HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-71_ Parker (2)?,Z NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110, Wilmington, NC 28403 P: (910) 798-71G5 I F: (910) 798-7053 I NHCgov.com Wayne Clark, Director Nb co P� November 14, 2019 Mr. Tanner Konrady D avid Tar Ler P. O. Box 1041 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 �' �� ���� _ RE: INCOMPLETE APPLICATION ADDITIONAL11FIORMATION REQUIRED APPLICATION NUMBER- 19-71 PROJECT ADDRESS- 801 Shell Point Place Dear Mr. Konrady: We originally accepted your application under the impression that it was complete. On subsequent review, I have discovered that additional information is needed to complete the review process. Accordingly, I am requesting that you submit the following additional information to this office: 1. What is the square footage of the driveway and garage? You only gave impervious for the house. 2. What is the square footage of the new porch.? 3. Is the new deck area drip through? If it isn't I need that square footage also. In accordance with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulations, we note that a certain time has passed while the application has remained in our office. Upon resubmission of a complete application, a local decision will be made in 3 days, provided this period is not extended as provided by law. Please contact me at 910-798-7068 if you have any questions. Res ectfully your Linda E Painter, LPO Zoning Compliance Official cc: NC Division of Coastal Management RECEIVED N04 14 zwq DCM WI j.MINGTON, NC <K '4K/19 VEINEIKALi JUNVUHMATMIN LAND,d-WNER Niffib: OM 2 3 2019 - I PLANNING &ZONING Addieks� S141f Pb,Mt P­ Act I - - _City: W, -ifMA41in State, Al (zo2 AU1- PHORIZED-,kGENT I .... I Name fx Addresso ; If City.: W-rik-k-4-M-fle: t&uk, ;State:, Zip:i ?htoffe: -LOCATION-OF'PROJECT: (Addid§p, sti-ei-t ''.adjaeentwithfbiddy-) _ _ to iii6; If oceanfront, is the ngmeLof the 2., ­­­ - ­­ ­'­ ---- DESCRIPTIONQ1 TR CTI (List all proposed ,,construction :and 1a*d-,"distu&&fdd.) Irt I SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: acres PROPOSED-USE:Kisid6fiffill V(S:f-nPjgn-691111yZMuftlmfamilY--J Commerical/Industrial Other TOTAL- ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A MOLDING INs THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEQ! &1�2a _square &t (igqludes 01 flo,ors7and roof go epW -decks)i 1- ­­, SIZE OF BUILDING -FOOTPRINT] AIM OR -BUILT -UPON SURFACESINTHE f "COASTAL, 9 AREA bViNVORONMENTAL, CONCERN (AEC) I WORM v ­3 iao 'N .-roof -b buildings, dff ve&w-a--- y--s, covered d pare I feet (Calculations includesAhe-area:.ofthe /drip line -of all- u ings,, d ecks, doncittd or masonry pa atc..Ahat.are within-the-applicableA-EC.)(Attach yd&-'dMbiilitidn-s With thd,PK9J-0r-4 domog.) Choose -the AEC 75 Nit of - Normal High Water for the; Estuarine ShorelinevA-EC (2 ii4ih 573 feet qfHigh Water for:the,Estuarine-.Shoreline AEC, a"tOugWffi1­ -IWkurce (3) within-3_--feet:ofthe PubliciTnist'Shorolfite AEC, (Contact your lAdal Mififit-Offide-r- if afe not sure which --- AEC applies ­ ---VyqwpTQpe-r %y.) STATE ­­S'TOW A - MANAGEMENT P.1sthe project.located in an area subj6d,6l State Stornwater ManagementPinuod,byheNC Division - Quality? YES No If yesAist-the.total built upon 'area/impervious 96da-de, allowed fdr your .1 torparcel. square feet. vaec F IN] IDGM __ STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: P� o�� ren �d-titleN� ls veste o ��.oa ��iT ��pG�C('�- see I?eed B'opk roVty, Registry of Deeds rt pan owner by virtue of ulherce, Applicw is.an heirtothe:estabe of _ .:� probate waa WN I County. if other -'interest, such=his written contriict or=lease, explain below+ or use $.separate..sheet and;aitach°to this apAlication. