HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-77_ Melvin (2)�M 1 /SJZu New Hanover County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 19.77 Permit Number Coastal Management tWPONMENYAL QUALITY as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, Coastal Area Management' Issued to Patrick Melvin, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 1337 Johns Creek Road, Wilmington, as requested in the permittee's application, dated December 12, 2019. This permit, issued on December 18, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Construction of a new single family house with septic system, driveway, patio, garage, gazebo, and foot bridge (This permit does not authorize construction of foot bridge over 404 wetlands as shown on the survey) Removal of trees and associated landscaping. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on December 12, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7116 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project Is Inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31. 2022 In Issuing this permit It Is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and al applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management, Linda E, Painter CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 0 U.1 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply 1Qpermit) Y Name: Patrick Melvin Minor Permit # 19-77 Date: December 18, 2019 Page 2 (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 25% of the lot area within 575 feet of Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline - 6RW Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, 5,850 sq. ft. of new impervious is authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 ft. buffer. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the Normal High Water must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (9) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. SIGNATURE: PERMITTEE DATE; Q ^' W N W U W w V Z Z O 0 Z J_ 0 t.�c:auty lvew .,yur.ov- YermnNumner Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline _.4__ Public Trust Shoreline Other (For official use only) aa�T�+ J GENERAL INFORMATION RECEIVED L` !lJ I/S(( LAND OWNER - MAILING ADDRESS DEC 1 2 2019 Name_ 47; ' qlc'K A)Ci J I„ NEW HANOVER Address i_3GZ T TokA5 &e a ApR_'d_ PLANNING & ZONING City (Ait 1 1 1 tt Il TM V State 7 G Zip a3Q�D Phone l D -'/1-1_ ` *0;tr Email (Y' elrin tick 0-ef AUTHORIZED AGENT Name PxrlGEC ME(Vlrt Address 1+3A7 J&6't5 Creek R■.' City It, ("o"n State r� L Email pA Ely IA � t�'iYtekWed+.y1E.i' Zip ay"Phone «'6/ J0 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site; name of the adjacent waterbody.) 1331 I_oket<ree c Ra. Nism t�g4fA — acrkws eek Qd. FoOm r aq4 A evtA Lo-t is on 14+ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) J l Ueusel t �7 p U S e SPrfi�.sir,rfenl, va-ha, Porn 'br qe,, aaZebo, ciai"e *eRc J'-- SIZE OF LOTIPARCEL: _74 d_4ml square feet __[ _I ___ acres PROPOSED USE: Residential [X (Single-family Q Multi -family ❑ ) Commercialllndustrial ❑ Other ❑ COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2 COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT ON SURFACES: SFS't) square feet (includes the area of the foundation of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project dt®vingg WN STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State LL au Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR.V YES_ NO cco If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: square feet. 3 WkIIJUIL KiUMA1111 0- w%z nz z%m%4_uxKLju: inaacuviry you are -panning -may require permits other tnah the UA ' IVI.A^ minor deVdIbipthdift permit, ffibluidi ing, but fi 6-t limited to: Druiking Water Well, Septi c T (or other sanitary m.aste treatment witm), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating,and Air Conditioning, InsulAtibn and EheigyConservation, FLA - Certification, SaincdDune, Sediment Control, SubdiVisio-n_-Approval, Mobile Home Park ection, and others. Cherie wiih your Local Permit Officer for, more information. yn STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: DEC I � M19, I, the undersigned, an --applicant for a, CAMA-minordevelopment, permit, being dither the, 6'caner of property in an AEC or a person authorized Wad— 6!§--ah agent flo-rl puipbs6s of aopl:��4 f r a CAMAmJ qgl� diy -that. -the person 91 BROM'""Nisted ' as landowner onthis4pplicatiowhasa significant•-interest,,inthe-real-propertydescWi�MV4AXA'canbe described as: (check, one). an owner or record title, Title is vestedin name -of see De'ed took page in the CbIffity Registry f Deeds; S. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant, is an heir to the estate, of pro ate was in county. if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain belowor, use, a separate>shedt & attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthennore-certify--that-the :following , persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm :that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning - my intent to developthis-property.and.to.-apply,fora:,CAM-A�l*rmit. (N.qrnp.1 . / A AA - - - - \ (1) (2) (3) (4) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: 1; the undersigned, acknowledgelthat the land owner is - aware lhat the'pro-posed dev6160 ent'ispianned f6r an area Which maybesusceptible toerosion and/or flooding Iatknowlege that the Local Permit Officer has, explainedlome-the particu- lar hazard problems associated with this -lot. This explanationwas accompanied by r6cbifiih6hdati6ns concerning ai6iliza- tion- and fldbdpr6ofing teelfifiques; u furthermore certify thatI am authorized to�'.gant' and'do, in-fia-6t,grant permissim tojoivision o -Cb the tocwferm-it Office . r and their agents 'ned I in connection :with on the aforpmentio lands -connect -with evaluating, information related to -this-permitiapplication. is, d of Pq!�04* ay of Mg, Landowner orpersoff authorized act as his/her a:gdht for pu rpose application permit This application includes. geniralinformation (this form); a site 'drdwing em d6cribed on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the Oceah' HazardA& Notice where necessary,a - checkfor $100. 00 made payable to the locality, and �wyinformation eivmaybe orally by.the applicantnedkIaiIkqf,-theq .. application asd6crib dso urces are e y fn6o;,i�rdted�-iOith6,a-�ref6piince in any per- mi it which may, be 1 ss.yed Deviai-to.nfr- om these details will constitute a vibiati , on . of any permit. Anypers'On developing in an AEC withoutpermit is subject to civil, criminal andw&hihijtrdtive action 00 Receipts for Ceffified Mail '(Staple Here) sm I Y-k) eltnpr r tle- kwe- 12d, RECE IVED Uyi, State; Zlp'Cohe DEC 1 NEW HANOX/ER COUNTY Dg&Adjacent Propert- PLANNING ZONING - This letter' inf6fin you that 1, kn alli It have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Omer Permit on my, property at 13 3 7 Yd-415 4"6k 9) in COUNTY Property Address my elm and p County, As--required.,by.CAMA-regulations,lhavbencii)tiDdgd*ofi permit app . .... .. -... PFDJW drawlng(s)'as noffbation-of thy p"6dftrqe4 No action Is required u Or you may s6" and return the enclosed no object4brm. If You have any questions or oomment's about my proposed project ,-please contact me at d. D ,or by mad at the address Usted belo'w'' If you vAsh,10 Apptcca6fs Telephone file.14d6h comments or objec6ns with the LOCAL AL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program, you maysubmit- them to: LPO NAME. Local:PermitOfficer for LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS', CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE 31 ncerely, Property OMet 13 3 -7 J—dAA S Cree-lc- Mailing 'Address ' XC City, State, 'O' C' p ode LO A M C3 Im 12/la/2019* cr 0 r- Er - Er Ln co rru- r-I C3 C3 co C3, PLAIN!NiiN�G 12/10/2019 z LU > 6. LLJ 1 yale Sck sl� Adjaldettt° e 11 twits cfle Mailing �djress - ft L Ak hA City, State, Zip Code' Receipts for Certified, Kali(Staple Hens) l, CEI D DEC 1 2 no1g. