HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-73_ Gerow (2)LF 7-5-zz flr"� New Hanover County local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ty/to jir-1 19-73 Permit Number fc. Coasrai Managemenr :. NVINONMENTAL OUALI-V as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Scott Gerow, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 2345 Ocean Point Drive, Wilmington, as requested in the permittee's application, dated October 30, 2019. This permit, issued on November 5, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Construction of a new brick HVAC screen, new privacy screen, new brick wall around left side of driveway, new retaining wall at right side of driveway, install fence, new steps at rear of house and associated landscaping, Also to rework driveway — remove old driveway and install permeable concrete and two strips with grass in between. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on October 30, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7116 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit olAoer when the project Is Inspected for complance, Any maintenance work or pioiect modification not covered under this permft, require further written permA approval. All work must cease wren this permit expires on. December 31, 2022 In Issuing this permit l Is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicab'e ordinances, This oermit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management RECEIVED -41 �i Gvlc6, i Linda E. Painter CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 PERMITTEE DEC 10 2019 (Sgnature required if condilons above apply to permit) DCM WILMINGTON, NC GENERAL INFORMATION: - LAND OWNER Name: Address: City: State _ Zip: ,.:... fig- Phone: ?%0 • � . AU'rHO.' AGENT Naive: City ' f 1 �. CATION OF PROJECT: (Address; st .adjacent waterbody.) State: ZiP:e��9._.: Phone: Q- actions to site: If not oceanfront,, what is _ V . ,A DERsllc TION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.). ` .. SIZE OF LOTIPARCEL: ' ' square feet 7 f acres PROPOSED USE: Residential ✓ Sin ( gle-family; 1Vlulti-family Conimericalflndustrial Other: TOTAL ENCLOSED:FLOOR AREA-OF,A B -ENVIRONMEUILDING-iN THE OCE_4N R-Z4RD`: 4)<tEA OF NTALCUNCERN AEC�:� ( ) WA square feet (includes all.t]oors and roofcovered• decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRiNTAND OTHER MERV10if8 OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE` CCOIAS SHORELINE AREA OF ENVW0NMENTAL CONCERN AEC : g Y ) 1UA square feet (. s includes pares of the roofldrip line of all buildin buildings,, driveways, covered decks, concrete or niaso etc. that are within.the a licable' AEC.)(Attach our calculations with -the project drawing.} nry,patios, Choose the AEC area that applies to your. property:_ ay within 75 feet of Normal High.. Water for the Estuarine .Shoreline AEC (2),' within 575 feet of Normal High Waterr for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC,, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3),within 30 feet of the Public TrustSlioreliiie AEC (Contact.your Local�Permit Officar- if you. are not sure which AEC applies:to your property:): STATESTORMWATER MA,NAGEMENT'PERMrr: h.the project located in an -area subject to a State Storcnwater MYiiage>rient Permit issued 6y. the NC ]Division of 1ATater duality? YES., l+Ip n.r If yes; list the total: built upon areaCunpervious,surface allowed for o 'kr � Y.. . h ____� square.feet. OCT: 3 0' 201 RECEIVED NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEC 10 2019 PLANNING & ZONING DCM WILMINGTON, NC STATEMENT OFIOWNERSHIP:_ I, the.undersigned, an applicant'. arpers0fi.authorized t.6- Z an -owner pr'recdrdtitle,, Titfe�i SPP, Deed Book page in the IU Aa or County Registry of Deeds. a . n owner-6, y virtue of inheritance. iiheiii I i I mce.A fic"ti-s=heirtothe-estate.of probate was "in County;, _if'0th-0,i!atcres4 such as_wrilten.contrad or lease, explain below or a "separate shiiii i6ld attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I fifitMfinoi-c dertit that the f6ifowin ACT each - I 1', I- ­ 1 11 1 9 P ers. 'On- s are owners of properties -,adjoining this propetty., I dr, t - ave ...... _U NOTICE affirm Ih9!YP to each of them concerning my intent to-develop-thispropofty'-and f0 - � n apply fora o peMit. (Name) (Address)'� ,(1) kei-skahec, 5eAJ-6 _gij^q,. 