HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-53_ Sally's (2)bc ^J-&_ 22- Oak Island Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 0153.19 Permit Number I� Coastal Management E.WRDAeWv GUA11" as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Sally's Stuff LLC., authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 3715 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 10/1012019. This permit, issued on October 18, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a single family residence with an elevated pool, with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 10/10/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) RECE (VED This permit action may beappealed by the pennittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the beat Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. OCT 17 2019 DlYl po- T a7C1l./ry1CA/yl Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) I r pl erM � AMR 1901 Daft.s { btaber 6j, 2010 Rego 2 OM con is rt rang a k m uremsrf tt a gulfqr' (W) 4aa omq a =#Qr shnXelrn ,beu` itihi s-b— ty It ai lr andmustboxe '��'� Th�sti�ic%re rrliist�set,lb�'�a.�ifrllmum of 8�' l��from the ftt�t , a��.�n�turat tre�etahpnand extend Ana seaward ff n O.1. tuft nz ttoe, av WIMMty tl . 6% K tf e LP0, of ,6#w- ass�lgnsd s'getti# f�l titW�Vl, stir oistmdted wSirr floesrira shs(1 "surttjt#it the ltl BTtr �ts iritirrt Coa tall ant. 1m Plain CORI iK �fan�ddard N; uitdrng bode„ and tie Cs z1f FCrr�d l atn ga Wreri#iorx Moulk required by the NAidt - Ftorad lil'suran F ariy prxtvisians at it a ltur�Cilrig obde or -a ttood ,dam pmm,#oa ord%M ao ti"ensvi enI WM,, mid of -die more restnc�v��trsidia-sha�1 ctii�tro`tt bi ldirs s to d min fhe �r l a a shalt ooropl wr ttte NO BurCdlog tft and 4m 2oogi �toaa »wage F�reiren on Qr lnan a ut�ed b the l trQnal1 Fl9. limsm rye PM.., tf-q-t W., rmWW"Of the brttld`m'g � 01` � trod Vie, pr�uentiori ora�iari� =ri'rcoi�sistent. � lr ii��rr foltowSag, !l�Ilsiidacds�, mere restCtue taroviaion shad cer�� _ '` AIC buifairr s musts elevated iilitic s fitk tlfarnotcr o lssst 8 des irr df eater' 'If tumid„ or 8 fthloo s1ae if squaw, #'tttr ftret ftoor levelof theIS ,acid tots sf � the f4�s esr road km# alevAom �'[ �lis ltti -shalt hare. �tr riettatu� g>`eater ttran ,e 1itfP,e� belo%r.the %wee_ f �rout5dre���or� unt��r tli� sou r�`h (114 A =anoorrsr l w �iawat iesulttn fry a DC�rr�t t gra�trr q an : n sltAtl b fetaltt f oitr site rty a edr e sf: at atf and erosion! Ind l maa un3s, OWN areas s etl ba Vog&tatect as sfabtlt CP! and moUbW', i) within "14 dais r f ooristrrredon coaipletfor . Any structure auttiorr�ed ihfs pertrirt shy l � be reloq,atbd or mi tided when ittaco �s initntrten threatened b� nhar>gas in :slior0 a eori%umtlort The. Stftf6ture(s1,.shell he reloested bf- lsti onflLd my , =hem of imm bind when lit ecomas: tmminer tl .:threatened' _a , .lrr case u orr its. oali' "senor-: sut aerrce: }fpwn r tfi r stwat IWAS muerjt a tibeadh Mnau&Mfeitt takes pta w►iti;ii .