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: ACTUAL re cerEtfy t&at the fallowing persons are owners of properties adjoiningthis property I'at mi that I have givnn erm Non- to each of them conceming_my intent.,to_devetop_thiW.property and=fo aunly fdr a CAMA nm, �t. FOR DEVELOPERS ITV OCEAN-FCAZARD AND ESTUARINE -HAZARD AMAA& I aci ledge that=tfie land owner Ls aware teat the pro posed.development is planned for an area which may be ..._.._..�. m _ suse ble to erosion andlor floodcng I aclmowjedge_tl at the local permit officer has explained to me the pii*ulaz hazard problemsaassociated with:this lot: This.-Wianation Wds accompanied=by rd&dyfi ieadatians concerning stabilization and-floodproohngtechniques PERNMSSION TO ENTER ON LAND: I furthermore certi � - f}r that I am authorized toegrant and do in fact gcatit permission to the"-Ioca1 pertriit offeer, and kingents to enters on the -aforementioned -lands in connection -with evaluating information related to this permit application: This application inchides: general informs "" (this form), a. site drawing.as�descnU on the ba k-of this application, the owuersh�p statement the AEC hazard notice where necessary,, a check for $100 00 made payable:t5 the locality, a idsany, information as may be providedITorally by the appkcant The details of the application as descnbed by these sonless: area incorporated without reference inanyperniit which may be issued., Deviation from these details will constitute a.vialation of any permit. TAny person developing irii an AEC withoufi permit is sutzjeo to civill cruninal and ,administrative -action: e ZZ day of d& 44-,.w 20 J, 1 ,for purpose of --filing a-CAMA. permit SITE DRAWIlVG/APPLICATION CHECKLIST f leasse matte —` _,our stte drawing:includes the following informat oa-requii for a CAiVIA� minor developineat ' sur+e y 1. 'rho drawing maybe simple _andmot neceswrilyato seale.'T lit Lacal Peirnif=ORficer will=help you,'if requested PHYSICAL DEM ENSIONS _1abel'roads Label highways nglif-of-wa} s! Label local se"' 6k lines Label any 4W all s trues-and-driveways-runway_existing onFpropertyj 11 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Draw -and label -mean -.high water mark Draw location -,of off-4ift waste*atk system If you will be workdng�in the ocean hazard area: _. _ Diaw and iabelj dune ndges,;(note, height) _I3taw-and label::toe_ofdune Identify and locate first line -of stable vegetation =Draw and label setback line`s under CAMA' . braw and=label topograplicaI feahues (optionel)j Wouu will be:wokkE g is an -estuarine shoreline'rea: Dfaw and label laadwarii=l" of AEC _Describe terrain (slope) DEVELOPMENT PLANS Jp4raw'and label afd` iffi f will lib'distu`rlie i If a houseis to the placed on lot,, describe _],oration ofhouse Nome" size of piling and depth to berplamd-in ground Draw and label -all -areas -to be pavedor graveled Describe -composition of_surface Note ae►d list fully all izees-aad vegetation f§ be removed or relocated ,Showlandscaping NOTE TO APPLICANT Have you: • completed all=blanks and / or indicatied if -,not applicable?' • notified and listed adjacent property, owners? i! included your -site -drawing? a signed=both application and statement of ownership?� 14 enclosed the ;$I0(0& fee? icompleted-an AEGHazard-Notice, if necessW FOR STAFF USE Site Notice Posted Final Inspection _ Fee Received Site Inspections Date of Action: Issued, °Exempted Denied Appeal-Deadline-(20 days) AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit. bscwa SkI.4 hIA+ PAX, K psi MOM NU—mVef-.