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING DdieAdjacent ,Property; 401 This letter is fb l6f brm'' that have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Ne"') Permit on my- property at in COUNTY Property Address : County. &.required by. LAMA -regulations; I have, enclosed a od of My permit applibefion and . Py project, dravAng(s),a&nofificaffdnofrhypmoosedpmjedt, Ni6action im'. required from you,oryou may sign arid,retum the encl0sed,noolJ,**nform, If you have any questions or comments about my proposed-pm*t, please contact me at A ID —to 17 5025 or by mall .atthe_ address listed below. ff you wish to Appllcahfs Telephone . file writban loomments.or objections with theLOCAL GOVER.. NMENT CAMA Minor Perm1t PmgraM, you may submit them to: LPO NAME Local Permit Officer for -LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS CITY,;STATE, ZIP CODE Sincerely, Property Owner MaHing Address City, State, Zip. Code C-) LU �' C=' I cl�j Z P LU M%4 V" CD irLU C:) Receipts for COrdfied,N1411 (Staple Here): D E C 2019 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING Dear AdWeent.-Piziperty: This letter Ift Inf6riiij you that havoapplied-W a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit on my property at 3� JAKS; Cre N prope ek k in; COUNTY Property. Address County. As required b -a copy of my permitapplication . and project y LAMA regulations, t have enclosed drawing(s), as notification of my.proposed* project. No acllorHs "uIred.frorn you or you may sign andreturn the.enclosed no -objection form. N you have any -questions or oornormints about - y o proposed prject please 'h contact me at 2t6 __6 ,or by mail at, the iddireii %ted.befIt you,W to a .0w. Applicant's Telephon file-writl6ri obmrMht§ or obj%gohs With ft LOCAL- GOVERNMENT C AMA Minor Permit Program, you may submlt them to: LPO NAME Local Permit Officer for LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Since . reii, Prope!dyOwner � won 001— gvf City, State, Zip Code -we Adj.a-ce-054perty 'r —u Malin City, State; 7jp;Code Receipts for :*9 Certr (Staple,1-16re) P 1 NEW HANOVER PLANNING & Z COUNTY ONING DearAdjacent-Property: Ttiisletfier Is to inform you.ttiat I, .�� have applied-for,6. CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit onmypr9pertyat, in COUNTY Property Address County. As, required by CAMA regulations, f1have enclosed a cagy of my, p6rrrft application and project drawing(s). as notification of my proposed project. No action Is required from you or you may slgnand-return the enclosed no. objW16rificirm. If you have. any questions or comments about my-proposedproject, please contact meat -,orby-mad at the address -listed below. if you wish to Applicants' Telephone file wrtE#en comments orob jOcfipn.s with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program," ,you may 6utirfilt, them to: LPO NAME Local Permit Officer for LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS. CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Slncerety, Property Owner 1.53 7 j6"� Oseje; LOA Mailing Address -7 k7l"c City, State, Zip, Code SH Q a? 2F C:) LU C4 CD L-U ir o -J r% Q ADJACENT RIPARIAN ,PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA `M:(N4R PERMITS" hereby certify that (;own property adjaces;;ito � -_ �; , ._��; ���.� k �337 (Name of Propet�ty Owner) .A �2 Property located at - O�-M!1 fi �'�e? 201J Address, Lot; Block, Road, etc:) Y 4A, } `, , ' E4I �JjI } r � r t ,r C�1,1N? on in �V t 1�YL I i'►=`) At t ��,�. Y (Waterbody) -- i l.tSr�l,tr,. , .� .�1`ir"y��` tires " � (Town and/or to . He has described to me as shown in the'attacle application and ect drawl '" . PP Prof ng(s}, the cEevelc�pment he is proposing at that location, and, I have.no ob)eotionsto,his proposal, APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED A Signature Print or Type Name Telephone Number Date 1) OFFER M PUWJ ASE AND CONTRACT - VACANY' COTJt.AND 41t5 19 {t✓Qnalilt'`C,tiideliries'' (orttt 12t3) for,guidacce in cowplr i►ag tilts funtil lu()TF.: This contract is intended for unirnprowd real property that Myer wHI purchase only fir personal use; and does not have immediate' plans to subdivide. It siaould not 'k be used to sell property that is being subdiv;ded- unless the property; has been platted, properly approved and recorded.with"the register c fdceds as of the date ufthe contract. If Seller is 13nyer's builder and the sale involves the construction ofa new:sinsle family dwelling prior to closing use the standard OtTer:tu PurcW •and Con. tract.'rz-New C65"etion- (Ftxm 800-Tj� or, if the. con•�mi ct on s completed: use tl;e Offer to t'urehase anti- Contract (Form 2= r) with the 1Vt w Gonstivuion! Addendum tTonn 2A37-T}. For calnable consideration, thereceipt and legal suftieiercy of Which; are hereby acknowledggd, Buyer o&7 to purchase and yeller upon acceptance .agrees to sell and Fon`rey The Property, on the terms add°conditions ofthis -Offer To Pdrelu4D and Contract and any addendum or modificatiotx ntade in accordance with it-. tetnns (together the "C:ontract"'j. �- 1. TERM$ AND DSFCNt'I'1ONS: 'Me term listed below shall„have-the respective meaning giver+>,them as set fotih aomcent to eUW terrn. to} "Scltee: rimothy Clete :.jxtLiEb- o � .�:+?+�� cam f 4 2019 (la) "1#ttver": t�`.3tticki+�+elvifi ar�d'Tricia htels;an - NEW TY (c) "Propem":1The Property shall include aWthat real estate d6serilbed hetow tcygether with all appurter��eI�� � L improvements iocated-themon. N(Yrr. If the Property willinclud4 a mauafactweed (mobile) horme(s), Bdy6r and: Seller should consider includirg t ie Manufaef red' -(Mobilel Home pr6vision in the Additional Provisions Addendum (Standard Form 2M_1T) with this o tr Street Address:133r rohns- Crept: rd._24 .._._, City.Witmington ?s 4 Coutnly:Weiezh Hanover , NON, i C"link NOTE: Governmental authoritti olv,er taxes, zoning, scho6 distiit Ei. utilit:6s and mail deivery may differ, from addrz•sx shown. Legal Description: (Complete ALL -apptilcable) Plat 116crence` UWL lnity4 E3ltrekfSQcti+3i* tr:�i visioat�� oMdontiniUm+ jolms U-gok S3ud?�1 sound h. its shown on Plat Bookialidl -2at Page(s:M The PINTID or other idemificatlon nuiraer t+f rite �rOp� s:1�Q�20iit}5^r�xtt90 Oiher description: LT Sh 1jgiy,s a mic TI' soiree or all of the Property may bie described in Deed Book 13 6 Wi° Page ,�� _-... (d! -Purchase Price°': S �50,O0rj to- _ So , pal& in U.S. Dollars upon: the foilowi=, renns 8Y (3UL D_ ILIGENCE FEE made pww:ib:� and delivcrs;ti to Salim by Ott: Erracfiv Date' BY lNfTIAL EAWNES'1' MOKl Y t3Ei osrr made payabie and &liver ,4 to F.scrtaw Al*eirinamed iJtZ?aragial►h':(t)hy©cash:®pe:sonalcheckCltSfticialh check El %ore transfer, Q electronic transfer, LITHER 0 with this otter OR C'Jwitl in rive (Sr) days of the Effective Bate "of this C:ontrae�, BY'(ADGl'r10NAQ EARNEST MONLY DEPOSIT made payabl03 and cic:livered to (Iscrow Agent named in Paragraph 1 {;t) iry„cash; ofii .. a! bank.chack. wire transfer or electronic transfer no rater than S p-m. on x . T"f1Y E &E11Vtr• OF 7His ESSL?YCL. BY-ASS'UMP I-IG 4 ofdi e unpaid pemcip al balance and all obligwions of Seller or, tl:e e\isting, loatt(s) secured by a treed of trust ors the. Property in accoi- iance with the attached Loan Assumption Addndeim'(Standar l Form !