HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-70_ Maggitti (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - TNM qt5/t9 19-70 Permit Number m authorised by the State of North Carolina, North Carolina Depardeas. of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-11R of the General Statute@, "Coastal Area Management' Issued Michael and Nancy Maggitfi, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 2 Inlet Hook Rd. in Wilmington, NC.. as requested in the permittee's application, dated October 17, 2019. This permit, issued on November 13, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (when; consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Construction of Single Family Residence, Pool; Driveway, Septic System and Associated Landscaping (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on October 21, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This peril action may be appeaed by the permiltee or omer qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project s inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or oroN modification not covered under this permit, require further written perk approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this permit It is agreed that this prolea is owsistem with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This peril may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management cY J ZZ O Christine R. Bo and CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to pemltt) Name: Michael & Nancy Maggittl Minor Permit # 19.70 Date: November 13, 2019 Page 2 (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 25% of the lot area within 575 feet of Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline - ORW Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, 5,427 total square feet is authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all developmenUconstn ction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 ft. buffer. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been property stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the Normal High Water must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (9) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. SIGNATURE: DA PERMITTEE ur;iy�.�L tiyru�uvtAttuly LAND OWNER Name: Michael and Nancy Maggitti Address: 3107 Drury Lane City: Fayetteville State: NC AUTHORIZED' E►GENT Name: Scott Sullivan - Address: PO Box 10091 OCT 2 r 2019 NEW OVEk COUNTY PLANNING G & ZONING Zip L28303;: Phone:, 610-755-1315 City: Wilmin tg`on Sate; NC Zip: 28404 '.Phone: 910-686-1223 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address; streernanie an"d/or directions to`"site. If not oceanfront; what i§ the name of the adjacent waterbody.),2.Inlet.HUb- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT; (List all, _pmposed construction and land disturbance:) construct°new.singlefamily residence and pool SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 22,216 square feet .51 ages PROPOSED USE Residential 01(Single-family [l Multi4amily ❑) Commerical/Industrial ❑ Other ❑ TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOORJAREA OF A lLDING=IN THE=OCEAN HAZARD ARE#=0F ENVIRONMENTACUNCERN (AEG�� NIA.sgaare _%et (includes all floors and roof covered decks) Within the a t.. Choose the Ifyes, list the total�built'upon area/unperinous'surface'aYlowedfor your iot oiparcel� square DCM WILM1Nr,,T0 , NC OTHER P7� TS MAY BE REQUIRED The ackivity you are Planning - -1 dw- fCAMA iiftor-davelopmcm- U - pernats9m*`w'might ;4wl! OVFwilkyou; LT4iieirofti Vell7&iii Teik (or other sadboy waste treatment system), Bu� E bia&FIA Cidf SFd D&k:SidlfiF6W6t ,Subdt onwya� Mabile.