'D. ._,. 01 (3 7(.4 FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN - HAZARD AND ESTUARINE' HAZARD AREAS., I ackn ' dwledge that theland:Pwiler is aware that the Proposed-development-ig.pidjnn6d-for an area which may be susce ptl_ e to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge.,that the- local poft# officer h­ o as explained tome the particular. hazard problems :associated with this lot jbis.expl&nat . was accompanied by:re6biiii" recommendations and flood -bns concerning stabilization Propfingtocimiques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: firthdrthorb c&* thit'll am autharized to grant and; do in fact grant permissiontd the, locW°pemit-dffibdr a- 6&his agents to enter on the" aftementibnedlidids in qo"n_neqti6nwiih evaluafin -information 9 rolated7to this permit application'. a necessary; The h c 01 t 0 R the hazard dnotice me shi s'g 'plic in - - statement, e ' C ly T yb d site drawing as described on flib back of this a ,pptf the 0 a ch6&f& $100.00 made pay4lqe'to the locality, and any, information applicant. m n permit which maybe a C pro. ed orm by to details of the application as described by th -sourco&are., W - __�tho i ssued. Dev . iation from these detailis will, ' ose M utro�cnmnay mi an k 10 i constitute a:violatiow,, in tr of any Y� p on developing _ 0 ng i an C without perin on 0, is s*Pd to civil; civcrim 1-and-adrninistradv&acti6:ff. 9 jua, RE, CEIVED This the dayof 0Afi:1h .20 OCT 3,_Gc 20191 _F F Landowner or person author as is agent 'for purpose ofti NEW HANOVER COUNTY hig a CAMA permitapplication PLANNING & ZONING DEC 10 2019 DCM MMINGTON, NC SM D1kAW1N`G/APPL1CATI011T CHECK1.rLST Plftsb make: sure- - - - §ite'dra*i - includes the fol , . your ng lowing information required-.fbra�CAMA=nordqveI cpnentp=it, The Local Permit 0ff1cbr_wi164e1iyo* if, re ested. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS V/Label roads —Lab6l hiighw'ays right-of-ways ,/4bel 16W setback lines any A -A - :structures-anddriveways ,currently; existing on property PHYSICAL- CHARACTERISTICS lbm* and label-inew high.water mark,. Draw ld'eationoton-sitewaste.water. If you will .be working imthe ocean hamird, area: Draw and label-duneridges(note-height); ­7Draw and labolide of dune Identify afid. iodate first �line of vegetation - �Ldlabelsetbacklinnaer LAMA- Draw and label topo graphical features (optional) If 'you will -.be working, in_wn estuarine shoreline area,, Dfaw and label landward li mit of AEG' `Descril terrain .(slope) DEVELOPMENT PLANS Diaw arid, lib el areas that wilt be disturbed If a 1 -h0! — use is to beplaced-on lot; -describe -location of house Note -size: -of piling and -depth to be placed' in ground 0?=w_ and label all areas to be paved or-graypled -Describe opmpositibn'of 'Noteand list fully all trees and vegetafi6n to be removed,or, relocated- 2§4ow"landscapIng NOTE TO APPLICANT, P"E'CIEWED HIMAre you: compleiedzll blanks and / or indicated if -not applicableT OCT • notified and. listed adjacent property owners'? w included your-gite draWifig? NEW HAN6VER COUNTY * signed both,application� -arid statement. of ownership?., PLANNING' & ZONING * enclosed the $100.00 fee?.. * completed an AEC Hazard Notice, if necessary? - FOR STAFF USE RECEIVED - Site Notice Posted Final inspection Fee Received Site Inspections DEC 10 2019 WCM W1LMtNGTeN, Date of Action: Issued Exempted Denied —Appeal, Deadline (20 days) 'INA o %W-ro LLI Iz, Vir LU "0 v-4 40 V_ cn 0 z C)o CIO ul L.Li w od zr Oz J6, < t . ail CZ> f t .41 I'A't, Sri°Vt17 2 21 2�t7_ f? _� AGENT AUTH0RI2AT16N-F0R CAMA-PERMIT-APPLICATION Name of Property, Owner Requtesting _perm l Mailing Address: L "j Rn eAa - Phone Number: j Email Address; .-._ . I certify that,l have7 authorized e-n Agent l Contractor to act. on, my behalf, for the�purpose_of applying for and obtaining all.CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: at my property located at, _�"��5:,�_0 n.en r,' n.r.