_M-T. 13Y SliLLEk, FiNANCIN4 ' in accordance with the attached Seller Financing ?tddendutw(Standard Form 2A5-T). BALANCE of the Purchase Price is cash at Settlement (%ome or all of which may be paid with the proceeds of a nett loan) Shi Id Buyer W to deliver eiiher the -Due Di:iygence`Fee or any Initial Earnest Money Deposit by their dice datei, ter should any Z Page 1 oi''-12 This form jointly approved by: : North Carolina Bar ilLm �ciation :North Carolina ?association of REAI, f e?3iS, #nc Buyer's initials {NIRmg MIT.,t9 Seller's initials `! � IM17W EAR E`an E67 ® ^' Z LU o O . STANDARVIYJRkU12-`t' 0 ..: : rised•tit9 z CV �w?A1% 1r O r� V�y t�l Ab l&kUr1O'1i_-uPw which, the pay- Mont 4�4rawnj Buy,�, &II byr have one. (1).'bankinj day wire trans0�0ectiole transfer to the',payee- In the event Buyer does not rigbi to terminate this: CoFntr-,wfqon. %i4iften_notice Buyer. • Money Deposit'The - Initial Earnest Money Depositfile -Add tional ittanies paid eon rqqired-to:be*Pejd`M connection WA dil - coll srraqs�actio�, lecfiveb;,th and It ir'. escrow by cscrol*'Agent _urktll- Closing, -at NVI-dch tilne it will be credite Hat the evek (1)Vijs 054 is not accepteAoe(2i a candiiC66_ of and any re,s' Buyer PL?Tit to Seller and -the re ten wit6iklirnitih,,`Sellcr,'i rights un(krP amo(jiiOf the Liquidated Darnaffvi 1 9 US I I that -seller would Tncull�llas a result of; 11 didited-Darnage _wlral1-1 RCk-jnQWlgdM&Vg the difffculty detzrrhin Seller a the other RVtt:cov#r-the I, the non-&evailint.party rewsonabte att, "Escrow Agent" (insert r,,a'nja)*'C1j* licensed —real—estate broker.("Orc Morley Deposit in; the Escrow'consoting to its. disposition or In the., event arnest;r%loney Depo gdir posked BtiYer,.4:n1*,;l this,coiltilct is Otherwise g,Oontract js not skistied, then 'the Ea,mest: leper;� the lamest ,konley' Deip`os it sha 11 , be dies a vdilable to -Buffer far such -breach. In M(=`!"iy tiiiiatK r 64graph.,j 4 d) and 4(e)� zgp to the It is�ackriowledgq�dliythe- . _ for di panies that the )Mpensakffy and not-pul n:44oiubk estisnation oftl' -acrual.loss breach Of this contl-,!Ct by'Ruver. 'Me; PaM61i it) Seller aindlor" reichti6tyby Selkrof-lbe — _. - i - - I - . I � r e 4 penalty or forfbiture but licluat-compa for or Sellers anticipated loss, both parties r�ii SOW u 0 ' r6 ght b�, Buyer or jiiastWncy'Dovti( the piEviifin ar�V-: ji shrill enti to reeGve,r.'.fMM g ( 11: CE N I YIN, rnev fee,.34nd Ouit. toi;Ls Whh: the piu�e�& IVIED1 cen Seller ana, of th Ehtnest M rmiked hy,stare law ,(and -E*wrqvV Agent. if not lBroker tact tjkistor escroWaccount until sbarf-einert., is or&-4eq by a:-couk t--af competent iurisdi6tion. atzomey licensed to practice law . in Nordi C I arolhii("Attorjl &1rhest,M' NV( CY, O.-My With the court i 11, THE PARTIESAG THAT'A REAL ESTATE BROKER.AGE ROVI'ACTINOt ikS ES . . .... CROW AGENT -MAY -PLACE TRE E_/:RNF_ST NIONEY DEPORT M� I ACC 6"N't AN-O' TPAT! ANY INXTEMST EARNED , AN INTEREST BEAR NNIG TRUST 0 THEREON SHALL -blSBUIRSEDto niE(ESCROW AGENT T%19�0�',RL.y N CONSIDE.RATIQ�r OF THE EXPENSES INCURRF,D BY NIARN-TAB;~ SUCH ACCOQtt kl%�p PE I CORD S ASSOCIATED TH. E-R.EWtTH, (g) *19(fective Date"; The date that: Wit ow6f Buyer and-Stillerlaws-signed 'cir inifia'W th4'Offerortheffinki 6uni6offer, if any. aW,Q) such 1s-.Znhq or initialing j.q_cbnjm i e�fj- 6 he lt,5 �jve quj m t t. I Vgm. k-iq acknoviric4go,e and agee that the initials finesu the bottom ofeach Pago Oifthis Coltractare merely evii'erice i3ftW the tornn�51 of each p4e, anal - t* the Cornpj xgcUtion of Such initiats, hills shall notlhe a condition of the this nc Axeement (h) "Due Dil, the penp ' dthetrarsa� P-T* aq tion cans urnpiated-hit this 06ntaict,;including but,noL nmessarilylitnifii&to_ the rn&m..- 2 below, to deci& whelhcr,Ruper, in, Buyer's sole di I scrttion, will Proceed with or term inatc the transaction.. 0 "Doc Diliiellce Friti` A npaq1ja1W- Anivunt: if any; paid.,by Buyer to Se.111 6r-With this Contract for Buyer*s right1b,terefiimite the co,tmvid, ro-na-ni; during the Due Wjgencq_ieri' cud- It Otall-be the property 0 Effective of Effect-: bate and biakende Fee shall non -re&andabie'exc6pt in the event of h f this 7% a.niateriai Lac 0 Corizrat:t l% Salk:r, o'Fif this Contract its terminated Lhder Paragmph 6(n) or as o&rwis'e provided Lpi =.y addendum hereto. Eljyer 6nd SMtercach exprLssly waivrc any right th�t they 1�ay'fi right 1 � ave to deny the right W conduct Due Diligence or Oas�sert any 6cfense QS to the 6arorceabilay'Of this co tnt 1 �e � -in e. it being die intent of I . ' n , ct based on -the a6�n or alle,70 ilils_tifficienc� of Due Dilijen6 I�e the parties to Lwate. a.legalky. binding ebwact for 'the plirchasc 'nd sale a of flee ftoertS'l wk.hout rev- ­tojhe existence or aniount of Dilieesice.Fee. ;Effective C we and extending Through 5:00. p-m. oil 90 days, from effective dxpe 'OEI.N.:G of., 1-m; L,:SSL--,YCE. (ki -swienient­ The,pyopertxec' ort and,delivery 16 the cklsirkg alloniq (IF a[ I I 4ticu - ments,nece_ssary to coioplete the transaction, UJ contemplated by this Contras , ffichiding!he deed.' qe'tflenient staternent, deed of trust ast er o1her loan or cunveyancc docuinrnt,, and: the_closingotorney's receipt or -all: Oufi&.neces'sanr to_cojjjj)le;e Such trabsac' tiw Page? or 12 ' FANDARD-FORM 12- T Revised W20119 Buyer initials Seller illitials !) "Settlembfit Bate"'• The parties wee that Settletrient will'take place oti .rig rrnm e#tecr ve date 1 , ✓� l "Settlement. Late" ,airless otherwise a ree , in writing, ai a time and plac i designatedby. Buyer. (trt) " losiW: the c+ inpletion ofthe legal proce?is vrbickresults in t1fe transfer of title tu,the property front Seller to EauyeT, which includes the following steps; {,1 ,the Settlement (deil� cd above); (2) the completion of a s. tisfactory' title update to the Pr�optrt fottowing tltt• Set[feinent: (3) titre elc»inQ attorney,'s receipt of authorim ion to. dhibursc all neces ary fun&, and (4) recordatkin in the apprcrprrate county, rugistrp of'the deed(4.) anddeed(s) of trrust, if any, which shah take place as soon as reasonably for the: closing atiom y sifter 4Se fitment. Upon Closjh& the proceeds- of°'sale slit►ll be disbursed by the closi.,% attorney in accordance with the settlement statement and the provisions of'Chapter 4-5A of the 'Korth Carolina General Statutm if the title update should reveal unexpectedliens, onctunbrances or other We defects, or if -the &-sing- atrt may is not authorized to disburse all neceSs'2try fonds, then the Closing si al!':lie suspended and the Settlement deemed delayed under Paragraph 9 (Delay in Settlement+closing,: s` .'tl?=y, `. i']na North ciarolina State gar has datertnined'that tie perfort w ce. of most acts and services required for a closing constitutes ft practiee of law and must be per%rmed only by an attorney licensed to practice law in !North Carolina. State law r prohibits unlicenseai iiidividuals or firim ft m rendering legal services or advice. Although non -attorney sentment agents way -- perform hinited services .in connection with a'closing, they may not perform al: the acts and services required to complete a j closing. A closing involves significant le-gatissues that should' be haadled by art.attorney. Accordingly it is the position al the Nonit` 1 Carolina Bar Association and the forth Carolina association of REAL-16RS'' that: all buyers :shotilci': him an attorney licensed id, North Carolina to perform a closing (n) "Special Assessments": A. charge against the, Property by a go�re;^ritttentata>ztl:ority inaddition to. ad vaforerr, taxes and recttrrittg gowrnme tal service fees levied with such uxes, air ay an ownem, =ociation in addition to sny regular assessment (dues), either of wh',ch may Iva lien against:the Property. A Special As4ivssrnent ' be eltht r proposer: -or c ontirr od. "Proposed Special Assessment": A Special Assess rent t tat is u Ider formal comideration but which l �rt�'€lee for ,Se tlement_ Whether payable in a lump sun or future i lstatllrnetim "Confirmed' Special Assessment': A Speciit Assessment that itas tazet approved pricy: to Settlement wht cepaj-d�!e pfilijutttp sumsorfiuture inst3rl;inw . NVOTF: Any Proposed and Conf irtrtW'Spzdal Assessments n;u.,t be n&'ntified by Seder- in pankgr a,ph S(Y),ti,3oWidl � ua respe ttivr: re*onsibilitic .for Propo<ed aril €;onfir led' SpecW A essr. ents are addrmeu