HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-65_ 7 Beach (2)[F 7"512- -FK u/ts/1q New Hanover County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 19-65 Permit Number fm Coastal Management exmaoxwrxtw� oowuty as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environmental concern pursuant to Sectwn 113A-118 of the General Statutes, 'Coastal Area Management' Issued to Qwna"oellerPMpilss LLC, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 8037 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington, as requested in the permittee's application, dated September 28, 2019. This permit, issued on October 16, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Construction of a new single family dwelling, driveway consisting of 630 sq. ft of concrete and 810 sq. ft. of ipe wood inlay, associated landscaping. (2) (3) (4) L All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on September 26, 2019. All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7116 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit must be on the pioiect site and accessible to the permit officer when the proiect is inspected for compllance. Any maintenance work or protect modrIcatlon not covered under this permit, require further written permtl approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on. December 311, 20V In issuing this permit h is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and ad applicable ordinances. This permit may not ��po another party without the written approval of the Div t [D Management. Linda t. Painter CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) DCM WILMINGTON, NC It IC4 1-f LA 3 AUTHOD AGENT f r MSCRI -IOk� OF } c aPROJECT:� ' posed onion and Ihno ice) 7. 4& OF � COT/PAItCEL. .� acres _ :• I .! -_, _, ,.. ,.. . � bra t .ar - *,- 'IZOrOSED 1J SE• Residearial e (=�in,l ► NI1�ItY fay i[] ColniilETClaI/InCtt181 �, Q.fhEr, 0, Y0141, TEE r., • > s. i., ELO S _ TTHER•(1) OR (2j B W {Contact yor�r o LocaYPermae` D,/, je'cer fy a acre notsure which AEC aPP� .your property)• y , I)' OCEAN HA' AiMl rAIWVa• ^7'(1TAT u r nr►n a',,gr,a n�,"r..........� �__ r 1 �..,;' , 4 ' Pa ..uvuLuuvImu uvm9 space,° paring elevated above gtou level, non C0lidltloned Space elevated ; b abov�g�o�md lev ut e7CClild{i3� T10n l,0ad �i6' {" 6�3$CP.� �• r. vv w + � i 1. .' .. •.; S �:. n...