[iome;ParkApproval, Highway thml STATEMENT OF OWNERSEC[P: bii- We'tbi-­ f R)p "y' 'C or the U-n-de-r-s-b-i- p an, applicant f6i a Cl�,&ftf& Id opmen Perm, e owner 'in an AE authorized to ad as an agg4l a LAMA minor de,��iop7mqjg--p ap for app M§gp ag�_ , atthe kperson listed as landowner.on t-hi' application his a-signigont intezest inthcaadpraperty deswi6ed.thercin. This interest! .can be--dewribed.-as : (check one) ain6WN& of record title, Title is vested --ihMibhal-iffid'lii---'" _4id ge-id 9.6� 59019 -'--_g-g-L ............. pgge_ 6T6 ffi the County Reg istry g i of Deeiisr ❑ aiibwner by virtue:ofinheritante., Applicant -is -an heir to the estate of :probate was in County. Jf-qdic--rKteLr-es- :xp—ja .NOTIFICATION -OF ADJACENT PROPERTY : OWNERS: IFOR7DEVELOPERS IN - OCEAN -HAZARD=AND ESTI7ARINEAREAS; d4lobdpM' PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: Tb . ei 17 h oDctober,19 .JSI*f 0 Lawcor, or -person audiorized,to---art-as-his.-a-gpnt for purposeoflfiffifg a CAMA permit qpftjdf SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS h-water markI Draw and label mean_hig Draw locattOn"Ofori Sloe-W8Bt8Wet S S1Yti? gyo r :be working in an estuaarind-shore hne-area E Draw and=label landward limit-of-AEd, E3 Descrte terrain.{slope) DEVELOPMENT PLANS NOTE TO APPLICANT indicated-if'not_appticable?l = completea=an AEC FIazacd'Notice Eifnecessa " FOR STAFF USE Stte Notice Posted-- Final Inspection r - - Fee Received Site Inspections w. Date of Action: flssued Exempted Denied rAppeal-Deadtine.(2t} days)' P .6ox I W'I Wilmington North Carolina 284.04 phone `91 d.686.1223 10/17/19 Figure 8 HOA 15 Bridge Road Wihningtoin, NC 28411 Re: 2-Inlet:Hooki Mai adaaee it property owi eir: a for_a.0 AMA-Minor:Perniit I have enclosed a copy of the permit application and;a copy of the d awing of theLproposed project. If you:have:any__questions_or 'comments -on the=proposed project, please contact nie at-tlie nuinl er listed:. —above. �' If you ash to fill Written comments or objection with. New Hanover County, ,you may submit them to Christine Bouffard Local Permit Officer for New,Hauover County _ 230 Government Cantu Drive, .Suite 11:0 Wilming on=N6.2846 Sincerely, Scott Sullivan, £authorized agent CC-12 0 %ffimrl JrJELAJU JuIr VIUMA I JILUM LANDOWNER Noe: 0 M 2 3 2019 PLANNING &ZONING Address:-5611 --hinit P/m, :city lt%t lr� fan S 6 d1w, AirE AUTHORMEDAGENT Name: Mdrast; 10 ,J'J_X bpi city IA/,r tw 4-4 s 411 LeAA, state Zip:; Phond: LOCATION OF (Address,, street gha, Al I to �§; If not oceanfront, isihe nme,-of I _ _the 1%SCAPT1()NOJ? Pik(List all proposed iconstruction-anid land--distuftntd.) for] oil PROJECT: fiath,wAtA SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 'acres PROPOSED -USE: Risid6iffif-I V/61JA0�ihY_ZMulti-family _) Commerical/Industrial Other TOTAL kka-691ft1k F-1-00111 AREA OF A MOLDING IN, THE OCEAN -HAZARD AREA OF ,ENVIRONMENTAL,C,ONCERN-:(AEC)-. _&Zoa, "s7affik-iFe feit (ih6ludes all f1bors-a6d rgofqvmerecbdecks)i and .......... I OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER,-_-'--1MM, V-IOUS-AO,R-BUIL'T-UPON SURFACE-,-S.JNTHE Cq_ TA SgQAREA 0# ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC).73 iOfeet ncludesthe.area.ofthe'roof/dipline :ofall-buildings,-di-wewkys,'covered'decispconcrete ormasonry pa vWz1hat:are within he applicable AEC.)