in Mat ag"aphs -Ili) nt d f+(k), ". BUYER'S DtxC' D(LIV ENCE P,.IO+C ESS: BUYER IS STRONGLY ENCUt:ttAG8D TO MXDX L'QDk,3E Dl'-'.]G NCE DURING THE DUE DILIGENCE] PERIOD, 18uyter is rot satisfied with fire results or grogxess of 13u} T y lIu U;,'-tgjcnce, Bwer should tcrtninxtRv this Contract, f xir',r to dw mpiratirq of The Due Ddk�ro:1 Period! am}ess, Buyer can o°iWfl a written et,e4tsior from. Seller-:�LLER IS NOT OBLIG �STF-D TO c RAND AN EXTENSION. Although t3uycr rtaay coitri� ue to iatvest ��t� tltc C'rOgerty io}loytittg Elie fisgiratiun of" will constitute a waver by Buyer the Due Difigence Airicki, aeaatn ;a£ice to S4Elwr prior`to rite yx}�r R;ic�n ofttlu I7ut [�ili��cacc`Pcriusi } of } right to terninate this (otitract-based on any rriwer` .relmhg to Buyers Due 1%r igea c. Provi ied`how,evcr, following the Due DiliWnce,Period- Buyer may still: exercise a right to tectr.in?te' if *Feller fails c6 mater:aaly' canitply with ary of Seller's ob rations raider paragxaph 5 of. this Contract or for a t} utlier. reason oermitted Lmder th4,terms of this Convict or North Carolina lase. (a).a:;oatit: Buyer, at Buyes.expenle, slipll he entitted to:pu:sue c{oHfisa:iort;for and approvalor the Loan if any. NOW: Buyer's obtigat oo to piarchase. the Proocrty is hot contingent on obtaining• a Loan. Themfr re, Buyer is advised to comfit with Buyers tender prior to signing this offer to assure d ak the DM- Diligence. Period aftws st ffickht time for the appraisal to be ccatnpi;eted and for Bayer's lender to provide Buyer sufficient inrorrnativn to decide whether to proceed with or terminate the transaction, (b),Property investigation: Bayer or Buyer's agents err repffrentativ� at Boyers exoti hse, shall beentitled to conduct all desired tests,^si=ews, appraisals ityvestigations, examinations and inspections of the. Pmpeity as Buyer deems appropriate„ including but NOT limited to the following- page 3 of i 2 Buyer initLat �,31 ; ,, yeller initials .t . 0 Z ® _�' Z N O r ' Z LILLI w Revised 7/24 9 0 7t24W m, , And Fnvrronmeatat .its d det$rmine �►hetfier the soil, ,s suitable:fgr P3 yet's Aten�leti w56 and ,,+ri,ether there is (( ( pdrr t ' (7 Se ticfSevr me ntal cc�rbtasntutat,on,lidry rule or �Ulatiort that m any environ , trg ay prohibit, restrict or limit Buyer's -intended use u p r Sysiem Any applicable investagation(s) Wdetet-r,tine: (l),the condition of an existing 5cwagn system, (2) tiie r�s aii&expeny'cs to instal! a-sewaep system" approved by -an emoting Improvement P -" _x, E3)rthe availtability and �_.. eiipe a to i:ciiiiiCctt W .a. pnbile or cuii muniq sbwer systfin, andior 1) whet#ttr ail ]niprovement P, Crmiu,br written evaluation tray be obta,nt�i`franr.the;Cot»try:.fleafth M" partment tbr.a'suitable ground'absoi0on sewage system. catsand Qi applicablc.,nvcstigation(sj.to determini<::{I) the;oandition of anbt�ting prtvate'drmking seater ►�n.tt, (2) the(iu) 4ifa#er r1n :penses to tnstall.a private dripkitbg.>ti ater well approved by an existing C'Arisirttsttori d?e'rmit; (3l ils aya,labitin casts and espen s u Conn? ut ta. s , public or' comtrntntty vaater systiiw_ or a: shared pnvate well, an{d:'or (d). whether a Construction T'ernait maybe atr3ine i frtrrrrthe Count} I teftl. �}epairtment ft7r a private drinking water well4 (ivl ttewiein o€i]t►ramtots Review of the DeaWration of Rc ,ictNe Covenants Bylinva,.Artic.lcs of Incorporation? Rules anti Re u�tions, and ottYer goyeniing doc4mtents of any applicable uwni:rs' association andfor su tdivisiun, lfthe 'Property is subject to re' g'Wation by an owners' A;+.ocM- 011, -is recormnendedt that Buyer rcvjew rile completed C?�irters',.'t�sveiatit+n And.. ddendtim {Standard'For,ri L141�-Tj-provide6-by', Seller privi t40 cignine-this taffcr.'1t is-aIsa t+ecirrrttneitded,thatihe Buyer determine-if:tlie owitei ' &sociatiot or its matiFiomitnt cohipAby. ehak&s fees. for "- Vid,itd 10ormit:1 in teeli ired (v) Appraisals An appraisal of the Property Ac -1:j1A1_2A V . ;�.. �: (vi) Suiie} A.-iurvey-i* dctera ine tivitether the prope*; i5 suirtablc for 8 ye:'s;antended- use and,!hte location of ta5 ments, setbacks, property butindaries and -other issues w+hi" may or MI W constitute title defects (vii} Toning anal C;pvernmentai Etegulation_ ltvestigatton of ctirrer? of proposerl:zt►nng or oty�zr+tjmetttg ton thatmay affect Buv�cr% iniended use o�.t11e Froperty�,,adaa6ent land-� u", pl.nised.or proposed road c ytn,ctttm ;;iic ,4 col at#endance r�nn�. " _ _ ,. _ (lai) Flood Hazard:" tnvest,gga�:on cat p6tentiO flood itazarrls on ?lie l"ropert); ii„ d oe. anj i'evjt lt` itl tt?tl# [(rt a 94 'Y ins=ncein:ardertoObtain t.Loan. "2('lNNG (ix) t,tititins and kceesc: Av,?abYyttly, andoblimnance: t)f utilities incIudi.9g electric; gas, c4inmucseatian services stprm w-ster inanagr[uent, atld _n3Pu� of;acrti�v to t};e Prupestp, and annattities: (e). streetstRoads: Inv.estigatio3a of the status of the strreetrroacl ,pnn wbsch tote Property fr6ate as +pelf as:sny otherstreetrrt ad used to access the Propeery, inc"iW! tg (} whether iq, str�ett;�nra�i(�1 are; � chiic for privaf , rZ} w�,ethee any street(sjlm3dts} designated as public are accepted for maintenance by lie St4c of NC or a,iyinunicipa its, or (a) if private or hot ac,cepte;d for jn,blie; naintenancc, the cortsequegces a bd re' sihstity roraintcna►tcc` and t ie existence; terms and finding of in - atitattttcnan a reentc ts. \l'1 i,: 1*IC General statates Sectiim 130-102.5(sj jilt; °''Statute"}'retlitires t]*at undo? citcumst;tnces described ir;ihe _ Statute, a buyer nutsube provided a subdty suon art Rs discias4e s;titel�iet,t4prior to catering intt► an agreement :ct buy subdivided property described in the Statt.:e, T Ruyi.•r 6r Sc116r at Oicertain whether the &-tic of the ',"Ptvper?} deei:ri6.-d to dits Gontcact, is subject to�e Sta#:ate, +consul: a ?aC resl,.titatc attl}filt';M. _ _ (m) Sale/Lesse of Existing Property: As'noted in para`raph 3(b this Co racr is,nrit condfil oreti-upon thesale4egse or alc,U of'cither property uwnecf Fir fikys�r, i>fierefure, s`l Buyer must sell -or lease o4her real picdl tty in order tp gtialif fora new loan 6r. to- o(li+.rwasc`cornpleti Wh _pii'rchase of the Bayer .shi5j]d seek try-c lb: a on-Btjydr`s other pirperty prior to the end of ti,e [lice; Nigerce Peria'or. he. r asbnaA ,&Osfied itmt closing "an :t3.i;�zr's otiSer prnperft*� tvi'l talc :place. prib to the Settlement Date of this Contract. (c) Bdp'er�s 4?bligatiun #+a Repair faama a Buyer shall; ai Bdt er'a Ypense, promptly repair: ?gt}` datrage.to tF.e f'rt7pc rty r� ut±iizg, from any, :Icti~sities of Buyer mi-d Suyee,s" ' ents and contractors, but Buyer shas�,not Ise responst�lr for nny: d'.�na-e causal by accepted practices applicable to airy N.C. ticeased t+rolessionat performing r onabie appraisals, tests, ,4veys, examinatiai,s an I litspec#ions+yftheProperty. Thisrepaircrtil nation sha]l survi.. any termination of#iis=Contact. (d}: indemnity. Buyer will indemify and hold Seller t an, less` from ail to 'daulagu. etatm suits (� CijSrs„�y;iich Sl till arise✓ otR nh any,.cantruct; agretrr ot, or injury to arty, person or.property as a result of any_act"rwities of Buyer and Buyer >s agan;s and eantnctai relating to ti+e Pripecty .exa opt for arty.1o55y datnag6 Eiaim, ;uit,or cost arising out of pre-existing conditi€ns f the Property and. or out of SeUers nevi Bence or willful acts or umiY$SiQns. Tis 1ndt=aity &ftall urvi%ie this C oatra�t and an;; .termination hereof. (e) l;ayer's%Rigi,t to Test rate_ !seise✓ siralE hi,tie the right #a Esrminate ?lies C�7nttact #or any reason; or net rea�oa, bye ctelivtri,tg to , w Seiler written notice �o0ermirration� (the "Tentiination Notice'} curing the.'Dee Dili Tence Pentxi (or any agreed -upon written, extension of°the-T3ue Qi3i ei[+re R2ric ti), TI.,'VfF 13F.