•a a 1:l*� r � : r �h (2) COASTAL: SHORELM AEC@.,SIZE OF RIjiLD NE'r FOQTP MI AAW UTHER IMPERVIovsj OR BUILT ; •� , F t POND SUP FAC7ES ware feet {inclt des •the area of the ioc f/dr! lhie of al �' ldit: drive�va p_ • gs, ys, covered decks, CO71Crete or �" oO y p that are within the applicable ABC, Attach wc'cai afros, etc culatlons vcn Yo tl:e protect drawing.) STATE STORMWAT AGENfENT PERMIT. Is the project located knarea subject to a State Startt:water 4 d lox �tt�anagement Pe#nnt " ed by the NC I3nns�on of Water Quahty? Fit.. hi Eyes, Tiat=fie total butt upon are, Im ernoes Surface allowed for your lot or steel ,� r. p 1�� • � � are fit. i Wit {/ ■��� 0`y�N '1FY it1�:1 �� .i.0 'eat • c^ '° • > t. 1 !; V'r XPERMMMAYBE]"UHl"Mm' you am Ohl* m Al* i ud wibutmot ftatment 9yatem); BWW9, Blebffcd, Phunbi4 Hating WAik:Con&fiovft Certzficatioa,Sild Done. Sz��' eafibt y7S'imvidouApvat M044p 1�--Pi*App��v*,Migh, ,andoff=-aw Pwki&fOr [on 16 Vl '8T Y 'AA wrdigiied 8n a►pitam# f4u a C�MA'atmcrdetpnartexm; . "bdgtt�i4CY" A �7Vi Ci _ } QiB f '16 pw em� dekdbed'as: (check- f %1,7: JM ownwarrecord fifle, Meis vestedli.,• See DOW %ok p1w inili tla* C dfDoe& I_J m ==m-u Omer lnu=t, Success wnuen Contwor lease, expll9WboloW,-pr'*u'-sea­s Apet & ankh to ft'aWficatib. I MWIMCAMN',10F "JAACTA'W P_R0P­ 0 ERT ? j*W I furthermom certif t1he f�mwm mons'pre, affiml6tl Y thw Memo P erti &P9. q. 'rqp AVACTUAL Nolldz- to each 'of tepi Z�YJutentW'A- Ard, imly for a' AMA concornmg Vel�p tws J- N jr irt -V "k, I I - 1. -� e` '.7 A r W ;e":- t I , , I , . , A 'lw';' t 96% AdkNOWLEDGkMEMM 1, the V,' We to 'and r'200 140—MOVA0404hat the LoOaf'PdfiffitbS�4 maybe ipseep4d Absion 0 ;Mth.thiviot.W's em larhu" 0M:,WaS'aWMVaMdVb,Y2W4 0onc tuq•dptobfiag,tech i*L•N"'ez, I,ermore that f th DMsien Of M -f& the Local.Perant Officer and their agents to entaAaft aticfacatibned In& in connoefidn, Vim Cvaluzfiq'ALLLWA;mlJm Itel" to this perlm# Appe j4 T. 20 wndperson *ffio# or or ,zed to ad as,his/her lev p000_ Sof fihng a CAM4 p AM I:This appUcation lmdudm: general hjfbmu0bn tthifg-t&*aBite�&mvitTowdescribed bn the 'ownemhip'slatemeOthe, 0eear Hazard AEC NW14where *f 4100.00 madepayable to Me lucalfity, on as may bepmviekd-orally by the applica t;IlWe, deidik?' of Mg'_Opl��'ay4umlbedl. -.'these- t, wl(h0ut.?#ivwice in -amp * ir*it *AM mcqrporpae4�be �iswd De*fiWfio thai det te ,id ,anypemrit.Ao.periondeiielopingtnon'de�vuh6td, -CAMInd and ilawniiirW, IN a Wfte3 Dear Adjacent Property. This letter Is to inform you that 1, PermILGn.,my,'-pmpeq-:,e-f_ CAW in Peftder J— rropeny-MUMM U, A! e=capyaof MY Naftit 80, "1 and project 8 nkgor4QR,�ot;MY---PmPosed-p-toled tea —sclid d- 'fi the enclosed noobjection--form.,ff yov-fts-vo iiq q� _or Gomm contact meat —,or by MBR;etthe:eddi,��u:aWd.