&o Yb*1 of the h 'Cho i t3eaen� mminentty reat�oed, so that the sfnt t Is,,, no td*r .inn Inani% tfrr tened, then, It need rrot bo retocated er- dismsntled'atet tnie Tulaeritll6ori st.lk notfft fhe pemtit 6pfder�s _rtit fa seek agthorrzahsrn of tempornt prot�cctr�e rueaaure� aftowes! �rrar~r C� rules T Sw}mrutng fools are onEy aiwaue landward tithe, 9,t3� staff tataon true, . " ;LNT�- __ . _ DADE PEI�t�(�TT� L Ploftnit, � N"Ou'rubgr, am 016an Uza rd, %ust Ar4WWO©pry LAM gqng -MAU=, ADAMS Addtots - UN. ':wtq, AV=,OIUZ')9D AGF, N--T,-' none WIEN- Li4C1V I'RQCx1dires, street numb i t J cf ow aft 41 0 11h Idjacentwaterbadv.1, -JDM_CIIJPTj,O j4 ,-QV T. $= OF LOT/kAR -PAPPO'S � WD, USE.t. RAgidential." atrq (single, fart it Wmu" CommerOWAdo'stria`: ❑ Other: 10 ril =Ow (C Rom& 4wer 00*4motmw wk"w am#a .010 IRAZ AMI TOIALIFLO AP'PROPO Eri S , mXT M air condo geed t vzntspace, parking 1* &abow. ground nod eieuut e�cludog fion-load-bear4g.,,* WrW MO spaceA40" gnbUndleve.1 I Mv CQA .$K()ntM, AE SIZE OP BURZ IFGOTT AN IWER =O -0 &A bit drjvOMV!�,dbvere&de*g,, lhe,ar.C4 t.'MAd V PO."--jo 'With. 'MAKWORM, NTP O-Ahmi, Is fide probe t10 din an area pb !Q*,OWO A Management -pere 'gue --,by, jhe� �N � ji, C Pivtsm ODWM Mineral and Land Rq$OOtWMW40 LESL NOWL X. ha;tk tow- Wh UPOO-00 muffoo, for your lot MUMPS, Wm Uo -,V uuare a in yq�OM0 6O-rAm 11WCAM mtiizor devol9pum _ a- , includiii but r uftedtq; S tree maj, Build* Rlgm-iog nuinminx, AkCmAtWjn& lbsulatim and RaoW Otale atiforrk A&, land Aina, r' Itim, mc 60--diAtion A t a r 444frile Scare Pa&Ap We PARighway-, qn-v-4 Add ,.,titers. STAI, OF JQ UtSglnt�: A,: ap. ic-an ; or 1 4 A CAMIniaw develop P-Otmit �64 Oftfti*hOr OtprWo*�.-JIV. MAW or, a -44 & , I , , We OpmentpergA Person aVA to 'et 99 Ag fbrPUTOSc§'O4 f6r,, CAVA ih A%t*thdthe putt 00 lI$WAtbmdGWne;. Ok *"1041 *bPefty d thereto. This intm-Strambm" A xihed,a i -t A. n tine rqredid, vai nrn Al In an :owner bY-,Vi of hiheikance. Appfiftftt� Is, " anheir toift estater Ob t0 rats - -AM separate lint appif b(O,Tate ie oexti that the WTCATIOX'OP"j7AgZNT -R-Mr -) - I - "m IRI WTV fjo lu pg persons 'are, -owner's df. A 'LT iL1�T mirk io Cow 6f &M 90i rtl Agiby fiftenfig 4oi :this:t pmpefty, end agy perm "r, _q�m AC .4oroW "IS �aftre. ffiatthp, _W, O'dgo. bat' flle'Laud: '' is proproed, dMilopnimt I.,, ArM area w 14W be. susceptible to "'00.40ft .41I&O17A 000,JOO,,, "I A&fiOW.Ied&P: tottlie, L0041 Ponrilt, 0 to Oxwihod to me ftp"Ou� lar hazard pmWom atsocjated, WO tf is lots: �y This d, ";, , - - - d, ons, mcOmmon-Ati conceming, subilizt- tiog [AWia=M Vq*-ato" AM aUthoriZed to gratis, and do * ##.VV)4 �P-e to P" Oftb4aal Mang� icIP* ftWWMft and tho Vom to enter om*g aftenttetttianed lands air coommoors with: evaluatux ? -5 UZT: �I U if.' 1-6z" i6lfid This ihL* 44AV, Jftdhawl ch-- hebackio,.-ffi'�.r.,V,,.I,,,ot the- P9 e mormation M. 4g Olt t WOO&*'. WSOAck- 'necessrar ,Y, cr i t l o$1611, 6# ma*,ova l tokiu, 41�arrrrrxt;iWm tiro be,ovvh" or t t hythe imprWiM&IN,z etar s Ofma-9PPIlicalibna ''a t ey mhan A§WMMMRMNFOP*.gW;P.9RMITA.PMMOM Narrit of PiroW Omer,Ap'pt*qfOf- Pian*. 75, M5 Loot tbotm I Oave 7 Ly— - Anti _:on, to acton aW behaf( for.: purpose of appVmg:and obtWining, all tWK,permb -d -Y p Woe AEC HAZARD- NOME , Frq 'to'lo A I ZI, - I Proorty. Owaer,-�5a -, Yk This 411-104, the appkpjk�ofq od.00toft Thillilf4l: left up"W h* it. 0 bef bte, a pam4ft, tits , ol gaw 004" ig, oomoo .00469fttka T-hd kttlaetur*) twst tio. atocated or. <Mmuantled withkt rw U."y *M;0004 oad to. !q id.fte, up*.iU -co se, 0 r-I -sUbt§Wmct., 'the, W-A-Alvit 0-ij! P n, *S.acce W4 by tho Cmial lutm wwem* ca, v& y is ofaaiw ohmosmom ardtvoi►. *0 toWs" 0 ifted $MaWts� 4Wtrwim, CoAtml. W, bm tw**b,,kdl Tparry t=Wi':'bsiO hw"lid: iuMor6dunhrccrWn,coq&tj.ow. Asi a.El Ot7, ttw*,Voftw wmmfhb fwpo *t*/d'AOt&vel* ,pmag 'Wf4 }PMf 41,(OVja$ : fty%rT kk �Ufikh 16 mil li6� bAM w2i5g,vo ft " - I - *Olu . I ' r fjMJ00(.'