(Atadfydirca]6iiiti-s ii-viffi thd_,pyDi6ct dm-wifiez) ,Choose the AEC'ifti�-th"a"�t-,a--ppl,es,-tolyour ` _M_Within 75 f Water �tff properly: 4iit Of N6rmia High for the Estuarine_Shoreline_-AEC �(;(2�'miffiV_Sfdet High Water for the EstuarineShoreline AEC, adpeont to -.out ipg,, source (3) within-30-feerof the PublivTrust:Shdrhlijie AEC, (Contact y-ouar Local Mnit,0ffjtF& if you are not sure which AEC !appje�s-_t9you r property.) perty.) ATER MANAGEMENT STATE STOUrTIMA'' ­ .,J ­­­ — , PERMIT: 1sthe projectiocated in an area subject:g 'it Stith Stbi Permit - , Division -of Water -.Quality? e iwater _,"inwMeAt _P kissuedbytheNCYES No If yes,, list1he-total built upon -aWd1fiW #jvibifs§*�4 Ur your lo t- or p@;pW. — square feet. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: v/an,o-'wner..or:-record-title, Title is vested in -L. see bi6a 11"o age pin the N.CQ. F.6ftovir- C(?pg;y, Registry, of 11eqd%i _,y an owner virtue of ii6�9� Appheazit.is; awheir.to�.,the, est�. oil probate was County. If other interest, such -as wntten contract ar`Yease, explain >selo�v of usersparate shot at<d attach.ta:xthis application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I fWth6r_M_67rb'-c6r_fify, that the fo-116,Mng-persons are QMqPrs to ea_,c � :of properties-adjo'm'mg,.this:pmport that I have jiVe-n A ,y. 1affitin ic- Tu I NOT -ICE ,AX my intentito--dive I ovAh1S-1)-Tbb,6rtV and -Fo ainniv- fora CA-MA_.nrm';f. FOR OCEAN -HAZARD AND ESTUARWE-HAZARD _ IN I =aCldf(0-W-Wdg-e that -the lkfd owner is aware That the pgppqSedLdcvclopmcnt isplanned:fbr an --area which maybe ad&r susceptible P,pvosibn . �.­___ ____ 4 at -the local permit officer hts-jexplained -tb iiie- tHe-, pitiic-ulir hazard with- - lot, Ibmexplanation cp�C4 p AS 0 imps" sociatedwi 'M and-floodproofinglechniquesi PERNIMSION TO ENTER ON"LAND: I furthermore c '*Wkthd I sin authorized to do in fbjaz�-Wiaft fd&i§A6jj tj5 thie"j— e- 66al,p­ 61 rnidi officer and hisr s to enter -on the-4bromentioned- lands in connection -with dVa-lU ftff 6riffii6xi related 7 1­14.M.., officer -1-1 1,1C �i �q *tjs psmLit-appWation. This applicAtibii. includes:,gMerifl, general -information statement, AEC ififi- ( " di�-as-descn-b.ed-on:ffie--bazk-of.this al-Viditi6h, the - ownership statemev� the AEC, hazard notice necessary., acheck ,for SI00 00--made- yabli6��td ­ I- - Pa the 6dift " any, "A., iidl the:applicant. — '06M`tion41i!WbeWPyWd0rallYbY: aPP]icmtThe-detailg(-jf"tti�,---- i de-16fibid by these AMA application & 7 ikqorporatedmithout reference -in anypermit which may be iggiia DeiVigion from these details will qqnstitute-xv iolation of anypermit. Any person developifig if dh AEC vftotif4eriiiit is sobjkPA, tq civil; crim.inal and-,adminish�v6-actim A ----- .6--ft Uis4e k�,& day of 6e,44P.,tr W.71 jkr prw—of,filing i-- CAMAI SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please melee sure your sits drawing:includes the:following information required for a.CAMAi a ifor developine� permit; The-drawing:may be simple.and nornecessarilyto scale. Tt a Local Permit Officer will=help you, `if requested PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS rLabelroads Lafiel highwa� ngli# of -ways Label local setback lines Label any and all structures=and _driveways _cuff ently-existing on=property] PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Draw and labelmewhigh-water mark. ` .7i Wa location of on=site wastewater system If �+oii