-6tito. Applicant'seph M4.W-1*4o, Applidds Til Long file Wrft! 67 or 0Ie;#6ns,.*jh heN A _CoJdh..ITCW-mfior-Pi76ft Progromi, May'st aff Ul them ta: Leeal Nri6lt, yffiaer for hIEtN HAM0VER,,f.:OUN 7y, Q4 'DRIVe, SUITE 140' -NC.; kmikG2 T Sincerely,, Property Owner 4 an7 U.S. Posizil S CE- TIF(ED MAIL:- RECEIPT RECEIVED :7M /f SEP 2 6 9619 u. �]p 00� lAr:"W qowia)GOUNTY 04'12512M CRY,AState; Zip<Codi Deaf Adjeiaer fly fe, Thli lamer is a - JIMAPP led for a CAMA Minor Pro )Ve �,9- P I ermft on My -property -at -37 0� ,-/4 � - �-- in Pender— Np®rty Address,, ftreqUited-bj GAMA YY *nprojeot dravuing(s} as nNN0,069 61 my proposed-project:ftectiort,,18 required or yo u may,sigAeandreturn th 6idaid n U ei --I-,----,-- -P q] e-*nArm. If you;hawanyquaWfis or comments — m-y-proposeclIpMect, please cor►lactxme-at 4Y Rpplic4hft mall 41, listed-belOw. If You wish to file Written COMM8nts or objections with the New Hanover County CW Whor Permit Program, you may submit them to: 777777--= Local, Permit OffiddrW-NEW 14ANAM:R`" ' .()UWY 110 6RIVE,' SUITE IV 73 Property Owner Ae Uf CRY, itate'Zip--Cod'a L! TEMS ANI "elloll Tlim—lt kfik BY A4%1,ql--7h4 PTION of th6i VA liStWM4 1 Bij %,L A W, E T—,-4-1- -.1- 17410Wi� I [ ; U-Yvktvj F atbtESitcrcl f ca MONZY DVjPOSj,,r,,,, PeT At4ir r1i"M if=di A-dMCdWj CEIYED 00 Arc ! Q aml / ._.......:... ,S" PElt Ol aCllia:•,. ANEW HANOVERCOUf$�69j PLAN NING&ZONI V diNITY MAR-' —NJS \. �" J. :E eEatree�mamrwnaRr:, , ,,.,, r z (�.�,ersaGneeamgk rrE'steacr6ti�mtswsa[t1u � ,a � ` � � Q,r .ftOIA .NF Ar MO) ffR.ffAEt:F�RAL r r ba." , . • .' OiAI /l/�.M10all7mfl � � V ' � � S FiOI I,IS iE AAE ''�W il6TAATES'(1!S StR�'S'.�:Ari ,i 1' EP d6f6Y @ta'aq I.. nmcAarDAnuk ato>acs(uxaMlr m AAFA A9TEDY! A(5M}sFy' B1EOMafdO0ATm.. N . I!f 'er _. o UI4 alit us'E'd1FF17Wrs AttF.{AllOa1HF; iJ9ltt S7•*(AOCIE AMY/:t L. ��' _ r ,a l (m «�F&,itHIVW,E'tGkYSlB}'AEIN..4MtMRZOUfRV aj„O,�/fOf1� ai �7" ��,�.r �+?�-' ' � �" j FIAFEIM4Y fl'dVbiJ3 P1�1�'Itl �l �?09�1 ` �PSN�ICAgO'/�i ; • .�� IA�' y�; --' • "' - CH 7ai7Qow ro:oaaayos�ia. f CIX71NS �sr i (DB isia%sBp +e16a1,' l'W' f>✓PIf4 ?. OLD Y.1C i _ xis ,a• ..:. CERTIFlCs]E OF.ACCLw��S�-'.- / 41 471E'JET,.lk#TF1',AiAi°:7HSSLR{fj'Oy�S.D/Gfr!%►1b�WYV570EAR,7pM,i((MID t� - . D'.SII�igN OfLnAFD OFAtlQty- _-..mp . PAfF` INAt t!E 80pYQl4iS:'A07 '�`�r`' •• . RNi!£ltD ARE artArr<Y►mtrAtEA AS DRAIIPI Fkil.?TltiltA7M Ai LA�ItD' nui l!E RAffi • DS.M/1Qi.