-%M, cdIpAlOn't E'F* 409$14,do opma that Y bo, 1.0 m ly� � gm "Of i u�uttealilt A in ,f, 4wm*c4- u5t —, P141 6 QUI13 kPrII 20 15 PSN 753&02-03C�9017 See Reverse for III-Structions �bhr.. XedmubSitterley 'I 2-SISHverEagle tans MPO re'sVlle, "NOW This ;letteris,loinfo rmryouthat Lsenho-arHomes LLChasap df ;gANK j 'n# ft p(Ie ; or, M nof Pt promw lip 004ch Delve. Oak wond", h *(M�* to"ty�A, t - y. CAMA rivents about ourr edpw p opos fect '.Co .please atactme-at. 910-363.1620� cirbym, ail at our address belcxw.I(you xw&I,-Vt&fiIemrItten comments or objedl6ns witb tine ,Town ,of'G,akisland CAMA:Winor?erfn!tP,'r,.ograM,yom;may :submit them' to: Qpg-At POgffilt,Offtot fir thoiTo�rvrt of, 04 WOOd 4$t1t, OA kjs LW60� M-L, K,28465 Sifteretv eft.mat Homosi-, Lit~; -43.3o6outfiport-suppty Kd:SE, strife -Sou"40; Me 20f x %akik lri�estrrset�ta ��; Glt $x Plarlta >aijgw. �g ;dea��Ir�o� 1�tadar This iletter 4141 VOO that Isenhour RMiM UM ejiP' td fora CAMA W%Citfi [ 4n tE e pre RAY 10r t i at 5; E. Beach 4riu 4 dad 4bjAd' . iA Brunswick tau* t' air tl ley � Od reguaana, I F!?e encicased ay aim pelt aprcatiart a'xtdraEt dries as natlflca000; Quiff propa!aed tajed- No agft rs reqOW jrara yOe or VW" srg t 40d return the endow no 014WII06fOrm; lf'YGV #A" 90%0060 COmmerrts, about M P+00040d;0ectf please) 0040 e :at -16,363,1620, or'by mol atx4xu address belay WVOU W0 0 ,P%.Wfitten com a s. or' obi cr prt with 60 Town of 0# Ws W aW)dinar Permit, 'prO'9 Yclu teem sub xfitthere to . acaf F1' O re %or .theTgw-4 k islaad # �W (stand Dr. 04 tsfarid, NC78465 Mary"".I t0e1*0ui dKhMot, iLLC Suite,. .�y�Ilty��KTy'C��•ry�"r. �"iD`T.�1 .._ ,m, TV wJ0 AT1fiNTIC OCOW *1 6, tog w T UNE "OF SMX Pme nF, PW,, RDO 'A J�OF WN Town, 9MCAL ROPE :E�NGB. SEED,,&,-S�.w A! diMAROAREAS , 2) - -,y - f Offf IWO 'TREES-,Ta BE 115" 'IN � 40i j 0 VER' WV EeKAW�' OR REMAIN AM, IRS,jf3V;MO �T'N. "R.r.ry- ER EACH. 1450: §K, OF 115T, Nk* 3. WMNG AREA MUST ONE V x Cil- SE FROFMM,,'PER ifMiTAPJ PLMI;Y �Fr �qF 7f 4 RtO m- Ldr "— AREA IS 76 0 0, $r TaT 'ou's-, x IMPEL MEN AP A$EA& 13FT -N CALCC-U ON - * , --15 , FZFLOW, T(42&21 9F X tF7- 35' t, �MN W- ' X. ' �W*a LF EZFLOW F� x, Zq ��-_;;z- 4i.(00,5 SC X LF q,,, $(24*00 SF --X- -CF/�,ZJ;F;1A=2-j 'CHAMBERS fi=(240'b" S-0- �i il.,S) TOTAL VOLUME TO 99 AWftEb4t6-.'00 l �iTR�NcE T�] '8E P,E(2 7OY�N Off` � ;APPROVED EQUAL, AMC" VEq To 12 covEk (110) F jr CONCRETE Flt4kj, 14A �.r PERFORATED, PIPE t1X7tUF 3! ' 0, LOADS01 -5715 Ev/ 49* MHWLF- I Mf%,N.14fGR,,:.W.ATW LOINE, T.P TELEPHON E PEIAStAL_ CA MX CQASTALARFA MANIiG ,r-NT ACy M* 1LE SS60 SANITARY SEWER CINIOur mGtFyKAMEMEW.AJ11WCY � 1 X; , i= PE M ft§06=�,x §SAN ItW - ti*ff'W W DECK 'IWO POOL: CONCRETE o"E'. R--,-D _WAY! 'OAPS03; CONTROL MIMIC PRELIMINARY St"T-T PLAN, I., TRO', PROPRP U6. A(THP; rvg:AkSMIA, FL000, "RP ARC SUM ERM pp j L A� r t� r a � •A Illli� fiip(� � t w k 9HI ;Af E� ,II16111J �'�� - `.� I;Nl a