will be wcrlongn thie ocean Hazard area. _ 'Draw an 1tabe1 dune ridges (note height) Ekraw_°and label:toe.ofdune Identifyand locate first lim of stablewvegetation -Draw40--label setback Ike-li nd& CAMA] _Draw and.label topogcap}ucal features-(optional)a Ifyouu will be- oikiiig is an-estuari a shoreline `area: Draw and label lad war_d Mini of AEC Descnbe terrain (slope) DEVELOPMENT PLANS raw=and label areas tliat will Fie 'disdiTbed If a hoose is to Ye placed on lot;; describe location of house 'Note size of p_il ng _and do th to be_placed in ground Draw and la1el.al1-m s:to-be_paved-or graveled Describe composition of_surface . NOW and list P all tomes and vegetation to be i+emoved or relocated Show landsca.in NOTE TO APPLICANT Have you-. '• completed all=blanks and / Or indicateed ifnot ap01ica6le?1 • notified and listen adjacent property, owners? included y_oursite�drawing? �+ �sigtied-both application and stmement ofo, nersli p?� enclosed tte'$1Oa00 fee? Krt.., _ �completedan AECkHazard-Notice, if necessary? FOR STAFF USE Site Notice Posted Final Inspection _ Fee'Receved Site Inspections Date of Action: £Issued I?xemptid Denied Appeal Deadline::(20 days) AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit:' W Wing jA_ d "rej- hh+ PAX, PhOng NUMb6f., Email Address: I -ce, ftify_thaQhave authwdzied _61 fo-ad, ommy_--befial� forAhe-f urp --a W--d ,P91Y-09-1 _V —IF-GIN permits necessary fbr the, fcAlowing proposed -development: f ear f at my property,located at 0._gutt, f,6-ZA4,-, _F'I i mum - in A)&W _14MAQVfZ County. enngre, certjfy 7tV01 81h 04460fkedi to grant, fiand, do Jh,xIbct grant!pennission to MW ofCoastal.Management staff, thelLacal P-6-twit, OfflcdrdfidA�k 649 6onter on the-, aforementionedI aft ih connection with g�v '4n466adon, related for this qrM:_jF#P—_ application. ..Tide Ab 4 Date �t-hi7s--6iftif'iioafion-i-s'--veil-id--fhroug.h.—lo I ?-?- I 2ozo PO Box 10091 Wilmington, forth Carolina 28404 phone 910.686.1223 10/17/19 Russell and Susan Stephenson 2310 White Oak Road Raleigh, NC 27608 Re: 2 Inlet Hook Dear adjacent pioperty owner: This letter is -to inform you.thatiI havempplied, as -an -authorized agent, for- a CAMA °Minor Permit on behalf of Michael -and Na—dyMWtti at the above referenced=loc tion. I have enclosed a c "" of the , erm�t SPY . P .. @ppl eahon and ,4 copy of the draw ngofi the_pmposed project: K Ifyou wish to file Written .comments or:_objections with.New-Hanover County, you, may -submit them to: Christiife Bouffard LocaTPermriit Officer for New Hanover County 23.0 Government:.Center Drive, Suite.1110 Wilmington; NC 28403) Sincerely, Scott Sullivan, authorized agent Kim IN I BEACH ROAD NORTH 60 PRIVATE R/W .w 7— n mm ZONE 9 (1 a)ES, WE IF2E MEAN SEA W 15 TOP OF RECORD. TOK Y3 W New DRD- WILM Iz d 1 1 / hl / ."�" `•""t 1 ?/ I'4) OWE �.�roa y KY hG, ;200.7C IoNTAL C ONLINE 6.0 € z `. ? 1 ! % / 3 r I t � / SOMl N. �. �� v r— w_ .—_ ' —�—� to r V-�^ " �• 4 ��'�' \ � :i � $. / � _AIEICYW&�OGO'iS0[Q � t� �,1 CSJ IV Z71\ jr I1W 04'S5'E �rwxwA INLET HOOK 60' PRIVATE R/W ,- �H AGG S.FAS r TERMINUS OF — RIGMT Or -WAY— - a �a f F BEACH ROAD NORTH J711 M Z721 ZO N ff A?- ( 1 -4) ---- -------- zONF. VE (14) ;tE MEAN 5EA KKJ5 FOP Or .FECOKIM, )M NEW CORD 5EARr-H.. j 4)7 t!Ve.