HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-74_ Sweyer (2)New Hanover County 19.74 Local Government LAMA Permit Number MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Coastal Management INVIRONMENTAL QUALITY as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Jeff Sweyer, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 7412 Fisherman Creek Drive, Wilmington, as requested in the permittee's application, dated November 18, 2019. This permit, issued on November 27, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below, Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Installation of a 16' x 28' pool and associated landscaping. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on November 18, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.G. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7116 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) Z Z This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written, peril approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In Issuing this permit It Is agreed that this project Is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This pert may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. V I Linda E. Painter CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) ., ._ (5) The amount of impervious surface shall. not exceed 25% of the lot area within 575 feet of Normal High Water R (Estuarine Shoreline - ORW Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, 75 sq. ft, of new impervious is authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all r < developmenticonstruction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 ft. buffer. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective l sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must I be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. i (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the Normal High Water must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (9) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. m rn Z C!) W cv o Z W Q SIGNATURE: DATE: o PERMITTEE Lwaity 6 &A-) I I Cly\d lle r \ O Pftuitw mar 101`-7 + (lean Ilarmd _ 1•:aluoirw %urclim_ URw Shordim � Puhhc 1'raW Simndine� OBta r! wo,8nml tie mfy9 LtRD OWNER - MAILMG ADDRESS c'iy Rrtcd-t�` I Pla+m Iim.il��j�lgP�._t"C��F�c�Lr„ ALTHORIZEDAGF.NT I.11(:,{7'IU\ Ot' PRW F.(T: (Address stres•1 uamm ardrordimetihmx Ga site mrrw of th`'e�djncaM wutataaW, i DESCRIPTION OF PRWE(T: (List all pmprned r rossuctira and land &xtudrance.l SI77 OF L(ITmARCEL: -��Ljasl oquaw feet '- aerz PROPMED IISF: Re:adentie—[j�l ^rp ` (S%ingle-fn dY [jr Multidamih- [J) Commercial hdm s" [:] Other COMPLETE ETTRER (I) OR (2) BELOW" (Cm1m( par LunlPermvr OQreer i/)wa an nw ere rdrich.lECappfirr wyaarPr-P-10): q r (1) OCLINHAZARD AEC). TOTAL FLOOR AREAOFPROPOSED 9MUTURE: J �•I/ ayturc feel(in:laka air coo0i ioned living space, parting eletnted above ground level, man-cmditinned space elevated atone ground level hat ealWing norm-h+alFlsmtg anic space) (2) ('OAS'L{I,SIIO�•aRE�+I•INE,CFCk: SIZE Of NIIII.INN(i )1fE)'rPRiNT.AND OT71FR IMPFRVIOIIS OR BI)III UPON SURFACES'-! . —'sgwara feel (ineluke the area of the hntud ihoa of all building... dnveways. cuvercd Jerks aorwrah or visionary patios ate. hat are witfain Iba applicable AEC Mach tour calulmisms with the pngect drawing.) STATF. STOP-M ATFR MA.NAGEME\7 PERhHP. is the prejacl Ixmed in as area mhieat a a Slak Stormwmfer Momget�m Nnnit imod Fw the NC Dmi, o nC Enerpy, Mineral and I.mA Rennurcaa (DfM1.R1' YES_ NO ✓ IC)nr, slog hw aW built Upon arcs rmpervioua amrCuce allmved hw )unr lot or panel: Slums net. RECEIVED OTHER PERMITS h/AT BE RFQR'1RED: The activity you me Planning may r+gMa 1>errl[iATWr ldthe CAMA ariaor devdapnronl permit mckkkag, but not limilal to: Drinlingg Water Well. Sgnic'Camk (or usher amitnry +cable trcatmmt n'xsem). Huilding. tkclricd. 