- Email Address: I certify that have authoft toad --on-rqy--befialf for-the--purpootof qp ll,-CA p _ jy�qg ji_ doceasary fbr the f6flowing,proposed,.-development: va'. di,hval at my propefty, located at— to in AW 1tn0vtf County. ermore -aro aij , 6 - ftlIzOd to grant, -and, do in fact grant rparmisgIon- to 01WAOR W Coastal Management staff, thei Local Permit, Offld#r and &7 09@4ts 0 enter on the aforementioned -bW 16* #1 connection 40 OVA! fion related to i this p fl app lication. jI:c::a::fibn. '41 1 "1 I-Tiw Ab vs�-Q, 11-R&I-1, P* certification ffill U beft bationAs--vaTid--throq_qp 10 it madbg letter, please send CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dear Dt9 k7r, o $oS v j Pry!' p This letter -is --to i Mr./ Mrs._. 01ans to constr one -their properkl on. Date riparianiandowner, that Should you have NO. objections.toathis-proposal 1. Please place a check mark (T)' at the appropriate sta#ement tielpw. 2: Sign=and date. -this letter and<return-to: Ub.. hjf,� 2ggx0! _ as soon as possible.M 'µ " Should your HAVE objections to this proposal; please send your written comments to: (AMA Local Permit Officer New Hanovefii n r County Inspectto s"Depar Zoning DivisonFF 230 Market Place Drive, Suite 110 Wil) INorth Carolina 28403 'Comments=will be considered up until -the time° of=issuance of a permit Signature Date If, "WM9 plwwsendoasi CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Date: 149 Dear a OwAtf as.,zoomas .1i Isbould ;YoUwHA --,-obJ ail ons:tm-Nis-propos4imease. "ew.zHanover-.'Cbunty insped6nsdb &fi6ift z6flift- Division Wilmington,x.North--Carolina-2840` ,Commeni;-,wfli_bw-,r,onsid':Oredlup,�Urel,'affietime -6f'tg,SUOL,n-oe-,,o A, pemk,.--.,, I Sincerely, I have NO-mbjedom presently propene. oppsgWd. I HAVE objections ' to tKw'prqjpctas presently proposed cand :have -enclosed comments-. E Signature Date w F�7 ACHI 10/23/201911"011 AM --------------------- ------------------------- Prout fl1YUydi 66 *- o -------------------- ------- 1$0.70 $0.70 Letter c), MI 01 TON, NC 28405) ( igh� 6 1.,201041 IRiLt ed bil i VW-Y ti-W $3.50 ff (1172,495M) 161 1 $0.701 $0.70- NC 28405) fj 1.40 02) I -.- .Certified-1 (LISPS Ci�r-ti-fied.,A4i ' (701916-40,0001�72495038 j Total: $0-40 ----------------------- ---- ---------------------------- - I ---- ------ Credit disrd 9 1 td $87P40 (' A-1 5' -.* -A -0, -0 0- 00' 0 W-1 al 0 chit) (AL - VISA CREAITY ' N M ko4ir!kd CAPITAL ONE MAY --------------------------- ---------------- m I -7n,"da fp 'NI it Swick h -', PEE A, ],er I j o She!!_ pvfill Place I'em`�roke Jo"nee P�r�c �tL°�nc��lt '� �xU/itmtn art'�Norffi `��rott��r ..;. � '� John B Pa7ker Architect r 4041VoPch 7}tbd Steed t �r � Si:iae 103j j f�/ifltlEt)g M 1VoPth C2POlina 284U t il9j w jpilone 9tD33Z06¢D A,.G Cirt+u/A�claee[MaiS$C.�m; ',sli Eatlang40eTt�Emeanr FJNaaap4 ua� �DcnveMaa�un.� n�ry rroa �ti.ws�mm,m$,ndtx NEW 0'&T 2 Q 2019 NOVERFCCLJN iNG $,, EGNINGI - f9 rill", i.. rxt t �•a \M i� p t �''"`�'' ±FadstatnuRrcF�tectirralSitePlarr� i � mmi Lt ti a K. '�_. • � _ ! tea.,,,,,';-" ~ Neward+iteeturat Site Nan �� B [ �n l9vamcMLL / � NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING at 1� -- i p I t o.�apeg i _k 1 z f n 1 31 f 1 - rl ae St �vmecs.. gyYi. suuaii �1W ®t�I a = u 1111 No L �'. r:s ry ca c.o I, d Rp y; ev- r ! iSeI>eIa r tuxs.a,..ec ...� . FREE I € E Ike � p �w _...-, , OU 0 2019 ._.� - New.NorthFJevaii0rr"�A; _ new �r t�evamn.��:o Settl6wo NewTre4 A RECEIVED WILMINGTON, NC OCT 3 1 2019