HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-52_ Gammons (2)tf- 77-(,5�22� fir)')rt) Oak Island Local Government 01 52.19 Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued Tim Gammons, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 109 SW 25th St., in Oak Island, as requested in the permittee's application, received 9/18/2019. This permit, issued on 10/412019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject pennittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a single family residence with grading in the 30' buffer and associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 9/18/2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910)278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC f1CT 1 7 This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons r within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for 1' r1'1Gi- I�.1" �mI1M compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this Donna F. Coleman permit expires on: CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL DECEMBER 31, 2022 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. In issuing this peril it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Oak Island, NC 2111Z Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. PERMITTEE f Nwo Paltdw W-0,11-0- to lonar POM* 041 Wo Dratir. 0040,19, Paoa2 "aft Sh6WWAMaA Wromotal QAMQ�Ifi fteaso, 6MAM& fftt j�iuthodzo.& d padOgtridiodwaoing, shag be ^ift'h4on sM by Sir Mom lon ft iamb iraterafts, arg t oa la beam: propeo "bed wo'llamiotafto Any ompbwd gwing *bh#wW buftr-fim ft nonmi h%hwatar must bew"foJoWto. pmuedt oofflogal We area sW WIMMedtate rNogetatnr,stabl 4qO re al getatfi'stdt:. dada df domtdun piped en Wl Owed lend dMurbamovd, tme, Pdar, y ffi I m th "' ofib a f"i hfL:',,, I I I d ni a�js eni t anti then w� a the stl fence shalt --�A Me, 0)" ph 'to coat Do" or to SW m-qdlm& adgw tocast, PwWtOftsul DAZE, NAM) t kts- aeean:azacd t SrrleIn* Pubfial Dust bordin ... _ .,: fit:: R ........... Addrem wt, L 94, c-�4*: _ ci 's IA"j, Stye . �...... 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STt� TE t wGRO TER IT: is prk6, 'd :tato sto rrriwater Iaui nexitAi Iss i d Vl tti �iC ��r�sii tli i `i ter f m l�sr-fir� t�it�s bA up a!u�► :e v� s s rf`atre=atl+ouve i `©r your In ur arce : _ sc(irais eel. . w 4 OTHER FTAMtT r l -AWREQ11AW minor devoloputoift, poani� Indudingi but, got. tmatmedt-system), BuNdin& lectricai,'PlumIt the a4lor CAN M-A, & do bod east; heckone) ft,-,t4 ifi6 jat fs" v sto ffi .. i T ........... ;ao.6w-. V goo -w ww**w probwteas l araft ym 4M ONMocowl"Wa poroft oftfihaftcwA. 43 D W 0 HOtbig �jsod--AJV CoAftqla, Jo,* tioniow, ghoo-oll IP 0400%, RA; Cqf we c U- o-i L Mo Mo. ffmq� Pwk A P rovaj,: Htghrua or 40*pmoot pormito;being either the owner O*portv b% saMC or t ftrWiotow6a the wg podosc od therch V& ItA�_ea i be IR, WIN D. - '104 000: ftdlook — is an hdr wth6 estate of, if other lhtoc owh as Mwited..contract o' ',i lease, OnUft b86w or use k*Arate ifiedt &tftb 16 Ws #OWott wnem of propertiewpAbining this.: ro Jaffirmtbatfhvejavw Intent-to,devetop thisproperty A M"'ALNOTtato. eackof them zo It-41 i MY I and fir apply -for a t AMApeanit AMO, W-TSOOOMN not as AW10b.; epropose v c zm-ay-be suseeptlbtvto, ,erosion .ancY6-r*.Aaodlngi.t,',acknow.,Iedg,e,ihat-ihe,,iLocal, permit 0ifficef'W& td.,,, ine tfiq.parttcu- tar hazard problem"ssaclatedii1ththisl oh'was �' 6 � ons"Oomomt ffita�i mift dw ifb&and, floodproofingtech&quet, AC4,60-p-a-ft"'W'd', reco ea A 'an "n's's—'a"D &rthom6ft def* ", that 4w authorizedto tf, 0-- ed i A the.. Local Permit Officer and thaagotm `tat offir-om-tha'a"floitom dn", al lad"" A abQrt With ow*a* related teeth's permit,a"poh" :,and of arm permit ......... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ........ m "ENJAUTKO-RWVrM- CAMA P&MLIAPPLICATIO fOW M.drew ( c that 1, bmit tfuth6rkm t Apqrrn#w rfddddt t M, A646WIng prppo4e4 4p4lop -it"m pmperiy I g Wd ran ormissionta, ra - bf hiff th L. I --ft -fi aft, tho ttorem in t6finectfbn WthgMlpa#ng, -h7fqrmg *W.to jW ,pd&?ttapp&atfon. Properly "O"orl"formdo"I RoMor T mm Title, ThIgz certiffro •fRVPEW4WA9R.% . P*Cp�vlow �ft I lWewr LlAfl M4 P Mot ter 4-s I re-, Nor- un M 2IJ f-A 40f,,Mp I t-*,*:'21 z 1'fit RCL—IVE L N(�'' DCM WILMINGTON, tr yawl: OCT 17 2019 Pq A m AM ro MopxwWk 4,7 Qffbrr :=W Ur 7wvlarz co. _mac - VATM 12M$15 47aIa Att" n 'rty Qwnsr Mai gAddress :Ciky„ Stafe;.ipode fear, Acrpont Property: r Tltia iatteC Iso'ri fo�ro ; t,+°v any :. apICed f4Kfa CAMA f4 OWOO or periy Permit :ark my° propsity at. 'PT Adrese, Aar Lured CR{ -e e"o d a spy of pamriE appiicakTon and prp�ea dra ng(sZ as no#if%at on of my proposed pre ac4 No aption is rOWWfrarrY yore or, ys�► may �gik aiti`d rek i�r� o enclOW Wqb}offft NI.pf4eck Pteg§e cQnkaot m at .: w ` " ,or k?y mait�at the. address W.W. pelo !f �ppiiCedttl 7'`ekeptii�r a wri!M comtnenksor'obiecOms wlt#t tine Tom V�anti :(stand 1CAWA, Minor NW Pr6gt^ Urdu mays ' bo tfem'td t�t?g� F CoierrCari AW arrr k of or t©r ft Town of">siW 401 S. Qah ksi W l7ir:, - Oak Istart0;,00. 8465 �inrtyc PrQpory � .tCek" i a Marling Address; Gt� elate, ode