :he payment is drawn, Buyer shall have one (1) banking day after written notice to deliver cash, official bank check, wire transfer or electronic transfer to the payee. In the event Buyer does not timely deliver the required funds, Seller shall have the right to terminate this Contract upon written notice to Buyer. Page 1 of 14 This form jointly approved by: 113 North Carolina Bar Association North Carolina Association of REALTORSs, Inc. RFALTORa Buyer's initials eller's initials�� STANDARD FOR'14 2-T Revised 712019 Y. �... 712019 OCT 2 2 ?W3 THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORSa, r NO REPRESENTATION AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR SPECIFIC TRANSACTION. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS, YOU SHOULD CONSULT A NORTI IT. '. AND THE NORTH CAROLINA BAR ASSOCIATION MAKE )EQUACY OF ANY PROVISION OF THIS FORM IN ANY THIS FORM OR FEEL THAT IT DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR :AROLINA REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY BEFORE YOU SIGN This offer shall become a binding contract on the Effective Dat ' unless specifically provided otherwise, Buyer's failure to timely deliver any fee, deposit or other payment provided for herein sba not prevent this offer from becoming a binding contract, provided that any such failure shall give Seller certain rights to terminate th :ontract as described herein or as otherwise pertained bylaw, Date: Buyer: $iy*.a �;"a.Y `'' Date: BL.ycr 0VW91A1MVFMwWal Entity Buyer: (*lame of LLC/Corporation/Partnership=Trust cic By Name: Print Name Title: Dare: Seller: mtiM c ew2u t� M. , is M Seller: 3�ft IF a Entity Seller: (Name ofLLC/Corporation/Parmershiptlrusderc.) By Name: Print Nana Title: Date: WIRE FRAI J WARINLNG TO BUYERS: BEFORE SENDING ANY WIRE, YOU SHOT THE INSTRUCTIONS. IF YOU RECEIVE WIRING L*ISTR ACCOUNT NAME OR ACCOUNT NUMBER, THEY SHC FUNDS AND CONTACT THE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OF _D CALL THE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO VERIFY CITONS FOR A DIFFERENT BANK, BRANCH LOCATION, LD BE PRESUMED FRAUDULENT. DO NOT SEND ANY CE IMMEDLATELY. TO SELLERS: IF YOUR PROCEEDS WILL BE WIRE IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU PROVIDE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS AT CLOSING IN WRITING IN THE PRESS CE OF THE ATTORNEY, IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND CLOSING, YOU MAY BE REQUIRED TO SEND AN DRIGINAL NOTARIZED DIRECTIVE TO THE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE CONTAINING THE WIRING INS` tUCTIONS. THIS MAY BE SENT WITH THE DEED, LIEN WAIVER AND TAX FORMS IF THOSE DOCUMENTS ARE iFING PREPARED FOR YOU BY THE CLOSING ATTORNEY. AT A MINIMUM, YOU SHOULD CALL THE CLOSING AT )RNEY'S OFFICE TO PROVIDE THE WIRE INSTRUCTIONS. HE WIRE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED OVEF M TELEPHONE VIA A CALL TO YOU INITIATED BY THE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO ENSURE THAT THE' ARE NOT FROM A FRAUDULENT SOURCE. WHETHER YOU ARE A BUYER OR A SELLER, YOU NUMBER THAT IS INDEPENDENTLY OBTAINED. TO EN NOT RELY ON A PHONE NUMBER IN AN EMAIL FROM AGENT OR ANYONE ELSE. Page IOULD CALL THE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AT A JRE THAT YOUR CONTACT IS LEGITIMATE, YOU SHOULD HE CLOSING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, YOUR REAL ESTATE of 1. STANDARD FORti12-T Revised 7/2019 C 712019 /o%rlr j stOl C- (3eAts Cf, -ZAASU1t 4im BASE Atf,- 4 t Cau.r� 38x yp rtrsw w'N-+ '� sT ,.:'�hia 5►0�; -I..s�a11 TtiAi$D y�'4 draaH YNti� � ��++e of .1ne�w.