(tSAOA� (v (FFAS CA4CLU7Egt`LS:Ii14WMl �VDflMi 71F5SIRlEI'7M56EEM•FgEFAAfD CA - $ Q:Of1pAAF{ NN RE SpAV. W'fF RtACnCF FGPr'.LW swik— N RMW CAgC ,W k70�ioYbYieiir NnW (ME Yf, GI"'J6 SEC�tBGG,i—WM, W a WA4 SlWftR�ldaaW ARQsgv. - �� sAuom�tpA�Ar1 ':a. a s� ■ u® -. * - IiA 6 LINE SURVEY. PLLC RNFAED FOM L BWBAL& DAE LANE PRQPOSED SIZE KW o�wuwioi oo .� I RECEIVED OCT 16 gniq 1 3 wi Locality ."rd - Aw-t- slfiftutt� - unno j jq-57 TF-wo FuTwvpw, 7(fnl Mfqkc,* 4*iO iGEN IAL (-M-Anffl-N" -,.MAILINGAW.IlS S"EP 2 4 ........ . .... City Htmsve Sitte AC;, Lip t:- LJ lcom AUTHORIZED AGFNT Alr-duteid'W�-,,�PA Name GOO n 3,142- Wighu—mw ,A y wli UX _�A� N_01? -ROJi6ilAA&vu-:strect-saine�aitd/or--dicatimw.to.site;-iiainic.:ofilic-adjacc114 watedfody.) T-866th 2AV LWe, Fi&rhe light filifid, Wififi!n on New Hanover tou4v, N'- . C ;ZFZ, 71 - , all ,pyopA 3—construdi- a—h-d-l-afia dii6*o D—em64tfidnh of exishrig"Structure.and new conifiiicffin of -A bedro M.�tn' residence, 9 g re e . ce, SIZE -jd#_ pA *0 '376L; acres 2 air condilionedliving:space, parking-cle dkd6ding 66n--fbgd=bcdffing,, Alk.M#itt)l (Sijf$l�ftfwdl Udli4b!"ily-0), yono AEC. Division orru qqkm (qclud'es 4MV00ous 09JAVOT driveways; -:covered. -decks; M aG 0 7� 0 � Obiffiffi — ­­ l__. - 0,TIIEW-eERMITS-MAY-B"V,QUIRED:,,T,h-i�'gaivity,-Y-O'-U--a-r-e , a 'S RAY" re"We Ponq I LK tams IW-CAWA minor -tolls% plfic7 Y.% i- ui diw-B�,'oalP-ktmbitigHcming-.aitd-Aw Conditioning' Cxrfficatiom SaudDime, Sediment CoiamL Subdivision Approwd; M6WHdoWFiA AWOV4­11*10eyr Cotidectidd, ifid] others. Cl i � d- �_w i th y­,pu r Em—'a F."Pe —rm i t -4 WE for more'`: -C - SEP 2 S.TATEMEN,T--,(,W-:O-WNERSHlil: rI 1, IN WfdtiWiid,' an ap plicant it CMMA Wnfb?'deve o _r, pme P_ rVerson aufhorizedlo-aa as for a-_,CAMA-.miw.dcvelopmmi.� 4rpum-o i".Yv_l . Per" ,lisictus- digC-ribc-d as (cheek 65Q 0 X Is 1w-www6f see 17ecc1800k4 pagp in the ilew:Hanotier, Courtly ttegslry_oEikcds. *Udft" viske—of d-Aie-Hf&fc-c 'Appliea-ht Cs 6nlibir to -the c&aklc W ; pmbatc was in �OV IPelow or -use NOTIFICATIONDEADJACENT RIPARIAR PROPERT-Y-OWNMS-. ,Y- e fo46win -persons: sic iiiijkis . JNAffib) (Address) COP '(SkVS10"YPt� ACKNOWLEDGEMENT& I._-ffe 7undj7rKj-g��, ic_kn_6*Wthitffiie lio_ow­na q fw_4c,flOW*§@O 6 p tT Cent ts WunQ or an area %Vch' H& —autfid-rb-M-to—g—rant, and -&-fiffid-Wnt, diell..­, nnit Wc.1 , I neat staff, toca Permit their agents4b.cnfcrQi*cqjk "ed"A in,comealonw-tit "%* f ft- ,&, afS�eemb�ecJ6 A L. Owner -Mr lion Patrick„ �r Ma `*ib- AftWs IME-icli Spa 2 A-2019 CR.'