#�4`�G t?F TIDE SSF� � ; If Buyer dmely daliw•ers'the 1'i rmina4idn''iofice, ?!leis Contract;shaft be terminated -and the Eamest klonqy f. qm;t shallbe, efdYJ4 id,to BuyCf. (f) CLOSING SHALL CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROPERTY ,II+ ITS_'1'HEN EXISTING CONDITION UNLI SS-PROV'1SION'IS'OTHER.WISF Mjkg) :' IN WMITI4' G. Page 4 of I, STANDARD FORM 1::-T Re%4sed 712019 Buyer initia3s , e,L,e 15,:,, Seiler initials: „ j 012019 3. BUYER REPRESENUTION& 4) Lo": Buyer l0miles 0 to OblAin 4 nCW wan in order to purchase the Property If Buyer is obtaining a nea loam: Buyer intends to obtain a luan'AN361kkvs: 0 Comvcn,66-640 Ottier. loan a: a 0 Fixed, Rates© Adjustable fte''in the prificipal-amount oQS% LIV for -a ter—maf-L, year(s), at an initial interest rate not to exc*&s — %-per annurn (the "Wah!'.).NOTE: Buyer's obligations under this Contract are naconditioned -upon.obtainin.,o,.,or.,closing,;atiy loan. NOTE: If 01)+ does not intend to *Nain a neiv lbah, sciler is advised, prior to slatting this offer, to obtain d6curuentan : on from Buyer wbich,dein w loan ,y onstratts that Buyer ivill'be able�to elm on the Property without the necessity �of obtaining a FW . I (b) Other Proper6: Buyer D'' DOES RFDCWrS 14W` have to seorlease other i-ea.prop,ei-ty in orderto_qualify4w a M.,w loan or to conip,Wte the purchase: XWmpkk d4fal7owlag, omly ffftyer DOES haw to sell or lease Mier real prop".) Other PT*Tty(klrfn-5: 13 (Check if appikable) Dvy&s other property IS -under contract as of the dke`-617 thiii offer, and a copy of'the e contract has either been previously proidedto Seller or accompanies thiToffter. (Bgpermay murk out aiV as the purchas , v priet.-,Iand.t,hG,.buiw'.vidaiiii(v, ' te, praNAT a capy qf, the conrov to Failure 16 provide bfi, 9f fik-14nYi pot prior �, U5�, M � )1k prevent this offer from becoming,a-binding contract however,, SELLER IS STRoNoI.Y ENcovik �6"'D D: REVIEW THE CQN7kACT ON BUYER'S PROPERTY PRIOR TO ACCEPTING THIS OFFER., 0 pl�t* y`.qpp1iqaPk) Buyer's other VWrty IS WOT under contract as ofthe date of tl� QM. �uyek r J�o (q*jonly perti wing options), (MI E of Mefallo Gis listed with and ixdvely marketed- by a Rcensed real estate biok—er. 0'will be listed with and actively marketed by a licensed ma i estate broker- VV ;"A NOVE Rc C 0 U NTY 0 . Buyer is atteftipting to sell lease the Buyer's Property without the ;issirance of a iibetised rail 51': ZUNI NG NOTE I : This Colitract is NOT conditioned uppn the." le-lemse or closing --of Buyers other' property Ifiiie parties agm'e to Make lhiq C641trk-t-cofiditioned on a salewase or closing of R-;eees. otherpropurty, An appropriate contingency addendum should be drafted kV,&?forth Carolina tea0 estate ntfortity and added t6tT.*, Coritm'c't. (C) Prr&vffAhze of Buyer's Fijlaucial Obligations; To ifie-beist of 5-uyces knowlcd907 "here are no other circumstances or this 61T6-thatwou!&pr6hibit Buyer in accorda.6ce with Thi,,k Contract, except as may be speclfkcaliKy set forth hereirL, + BUYEROBLIGATIOVS: (a) Responsibility for Proposed Special Assessments; BitypT shWtake titi-, sulkpct to -ail Prop9s -ed, Special A Rdspdhsibilify•for Certain Cats: Buyer ewall be hbfisible foriall COSTS wi!."I resped to: (i)any loan obtained by Buyer. incluAmtharges b-,'an n�6migernen! coribpanVas aiLM of an.fri-icrsl assceiqtion, fpr providinit infomiation required by Buyer's. lrlden, (h) cfiarges required an owncrs by 'wiisociation declaration to -be -paid by. for Dii I yel' Proptny, hKludoug, wiaboua limimfloti., workingr i up!W.conkrilh ' utiRi?s:- Tembership fees, or cljar_=sfiur Dj;y5r'5 =c ur tim common elements widlor services provided to Buyer, such ovs "MoVe-in fees„; (N) deternii0kR restrictive covenant compliance; V) title search. (vii),any fees charged by the closing attorney :for the<,,-mparat'on oflhe Closing Disci—osure, Seller Disclosure and'any bthL,-t settlement statemaht; (vid) recording the deed; 'and. (i) preparation and recording of ail instruments required to secure lie balance of tlii Pumiw;se Price unpaid at Settlement. (c) Authorization to 'Risclose Infdroiation: Ekiyer authorizes the Buyvr`s knder(s;, the owlics' real acid d&Mno attorney; 1-to provide thisContract-to.any ye appraiser employtcibySu r or by Buyvr's lender(s):,and ,(2),To release and d4d ow 4py buyer's settietnent statement art &or disbur�ement silau-nagy, or tcn4, at ottrat ou therein, to the pardes to thib transaction, teir real estate agent(s) and Buyer's 'eftderfs'V, z 5. SELLER REPRESENTATION& Z (A) Ownership: Seller represents that Seller, LU 0 1-- 0 has owned (lie Property for at least one year. > Cq 0 0 has owned the Property for less than one year. LU z Q do+� not yetown. the Froperty. W Uj CC Page 53 of 12 SrANDARD FORM l?J- I- 1� Revised' 712Q9 Buyer initial f Seller initia; 1. f) W2619 E N Asses meats: To the &-A of Selli r s-knowledge them" 0 are 0 are not any Propo.%41 5pecral AsAx3sments. 1f anp praptssed Special Assessments; identi r3 - Sellerwae nts thut:there-�I°are safe riot °any" . rcted Spec>tl ass- essments,°identify Ni3Tl , Bai�er's and' Seller's respective respe�nsiliSlities for Proposed artd Confirinc *pedal. �ssissmenta' are. addressed Jn paragraphs:-�{a}.ana'C�1.j.- _ . - . (ey dwriers' Assod tittn(si)_antl fDueN: Tatjed o#.8eller's itn(, ie<igt;-ctvvae hips if the Plt&rty Ca''Subjects des>mat- cond"atiat� and trestrittions upon towor hz Pro r ° artdo g ott(s) and goveing dutateEtts;: cvltieh impose various mandatory coy p p ,ty uyer's : r,joy)ttent thereofJncludirva,.,but aot Mited,to obligafions,O pay a,wessineirts (dues) aknd':Special' Assessments. (fthere is:an owners' associatson then an Owners' Association C isclosure.arc Addendum -For Properties Exempt frotn Re4-idential' Property Disclost6e Statemeot (Standard_IF` rm '2Aip,=T) sf ali:l?e cetmpl Seiler, at Seller"% xpense, and' must be attached as ari addani&r-n to this CBKEr [ t (d�:Sewagc•5jsCcat 1'e myl. LQAppl eab°e �llvct t'►pplicaii�t) Scllc�r wrtrraais at th6 sage systctibed in.tlieltnpr4venient: Pc rrttir attaclted llertrto has,ham itistrstlerl, whi%h rd pres±mtatiun survives C saim but rnakcs rw-,urthCr represu-ttdti0nti as id the system. 4 ...�r�! (c)-PrivateDn'—uking w,at+er Well Permit,. ( ©:Applicable ONot,Appi cabley, Seiler warrants that a private drinkiftg water %wil has beers !walled which representation survives Gaasin' buy:=mains to furiher rew.sentatibns ais;to_the �veli_ (lf.iveil installed after'Jt l ,•, 1, 2008, attach Itsrpray,er�nenl Permit A reto. , 4 UcC 6 m SELLER OLIGATIOKS: (a) Evidetscoofand Nbr#�Fomigt Sous: �,g r •,�. (i) Seller agrees_Eo use best efforis:to provide to be closing attorr.�w°as saott a5 s asoi*.abl} ptssilaia afienhe Ccctt7ate, copies of a]1 tide :information its posscssicn of or availab)c ;o §t4i. r, iriz:;ud.tig but tint lirnitcti.-to• title .insarwlc4 policies; atteMr y's op nlons on :it1x, surveys, cove aunts, dici d&- nates and dmdts o0tru�1, zcnLz, und.c:agei ena 00ating: to th6 PPropi rf ' (it) Seller shall Provide tv the c:losrng attartieX all infornmion.rtec . d to pbtatn w, ++,iirten pavoff'starement�fram a:ty lenders) repardu�� arry �e :trsty ii tcrect oat �►e Property as scfiorr as rcas(,:tably p Yik*14 a"'.cr: thv > fltvtive Date. and Seller-dc stgtlates the cluing attorney as' Seller's ag o +n ith ea(press aijt#rority to request and i i hi on Se~'iees biehal f }aavoFf°statems nt artd�'4r slic�rt- pay state rents ftom ants• strch lender•(s):; (iii) if Seller is riot a fiireign`person-as &-filned,bythe Foreign investwtii in 1tea1",Propserry T�.X Acr, Seller sbal also provide to the,closing attorney---tior.