►7 A41��.� } C orrec 60 1 a C. n 0 Gw R 4 t Tr'Lodj% yxsfi Wtii� MSi CCVN,e� r a« S,*ve. r a.ncriaft-4 y1CINITI' MAP Ar,*= OC[/•M -?. , BE A, 3 MOT i Pw(T 11 Lo 111111401 T cw O4.aM EAGO&t AM a 0001104AWLL as I ATLANTIC OCEAN 59.00- W mw MCNOCE vl are F— ate W f 1'! W w o g n IN in Z W� V) �=K S 7c29'OG" E 52')1 EAST BEACH DRIVE' ,J* ar: t 60' PUBLIC RIGHT—OF—WAY C 2— O E65/p,�\ ue> c� SEAL KFEWO7R— tis ANo cRAPH:c SCALE I. L-35586 yti �p�2i OF'im,, UR`R' sPF�i �so-+o'mn .r sa TAX PARCEL !f 240=14 .AP mo } • VINeIN F.A." VWK PHYSICAL SURVEY 1M� -O Y1(A K-•.l a5 9M G F1a+. ASOaafMaC OaL F y= aD:s ?_ FOR; GEORGE TWTRAS a r: sR maxis /K S/Y rqr. SOM sate Ic' >. LOT 1 so- rwersarc u.+ Fc ro .00mou.. ` v •: s w.a Mar patwu0.i M - p BLOCK 6, SECTION r..:. v SUIN[y OF nrr rur 1[ v RCJR: MO lrrtl ffMt• !! LONG BEACH W[x .cca. UAl( ISLAND. SWITHIIILLE TOWNSHIP r. n v yaw Lsue rr/.we BRUNSV" COUNTY. NORTH C'AROUN . r. Fs•�. W w a x wu.r.+r w�n•..an� G JM eila m M IMS 2. IIILC ' ON M rai"'i M OF M "°n° co a. yi(S R CO.. INC. C-2160 nos ro v �r Wm a OCTOW +sna Nla , 91A 1(G ll � 1 YAUPON WAY m a SMa RA. re T T M 1!U JY ISLANO. NC VA %ago MA ErE. 704 361-1557 GYs nc v NYIK s �:tos. EMAIL vca0�x~.rr.com uAvcje6 ckt-Ne du October 21, 2019 Adjacent Property C/O Owners of 5203 East Beast Drive, Oak Island NC 28465 5704 Madison Oaks Court Greensboro, NC 27407 Dear Adjacent Property: Ranestic Mail Only For dobvery Intormatioi L a. 21 pu.� Ow.wbe+ur M.+..q G Oo.rr.�wa.eo+a a Obrsv+e n.+er+ow.r rruu 98.00 a 914.sU rq Nti->,� .Kai Sri �P6^c"1i6. lU, This letter is to inform you tha WE, George TSIO)ras and Mindy Mxwefi-Tsilooras have : opiled For a U VA Minor permit on our property at �2 1 East Beach Dri e. Oak Island, NC 28465 (Lot 1. Nock'6. Section 1. ax Parcel 249DE014), in Brunswick Cou ty. As required ,y CAMA regulatic ns, we have enclos d a copy of r ur permit application and project drawin as notification c- our proposed proj Act. No action is regc red from you r you may sign and return the enclosed nc`objection form. I' you have any ques dons or comments at wt our propos d project, please contact us at 3r 620-8 3&, or by mail at the address listed xbw. If you wish to 61e written co nments or objections with the Town of Oa c island CAMA Mi or Program, you rr sy submit them to: z Donna Coleman Local Permit 0-ficer for the Town ,if Oak Island 46C 1 E. Oak Island Drive g¢ Or k Island, NC 28465 t 4 t Intent and Purpose of the ProF used Dwelopmart to be submitted: We are purchasing this propert on November 1, -019 and are hoping to make immediate nprovements 3 enhance the exterior aesthetics of the-rroperty. To beg n we would like to remove the existln,' (unused/inac Je) septic system located in the drivewa r of the propertyOnce the septic system, dirt and bu•. head are re oved, the driveway will be graded and cc!. ered with washes stone to enhance the parking and aestf tics of the pr; )erty. y. Y j I 7 yx Sincerelw/ George Tsiopras