11tmMng. Ifcafing and Air Conditioning. Insulation and FraM�m) Caansnrnrrana'matian�n,. 11A Cv ti&atioo. Sand Dww. Salim mi C+ mt. Sddivishm Approvol. Elula'�i` 1 I tiS%V 1�Tan mad otherscheek with your Lard Permit Othecrfor murc in brmation. PLANNING &ZONING STATEMENT OF ONT1 ERSHIP: 1, the adaraign d, m applicant for aVAMA minor Jeeelopawnt Permit be* either the owner of property in anAF(: or a person authorized In act , an agent by purposes of appl)ang fora (:AMA minor deve)alauent permit. certify that the permit tinter) as Iamowv car on this application has a significant interest in the mal prperr,Jcxrhl d therein. Thin imerost can he described ns(check one) 1 1C �e+owmr nr tewrJ titk,'fitle iavndal in mmeof -�G� !]t�'R.V G♦� see Dead lhwk rJ`1e)-g; pogo I in the -UJ*Jt counts. Rgun,, of Deadk __m owner by sirtne of imheriWoce. Applicant is an heir to (be rank of _ probaa _if [ahem ipareN, sueh as wtihen coNmcl or Icax•. c•<plain 6elsc win: u serym4• shoe[ $ NtacA a this application. VOTIFI( :ATIO:S OFAOdAC'ENT RIPARLAN PROPERTY OA'N'F.RS: 1 tarrhennae certify that the following iwnnna are owners of properties adjoining tMa property. I Affirm that I have given AM'AL NOTICE, to eaL of dwon coneemmy no intent to develop this property and in npplv for a C'AMA permit. 0i .ACKNOWLEDGEMENT& 1. the underaigmed. uk.wlldgc that the teal in, r is aware that dw proposed dsvelugmnt ix planted far as arm which may he sasryaible to eronmr and flooding. I ocbmwiadga that the Loenl Permit Officer Ism esphined in me the pxrticm- let harard problems aaa,<mwd with this 1•+L This exp4om1i ,. wmttatmpmieJ In rceammendatitms co++cer ing saltilb o- Ion and floodproofing le:hniquas. I furthenane urtif)' that I. audloriaed to arm. and do in fat goad. pcmiw,itm It, Division of Coastal Monwarant staff the Local Permit (NRcar and their agents a wtar on the dirmrcrmtitmcd Imrdr in eooneelinn with evaluating information Maw to Nis permit appliadima phisthe _9,%_ day of=--O _k_1 1.3ndownerm patent 2hbr M-fic6inm indadrr, gnsnerW btjnraawkw tdur c,,,v. a tyre elow",g as demsahidau doe Mack ofibi, awf Cavan.. the a miraidp .itaiemen, dre Orem, ffu:onl dEC.VWirr w1hw necesa i; a cira*/w S/00.00 nark pm able to dw lorahry and on irgnrnmtian or mm•Ae pmNdr/nxdA• In the aprhmrt. 71ar arils af)he npplirndnn m nbrnbrdl!v thew.xnucer arc hworpnmmdwidrarti*aosce in wOprradr which man' heixaurd DmmMntjmaa ra'lya.