-foreiOu's s alttiavio (punt to :}ie Forei Irwesiii;etrt Ra it4s1 Propery °Tar Actj.'1n site evznt S6111 sliali not provide rt nr =fdrea tv statt►a:atfidauit. Se11er`act now J t£�at_tM�re_artag be withhio!dimni as pmdjded by the iriMmal.Revenue Coda. (b,) Authorization to Qi"scldrse Inforsrsation: Seller aia. iorr .es (l) any, afionzzy pt�sezt ;=arprev ok'siv represeMittig recto:rzE e and d sclareatty tnie instirancz polX in say ftatte�rn y'S �': trr F3t�v r acid itotit I3rsy+er`s and S hers agznt, arid, ci a �rrpeys (_1 the Pro e p rty s #it,4 rnsursr-or its agent to relea.c art3 do close sit erwateri5ls in flit, [�rdpart)' riilu insurer t yr title Inn surur's ag�mCai Pic to Buyer and both -Buyer's and Seller's agents and attorneys, and (�)11­ die closing attorney to release aitd-disc,ose any sellers closi dis-clt sure, settlement statement and,?b disbmsemertts€ubt or any l t 6rMn ,t,oh therein, to the parties to -this trarssaotinn their real esta#e,aem(s} ancl.Ciuyer°s lznd�sy. - (e) Aecess fo.proper#y `+el:t r shall providr;: isc+n3blu �Cc�';s ;p : P►oper y through ttie earlier of Closing ar jmsses�iiin bv BuYer.. including, but not iirnited to,, ailowingthe Suyeraridll& Buver's agents ur i-cpi-6,entativc,5 an oppor:un t5/`to (ij conduct Due Diilge,acz : 00 vefiry the satisfsctoty completion Of neegottated reparrsrirnprov nts, pd (M) conduct'a tetral walk-thrQuglr_inspectiort.a4 "the PraPer'y. Seller's olri"sgation includes praviding exist(-tg utilituS Operating• al Seller's cs?st inCiud n 7 any connections and de- �viriterizirrg To thz extent Applicable- Sellers! all.alsn be n ponsib€e tur tarsal;: c:earist ,.that partiQo of the Proper(; required b} die C lnq,aoi ateromllests- .i ls*tlonslindfdr canluatiow; to°deterniimi t6 s66A. lity of'thr" Praperf}� %r• a sewage,systern andi'or private !� 4 _- _ _ [continued I(): F: See,. r41t'41NCi in paragraph ?above for li rritatioil OMBuyer's right to termiirate this Contract as a result,of Buyer' iiWestr ation cif the Pro lowing g Pert}' ftillov� aria the expir�tEipti of the Ll*.rr: �iligc;nce`Pericxi: (�) tiemoval of Seller's, Property: Seller sisal( remove koul thK Property, by thz date possession is delivered,-(? all persurral property,: which is not a,iiart-or"ttie purcha sc and' (R) unless othenuise agt ezd: all garbodge and debris— (q) Af l"f nit And indfemu fication Agrecm'tUt, Seller shall ruruish at seatc cent amaf daavit(s) ,wd'iridemifir-anon agreementrs) furnishedt iahor satisfactiery in;ice i to Buyer ctci Bu}�er's ti-tie insus r: rf arty, c xr ciitcdl b} :se3fcx ariii.:tnyr person or- entity + ha lr�s performed or , ririals or rental equfpmcnt,to the: -Property within 120, days prior to the date of Sett.leif enuand xvho may Pape 6 of`1.2 STANDARD >N'Uil NI-12-T r ReAsedI 712019 -SUVerinitials ;,, ! `elterinitialsY r .+ l ;�.� It 712019 W W entitled toclaima lion, a' the Property.-s� ed'M"N.C.O.S. A4 verify k =h,such.person ­paj4 in full and agreeing to.: �de' 134qs�Jeiideqs) -and Hqyar's title insurer stall loss froM.any cause. of d 494M lirn A o D� , i g�.tjaon or Uenftefit, P� ymcgt-�Md Satishet iji f Liens: lfM45ktd by N,C.'G­S__§44-A4A . I �,Sel Seller shall , desioated ers6lfdofi 0 , to , 8UY_a OrSSWn 85 F . - I -, , 1 a Lien Agent, and Setter 4m3onably. pttcsihlea copy::of the,appo ttt I t©ftie[ir Agent. All d6ed&6f trust;- ddfm4 ad Valorem taNes, liens and other charges agaiusIffic, Property- not ak;samdd by Buyer, must be paid4ln Seller Prior to or at S;6ttlement Stgcfi,�that d-satistied 4y MOOLadkinMaY be promptly.-Closift' 8�ljer " -dtd obtaily any obtained following shall,ricmain,o bligate ,(8) flood Title,, Legal Aecess:.SdIler.shIll, cm;cute'ad deliver a 6ENIERAL M�AkRiWr ..YDEP.O.forthe�prop(eity.inrecord forin no later than Setilement which SbUJIL ab -convey f&, siinple and insurable title, without excepti6a4for mechanics Rena,, and: tree Qfitnv athur liens! erocum5rances. or defer ts, inciudia 0 w fell would be revealed'revealed'bya eaand accurate survey -of the Property, e-VeCOL, ad Vidbrem rates for the current year (proruted_ through die dateofSettlerneu* utilitymcmerl4aild'unviolated covenants, conditions or restrictions that do not materially, affect the -va-uk C �:Ofthe property; :end ,such I* odier , lens,encumbrances, or (-Wectsa5m,aY'be-assuJnedOrsp iflcal!� approved; by, Buyer in writing. 'the, P.-op. ",, :must bave. I�gal access to a, PUNO ri,#t Of NOTE:�Buyer'% failure to coaduc: a survey ckr examine title arthr, ProptrtY kii r16 the kPitAiDWof t'he M6 Diligepce Perioddoes not relieve the Seller Of th6r obligation to deliver aoGd title under lilts Ni-,igrao1j. NOTE. if a�ny (h) Deed, Taxes, and rIM- Setter shall pays for preparxjon of -,a deeid iend all other d, , obligations until r , this Contract, and for AaW and county excise taxes, hilt!. any deferred,' conve*, ceki* re,quired by law.. The &ed is to be made Ux-patritk s meirin, jAd,riicii, N or rollback iaxieslriflocaf i 7 Agreement to Pay B*Y-er Expienses: shaj,� :)ay at Sett.!enaenl So' to*W, of BuOjr'sevenses associated Nvidi the urcha§e of the prar and. inspection costs that Buyer js.aot ptj--nijtdd' to 1 (j) Owners' Maociatioll Fee-qChar pay--.7) any fdc�,reqtiercd for confirming sttler,.s aeco �i i�L ges 5 I ung inibrrnaiion on owners' ass lei 'tion dues or assosarne[6 rnr payinclo, or prarationv.ltii) aty fees i1fi, Osied by ,in owners' assoc I - 'a 61 in nag PanY aj,; agent of the. ownem' &'McMflor ik-c Y this' Contract other intion an or a b Y Bu)crunder)aragrap14((z),%liLwe;, 4zd byS�112r i-ruo'nvietin the RL,4-dential, Property.and Owners- Association.Msclosuriu' S'xa,ment, wid resaleor offler certificates rel�ted t (k) Paynlcut. of (7aRfirmed-special .Nssts,*7ments: Wfershalfpayhq,QWa'tSe0,J0F0IIT -111 Confii'med Spmial Assemiinents, Whether payab'k in a lump ruin. or ;,jtur,_ insta,71116rits, prOvfe-ed.that the an'bual thereof cat; be rewiQTm6iy' determined or estimated- The e paynlet .v sti.Inated ametint shall N; the final pa)"cnt.1.5e*Wd6jI the parii6s, (1) Late Ilis'fifig- Penalties: All pr'OVcFtYt3.x late- U-041913eha.lLic.s. ifany-4ah,be paid by SLlkr— (m) (AvnerV Association Disclosure and"Con:4oridnium Res2le Statement - Addendum —{Standard Fonn 2A 12-T): tfa licabi pp. el Sellershdllprovide�:hc-compIM-dO,At.m-;,'Associ4ortl)iselosu),e',indCo,nd' SI�Iernent Addendum to Bu}er'on. or before the Effective Dqatt. (ItIseltet"S.FSHUrt to Comply orAreselk: materidW'comply,with Wiv 6f Seller'S DIII ar thi 6 or S Mier ' I unde -3 Paragmpfp, materially breaches this Contract, and Buyer elects 101 terMirtat,: this, Contract asa result t of such fii;Buic oubrcach, ther. De osit and -P theDue' Diligence Flee!,halt be reAvId. d to BuVer &-d Seller ahall4einib;lrse to Buyer 9 te reasonable WA VS:'CtkIaIh,-' incurred by Buyer in connection With Buyer's, mole 609er re' - Al ,, . 1 ineditni. Flegalprazeding, tire bn. ght btd4er noinsthe Seller t6 reckivejthe par. eq-1 % MOM-Y Deposit, thc.Dueactuatl Di4eoce dlrLhereasonbe-cos in rby Buyer lir. tonnortion, Y qU with Bttlrer"ivDue DiLi�geace, the prevairk Party 1pToee I q I n. theedhig %h0be ehnfled to recover from the-non'-prevallitig rdi>sontiWe Party attorrjcw f6&S and C.Otxt v f)s,.s incurred in connection witi, the 7. PRORAtIONS AND ADJUSTIVIFENTS: (JaIlm u#t trvise provjdeL. the frAknOpg fteans, shall be proralM. wiLI) feller responsible, z forthe prorated anio through 6 d unts th , ate of Si*lenient, andeitlfer adjdWbetween the parties.gy paid al S6tfleiwnt: (al Taxes on' Real Property, Ad v;�Iorerii taxes andrecorring goveninlentalselvidd fe16 lt�Aricdxlith such t&xes on real: prop be prorated oil a cakidar year hails;shalE; 0 C`-j (b) Ren0: Rents, iflany; r6r the -property: C', 0 LU Page 7 of 12) STAN DARD' IFL$M I z Btryer initialinitials Revised IM19 11 Ell 1� Seiler W2419" ones: es:,O,V�M filers' association -regular Mimts �i!6!toand' r 116m 7 charges: S., RISK,OF- LA)SWC0,19DITION Of. casualty prior to insu, qii the Pro rin rij, recordation of the deed. 9., DEL, AVIN, SETTLEMENTICLOSING- Absetifafrri6einant in the contriry in dik Cnfiifi,�wt nr anif Non- INIMM TOUMM(jI4 d 3 Date, (jitel any, #Mellde Settlmcnt Date: agretd'to lot rib' - �y Qdfte d� Eg_ bN, the pw*), or to othim4seexitendthe Settlement Date tig. Writtcil,aefftrncnt thenbeDela�iog-fa#y skit beinbieachandt I e,N6R-1?etay-Mi Party- Amy terminate this C&iirki be entitlW to -enforce re Ot 1w MosayailabU16,suc 0aily.,under fhWCbhtracUf6r the bri-k 10, POSSESSION. Uffless'othdrwrik provided herein}, pasmjijn, accdi.to' the Property (kevs, c6des,includin security Codes, Zate orieners;el&ftWic'devi&s, in Pit rash 1(mV., excavations. tree or vegetationw- movat orothev.sucli activifim, way be done.Wrore-possastor.