Andly, Maxwell -Ts :)pras 22 Hampshire Hills Drive Bow, NH 03304 CC: Donna Coleman Encl. t p Adjacent Property October 21, 2019 Page 2 ADJACENT F.IPAR AN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR :AMA MINOR PERMITS 1 emeeyof* ow I own property xyaoen! Narne of Property Owner} pagagr Addreaa. -ot, lloak. Road, 620 a n t "e nas descr t ed b sio • Mow n b aMr+e rd aooS0oion apo protect drawmpi s } the oevebpment gee s oropwng at lost bosom o n 1, 1 AM n 00000106 to Ma poogow. { jAPPE lGATtQN ANti DR�_W MG OFF RQ —aED. 1�EV LOPMENT ATTA"Q} a s S tg- i S gnature t F i Pnnt � Type Name »-- -- %j Teiaphone NuerWer Oate -- — ------ f a OCT 2 2 2019 Adjacent Property October 21, 2019 Page 3 WE 10115119 PROPOSAL HQFFMAN SEPTIC SERVICE 4621 SOUTHGAT� BLVD. SOUTHPORT.NC_28461 PHONE-910-443-0672 EMAIL-DIGGING247HSQGMAIL.COM PRPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: NAME George Tsiopras ADDRESS 22 Hampshire Hills Dr. city.state Bow NH 03304 PHONE NO 603-236-2561 WORK TO BE PERFORMED AT: ADDRESS 5201 E. Beach Dr. city. state Oak Island, NC 28465 COUNTY Brunswick We hereby propose to furnish the malenais and perform the labor necessary for the completion of Remove septic tank, pate pod, plumbing and all dirt around it to sub grade for base. Grade and base 24' x 31' area. Grade rest of driveway. Lay treated 4 x 4 and stake with 15 rebar aown each side and across back of driveway. Cover driveway area 38' x 40' with 2in of #57 washed stone. Septic system removal Driveway installation TOTAL $ I.500.00 $3.030.00 S4,530.00 Ail material Is guaranteso to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and spa fications submitted for the above work and completed n a substantial workmanl*e for the sum of. Four thousand five hundred and thirty----- Dollars $4,530.00 With payments to be as follows— in Full upon Completion Respectfully submitte .. Note. This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 30 days. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above pricesspecifcwtons and wnditions are satisfactory and the work as a iL/�'JQ�xa-btt ve above. Paymeril be made a$ Sspa/cifiti DAT�LS/4 fin/ to do Steve Edwards From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Hello Steve and Donna! Mindy Maxwell <mmtsiopras@gmail.com> Monday, October 21, 2019 10:35 PM Donna Coleman; Steve Edwards George Tsiopras CAMA Minor Permit - 5201 E Beach Drive - Driveway Project ADJACENT Property Notification CERT MAIL.pdf; AEC Notice of Ocean Hazard_pdf; CAMA Minor Permit 5201 E Beach.pdf High Attached are items for completion of the CAMA Minor permit (for driveway improvement project at 5201 E Beach Drive): 1. Certified Letter (as sent in full 10/21/19 with drawings/survey, completed permit, Offer to purchase) to adjacent property owners 2. CAMA Minor Permit (with survey and drawings) 3. AEC Notice 4. $100 Permit fee (check #1374) sent via USPS Please let me know if I've missed anything and what we will need for Town of Oak Island permits. We are hoping to have this project completed while we are on island the first week of November. We know this is aggressive and appreciate ALL OF YOUR HELP!!! It's going to be so nice! THANK YOU! Please don't hesitate to call if needed, Mindy Maxwell-Tsiopras 603-620-8868 OCT 22''`9 N