� (��` �/�RxE(�l�Q��Aw amlarl rrJ am• pnmdr .lit peraar skhHupMR Dr un.i£C rirharrl prrrnll la sabJerl to coil, enwx� ilr¢$rI) fioo. 1XM WILMINGTON, NC I hereby certffy that I om, 4L (Name of Property N lg;. .C. ffdwflandlot-46046.1' of He has described to me as shown, In the I aftw*Wappilemionand:prol6idraWlhd(;I),the devebpn-ont. he prnposirig ai that lacatlon, and, I have na,ob�ections.to hie proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING 0a2ffl0PQSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) RECEIVED kiDV 1 8 2019 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANING & ZONING 713-19 16411 13001 7286` 2969 Dear AdJacent Property: This letter is to Inform you that I, Pro", ' Permit On my'propefty at 10'�� �� � � „�' �� �� ��« ��' �� In COUNTYs PropErty Address 6uhty. As required by-CAMA" regulations, I -!rave enclosed a_co of m . Py y appilcatlOn 6hd project: drawing(s) as--notiticatlont of,,rny.proposed Protect; No action is r utred from e9, you or you tnay stgt� and return the enclosoo no obtectldkfonn. Ityou:fiave any questions or comments about my proposed project please conlaet meat or'by rnalFat tiie address`ifsted flow. If you.wrish to ApMICant's Telephone - Me wrltton comments ar,obtectlons with the LOCAL C0VERNMOT LAMA Nnor Perm; It.Program,-you may subr.m them tn: LPO NAME Local Permit Offlcer for LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Sincerely, Property00fer Mailing Address City, State, Zip Code" v �l NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANINING &ZONING ADJACENTRIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATE MENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS k , a"..,cerufy. two (Iftine of r ty owner) i pe 010 M4' on N. c. Hwhgs d6kNIj6d to ; shown -aMchad appilcmloo d - ijai he Is proposing at ' , " 8_ qWq In the- and Prq q dM#!p � a)i the,clevejopment tftAt'lM6t16ri. and, I ha",no objeMom,toAlgproposal. Signature ffij Telephone Number Date, RECEIVED 1 8 2019 NEW HANOVER COUNTY . PLANNING & ZONING 2-952 ,Ipcent Propeq MaHN"'Addrefts".', 4 l C *t z t�� I , 1p:Cod Dear AdJacem Propertyri :, This letter is to Inform -you -that 1, Property Om . . . . . . . . . . T. lin Pl lit" 'elm Oki 10/29/2019 7 yv - PrOnArIvAfArevil­ County. As required by,CAMA reguladons, I have enclosed a eo of Oy ge"i a PPI166tim and Orqo& drawingib) as 00fidatiOn of my Pmposed,pro}ecl. No actlonjs T460ed from you you- maY SIP arW ri�jtn the. enclosed- ,no objedlon form. if you gave BnY ques0ons or -pro IMIS about my -COMM ed pmj6cl pos rie6e. contact meat � APlanls Tleftne orbmaIl-ajtheacdreZDgted-bejo if; fgewTften COMMeftor qelctlon.s with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAMA Minor Pbffdt PrOgram, YOU MY §ubrnit them to: NNO FI-=- LPO-NAME local Permit Office(for LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Sincerely; 17 ao, Maljlri Aooftgll v Ci ty, , State, . te, Zipl-cqcle, NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING COUNTY ,ONING All. 0 .73 r e 1of ESN s `4q}tpTe4��•. 7Art- - ,b ,T yr $r•`�� 'r `i°4lS1Y ?^". ..'R1 �, _ I . - a • S Pam• �a `i' �' Ii" �+,i� �',•"_ T r .,, t �.':: 4� • _ 2 �, i �^- - � "•� i 'w r�. iA,. f , _ �- � y f r � > _ , i {-, i:�-ut,�a, iA 'r " ���4� °�� ' � 17����" +�{-`' Y � --- •r#f..4� f .� � .+fir � � � �+,} � /`�. _ � �^-f„��r4�1+�{ '�' +��''. _ i ti�`, �+i.'� * T +. �.�k ��• ^b;. '�+ 1;;-,�, � � 9+ > ,. 1r a r ' rr J.v7 r - r4 � � •-� 'tt„ r -= ti`�`�"G y � y v-� I �.; _ 4 � � �.r `� "-�Sa�+` s�" '� � �` t�. x. �,� r' , t t ��:' a �; t' . � �#��� • t� � d ` 7•` - a A I# Y.e I9�1 e, ti.. ''�. +_ � � /j •^ 4,5. " �� f1 ys �' 4 kf.• � � �. I Y, l�n 1 5 �r I it. ,I � .