-is delivered �DARL) AD 11. ADDENDA: CHEM-ALLS IAT SEA, PAR',I'O:-' , T141S CONYRA TA_ 76 -AN TI-A 11 QA CT,[.'F N"Y,&NbA HERETO. ITEMIZEALL OTHER ADDENDATO TIUSCONTRM71, ANY, AN I L) ATTACH HERET6. f_4;7r_1 T'V 7­1 Add;Vonat Provis=cons Addendum (Forin 2A I 1-7r) Uiinl6sureA 0-Additional- SS*atures Addendurn (Ft irm 3.-T) Statement Addemidum (Ft)rin 2A 12-T) Ej Back-Up-Contract-Addenduiii-(Furtii 2A 1 -1-) 0. ScUer Frri�,!i - Addefidiatu:(Fonn 2Ai-T) [3 Loan &-sumption.Addetidum (ron-n 2A6-T) Short. Sate -,Add xmk-�.fi-(Form 2A-114-Tyz 0-ldcoltify'Otber attorney or party 'dilaffi-daddenda: N,,A T,11 _PVE7R MUNITY N(I.Tr-:, TNCFR NORTH CAROLINA, LAW., RICH STATE BROKERS ARE NOT PrR.Mj#ED -pb DRAFT ADDEND.4L,T0 AL ES THIS CUNVTRACT, 12. Assit"NURNT& Thi i.-Ccwntmct m Y wt he assixned-vvi&ttt� tlie wrine'n Corj-wj1t..Qf ail PartiL -sexcept in,connetfion. Alth a Mx - the mie-neeand 'aspio %heirs. and succemocs, I TAX -DEFERRED EXCHANGE, In the event 134y'erar Seller- to-effec :?red ne in cunfi=don widi the t. a tag efe. ch6n, wnve�6-6f the Pro eil;' Buyer and 546r apae, t6'C'060.r4! in, etyccting exclta-litge-' , "ro'v­Medjio_wever, k ttk�'exohanoln& P P 41WIl be party, rcspatzs bit fdr all additional costs asswiMod with such exchange, and provided further, -that a party shall not, asswnc any.addiiionall fkbillity with respect -to such tax7dat4rrdd exc:Peigi%'Buyer abd Sell including assig;unent of this Cont-aw, in conneezEonVTorewitit, a., no cost !o the fton-excban&g part}, as shall be required to 91,Vc elTuct ta this provision.; successors and-w's'i- nsAs used b(bitdin a `vand shall .5hare: Lo t,he� b"en"efiof Buyer mid Sefier jnd them resP q ctvcheirs,14. PARTIES: This Com-ract sbherei11w6rd6­n the sin in ludt. 6eP* -a andtil alZSCkdhx inclus,the feniniiewid- TteLtc as M-SURVI[VAL: If wi�. h' tobeobsrv�. kept or perform 6,4_j after . provisioa: herein e the Closing, it shall survive the:Closlntptnd remain'binding upon ani for the behL, fit 6f6e p-drties, herdto.until fail observed, kept or 16. ENTIRE AGIZERMF NT: This,Cmntract contaku; dw a"u kla-aenlent 0 itrt©rcpress:ntxtions,. inducements - qrothcrprovi Ions other Ifian"thoseex"pressed hierein. All chances; additions or diletions here.to must be in %-r iting ;trod sibnandby all Page a of 121 S-17AINDARD -9R_M IZ r _f Devised 7/2019: Buyer initial. l o!jW,;q 'elver initials 0 P2019 7 parties. ?Nothing contained herein shall alter any nrcement between a REALTOR14 or hruker and Seller or Buyer as contained in any listingAgre6iriltht, buyer agency agreement,oan y06er agencyagreement b etwexm them. I I... - . I »1 7. CONDUCT OF TRANSACjrjON: Theqartie-,.Kgree that an'y adiion betvkoa them Main g to the transaction conteinplated by th I is Contract may bL conducted by electronk, means, inciading theAignin, or wo 0 them signing by n m f and any notice or convalunication given. in connection with this,O)noct. Any. writterA notice or communication may be transmitted to any tnalfln'g addreo4, e-mail address or fax number set fbilh in the "Notice Information" sectiotvbelow. Any notice or mnmuhicatid n be v t to given i) a party herein, any any fee.. deposit of other paymenito, be delivered to a party herein, maybe given to the party orto.such party,s ref. Seller and Buyer agree that the -Notice Inforfiiation" and -Acknowle4Tit of Recei of onies" sections below shall not constitute a M. Or M nett , . - - material part -of this, Contract and that'the addition or moderation ofaky information therein shall- fifi Ek a fqjqcti,�F, If W far or the creatibn,ofa: couoter6ffei, A. EXECUTION: This Contractmay be shtnw-in.,nultiOlc. ori�jn:ais or counterpart,allorwtto-,ether -,ether constitute one and the same ch . . - - hi 19,CON*IPUTATIONOFDAYSfflMEOPI)AY: otherwise provided, for purposes of this Contract _the terns ;idays'* shalt mean consecudve calendar days. including Saturd ofcalculating d;kvN, the countef"days" shalt begin on the day followikg6e day upon which -an yact orno v6w required to be perfonned or made. Any rererence to a date oTtins 't of 4ay serail refer to the date an4iorthne of dayin the State of Nordi Carolina_ THE NORTH CAROLANA INC. AND THE NORTH CAKOLINA R -0 A , ASSOCIATION MAKE No REPRESENTATION AS TO THE 'PGAL VALIDITY OR ADEQUACY (IF ANY PROVIS;ON GF THIS FORM IN ANYSPf;0F1C TRANSACTION. IF YOU DO NOT' UNDERSTAND THIS FORM Oft FIrFL'VHAT (T DOES NOT ?,.ROV-IDF. FOR YOUR LE(;AL NEEDS, YOU SHOULD CXWSUCT A NORTH CAkOLNA _RFAL C-.StATI': ATTORNEY BEFORE Y01, SKN r . This offer shall . become a bindin- .contract on :lee Effocti ve Date., Unless' specifically providae, odi W . Buyer's failure to 611ely, deliver any fee, deptAt ter other payment provided for herein shal: not previ,,k tb& offer flrom bcc6inifta a binding contract, prov;ded that any Such.lailure %hail give Si:lier certain vij0m. to terminate the contract 11'�­tlez�t,-;bed h6rein 6r as Rs otberwise permitted by law. Date: BuNi FUT Date; B4yer. rintily Buyer ""Name of Name. Title; Entity Seller: (Name of LLC.t'Corporra i n,`Partn&%hip-1TmsVetc.) By:'L ik*: - Date,, L) rn z C= 0 LU CV F_ > Col0 LLI T-4 z UJ 0 Pag; 9 of 12 STANDARD FORM 1-,1T Reyfsed12019 FRAVO WARNENG Towym- aEFoitrsriiDitidAw�-'wfiCF.,.VOIJSHOLILDCAL.LTHE-CLO.SIN(iATTORNEY'3.0Fvi"C'E7"O� ERIFY THE -INNSTRU'.c'noNS., IF YOU RECEIVE{ WIRING fNSTRUCTIONS FOR A DIFFERENT, BANK. ,BRANCH 6RACCOUNt �qJNIBF )CATION! ACCO.Uls�rr NAML. t P, THEY SHOULD iBE PRESUMED KuXUDULES44T. DO NOT SFND NY FUNi;S ANIKONT-AC-T THE CLOSINQATTORNEYS OFFICE IN01EDIATELY. TO, SELLERS- IF YOUR PROCFFDS. WILL BE WIRLD, IT IS RECOMMENDED 'IlhAl', YOU, PROYIDE WIRING ISPAUCI`10N� AT abSwo IN vnit-ING IN. THE PRESENCE OF THE ATTORNEY. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND ]c IQUI tI).T(*)9" A\- ODI LOSINd �k;rTORNEYS, I 't -kE- D :',OR-ii3l"NA"L,-..N'OT�AR17,E RECTIVE TO THE LOSNIS, Yb,;;MA)?,B 05 FFICE CONTAINING TH9 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS. THIS. MAY 8E SF.-NT WITH THE Mell, LIEN WMINI :R AN-D TAx DiRMS IFTHOS15,I)OCUMENTS ARE BEING -PREPARED FOR, Y0VfBY,rHC:CL0SING-A MPLNEY. ATAMINIMUM, YOU ,10ULD CALL THE CL05ING! A--rr0R-,QiVS OFFICE TO PROVIDE THE! WIRE INSTRUCTIONS. THE WIRE ISTRUCTlONS SHOULD K VERIFIED OVER'I'llE TELEPHONE' VIA A CALL TO YOU INITIATED KYAMC CLOS'.1N.-C ly, IS -OFFICE TO D P, T-TO PINE -.EN��URE-*I'HA'("rHL-Y,AREN-OT,FROM,,AFRAIJ ULEN TSOlV C-& WHETHER YOU ARE A 3UYEk OR. A SELLEN, YOU SHOULD CALL TG A17"O HE CLOSINRN EY'S OFFICE A*'W'A LF UMBER THAT IS INDEPENDENTLY 0H fAlVl4tD;' TO'N"5LJRF THAT YOUR CONTACT IS LEOITIMATE, YOU'- SHOull) &T kay ON'A ?HON, E NUMBER IN AN q1-ywLfROV THE CLOSING ATT0,RNEV,s bFFtC1V, YOUR'REAL ESTATE GENT. OR ANY '.z"ONE;-ElS ff,kn't SFACL,; LEFT BLkf, -1 ST ANDARD FORM 12-T Revised 712019 0712019 ]NOTICE INFORMATION. NOTE: IT49F.-RT AT LEAST ON'R ADDRESS ANIXOR ELEMMC DELIML-KY ADDRESS EACH PARTY AND AGENT APPROVE-o VOR THE RECEIPT OF ANY NOTICE"CONT I EMPLATriD BY' THis commm;T. INSERT -N/A- FORANY WHICH ARE NOT APPROVIED. BUYER NOTICE ADDRESS:' SELLER NOTICE ADDRESS: Mailing Address. Mailing Address Buyer Fax k—r. Buyer E-mail: Seller E-mail- COM ..&LATION OFAG)F.NCVN,,QTIQE ADDRESSES Seffing-finn Name: Caldwell Aaz*i r Sea coast Advant c' 1. isd0- FirniNainc-Caldwell z2aer Sea cW. ��xLv2atAa .Acting as [3 Buyers Apnt 0 Seller's (sub)Agent-0 DtuLl Agmt- Actinp, is Sefier's Agent ODual Agent Firm Lkenseg. #9314 -Maifing Address., no -Dimponozi elvd �ibiinzdm xc Individual Sehing Agant4iS4bqurin 0 Acting as a Desipated Dua-.'