$W1 ZIO'C&Cb Dear Adjacent Property: This letter lstoinform you that k hm-e-appLed f oua CAWk- Vita, PeMftLorrmy-, _n.. p roperty- at 8 1 s I ano j W_ilrdi ngtq -A41 1 'k!W&Sw-k -hovw Property Address "w4s --pumW contact mat 999-.606.3100, ,or by mat at the address liftdbalQw. ifyouWwto Applibarit'i Teleomm file maen oommnts or abieftnswit the. Qm Oumq�ul it Tam . them -to: -'--Rl '-iffe-RdIj C hdiwft� over EoJ BliA 60y�Aftl�-*-- -A �- m-li V%ffiiftg-t ft, NC 20403] -78Oi&b,Sq—V,LSnei,, U-)C Maffing Address H UiftVif lid-ALI:,35-801 Cky;Stafff, ZJO:Coder 4 2 Z19� 09-M-201S ate NEW HANOVER COUNTY Mr- IV -qG & ZGNI NG 't34r cieikilwe City, State, zip Code ThisMieris-to-,I*rm-youthat j. -7 Wa—ch Bay Lane, L"Ic have applied fora CAMAW Pmpuly Dwmf p6rmit-off- -mf,,prbp6q at 7 Reachbay Lm, p-3MLi,-W- H66dVer Proo,M ddfiss Co its rei u1*"t i=Q A m— 1 hiivean6jiwi- Af MYpP -PfDjSCt -P*Wfmm,yo-O..Or.�youlmay .-,sign,end.�retum c0ownwat larb Apoliclantst-Tetephone filewfflewcommentsorob,'pdlonswfth-thw-c0unty-afNew m ! them to: Devi bi I`- 2 averment,Ce z tesiva, any Pwpelty-oww 014,Pjansy ft, Mailing Addraw , Rdhfisilfe„AILAM City, SW Zip Code RECEIVE D SEP =2174 Dear,,Adjacent,AM'pqqn j DUNTY NING This liter is to inform you Or.A ill .,'7-' Property pernd on ff—r—, ij 7;�Heach4y ��,RC 2441,11 New Naaov Pr operly 1FA 0*-- proleqn cuttwtvwat 99J S9.Q0 er,"by-mall'st-fteddrew listed below. Ifyoff.—fth to ,'Apokaritis' Vephonei filemfto (zmrnentT6r-ct!oLtonsi%itKtW--Countyof New-Harfover. them to: 2JMG'w,n bnipr drive, Suite Zia 2K- 0 7 I§ewb bay Lane, uz 2324 Pansy St: MdUng'Addma H'66ivvifli, AIL 35801 City, State, Zip code t- E Dl T Aidd' 5: E Pi 2 T To Tg. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING &-ZONING owEl"I&M-8. or 0 w Th _J_09—_L202G, C mmulml IIIIL16e11:1111 � c•p_.-.-.-.I. I i°:'14gaEa1,�'ICI 1iI°'0-'i1"Hill] _ i 1.,•�;;_ 1111_•_:F'1:F_•� F11Ie1FD I� IIIIIII ��' /////i Doom �— i�==ems_ Nrornoa o ' • i�'iII i � ' `� IIIIIII IIIHIHIIHIIII •IIHIIH'III'lll - !•�- 1:: I; _°•••11.1 I mmll 1- umm..nm ' 99 Illlllllllllllli __ = = I� n—= I�IIIII�=iE�s=131�=E 1011 ti G", VNE g 0 O P .,,Fp pYNS �Ni ERa py_ O. . S� g�GH vv@ � p A13 o In of _,s.a 03 D +� ,e,Wn,a y RECEIVED z .�°. rn 0 C T 14 2019 -' `. LfwuNnrt usnxc 1 nuw een DCM WILMINGTON, NC owrel ,M�.�. yyy� mm 7 BEACHBAY 1f 9I..tLnf � � y[ � >IEtlfl1YV/Cfppl OpRpNp 3119 WRIRNT®VILE! AVCNIIC A� . � + _ Ma10CInLI.IXGIpA1 Nu,[v.1 fRR WILNINOTgN N V/ O O D A I �,� • .� q aNag3 RCV1rIgW i ,f y •. Y SITE PLAN / FRONT a a� ELEVATION .....I......R[.,u...... .rseTUR..