�. �Y, ! y' G.7', f�'� New Hanover Couaty= EnerGov 230•Government Center Drive - Suite 110 :Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7308 039495-0001 Cheryl C. 11/14/2019 11:51AM ENERGOV INVOICE Marley, Tara „Greenville Pools, CAM-19'-0094 2019 Item: INV-00018740 Balance due:,0.00 Balance unpaid: 0.00 [PL] - $100 Fixed' PL300 10'0.00 -------------- 100.00 Subtotal' 100.00 Total 100..00 CHECK 100.00 Check dumber 19.5.8 -------------- Change due 0.00 Paid by: Marley, Tara (Greenville Pools) Comments: PERMU# CALM-19-.0094 Thank: you for your; payment CUSTOMER. COPY. T SITE-DRAWTNG/APPLICATTON,C-IIECKLTST 111case make buim your wile dm%ving includes, the follnWing in&mnutiunrequircd for a CAMAnrinnr decclopmentpermit. The Lovalkarmit Officuriflil hclpyoti. if requested. PHYSICAL DIMENSMNS , Label roads Labethighways Label local setbacLUts Label Ilky and all structures and driveways currently em.sling on,propeny Lobel adiaccul -Anterbody ... . .. . .. .... PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Diii* and label nonnal hWi water line A -contact JR) thr assistance) If youmill lv,ivoiting in the oceanWard area: — Draw "amahei'dune. ridges Oncltidesilvt clin-ations) — Qlaw and label, the of dunilm IdefitiA, and livuare, first line of stable vageldion (cantaxt r PO for &qiigailce) Dana and label erosion setback line (contact 1.110 for ashistanco) Dmw iftou'trill he worling1n a comstalshoraline area: Show the ruofnvcrl%*g as a ckitted line around the structum Dralv and lak-I'landivardfimit of Dow andlatv-1 all wetland lincli Ntmwal LI10 for assistance) llraty nod the-30-fout hIffer line Dvaw and label nll,propood struclums braw-ana lab6awas that brill` .bddistmix-d,and-or .landscaped Note size of Ruins: and Depth (o be placed in ground bIrmandlabel & 'ilucas to be pavcd or. graivileJ Show all areas wire &tllibcd $41-jal4acapillS W()T [love you: #'=cornplote;l a11 btaiiks andor indicatod'ifnotapplicable:' • notifiad,and listed adjartntproperty uwoe ;)'irwladed your site wille Abu application? enclosed the 100.00 fee! !zcolnpktcd do AEC 11mard Noti6o­ifnccmiayy? (Must ho signed -by the propeftv owner) 41 Fk Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY NEW HAN . 'U"" P L A N N I 12TZ"O"'N IN G CAMA MINOR. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT In 104. the N0111h Carolina General AwmbA:vpawAJ the Coaxtal.Arculklani men Oct 4 !U i (C.WA) and:sefthe.,Istage fnjL"ddWg dejelop intaij in t1ra'g &'A and pr�oducilv'c arras that border the states sounds and bid those villio (C .1to im tdear.r.egW adow that minimireffi .e burden on,ducappDault., L ........ .. permit -under (UMAis part,d)MIA! c6sands-aint's effort ffort to meet the spiriiiand intent of Hie deneral AssunliV. It has been deemed to be. v4Wfi vp no.more ncor CffWt than nicessury ikum the Me 'a,pplicanti'll jgo over this folder with the Local Permit Officer (IX0) for the locaiity ja.W"you Platt un what I hj6 2" im to be edlain that. Neial derania Wh d' he on PIMto b� _ or she needs bdare you apply. Under W.IA rCffld2tiGFV4 the MbWrL Pecalft is to be issued uhn 25 dap on" a hivad. "Meiuitirtleil 5 needed Ifthe project is "pie. The prilcm,gaerally takes about 18 days. You can speed the app"-sd pAvAv= byptakinl; ctrt2daiffiat vmir application Is complete and AW�4' that your diawhigmeets; the Otherpermits are sometimes rvilixhedlqr development bathe-6astaJ,area. %1WIeLotese We ft0t'4--ArvU-rdatvAL we urge you to clux& "I& the Local Permit Officer.to detemdat and .yi�urwII%tpm%tobuild in a wry that protects the remlinvesefate . beautiful and , CW.WEB CsmvtrJ' CrinniiWan