°Agera (cite k c only if applicable) Selling Agent Liccn.%0':zv3i-q--, Selling ,Ag-entPf6nd910,5W. 918; Se0bw At, geat Rwk -Selling, Agent E-mail: WikitE' agm N C 2WO'l Individual Lisd-g Agent.ApqU.KcSlirkg 0,kcflAg is a Designatid Dual Agent (check mly if applic,*Ie) q4ano A -cm Lisr-'ng Agent Fax.9, jTH:S SPACE iNTENTIOMLLY LEFT BLANK] Pace 1! cif 12 �eklcr initials Buyer initials z LU -0 C%Q > (D z LU LU STANDAAD FORM, 12-'10 Revised 712019 ACKNOWUMMEN T OF-RECKIPT OP Seller: r", S_T_ *21, J"sdlee) 1361yer. P.1 LilCk jddvjn ji Rd Id a r �21 nq ?Mlwrty _Nddres&�337 rope 0 LISTMG AGFWACKNOWLET)GMENT OF RFCUIPT OF" DUE DlUGFWCk FRE Paruggmph, ftd),afthc Offerju P=kw-:ind1C4x1Lmct bt"T%vw'11 Buv'er apd the nk- of t1te p.-o-p es ellYprovic-for the piymanrto Scllir'ofl DuaDiligence FCC. iwffi� anjoujji.as' ich Lj firm- ;�ey C ME Advan., CISM-LER ACK — — — — — — — — - OF RE&fi� oF,m% Paf:;rsifbi H& of ihe-4YfY-Li_ ter !Aa liczwpestr' Bqyerand; Sailer fir; -th ofthaProp6rtv provi!6sfor ihr,payqjtjt),b.: receipt cal wWch Vu Oate: --- — — — — — — — — - re, — — — — — — — — — — is — — OESCROW AGENT ACKNOWLEMMENT OF, REUCIPT,op yNiTtAl. EAXNESTNICIN _v PEP( MT 11arMgt aph 1(d) uFthc! OV,cr to V rehan u Q TL' foi- the a ­_ Chl to MY - Escrow Ager­dar'r�ifijj Eupjc'-4 Money DtTwit urnourv, uf S4"V heat as f1knfirxxl in . Pam,( -ph -gz sa •tid, isburs�henuin,uw T tO PtrClrc ui��,ConjTaee Fiuuru)l 01 ES — — — — -- CROW A -GENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT CWRJ�IPT 6F. (ADDITIONAL.) FA'RNESf t1vto NIRV DEPOSIT pAragraph I (a) Gfllh Offer i0 Purchase Und C1,K)IMer L-26%=r aW Sellix. ror the P_ , ' ►'-crow Ag C'. provide-s for hi: 7,Lynwjjr, Ce In 2 .10 Cwtractl*ry d ont -.5 . P , -a_ i -by ackriow,le g�s rmalpt o" the (AdditiorsId'i E,;Mcst triune :sacs and klihbum the saiw jr, accoTj;jncc I%Itl;, t yx'pk'Z'it zuid­lo huld Fr tm ral-i of tl�e 01'r&' to ilurchzvqe attar Contract, Date. Firm rim B v: EPrtau mamm" Pure 12 Of 12 StANDAR6FORM 11-T 1tt-viwd­7r_6l0 C, 7.1 M 19 y �` +►Ku tit' tE6 _ . Np`p.HAt10YER.Ca.tii At Si'd i [', bf R�11 �Stt1�E+ YQ A. 00 Tcta" Lfif No I'iml IdettEtscr Na ...t f Cau7tty ea the day at' , i+J1' 2tati ....,i1a3u' v a SlYaaiCtl'i an& eord� :to r_sv, p":'fi& _... ; Thin Instriika was Calder A t aidee hliPrint go.�4, pj,GRj!)9.tsM..l!tl... Brie('deseriptinn for the'Itidex ?, Lot 24. •Jdlm's"Greet: Sec. II vi Ilk NO►RTH..CA� OLINA GW1 EkAt *AjkRANTY DEED THIS DEW 7fa da ffiis Ailiy AV, ... , by, mnd`betweeit- h . I GRANTOR GRANTEE, i Itligl S'111FEK DUFLOrHElli T1t1Q[N'I 6►d.: 5tt[NI t an �n f �, usimarried' per3sR� I 'ill +.. t qt iRf�N i , RIC ^ � 3a I }. I1. C. cerNut atiost ;1 `G is r.kr M aartak fek eaeM wtr: n.wo. . a . ee.rcier .!'saw f Tb* daisni" Grantor and Grantee to and hereie shah include said parties, their heirs, successara, and wipnr, And- t - .. - sMit ieit:iudb aio�tliar. plaint; maacplittl�; 1?etaittlrie' or stater as regained b7 carafes!.• _ r _ ' W1Tti1�SSi TIi, that th0 Grantor, for A valuabte'conelderat[on paid by the ,Ctaaiee, `ihE recdpt of, uhieh is hereby. j': acimewledatd, has and by, !hest! prmnte does grant iatrgaia. sdl and convey aab the Grantee in fee Al"*, all that certain tut of pawrel of land atlr+nttd in'tbd Lity ut ... ...,... , ..Federal; Point TowitXhip. a New iianuver Coouty, Naeliti,Csiseutts+a sad mare paetia7iaely described as fotlewa: MI at 1•ot k4 u! Join s Co -eel 9ubilvisiuiw', Sec t7on" I1, aa� ahaim upoti Lhat sap 04 said- sutn7tvisiat recorded in, the. Hew - Hanover County, L) "istry In Clap' 'Hook 27 at. page 2b. cri cj O j W cj Y > 09 W Z W w K} ' l''���.. •� tF t.t�1� krIQ1'R�o'�lati317 som ' fit„• �-"A• �' W LiNg o:;,mom 1437 'PAGE W.-J) (71f A CR960K ---- '. l. Pa. 2 nX Ow Pa goo. 27 PAW- 2ff w F-Lp 2 (w -WCHW,112LW PANU kM t- a Ix w coAsrAW'Fw;7D ONE prj)pcm FLAGGM BY LAND Of AMNAGELMYT GROUP POW AD OCT, 2019 C4 20' w w XF w w NBC MR= vq C4 MAP NO SCALE 75' NEW HANOWR-c" w as COD FROW COASTAL Wr"NDS Survey Rfi�&mce 10 K 27 PAGE 26 7, -wol'"A J76 PAGE 381; RAGGED BY LAND; NOTE.- AlANAGEWMT GROUP 77411Z LOT 7 M LOCATED *-n WR wt.,AND 2019 LZkE-)7AG=iNA--FLow HAZARD AREA. 10DE 6nANO-MANA=ENV GROUP OCT, 2019 75'WkW HANOVIER L"rr, LEE PARKER DRIVE COO FROM COASTAL KMANDS (56' PRIVATE RIN) LOCA N. 0 BANK A LOT 26, A MAP BOOK 27 PAGE 26 ram^ tat A4 b 'K W A3 LOT 25 N. so MAP BOOK 27 P14, 20db.kv, of —cl M.001 to' 120-, C9 Lu 1JUWA-IMM OF,MOWFA7r WAVE AC170M in I i-� X 20' - $ . r � I LOWWA REMEMYS INE APPROANA W LANDWARD LUT OF THE; 1.5 FCOr BREAMG W AW 5l I?J 4. z I s� QI f^I �, X T Z Z ah .20, C., Z_j420 AE (EL 1,3)- 4fa1'; E X' SHAM) $72 -T- WDo-r! *)Qo.owo, 37 4a .iaodf ZOtVE eearoom testym Z 0 y C., IM32' FL t -ois000E j Z Nos 4 -ko5w.00 -�z lzi LOT 23. IES' MAP BOOK 27- PA Gt 26 Preliminary Rot Plf7n,For. NQR7H CAROLINA: NEW HANOVER COUNTY PATRICK MEL Wk and TROA MEL WN 1. NIOMEL N. LWDERWOOm, CERTIFY THAT luo PLA LOT 24 WAS DRAW UNDER MY SUPERWSOM FROM AMACT dafiv�i CREEK, SECRON ff SURWY MADE UNDO? MY'SUPERWRON Ma;;670A FEVEM POINT, TOMSMP NEW HANOWR .COUNTY NOR7H CARW)VA Legend. F-I.P. EA157WO-IROV PIPE I.P.&- IRON,PIPE SET ECM. 'EMS71NO CONCRETE MONUMENT, N.P.F. NO POINT FOUND: S tw-Motmilim ivumvrjc Uvm ar-PIL Address: 1337 JOHNS CREEK CREEKRO. A.D., Z= MICHAEL UNDERWOM and ASSOCIATES, PA 102.. CINEMA DRIVE, SUITE, A 'FIRM' LICENSE No.; MUJINGTON, NC-28403 C-061 1 5 MICHAEL N. UNDERWOOD. P.-La LICENSE NUMBER L-2962 PHONE.- 910-815-0650 SFAL OR STAMP FAX 910-815-0393 EMAIL: muai9bfzec.rr.cola -0 2019 MICHAEL UNDERWoo'cfijfL ASSoaA 71M. PA —1—w O.W~W 24 5c LftV WW=. fi 0 z � I •`�_�E ��/~1.�' yr. - - IN 7 I •� a,,Ftts ASSOP_"_ SEE s CRC NT PA � (MARSH) ow a. o► .prR?tF Me t>G 26 M.g 27 1 Q + N . " r `•: as. Ann cit— cep 27 PA;E;-Iq IF ..9 pa SOS' W E �a :FI:P, en.ct _. �, e prtoPo�n F�GlT.EO BY LAND tGYE r $ t� e+ AIANAGEifENT Q4OUP C4 20 0' �,o0 w as OCT. 10fa r vaN.. R. z lw WM RO V i waNITY MAP NO $CALF' a WF et 75 NEw HANOMR COUNTY • . a, con FROM. COASTAL wr rzAnros Survey. Reference L ;� C MAP BOOK 27 PAGE 26 = C NaRLUL wATFR aw BOOK 1376 PAGE 381 COASTAL WILAAW UN£ I NEIr�/ !=1 ;s VER COUNTY \/ N FuccEn er u�vn NOTE ,� ,y •r MANAG611ENTGROUP L�1� f't 3C.� Fx lP�(>'�i THIS LOT IS" LOCAiE71 - w uND LwE RAwa IN A •FLOOD HA- ZARD ;AREA. ' '� \ GROUP OCT.. �2G19 75'N6,11ANOWT-COUNTY,.: I I.EEPARKER 'DIQIVE _ APPROMATE � ` CaO FRO4r:COAsrAL wEnArros I (50' PR/ VAZE Ora LO 4 \ BANK- LOT ZB 1.7 ACRES I y, a o MAP BOOK 27 PAGE 26 IRS MEW \; ^ 't+ LOT 25 ` e�? S05 OQ'W MAP BOOK 27 PAGE .26 Z Z:m 1*' 2060.F . FRoaom titp� I 30OD'., .. i a' uArwA-uvifs'oFF vaoEiPA�'WaacnoN^� "-'�� q W 20' N. LhWWA REPRESENTS WE'APPROJO�AIAX LANOWARD ~I I q _ +�kl y�LIAfrr.OF THE- r.s FOOT BREAKING WAVE jl I4� A U 4q,. 7` cb Ilia : YJ Q �' • '�f (EL. 13) oot P J e' ' ` I' ii 43roa - y& �--• — — —r fi — --� �'ivo5v3�oD�- - T80 � - �1P I .4D DD• .. - ,,,x D 00 1 2 \ Z ZaNE. x� f 5 ADgp� I 't., reore� oiar I — 1S' 1 f232" 90 30 . ANNUAL N G S c a a N i MAP BOOK 27 PAGE 26 Preliminary Rlof Plan For.' NORTH CAROTJNA` - ' NEW'HAAM 'COUNTY_ PA.TRICK, MELWWN and TRICIA MELVIN, I MICHAEL N. LINDERWOU, CERTIFY ThAT THIS, PLAT LOT 24 WAS DRANN UNDE•R'MY SUPERKSTON-FROM AWACIUAL JOHNS CREEK SECRON It SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERNS/ON,DESCR/PROM AS . FEDERAL POINT TOMMIP NEW HANOVER C0UN7Y NORM CAROUNA A .c . - � . Legenfi R J.P. E70sme tRON PIPE GP.S: IRON: PIPE SET -E r-M. 'EXISVNG =NCRE7F MONUMENT C N.P.F. NO POWVT FOUND C Address: 1337 JOHNS CREEK RD - " ':, A.D.; ZQL4 MICHAEL, UNOERWQOD and ASSOClA7FS, PA 102, CINEMA DRIVE, SUITE A FIRM LICENSE No; ' pL WMINGTON, NO 28403 C=0615 LICENSE; NUMBER L 2962 PHONE. 910--815=0650 SEAL OR STAMP' FAX. 910-815-0393� EMAIL: mua@blzec:rr. com ® 2019 MICHAEL UNOERWOD and ASS0C1A7E% PA . u :no aaaA.�..l2m.ef or. arr u an.o�aw- UeHm�sima•w m; .... - .... -. __... -.._ .. F t