(14) ;6. MAW # KY I G. ?W,7. ZGNTAI, C-ONUNEIG-J".53 ZEow. ------------ GMM - �W; a D, r V, Pa L cx� -71- 50 A001t INLET HOOK 01-m-VATM TEMINU5 OF RIGHT Of WAY ---- -Nll i I • North Carolina '**�� faturaf .Reolaes �n Ctio�refiac DIM to r Nis ms vf=Pra (3wttar ' t m far Prm. _ Name: of Au�thori¢ed:Ag PP,Y. et for this , , 9 G H .Scott g. Sullivan C}wner's_M iingAddcess- Agenh MaYingAddmas: AN PO BoC 11091 Phone N6066e ' 79 / Phone NumberstoE� B86=122� . T L 4 cert►fy that -have atatharrzei the"agent hs#etl above to aat on my bertaif, fft�rtf�e ptrrj.c�se oFraPP for and obiamirtig all" CAliAAA Permits r�cessary #v msfal! or cansrut:� tie folrowin a ' ' ` rc j I�Ekd�4t For my property rocatedwa#� __:� '�+��T L�tl�!/,L:%�'1�ii�G",r"�til�►�. This certificatbnis valid thru (elate) $y" Yi- 2&a6 Prop Owner_ ignature v[1afa II he f q i 1�7 Gardinai 669 ExL- Mkdn&n, k 264054 lit hCaro . a p l�c�s: 910 796 7'2151 FAX: 91038b-3904 (ateme� vuwwnccoas�imanagementnet �AE ': HAZARD NC3TIC ` �� _l?rr�ject Es Itt : s QceamsErodib}e AtQj Higtt Hazard Food. rea ... azard Ares AC - PrOperLy Address, IA/ & Sa .^ y1 .:.»-• ti 'htis Horse xttendeci :�, you, the applica�sta a s+are oftine SPECIAL N TTE. iiusit r ed r �� special fisies atidbcfisxctth rhs aw.6ciaiEd vote desre inenk this °m r; ~' wP areas e�tS stnur and which is ccc tr 3udtlu Inasstve . • r �. natural swh asstn fior devlopmttizs area rms�eroston :r . issaed and, co¢reatrJbe raleQ of the .Cz astai' of ces Commisstcm Hurd year -own'" %n °u �t r � reguue that yov Ee eive amt ,EC Haaard Iotic; az d ar yr irhelhe was is uee IEdge: S�"botdl befam tw�ork:beehi.bn the project atnotice bt wit �site�theLoutPesmit ttng.befnre a `perms f development can be C3ficet tit be cc►uts%red fdet�zmi�e the vegein;ion'}�ue sud3._ �� sa a`'k ` at yo rsr ii t ie�ropecty htis n little 0-; smCe t}ietbe d�"pe m t�,gsoance, aisd aeproposed I The Comxnt ton s rules an buf2 hng . dac s5 oceat fzout is deve Pat sett ael and ci a"alte at nns°are des�i xt tc muun `miie,.bui�aot st mcctt reguinement, ihe4,Pil W&bkrm ion e`flmznate; propectytiosE'i4uln.bazardcb stanttel progress on ?the prcci7-1 ... :� ori� , Coastal R sn rcea (ouu sxon dcaes Aa h srantee` a shy of• ' nausc be wxtmn 6G days .af thts setback d fmli]al,1.t or [ ilia develop ant and ac mes x�n iia iiicS+'f °> llama a ���•. � e occaxrence`o� armor thesetbacicmudbez ri the deveIop�ment permits issued it the-CSceau Iardtca of rgeastte oswrnavaithtlia6G=daype ". _- En nronmez l Canc m zrtclude the end inn fiat s vn71 nevassz�tate of tba s&bacL It is naporia t ;. es be rhatyotLd6ck•,ththeL'pOWorethe lbrofticzat - relt�cafatUr smantledlfthvy°b8cpme eutly reatenedby mite�gires -, , changes.n sioarelii conffgurattttou. the(s) ioazsL approiral u►.eout�nue work after fte ize ' zelecatec� trr c smantied vt�c lun twr E21 gears of beconung C aeral fir, tifomtc`Iattoi�p'tmp have be_eup -aad ijl , e immr�e�tlyr ihr and in s airy raeetapt zts r:otlapse . or Pt `' zsnttuuiag permit eu�a'cau be a�ho_=iae3 It is - subs, nce, uai�awTut � a>nti�ua work aflrp dt ration, r The best ays"zlable uifnrmahon: `ss accepted °by'the FOrmwe rrtfvc uif on, caniac _._ Isom_cesi�.ottunzssznn,`$ittdicates that the' aura l Ioatg :_ a ° •�� a�•erege oceaa� erosion rate for, tjxe aea w your properrty_:_ --- e. x lccaiis ,fret veal . ° _ ,_ • L �r'ai Pear af Officer T#b ra#e was esiaali d y car fd aualy'sis afaeiid ho Its f p of the coastline . .. ... address ° �:.� •iiJ «, Stt thes ds, indii ate that the ShOKel%hecouldamove as much rx �. �. ° .��,: ti�+sr�iz�a'rfiajor°sty ..� � .tea . L• ti€p The &6d waters itt a 16r dorm are prc4am to be a . .__..