-� 71)1. -) : L_•--__J. _ A uN .oG,►��. in [= Awg_,r County. I furthermore certify that / am authorized to grant; and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management sthf, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this Permit application. Property Owner information.; Signature Prim or Type, iJarrre TH/e Date This certification is valid through., l I RECEIVED OCT 3 O 2019' NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING RECEIVED DEC 10 2019 DCM WILMINGTOt4, r4C c() U Z Z W cj O _ E- HOWE CREEK [AARFA fit. VATrOMRESt7lMt6Et.t3d gtmuTrGW3' > o z 6E'7WEEW COASTAL WETLAMS U E AND 75' .Mb UW (SHOWN HAT04Fb) a 14,gf 5F U U %OP V44T AREAtT7A3TAL NIETL:Al�tb5 =#,747b SFw- NStttIAGFt0M Val+ IN TWT AREA y �►/AAL NISH ... - s 934 i SF LU WA$R L.TtJi? NORlKALHiiHWAT$li - tN��3�`;��f' .• --" # )— a MMWt. tg6H WATER LWE 704 - - O coesYAL wEsu�tes - 0 C64TAL WE MWbS C.1 N f -- M31£AIEElAYIA+vts r� Uj uj sa .cAMA; MST" YARD FEATURES To se REA10WD ,4 - a -- •LLB 70WEr VE (16) E AE (13) LOASTALAxo+.� - �. cowl 1V6W ti7lJG' M'%iQ � �, f , to 62" P6 2653 -SPAM __ W)F ,%HRFlEI R - LOT 96 REM► snws � -- "AW 1 TANt WEW PRTVALY *ANE1.S It a U Z rn Z Lw N 0 ZtJ o Z rn pz w co ww �' a CLI oz _. U d z hiEW PRIlrAC�1�AK�t;S ii H IV pllIHTED BAIGIL.. _- .. . " 2 5'itw o CR WVACMWMEM7,SCAEEM fS' RES[7E m- HYAC _ lK:9 AHD a HEW a6AGk AEUmrwm �r. Saatm FENCE AND GAVE THAT 1 i+VAG M*-C4vS1+IECS F 'SkAT>EO ° COASTAL A ZQHe 2J0l+IE%: --13 . I VMWALWE l7lrl; la -13 Z41FIE AIIC OAR 17 raw % ._l zoNEE CIS) r fb AfT�12f4W s4 _� Tt - WALL" t, As {jl '''►, 1 ,�ui��srttasc�oivG da�Ws7t► §� � �.� .. ` - -- •'�� ::.`.�f %ITH SAWCUTTMWS NEW PA2r9TEt1;ERIC7C WALL. 21r, Hipf.. A i MATCH WST>W. WJIA1,1 r i ; . W. S+k3• RQ' 84' 4V 1 REfCACE WITi+ 'VfSM*0*4 MAPROHTOREiwlMrpo1A;� ZO�IE7� °&!i+{bEil STAE£t �tI P:1QP�{tTM L2HB ` lf-mailin1g,16tier, p6se� sendas:l CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN .RECEIPT REQUESTED EIFT REQU Dear Im This letter is, to notify you,, as an ad' -landowner, that Mr./ Mt. Jacent riparian pi- ,1an§ to construct on their, property, located at-"' ......................................... Thle,sketch on the reverse -Side accuratelydepicttthe proposed cons #uctlon), Should you, have, NO objections to thisiproposal: 11. Please place acheck-mark�(T)at-the,approohgtestatement below. 2. Sign and date this letter and 'return to., possible. 441 0��3 As soon; as: Should you HAVE -9bliXticifts tb.thls-: pro Posal, Vease send your written-bornmLints to; CAMA Local Permit Officer' NewHanover County Inspections Department , ZoningDi . vision 2301 Market Place- Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington North Carolina 28403; RE, -C Comments will be considered up unti[the time of issu -ance-f o ape 00 2G19 Sincerely, NEN111 HANOVI=.R COUNTY PLANNING&ZONING 'i have NO 6 objections. to the project 66 presently Oropoied.' I HAVE ,objddl ions to tie, project presently proposed and 1ave enclosed: comraefits. RECEIVED Date DEC 10 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC SCOPE OF. F_71 r.1-vRNMAY WALL 9 if m1allitig)efter, please -send:=, CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED This letter is to ni plans to construe on their property, Date.' as an a4ia-q'qnt npananlan,downer, tha t in (The sketch on the reverse side accu.rately depicts the proposed construddo—h 'Should you haV6 NO, objections � Je t6thit *004al! PleatO, place' a..check mark (Tn)-at,the ,-appropripte.statcitnent-beloW. 4: Sign -and date 'this 'letter ,and "Oreturn I It pos`sibW 2 Should you HAVE objections to thi6'proposal peaseaend your,written comments -to: as soon as dAMA-Local Permit- Officer Now, Hanover Couhty Insp, bris'Deportment Zdning,Divisioni 2.30 Markdt,Place,, Drive, Suite -110 RECEIVED Wilmington, North Carolihei'211403 c6hl t up until -the time, of issuance of a-pe it. , 4 . "iJ9 OCR NEI I PJ�ANO t,,ER COUNTY Sincerely, !G & ZONING /—I have N!objections to the project at presofitly y pTqpo0q4`." I HAVE'objections -tot proposed, and'have:enclbsed-comments. Object as presently 7­jjjj�M -'Sigh .1 re, I I I , RECEIVED Date DEC 10 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC SCOPE OF WOax ..Rawncn..:or:Nxa.c•.uu.'_.•f.:s:..-;,.a�:s_-_:-_ 1 +fs¢Xfsll�6�•[LD . 4�.tar[Mt••ri.n-+��aRi0 CKs6DwtlnsvN YaNaCI. •n 1 .S N M.s ix y I . 'f 9 el.oRU Wf 4101 .- at•tl ' _. ' 1,4, 4rKLf+!)riJm 0.::wn a'xluNM aaaviifnN IM ICF11Cifxlll..t 1.'�! 4sNRfNi f:[ 4a11 Cl> NIIQ�OF.;kopiv Ei r�iDRIVEWAT WALL LuC%li W HOWE CREEK �z z � N wry ua > Ck AV I v) Z A -------------- pD J 'it MARK'GRENELL . ARCHrrECT O'l 215 SOUTR IMR AVMM VnM MTO X. NC 29W 910-253-1061 jAllpal L Ha if 2 X11 m 79 IM x Gerow -Residence yes 25450cean. Poibt Drive Wilmington, North Carolina,