__...fiat ciee�-m �s'area. • F °! -, Phone Number _ ; pxotec4om zteasutes ar"each and, reloaatia r. of threea#enen struciurest�Hard °erosican= :onhoi irucinres srodias bull�es+is, sea'wdh-,e revetments, 1zt5 "at#t .. u AI and breakwaters - usobairtedempcuary ac►nzect . oardions.. age may be under� x iu ntrm tar3mo*Iedge ft - by s:grttng the riot% e m fie spacd`bdow.,Ardt out ihe pnjJ m signaibre, ate appli tioa w I3 hot iae cotnplah . r m - _ ate ...._.a ,. ,....._...........:.........._._.. ._._._.... __._...._.,....a..............s_.__m��....x.,_....__�____�..._.,.-a _.,..,...._m.._.v-. —. ... _,-�.._, .__... °'°C3..:;.�_�i rain..'_'_" —�... 9 RECEIVE. OCT 2 29 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING If mifilhg. lifter, please sendaw CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 4IR--7pi Dear This lefteult-to not you; as.am.adjacent ripanan1andowner, that Mrd Mrs. bd it tiet -61 plans to, construct - A P on#heir property; located'at V 618kif. IA' M, in. t* ;L mp Aimla-c-i (The` sketch reon the�verse sid6--accum*--dk*, proposed--con&watiori) Should you have N0.;objection&10-,thls7p roposab, I f I Please p 1; check-'-'mark-(T)'"--',— appropriate statement, - —W - 2 Slgn-art4d4ta-Aislefterai&-retum-to. "k jc " VLj -94�j -Igggo, as soon as possible. Should you, HAVE objections to this pr oposal,; please send your written comments to: CAMA, Local Permit Officer, N'-W H-1-1--i-r, Co—unt' fl-n-s-be d-n6-pa-'rV-s,"Dhd`r-' ep Zo ' ning Division 230 Market Place Drive, Suite 110 Wilhi- 'N67rth Carolina .!p pqn,' 61ifiaJZ8403 comments -wilt be --considered up until--th-e time'- of issuance of a peq#,, e 'Sr ' I P Signature Date If, o1oft letter, ;please -s-en6aw CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED awsoon-as ShouldyouHA -. AV Ns.-proposifil--kiiii � 6-6ha-io r jo to_Vt_obf4&' nsto� �mft�' U 6_190ffi0 ocaI Permit New Aano�ve_r_jbbunt' jDepartment. y-lihspec9o'ns LI z6himPw1didfi- I —-, — , 230_.-,Market-A. Sdb .Pla�_I!v_11_01 WO 099toNNprth-'Ibarolin-of28409 un of it ,-comments-,�will,.be,,consid"er.ecf-up� i thetime- -sua .., 60 Sincerely, I have NO-objecilom.t."the project a presently, proposed. I IyE objections -- aV.87 to the presently proposed and -have -enclosed comments., �A Signature Date _._. - tiJCiiGFFt`51/il,LE.,r- CHI 1012V2019 b"11 r0T AM __-------------- Product flty I. Brice ;prUnie --------------- ----- •------ F i rst Class Mai i E� 1 $0.70 $0. 70 Letter UILMINGTON, NC 28405) = ofght':�0 Lbiv1 20; Oz)t__ M'D ._, (Fit 0el ated iverY Date) fied Ma `L,#) 0172495959) lot 1 $0.7D $0.70 Certified-r $3 fir. (Usps Certified Mai i :q (70.191640000 724955938)) Total --_-------------------..--- -- Credit Card genii fd $8 a40 aransacti9,:ian�); (AIY-A00000004310i0 Chi ) (AL' VISA `CREDIV IN: Not 12equired CAPITAL ONE VISA) m * 1 011 ---� I i F I di N Aid, ke a D I, ess,.lel yz P�ao rr- Tr ,ark ' � 747 80(ff -, S-h 60, c rrrt Arke Uindf5ft' M �ng N-ffl-h-, C4,4MROMW ODT 2 2019 NEW NOVERfCOUN ­-,� - --------- 1 ING 4RONING�' EZ ral sltefjan,� 771 ,\4 S. �q. ;e7 NewrAnhkwWral Site Pbn! I I : OCT i2- 2019 Cl lo� 0� NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING ---------------- .777777,-,� ------ ------------------------- r' P,A kI 7:77 7 T-i - ------------ -1-77 'A itivi A. -7'7LL 7 4� ----------- -- ------------ - ---- mall 74,73 i t � a° a '.° "+° ri„a ',,,...,n-�a•.e.,c�..:.:�Yr_�..,..,. �`--..x..,x.,.s.,..._.a,..-.a •.,-,.:.-,�nwx-. iAs�"`, I ° l[ifr8b8�°�11(i�1i ...::� : ti f r „� t w.w..uawwwv m s �Nam 2019 . Z11 ils m RECEIVED OCT 2 4 20 Rq ®CM WILMINGTON, NC